Exercises by Alexander Bonin. Method “Secrets of a healthy neck” by Alexandra Bonina. Alexandra Bonina. Free video lessons and exercises for treating the spine

Cervical osteochondrosis mainly occurred in elderly people. But nowadays this disease occurs in people of all ages. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine is found in school and university students, office workers, drivers, in short, in everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Getting rid of this pathology consists of a set of measures consisting of drug therapy and gymnastics. Exercises according to Alexandra Bonina’s method will be very effective.

Alexandra Bonina is a physical therapy doctor with a higher medical education, a sports medicine doctor, and a practicing fitness trainer. While studying at medical university, Alexandra herself suffered from osteochondrosis. After getting a job at a fitness club, she saw that many people had this disease and did not know what to do with it. Then Alexandra, using her knowledge and accumulated experience, developed her own method for eliminating osteochondrosis. Her video lessons are presented in an extremely accessible manner and are understandable to people who do not know special terminology. The exercises themselves are clear and easy to perform. Another convenience lies in the fact that no special equipment is required to perform the training complex.

Neck exercises

In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, physical therapy is indicated for mandatory implementation. A person with any level of physical development can perform it. With constant training, muscles are significantly strengthened and the development of the disease is inhibited.

Before starting the workout, you need to do a warm-up to warm up the joints and muscles of the upper limbs and shoulder region. When warming up, the neck is at rest.

  • Bend your arms at the elbow joint, place your hands on your shoulders. Rotate your shoulders in a circle 10 to 15 times in both directions. You need to move very slowly to avoid feeling pain.
  • Place your hands parallel to the floor. Next, we bend and straighten our arms at the elbows, moving our palms to our shoulders and back.

After completing the warm-up, we begin performing basic exercises for the cervical spine. They are quite simple, but the actions must be very careful to avoid damage to the ligaments and vertebrae.

Main training complex:

  • Place your fingers in a lock and rest your forehead on your palms. Next, using the back muscles of the neck, you need to try to push your palms away with your head, and use your hands to hold your head in the same place. In this exercise, it is the neck muscles that work, not the vertebrae. The exercises must be performed every evening 7 times, the duration of one approach is 5 seconds.
  • As in the previous exercise, clasp your hands and place them on the back of your head. Then try to move your head back, while using your hands to prevent your neck from bending. In this case, the muscles of the back of the neck are also trained, and the spinal column is not loaded. It is necessary to repeat 5-7 times for 5 seconds.

At the end of the workout, you should stretch your muscles. This will restore joint mobility and blood supply to the cervical area.

To do this you need to do a hitch:

  • Slowly pull your shoulders back, trying to connect your shoulder blades. It is important to ensure that your shoulders do not rise.
  • Inhale deeply and at the same time raise your arms above your head or parallel to the floor. Exhaling, slowly lower your shoulders down and relax them.

Bonina assures that the spinal restoration system she developed is suitable for absolutely everyone. But still, a number of contraindications should be taken into account:

  • with an unspecified diagnosis;
  • presence of implants in the neck;
  • severe abnormal defects in the spine.

Course - eliminating thoracic osteochondrosis

Alexandra Bonina also developed a system for treating thoracic osteochondrosis. The course “7 effective physical therapy exercises to eliminate thoracic osteochondrosis” offers 20-minute exercises on a daily basis. Organized and disciplined execution of training helps to get rid of severe pain within the first two weeks.

The duration of the course is from 3 to 6 months. After six months of regular exercise, you can get rid of osteochondrosis in the thoracic region. In addition, within 6 months, daily exercise becomes an integral part of the patient’s lifestyle. With this approach, the back muscles are strengthened and the person gets rid of pain.

Before purchasing a full course of exercises, it is recommended to watch Alexandra Bonina’s free introductory videos to understand whether this set of exercises is right for you.

There are also negative reviews from patients. They are usually associated with the fact that the course turned out to be ineffective. This, unfortunately, is quite likely; the author of the technique does not guarantee a 100% result. But since most people still leave positive reviews, A. Bonina’s course can be called effective, helping to get rid of osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis was previously considered a disease of older people, but recently this pathology has been registered among the population of different age categories. Treatment of this pathology should be comprehensive and include not only medications, but also gymnastics. Bonina Alexandra's secret to a healthy neck is a series of exercises that allow you to strengthen the necessary muscles and get rid of pain.

