Games pregnant at 16 to play. Pregnant games. Doctor, stylist, hairdresser for pregnant women

When the expectant mother finds out that she is having a baby, she is ready to flutter with joy. From the first days she prepares to meet her baby, buys toys, clothes, a stroller crib - all these are gifts for her cute little one. In her dreams, a woman imagines how her son or daughter will smile, say the first word, take a timid first step. How the baby will get to know the world, make progress, and she will become proud of him and with delight and enthusiasm convince her friends how special, unique, and unlike the rest he is.

In order for the baby to be born a real strong one, the mother tries to eat right, and after the birth of a new little person, she gives him all the attention, affection and care. The world begins to revolve around a small, defenseless creature. New mothers want to do everything right and are always worried. Being a mother is also a job that you need to learn. To teach parents how to handle their babies, there is a special school for pregnant women, and for girls who are curious to learn about the intricacies of the parental role, free games pregnant women.

Important Game Topics

Special clothes are sewn for pregnant women, books give all kinds of nutritional recommendations, physical exercise and general well-being, and games for pregnant girls play out aspects of the temporary state of a woman while she is expecting a baby. Our section contains only fun things about pregnancy, which are divided into topics:

Waiting for the baby

If a woman is pregnant, she does not drop out of life, but continues to do the things she loves, but now she has an additional interest. A growing belly can be beautifully emphasized with stylish clothes, which are created in abundance by designers. Hairstyles, manicure and makeup are also relevant. But now you need to eat healthier food, rich in vitamins, and only occasionally treat yourself to baked goods, sweets and store-bought lemonade.

Games pregnant mothers open courses on cooking various dishes, including many delicious and healthy recipes. You will become the main assistant for the heroine, taking on the bulk of the work in the kitchen so as not to tire the expectant mother.

Cleaning will also fall on your shoulders. When a pregnant woman's belly becomes too large, it is difficult for her to bend down to pick up things from the floor. Sometimes too many of them accumulate, and then you will come to the rescue, because the cleanliness of the room also contributes to health. Laundry is also important, so this responsibility awaits you. Also, prepare the nursery by renovating it, placing new furniture and toys.

Shopping in the clothing department for children is a real festive event. Little vests, rompers, tops, blouses and hats are so cute and soft that you want to buy more new things. Our heroines also happily go shopping for children's things, anticipating how they will put this beauty on the baby.

Pregnant women acquire a special beauty, and some even become models, posing for magazines. Even the world famous slender and blonde beauty decided to become a mother, as reported by the Pregnant Barbie games. You will go through with her important stages pregnancy. She remains true to herself and continues to dress stylishly, monitors the condition of her hair and skin, adheres to doctors’ recommendations in order to soon go to the hospital, where she will meet her wonderful baby.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid the first, second and third even in the virtual world (let alone the ordinary one!). But it is in your power to make the experience as comfortable as possible for both the woman in labor and her baby. Moreover, this is precisely the goal that our new exciting Childbirth games set for gamers, offering to try on the role of an experienced online obstetrician.

For those who are not afraid of difficulties

So, having launched games for girls Childbirth, you will put on a virtual white coat, arm yourself with a stethoscope and go to examine a potential mother who is about to give birth to her first child. No one knows exactly when this will happen: in a day, five minutes or half an hour, so you need to be prepared for any surprises. But there is no need to be afraid. The process of each Rhoda game is equipped with super detailed instructions and tips that appear on the screen every minute. Thanks to them, you will not only not get confused in the sequence of actions, but you will also know exactly when to use which tool.

By the way, during the game for girls Childbirth, pregnant women will address you very differently. In addition to famous fairy-tale heroines like Disney princesses, other cartoon characters have decided to have offspring, for example, the pony Twilight Sparkle from the cartoon “Friendship is Magic.”

Probably, when you started playing games about pregnant women, you imagined how they would give birth and how you could help, but you hardly thought that you would need to give birth to horses. However, the tips will help you out this time too. Yes, and giving birth to horses during the game will still be different from the way they are in real life. Twilight Sparkle won't even have to move from her cozy crib to the delivery room, much less to a special table. Although this is rather an exception to the rule. Even in games, pregnant women usually give birth in a maternity hospital, where there is all the necessary equipment and the ability to provide them with any assistance in a timely manner, and not in their own bedroom. But what won’t you do for the pony princess! So, quickly roll up your imaginary sleeves and do everything possible to help Sparkle and other expectant mothers meet their long-awaited babies as soon as possible.

