Formal dress style for women. Casual business style of outerwear and knitwear. Modern image and style of a business woman

Clothing style is not just a choice of certain styles, fabrics, color combinations and accessories, but above all a certain philosophy, a view of the world. A stable, established style always solves certain practical problems and carries a message of personality to the outside world.

Business style is often perceived as boring, conservative, making a person seem like a faceless cog in a corporation. Why, despite the increasing democratization of fashion and freedom of choice among the many existing styles, does office style not go away from our lives? Let's figure it out.

Business style, as is already clear from the name, is designed to serve a person in his professional activities. Its task is to emphasize the status of a specialist, focus on work, the primacy of professional activity for the individual, the ability to obey general rules. This is precisely what his conservatism and rigor are connected with. It has long been known that the first impression of a person is created by his clothing, and both for the employee and for the organization as a whole, it is important that this image inspires trust and respect, and indicates a serious attitude towards the activity.

Initially, business clothing existed, for obvious reasons, only in men's fashion and was a classic suit in the English style. Although for almost a couple of centuries the men's suit has changed in cut, the image itself and the composition of the items included in it practically do not change. This is a dark suit, including trousers, a jacket and a vest, White shirt and a tie, complemented by appropriate shoes and accessories that emphasize the status of the owner.

IN women's fashion business style appeared in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the lives of women of the privileged class began to change. The struggle for equality intensified, women appeared in student classrooms and offices, they began to engage in sports and social activities. This also required appropriate clothing. Formal suits appeared, the tailoring of which used elements of men's cut. This solved both practical problems, making clothes more functional, and emphasized equality with men and the importance of personal business qualities.

This first women's business suit included a long straight skirt, a blouse with a tight collar that allowed a tie to be worn, and a fairly long jacket-coat.

The First World War and its aftermath increased the number of women entering business. They didn’t want to completely give up their femininity, but they couldn’t afford all sorts of ruffles and deep necklines. It is for them that Coco Chanel, who herself was a businesswoman, comes up with her suit and little black dress. The costume included a cardigan or jumper that did not restrict movement, and a straight skirt, already noticeably shortened compared to the beginning of the century. The midi length was quite revolutionary at that time, but its practicality made the midi length a classic of women's fashion.

A trouser suit, similar to a men's one, was brought into fashion before World War II by Marlene Dietrich. He amazed his contemporaries, but despite the fact that the outbreak of World War II forced many women to wear trousers, this image was perceived as too shocking and did not fit into women’s business style at all until the 70s of the 20th century. Only the introduction of jeans and other trousers into the everyday life of women made this item of clothing more familiar, everyday, trousers were no longer perceived as something unacceptable and Yves Saint Laurent was able to offer a trouser suit as an alternative to the traditional women's suit business suit. Since then, a strict jacket and flared trousers have become a worthy alternative to a jacket and a narrow straight skirt as business clothing for women. Reaching its culmination in the 80s, the suit with elements of men's tailoring from Giorgio Armani looked strict and elegant.

Despite the inherent conservatism of the style, it still changes along with our lives, becomes more democratic, and today business style is often understood not quite the same as in the middle of the 20th century. No more monochrome, boring colors and masculinity. Currently, the dress code of a business woman does not exclude romantic prints, bright colors, or, conversely, delicate shades and soft lines. And proof of this is the outfits of modern business women, who, very often, are standards of style.

Today, there are several levels within business style, which are called differently in different sources, but the essence is the same - the difference in the degree of strictness of the dress code. There are three levels:

  • Strict classic. It is used during interviews, negotiations, and important meetings.
  • Business casual. It is worn to work where a strict mandatory dress code is not required. Close to the classic style, but allows for deviations in color, cut, and use of accessories.
  • Free or it is also called Friday, since in our time even in large corporations on the last day of the working week a relaxation is made, allowing deviating from the strict dress code.

Free business fashion style the most common, as it combines sufficient freedom of expression and classic elegance. A woman can wear this style not only at work, but also while walking in the city center. Moreover, if we are not talking about a resort town, then in the business center of the city, even if you went to a cafe or shopping, business casual is considered appropriate.

Modern office style in all its manifestations involves the use of only high-quality materials and cut, and has accumulated many interesting solutions. It creates an elegant and discreetly feminine image, emphasizing a woman’s self-esteem and the value of her personality. It is not surprising that not only successful business women, but also Hollywood stars and politicians dress in this style, for example, Penelope Cruz, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Angelina Jolie, Kellyanne Conway, Hope Hicks, Theresa May, Amal Clooney, Brigitte Macron, Megan Markle and others.

Despite a certain freedom in modern business style, its basis is still a suit, which can include a classic three-piece or a jacket combined with a skirt, dress or trousers.

