How to clean an iron at home - getting rid of carbon deposits. How to clean an iron at home? Let's learn how to do it quickly, efficiently and without extra costs. How to clean an iron

The steaming water often used during ironing is hard, which leads to the formation of scale on the iron - a solid sediment that consists of insoluble salts. It collects on the heating elements of the iron and over time renders the electrical appliance unusable. Therefore, it is important to remove scale on time.

If scale appears on the iron, you should first refer to the manufacturer's instructions and do not ignore the instructions for caring for the device. The iron may be equipped with an anti-lime rod that protects against scale. Then caring for it becomes much easier. But not all models on the market have protection.

Scale often forms on the soleplate and inside the iron.

  1. If you have hard water, dilute it with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio (for Vitek irons, only distilled water can be used).
  2. Do not use only distilled water for ironing (it boils at more than high temperature, steam is generated worse and the inner coating of the iron may be damaged).
  3. Always empty the water from the ironing tank after finishing work.
  4. Remove deposits from the outside of the iron in a timely manner, for example, using a water-acetic essence (not vinegar!).

Cleaning the safety valve or anti-lime rod

Regular maintenance of the lime rod or safety valve in appliances from the German brands Bosch, Braun, and Tefal is very important.

  1. Before removing and cleaning the valve, turn off the iron and empty the water.
  2. Press the “steam” button until it is in the upper position.
  3. Gently pull the button without touching the bottom of the valve with your hands.
  4. Dip the valve in vinegar solution or lemon juice until the scale softens.
  5. Use a non-metallic brush to remove any remaining scale and rinse the rod with water.

Some brands of irons are protected from scale by a special rod

Cleaning the steam chamber

If scale particles appear on the soleplate of the iron, it is necessary to clean the steam chamber using increased steam release.

  1. Pour water and turn on the iron at maximum power.
  2. Wait until the device warms up.
  3. Turn it off.
  4. Hold the iron over a container or sink and press the “steam” button: the scale will begin to come out along with hot steam and water. While doing this, shake the device constantly.
  5. Wait until the sole cools down and clean it.

Cleaning steam generators equipped with scale filters

Manufacturers of steam generators also advise using a mixture of distilled water and tap water and not adding vinegar, starch, perfume, or reagents to the water. The filter in steam generators is washed with water mixed with a special liquid for descaling. It can be purchased from after-sales departments.

How to clean an iron at home

At home, you can remove scale from the outer surface and internal elements of the iron using:

  • special chemicals;
  • citric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • sparkling mineral water.

How to use chemical cleaners

The most common are German products, which contain organic acid, water and anti-corrosion substances (Topperr, Bosch, Filtero 605).

  1. Prepare a solution of water and product in a ratio of 3:1.
  2. Heat the iron at maximum temperature.
  3. Turn it off.
  4. Place the device horizontally and leave for 2 hours.
  5. Pour out the product and rinse the iron with water 1-2 times.
  6. Before ironing, check the cleanliness of the iron using steam.

Special anti-scale liquids do an excellent job of removing it from the surface of the iron.

The most affordable cleaning method is citric acid.

  1. 2 tsp. Pour citric acid into half a glass of hot water.
  2. Soak a soft cloth in this solution.
  3. Apply it to the holes on the iron.
  4. After a few minutes, remove the cloth and turn on the device, and later clean the holes with ordinary cotton swabs.

To clean the inside of the iron with citric acid, make a solution of 25 g of powder and 200 ml of water.

  1. Pour the solution into a water container and turn on the iron at maximum temperature.
  2. Wait until you turn it on again, and when the device turns off for the second time, release the steam. The heated solution in the form of steam will enter the channels and soften the scale.

Citric acid is the most popular aid in the fight against scale

Mineral sparkling water for descaling

  1. Pour liquid into the water tank.
  2. Heat the iron.
  3. Chill out.

Removing rust with vinegar

This method perfectly removes rust from the soleplate of the iron, but has several disadvantages.

Modern irons are equipped with surfaces different types. The usual metal soles are being replaced by Teflon, cermets and other high-tech materials. However, the problems of carbon deposits and contamination of the iron surface are still relevant. No matter how fashionable and expensive the purchased iron is, sooner or later something will stick to it, burn or melt. This is not a reason to panic and think that the item is irrevocably damaged. You just need it on time and by the right means get rid of unwanted dirt and remember about preventive measures that will help the device last for many years and keep your laundry clean and fresh.

Iron sole materials

When choosing an iron, pay attention to the material of the sole. Not all materials have the same resistance to stains.