With the development of the virtual world, now every girl has a unique opportunity to play the role of a stylist on the flash website. The task of the stylist is to transform pretty expectant mothers who are in the most beautiful state given by nature - pregnancy. Each heroine of the game is a girl with her own character, her own preferences in clothing, but you can’t do without the help of a stylist. It will really be in front of you not an easy task: you need to choose a wardrobe. You need to help expectant mothers choose the most suitable dress, or maybe elegant trousers that will highlight their beauty expectant mother, or a light blouse. You can and should also select beautiful accessories that will emphasize unique image expectant mother, and stylish shoes.
Not all games are as simple as they might seem at first glance. For example, a girl may take it into her head to give a rating on a 100-point scale for the image that you have chosen for her. A young mother needs to try to please, because she must be beautiful and irresistible among all the other girls, delight loved ones and passers-by with her unique beauty expectant mother. You have a chance to play pregnancy games and give wonderful sensations to virtual expectant mothers absolutely free!

In the life of every woman, sooner or later this wonderful state occurs - waiting for the birth of a baby. Happiness can be different for each person. Some people dream of a luxurious home, others - large quantities money, but all values ​​change dramatically after the birth of a baby.
Children are the meaning of life, the most important component for all parents. That is why every mother tries to give her child the best that she is able to provide: warmth, affection, care and much more. It is thanks to everything that parents give to the baby that the child grows up grateful and able to pass on this warmth, affection and care to his children.

The best pregnancy games for young mothers

Pregnant games are a good opportunity for girls at any age to feel like a mother - even virtually. Surely every girl, from childhood, understands that someday she will become a mother, and she will need to surround her baby with care, giving him all of herself. However, before diving into adult life while expecting a baby, the girl must be ready for this. The best mom You can be in the world when you are ready for motherhood.

Pregnant Games

Do you like to play mother and daughter? Do you like taking care of children? Do you like medicine? Pregnant games for girls are a great option for exploring the world of motherhood. Here you can help fairy-tale characters both bear and give birth to a baby, as well as help in caring for the children. For beautiful expectant mothers, you can choose unusually beautiful outfits, as well as buy things for children.

Waiting for the baby

When a woman finds herself in an excellent state of pregnancy, she does not drop out of life at all - she may well continue to do her usual things, it’s just that additional interests and even additional meanings appear in life. The belly is getting bigger - and you need to choose a new wardrobe for it. Makeup, manicure and new hairstyles are also relevant. Pregnant games even allow you to adjust the virtual menu of virtual mothers. To protect yourself from additional worries in the kitchen, you can completely take on even part of these worries.
With the help of the Pregnant game, you can feel absolutely all the worries of an expectant mother, including even cleaning the house. It is so interesting that girls literally stick to the monitor and happily explore the features of motherhood. This is really useful, because with the help of such a game it is quite possible to adapt to the role of a mother in life. This is useful because it allows you to prepare for motherhood. The girl will not be afraid of motherhood, as often happens.

Tell your friends about the games!

Pregnant women are different, and so are games about them.

The happiness of becoming a mother is granted to many. Being pregnant, girls continue to live an ordinary life, except that from time to time they require increased attention to their own person. And they have every reason for this. And if pregnant women are different, then the games with their participation are not the same. Here you can find mahjongs, puzzles, and many offers about taking care of your appearance and creating a fashionable image.

Some pregnant women cannot do without shopping, others demand attention and invite guests. Girls go to the pool, go to the solarium, to the cosmetologist, everyone, without exception, visits the doctor and monitors how their pregnancy is progressing and the baby is developing. And then, in due time, they give birth. All this is reflected in the games.

It's always important to be beautiful

Pregnant girls are very picky about their appearance. They all think that they don’t look very good. But in games these are not quite ordinary people. Here you can meet princesses, mermaids, fairies and sorceresses, extravagant Monster High girls and a lot of painfully familiar characters who have decided to prolong the race, sometimes far from human.