In women's fashion, the styles of these parts of the costume may vary depending on fashion or body shape. So, the jacket can be long or short, double-breasted or single-breasted, the skirt can be pencil or godet, the trousers can be wide or tapered, but without excessive details, with practical fittings.

Trousers for a strict business style are usually straight. For everyday style, the requirements are less strict.

The color scheme of the suit is more free. It could be light pastel shades, grey, rich blue or green, others fashionable shades, it is possible to use a print, for example, with a discreet stripe.

In general, modern costume is undergoing enormous changes. Many designers are able to offer the most unexpected styles and colors: oversize cuts, cropped trousers, choosing a T-shirt rather than a dress shirt. It all depends on your mood!

The popularity of business style is also explained by the fact that the things that belong to it are truly universal. A narrow straight skirt, classic trousers, a good cut, a jacket and a white blouse, thanks to their “facelessness”, can easily be combined with things from other styles, creating a completely new image. A white blouse and stylish jeans, a formal jacket and a feminine romantic dress, a tight skirt and a voluminous sweater will perfectly complement each other and will look fresh and new every time.

In addition to the four-piece suit, the basic items of this style include a cardigan, coat, sheath dress, men's cut jacket or fitted jacket. Conclusion: a suit in which trousers, a skirt or a jacket can be successfully combined with other things is an excellent investment in your business look. If the items from your wardrobe base are perfectly combined with each other, then you can easily create a variety of sets and save your personal time.

Today's fashion allows in everyday business style to wear not only a sheath dress, but also other styles: midi or mini, straight silhouettes or shirt dresses, with unusual details or prints. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, this is all permissible! Sometimes it may seem that such dresses are suitable only for a cocktail party. However, famous women wear them to work and look stylish and appropriate.

It should be remembered that main principle business dress is elegance. No deep necklines or sheer inserts in inappropriate places. If the dress has short sleeves or no sleeves at all, then it is worn only with a jacket or cardigan.

If you have an exceptionally strict business style at work, then it is better to adhere to the following rules regarding the dress:

  • Color. No bright, flashy colors or prints. Plain dresses can only be calm, restrained shades or dark classic colors.
  • Silhouette – straight or semi-adjacent. Should provide the most proportional appearance of the figure. Neither excessive tightness nor baggyness is desirable.
  • The length is the same as that of a classic skirt - to the middle of the knee. Mini or midi are only slightly deviating from this norm. Mini in a business style is no more than the width of your palm from the knee, midi - to the middle of the calf muscle.
  • Decor. In the office, it is quite possible to wear dresses with ruffles or embroidery, or other interesting details, but they should not be conspicuous and attract excessive attention.

Not so long ago, sportswear in a business style was completely unacceptable. After the advent of the “Friday” free version of this style, it became possible to combine jeans and sneakers with a jacket, a classic skirt or trousers with a plain sweatshirt. But a neat, restrained introduction of things from a sporty style is permissible only for a free version, and is completely unacceptable in a strict classic business style.

Combine wisely sport style with business is not an easy task. But if you put together the combination correctly, then in such things you will look even bolder, declaring your originality. If you are new to such experiments, then it is best to start with one or two things in the image. For example, choose a T-shirt or sneakers. And don't forget to add some polish with the perfect pair of tapered trousers or a blazer, pumps or ankle boots.

Although today on the fashion catwalk you can see a combination of sneakers or sneakers with a business suit, in real life you should wear such a daring combination only if you work in a creative field, go for a walk or in another informal setting.

If you intend to wear business-style clothes for their intended purpose, then the rules dictate choosing practical shoes with medium heels. Neither ballet flats, nor stiletto heels, nor platforms are strictly classic. Closed heel and toe are required. The decor, if present on the shoes, is only discreet and discreet. If you choose such shoes, not only will your feet get less tired, but you will always look appropriate and elegant.

But, despite this, shoes can become an independent part of the image, bright accent, which will set you apart from the gray mass. These could be pointed-toe stiletto pumps, or a more comfortable kitten heel. Don’t be afraid to experiment: choose interesting and trendy colors, prints and textures that will look organic in your image, but at the same time draw attention to yourself.

Business style requires wearing nude tights, natural makeup, and a strict hairstyle. Headbands, hairpins and elastic bands are considered taboo, and if you still need to put your hair in a bun or ponytail, then the accessories should not be bright. Discreet but high-quality jewelry is welcome. One of the most important things for a woman will be a moderately spacious elegant leather bag. In addition to it, the following decorations are appropriate:

  • Belt. Medium width, natural skin tones, without bright decorative details.
  • Earrings. Best option: earrings-studs or earrings with an English lock of small sizes and a length of no more than 5 mm from the earlobe. If you wear glasses, then it is also better to avoid large earrings, otherwise the image will be overloaded.

