How to organize a holiday and give everyone a great mood. We hold holidays, interesting lessons, do creative work, travel “Did you know?...”

by anton_borodachev 2 weeks ago
Fantastic films that everyone should watch. I remember that I promised you a selection of my favorite cartoons. And I even started compiling it, but at some point I realized that I was not yet ready to “announce the entire list.” So today, let me tell you about something else - and present to your attention a selection of my favorite paintings in the science fiction genre. Let me make a reservation right away: I know that many of you do not like this genre, so I tried to make this selection as universal as possible. There will be no action movies (like Edge of Tomorrow or District 9). And there will also be no old cult films (like “The Matrix” or “Blade Runner”). Compiling this TOP,

by anton_borodachev 2 weeks ago
While we live in the 21st century, the 22nd is already in full swing. There are skyscrapers, surreal buildings and robots everywhere (like in the movie “District No. 9”). I personally highly recommend that you include this city in your trip to the Netherlands. It is futuristic, bright, bold and completely atypical. . Do you remember a few days ago I told you about my trip to Brussels, and that I didn’t remember anything about the capital of Belgium? So with Rotterdam everything is exactly the opposite. This city will blow your mind and embed itself in your memory like samurai blades. . Ready to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of one of the most avant-garde, advanced and unusual cities

by anton_borodachev 1 week ago
CORONAVIRUS IN BELARUS. Friends, do you think that Belarus is doing enough to fight covid19 and prevent its further spread in our country? Lukashenko says there is no need to panic. But here are just a few cause-and-effect chains: . ✅Neighboring countries are closing their borders. Belarus - no. As a result, a certain “famous businessman” flies to Minsk from northern Italy and on March 9 takes tests at the LODE medical center, which turn out to be positive. At the moment, according to media reports, his case is the most severe in the country. . ✅A number of countries are introducing administrative and criminal liability for people who hid the fact of illness and their “travel history.” Let's get back to the case

by anton_borodachev 2 weeks ago
HOW DID THE CORONOVIRUS GET TO ME? . When I first heard about it, I didn’t pay any attention to this news at all. Our planet has already survived Ebola, the Zico virus and Stas Mikhailov’s concert in Perm, so all this news seemed somehow infinitely distant to me. I believed in China and sincerely believed that if anyone could cope with this scourge, it would be them. And this is one of the few beliefs of mine that has not changed until now. . And I also thought that the coronavirus was somewhere infinitely far away, on the other side of the world. But then the epidemic covered Italy, now they say that 9

You can have a great New Year's holiday not only at a ski resort, in restaurants or in cafes. What prevents us from having a fun and joyful holiday in our apartment or outside the city? Absolutely nothing. After all, the main thing is not where we spend the holidays, but with whom and how.

In order for the holidays to be remembered for a long time, ideas are needed - after all, it is they who predetermine how it will be decorated New Year's table what the menu will be like, what outfits to choose, musical accompaniment And so on. I've put together a few ideas that will help you make your choice and have a really fun New Year's Eve. These tips are suitable for those who spend new year holidays outside the city, and for those who gather company in a city apartment.

1.Home decoration, nice touches for loved ones

Of course, you will decorate your home long before the chimes strike. But if you want to please your guests, make friendly greetings using their photos (hopefully you have them). Draw new year poster, pasting a photo on whatman paper and writing a few pleasant wishes to everyone. Decorate a sheet of whatman paper in a New Year's style. Believe me, this “little thing” can warm hearts and will be very pleasant to the people close to you.

Or build a garland of photos wrapped in colorful tinsel. Attach a humorous poem of congratulations to each photo. If you lack imagination, look for the text on the Internet. Or you can hang it on each photo symbolic gift- a sign of what your friends would like to have in the coming year. Does your girlfriend want a car or a new apartment? Hang a bunch of keys on her photo. A fur coat? Build it from a piece of fur. Find a pair? Draw a heart. In general, you probably get the idea.

