Lemon juice mask for hair. The healing properties of lemon in hair care. Video recipe: Home remedy to strengthen hair roots

Lemon is one of the fruits that we often use in homemade beauty products. It is used both separately and in combination with other ingredients useful in cosmetology. When it comes to hair, lemon is generally used for two reasons - hair lightening and an acidifying rinse.

One of the valuable qualities of lemon is that it is very well and quickly absorbed by the hair, which means that vitamins (C and B), folic acid, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus contained in lemon juice are also well absorbed. Lemon also helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is very useful for increased fat content. Therefore, lemon is used in a wide range of cosmetics.

The very low acidity of lemon juice makes its use in pure undiluted form harmful to hair. If you use lemon without additives, you may encounter problems such as dry hair and scalp. Lemon juice in its natural form turns into powder when dried on the hair, thereby clogging the microcracks in the hair and making it dry and hard. At the same time, the acidity of lemon brings undoubted benefits when rinsing hair. Diluted with water, it closes the hair cuticle, making it smooth and dense. After this procedure, the hair reflects light better, and as a result, we have shiny hair.

We offer you several options for using lemon juice for hair, which are suitable for use on dry hair without the risk of further damage.

# Lemon for lightening hair.

If your goal is to lighten your hair, and your hair is dry, then we do not advise you to use the common recipe that uses water and lemon juice. After applying water, you need to sit in the open sun for at least an hour, since the lightening reaction occurs under the influence of thermal energy and ultraviolet radiation.

It will be gentler on your hair if you use lemon juice added to your hair conditioner. Apply the mixture over the entire length, put on a plastic cap and heat your hair with a hairdryer for 30 minutes. There is another safe way to make your hair a tone lighter, which will not dry out your hair -.

# Lemon for rinsing hair

You need to dilute lemon juice with water, about 1 spoon per liter of water, and rinse your hair with this solution; use cool water. When you wash your hair with this solution, it will become softer and shiny.

# Lemon in hair masks

Lemon and coconut oil - such a great composition helps make hair smooth, dense, and it will seem thicker. Regular use of such a mask will really not only improve appearance hair, but will also make it healthier.

A mask of lemon, banana and honey perfectly nourishes the hair and scalp; this is an excellent procedure to give your hair rest and nutrition. Mash one banana (it’s easier to do this with a ripe fruit), add one teaspoon each of lemon juice, honey and olive oil. Apply the nutrient mixture along the entire length and to the roots, leave for 20-30 minutes, then rinse using shampoo and conditioner.

To strengthen and restore hair, you can use lemon along with onions, honey and shampoo.

Along with lemon juice, lemon essential oil is also used; it can be mixed with other hair oils, such as olive and almond, and applied to the roots and ends of the hair, which will prevent the formation of split ends and dry scalp will disappear.

Our body needs any fruit. Citrus fruits stand out from other botanical gifts of nature because they contain a large number of vitamin C. Lemons are especially rich in this vitamin, so they have long been a remedy for colds. Many people like to drink lemon tea while being healthy. Pleasant sourness gives the drink a unique taste, and vitamins, microelements and fruit acids nourish the body from the inside. But do you know what benefits lemon has for hair? The options for using yellow fruit in cosmetology are varied, but today we will look at using traditional lemon remedies at home.

  • Lemon juice. To get it, you just need to squeeze out the juice of fresh citrus immediately before use. If desired, you can replace the lemon with lime. The properties of both citruses are similar, as is the taste. Avoid using ready-made store-bought juice; it may contain additives or preservatives, and not all manufacturers conscientiously indicate such information on the packaging. This drink is often reconstituted, and not obtained by pressing. And the sugar included in its composition is completely useless to our hair.
  • Lemon essential oil for hair provides the most gentle effect. It is produced by squeezing the zest; at home we cannot obtain a full-fledged product. Him like the others essential oils, must be purchased in a retail chain. True, you can prepare a substitute for this remedy. To do this, take the zest of three lemons and add to 150 ml of olive oil. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  • Citric acid is used more in cooking and in everyday life. For the hair, its effect is quite intense, the procedure is only lightening.

