High blood pressure in the second trimester. What to do and what to take for high blood pressure during pregnancy, as well as causes, signs and risk factors. List of allowed products for high blood pressure

Carrying a fetus by a woman is accompanied by a stressful state of the body, which often causes high blood pressure during pregnancy. Immediate examination helps to concentrate on therapy in time, and adherence to daily rules prevents the development of chronic forms of hypertension.

What indicators are considered normal for pregnant women?

Measuring blood pressure in pregnant women is a mandatory periodic (once a day/week) procedure. Normal blood pressure for a healthy adult is 120/80. Due to the load from the fetus, this figure is higher in pregnant women. In medical practice, pressure is considered natural in the range from 90/60 to 140/90. The specific meaning depends on the characteristics of the organism.

IMPORTANT. The “working” norm during pregnancy is considered to be 100/60 and 110/70.

If the upper pressure (systolic) is high and the lower pressure (diastolic) is low, this indicates the presence of serious problems in the body.

What is hypertension and hypertension?

Hypertension (arterial hypertension) is a symptom of vasoconstriction, accompanied by an increase in pressure, upper and lower, over 140 and 90, respectively. There are 3 degrees of this disease, which can occur latently and without pronounced symptoms.

During pregnancy, hypertension is detected by the following signs:

  • with frequent blood pressure measurements (2-3 times a day with an interval of at least 4 hours), when the pressure remains stably at 140/90 and above;
  • headaches (temporo-parietal zone);
  • buzzing and tinnitus;
  • visual impairment (“stars” in the eyes);
  • weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue;
  • palpitations, chest discomfort;
  • feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Hypertension is a disease that also involves high blood pressure (during pregnancy), but in the presence of any pathology. Most often, an unclear etymology or cause of high blood pressure is diagnosed. The main difference between hypertension and hypertension is considered to be the stability of its course, in contrast to the manifestation of frequent pressure surges or when a high pulse is palpable at normal pressure.

Risk factors for arterial hypertension

Many factors contribute to the development of the disease. The main causes of pressure surges during pregnancy are:


They are the most common cause of high blood pressure during pregnancy. The female body actively produces hormones in each trimester of fetal development. Laboratory tests examine the concentration of hormones produced in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland. The concentration of active substances and their breakdown products is determined by collecting blood and urine.


High blood pressure sometimes becomes a hereditary factor and is passed on from one of the parents. At a doctor’s appointment, the expectant mother is advised on this matter, identifying all possible reasons symptom. The danger of this form of hypertension lies in the long-term nature of disruptions in the functioning of blood vessels in the absence or insufficiency of treatment.

Diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system

The main mechanism of these diseases (transferred, untreated, present) is a failure in urination or blood circulation. The presence of a concomitant illness during pregnancy complicates the removal of harmful compounds, heavy metals and salts from the body. Obesity often develops, metabolism slows down, and the load on the heart muscle increases. Therefore, during pregnancy, diets are followed under the supervision of a doctor.


Young mothers and women aged 30–35 years often experience high blood pressure during pregnancy. The main cause of the symptom is age characteristics body. The body is either too young (immature) for the load from the fetus, or is not entirely healthy due to the influence of various factors.

Stress, mental illness, head injuries

Mental illnesses, as well as stressful conditions, are associated with the sympathetic part of the head. Pituitary hormones are responsible for the course of diseases. A deficiency or excess of certain substances causes high blood pressure not only during pregnancy.

External factors

External factors directly include:

  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • salty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • physical exercise;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight;
  • weather;
  • ecology.

These factors become the development of various pathologies in the body. During pregnancy, they are treated with special care.

Risks to the fetus and mother

High blood pressure negatively affects the course of pregnancy. The importance of its normalization is dictated by a large list of risks and possible consequences.

In the 1st trimester

  1. Impaired blood supply in the pelvic area, placenta, and tissues in the fetus.
  2. Fetal hypoxia.
  3. Slow fetal development.
  4. Miscarriage.
  5. Partial placental abruption.
  6. The need to terminate the pregnancy.
  7. Development of convulsive syndrome (eclampsia).

In the 2nd trimester

  1. Development of gestosis (late toxicosis, renal failure, edema, protein in the urine).
  2. Placental abruption with bleeding.
  3. Abortion.
  4. Death of a child.
  5. Hypertensive crisis from gestosis.
  6. Development of pathologies in a child.

In the 3rd trimester

  1. Hypertensive crisis.
  2. Perinatal death of a child.
  3. Death of mother and child due to blood loss.
  4. Retinal detachment.
  5. Early birth, prematurity.
  6. C-section.

What to do if blood pressure constantly rises?

There are many ways to return high blood pressure to normal, and in most cases they are safe for the development of the fetus (with the right approach).