Of course, this is not the only way to decorate your home or dacha beautifully, unconventionally, but at the same time quite quickly and easily. Perhaps one of the ideas that you will find in this selection of New Year's publications will give you holiday inspiration:

  • DIY gift sachet for the New Year
  • 10 ideas for beautiful DIY New Year's candlesticks
  • 10 simple ideas New Year's decorations for the dacha
  • 5 ideas for New Year's decor from tangerines
  • How to decorate a house on New Year
  • How to turn a hall into a New Year's fairy tale
  • How to do christmas tree with your own hands
  • How to make a snowman... without snow

2. Board games for a large company

How to entertain a large group of friends? Invite guests to play interesting games Board games . Let's leave chess, checkers and lotto for other occasions - there are many wonderful, albeit less popular, entertainments.


Activity is a fun team game. Participants compete in guessing words using facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, verbal and graphic descriptions. The game is played against time: the more words the player can successfully show, explain, draw, and the more words the team guesses, the more points will be received.


In the game Alias, or " Say it differently“You need to be able to explain the essence of the word in a different way, without naming the word itself. To do this, connect creative imagination, synonyms and antonyms are used. A fun game that everyone loves!


The extremely exciting game Dixit with colorful cards can awaken the dormant powers of our intellect and cause an explosion of imagination! In each round, one of the players composes a phrase describing one of the pictures. Using this vague phrase, other players must select the desired image. And then it is determined how correctly everyone chose the picture. For all its undoubted advantages, this game has a significant drawback: you will have difficulty tearing your guests away from it, it is so interesting!


Set is a light card game that uses 81 cards. A game on attentiveness and ability to compare. The maps show simple figures, each of which has four characteristics. Some cards match 2-3 characteristics, some do not match at all. The players’ task is to discover identical comparisons on the cards as quickly as possible and joyfully exclaim: “Eureka!” or "Seth!" The game is dressed up and exciting, so while the guests are busy, you will have time to update the New Year's table and serve new dishes.

3. Twister - to the podium!

Invite your guests to play a fun twister - an active floor game that ignites everyone with energy from the very first minutes. And the one who will literally be able to get out (crawl, jump, roll, etc.) from the most difficult game situations, and will be the winner in the end. What is he supposed to do? That's right - a prize! What kind of prize it will be, think about it in advance.

4. Masquerade mafia!

Addresses, appearances, passwords - to the studio! Organize a masquerade mafia at home - an interesting one role-playing game with a detective story. Prepare cards, money, masks and surroundings. You can draw cards, print money on a printer, and use toy pistols, mafia caps (coppolas) for men and fake hats, fans and veils for ladies as props.

Play mafia!

Divide into clans, decide on a hierarchy, voice a set of laws and begin dividing up the territory, for example. Control zone: bathroom, kitchen, balcony, bedroom. Just develop the plot in advance and don’t forget the musical accompaniment: jazz or blues. Experiment! - and fun all night is guaranteed.

5. Positive “Crocodile”

It is interesting to “stretch” your intellect on New Year’s Eve by playing “Crocodile” - a game where a given word is guessed by others only with the help of facial expressions and gestures of the player depicting the essence of the word. For example, the word is given: bee. The player imitates flapping his wings, buzzes, etc., and those around him guess the word. Under no circumstances should you name the word, you can only depict it. In addition to the hilarious spectacle, all participants will also receive a lot of positive emotions. And most importantly - everyone can play this game: both children and elderly people.

6. Holiday cinema hall

You can also invite guests to view Comedy films with a pleasant entertaining plot. Where main character ends up on a white horse and saves the princess from robbers. Or hold a “cult mass” vote and decide together what to watch.

Santa Claus loves good movies too

If you're celebrating far from fast internet, have all your guests bring their favorite movies. And if you are celebrating a holiday in a narrow family circle, organize viewing of family videos. The children will be delighted! After all, they love stories about themselves.