Why does it work

Lemon removes pigments from the hair shaft without damaging it. Interestingly, this effect lasts up to 3 weeks. And if the result does not suit you, then everything is reversible. And if you are satisfied, then continue cosmetic procedures, because lightening hair with lemon can be done many times. Of course, the effect of paints is stronger, but damage to curls also occurs.

Expected results

  1. The hair is lightened by 1 tone.
  2. The bleached tone will have no yellowness.
  3. The strands will acquire a healthy shine and smoothness.
  4. Hair loss will decrease.
  5. Hair follicles are strengthened.
  6. Dandruff will disappear.
  7. The oiliness of the scalp will decrease.
  8. The ends will stop splitting.

Important! The fruit will not be able to discolor black curls. The whitening effect for lighter curls is enhanced by sunlight. Lemon juice is used for hair if it is not colored. Damaged strands may lighten unevenly.

Methods of application

The most popular procedure– lightening hair with lemon. In addition, instead of expensive salon events, we will have access to a lemon hair mask, which adds shine and nourishes curls along their entire length. You can rinse your hair with a solution of lemon juice, and also add it to the balm you use.

Safety precautions

  1. To avoid damaging your hair, use citrus fruits no more than once a week.
  2. You need to rinse your hair thoroughly, otherwise it will become excessively hard.
  3. To avoid allergies, do a “test” - apply the product to the skin behind the ear and wait a little. If there is no redness or itching, use is acceptable.
  4. If your hair is dry, you should choose recipes that contain dairy products or lighten your hair with lemon essential oil.
  5. Follow the proportions indicated in the recipe and the duration of action of the composition.
  6. Lightening your hair with lemon will be more gentle if you apply a restoring balm after the procedure.
  7. Do not allow your hair to come into contact with chlorinated water. After visiting the pool, your curls may, unfortunately, turn slightly green.

Changing the shade

To lighten your hair with lemon, you first need to prepare everything you need. We will need:

  • fruits from which we will squeeze juice;
  • water or conditioner;
  • bowl for mixing components;
  • spray bottle or brush.

How to lighten hair using lemon the classic way

  • Mix the juice of 4 lemons with water or conditioner in equal proportions. It is better to take distilled water, although citrus itself softens hard tap water. If your hair is dry or damaged perm, you should prefer conditioner rather than water.
  • Pour the water mixture into a spray bottle and spray it evenly over the entire length of the hair, departing from the roots by about 10 cm.
  • The mixture with balm is thicker, it is better to apply it with a brush. You can also highlight individual strands. To do this, use a brush to apply our composition only to them, without affecting the entire hairline.
  • Then, to enhance the effect, let's go out for a walk on a sunny day for about an hour or go to the solarium for 5-7 minutes.

Important! No need to pre-wash your hair!

Instead of water, you can take chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour 2 tablespoons into a glass of boiling water and cool.

To nourish the hair follicles, you can add honey to the juice.

Lightening hair with lemon, the recipe for which is given above, is the most popular.

There is an alternative!

Lightening hair with lemon juice gives a maximum color change of 1 tone, and citric acid has a stronger effect. There is a chance to get a result in 2 tones. To do this, dissolve 1 tablespoon of citric acid in 2 liters of warm water. Then distribute the composition along the entire length of the strands. As in the previous case, apply the solution to an unwashed head.

Lemon essential oil for lightening hair penetrates deeper into the hair shaft more intensively. It is very simple to use - apply 3 drops of essential oil to a comb and thoroughly comb your hair. You can mix 5 drops of lemon oil with a tablespoon of vodka and distribute through your hair. The hair must first be washed and dried.

Now you know how to lighten your hair with lemon without harming your curls at home.

Variations on a theme

Lightening hair with honey and lemon

  • Take the juice of half a lemon, 2 tablespoons of natural light-colored honey, you can add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Distribute over damp hair, rinse after 3-4 hours.

For shine

Rinsing your hair with lemon is the simplest thing you can think of.

  • Take a tablespoon of juice per liter of water and after shampooing, rinse your strands.

For dandruff

  • Prepare lemon infusion. Take 4 lemons per liter of water, boil and strain the resulting liquid. Rinse your hair 1-2 times a week.