Women's business style is subject to stricter rules than any other direction: all outfits must be carefully selected, and even at evening events, the level of “dressiness” must be commensurate with the theme of the event and not be in outright dissonance with the costumes of other participants in the reception. Remember, it’s better to be a little “under” than too “over”; in this case, minor flaws in the costume will not be so noticeable.

There are 15 rules of business dress code for women on working days.

I. Thin stockings or tights in flesh-colored colors are required. And leave all the insinuations of fashion stylists about black thin stockings aside, they are not about business etiquette! Only in the cold season are dark thick tights (at least 80 den) possible, if this is required by the costume ensemble, and only in tone! (Combinations of black tights with light-colored shoes or a beige skirt/coat are ridiculous at any time of the year.)

II. Closed shoes in the office are a must! This rule of business woman style is true for shoes for a formal suit and for formal events. (Closed toe shoes with an open fixed heel are only possible for the warm season in informal situations.)

All kinds of sandals, clogs, sneakers, ballet flats, sandals and pantalettes - these are everyday utilitarian shoes, they do not apply to business clothes! High-heeled shoes are equally unacceptable in a business suit.

III. The official dress code for women requires stable heels for daytime shoes, their height no more than 5-7 cm. Heels and stilettos are not everyday or business options, they are for other situations!

IV. In the wardrobe of an employee, a woman should have a business suit (possibly more than one) with a skirt of not “extreme” length. The permissible length of a formal skirt for business women is palm above/below the knee! The protocol requirements have become softer, because the length of the skirt should be complementary to the shape of the lady’s leg line.

V. In the modern official business style of clothing for women, trousers are acceptable provided that the upper part of the suit covers the buttocks, but these are absolutely not leather or denim trousers.

VI. At the same time, there are old strict traditions that exclude trousers in casual business style clothing for women, but then this condition is declared specifically - in official invitation or the company's articles of association.

VII. Etiquette allows the use of knitwear in business day wear, but it should be relaxed. Knitwear in a business style for modern women should be without a neckline, cover the waist, opaque, without excessive decorations, sequins, bugles, lurex and glitter. Knitwear should not be too tight for a lady of any size! Thin knitwear is used only as a “bottom layer” - under jackets or sheath dresses. These are things made of silk, viscose, cashmere fabrics, but not “linen” made of cotton.

As you can see in the photo of clothes for women in a formal business style, the outer knitwear should be dense, structured, and of a rigid cut:

At the same time, outerwear does not belong to formal wear!

VIII. In summer, the suit can be light and bright colors, but it must have a sleeve.

IX. One of the rules for women’s business attire is that their blouses must have long sleeves (no more than 34 arm lengths).

X. In the cold season, it is preferable to choose shoes and bags in soft and calm shades, leather bags and briefcases - dark, matching the shoes and the suit as a whole. (It’s a sign of bad taste, and it’s simply stupid, to use white or red shoes outside in our climate in slushy weather!). In the warm season, shoes and bags are lighter and brighter.

XI. Hair, makeup, manicure, as well as perfume - strictly speaking, not clothes - are very noticeable in the overall ensemble of appearance! Etiquette regulates this too.

  • There is a good tip for a woman: “In the morning the head should be tidied, in the evening - combed.” However, modern young ladies have to “translate” this expression... In the morning - to study or to the office - hair should be tied up, "loose" or bare-haired heads are bad form, by definition (and create a lot of problems during rush hour in transport - and for the wearer, and other passengers!). And in the evening at Black Tie events, according to the rules of the business dress code, it is mandatory for women pretty haircut. (And often at this moment they ask - now long flowing hair is fashionable... yes, when it is appropriate - for the beach, for walks, for discos and parties - there are many options!)
  • In everyday business style, make-up is mandatory for women (the face must be “put together”), only natural paints are used - “makeup without makeup”: a healthy person cannot have green eyelids and black nails, and vice versa - black shadows and green nails! Equally illegitimate are blue, red or golden eyelids, tattoos on prominent areas of the body, tunnels and piercings.
  • In the second half of the 20th century, bright red lips and nails 34 entered business etiquette, they are now acceptable... but, based on common sense, this aggressive, “cannibalistic” option is suitable only for leaders and bosses. If you are still at the start of your career, choose wisely natural shades varnish And of course, hands and nails must be in order - this is the “second face” of a woman!
  • Perfume - like everything in etiquette - has temporary and seasonal regulations. This ephemeral moment is most difficult to explain to those who use heavy, thick aromas in the morning or in the summer... good form is not to interfere with other people’s breathing!

XII. From jewelry for a woman's business style dress code daytime can use jewelry-level products. For the day, they choose a small number of details and their restrained style, which make up the ensemble with the costume and appearance as a whole.