Proper nutrition

During pregnancy, high blood pressure can be reduced by eating foods rich in magnesium. In some cases, the doctor prescribes protein diet with abstinence from simple carbohydrates.
They cope well with pressure at any time:

  • dairy products;
  • fatty fish (halibut);
  • chicken eggs;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables (eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • fruits (melons, apples, citruses);
  • berries (cranberries);
  • bran;
  • olive and coconut oil;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • greenery.

Traditional medicine

Various decoctions of inflorescences, berries, seeds, etc. are considered an effective remedy for combating high blood pressure. During pregnancy, people often drink infusions (water) of rose hips, pumpkin decoctions, freshly squeezed viburnum juice and fruit juice.

An infusion of peony flowers, mint leaves, motherwort or valerian root is also often used.
In later stages, follow strict instructions when using such medicine.


Reducing high blood pressure with the help of medications is allowed only in consultation with a gynecologist.

Depending on the causes of pressure, various medications are prescribed:

  • diuretics, thiazides (diuretics: canephron, phytolysin, clopamide, indapamide);
  • vasodilators (hydralazine, methyldopa, dopegit);
  • calcium antagonist drugs (verapamil, isradipine, nifedipine, normodipine);
  • adrenaline beta blockers (metoprolol, atenolol, labetalol, besiprolol);
  • Magnesium B6 tablets, Magnerot;
  • vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

IMPORTANT. The most commonly prescribed drugs are papazole (the safest and most effective), dopegyt, methyldop, aldomet (they reduce blood pressure to its normal level).

Which pills to take in the third trimester depends on the emergency of the situation. For mild ailments, it is advised to move less and ventilate the premises often. At week 40, in case of high blood pressure, hospitalization is necessary; tablets are selected strictly individually.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises at any stage of pregnancy are advisable for many reasons. Correct technique breathing has a relaxing effect, relaxes muscles, improves blood flow.

It is worth taking into account that gynecologists recommend taking courses on teaching proper breathing during childbirth. The ability to “breathe” will set the mother up for a more painless birth.

  • In the first trimester, classes improve the functioning of the digestive organs and circulatory system. This helps restore pressure to normal.
  • In the second (trimester) - lung function improves. Due to the increase in fetal volume, the internal organs (especially the lungs and diaphragm) are slightly displaced and compressed. Breathing techniques help restore the previous volumes of air intake.
  • In the last trimester, gymnastics prevents the development of fetal hypoxia by normalizing intrauterine pressure.


During pregnancy, it is a way to strengthen the back muscles, get rid of swelling of the legs, and improve blood circulation. Negative consequences for a child with special technology does not occur (until birth).

Before enrolling in yoga courses, you should find out whether it is dangerous for the mother's health. High blood pressure (chronic) coupled with obesity, polyhydramnios, increased uterine tone or an excess of hormones are direct contraindications.

The reasons for the ineffective effect of yoga on pregnant women (with high blood pressure) are diseases affecting hormonal levels and the urinary system.

Other options

Effective measures to reduce high blood pressure during pregnancy are a variety of physical activities and activities (trainings). To improve your well-being, it is not necessary to sign up for fitness and gymnastics clubs for pregnant women. It is enough to determine your own set of exercises by consulting with your doctor about which exercises are safe and what is strictly prohibited.

Water aerobics and regular swimming in the pool are suitable for reducing blood pressure.

In modern medical centers, pregnant women are provided with herbal medicine and hirudotherapy services. These sessions reduce blood pressure, just like effective medications. In the first case, plant herbs are used, which reduce blood pressure by 10–15 points. In the second case, leeches are placed (in the vaginal and pelvic areas). Several sessions of hirudotherapy help improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.

More in a simple way Fast walking, frequent walks, tourism and positive emotions are considered to maintain the body's performance during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should take into account that during flights, blood pressure rises significantly. The main signs of high blood pressure at altitude are stuffy ears, a feeling of anxiety and oxygen starvation. Before the flight, learn basic techniques for overcoming such symptoms.

Childbirth with chronic hypertension

Women with any form of hypertension (prehypertension) natural childbirth may be contraindicated for various reasons. Most often done C-section. If aortic dissection or abnormal cerebral blood flow is detected, the pregnancy is terminated by abdominal caesarean section.

Emergency conditions

Emergency hospitalization of a pregnant woman at any stage is carried out if the blood pressure exceeds 30 points.

If hypertension is present, pregnancy is often interrupted for health reasons (induced labor).

The following ends with an emergency interruption:

  • severe forms of gestosis and its consequences;
  • deteriorating condition of the fetus;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • stroke or heart attack due to pressure;
  • bleeding.