Recipes for every taste and color

Lemon hair masks should be applied to clean hair. This is the basic rule to ensure a predictable result. Keep in mind that not every lemon hair mask is tinted. The effect can be nourishing and healing. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp, and a plastic bag or bathing cap is put on for warmth. After application, be sure to wash your hair.

With honey

  • Mix 4 tablespoons of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil. Let it brew for half an hour in a warm place. Action time: 30 minutes.

Prevents hair loss and enhances shine.

With egg yolk

  • Mix 2 yolks, the juice of half a lemon and 5-10 drops of burdock or castor oil. Action time: 30 minutes.

Restores hair and fights dandruff.

With kefir

  • Mix half a glass of kefir, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of cognac. You can add a yolk. Action time is 6-9 hours (can be left overnight).

Nourishes hair and has a tint effect.

With onion

  • Mix a tablespoon of onion pulp, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon vegetable oil. Action time: 30 minutes.

Restores hair and enhances its healthy shine.

Let's sum it up

Lightening hair with lemon is an affordable and simple procedure.

Everything is always good in moderation, so a person using natural products for hair care must adhere to the recommendations for their use.

And let your curls be beautiful and healthy!

With proper care, hair can serve as a decoration for a woman even in old age. After all, they are, in fact, not so demanding: timely washing with soft water and a suitable shampoo - and your hair is in order! But this is under ideal conditions. And with modern water from city communications, aggressive hair dyes and not much more merciful shampoos without support nourishing masks not enough. Honey, yolk, herbs and vegetable oils can revive a hairstyle even in the most neglected state. A lemon for hair- this is generally one of the most effective and reliable home remedies that is always at hand.

Lemon for hair

Sadly, modern hair care products are designed to make hair clean, forgetting about nutrition and protection. They contain active components that can perfectly remove fat and dirt, acting on the hair shaft only superficially, injuring the scalp, worsening its condition and disrupting the structure of each hair. Of course, expensive and effective cosmetics from renowned brands can achieve effective results, but not all women can afford to use them regularly. That's why they turn to folk remedies, which are much cheaper, but bring enormous benefits.

Using lemon does not require complex preparations or manipulations. And its main advantage is the presence of biologically active components and a rich vitamin composition. Lemon helps get rid of most hair imperfections, overcome hair diseases, and restore its healthy appearance, strength and beauty. Moreover, you can use both the pulp of this citrus and its decoction, citric acid or oil. A lemon juice for hair considered the most effective. It is included in home and salon masks, conditioners, lotions and other hair cosmetics.

Normalize the balance of the scalp, give hair elasticity and shine, eliminate excess oiliness - lemon can do all this :)

Lemon juice can be added to hair conditioner, thereby enhancing its effectiveness.

Another way is to add lemon essential oil to your shampoo every time you wash your hair.

Lightening hair with lemon

A nice bonus from this fruit is its ability to lighten hair or individual strands of it. However, lemon may not work on hair that is too black. But on natural blonde or dyed hair, you can get a lighter and brighter shade. And no super complicated manipulations: lemon juice should be applied to all hair or strands that you want to lighten. This way you can get a uniform shade or achieve the effect of highlighted hair.

Under the rays of bright sun, the lightening effect of lemon juice will increase. A light shade can be achieved by mixing the juice of one fruit with a glass of water, applying this mixture to clean hair and leaving for about half an hour. Or you can simply rinse your hair with juice after washing. Citric acid is also used, although freshly squeezed juice is much healthier for hair. If you add a little lemon essential oil to your shampoo, your hair will also gradually lighten.

For natural blondes, lemon juice will add color saturation, and lighten dark hair by 1-2 tones.

A simple recipe for five lemons

Brown or light brown hair will become a couple of shades lighter after similar actions. Lightening hair with lemon Can be replaced with homemade coloring agent.

