Individual diet according to date of birth. Eating according to Feng Shui. Menu by date of birth

A diet based on your date of birth is not only a great way to lose weight, but also a good opportunity to restore and cleanse your body of toxins. Using numerology by date of birth, you can determine the number of your essence, which will tell you the right diet to normalize the metabolism in the body and strengthen the immune system. You can calculate your essence number by adding all the numbers in your date of birth. For example: 05.23.1963 = 2+3+0+5+1+9+6+3 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. The result is the number 2. Now you can find out what will tell about your individual nutrition essence number: 1 – number of the Sun. People of this number need to include orange and yellow foods in their diet: oranges, tangerines, carrots, apples, corn, pumpkin, melon, bananas, etc. All this will charge you with energy and restore strength. People of the Sun need to eat boiled and stewed foods, and avoid fried foods. Honey is very beneficial for them. 2 is the number of the Moon. The diet of people of this number should include natural products white: cabbage, apples, white grapes, potatoes, cheese and dairy products. All this will help normalize metabolism and cope with problems in the gastrointestinal tract that people of the Moon often encounter. 3 is the number of Mars. The diet should include red foods: beets, tomatoes, peppers, apples, pomegranates, grapes, rowan berries, strawberries, wild strawberries, etc. In addition, nettle is useful for “Martians”. It can be included in soups and salads, as well as tea or decoction. 4 is the number of Mercury. People of this number are recommended to eat light but energetic foods. These are mushrooms, nuts, carrots, parsnips, cabbage. Bread made from large varieties of wheat or with the addition of caraway seeds or seeds is good for them. To raise their mood and vitality, people-fours need to eat sprouted grains. 5 is the number of Jupiter. The wards of this planet need to focus their diet on foods of black, crimson, and purple colors. People of Jupiter are strictly forbidden to snack. If they want to eat, then the meal must be substantial. The following products will be useful: cherries, figs, blueberries, raspberries, peaches, eggplants, beets, grapes, currants and other natural products of the above colors. 6 is the number of Venus. The diet of people of this number should include blue and blue color. In addition, they will be beneficial for health flour products and sweet. But you shouldn’t abuse all this. To boost energy, Venus people are recommended to start their day with a cup of warm cocoa. 7 is the number of Saturn. The diet of this group of people should include the following foods: mushrooms, spinach, avocados, celery, pineapples, grapefruits, cucumbers and cabbage. Black tea with lemon or green tea with baked milk. 8 is the number of Uranus. According to the numerology of numbers, the people of this planet will benefit from fish, rye bread, grape wine, black tea, persimmon and strawberries. And to support the immune system, it is recommended to drink tinctures of strawberry, mint and sage leaves. 9 is the number of Neptune. This group of people will benefit from seafood. In order to stay healthy and always be in good shape, it is recommended to eat a decoction or soup of frozen seaweed, fish pate and caviar. Healthy drinks include chicory decoction, freshly squeezed juices and coffee. Numerology by date of birth allows you to create your own individual diet and determine the most beneficial foods for the body, which will get rid of excess weight, help cleanse the body and normalize metabolism.

A person must eat to replenish his energy. At the same time, both realistically and spiritually. We all need to replenish vital energy and physical strength, so we actively absorb food and information. A diet based on date of birth is good for enriching the body with individually necessary nutrients and energy.

Diet by date of birth for 9 life path numbers

Our date of birth contains a lot of valuable information about us, and this also applies to nutrition, which will allow us to get the maximum amount of energy and even reveal our potential and talents more widely. Yes, yes, you were right, and so are talents, since an optimal supply of energy allows you to move mountains. The list of products proposed below can be either a regular diet or a periodic diet. Try it and you will appreciate the burst of energy that “your food” will give you.

So, we focus on the Life Path Number - it will be a simple number obtained from the sum of the numbers of your full date of birth: Number of the day + Number of the month + Number of the year. For example, date of birth is 09/18/1963, then

  • (1+8)+9+(1+9+6+3)=9+9+19=37,
  • reduce it to simple 3+7=10
  • and 1+0=1.
  • Therefore, the Life Path Number will be 1.

Number 1

In the Unit menu you should enter all fruits and vegetables of yellow and orange color: oranges, tangerines, yellow grapefruits, lemons, peaches, apricots, yellow apples, yellow plums, yellow cherries, bananas, yellow mangoes, duchess pears and"burra", carrots, pumpkin and corn.As well as sunflower seeds andalmonds. It is good to consume ghee,unrefined sunflower and corn oil. From cereals follows give preference to corn.