Traditional metals from which iron soles are made are aluminum, stainless steel and their alloys. Anodized aluminum or polished stainless steel are traditional options for the soles of budget irons. They have high thermal conductivity, which, on the one hand, increases the efficiency of the device, but on the other, increases the risk of soot and the degree of contamination. Anything that can melt readily sticks to a hot sole without a protective coating. This means that dirt on the surface cannot be avoided.

To solve the problem of burning and protect laundry from burns and stains, manufacturers have invented several coating options that are applied to the base:

  • enamel - improves slip, easy to clean;
  • titanium is wear-resistant, scratch-resistant, but has low thermal conductivity, which leads to high energy consumption;
  • ceramics - uniform and quick heating, easy to clean, but fragile and prone to chipping and cracking;
  • Teflon - resistant to stains, does not stick to synthetic fabrics, but is easily scratched and requires special care;
  • sapphire - mineral abrasive chips are resistant to mechanical damage and scratches, and can even be cleaned with a metal brush.

Iron soles: variety of materials (photo gallery)

Some manufacturers, in order to ensure the safety of the ironing process and increase the service life of the devices, offer special attachments for the soleplate of the iron. Non-stick pads eliminate the possibility of burning through delicate, synthetic fabrics and products with patterns, stickers, etc.

Types of pollution

The main types of contamination of the soleplate of the iron: carbon deposits, deposits, burnt synthetics, salt accumulations in the steam holes, etc.

The cleaning method must be chosen, taking into account the surface material and the type of contamination.

Methods for cleaning burnt fabric (synthetics)

A small area with an adhering stain from synthetic fabric or polyethylene, try cleaning it with acetone (nail polish remover). To do this, moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe away the dirt.

Freshly burnt synthetics must be removed immediately, without waiting for the iron to cool down. To do this, turn on the device at full power so that the synthetic material completely melts, and scrape off the dirt with a wooden spatula, and remove the remaining residue with a soft, clean cotton cloth. Then iron the terry cloth with pressure to achieve final cleanliness.

Stainless steel and aluminum irons can be cleaned with baking soda. To do this, cool the device, mix baking soda with water and the resulting slurry, use a sponge to remove traces of burnt tissue.

Porridge from baking soda You can wipe off dirt from a metal surface

Coated irons can be cleaned in a delicate way: rub the hot dirty surface with laundry soap, then turn off the iron and cool. After this, wipe the cooled surface with a sponge soaked in water. Fabric stuck to the iron will easily peel off along with the soap solution.

We remove carbon deposits using special and home remedies

The simplest and effective method To remove dirt from any coating, use a special pencil (REAM, DIAS, Typhoon, etc.), which can be purchased in the household chemicals department. A heated iron is rubbed over the area of ​​contamination with a pencil. The pencil will melt during processing. All you have to do is wipe the surface dry: the melted pencil will “eat” any soot and deposits, including scale. To clean the steam holes, rub them with a pencil and then use the steam function. For maximum effect, wipe each hole with a dry cotton swab.

Remove any remaining dirt from the steam vents using a cotton swab

Important: to avoid damaging the surface of the table or ironing board, first place unnecessary cloth or paper under the iron.

Sulfur helps remove carbon deposits on your iron. Try rubbing the heated surface of the iron in the area where the sulfur side of the matchbox is contaminated.

An uncoated iron can be cleaned with salt. To do this, sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of rock salt on a clean cotton cloth and iron it for several minutes without much pressure at maximum power. Don't forget to turn off the steam function. The pollution must disappear. Under no circumstances should you try to clean Teflon coated irons using this method.

How to clean an iron using salt (photo gallery)

Place salt on a clean napkin Set the iron to maximum power, turning off the steam function Iron the salt without pressing hard

Abrasive cleaning agents are not suitable for irons with enamel, Teflon and ceramic coatings, and knives and metal brushes are even more contraindicated.

Here are the products that are suitable for cleaning soles of any type:

  1. A 1:1 mixture of ammonia and table vinegar. Wipe the heated but unplugged device with the resulting mixture. Work with the solution only with rubber gloves. The smell will not be pleasant, but the effect should please you. For heavily ingrained dirt, you can leave the iron overnight on a cloth soaked in vinegar.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide or hydroperide. Wipe the surface with a cotton pad soaked in liquid.
  3. Toothpaste. Apply toothpaste to the stain and wipe with a damp cloth. Then wipe dry woolen fabric. Make sure that toothpaste did not get into the steam holes.

Video: how to clean an iron

Pollution prevention

If you use the iron in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers, then you may not need the above recommendations at all. Therefore, when purchasing an iron, carefully read the rules for using the device and temperature conditions for various types of fabrics. Keep in mind that modern irons often have a self-cleaning function, which must be used in order to promptly get rid of scale on the heating elements, holes and soleplate.