7. New Year's cocktails

Not a single New Year is complete without alcohol, even if the owners are ardent supporters of a sober lifestyle. If you are one of those, prepare non-alcoholic cocktails for yourself. And offer your guests something exotic: a party fountain, mulled wine, mead, cider or punch. The process of preparing these drinks is an interesting and exciting activity. Some recipes for mulled wine, punch and grog, as well as a video illustrating the process of preparing these warming winter drinks, can be found in the article Country trifles that will warm you up in the cold (by the way, you can also get ideas for practical and original ones there). New Year's gifts friends)

  • Mulled wine

Sizzling hot mulled wine with spices and herbs will be appropriate after a walk, because it can drag on, and after frost it is especially pleasant to sip tart hot wine that cheers up the soul and body.

  • Party fountain

Organize a tiered party fountain with flickering LED lighting, and “launch” any drink of your choice through it: apple juice, lemonade, champagne. The pleasure is a little expensive, but if you can afford it, go ahead and sing!

  • Mead

Maybe you know how to make mead? No - there are plenty of recipes on the Internet. Surprise your guests with this ancient Slavic drink, which, in addition to its intoxicating effect, also has a healing effect.

  • Cider and punch

For lovers of light cocktails, prepare chilled cider - a wonderful apple drink (6-8 degrees of alcohol) that does not weigh down either the brain or the body. And for those who want something stronger, create a punch - a hot cocktail of rum and juice, exotically decorated with fruit.

Step back from traditional alcoholic drinks on New Year's Eve and prepare something “a little different,” unusual and excitingly delicious. And how pleasant it is to sip a warm strong drink near the New Year's bonfire in the country, enjoying the glare of the “living fire” and the fabulous mystery of the street Christmas tree shining with lights!

8. Karaoke

Singing karaoke is a good old tradition. Arrange song championship, in which there will be no losers. Such a New Year's song holiday will be remembered for a long time. However, it wouldn’t hurt to start by making sure that all your guests love to sing and are tolerant of the vocal abilities of other soloists

9. Darts

Play darts, but not the usual one, but an intricate New Year's one. Blow up the balloons. Inside each one place a rolled New Year's wish note and set up incendiary shooting ranges. And then let everyone read out loud what wish they received.

10. Theme party

To make your New Year's Eve memorable for a long time, organize themed party. What's in fashion now? Retro! This means that you can use the arsenal of your grandparents: antique dresses, hats and veils for ladies; tailcoats and top hats for gentlemen.

A themed party is fun!

What, you don't have any of this in your chests? And there are no chests either? It doesn’t matter, because the main thing is the idea! And there are no barriers to positive ideas. If you want to show your children what it was like “back then”, get sewing machine and build ancient outfits and hats. Your children's eyes will widen in surprise when they see mom in an old dress dancing a waltz with dad dressed in a tailcoat and top hat. Ladies and gentlemen behave accordingly, addressing each other as “you”, men kiss the ladies’ hands and, with a bow, invite them to dance. This can only be seen in movies now. What's stopping you from having a live movie at home?

There are several more incendiary entertainments for the New Year (and not only!) holidays.

  • Play “live” computer games.

The point is that you don’t play while sitting on your pants, but move actively and cheerfully. You can play together. Suitable for children from four to 80 years old, and maybe more. This miracle is called Nintendo wii, Microsoft Xbox + Kinect or PlayStation Move. If buying such a set-top box is expensive, then you can try renting or borrowing from friends. It's worth it! Watch the video, if you don’t understand English, don’t worry, everything will be clear.

  • It's fun to play Mr. Grinchwho stole christmas.

To do this, cut out two footprints from paper for each player and, quickly moving them, race to get to the tree. Whoever gets there first must “steal” the toy - the prize. You should only step on comic paper trails. The game of Mr. Grinch can also be played outside, if your dacha is not covered with snowdrifts, of course, and you have dressed it up in advance street tree and cleared the passages.

  • Or you can aim for a whole fairy-tale performance

And let Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf save his betrothed, Ali Baba defeats the robbers, and the magic cat “keeps walking around the chain”

If you'll be spending the holidays with kids, read our thoughts on how to keep them entertained. And if you’re out of town, or at least in the park, read 15 entertainment ideas on fresh air.