Useful video

You can find out more information about high blood pressure during pregnancy in the video below:

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a serious reason to consult not only with a gynecologist. Neglect of the situation threatens abnormal development of the fetus or hypoxia. To normalize blood pressure, it is recommended to use only safe methods. In case of severe and chronic diseases associated with high blood pressure, a woman is not allowed to give birth on her own. In rare cases, hypertension during pregnancy causes female body irreversible consequences leading to the death of both mother and child.

One of the most common symptoms of the development of various pathologies while expecting a child is high blood pressure. Since the expectant mother’s body is very vulnerable during this period, gynecologists carefully monitor blood pressure during regular examinations.

High blood pressure during pregnancy

As a rule, any woman knows her own normal blood pressure (BP). For some it is slightly lower than the generally accepted norm, and for others it is slightly higher. It is not for nothing that women who are going to become mothers have their blood pressure measured at the clinic, because these indicators determine the health status of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Medical norms for blood pressure during pregnancy are 100/60 -140/90. But while expecting a child, these figures can vary up to 15%.

Hypertension during pregnancy is extremely undesirable, since the load on the heart increases, blood output increases, and blood vessels narrow. In this condition, embryo growth slows down due to lack of oxygen. Excessively high blood pressure in pregnant women sometimes causes placental insufficiency and early placental abruption. This can cause fetal death or spontaneous miscarriage.

Blood pressure during early pregnancy

Both a decrease and an increase in blood pressure levels are dangerous for early stages pregnancy. Alarming numbers for an expectant mother on a tonometer are from 140/90, especially if they are observed regularly. Increased blood pressure during early pregnancy indicates the presence of gestational or chronic arterial hypertension:

  1. Gestational hypertension. An increase in blood pressure causes pregnancy. Pathology in the early stages leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, which reduces the fetus’s consumption of essential nutrients.
  2. Chronic hypertension. Deviations are caused by pathological processes that develop in a woman’s body. The most common causes of complications are endocrine disorders or kidney disease.

High blood pressure during late pregnancy

When there is a constant increase in blood pressure during pregnancy, the woman has a high risk of developing preeclampsia. A dangerous disease can develop at any stage, but more often begins in the third trimester. Preeclampsia leads to disruption of the blood flow, vascular system and important organs. Pregnant women with chronic stress, infections or intoxications are at risk.

High blood pressure during late pregnancy can develop due to heredity. If relatives on the female side suffered from hypertension, then the pregnant woman has a high probability of encountering this pathology. What to do if later Can't you lower your blood pressure on your own? You should definitely contact your doctor, who will refer you to a hospital for examination and observation.

Why does blood pressure increase during pregnancy?

Starting from the second trimester, a pregnant woman’s blood volume increases, but the bloodstream remains the same. Due to this condition, signs of high blood pressure occur: tinnitus, headache, heaviness in the lower extremities. Other causes of high blood pressure during pregnancy:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • alcohol, smoking while expecting a baby;
  • regular overexertion, constant stress;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands and/or thyroid gland;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • physical inactivity;
  • unbalanced diet.

Signs of high blood pressure during pregnancy

An accurate and quick way to find out your blood pressure is to measure it using a tonometer - an electronic device that every pregnant woman needs to have. If such a device is in home medicine cabinet no, then you can find out about the presence of hypertension if you listen to your condition. The main symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy:

  • the appearance of red spots or general redness on the chest, face;
  • the appearance of “floaters” before the eyes;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • stomach ache;
  • increased weakness;
  • bad feeling.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous during pregnancy?

In most cases, expectant mothers begin to suffer from edema, and this makes life very difficult. The consequences of high blood pressure during pregnancy are arrhythmia, general weakness, and blurred vision. This problem does not require delay in going to the doctor, as it can lead to placental abruption, which is dangerous for the baby. Among other things, high blood pressure may indicate eclampsia, which is characterized by rejection of the fetus by the mother's body. Complications are accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine or severe weight gain.

How to reduce blood pressure during pregnancy

There are several ways to normalize blood pressure during pregnancy. The most common is taking pills. However, pregnant women should not do this on their own, as it can provoke dangerous conditions. The second method is traditional medicine, but this option should also be accompanied by observation by a specialist. If a woman’s blood pressure does not go off scale to prohibitive heights, then it can be reduced by daily walks, lack of stress and a review of the diet. Sweet, salty, spicy and fried foods should be excluded from the menu.