Of course, we mean only things of high quality - made of different materials, gold-silver, other alloys, glass and even plastic. They should be dignified and elegant, but they are absolutely not “beach” or “disco” options.

During the day and in the office/auditorium, earrings in the form of large rings, horseshoes or long pendants (even made of precious metals) are not used - this is a purely romantic, ethnic style - in the daytime working female appearance this is bad manners. As well as other ethnic style jewelry.

Look at the photo of jewelry for a woman in a business style - here, traditional items include pearls, small natural stones, and rhinestones (or without inclusions):

These can be gold and silver products of small volumes and wide circulations, which are usually presented in jewelry stores. If a large piece of jewelry is chosen (for example, the famous brooches of Margaret Thatcher or Madeleine Albright), then it is considered sufficient for official events.

XIII. Don't wear real jewelry during the daytime - jewelry original work and with large gems.

At the same time, good quality jewelry (our diamonds smaller than 0.1 carats are bijou!) is valued all over the world.

Factory-made gold and silver jewelry (chains and rings), familiar to Russians, also belong to costume jewelry and are recommended for daytime, because we are talking about a restriction only on noticeable, designer or ostentatious options, on products with large precious stones - their time is in the evening!

XIV. Business office attire never includes:

  • clothing made of denim, leather, shiny or transparent fabric;
  • clothes made of thin “linen” knitwear or pajama type;
  • skirts - folklore, with flounces, with large patterns, with deep slits;
  • beach trousers, bloomers, as well as leggings or too-tight trousers;
  • costumes with obvious ethnic or subcultural elements;
  • straw hats, canvas panama hats, etc.

XV. Not only clothes for women are important in business office style, but also shoes. Street shoes (boots, ankle boots, street shoes with thick micropores) are not suitable for the office - parquet shoes with a thin leather sole are accepted.

It is equally illogical to use parquet shoes with leather soles to move along the streets - rain and our domestic sidewalks are contraindicated for them!

Please note, dear ladies: the rules governing your costume are meaningful, like all the rules of etiquette. Within these guidelines, you can be creative and look fashionable—there are plenty of opportunities to express your individuality!

However, any manifestations that emphasize sexuality belong to the romantic style and elegant clothing - they are not used during the daytime and in the space of business communication, including educational processes.

On the other hand, more and more often there are fellow citizens (usually not from the capital) who have too rigid ideas - stricter than protocol - and in combination with specific provincial taste, such restrictions sometimes lead to sad consequences. People get used to discussing - both with each other and with public figures, and making publications, and making comments!

Generally accepted clothing for women in a classic business style (with photo)

Not all official daytime events are held at a high formal level (such as inaugurations, ceremonial and anniversary meetings, openings of conferences, forums, etc.). Therefore, for such events, dress code marks must be included in invitations.

In the business style of women's clothing for daytime, there can be three of them:

  • Black Tie (Formal, Official)
  • Bb - Business Best
  • Btr - Business Traditional

Casual business style Black Tie for women adheres to the following rules:

  • Events with Black Tie options are quite tricky for women - costumes for daytime and evening events will be opposite in style!
  • Daily events from the world of business and politics are “genderless”, in any case, well-mannered people “agreed” on this... Ladies should adhere to the classical direction in their appearance.
  • For such formal events, women use a classic style of clothing: elegant dresses and high-end suits (thin blouses) and eye-catching accessories of the same restrained style.
  • In the generally accepted business style of clothing for women, nude-colored stockings (tights) and parquet shoes are required - closed shoes with a thin leather sole; brightly colored shoes and elegant heels are acceptable.

The rules of classic business style clothing for women and the etiquette requirements for attending formal daytime events remain the same as those indicated above - on weekdays. Only the class of suits changes: instead of “workhorses” they use “high class”.

Here you can see photos of clothes for women in business style for daytime events:

Casual business style for women: clothing for formal events

Transition time: 17:00-20:00. During this time interval, events of an average formal level, of a non-strict nature, are held, as a rule, on light ceremonial occasions: opening days, presentations, premieres. The organizers expect guests to adhere to the limits of a decent suit and a certain degree of elegance in appearance.

Dress-code marks for women's casual business style, characteristic of a non-strict format:

  • Black Tie Invited
  • Black Tie Optional
  • A5 (After Five - after five)
  • Semi-formal (semi-formal)

1. In the absence of dress code marks in the invitation (written or oral), women can choose whether to remain in a daytime “work” suit or slightly embellish themselves.

However, the rules of decency remain! Clothing for formal events can only be with skirts of reasonable length or classic trousers (not leggings!). Frame knitwear is acceptable, but neckline and other naked areas of the body are unacceptable: legs, arms, bellies - it is indecent to emphasize sexuality when performing a professional function.