In such games, pregnant women will need to choose makeup and hairstyle, as well as stylish wardrobe. Find not only color combinations that will help distract attention from temporary changes in your figure, but also suitable styles. By the way, be prepared for the fact that some of the girls will want, on the contrary, to tell the whole world that they are expecting a new baby and show off their growing belly.

During the game, pregnant women do not mind looking for new clothes in stores on their own. In this case, you will need to coordinate their actions and help with their choice.

Taking care of the baby

In many offers, you will have to take on the role of a caring doctor and part-time nanny. During pregnancy, it is very important to follow a routine, eat right, and visit a doctor on time so that he can observe how the child develops. During the game, you will have to prepare freshly squeezed juices and salads for pregnant girls, make them take vitamins and go for checkups on time.

Inspection in the virtual world is not much different from the real thing. At the appointment, pregnant women will have to measure their temperature and blood pressure, listen to their heartbeat, weigh themselves, measure their abdomen and do an ultrasound. Typically, the gameplay of such games is designed in such a way that it is quite easy to understand in what sequence you need to act. Some games of this type consist of several stages. In this case, everything can begin with taking vitamins and feeding the girl in the position, continue with a trip to the examination and end with childbirth. It goes without saying that the newborn will have to be immediately calmed down, dressed and shown to the happy mother. By the way, water births are quite popular in the virtual world.

Why are these games useful?

WITH early childhood girls begin to take on the role of mother. First they play with baby dolls and raise dolls, then they become daughters and mothers. Now girls have the opportunity to game form learn how to behave correctly while expecting a long-awaited baby.

During the game, pregnant women lead an active lifestyle, do not lose self-confidence, find activities to their liking, develop, and at the same time take care of the baby inside, protecting and preserving it in every possible way. Games of this kind will help girls realize that being pregnant is not so bad, even despite the fact that their figure deteriorates somewhat for a while. An optimistic attitude is very important for expectant mothers; pregnant women should not have any complexes about temporary changes.

Games about pregnancy help the younger generation understand how women feel, what they want, what they worry about, how they behave, and how to take care of newborn babies.

Flash drives are opportunities for younger ones to feel like mothers. Games are useful for little ladies, because any girl can be lucky enough to be a mother. An important clue is that the characters leading the important role are heroines of cartoons and stories. Princess Jasmine from Aladdin, Diana, Snow White, etc. attract children's interest. Girls have a chance to control their favorite cartoon heroines.

Games are often updated with new princesses, fairies, mermaids, and stars. Girls with a baby in their bellies take care of getting enough vitamins. Some worry about their own appearance. Others are about hard work. All of them are united by the need for care and attention.

During this period, pregnant women try to acquire more and more charm. They want to be beautiful with the crumbs in their belly.

Each player gets a unique chance to try themselves in the role of an excellent designer. The player transforms young girls, gorgeous women in pregnancy.

Dress up for pregnant women

All the heroines of the games have different tastes, they have different style preferences. Therefore, it is difficult to cope with this task without the help of girls. The challenge is choosing a wardrobe. Take care of the selection of elegant dresses, chic blouses or excellent trousers, as well as elegant accessories, bags, and comfortable shoes for expectant mothers. Thanks to stylish things, ladies will be able to emphasize their beauty even in their interesting position.

Games for girls hospital for pregnant women

You must take care of the health of the heroines, pay attention to healthy image life. After all, the life of the defenseless baby who lives in your stomach now depends on you. We need to put an end to harmful habits. Thanks to careful care, you can get a happy, healthy, cheerful baby. Pregnant women can often be capricious during these periods. Carefully and patiently take care of women in connection with their difficult situation.

In maternity hospital games, it is periodically necessary to take women to hospitals. There they will be able to get checked and find out about the baby’s condition. This is an exciting moment for them, they are concerned about the health of the baby, expectant mothers are waiting for your help, support pregnant women. Take care of the babies, bathe them, change diapers, feed them, put them to bed. Think about future plans with younger age. The game can be just as useful for adults. To gain experience in this topic, you should first of all play the games from the “Pregnant” section. Be prepared to experience everything you have gone through here and become an ideal mother.