Cervical osteochondrosis, its causes and symptoms

Cervical osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the intervertebral structures, in which the cartilage tissue gradually thins, becomes saturated with calcium salts and becomes too strong.

The disease can develop for several reasons:

  • during the processes of natural aging and wear and tear of tissues in old age;
  • due to poor nutrition;
  • as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

Intervertebral discs become inelastic and are unable to absorb shock during movement. The process is accompanied by inflammation of the cartilage, periarticular structures and nerve roots. The patient feels pain that spreads from the neck to the back of the head. Jumps in blood pressure, numbness of the limbs and other alarming symptoms may also occur. The diagnosis is made on the basis of instrumental and laboratory tests, and treatment should begin in the early stages.

Who is Alexandra Bonina

Alexandra Bonina is a certified specialist in physical therapy, a sports doctor and a competent fitness trainer. She knows firsthand about osteochondrosis, because in her student years she herself suffered from this disease due to many hours of sitting at textbooks. Thanks to the knowledge gained at the institute, she was able to develop a set of exercises that will relieve the manifestations of osteochondrosis at any age.

Her patients include people from all over the world with varying levels of fitness and varying stages of illness. Due to the impossibility of consulting everyone personally, she released a course of training videos, which are presented on her website. Among them there are also detailed free videos that anyone can watch. You can also contact your doctor personally so that she can advise the correct therapeutic exercises in each specific case.

A set of exercises for the neck

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is a mandatory stage in the treatment of the disease. They are simple and do not require a high level of physical fitness. They are easy to perform on your own at home, but you must listen to the sensations and prevent pain from occurring. With regular training, you can strengthen muscles, stimulate blood supply to tissues and stop the development of osteochondrosis.


Warm-up for the cervical spine is performed at the beginning of the workout. First you need to warm up the muscles and joints of the upper limbs and shoulder girdle. The neck is not used during the warm-up phase. Alexandra Bonina recommends the following exercises:

  1. Arms are bent at the elbows, hands rest on the shoulders. It is necessary to perform 10-15 circular movements in the shoulder joints in different directions. Movements should be slow and not cause pain.
  2. Your arms must be moved to the sides parallel to the floor. Next, you need to move your hands to your shoulders and back, bending and straightening your arms at the elbows.

During warm-up, you need to pay attention to the elasticity of the joints. You can do more repetitions and perform rotational movements with a smaller amplitude.

Basic exercises

After the warm-up complex is completed, you can begin basic gymnastics for the cervical region. Here the neck muscles are directly involved and strengthened. The exercises are just as simple, but they must be performed carefully so as not to damage the vertebrae and ligaments.

  1. You need to clasp your hands and put your head on them. They rest their foreheads on their palms, trying to push them away using the back muscles of the neck, but with their hands they need to hold the head in one place. In this case, the main load should fall on the muscles, and not on the spine. In total, perform 5-7 approaches of 5 seconds, between which the muscles should rest.
  2. The hands are clasped together in a similar lock and placed on the back of the head. Then they try to tilt their head back, but with their hands they do not allow the neck to bend. Thus, the muscles of the back of the neck are trained, but the vertebrae do not move. It is enough to do 5-7 repetitions, each of which lasts 5 seconds.

The exercises are safe and accessible to everyone. The author claims that they can be performed not only during remission, but also during exacerbation of the disease. In any case, in case of acute pain, you should consult a doctor.

Alexandra Bonina’s exercises are simple and suitable for doing at home.


At the end of the session, you need to pay attention to stretching the muscles. These exercises will help restore joint mobility, restore blood circulation in the neck and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

  1. Without raising your shoulders, you need to smoothly move them forward and then back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. The main thing is that the shoulders remain down, otherwise you can load the cervical spine.
  2. The second exercise is breathing. While taking a deep breath, you need to raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor or above your head. As you exhale, they are slowly lowered down and your shoulders are relaxed.

Alexandra Bonina reveals the secrets of a healthy neck for everyone. In her video lessons, she demonstrates only those varieties that are useful to everyone and have no contraindications. Depending on the level of physical fitness and the stage of osteochondrosis, you can increase their complexity. It is worth consulting with your doctor and contacting the author of the course directly so that she can create an individual training program. Alexandra can demonstrate the effectiveness of this gymnastics by her own example, as well as by the example of a huge number of her patients.