It is preferable to iron synthetic items through gauze. This way you will protect both the iron and the item. Iron clothes with stickers on the wrong side. Then you simply won’t encounter the problem of stains on the iron.

Always make sure you turn off the iron when you finish ironing. After using the iron, wipe the surface with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of citric acid.

As a rule, wisdom comes with experience. And if you are reading this post, then most likely you have managed to damage your iron a little. There is hardly a housewife who would not go through this. But now you have learned how to get rid of the problem using simple methods at hand.

The main enemies of any iron are burnt marks and scale. The first one forms on the sole if you accidentally overexpose the iron to synthetics, and also if an adhesive material gets on the surface, which, when heated, sticks more and more to the sole. Over time, this leads to the fact that the iron begins to glide worse over the fabric and wears out, but the biggest nuisance can be a stain on your things and fabrics: the burn from the hot sole will instantly transfer to the material. As for scale, this problem affects everyone who uses unfiltered water for steam.

Method 1. Salt

Cleaning an iron with salt is very easy, so this method can safely be called one of the most economical and simplest.

Sprinkle salt on a piece of paper or a napkin (preferably sea salt). Turning the steam on to maximum temperature and turning off the steam, begin ironing until the surface of the sole is clean.

Method 2. Citric acid

If burnt fabric gets into the steam holes, the easiest way is to use citric acid. To do this, dilute the acid with filtered water (150 ml per 1 tsp), then pour it into the liquid compartment. Heat the iron to high, shake it well and press the steam button for about 10 seconds. Repeat several times, then rinse the tank clean water and wipe the sole with a damp cloth.

By the way, citric acid can be replaced with carbonated mineral water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar will also help to clean the iron at home. Dilute it with filtered water in a ratio of 1 to 2, dampen a soft cotton cloth, heat the iron and, unplugging it, place it on a damp cloth. After 15-20 minutes, wipe the sole with a sponge.

If the dirt is serious, you can easily leave the iron unplugged on a cloth soaked in vinegar for several hours.

Method 4. Toothpaste

Simply apply a layer of regular toothpaste to the sole, let it sit, and then thoroughly clean the surface with a damp cloth. Turn on the iron and iron the unwanted fabric.

Method 5. Nail polish remover

A liquid with or without acetone is suitable. But when using this option to clean the iron, be careful: the liquid may damage the plastic parts. Therefore, it is best to apply the liquid pointwise, with a cotton swab or cotton pad. Simply rub the stain until it dissolves.

Method 6. Soda

Mix 2 tsp. baking soda with a little water or 9% vinegar. Apply the resulting paste to a slightly heated sole and rub with a cloth.

1. Never try to clean the surface of the iron mechanically (with pumice, sandpaper, etc.). This way you will only damage it.

2. After ironing, while the appliance is still warm, drain the remaining water.

3. To reduce scale formation, use only filtered, bottled or settled water.

An iron, no matter how “advanced” it may be, needs systematic care. During use, the sole may get dirty, and you will hardly want to walk it over the silk of your favorite blouse. To put off going to the store for a long time to buy a new appliance, we offer you a list of ways to clean your iron yourself.

Cleaning the sole, depending on the material

There are many recipes for cleaning your iron at home. Each method is applicable depending on what material the surface of the iron is made of.

  • The Teflon-coated device can be easily cleaned with vinegar essence.
  • An iron with a ceramic coating or metal ceramics should be cleaned with a special pencil or non-abrasive products.
  • Chrome or aluminum soles are washed with a wooden spatula or a plastic brush.

Ways to clean the soleplate of an iron with salt

To choose the optimal method of care, you need to study the basic methods of dealing with soot. The most popular option is salt.

  1. If the iron is burnt, sprinkle a handful of table salt on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard. Heat the device strongly, move it over the salt crystals until the carbon deposits fall off it.
  2. Pour a handful of salt into folded gauze or any other soft cloth and thoroughly wipe the stained area. Don't forget to heat up your iron before doing this.
  3. Sprinkle salt on a sole that is slightly dirty and rub vigorously with a rough, damp cloth until the surface is clean.

Important! Teflon electrical appliances cannot be cleaned with salt.

Alternative cleaning methods

You can quite successfully get rid of burnt marks on the sole using the simplest methods.

  • Paraffin candle. Wrap a paraffin candle in a thick cotton cloth and wipe the device with this device. The candle will melt from the heat, so the work surface should be tilted so that the hot wax drips onto the tray. This is most relevant if you are cleaning a steam iron and it has holes. Paraffin, getting into them, will heat up over time, leak out and ruin the clothes. After completing the procedure, wipe the sole, removing dirt and paraffin.