2. If a business woman received an invitation with marks of this level as a human function (due to professional activity), she should adhere to very restrained, elegant decisions. Suitable clothing in business style for modern women: cocktail dresses, with original skirts(pants), a beautifully tied scarf or other eye-catching jewelry and accessories.

3. If a woman is invited as a person (or as a “second person”, a companion), more creative style options and design solutions are possible in her appearance. Equally, accessories and scents can be very bold and provocative - depending on your taste.

4. Dress-code marks of the strict Black Tie level (Formal, Official, Bb, Btr), characteristic of highly formal events, are not used during transitional times - at least until 19 o'clock - since events of such a strict format are extremely rarely organized during this time interval.

5. If a woman has received an invitation to an event marked from the Black Tie versions, the start of which is earlier than 19:00, then she should adhere to the level of the daytime Black Tie. That is, the official style of clothing for women at this time of day should be strict and elegant.

Pay attention to the photo of clothes for women in a classic style for formal events:

Evening dress code for women: outfits for formal events

Invitations to evening events in European countries may not include marks - traditionally, the time itself indicates a high level of the event, and people know about it. According to the evening dress code for women, in many European houses it is still customary to go to the common dinner table (and they have lunch after 20 o’clock) in evening suits.

The Black Tie level has evening celebrations - historically, but the democratic trends of the last period allow the use of any version with the mention of this “magic” English phrase.

There is one subtle detail about a formal evening theme for women that many people don't know about! Now women have achieved equality (virtually) and can receive independent invitations to evening events.

When choosing an outfit for official event it should be taken into account that in a beautiful, but not fluffy dress“on the floor” - the lady is free in the rules: she can come and go alone, or with her gentleman, or change him during the event. But a long evening dress for a formal event implies the obligatory presence of a companion - you must agree, there is something helpless about a woman dressed in an open long dress, which also deprives her of the usual freedom of movement (and also thin high heels...). In this case, guardianship from a man is simply physically necessary.

Clothing for special occasions: dresses and accessories (with photos)

Rules for “evening” Black Tie for women:

  • The basic rule: the level of perfection is commensurate with the event and the costumes of the participants and does not overshadow the outfit of the hostess or first lady of the event (if any).


Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Life in a modern city leaves a certain imprint on all areas of a woman’s life and the wardrobe is no exception. Business style clothing for girls and older women has its own distinctive features. Much is dictated by a strict dress code, but some is influenced by seasonal fashion trends. The proposed office fashion for 2019 is distinguished by a specific color palette and the ability to complement the look with various accessories, including textile ones.

Women's business clothing is traditionally divided into types used depending on the current situation. There are images for negotiations and everyday visits to the office, business trips and corporate events. All these subtleties should be taken into account. About how to choose women's clothing for a business wardrobe for 2019, you can read in this article. You can also look at the photos of new products and types of office style, some models of suits and skirts, blouses and jackets:

What forms the business style of clothing for girls in 2019 (with photo)

What makes up your everyday wardrobe? Of course, from the basic elements of clothing, which, if chosen correctly, should be combined with each other and complement each other. Women's business style for girls in 2019 is no exception - there are no trendy new items, everything is quite standard and prosaic. These are classic trousers and pencil skirts, blouses and traditional shirts white complemented by pastel shades. However, for those places where style is allowed in everyday wear smart casual, the blouse can be rich blue, blue, burgundy and green.

All kinds of suits have firmly integrated into the women's business style of clothing. It is more profitable to have a three-piece or four-piece suit. In this case, the set includes a skirt and trousers, a jacket and a vest. These office wardrobe staples paired with a few blouses, turtlenecks and shirts create a solid foundation for an everyday, wearable look. You can complement it with a beautifully knitted silk scarf and sophisticated pumps.

In summer, sandals and open-toed shoes are appropriate footwear. In the autumn, these can be classic ankle boots and boots with a top height just below the knee. Over the knee boots in this version are a rather awkward option for choosing shoes

Look at the photo of the new business style clothing for girls for 2019:

The presented looks include a variety of blouses and jackets, skirts and trousers. But what styles are best to choose in this or that case - we will consider further.

Types of business clothing: classic office, formal and casual

Even in such an area as business, there is always room for creativity and imagination. Types of business style clothing for a modern woman are divided according to their purpose. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to constantly wear a strict jacket, buttoned up with all the buttons. There is a so-called casual business style of clothing for women, which implies a looser form.