Gymnastics for joints consists of a set of simple exercises. Therapeutic exercise for joint diseases is an excellent way to improve their mobility, relieve pain and inflammation. Exercises for joints are divided into several groups; they can be performed one at a time or as a complex at once. It all depends on the state of the body, on how ready it is for stress.

  1. To develop the joints of the cervical spine, tilt your head to the left and right. They need to be done very carefully, the cervical vertebrae are a rather weak point of the body. Do not strain while doing exercises for your joints, try to relax your neck and shoulder area.
  2. To train the shoulder girdle, perform arm swings and rotations of different amplitudes.
  3. Therapeutic gymnastics for the joints of the elbows and wrists - flexion and extension of the arms, push-ups from the table.
  4. An effective exercise therapy for sore finger joints is to clench and unclench your hand into a fist, and also spread your fingers out to the sides as wide as possible.
  5. Gymnastics for sore knee joints - squats. If it is difficult to do them, lean on a chair or table.
  6. A good workout for the hip joints is swinging your legs back and forth, as well as stretching - longitudinal and transverse splits. Remember that gymnastics for sore joints is not done through force; you need to do the splits gradually, stretching the muscles and ligaments a little more every day. Under no circumstances should you perform physical therapy on sore joints abruptly, trying to achieve maximum results in one day. This will only worsen the course of the disease.

Additional loads for polyarthritis

Daily gymnastics is well complemented by regular walking and some sports that do not require excessive physical effort: small towns, golf, Nordic walking (with poles).

After performing a set of exercises, the nature of joint pain may change. Some patients complain of increased pain, while some patients do not notice significant changes in their condition.

But most people note that after gymnastics the pain dulls and weakens, and with regular exercise it disappears completely. Typically, this condition is observed in those patients who feel stiffness in the limbs in the morning, a feeling of tension and stiffness in the joints.

As a rule, after exercise therapy, the manifestations of such symptoms decrease, and the mobility of the joints increases. Experts believe that in order to relieve unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary, first of all, to improve the blood supply to the diseased joint.

Therefore, gymnastics must be combined with massage. But it should only be carried out by a specialist familiar with the specifics of polyarthritis. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening the patient's condition. For the same reason, you should not use electric massagers yourself.

Why do you need to do exercises?

Performing special gymnastic exercises has the following goals and objectives:

  1. Prevention of further dysfunction of the affected joints and development of their natural mobility.
  2. Strengthening and increasing the performance of the entire muscular system, improving general blood circulation, stimulating hypertrophied or atrophied articular muscles.
  3. Stimulation of the ligamentous apparatus affected by pathological processes.
  4. Reducing pain and discomfort by adapting the affected joints to the load.

In addition, gymnastics strengthens the cardiovascular system, which is important when treating elderly patients. Regular exercises activate metabolic processes in the body and increase the overall tone of a person. All these factors are of great importance in the treatment of polyarthritis.

Before you begin to perform a set of exercises on your own, you should consult with your doctor. Only he can assess the state of your cardiovascular system and the body as a whole, the functionality of the joints affected by polyarthritis, the stage at which the inflammatory process is located. Based on these indicators, the load you need is calculated.

Remember that gymnastics should not be done during an exacerbation of diseases. If you have a high body temperature or experience severe joint pain, then it is wiser to avoid exercise.

A set of exercises performed for polyarthritis

Classes include a group of basic exercises:

  • Clenching and unclenching fists. The exercise is simple, so it is recommended to start the lesson with it.
  • Gent touch with your fingers. The tip of the thumb should touch all the other fingers in turn.
  • Spreading fingers. Place your hands on the table, spread and gradually connect your fingers. Try to do everything with little effort.
  • Finger lifts. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but here the fingers must not only be raised, but also rotated clockwise and then counterclockwise.

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Exercises with a stick

Exercises for polyarthritis of the fingers include the use of objects:

  1. Place your hands on a stick on a regular table. You need to roll the stick so that it goes from the base of your palm to the very tips of your fingers.
  2. A similar exercise is performed vertically, when the stick is rolled between the palms.

No need to look for special sticks - even an ordinary pencil is ideal. It is recommended to take not a round one, but a ribbed one, in order to sharpen the sensations of fingers damaged by polyarthritis.