Imagine! I hope you liked my ideas. In conclusion, let me give some gentle advice: do not use pyrotechnics and fireworks in your apartment. This is fraught with an increase in the number of celebrants for an entire fire brigade. The article How to arrange a New Year's fireworks display at your dacha will help you organize this outdoor entertainment without any problems.

Vera Pishchur
The musical and literary composition “We are celebrating our holiday in honor of the Olympics” was performed with children of the preparatory group

Musical and literary composition

"We We are celebrating our holiday in honor of the Olympics"

Educator: Pishchur Vera Gennadievna, first qualification category.

Children's age: 6-7 years

Program content.

1. Give an idea of ​​history Olympic Games.

2. Consolidate knowledge about winter sports.

3. Foster a love of sports and physical exercise.

Progress of the event:

Children stand in pairs, holding flags with Russian symbols and winter mascots. olympiads.

Leading: Kindergarten champions are coming

Not yet open records squads

They will increase sports glory

Happy change of our country

Banners fly over the stadium

Joyful songs sound everywhere

Walking in step in a slender column

We are going to a sports parade

Rearranging children with flags under music:

Children read poetry (installation):

1. All Russia is happy!

We have Olympics!

World Sports Festival

Waiting for us in winter.

We are welcoming, hospitable,

We are waiting for guests and therefore we are pleased!

Come and perform

And, of course, win!

Many prizes await you.

Be prepared and be healthy!

2. We carry out winter holiday mine

We are in honor of the Olympics

Come on, come on together, kids.

Let's all shout Fizkult-hurray!

3. In ancient times in the ancient world

25 centuries ago

Cities didn't live in peace

Brother went to war against his brother

4. And the wisest decided

Eternal quarrels are terrible

It is possible in courage and strength

Compete without war

5. Let in Olympia will arrive

Who is brave and strong

There will be peaceful battles

Battlefield stadium

6. From Ancient Greece, from Hellas

An example to everyone in the new century

Revived Olympics

Modern man

Children sing a song « OLYMPICS 2014»

Leading: lines from a poem were read before the song

"revived Olympics modern man ", that man was Pierre de Coubertin. Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the author Olympic Charter. Olympic A charter is a set of basic rules. He is the initiator of many Olympic traditions - Olympic oath before the start of the games, relay race with Olympic flame. On his initiative, a decision was made to organize during Olympics of art competitions. Olympic the symbol is five intertwined multi-colored rings, signifying the unity of the five continents - this is also his idea. And now we want to ask you:

1. What sports title does a team receive, an athlete forever? (Olympic champion)

2. What is the motto Olympic Games? (faster, higher, stronger)

3. Continue the statement of Pierre de Coubertin (the main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation)

4. What are there? olympiads?

5. Where is fire produced for olympic games?

6. In which country and in which city will the winter events take place? Olympic Games?

7. Conducted ever again Olympic Games in our country?

8. Which animals have become symbols Olympic Games in. Sochi?

9.(show photos of famous biathletes Romasko and Medvedtseva) What are our athletes famous for? (They Olympic champions)

What do the different colored rings mean? Olympic the boys will tell us about the flag.


1. In the East, early and early the sun gilds the windows,

That's why yellow is the color of Asia! (picks up the yellow ring)

2. The color of the grass is green, hello from Australia! (raises green ring)

3. And America shouldn’t be without its own signs,

Red color - sends greetings to you! (raises red ring)

4. Everyone knows that black is the color, hello to sultry Africa! (raises black ring)

5. What is the color of Europe? Blue - European color,

Friendship trails from Europe, they hurry to us - there are no obstacles! (picks up the blue ring)

6. Five rings, five circles - a sign of the five continents.

A sign that means that sport is like a mutual friend.

All nations are invited to mine World - peaceful circle.


Leading. :

Winter is circling the Earth again your own round dance

May health, joy, strength, winter sport will bring us

PUZZLES: Guess winter views sports.

*The athlete gets up on skates

He rushes forward quickly (speed skating, short track)

*Here are the athletes on skates

That's how they dance - just "Ah" (Figure skating)

*There is such a sport in the world, it is popular in winter.