Blood pressure pills during pregnancy

Drug treatment for hypertension is prescribed by a doctor. Before the pills are prescribed, the pregnant woman is sent for laboratory tests, where she needs to undergo extensive urine and blood tests. You may need to additionally undergo an electrocardiogram and an ultrasound of the heart. After this information, the gynecologist will prescribe medications for blood pressure during pregnancy. If blood pressure is slightly elevated, then Papazol tablets are prescribed. You can quickly lower your blood pressure with drugs such as Egilok, Dopegit. If hypertension is severe, then a 10-day course of Nifedipine is prescribed.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure during pregnancy

When using natural medicines before giving birth, a woman must always listen to her body’s reactions. The slightest discomfort in the form of nausea or gastrointestinal upset requires immediate discontinuation of treatment. To reduce blood pressure, fruit and berry juices and drinks made from them are used. The following juices gently relieve hypertension:

  • beet;
  • carrot-apple;
  • lingonberry;
  • pumpkin;
  • pomegranate;
  • cranberry.

Other folk remedies for hypertension in pregnant women:

  1. Rose hip decoction. Pour boiling water (0.5 l) over a handful of berries, then cook for 10 minutes. The drink should be cooled and then drunk three times a day until results are obtained.
  2. Dill seeds. Grind 2 tbsp. l. seeds, then pour boiling water (0.5 l) in a thermos. After an hour, the drink should be strained and taken before meals 3-5 times a day.
  3. Pumpkin with honey. Cut the pumpkin (200 g) into pieces. Cook over low heat until done. Add 2 tbsp. l. honey, consume in equal portions throughout the day.

How to reduce a pregnant woman's blood pressure at home

Some foods help lower blood pressure. These include: low-fat dairy products, vegetable oils, seafood, cereals, fish, bran. In order not to harm the child’s health, it is better to coordinate the daily diet with a specialist. You can reduce blood pressure during pregnancy at home if it suddenly increases with the help of a cushion, which you need to place under your feet while lying down. Next, you need to provide the woman with an influx of fresh air and call an ambulance.

In order to avoid hypertension during pregnancy, you need to do gymnastics as much as you can, move more, and maintain body tone. Preventive measures:

  • do not abuse hot baths;
  • remove coffee and chocolate from your diet;
  • accept cool shower;
  • do acupressure at the base of the back of the head;
  • Regularly ventilate living rooms.
  • No matter what natural physiological state pregnancy is for a woman, the body experiences stress
  • Increased tension in the bloodstream is especially common after the sixth month of pregnancy.
  • Although hormonal levels stabilize in the second half of pregnancy, blood circulation continues to intensify.
  • A second circle of blood circulation appears, new vascular branches are formed and blood volume increases. Such changes force the heart to work harder

Additionally: all expectant mothers should add to the list of mandatory procedures by monitoring blood pressure readings. It is recommended to measure your blood pressure weekly.

It is better to purchase an electronic tonometer for home: its operation does not cause difficulties. If a pregnant woman is at risk or feels unwell, her blood pressure should be measured daily.

There is no need to worry about high blood pressure. You just need to tell your doctor about it. When should increased blood pressure above normal cause concern? Let's find out in this article.

  • Unstable blood pressure and its “jumps” are considered normal for an expectant mother
  • It is important for a pregnant woman to monitor her well-being in order to prevent the development of congenital pathologies in the child and neurological disorders in time
  • Full development of the baby will be ensured only by a favorable environment and good health of the expectant mother.

A blood pressure of 120/80 is normal for a healthy person. Systolic (upper) pressure is shown by the first number, and diastolic (lower) by the second.

  • In a pregnant woman, normal blood pressure should not exceed 140/90 and drop more than 90/60. In a pregnant woman, indicators can vary within 10%. Deviations in indicators of 15% or more should be a reason for a visit to the doctor
  • Meanwhile, individual indicators may differ from the norm. They are influenced by many factors, including body characteristics, weight, and the presence of diseases.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to know your “working pressure”. To do this, indicators are regularly measured independently at the same time when you are feeling well.
  • The numbers that the antenatal clinic doctor records on the exchange card show the woman’s condition only during the next appointment, and therefore do not reflect the full picture

  • If a pregnant woman often experiences hypertension, then it is better for her to purchase a tonometer and measure her blood pressure in the morning. If unwanted symptoms appear, it is necessary to measure indicators every day
  • An absolutely healthy expectant mother, who feels great, can have high blood pressure. In this case, inflated values ​​are caused by anxiety about the upcoming examination by a gynecologist or “white coat hypertension,” as doctors call this condition

Symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy

The woman herself will realize that her blood pressure has increased. This will be indicated by headache, dizziness, nausea. Other symptoms that indicate blood pressure higher than normal include:

  • Vomiting may occur after nausea
  • ringing in the ears and black spots appearing in the eyes
  • red spots appear on the body
  • weakness increases

Sometimes a woman begins to feel unwell only with severe hypertension

High blood pressure during pregnancy in the first trimester

  • In the first trimester, the joyful state of the expectant mother can be overshadowed by high blood pressure
  • If the indicators increase excessively in the first trimester, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor, because this can lead to a decrease in blood circulation and fetal hypoxia. The baby's oxygen supply and nutrient intake may be blocked.
  • In the early stages, vascular damage leads to damage to the placental bed. As a result, spontaneous miscarriage occurs

High blood pressure early in pregnancy (before the sixth month) causes developmental delays in the baby. Other dangerous consequences may include:

  • placental insufficiency
  • bleeding opens
  • chronic hypoxia occurs
  • placental abruption may begin

If measures are not taken, then with such negative changes the likelihood of sudden termination of pregnancy increases.