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  1. Roll the ball across the table with your right or left hand.
  2. Use gradual circular motions as you roll the ball across the surface. It is recommended to do this in different directions, alternately with each hand or with both at once.

Gymnastics will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of polyarthritis of the joints of the fingers, improve the patient’s condition and help quickly achieve remission of the disease.

All movements should be performed only within the range of amplitudes available to you. The prescribed number of repetitions of each exercise is up to 10 times. But if you feel tired, then it is wiser to complete the gymnastics or perform only the least tiring exercises.

The complex given below is an approximate exercise diagram. For each patient, the doctor must select individual gymnastics based on the location of the affected joints.

  1. Connect all your fingers together, touching them with the pads (gather your fingers into a pinch), and then open your palm, fixing this position for a few seconds.
  2. In turn, connect the pad of the thumb with all the others, bending your fingers into a “ring”, then separate them, opening your palm. This exercise is performed with both hands at the same time.
  3. Make fists with your thumbs out. Make circular movements in the joints of your thumbs. Repeat the movement clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Bend your fingers at the middle and nail phalanges so that they resemble claws and slowly straighten them. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise, then help yourself with your free hand.
  5. Lower your arms along your body, bend your wrist joint so that your palms are directed horizontally to the ground. Slowly lower your palms along your body, and then bend them again.
  6. Make a rotational movement in the wrist joint, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  7. Interlace your fingers in front of your chest and slowly raise your arms above your head, turning your palms outward, as if stretching. Return your hands to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
  8. Touch your fingertips to your shoulders. Elbows should be directed horizontally to the ground. Make rotational movements in the shoulder joints, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  9. While sitting in a chair, straighten your leg, touching your toes to the floor as far away from you as possible, then slowly pull your leg towards the chair, bending your knee. In this case, your fingertips should slide along the floor.
  10. Bring your legs together, pressing your knees together. Raise your legs as high as you can, then slowly lower them. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise, then help yourself with your hands.

Other exercises you can do on your own are shown in Fig. 1.

Daily gymnastics with individually selected exercises will help you avoid exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the joints.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating any illness. This will help take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, ensure the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions.

If you use prescriptions without consulting your doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for use lies with you.

What is polyarthrosis? The disease is a pathology of the osteoarticular system with simultaneous damage to several joints. Arthrosis is widespread, the most susceptible are mature and elderly people, often females.

Symptoms of polyarthrosis

The process develops gradually. A person may not make any complaints, but at the same time changes can already be observed at the micro level. The course is slow, often chronic, first changes develop in the periarticular membranes and ligaments, then the capsule and cartilaginous structures are involved.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of arthrosis (degenerative changes in the bone tissue of the joint) and arthritis (the main role is played by the inflammatory factor).

Differences between polyarthrosis and polyarthritis

Symptoms Polyarthrosis Polyarthritis
Soreness Only when moving the joint Always
Puffiness and swelling No Eat
Temperature of the skin over the affected area Normal Normal
Mobility impairment Always Only stiffness in the morning
Crunch Eat No
Blood analysis Norm Signs of inflammation (leukocytosis and accelerated ESR)
Radiography Skeletal changes Norm

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When examining such a patient, the doctor often identifies the following symptoms:

  • pain in the joint when moving the limb;
  • difficulty clenching the hand into a fist;
  • pain when palpating the articular ligaments;
  • changes in the shape and appearance of the affected limb;
  • signs of fluid accumulation and inflammation in the joint capsule;
  • impaired stability when standing and walking;
  • muscle wasting;
  • compaction of the periarticular ligaments.

According to the mechanism of occurrence, primary and secondary polyarthrosis are distinguished.

Primary develops as an independent disease. Its common causes: metabolic disorders, heredity (passed from parents to children), decreased function of the immune system.

Secondary polyarthrosis is formed as a consequence of an underlying disease, for example, as a result of a bacterial or viral infection, trauma, diabetes mellitus, or a disease of the vascular system.

Degrees of arthrosis

I degree. Complaints of pain appear only as a result of heavy physical exertion. Muscle tone is normal, movements are full. On an x-ray, you can notice a slight narrowing of the joint space.

II degree. Pain occurs with moderate to light exertion. The patient spares the limb, as a result the muscle tone gradually decreases. X-rays reveal osteophytes and ligament calcifications.