Among the seasonings, pay attentionfor ginger, saffron, nutmeg, bay leaf, cloves. Very Herbs and flowers of chamomile, St. John's wort and calamus root will be useful. ANDThere must be honey on the table.

Make yourself a “Single” menu from the presented products. Start the day with juices and salads from the suggested fruits and vegetables, continue with pumpkin or corn porridge, bake pumpkin or make a pie, snack on nuts, and end the day with a spoon of honey.

Number 2

Among products for Twos, cabbage of all varieties and in all forms occupies a special place: raw, boiled, stewed, pickled, etc. and even juice. And also all fruits and vegetables are white and some are colored. Turnips, radishes, radishes, potatoes (preferably baked), chicory are suitable for you. Choose rapeseed oil and use it generously. Fruits include white plums, white apples, melons, white grapes, coconuts, and pineapples.

You can season salads with flax seeds. Plantain is a great herb. And be sure to consume rennet cheeses, milk jelly, fresh cottage cheese and whey throughout the day.

Number 3

For C grades, it is good to eat vegetables and fruits of red, burgundy and crimson colors: beets, all types of peppers and pomegranates, strawberries, wild strawberries, viburnum, raspberries, rowan, red grapes, red apples. As well as hot seasonings, onions, garlic, peppers and horseradish. It is best to season salads and soups with virgin rapeseed and unrefined olive oil.

The ideal choice among herbs for C grades would be nettle. Use it in soups, make juice, brew it as tea.

Mustard, horseradish, ginger, garlic dressings are what will suit you perfectly as seasonings to quickly replenish your energy supply. Also for you Have a good mood 25 grams of tincture is allowed, for example, pepper, viburnum or ginger.

Number 4

Diet according to date of birth for people with number 4emphasis on greens - salads with parsley are suitablekoy, dill, cilantro, mint, tarragon. Also for your daily energy replenishmentjust need snacks, for example,nuts, seeds.

Good to consumegrain bread, oatcakes, anyflakes. Oatmeal, cheese and quaileggs, as well as mushrooms in any form, should be included in your regular diet.

And for the shattered nervous system of Fours it will be simpledecoctions of mint, cumin, tarragon and even dried seaweed are needed cabbage

Number 5

Fives, you need nourishing and varied food, do not try to get enough “on the go”, this will only lead to internal disharmony. Among fruits and vegetables, choose those that are colored crimson, lilac, violet and black: raspberries, cherries, barberries, black currants, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, red gooseberries, black grapes, figs, prunes, red peaches and grapefruit. Prepare juices from these fruits and berries (preferably without sugar or with brown), make jam or freeze for the winter.

Among vegetables, eggplants are simply necessary, both fried, stewed, salted, and dried, both as a main dish and as an appetizer. Well, Fives can’t do without beets, black olives and asparagus in soups, salads, side dishes, appetizers and dressings, and don’t forget about black and purple beans. From such an abundance of products you can create a fairly rich and varied menu.

Most suitable grass for number 5 people it is sage. And among seasonings, give preference to mint, cloves, saffron, basil and nutmeg.

Number 6

To a very limited list of blue and of blue color Foods that Sixes should choose include figs and blueberries. It is good to regularly consume tomato, apricot, quince, pear, peach and pineapple fresh juices. It is useful to use olive oil, apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar as salad dressings.

A good herbal option is to add violet decoction to tea. Also, people with the number 6 have a sweet tooth, but it is better to give preference to dates, dried bananas, melons, apricots, pears and quinces instead of sweets. Cocoa prepared without milk and sugar will give clarity of mind and cheerfulness of spirit.

From cereals, your supply of vital energy will be well replenished with brown unrefined rice and buckwheat. Optimal among seasoningswill be cardamom, cloves, vanilla, cinnamon, pepper mixture, leaves and shamballa seeds.

Of the herbs, especially pay attention to mint, licorice root,celery, anise and fennel seeds. Make decoctions of wormwood and nettleor corn silk.

Number 7

It is easiest for sevens to be vegetarians. Among the fruits for number 7 people, grapefruits and pineapples, green apples and pears, mirabelle, green gooseberry and grenades. For juices, give preference to cranberry, cherry, pomegranate and grapefruit.