  1. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice from five lemons, grind the peel and pulp through a meat grinder or in a blender.
  2. The grounds obtained after grinding should be mixed with rhubarb roots (50 g), poured with vinegar - preferably apple cider vinegar (half a liter), bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  3. Then you need to add half of the previously squeezed lemon juice, chamomile and calendula (1.5 tablespoons each), cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Now the broth needs to be removed from the heat and cooled in a closed pan. The cooled liquid must be strained, added to it two tablespoons of acacia honey and alcohol, as well as lemon juice that remains unused, mix everything thoroughly and pour into a glass container.

Prepare clarifier for future use and store in the refrigerator. This product not only brightens, but also heals hair.

How to store leftovers

To prevent this clarifier from spoiling, you can store it in a tightly sealed bottle in the refrigerator. You need to rinse your hair with this product in proportion: two tablespoons per liter of cool water. To highlight the strands, they should be lubricated with undiluted product, covered with film and left for about an hour. The brightener will not spread if you add conditioner to it.


To lighten hair with lemon, one procedure will not be enough. You will have to carry out such rinsing or brightening lemon masks regularly. And using cold water to rinse off any remaining product increases its brightening effect. But it is undesirable to dry your hair with a hairdryer after all these manipulations. As for hair of dark shades, they can also be treated with lemon juice. From this, firstly, they will become healthier, and secondly, although not significantly, they will also become brighter. Their shade will be unusual, as if after a tinting shampoo or balm. And although the result may quickly wash off, the hair will become stronger, silkier and acquire a healthy, fresh shine. Therefore, you need to lighten, and therefore make your hair healthier, constantly - after every hair wash.

Express hair mask made from lemon juice and olive oil

Balm-mask made of lemon and peach oil

Also suitable for caring for dry hair is a nourishing balm mask consisting of peach oil (half a tablespoon), lemon juice (one tablespoon), castor oil and cologne (one teaspoon each). Gradually add lemon juice and cologne to the oil mixture, mix thoroughly and apply to wet hair. This mask is performed both before and after washing your hair. The balm is washed off with warm running water half an hour after application. But if your hair is critically dry, then you should limit the use of any acids, including lemon juice.

Try white clover

Exist lemon masks for hair of any type. You need to mix white clover (flowers), birch leaves, dry St. John's wort, nettle leaves, chamomile and nasturtium flowers in equal parts in a glass container. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with the lemon juice of one citrus and olive oil, close tightly and let it brew for a week. Then the mixture must be filtered and applied to damp hair after washing for 1.5 hours. You can simply wash off with warm running water or light shampoo.

A mask with lemon juice and honey nourishes, moisturizes hair and gives it shine, and with long-term regular use it has a good healing effect

Lemon fights dandruff

Will help in the fight against itching and dandruff lemon peel decoction. You need to pour 750 ml of water over the peels of three lemons and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then the broth must be filtered and applied to damp hair after washing, wrapping it in cellophane and insulating it with a towel. You can simply rinse your hair with the broth after washing twice a week.

For hair loss: lemon and burdock root

Lemon has proven itself to be excellent in the fight against hair loss. To do this, prepare a decoction of burdock roots, to which lemon juice and water are added. You can use this mixture as a simple rinse or as a full-fledged mask. The recipe is as follows: add a glass of boiling water to two tablespoons of dry crushed burdock root, boil for 10 minutes, infuse, strain and add to freshly squeezed lemon juice. If you rub the mixture into the skin at the roots of your hair before washing it, it will reduce itching, reduce dandruff, strengthen the roots and improve the overall condition of the hair. The remaining decoction can be used as a rinse after each hair wash, after adding a decoction of sage, chamomile or clean cool water to it.

Lemon peel decoction keeps well in the refrigerator. This is an excellent dandruff remedy

Mask with honey

Very popular hair mask, honey and lemon in which they play the role of a kind of balancer. It consists of a decoction of a mixture of calamus and burdock roots (3 tablespoons each), poured with 750 ml of boiling water. After infusion for 6 hours, the juice of 2 lemons and 2 tablespoons of honey are added to the decoction. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin before washing your hair, and after washing, you can rinse your hair with a slightly diluted product with water.

To have healthy and beautiful hair, it is not enough to use only cosmetical tools. To improve the effect, it is necessary to systematically use homemade masks based on natural products. You need to learn a few simple ways that will help your curls always remain in their original form. Let's look at the most effective recipes for lemon hair masks.