III degree. Severe pain with any movement. Significant atrophy of muscle tissue. The patient is in a forced position. In the image, the joint space is practically not visible or fusion of the surfaces occurs - ankylosis; cyst-like clearings are determined in the epiphyses of the bones.


A patient with the above complaints should consult a doctor (general practitioner, surgeon, orthopedist). The doctor will prescribe a full range of examinations:

  1. General and biochemical blood tests, urine analysis.
  2. It is mandatory to take radiographs of the affected area in two projections.
  3. Computed tomography of the area under study.
  4. Ultrasound examination (allows you to assess the condition of soft tissues and determine the presence of effusion).
  5. Arthroscopy. The method is invasive, but allows you to most accurately assess the stage of the process.

There are two principles of treatment: conservative and surgical.

The first involves the use of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures (magnet, laser, amplipulse, electrophoresis). Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs block the inflammatory response of cartilage and stop its destruction.

At the third stage, it is possible to use weak narcotic drugs (only as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist doctor). Chondroprotectors promote the restoration of cartilage cells in the first two stages of the disease.

Surgical treatment is needed when movement in the joint becomes impossible or unbearable pain occurs. In any case, an individual approach to the problem is required. After an extensive examination of the patient, the traumatologist decides on the extent of the operation.

If you only need to remove osteophytes, ligaments, or level the articular surfaces, this can be done using an arthroscope through small incisions in the periarticular tissues. In the presence of large joint damage, prosthetics are performed (total replacement of one’s own tissues with artificial ones). Prostheses are made from hypoallergenic alloys.

Timely treatment with conservative methods helps to delay surgical intervention, preserve native tissues and full mobility of the limbs.

Traditional methods

  1. Grind the chalk, add low-fat kefir. Make compresses from the mixture at night.
  2. Soak the gelatin overnight and add a spoonful of honey to it in the morning. Take the mixture on an empty stomach.
  3. Mix garlic juice with olive oil (1:3) and drink in the morning.
  4. Prepare a composition of iodine, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, honey (1:1:1:1), leave, rub into the skin over the affected areas.
  5. Shilajit compresses.
  6. Brew calendula flowers and birch leaves in a thermos (1:1). Drink half a glass every day.
  7. Cover a burdock leaf with honey, apply it to the sore spot, wrap it with a towel and leave overnight.

Gymnastic exercises

Physical therapy is indicated only in the remission stage.

Classes are conducted to achieve the following goals:

  • reduction of external deformities of the limbs;
  • eliminating unnecessary stress on the affected areas;
  • increased range of motion in the limbs.

Rules for performing exercises for polyarthritis

Gymnastics are performed only during the period when the disease is not acute. Experts recommend performing all exercises while sitting or lying down. But if your health allows you to do exercise therapy while standing, then such exercises can bring much more benefits.

For polyarthritis, the following general scheme for performing therapeutic exercises is usually followed:

  1. Begin classes with exercises for healthy joints. They are performed sitting or lying down. The duration of the set of exercises is up to 5 minutes.
  2. Next come complex exercises for affected and healthy joints. Sometimes projectiles (sticks, balls) are used for this. This part of the class should be the most intense. The duration of the set of exercises is up to 10 minutes.
  3. Walking. If the patient’s health condition allows, then complicating elements can be used. For example, if a person works out on a simulator, then the load can be increased. Walking must be combined with breathing exercises. The duration of the set of exercises is up to 5 minutes.
  4. Gymnastics must be completed with a set of exercises performed in a sitting position. The duration of the set of exercises is up to 5 minutes.

The secrets of Alexandra Bonina’s healthy neck help people with osteochondrosis cope with the clinical manifestations of the disease. Her health complexes strengthen the muscular frame of the cervical spine and return the vertebrae to their anatomical position.

Who is A. Bonina

Alexandra Bonina is a certified physician in the field of traumatology and sports medicine, as well as a fitness and physical therapy trainer. Her patients include people from all over the world. She also conducts online training on restorative gymnastics for the musculoskeletal system.

During her student years, she herself suffered from osteochondrosis and developed a set of exercises to combat the symptoms. Now she helps people cope with the disease, has her own website, where she talks in detail about the technique.


If there are clinical signs of cervical osteochondrosis, treatment should be started immediately. This is especially important for people who experience severe headaches and dizziness. Such manifestations are a sign of brain hypoxia when the vessels of the cervical spine are compressed.