You run on runners, hurrying after your opponent. (Ski race)

*It’s hard, no matter what you say, to rush down a mountain at speed!

And there are obstacles - there are a whole series of flags,

The skier needs to pass them,

There is a reward for victory. (Skiing)

*You could name this athlete right away!

He is an excellent skier and a sharp shooter!


RELAY 1. "Biathlon" (they run on fake skis to the target, hit the target with a snowball)

2. "Bobsled" (a girl sits on the ice, two boys roll her, who is faster)

POEM "Winter starts"

We didn't wait for winter in vain:

Frosty day under a clear sky

All future champions are rushing to the stadiums.

A ski track has already been laid for you and me.

The skates have been sharpened for a long time, the filled skating rinks are shining!

The flags are visible on the slopes again -

Everything is ready for the competition.

Here is the puck, sled, stick, helmet -

What is here for what is clear to everyone.

“Come on!”, “Press!”, “Even faster!”

Everyone around is cheering so loudly,

It’s as if the ruddy winter suddenly started skating on its own!


*I've heard a lot about this sport:

Aerial acrobat on skis. (Freestyle)

*Springboard is a steep mountain, so high.

An athlete on skis races from it faster than a bird.

(Ski jumping)

*He looks like one board, but he’s proud of his name,

It's called. (Snowboard)

*I’ll throw a stone across the ice into the “house”,

And I will sweep his path with a brush. (Curling)

*There’s a game in the yard in the morning, the kids are playing around

Screams: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -

So there's a game there. (Hockey)

RELAY RACE: 1."Hockey" (with his stick he drives the puck-snowball to the goal and hits it into the goal)

2. “Bobsled four” (four participants have a stick clamped between their legs, whose four will arrive first).




Even before Olympians, the road is long for us,

Let us get paper medals for now,

But we will hope that many years will pass

We will finally get real medals!

We hope that the holiday did not upset anyone

We tried, we tried, we put in a lot of effort.

Thank you all for your attention, we will tell the guests.

People love holidays and look forward to them. Before a special event, the main question arises: how to organize a holiday? To make the event interesting, it is better to entrust such an important matter to professionals and find a suitable event agency that will organize your holiday in full. An event agency is a company that provides organizing services various events, from corporate events to birthdays.

How to organize a holiday for real

These days, event agencies are extremely popular. Such companies provide turnkey services. They actually take care of the organization themselves. All you have to do is voice your wishes and preferences.

But today not everyone can afford the services of event agencies. You will have to show creativity, ingenuity and imagination to make the holiday a success.

We are planning to organize a holiday

Let us note important points that should not be ignored when organizing a holiday:
. Location
. Holiday menu
. Guest list
. Party theme
. Hall decoration
. Scenario

When you are thinking about how to organize a holiday party, one of the important points of the event is the holiday menu. First, you should determine the format of the party: will it be a banquet, a buffet or an outdoor celebration.

If the celebration involves a grand feast, the menu should include appetizers, appetizers, hot dishes, and a sweet table. If this is a light buffet, various canapés, sandwiches, and skewers will be suitable. Appetizers for a buffet table are designed so that they are easy to take; everything should keep its shape and not fall apart on the way to the plate.

Have you decided to have a barbecue? Consider who will grill and serve the meat. To avoid standing at the stove all day, or even two, order catering services.

Where to hold the celebration?

Decide on the venue in advance. Nowadays organize a holiday possible everywhere:

  • Outdoors,
  • on the ship,
  • in a restaurant,
  • at the dolphinarium,
  • even on the roof.

Check out the venue in advance. Plan your guests' accommodations. There must be enough free space for everyone to be comfortable. No one likes to sit too close to each other or crowded into a small area.

How to organize an enchanting holiday? It should be ensured that waiters move freely and have access to each guest. Designate a designated smoking area. It is better to organize it further away. Some people cannot tolerate nicotine. If you have invited artists, think about where they will perform. Set up a stage or space for performances and dancing.

Holiday themes

Plan any topics you like. Consider the preferences of the majority of guests. You don’t need to focus only on your own interests. Send out invitations in advance with the theme and dress code announced. Guests should be prepared for the upcoming entertainment.