Beneficial properties of lemon for hair

  • getting rid of fragility;
  • normalization of pH balance;
  • eliminating oily hair;
  • lightening by several tones;
  • damage restoration;
  • relieving scalp from dryness;
  • preventing sectioning.

Lemon rinse

  1. The product gives hair visible shine. After the usual procedure of washing your hair, use a lemon rinse.
  2. To prepare the product, take 130 ml. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 650 ml. boiling water
  3. Combine the components and mix thoroughly, let the composition brew for about 6 hours. Use the rinse after the main hair wash.

Aloe yolk and juice

  1. Use a small container and mix 30 ml in it. citrus juice, 45 ml. liquid aloe, 15 gr. viscous honey and 1 chicken yolk.
  2. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous paste, apply to the head with massage movements. Rub the mixture into the roots, then distribute to the ends.
  3. Wait 1 hour, rinse as usual. If you systematically apply such a mask, it will help get rid of oily hair.

Castor oil and mustard

  1. The mask perfectly nourishes and strengthens hair. The composition also prevents hair loss. Mix thoroughly 12 g. castor oil, 10 gr. mustard powder, egg yolk and 40 ml. lemon juice.
  2. Wash your hair as usual using a suitable shampoo. After this, apply the mask to slightly damp hair. Wrap your head with film and a scarf, wait 45 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Olive and honey

  1. A mask with similar components can enrich curls with nutrients. Also, the hair will become much stronger, while obedience and softness will not be lost. In addition, the curls will gain noticeable shine.
  2. To get a nutritious mixture, combine 100 g. liquid honey, 45 gr. citrus juice and 30 ml. olive oils. Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in a water bath. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  3. Before manipulation, hair should be washed and dried. After this, spread the mask in a dense layer from roots to ends. Wrap your head in plastic wrap and wrap a terry towel over it.
  4. Leave the composition on for 40 minutes, then wash off the mask without hot water using detergent. The mixture can be applied once every 5 days. After a few procedures, you will get gorgeous hair.

Lemon and natural oils

  1. The product can improve blood circulation and also rid the head of dandruff. To prepare the mixture, mix 2 egg yolks, 2 ml each. burdock and castor oils, 50 gr. lemon juice.
  2. Achieve a homogeneous composition from the components, apply to the root zone with massage movements. Distribute the remainder of the mask along the length of the head.
  3. Wrap your hair, making an insulating cap, wait half an hour, rinse with warm water and balm. To achieve maximum results, the composition must be applied systematically 2 times a week.

Kefir and shampoo

  1. Be careful when using this mask. The ingredients can lighten your hair a couple of tones.
  2. Mix 150 ml thoroughly in a common bowl. kefir 1.5% fat, 1 egg yolk, 40 ml. cognac, 50 gr. lemon juice and 20 gr. shampoo.
  3. Apply the mask, rubbing the product into the root zone, and distribute the remaining mixture along the length of the curls.
  4. Put a plastic cap on your hair and wrap your head with a scarf. The mask is applied throughout the night; upon waking, rinse off the composition with warm water and shampoo.

Onions and citrus juice

  1. If you mix the ingredients in the right proportions, you can avoid the unpleasant onion smell. Thanks to lemon juice, it is neutralized. After using the mask, the hair becomes smooth and flexible.
  2. Turn 40 grams into pulp. onions, 35 ml. citrus juice and 30 gr. olive oils. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Rub the mask into the follicles, distribute the remainder to the ends of the hair.
  3. Warm your head with cellophane and a scarf. Wait 35 minutes, rinse off with shampoo, and rinse your hair again with a cool vinegar solution.

Burdock root and chamomile

  1. The composition has proven itself well as a remedy against hair loss. Take 60 gr. dried burdock roots, place in a heat-resistant container.
  2. Pour in a sufficient amount of boiling water (about 300 ml), wait 20 minutes until the broth infuses. After this, strain the liquid and pour it into 100 ml. fresh lemon juice.
  3. The mask is applied 5 minutes before the main hair wash. Rub the mixture into the roots, wait a while, wet the head and apply shampoo. Rinse off as usual.
  4. The decoction can also be used as a rinse. To do this, you need to add 400 ml to the lemon mixture. infusion of sage and chamomile.