Also indications for therapeutic exercises are:

  • noise in ears;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • blurred vision and periodic darkening of the eyes;
  • muscle pain in the neck and upper back;
  • numbness in the upper extremities;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • stiffness of movements.

In the absence of pronounced signs of cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended to engage in physical therapy for the purpose of prevention. This is especially true for people at risk. These include people who are overweight, lead a passive lifestyle, or spend a lot of time at the computer.


The secret to the effectiveness of the set of exercises is that it has virtually no contraindications. Despite the fact that most complexes are prohibited from being used during an exacerbation, this does not apply to A. Bonina’s course. Static exercises for the cervical spine allow the patient to exercise without experiencing pain when turning the head.

The main contraindications are serious injuries to the back and vertebrae.

Before starting training, you should consult your doctor. People with tumors of the thyroid gland and salivary glands should also be careful. Patients with unstable vertebrae need to perform the complex in a rigid Shants support collar.

Exercises for a healthy neck

A. Bonina developed techniques for a healthy back. Each of them concerns a specific part of the spine. To prevent the development of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to carry out exercises for each of the departments.

The official website warns that during an exacerbation of the disease, exercise should be done with caution: not all exercises can be done, as they can harm the muscles and vertebrae.

A set of exercises for the neck

The secrets to a healthy neck lie in strengthening the muscles. A set of exercises for this department includes a short warm-up to warm up the muscles, several basic exercises and a cool-down.

The lesson according to Alexandra Bonina’s method goes as follows:

  • The warm-up begins with the shoulder girdle, and the thoracic spine is also partially involved. The arms are raised along the shoulder line and bent at the elbows. Flexion-extension movements are repeated for 1 minute. By this time, a pleasant warmth or even a burning sensation will be felt in the arm muscles. This is followed by arm swings - up to 10-15 repetitions. If osteochondrosis is in a phase of stable remission, you can turn your head to the right and left. At least 7 repetitions are required.
  • The main part of the complex is aimed at working the cervical muscles. To do this, in a standing or sitting position, but without leaning on the back of a chair, clasp your hands together. Next, they are applied to the forehead and pressed on it with maximum force. The neck muscles counteract this. The same procedure is carried out by placing hands on the back of the head. Exercises are repeated 5-8 times.
  • The cool-down is based on normalizing breathing and complete relaxation of all muscle tissues of the cervical and thoracic spine. As you inhale, make a smooth swing of your arms and bring them above your head, then exhale noisily and lower your arms. You need to inhale the air quickly and deeply.

The course of treatment with such exercises lasts from several months to six months. The effect is not achieved instantly; only after a month of regular training is a significant improvement in the patient’s condition noticeable.

Alexandra Bonina’s gymnastics courses are intended for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This type of exercise has proven itself to be most effective for cervical osteochondrosis and thoracic kyphosis.

Alexandra Bonina’s charging method is good because it does not initially require high physical training of the user. The entire exercise therapy course consists of simple exercises that can be performed at home.

Some exercises (for example, for the office) are more like a warm-up. There is also a complex of joint gymnastics.

1 Briefly about the author

The author of gymnastics for joints and back is Alexandra Bonina: a sports doctor and a doctor of therapeutic and preventive physical education by training. Alexandra also has skills in rehabilitation medicine (restorative medicine).

After graduating from medical school, Alexandra completed 2 years of residency in the listed specializations. After that, she interned at a medical center for rehabilitation medicine, while simultaneously studying to become a fitness trainer.

Now Alexandra works as a personal trainer and at the same time a sports doctor in a famous fitness club. When creating her gymnastics, Alexandra relied not only on her experience, but also on medical knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

2 General description: what is Bonina gymnastics?

Bonina's gymnastics is a set of exercises for all parts of the spine and limbs, designed for physically unprepared people. What does it mean? This means that the exercises from the course can be performed even by people who have not done anything before.

In addition, the physical education complex is designed for different age groups; both children and the elderly can participate in it. However, for elderly people, some exercises will be prohibited (only the simplest - basic - elements are allowed).

The purpose of doing such gymnastics is to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and peritoneum, strengthen and increase the mobility of joints, and train the ligamentous apparatus. In addition to training the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system is strengthened.

2.1 Who is Bonina’s gymnastics intended for: indications for training

First of all, the treatment course is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. They are at risk of developing several dozen diseases of the spine and joints. But if you already have diseases, then this gymnastics will also be useful.