And be sure to include black mushrooms in your menu - milk mushrooms, sow mushrooms, boletus and moss mushrooms, as well as spinach, both fresh and frozen, as well as wild carrots, celery, radishes, turnips and sunflower seeds.

Among the seasonings, the diet by date of birth for Sevens offers basil, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, pomegranate and lemon peel to restore energy.

For healthy infusions, use herbs such as St. John's wort, calendula, corn silk, and jasmine flowers. To stimulate mental activity, black coffee with lemon is suitable for you.

Number 8

For eights, strawberries, as well as green apples, bananas, cherries, black currants, grapes, peaches and pears will help them recharge their energy in the summer; in winter, it’s wren and persimmons. If you bring medlar from the Caucasus, it will be most beneficial for you.

Your ideal menu must include dairy products: yoghurt, kefir, fresh cottage cheese, soft cheeses and feta cheese, you can also drink dairy drinks: kumiss and ayran.

Don't forget about lightly salted red and white fish, seaweed, spinach and rye bread.

You can drink red or white wine, champagne or rye kvass. To maintain your tone, drink black or green tea with strawberry leaves or rooibos.

Among the herbs for headaches, choose mint, lemon balm, sage, strawberry leaves and juniper.

Number 9

Any fruit and, accordingly, any fresh juice from them will suit you. Among vegetables, give preference to dishes made from sorrel, cauliflower, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, olives and black olives.

For Nines, seafood is simply necessary; eat whatever you like. Give preference as a dressing lemon juice, olive oil, apple and wine vinegar.

It’s good to start the morning with chicory decoction, coffee or fruit juice or a decoction of dried or freshly frozen seaweed. Just don’t forget that all these recommendations will help you replenish your vital energy only if you use them regularly.

Always be healthy and cheerful.

Enjoy your meal!

The horoscope diet is successfully used by many people. Even Nostradamus himself mentioned choosing a diet based on astrological correspondences.

Diet according to horoscope

Many people are incredibly concerned about dietary issues, armed with a host of theories that develop views about the impact of dietary choices on the physical system.

For most ordinary people, a diet means a program, guided by which you can lose weight. excess weight, but in fact, diet is a more complex concept. It describes the various combinations of food consumed by a person for the sake of energy processing and health.

If you actually follow the right diet (that is, the diet that is recommended for maximum energy production and health), the body will never become lean or fat. However, there are many causes of obesity or, conversely, exhaustion.

The types of food that one person can tolerate and consume are sometimes not suitable for another person. Guided by the correlation of elements in an individual astrological chart, it is possible to determine which foods are useful and even healing for this particular person, what food he needs to preserve and maintain the system in order and harmony.

Horoscope diet: how to choose

For example, an individual with many planets terrestrial group in the birth chart is able to digest mainly “earthly” types of food, such as meat, potatoes (starches) and root vegetables.

However, an individual with a lot of air in the chart needs to consume lighter foods, which “vibrate” like the air element. Such foods include sprouts, sprouts, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, asparagus and all types of foods filled with sunlight and chlorophyll, for example, flowers.

This rule in itself, of course, is quite simplified and superficial, because health pictures, revealed during the study and interpretation of a holistic astrological chart, often indicate that there are some digestive problems in the system and a predisposition to certain types of food allergies.

After reading and re-reading books on dietary cooking, one important factor becomes clear. Food intake should be consistent with the level at which the body is able to consume and burn energy. This ratio is called the metabolic rate.

If the metabolic rate is low, then the body burns less converted fuel, therefore, the amount of food taken should be reduced and it should be carefully selected in composition. An astrological chart gives you information about your metabolic rate.

Horoscope diet: reading the natal chart

For example, fire signs burn food very quickly because they have a high metabolic rate and need extra proteins to fuel their indefatigable energy.

An additional factor that allows an individual to increase his diet appears in connection with the implementation of this individual physical exercise, because during exercise it burns more energy.

If the metabolic rate is high, then food is burned at a high speed, and a person can eat even more without any fear that he will have excess fat in his body, the only main thing is to take the food that his body easily digests.

Diet according to the horoscope: what the Ascendant will tell you

The astrological chart characterizes the diet and food products recommended for a given individual. Firstly, the Ascendant describes the type of organism of the individual, according to which the selection of food that satisfies his needs and suits his energy is determined.

In addition, the Ascendant describes how the physical body reacts to the environment, including food. Secondly, the astrological position of the sixth house corresponding to a certain sign describes not only the health of the individual as a whole, but also his organic balance, as well as genetically inherited factors.