Who is at risk when blood pressure rises above normal:

  • those who suffered from hypertension before pregnancy
  • in whom doctors diagnosed cardiovascular and autonomic disorders
  • for diseases internal organs
  • pregnant women with kidney problems
  • overweight
  • for hormonal disorders

If there are no problems and you feel well, blood pressure levels gradually decrease until the end of the first trimester.

  • This is a consequence of a decrease in vascular tone. Until the end of the first trimester, blood pressure remains at minimum levels
  • If a woman suffers from hypertension, then it is necessary to begin to combat blood pressure disorders even before pregnancy
  • The so-called “whims” and “jumps” in blood pressure can also be corrected during pregnancy. The main thing when preventing high blood pressure is to regularly measure your readings.

High blood pressure during pregnancy in the second trimester

  • The second half of pregnancy occurs with consistently low blood pressure. If we compare it with the readings before pregnancy, then in the second trimester the first number (“upper”) pressure decreases by 10-15 mm. rt. Art., and the second number (“lower” pressure) decreases by 5-15 mm. rt. st
  • However, women often begin to notice increased blood pressure from the sixth month. This does not cause any discomfort in the pregnant woman, but for the baby, increased blood pressure at this stage can cause serious problems. Blood pressure increases usually due to an increase in blood volume by ½ liter
  • A pregnant woman is advised to rest and follow a special diet. Refusal of sweets, fatty foods, salty and spicy foods should become the rule. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself in advance. Instead of butter You can spread homemade cottage cheese with herbs on the sandwich
  • A large amount of liquid consumed is also undesirable. It is recommended that a pregnant woman drink 2-2.5 liters per day. Give preference to under-salted foods
  • A pregnant woman needs to avoid conflicts, worries, and stress. But if you don’t have the strength to cope with your worries on your own, then the doctor will select suitable sedatives or antispasmodics.

High blood pressure during pregnancy in the third trimester

The third trimester is characterized by increased blood pressure. At the time of birth, blood pressure readings are set at the levels that the woman had before pregnancy.

At 32-38 weeks, blood volume increases to 1 liter, and closer to childbirth - up to 1.5 liters. The heart is under severe stress: frequent contractions increase blood output by 40-50%. The pulse also increases. Now it can be 80-90 beats per minute.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous during pregnancy?

High blood pressure readings indicate the presence of a dangerous disease for pregnant women - gestosis. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that it causes dysfunction of vital organs. The circulatory and cardiovascular systems are especially subject to negative changes.

  • The presence of gestosis is indicated by the appearance of severe swelling on the hands and feet. Edema appears due to microscopic holes in the vessels that occur after the placenta produces special substances
  • Liquid and plasma protein penetrate into the microholes. Edema itself does not pose a danger to the expectant mother. But swelling of the placenta, which develops with gestosis, leads to a lack of oxygen for the baby
  • Pressure above normal is not always a sign of the development of gestosis. But there is another danger. Vascular and placental changes affect the growing fetus: blood circulation between the fetus and mother decreases. Phytoplacental insufficiency develops. And this is a direct threat to intrauterine development

Important: With hypertension, the fetus develops hypoxia. Fetal development slows down. A child is born with congenital pathologies. It is not uncommon for babies to be born with neurological disorders.

Treatment of high blood pressure during pregnancy

There are many causes of high blood pressure, so treatment requires consultation with your doctor. Drugs are selected individually.

Pregnant women with blood pressure higher than normal are at risk. Treatment of such patients is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

How you can reduce the risk of high blood pressure:

  • adjust the daily routine: work and rest should alternate
  • The duration of night sleep should not be less than 8 hours
  • Daytime nap is advisable
  • Diet food is food with a lot of protein foods and vitamins
  • with limited intake of salt, fatty and carbohydrate foods

Low-risk pregnant women can be treated without the use of medications. They are prescribed physical therapy, light work schedule, rest and light physical activity.

  • Pregnant women at high risk are prescribed treatment with medications
  • Some drugs used to lower blood pressure may have a negative effect on fetal development. But most drugs are not dangerous for the child
  • If the tonometer records 170/110, then self-treatment to no avail. Immediate hospitalization will be required

Anti-high blood pressure pills for pregnant women

Accept medications If you have high blood pressure, pregnant women on their own initiative are strictly prohibited. Not a single pill for hypertension is absolutely safe for a baby.