  1. Dorsalgia.
  2. Pain in the neck and lower back.
  3. Weakness of the muscles of the upper and lower peritoneum, spinal corset, muscles of the limbs and shoulders.
  4. Degenerative diseases (osteochondrosis, spondylosis).
  5. Spinal position disorders (scoliosis, pathological kyphosis and lordosis, idiopathic postural disorders).
  6. Joint diseases, including arthritis and arthrosis (including autoimmune etiology).

3 List of courses by Alexandra Bonina

There are 5 basic physical education courses from Alexandra Bonina, as well as one mini-set of exercises (morning exercises). It is not at all necessary to engage in parallel with all available sets of exercises: one course is sufficient to start.

3.1 Secrets of a healthy neck

The course is divided into two parts. The first part is the theoretical section, where the methodology of treatment using physical exercises is discussed in detail. The second part contains a description of the neck exercises that need to be performed.

This course poorly suited for the treatment of existing cervical diseases: it is more intended for their prevention. In particular, with the help of “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” you can prevent the development of spondylosis, spondylolisthesis and osteochondrosis of the neck.

The gymnastic elements from the course are very easy to perform and do not require much time. Most of the exercises can be done in ten-minute breaks between work, which should be especially useful for office workers.

3.2 Healthy spine in 2 weeks

It is impossible to completely improve the spine (if there are problems with it) in two weeks: the name of the course is metaphorical. The author implies that in two weeks it will be possible to partially put the spine in order and mobilize it for subsequent training.

We can say that this is an introductory complex that opens the way for the user to more intense back training. It is recommended for beginners who have not previously engaged in physical education (apart from basic five-minute gymnastics, this is not physical education).

This complex does not guarantee that your back will be cured of all diseases in two weeks: it is designed to improve your posture and prepare the back muscle corset for subsequent training. The course is recommended for taking before more serious training, or as a regular warm-up.

3.3 Morning exercises

Are you sure that you are doing morning exercises correctly? Most respondents will answer without a shadow of a doubt: “yes.” And most of them are wrong, since without a theoretical basis it is unlikely to be possible to perform morning exercises correctly.

This course does not just talk about the most effective and safe exercises for morning exercises. In addition, he also teaches how to perform them without harming health, in what sequence and for what duration.

He also teaches how to warm up just before your morning exercise routine. In addition to everything, the course describes tips on such activities, talks about the potential benefits of morning exercises, and possible negative aspects.

3.4 Secrets of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

One of the most common and painful diseases of our time is cervical osteochondrosis. It is common because most people in developed countries lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to lack of mobility, most people have chronic overload of the neck muscles, since many people work sedentary. This course is designed to eradicate osteochondrosis of the cervical spine of any stage or form (except for those that are completely advanced and require surgery).

If you do not have osteochondrosis of the neck, but you believe that you are at risk (for example, you have an office job), this course will also be useful to you. It not only treats cervical osteochondrosis, but also prevents its development (not with a 100% guarantee, of course).

3.5 7 basic exercises for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is much less common than cervical osteochondrosis. And if it does occur, it is usually combined (cervicothoracic or thoracolumbar osteochondrosis). In itself, such osteochondrosis is not as dangerous (as cervical or lumbar), but it can also be very painful.

The exercises from the course are aimed at eliminating any form of thoracic osteochondrosis. Be it classic thoracic osteochondrosis, or cervicothoracic/thoracolumbar osteochondrosis.

But what does “7 basic exercises” mean?

This means that the exercises in this course are universal, easy to perform and do not require any preliminary physical training for the user. The training system is suitable for both young men and elderly people suffering from osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.

3.6 Treatment course for osteochondrosis from Alexandra Bonina (video)

3.7 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises

Morning exercises are not as simple as it might seem: if you do it incorrectly, the results will be zero. In some cases, mistakes during warm-up can even worsen the situation (if there is some kind of disease), or lead to the appearance of diseases.

The course talks about the seven most dangerous exercises for morning exercises. Doing them means putting your health at risk. The saddest thing is that the exercises described in the course are extremely popular among ordinary people: many talk about them as “useful” and even “necessary”. This is the biggest danger of the exercises described in the course.

In addition to describing harmful exercises, this course talks about which exercises you should focus on.