Ayran and burdock

  1. The mask is intended for oily hair types. To prepare the composition, mix 25 grams in a common container. burdock roots, 100 ml. lemon juice and 40 ml. ayran. Pour 250 ml into the ingredients. boiling water, stir the mixture thoroughly.
  2. Leave the pulp for about 6 hours at room temperature. The mask is applied with massage movements to the root area before washing the hair. The composition can be used 3 times every 7-8 days.

Shampoo and yolk

  1. The product helps restore and strengthen weakened curls. To prepare the mask, take 25 grams. citrus juice, 45 gr. viscous honey, 50 gr. onion gruel, 1 yolk, 30 ml. burdock oil and 35 gr. shampoo suitable for your hair type.
  2. Beat the mixture with a whisk or mixer at minimum power, then apply the mask to clean, damp curls.
  3. Thoroughly rub the mixture into the roots, spreading the remainder along the length. Put on a cellophane cap, wrap your head warm scarf. Wait 1.5-2 hours, rinse with cool water.

Honey and aloe

  1. The product based on the components helps restore the structure of the hair and rid it of oiliness. To prepare an effective composition, combine 15 ml. lemon juice, 20 gr. viscous honey, 50 gr. aloe juice and 1 egg yolk.
  2. The mask is rubbed into the base of the hair with massage movements. Then the composition is applied to the very ends. Soak the product for 40 minutes under the film and scarf. Wash off the mask with shampoo, rinse your hair with a decoction based on nettle and St. John's wort.

Olive oil and citrus

  1. Combine lemon juice and olive oil in equal quantities, take into account the length of the hair. Send the composition to a water bath, heat to 35 degrees.
  2. Thoroughly soak the mop from roots to tips. The exposure time of the mask is not limited, you can safely leave the product on all night. Wrap your head with film and a towel.
  3. When you wake up, rinse off as usual. The mask has nourishing properties and helps dry hair recover.

Peach oil and castor oil

  1. The product perfectly nourishes and moisturizes strands, giving them softness, manageability and shine. Combine 25 ml. peach oil, 20 ml. castor oil, 30 ml. citrus juice.
  2. Rub the mask into the hair roots 35 minutes before the main water procedures. Apply the product every time before washing your hair.

St. John's wort and vegetable oil

  1. Mix 20 g in a bowl. St. John's wort, 15 gr. nettle, 25 gr. chamomile and 12 gr. burdock roots. Pour 130 ml into the container. warm vegetable oil and 50 ml. freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  2. Pour the components into a glass container, close with a tight lid, and leave the composition for 6-8 days at room temperature. Then strain the mixture and apply 50 minutes before washing your hair.

Most masks are aimed at oily and normal hair types. Lemon juice with various components nourishes and vitaminizes strands well. The components also help restore damaged hair structure. Be careful when applying to dark hair, some components significantly lighten the curls.

Video: lemon hair mask

Mikhailova Ilona

To become the owner of thick, elastic and shiny hair, it is not enough to use store-bought products, but salon care Not everyone can afford it. Hair needs restoration and nutrition using products such as honey, natural oils or herbal decoctions. Among the savior products, sunny and fortified lemon stands out brightly. A natural lemon hair mask acts on several fronts at once, providing a brightening effect and restoring health to your curls.

Benefits of lemon

The use of citrus as an active component of masks at home is quite natural and is determined by its valuable chemical composition. Lemon juice contains the following active elements:

  • Natural acids help balance the sebaceous glands of the skin.
  • Pectin, flavonoids and carotene promote tissue regeneration and have an exfoliating effect.
  • The high content of hesperidin and sesquiterpenes strengthens the protective function, provides natural shine and health.
  • Riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin C prevent dandruff formation, provide oxygenation and provide an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • In addition to vitamin C, the fruit contains vitamins A, B, B1, B2, E, D, P, essential oils and a whole complex of minerals (potassium salts, phosphorus, iron, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and sulfur) that promote hair growth.