  • Among the recommended drugs for lowering blood pressure, magnesium drugs can be distinguished - Magne B6, Magnerot. Therapy with magnesium supplements is effective for those suffering from hypertension. During pregnancy there is a deficiency of this microelement
  • Doctors also prescribe specialized medications for pregnant women with high blood pressure. Treatment should begin when the tonometer readings are more than 140/90 mmHg. st
  • If future mom Even before pregnancy, she was taking medications that lower blood pressure, but now these medications may have to be replaced. During a consultation with a doctor, safer medications will be selected for the pregnant woman.

Foods that lower blood pressure during pregnancy

In folk medicine, motherwort, rowan, and hawthorn are used to lower blood pressure. Melissa, mint, and valerian root are very soothing.

It is enough to hang a sachet (fabric bag) with valerian root and mint at the head of the bed. You can also slightly lower your blood pressure by drinking beetroot or cranberry juice.

What should a pregnant woman's diet be like if she has high blood pressure? By following simple rules, you can normalize blood pressure if it rises above normal:

  • You should avoid tonic drinks (strong tea, coffee)
  • limit salt intake, acidic foods(during normal kidney function, pressure does not increase), because the kidneys do not like pickles and marinades
  • increase consumption of plant foods and animal proteins (lean meat)

Anastasia, 28 years old: “During pregnancy, I was bothered by headaches and rapid heartbeat. The only thing that helped was good, full sleep.”

Natalya, 32 years old: “At week 38, the pressure jumped sharply to 135. This is against the norm of 115. This did not affect my well-being in any way. But such an increase in pressure became decisive when prescribing stimulation"

Daria Vitalievna, 56 years old: “To prevent the development of gestosis, doctors recommend that pregnant women constantly monitor their blood pressure readings. When she was pregnant, I told my daughter-in-law that there was no point in being embarrassed and afraid of bothering your doctor again because of high blood pressure. After all, even a slight deterioration in a pregnant woman’s condition can have serious and irreversible consequences for the baby.”

Let your pregnancy pass without “jumps” in blood pressure, and let your baby be born healthy to the delight of your parents!

Video: high blood pressure in pregnant women

Why does the doctor monitoring your pregnancy constantly ask about your blood pressure? Why isn’t feeling well enough reason to stop controlling your blood pressure? What symptoms should you pay especially close attention to - and should you be afraid of taking medications to lower your blood pressure?

Specialists from the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction answer these questions.

Normal and high blood pressure during pregnancy

How is arterial hypertension treated?

First of all, please note: to cope with hypertension, you need to be observed by both an obstetrician-gynecologist and a therapist. Hypertension is treated not only with medication, but also with lifestyle adjustments.

    eliminate emotional stress;

    spend at least 2 hours a day on fresh air;

    change your diet: no more than 5 g of salt per day, a minimum of vegetable and animal fats, an abundance of grains, dairy products and plant fiber;

    be physically active (within reason),

    accustom yourself to rest during the day (“bed rest”);

    keep your hypertension under control, get tested regularly, and do not stop antihypertensive therapy without special instructions from your doctor.

In some cases, you may also be prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures: electrosleep, inductothermy of the feet and legs, diathermy of the perinephric area.

Is it possible to manage only with non-drug measures?

This is quite possible if you were previously hypertensive, your blood pressure does not exceed 140-150 over 90-100, there are no serious pressure surges, and you have no signs of damage to the kidneys, fundus or fetoplacental system.

However, if the results do not give desired result, it is worth switching to drug treatment and starting to take antihypertensive drugs.

Isn't it harmful for pregnant women to take blood pressure medications?

It depends on what medications. Naturally, under no circumstances should you take “on duty” pills from the medicine cabinet or take medications that your mother (grandmother, friend) takes. But, fortunately, there are a number of medications that are harmless to the fetus. The doctor who is caring for your pregnancy will prescribe them for you.

Blood pressure and pregnancy: algorithm of actions

Situation 1. I am hypertensive and planning to get pregnant. What should I do?

It is very good that you are taking care in advance to ensure that the pregnancy proceeds normally. We are much more able to help you before pregnancy than during it.

    First of all, buy a tonometer and check your “working” pressure. To do this, you need to collect information about your blood pressure levels over several weeks and then report the results to your doctor.

    The therapist will prescribe you a course of antihypertensive therapy, which will help you get your blood pressure under control. After this, you can safely carry your pregnancy to term.

    Your blood pressure problems may also be related to overweight– then your doctor will recommend that you adjust your diet and lifestyle changes, and also carefully monitor your weight gain.

    Be prepared for the fact that you will need to monitor your blood pressure levels during pregnancy.