Small prints on a skirt and jacket, multi-colored blouses, bracelets and rings would be appropriate here. As part of this look, sundresses and vests, sleeveless vests and skirts with an elegant type of cut are often used - godet, pleating, pleating, flared. This also includes knitted cardigans and vests, thin sweaters, etc. The opposite is formal business attire, and in the middle is classic office attire. Look at the photo for examples of such bows and choose exactly what is closest to your situation:

Modern clothing styles business man at times actively undergo transformation under the influence of the dominant fashion trends of the year. In 2019, a similar imbalance is observed mainly in the area of ​​comfort. Elastic, practical fabrics that wrinkle less and practically do not hinder movement are becoming fashionable. Knitted blazers and skirts become the basis for many office looks. A thin turtleneck or knitted top often replaces the classic one.

Let's consider the classic office style of clothing, which involves a certain combination of colors and cut of products. It includes all straight skirts and trousers, formal blouses and shirts made of cotton and silk, plain scarves, fitted double-breasted jackets. No deviations in the direction of replacing the top with a light sweater or blouse are allowed here.

Main color palette: black, gray, brown, dark blue, white. It is better to avoid all shades of pink, blue, purple and green here. Look at the photo for examples of classic business style clothing for women:

The strictest is the official business style of clothing, which includes only items of a certain format. Its distinctive feature is the high price of the suit and expensive fabrics. Here it would be unacceptable to take a suit made of cotton canvas and complement it with an openwork T-shirt.

Strict lapels of the English jacket collar, complete absence decorative finishing on a skirt or trousers, perfect fit and a white shirt without ruffles or flounces. This is the look that will be considered an official business look. Please note that it is inappropriate to use any other shoes here other than formal black pumps or smooth boots genuine leather without straps or other decorative trim.

A suit with a jacket, skirt and trousers in a business office style

A business office style suit can include both trousers and skirts. Moreover, experienced fashionistas can successfully combine a jacket from one suit with a couple of skirts, carefully selected according to the texture of the fabric and color scheme. The situation is similar with trousers.

When choosing a suit with a skirt, you should think about the possibility in the future of combining a jacket with trousers, and sometimes with jeans of a standard cut. The photo shows options for combining these things in casual and classic office style looks for girls and women:

Jacket styles include blazers, blazers, and basque models. All this is quite appropriate for a casual style of office clothing. If there are no special requirements, then the jacket can be linen in the summer, satin, stretch or even denim. Especially popular in 2019 will be denim jackets with an English cut and a plain wash. Suitable color denim - black and dark shades of gray.

Blouses should be selected with special care. It should be remembered that the shirt itself should be strict and go well with the skirt. A harmonious look can be completed with a scarf or tie. Also, do not neglect the possibility of using vests and sleeveless vests.

Among the colors, the favorite is white, nude, beige, sky blue. Small checks and thin vertical stripes are welcome. From fabrics you can choose cotton, silk, satin, chiffon, soft thin knitwear. Any prints should be left for free time.

Models remain a definite trend in office fashion in 2019. They should be mid-knee length. The preferred fabric is fine wool for autumn-winter and linen for spring-summer. Currently popular colors are wet asphalt, rich blue, standard black, brown. In some cases, the burgundy color of a wineberry would be appropriate. A minimal number of buckles, wide shoulder straps, a semicircular neckline, patch pockets, a fitted silhouette - all this will be relevant throughout the year.

Pants for the office are a rather difficult choice, since you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​purchasing fashionable flares or tight-fitting pipes. Standard leg width, straight fit and high waist are the basic requirements. The length should reach the middle of the heel used. Preferred colors are burgundy, gray, white, black, brown.

Colors, accessories and shoes in a woman’s business wardrobe

Colors and shades decide a lot. The same style of skirt can be strict for the office if it is made in gray tones, or festive if it is a shiny material with a rich scarlet tint. The most popular colors are the whole gamut of calm tones, from pure black to all sorts of shades of gray. White and pastel, brown and dark blue are always in demand. Green may be in demand depending on the corporate style of the company.

Accessories and shoes play a huge role. A woman's modern business wardrobe must have a collection of neckerchiefs and silk scarves that can instantly transform her look. You also need two pairs of pumps (beige and black), formal sandals, boots for trousers, knee-high boots, ankle boots (as needed).

For accessories, you should choose neutral items that do not attract attention. These can be stylish brooches, small in size, or thin gold bracelets. Hair accessories should always be in the same color scheme as the overall look. Do not use bows, headbands with flowers, or hairpins in acidic colors.

The main task of a business office style is to reflect its status. It was the clothes that were a kind of code, knowing which you can tell a lot about yourself, your character, show your mood, attitude towards others. It is known that a person in business-style clothes achieves much greater heights than a person in jeans with holes in the knees. It's all about clothing therapy. Today you will learn how to create the perfect business wardrobe, and what business style items are a must-have.

Business style is status and professionalism

The appearance of business style in clothing is not accidental. It is the strict dress code, along with conservative behavior and manners, that allows us to speak of the high status of a company or corporation and its professionalism. However, this does not mean that formal business style is expressionless and boring. This style is extremely versatile if you know all its features.