The active substances in the composition restore and heal, penetrating deep into the scalp and hair structure, the effect of use is visible after just a few procedures.

Lemon-based masks help prevent dandruff, normalize the sebaceous glands, shine, regenerate the scalp, grow and lighten curls.

How does lemon lighten hair?

Lightening procedures with lemon juice have many fans among blondes. How do they work? Organic acids actively, but gently, act on the melanin pigment, which is responsible for the color of hair, destroy it, and thus lightening occurs. This is an effective analogue of chemicals if you do not need a radical change in color from brunette to platinum blonde, but just lightening it a couple of tones.
The use of citrus fruit paired with honey is especially effective - this tandem is most successful in recipes for lightening curls. Bee honey acts as a lightening catalyst and enhances the effect of lemon.

Before you begin applying lemon mixtures, please read these important guidelines:

  1. Citrus has the property of drying out curls, so it’s worth adding nourishing and moisturizing ingredients to hair masks with lemon.
  2. When applying the lemon mixture, avoid getting it on the mucous membranes and in the eyes.
  3. If the scalp is injured, there are open wounds or scratches, then it is better to refrain from using lemon juice.
  4. Before applying lemon mustard mixture, masks with lemon and honey, or just lemon water, you should do a test for an allergic reaction.
  5. Take advantage mineral water(in a 1:1 ratio) to reduce the aggressive effects of acid. Lemon water is recommended for use.
  6. If lightening is not part of your plans, leave the lemon mask on your hair for no more than 20-25 minutes (especially if honey is present in the mixture).

Recipes for lemon juice mixtures

There are a huge number of recipes for masks and even hair rinses containing lemon: lemon mustard mask, mixtures with the addition of natural oils or honey. Choose a recipe based on the desired effect and the presence of certain hair problems.

Juice clarification

This clarification method uses pure lemon juice. Apply it to the length of your hair, but under no circumstances to the scalp.

If the lightening result is not noticeable after the first application of the juice, it is likely that the pigment is stubbornly resistant to destruction, and more procedures will be needed.

Rinse for shiny curls

After washing your hair with your usual shampoo, you need to rinse your hair to wash away harsh chemical particles and give your hair a healthy shine. In this case, lemon water will help.

  • half a glass of lemon juice
  • 3 cups boiling water

Pour hot water over the juice and let it brew for 5-7 hours. Continue to use the rinse aid after the usual washing procedure.

To restore shine and lighten oily hair types

  • lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • aloe 2 tbsp
  • honey 1 teaspoon
  • yolk 1 egg

Mix aloe and lemon juice thoroughly with honey, apply with rubbing movements into the roots and scalp, distribute along the length. Leave the mask on for 40-60 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. This mask will help get rid of the problem of oily hair.

With castor oil against hair loss

  • juice of 1 lemon
  • yolk 1 egg
  • castor oil 1 teaspoon
  • mustard 1 teaspoon

Apply lemongrass mustard mixture to damp hair. Action time: 40 minutes.

For brightening and strengthening

  • juice and crushed peel of 4 lemons
  • apple cider vinegar 500 ml
  • rhubarb root 40-50 g
  • honey 50 g
  • alcohol 50 g

Make a decoction of rhubarb, chopped lemon peel and vinegar. Natural honey can be melted separately in a water bath. After straining the broth, add alcohol, lemon juice and honey. This bleaching concentrate can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated before use.

To restore and moisturize dry hair

  • citrus juice
  • olive oil

Mix the components in a one to one ratio, apply the lemongrass oil mixture to the scalp and length of hair. Create a greenhouse effect and keep the mixture for an hour. Then wash off the composition warm water with shampoo.

For dandruff

  • citrus juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • Apple vinegar 2st. l.
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.

Heat the oil to a temperature that is pleasant for the scalp. Apply the oil with massage movements to the roots. After 1 hour, mix apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, rub the mixture into the skin, and after half an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

By skillfully using the recipe for masks with lemon at home, you can achieve amazing results. The key to success is regularity of procedures and compliance with all rules for the use of citrus.