Situation 2. I am hypertensive, I am already pregnant and have not undergone antihypertensive therapy. What to do now?

You're not alone: ​​It's quite common for pregnant women to experience high blood pressure during the second trimester of pregnancy, around week 20. This may be due to the development of the placenta, the patient’s lifestyle, or other factors.

You realize that you have a problem with blood pressure - and that’s already good. If you do not ignore your doctor's recommendations, you will most likely be able to carry your pregnancy to term.

    Monitor your blood pressure, see a therapist and cardiologist regularly;

    Do not refuse antihypertensive therapy if prescribed to you;

    Follow a diet, avoid stress, and monitor your blood pressure regularly.

Situation 3. I am pregnant, I feel great, but my blood pressure persists.

1. Buy a tonometer and measure your blood pressure regularly. Record the results: if high blood pressure persists for more than a few days, consult a physician.

2. Get treatment. Obstetrics is very conservative in terms of the choice of drug treatment: you will be prescribed drugs that will definitely not harm either you or the child.

3. Don't refuse hospitalization. If treatment does not give the desired result, or the doctor believes that the risk is high, he will suggest that you go to hospital. No one has the right to force you to go to the hospital - but you are responsible for your life and the life of your child.

    Avoid coffee, strong tea and chocolate;

    Eliminate smoked meats, pickles, fatty and sweet foods from your diet;

    If you have not yet quit smoking, quit as soon as possible;

    Find time for daily walks, play sports if you have no contraindications;

    Don't skip visits to the doctor, get tested regularly and listen to yourself carefully: at the first appearance of alarming symptoms, consult your therapist.

If you notice that your blood pressure is always higher than normal when measured by your healthcare provider, you most likely have white coat hypertension. Most likely, you are very worried at the doctor’s appointment, and this prevents you from getting the most accurate picture. This syndrome is observed in 20-30% of pregnant women. If this is the case, you should measure and monitor your blood pressure regularly throughout the day and report the results to your doctor.

The article discusses high blood pressure during pregnancy. We talk about its causes, signs and symptoms in the first, second and third trimester. You will learn the dangers of hypertension during pregnancy, what medications and means to use to reduce high blood pressure.

While carrying a child, it is necessary to regularly measure your blood pressure, since high blood pressure is equally dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus. In a tonometer, the first number indicates systolic pressure, and the second - diastolic pressure; their values ​​in a healthy person are 120/80.

During pregnancy, it is important to measure your blood pressure regularly

During pregnancy, the blood pressure norm is slightly different - it should not exceed 140/90 and be below 90/60. In addition, pressure indicators largely depend on individual characteristics.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is diagnosed in more than 30 percent of women, and only 4-8 percent experience serious, including fatal complications. If you feel a deterioration in your health and observe a regular increase in blood pressure, then it’s time to consult a doctor.


Experts include the following as the main causes of hypertension during pregnancy:

  • regular stress - the inability to solve problems or frequent nervous tension leads to pressure surges;
  • genetic predisposition - if one of your relatives suffered from hypertension, then there is a high probability that you will also have this pathology;
  • obesity, overweight body - pay attention to your weight, if necessary, follow a diet during pregnancy;
  • lack of compensatory forces of the expectant mother's body - the heart cannot cope with the increasing volume of circulating blood;
  • diabetes mellitus - pathology itself does not cause hypertension during pregnancy, but diabetes can act as an unfavorable factor;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland.

Headache is one of the signs of high blood pressure


The easiest way to find out your exact pressure is to use a tonometer. It is most convenient to use an electronic device, but some experts argue that a regular tonometer is much more effective and costs less.

You can determine hypertension by how you feel. The main features are:

  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • tinnitus;
  • nausea;
  • “flies” before the eyes”;
  • pain in temples;
  • red spots on the face, chest;
  • general weakness.

In some cases, hypertension does not have any symptoms, and you can only find out about it when you measure your blood pressure.


Many expectant mothers are concerned with the question of how to reduce blood pressure during pregnancy at home without harm to themselves and the baby. Self-medication is prohibited, as an incorrectly selected drug can lead to miscarriage or serious complications. If you are concerned about hypertension, see your doctor immediately!

After the examination, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. It must be strictly adhered to, avoiding changes in the dosage of the drug and duration of administration.

In some cases, hospitalization may be required, during which specialists will draw up an individual birth plan taking into account hypertension. Most often they are performed using epidural anesthesia.

Often, in the last weeks of pregnancy, re-hospitalization may be suggested to correct blood pressure before childbirth.