This could be a party in a national style or based on a literary work or film. Everyone will be interested in taking part in a quiz dedicated to the selected country. Prepare small souvenirs to reward the winners.

Select a country. Let's study interesting facts about her.
. We prepare national clothes of the selected country.
. We inform guests about the dress code.
. Cooking traditional dishes selected country.
. We choose thematic musical accompaniment.

You can have an unforgettable gangster party in the style of Chicago of the 30s. Prepare appropriate outfits. Stock up on pistols, cigars and whiskey.

Corporate event

How to organize a holiday for office workers? Sometimes, in order to save money, a company entrusts a responsible employee with organizing a corporate event. As a rule, this is an office manager or HR manager. It is better to immediately discuss the details of the event with the team.

Don't take on all the organizing tasks yourself. Involve employees. Distribute responsibilities. Your job is to plan. Seek advice and don’t be shy about asking your colleagues for help. Discuss how and where the corporate party will be held. An important point will be the budget of the event. Discuss everything in detail, especially the menu.

Nowadays, entertainment such as quests is popular. This is great entertainment for any occasion, especially a corporate party. Participants are divided into teams with an average of 4 people. Create different tasks. For example, find a treasure or get out of a locked room.

How to organize a birthday

Have you decided to arrange for your to a loved one unforgettable birthday? We'll have to try not to let expectations down. Make the hero of the occasion the center of the event. You can organize a competition to see who can give the most correct answers about the birthday boy.

Prepare a surprise. Invite an artist or musician, perhaps a group of performers or a magician. If time and finances allow, find a party host. By starting to prepare in advance, you can look for great deals.

Children's holiday

All parents want to give their child the best holiday. Today, not all parents can afford to celebrate a child’s birthday at an entertainment center. To make the holiday successful interesting home, prepare the program in advance. These are various competitions, quests, outdoor team games. Be sure to prepare incentive prizes.

Children love surprises very much. Let each child go home with a small souvenir. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time. Decorate the room with balloons and come up with fun decorations. Nowadays there are all sorts of interesting things on sale for children's parties, and you don't have to worry too much.

Table decoration for kids

How to organize a holiday for children with beautiful treats? Cake and sweets will do. Children usually eat little at such events, as they are mostly busy playing. There is absolutely no need to cook many complex dishes.

Children's sandwiches and vegetables and fruits will be enough. Decorate everything beautifully. There are many options for healthy snacks for kids online. Buy bright festive disposable plates, cocktail straws and sandwich skewers. Stock up on plenty of water and juice. Children love juices and cocktails.

How to decorate a room for a birthday - video

Fantasize, improvise, even take risks (within reasonable limits), and then you will be able to organize a holiday that will be the best.

Key manager Privezentseva L.G.

Issue No. 2

October 2017

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“Are you aware?...”

Topic continued on page. 2

No. 2from 2 5 October

“Are you aware?”


To tell friends and parents about our interesting classroom life, we decided to publish a monthly newspaper “In the Course”.

Parents are “In Contact”, but they should be aware that their children are now the creators of the COOL magazine “In the Course”. Let's keep up to date with the events of our class! J

Our class motto is “We are like the colors of the Rainbow, never separable” - and it’s true!

Our class is very friendly, cheerful and joyful! We are all very friendly, we know how to cheer up those around us! Of course, there are also pranks (where would we be without them).

Our wonderful one helps us in all this. classroom teacher Liliya Gennadievna! She helps, supports and inspires us! We are very interested in her.

In the class, each child has his own hobby and each is wonderful in his own way. We all have a lot of fun together, and are very sad when we are on vacation. We know how to support each other in difficult times, cheer each other up when it’s sad, help when it’s difficult. Ours Lessons are always very fun and even funny!

We cannot sit still and do nothing. We are full of energy and this is always welcome! Of course, we are friends and communicate with each other! When a new student arrives, we always greet him with a smile! (And this has happened more than once) we always have cool ideas that Liliya Gennadievna helps us implement. I love our class very much! And I want it to always remain as cheerful, cool and most importantly cool!