It also characterizes how an individual absorbs food and how it digests it. And this, in turn, reflects the picture of natural selection of food by the individual, i.e. what and how he eats in practice, and how reasonable his culinary preferences are in relation to the health of his body. The Sixth House shows how an individual consumes food.

For example, if Virgo rules the sixth House, it is important to always analyze whether this food is easily absorbed by the system. Virgo rules the intestinal tract, so you need to choose a diet in which food would stimulate the digestive processes occurring in the intestines in order to maintain a healthy balance in the system.

Virgo describes the work of the brain, therefore, an individual with this position of the Houses needs to include in the diet foods that stimulate brain activity, for example, fish, in particular sardines. Mental processes such as anxiety, fear, and doubt worsen the digestion process much more strongly in a person with such a significant arrangement of Houses than with any other.

Diet according to the horoscope: Ascendant in signs

If an individual counts the number of planets in the chart corresponding to each of the elements, he will be able to determine whether there is enough earth, air, fire or water in his system. He may have to balance the elements by choosing foods that are “related” to these elements.

Proteins, root vegetables, and meat belong to the earth element. If there is a lack of earth in the map, he will have to select food that helps the “grounding” process, taking into account what foods his individual system is able to absorb.

People whose Ascendant is ruled by signs that correspond to the earthly elements need to consume additional amounts of animal proteins in the form of meat. To “charge” their heavy, earthly nature with energy.

Fruits are fire signs. If there is a lack of fire in the chart, the individual may need to consume proteins and fruits, especially the fiery (red) color, which recharge him with energy, while air signs are akin to flowers, herbs and more delicate plants.

Regardless of whether there is either a lack or an excess of air in an individual’s astrological birth chart, such an individual requires “brain food”, such as fish, to stimulate the speed and quality of mental activity.

But air signs, and especially Aquarius, have a great chance of becoming “air-bearing” and “air-like” (that is, people who can feed themselves only on oxygen, and thrive on tiny “rations”).

For these people, air (oxygen) is the main living substance. Herbs and plants growing above the ground favor the stimulation of energy, ensuring a balanced life for people of air signs.

An individual born under a water sign, or an individual who has an insufficient amount of the water element in the chart, requires plant products that contain a lot of water, such as zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes and melons.

If he has excess water in his system, then such food can cause him allergic reactions, and he needs to consume those types of food that stimulate the activity of the urinary system, being diuretic in nature, because they help remove excess water from the tissues, and not its retention and accumulation in the body.

Diet according to the horoscope: planets

When determining a diet that is suitable and accessible to a person from the perspective of astrology, it is necessary to carefully analyze the entire individual astrological birth chart: not only the location of the Houses and the elemental (in the sense of an elemental element) location of the Sun, but also the aspects that make up all the planets with each other.

Planets describe and show all physical processes in the body, strong and weak sides the body, as well as the connection of these processes with the choice of diet. Each of the planets is responsible for “its” food: sugars, starches, fats, dairy products, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates.

For example, Jupiter rules fats, while Venus rules sugars. The Moon rules milk and dairy products, while Saturn rules calcium and gelatin. Neptune describes drugs, Pluto characterizes stimulating foods. The planets also describe vitamins, enzymes, hormones and basic body chemistry in the form of acid-base balance.

The next area that cannot be ignored when interpreting the data that the astrological chart carries is the Moon - the ruler of the stomach and digestive processes. The Moon, in addition, describes the emotional background of “hunger,” when food must be “thrown into the mouth.”

It points to those areas of life in which feelings such as irritation, resentment and disappointment arise, often preceding the onset of eating disorders. There is no doubt that excess food consumption often replaces the missing “feeding” from external spheres of life, but this “feeding” also includes work, relationships with people, and situations in the family.

Loneliness, hypersensitivity to environmental conditions and stress definitely lead to the fact that a person begins to be thoughtless and disregardful of his own health, consuming food that is harmful to himself.

Diet according to the horoscope: Moon in the horoscope

The position of the Moon in the birth horoscope, as well as the current sign through which it passes, describe the emotional characteristics that an individual is endowed with and indirectly tells about his eating habits at different points in time throughout life.

The position of the Moon in the chart indicates whether or not an individual has food allergies. If a person has Cancer rising in their birth chart, or Aquarius rules the Ascendant (which means Cancer is placed on the cusp of the sixth house), the Moon and the phases of the Moon are directly related to the individual's emotional relationship with food.