You can take medications for hypertension only after your doctor’s permission

Drug therapy

What to do to lower high blood pressure? Enough to accept medicines, which are approved by specialists. The group of such drugs includes:

  • β-blockers - do not have a teratogenic effect. Can be used only from the 2nd trimester. While taking medications, a decrease in the fetal heart rate may be observed, for this reason they should be taken only in the recommended dosage along with monitoring the intrauterine condition of the fetus. Medicines: Atenolol, Nebivolol, Labetalol.
  • Dopegit (Methyldopa) - can be used from early stages of pregnancy, but shows the greatest effectiveness only for up to 28 weeks.
  • Calcium channel blockers - acceptable for use from the 2nd trimester. Suitable for emergency treatment with high blood pressure. Forms with slow release of the drug are produced, which allows you to reduce the number of doses to 1 time per day. Drugs: Nifedipine, Normodipine, Verapamil.

You can use medications during pregnancy only after your doctor’s permission.


Following the principles will help reduce blood pressure during pregnancy proper nutrition and these tips:

  • Reduce the amount of salt you consume.
  • Eat foods that contain a large number of potassium and magnesium. This will help reduce vascular tone and also remove excess liquid from the body.
  • Consume only vegetable fats. Reduce the amount of animal fat to 40 g per day.
  • Reduce or completely eliminate simple carbohydrates from your diet: sweets, sugar, refined foods.
  • Eat portions and small portions.
  • Forget about coffee, chocolate and strong tea. They are undesirable during pregnancy and also increase blood pressure.

Folk remedies

In some cases, it is permissible to use funds traditional medicine to reduce blood pressure, but only after permission from a doctor. Below are recipes for preparing healing remedies.

Infusion with hawthorn


  • rose hips - 20 g;
  • hawthorn - 20 g;
  • red viburnum - 20 g;
  • linden flowers - 20 g;
  • blueberry shoots - 20 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • calendula - 20 g;
  • motherwort herb - 20 g;
  • heather shoots - 20 g.

How to cook: Grind all ingredients and mix. Take 2 tbsp. the resulting mixture, then pour boiling water. Simmer for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then leave at room temperature. Strain.

How to use: Drink 100 g of infusion after meals 3-4 times a day, add honey to it if desired. The duration of treatment is 45 days.

Honey-cranberry mixture


  • cranberry juice - 100 ml;
  • honey - 100 g.

How to cook: Combine products, mix.

How to use: Take the product 1 tsp. three times a day. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks.

Infusion with valerian root


  • crushed valerian root - 30 g;
  • dried grass - 30 g;
  • viburnum flowers - 30 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • heather shoots - 30 g.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients, then take 2 tbsp. pour the resulting mixture into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 2 hours, strain.

How to use: Take ¼ cup of warm infusion four times a day. Course - 30-45 days.

Honey-pumpkin broth


  • pumpkin - 200 g;
  • water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, then boil over low heat. Cool.

How to use: Add a little honey to the broth. Drink 50 ml twice a day.

Ignoring treatment of hypertension leads to serious consequences


Why is high blood pressure dangerous during pregnancy? If left untreated, hypertension can lead to a number of negative complications. Let's take a closer look at the danger that hypertension poses by trimester.

1st trimester

High blood pressure in the first trimester is not uncommon. This condition needs to be treated as quickly as possible, since ignoring therapy increases the risk of fetal hypoxia, decreased blood circulation and insufficient supply of nutrients to the child.

In early pregnancy, vascular damage contributes to placental damage. This is dangerous because it can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Frequent hypertension can negatively affect the child, causing developmental delays. Other complications include:

  • development of placental insufficiency;
  • the appearance of severe bleeding;
  • formation of chronic hypoxia;
  • possible placental abruption.

2nd trimester

Usually, by the second trimester of pregnancy, the pressure normalizes and worries the pregnant woman less. If the pathology does not go away, then consultation with a doctor is also required.

Hypertension at this stage can cause insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus and its intrauterine death.

3rd trimester

High blood pressure is not uncommon in the third trimester. This is due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and low mobility of the pregnant woman.

This condition is also dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus. To the complications listed above is added the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, as well as endocrine system disorders in the child.

The pathology threatens a woman with premature birth, eclampsia and an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus, chronic forms of impaired blood flow in the brain and heart in the postpartum period. Another dangerous condition is gestosis.


To prevent hypertension during pregnancy, follow these recommendations:

  • Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. It is also recommended to rest during the day for several hours.
  • Avoid physical and emotional overload.
  • Take leisurely walks in the fresh air and moderate exercise. Such methods improve blood supply to the brain and internal organs, and have a positive effect on the physical and emotional state.
  • Monitor your weight gain. During your entire pregnancy, it is advisable to gain no more than 12-15 kg. Eat healthy products, avoid sweets, soda and various snacks.
  • Measure your blood pressure twice a day in both arms to promptly notice fluctuations in blood pressure and prevent the development of hypertension.

Compliance with these simple rules will help prevent hypertension or treat it in the early stages.