The article was prepared by Milana Zarkhamatova.

During holidays

Repeat vocabulary words, memos, copy texts

Work on your portfolio, prepare for the competition

No. 2 from October 25 p.3

"Boys After 20 Years"

Boys after 20 years"

Article prepared by: Gorokhova Ksenia

No. 2 from October 25 ____________________________________________ page 12

Locker room

You should arrive at school 10-15 minutes before the bell rings for classes. All students must be in class no later than 5 minutes before class. When entering the school, immediately change into replacement shoes. Leave things in the locker room on your hanger; for this, outerwear must have a loop. For replacement shoes, don’t forget a spacious bag.

At the lesson

Don't be late for class unless there is a good reason. Prepare in advance your notebooks, textbooks, pen, pencil, ruler and everything else you will need in class. During the lesson, keep silence, listen to the teacher, without being distracted, without talking, without doing other things. It is not allowed to chew gum, swear, disrupt class, disturb classmates or the teacher, or cheat. Don't interrupt your teacher or classmates. If you want to answer the question posed, do not shout, but simply raise your hand.

School canteen

Each class visits the cafeteria at a certain break, so as not to destroy order. Don't come to the dining room without taking off outerwear. Conversations with classmates should be conducted quietly and calmly so as not to disturb those having lunch next door. There is no need to run to the dining room, push everyone and jump the line to the buffet, ahead of the kids. Follow all table manners. Treat all school cafeteria workers with respect. Clean up your dishes every time after eating.

Rules of conduct during the excursion and on the excursion bus.

1. You board a clean bus. You must get off a clean bus. In this regard, it is prohibited to leave garbage, chew seeds, leave empty bottles, candy wrappers, fruit peelings, etc. on the bus.

2. For traffic safety, while the bus is traveling along the route, it is prohibited to walk on the bus; you cannot stick your head or hands out of the windows. You cannot open windows unless absolutely necessary and without the permission of the group leader.

3. In order not to distract the driver’s attention when driving a vehicle (bus), it is prohibited to talk loudly or shout.

4. During emergency braking, you must rest your feet and hands on the seat in front.

5. In the event of an accident, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the driver, group leader or those replacing them.

6. When the bus stops, do not get up from your seats until specifically instructed by the group leader or tour guide. You must get off the bus one at a time, without jostling. You also have to take turns getting on the bus. The group leader is the last to enter the bus to check its size. He is the last one to leave.

7. The excursion is for a group. During the excursion, you must listen carefully to the guide, do not talk, and do not disturb others. If the excursion is connected with a visit to production, you must strictly adhere to the group, do not touch anything without permission in order to avoid injury (getting into the moving mechanisms of machines, burns, etc.).

8. If you need to go to the toilet or feel unwell during the excursion, you need to contact the group leader.

9. When visiting a store at an enterprise to purchase souvenirs, do not crowd or jostle, respect the queue, and be polite so as not to leave a bad impression of yourself.

GUYS! Remember that the entire school will be judged by your behavior. Be polite and helpful. An excursion is not a picnic, but an educational trip.

Musya the cat by Yulia Kezhaeva.

My cat's name is Musya. She really loves crab sticks and sausage. Musya was born even before me, but she still looks like a little kitten. I love my Musechka very much!

Tube was an artist. He knew many words that artists use. Dunno also tried to learn these words. Help Dunno correctly write down what is shown in the pictures:

The first printed book in our country appeared in...

A) 1473 B) 1623

C) 1564 D) 1795

Key manager Privezentseva L.G.

Issue No. 2

October 2017

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Project activities.

“Are you aware?...”

We present to your attention the second issue of a class 4 “A” newspaper

“In the know”… Stay up to date with our news and class events.

Topic continued on page. 2

No. 2from 2 5 October

“Are you aware?”

___________________________________________ p.2

There are many children in our class who study well and participate in olympiads and competitions. Many children draw well, write stories and even poems. Collect interesting items. There are also athletes in the class.

We celebrate holidays interesting lessons, do creativity, travel.