Food brings joy and pleasure, so longing for the pleasures and joys of life can lead an individual to become passionate about certain types of food. One need only take one look at an astrological chart to determine what food will bring pleasure to an individual, promote his health and nourish the vitality of his physical system.

Make it a rule to interpret your individual birth horoscope when you are interested in dietary issues in the following order. First, determine the sign that rules the Ascendant (and remember to take into account all the energies described by the planets located in this first House).

Now identify the planet that rules the sixth House of Health. And only then analyze the element that must be taken into account as a result of the significant location of these planets.

There are four main types of functions performed by the physical body, each of which relates to one of the four elements. The destiny of the earthly elements is the formation of bones and the prevention of calcium deposition in the body.

Development mental activity and balancing the functions of the nervous system are associated with the air element. Stimulation of metabolism and blood circulation is the responsibility of the fire element. Regulation of the digestive and excretory systems is subject to the water element.

Diet according to horoscope: Earth signs

Earth signs need bone building materials, which are calcium and protein. Foods that help build and strengthen bones include milk, cheese, meat, and plant-based proteins (by the way, dark brown rice and legumes are a magical source of plant-based proteins).

In order to prevent the possibility of calcium deposits in the body, a stable acid-base balance should be constantly maintained in the system. A morning glass of water with one teaspoon mixed in apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey, drunk immediately after waking up, will maintain this balance and prevent the onset of arthritis.

Lemons also help to maintain this balance. As a rule, earth signs digest animal proteins more easily than other signs, but it is still worth noting that fatty meats, such as pork, should be avoided if possible.

Diet according to the horoscope: Air signs

Since air corresponds to mental energy and the nervous system, it is very important for air signs to consume foods that stimulate the brain and nervous system. Sardines, oysters, and other seafood - "seafood" - are traditionally considered "brain food."

Any food enriched with vitamin B12 has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B12 is found in meat, soy products (by the way, tofu - a food that tastes like soft cheese made from soybean milk - is an excellent source of soy), Swiss cheese, pickles and marinades, liver and low-fat white soft cheese made from sour milk .

Lettuce, green sprouts and shoots, oranges, celery, almonds are foods especially recommended for air signs, because they increase mental energy and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The shoots can be easily grown at home and taste delicious, especially when combined with salads.

Diet according to horoscope: Fire signs

The element of fire controls the circulatory system. Consequently, the physical plane of the individual is beneficially affected by the intake of those types of food that cleanse the blood vessels and blood, and are also associated with the circulation of energy throughout the body. Fats, eggs, ice cream and foods high in cholesterol clog your arteries, so these foods should be consumed sparingly.

To keep your blood clean and healthy, constantly add vitamin E to your diet, as it helps blood cells absorb additional oxygen and also prevents high blood pressure.

Foods rich in vitamin E include wheat germ, sunflower seeds, salmon, peanut butter, mushrooms, parsley (for blood purification), zucchini, asparagus, carrots, broccoli, avocado and spinach. Turkey meat also contains large amounts of vitamin E.

Garlic is the best blood purifier. A clove of garlic or a small onion has a healing effect against flu, bronchitis and colds. In addition, they help maintain normal blood pressure levels in the physical body. Certain types of foods prevent anemia. These include artichokes, dandelions, spinach and watercress.

Diet according to horoscope: Water signs

Water signs are associated with the digestive and excretory systems. Light foods and natural products that have a diuretic effect help the timely removal of fluid from body tissues. Food rich in potassium has a beneficial effect on the vital systems of people with water signs.

Potassium promotes the removal of water from tissues and reduces allergic reactions to foods or substances floating in the air. In addition, potassium activates the production of digestive enzymes, which facilitate the process of processed food passing through the intestines to remove it from the body.

A large number of Potassium is found in strawberries, asparagus, cantaloupe, bananas, almonds, potatoes, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and tuna fish. Water signs are recommended to eat any “watery” food, for example, watercress or watermelon.

Based on the fact that water signs are predisposed to obesity as a result of water retention in the tissues, drinking eight glasses clean water It cleanses the kidneys well every day and prevents the appearance of poisons in the system.

Diuretic foods include radishes, celery, cucumbers, parsley, asparagus, beans and oatmeal. Some foods help with digestive processes. These are rhubarb, papaya, oatmeal, carrots and oranges.