Business style is slightly influenced by fashion and therefore, if it changes, it is very insignificant. Rather, we can talk about adding some clothing details. Not long ago we introduced new outfit in office style, and gave advice, .

First women's office clothes appeared in the 30s. and most of the time she just copied men's fashion. After the First and Second World Wars, women had to work equally with men. Hence, the requirements for business clothing have changed. However, since then it has undergone significant changes.

Business style of clothing can be divided into subgroups . At the same time, there are so-called conservatism coefficients, which are an indicator of the level of rigor.

30 style rules for an interview or business meeting

When going for an interview or business meeting, we, as a rule, thoroughly prepare for it: collecting facts, constructing approximate answers to potential questions, and so on. And in this turmoil sometimes we forget about appearance. But he will be able to tell you just as much about who you are and what you are striving for. Your outfit can communicate your neatness, responsibility, focus and organization. Therefore, when preparing for such an important event, do not forget about a few basic rules that will tell you what to wear for an interview.

  • Prefer a classic business style. It is he who, like no other, will tell about your professionalism. Be conservative in style, clothing colors and accessories, and you definitely won’t go wrong.
  • Clothes must be clean, neat and well ironed.
  • Choose plain items without bright patterns or prints.
  • In business suits, thin stripes are acceptable.
  • Focus on natural materials. The blouse is made of silk or cotton, the suit is made of fine wool. In this case, you will look more expensive and respectable.
  • Consider the color scheme of your outfit. No bright or flashy colors like light green or crimson. As a base, choose dark blue, black, brown, beige or gray. For the hot season, choose lighter colors.
  • Prefer fitted items: jacket, skirt, blouse. An emphasized silhouette is associated with energy and performance.
  • A business suit with a skirt is the most suitable option for an interview.
  • The length of the skirt should not be above the knees - this is a business standard.
  • An ideal classic is a pencil skirt that is tapered at the bottom.
  • Blouses should be made of fairly dense material. Sheer fabrics are not for interviews or business meetings.
  • Choose closed blouses that are as laconic as possible.
  • The blouse must have a sleeve; in hot weather, 3/4 sleeves are acceptable, but not sleeveless ones.
  • If you choose a checkered blouse, remember that it should not be too large.
  • It is very important to achieve contrast between the blouse and the skirt. The stronger it is, the more dynamic and decisive you look.
  • Under the jacket you can also wear a light silk top, preferably in a contrasting color.
  • A sheath dress in a dark shade, complemented by a jacket or jacket, will look natural for an interview.
  • A business dress can be worn with a narrow belt.
  • There is no place for any neckline, extravagant slits, or tight-fitting dresses at a business meeting.
  • In cold weather, the interview allows for trousers/skirts combined with an elegant cardigan or pullover.
  • In winter, you can wear a turtleneck under a jacket, but it must be made of high-quality material.
  • Pants should not be too long or too short. Wear neutral socks underneath.
  • Choose classic shoes to match your suit. In hot weather, you can wear closed-toe sandals under your trousers.
  • The optimal heel height for shoes is 5-6 cm. Ballet flats and stiletto heels will absolutely not fit into your look.
  • Shoes should be darker in tone than your suit or have a neutral color.
  • Tights are a must for women, even if it's hot outside.
  • Having decided what to wear for a business meeting, do not forget about the appropriate accessories: a watch with a dim dial, a scarf or shawl, small earrings.
  • Even if you can't afford an expensive suit, more expensive accessories: a pen, an organizer, glasses - will help balance the look.
  • Complete your look with a spacious business bag or briefcase made of genuine leather.
  • To match the created style, select the recommended hairstyle: bun, shell, ponytail.
  • And remember that conservatism in business dress inspires trust and is associated with authority and competence.
  • Choose.

Formal business attire

This business style is perhaps the most conservative and most demanding. Individuality is highly discouraged here. It is characterized by monochromatic fabrics of a calm, predominantly dark color. The official business style is used for negotiations with foreign partners, in politics and banking. By the way, only collected hair is allowed with such clothes. As for jewelry, a neckerchief and small jewelry are allowed.

Formal business attire is a dark blue pantsuit.

Formal business attire is a black pantsuit.

Formal business attire is a black pantsuit.

In the photo: a strict black sundress dress with a belt, a white blouse and a light brown poncho.

Managerial business style

This style has fewer restrictions and already means expressing your individuality. Calm patterns and different colors are acceptable in clothing. A variety of expensive fabrics are used for tailoring, and Jewelry may be a little larger.

In the photo: Managerial and business style - burgundy trouser suit.

In the photo: managerial and business style - light trouser suit.

In the photo: managerial and business style - white trouser suit.

Informal business style

This is the least demanding style of clothing. Very often they allow their employees to wear it on informal Fridays. Different types of fabrics, patterns and colors are very welcome. Turtlenecks, cardigans, jackets and skirts are acceptable here. However, this style is also perfect for everyday life: walking, shopping, going to the cinema, etc., so you can successfully adopt it.

In the photo: light blue skinny capri pants and a blue blouse.

In the photo: a strict green dress with a large neckline.

In the photo: informal business style - a bright green trouser suit.

In the photo: a white blouse with tight black trousers.

In the photo: formal skirts with blouses and coats, formal dresses with a belt and jacket, formal trousers with a blouse and coat.

In the photo: informal business style - a light jacket with cropped striped capri pants.

In the photo: light trousers with a white blouse and a gray coat.

With love, Editorial Board

Of course, the work dress code is a whole set of restrictions and taboos. But even despite all its severity, business attire looks very stylish and beautiful. Let's try to understand in more detail what constitutes business style clothing for women.

Business fashion: types

Business fashion provides for three types of dress code: business suit, business casual and business elegant.

Business suit– the most stringent standard of business attire. For women, this version involves a jacket with or trousers, as well as a jacket with a dress.

Business casual style– elegant outfits, less conservative than the previous option (for example, you can combine the top and bottom of different suits).

Elegant business style (English: smart casual)- even more free variations of bows, which are still distinguished by special care and elegance. The difference between business casual and business smart is a bit blurred, but the latter, for example, allows open-toe shoes.

Characteristics of formal business style clothing for women

A clear difference between the types of business style in clothing for women can be seen in the example of Angelina Jolie's outfits. From left to right, she demonstrates a formal business suit, business casual and business smart style.

By the way, when choosing jewelry for a business suit, choose only miniature earrings or avoid jewelry altogether.

Business suit

The type of dress code that has the most stringent standards. As a rule, this category comes down to a kind of uniform determined by the employer. Most often, women are required to wear an outfit consisting of a smart suit. There is no room for creativity or sophistication here. Moreover, an individual approach to creating an office image is under no circumstances encouraged. With his attire, the employee must identify himself with the company, since he is its direct representative in relations with clients. In a sense he gives up his individual style in favor of the company's impersonal standard. This doesn’t sound very attractive, of course, but in fact, Clothing for business women also has many advantages.

Firstly, You can completely protect yourself from your work: you return home and relax, putting on your usual things. This way, you distance yourself from all work issues and problems. Secondly, there is no need to rack your brain every day about what to wear to work: you think through several universal looks and early on, without haste, simply dress according to the “scheme.” Third, you have two independent wardrobes: a working one (which is easy to put together if you adhere to specific requirements) and an individual one (colorful, extravagant and even a little crazy). Of course, the duality of style can also be viewed from the point of view of increased expenses or the ability to properly organize, but if you want, even with minimal effort you can create an amazing wardrobe.

Business casual style

This less strict clothing style, which still requires women to look professional and quite formal. Although this type of dress code allows for replacing the jacket with a sweater and other more comfortable alternatives, the overall look should still be very neat and elegant (that is, no .

Business casual style is often used in companies where “informal Fridays” are held.

The advantage of this standard is that that you can easily add several elements of your own style to it, making it more individual. Although the dress code does not allow miniskirts, you can still choose things in less muted colors or replace them with an elegant blouse. Differences in approach to this dress code depend on the requirements of a particular company.

Elegant business style

In fact, this category includes everything that adequate women working in an office consider to be an acceptable norm for work attire. After all, it goes without saying that business style does not allow flip-flops or revealing cleavage. Even though here no excessive demands, Styles such as, for example, rock and roll or romantic are generally inappropriate. The same applies to an abundance of jewelry or clothes with bright large prints.

Business woman: photos of clothing examples

Business style clothing for girls there are three possibilities. It's easiest to think of this dress code as the female equivalent of a male suit. That is, it should be a jacket, and with it - trousers, a skirt or a dress of the same color (black, dark blue or gray). Be sure to wear a shirt or modest blouse under the jacket. The color palette is muted, and the decorations are minimalist. Leather handbags and shoes should be dark or nude. The height of the heel should not exceed 7.5 cm (according to some sources - no more than 5 cm). Hair should ideally be tied up in a knot, but celebrities, as we see, often allow themselves to violate this rule.

In casual business style You can already play a little with color, take a few liberties with jewelry and prints. In a nutshell, this dress code can be explained as the epitome of elegance: no jeans or open-toed shoes! To diversify your suits, you can combine skirts/trousers and jackets from different sets. Moreover, sometimes you can completely abandon the jacket and replace it with a stylish cardigan. well and