  • Vinegar. Soak a cotton swab or cloth in vinegar and rub it on the problem areas of the iron. To combat severe stains, you can add ammonia to vinegar in a 1/1 ratio. It is important that the iron cannot be heated in this case. Use a rough cloth to remove any remaining product.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a cotton swab with this product and wipe the surface. There is practically no smell during processing.

  • Special pencil. A special pencil will help remove burnt fabric from an electrical ironing device. Turn on the device, warm it up thoroughly, turn it off and clean off any burnt marks with a pencil. After some time, a chemical reaction will begin, and after its completion, the softened carbon deposits can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

  • You can clean the unit with sulfur from a matchbox. Turn on the iron and run the iron over the surface.
  • Nail polish remover. How to clean an iron if a piece of polyethylene is stuck to it? Regular acetone will help. When processing, do not touch the plastic parts of the device, as the liquid may damage them.
  • Foil. The Teflon coating will be cleaned if you iron the foil for 5-7 minutes.

Important! Never use a knife, sandpaper or other sharp objects to wash or remove burnt marks. This will mercilessly scratch the coating and lead to its failure.

  • To clean the steam vents, moisten cotton swab in vinegar, insert it into the hole, twist it. This way, you will remove dirt that interferes with the full operation of the device. After cleaning, go over the holes with clean cotton swabs.

Some large iron manufacturers, such as Tefal, Philips or Rowenta, produce special non-stick pads for delicate ironing. It quickly and painlessly irons delicate fabrics such as silk, linen, printed designs, appliques and others. These accessories are made from high quality steel, so they are durable and strong.

How to prevent dirt from appearing on the soles

It is easier to prevent contamination from appearing on the device than to deal with it.

  • Maintain proper temperature conditions. For silk, 110 degrees is enough, for cotton items - 200 degrees, and for wool - no more than 140. Many do not pay due attention to this rule, and this can affect the condition of the items and the iron.
  • Make it a rule to turn off the electrical appliance immediately after finishing work.
  • To avoid having to clean the surface from plaque, after every 3-4 ironing, wipe the sole with a cloth soaked in citric acid diluted with water.
  • If the surface is clean, but still does not slip, you can correct the situation with the help of paraffin. Grate it, mix it with salt and pour everything into the newspaper. Cover with a thin napkin and iron with a hot iron. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated, because this method does not harm the material.

How to descale an iron

If red spots appear on clothes when ironing, and the steam function begins to function poorly, then most likely scale has appeared in it. Three effective recipes will help you remove it.

Self-cleaning function

Modern models of electrical appliances are equipped with a descaling system in advance. If you do not fully understand the purpose of a particular button on the unit, then hurry up and look through the instructions. It may be that you are the happy owner of such a device. To properly clean, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. In general, the scheme of action is as follows.

  1. Pour the maximum volume of water into the designated tank.
  2. Set the temperature regulator to maximum.
  3. The device heats up, then cools down and heats up again.
  4. Tilt the unit over a bowl or sink.
  5. After pressing the magic self-cleaning button, the scale disappears from the steam vents.

Rinse the reservoir after the procedure with clean water and wipe the device dry.

Lemon acid

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid (20-30g) in a glass of water.
  2. Pour the solution into the reservoir.
  3. Heat the device to maximum.
  4. Shake the unit vigorously several times and press the button that releases the steam.

The manipulation must be carried out over a container, because scale leaves the iron in dark splashes along with steam. Rinse the container and wipe dry.

Mineral water with gas

Part mineral waters includes acids that help dissolve scale inside the unit. Just do the manipulations given above.

How to prevent scale formation

To avoid having to clean scale deposits later, monitor the quality of the liquid you pour into the container. Best for ironing with steam:

  • Bottled water, which can be purchased at any grocery store.
  • Distilled water. Can be purchased at any gas station.
  • Water purified by a home household filter.
  • Settled water from the tap. In just a few hours, the salts will precipitate.

Remember that timely prevention will extend the life of electrical appliances. Learn the principles of proper ironing, read the tags on clothes and never leave the appliance turned on unattended. If an emergency occurs, the simple and effective recipes suggested above will help you.

Video: Cleaning the iron using traditional methods inside and out

On the labels of almost every wardrobe item there is information about proper care, including ironing temperature conditions. If you follow these recommendations and do not forget the iron on the board, then the risk of damage to the fabric and surface of the device is very small. However, if carbon deposits do appear on the iron, it is better to clean the soleplate in a timely manner so as not to spoil things and your own mood.

With modern irons different kinds soles that are scratch resistant. Therefore, before moving on to removing carbon deposits, it is worth clarifying what material you will have to deal with.

Soles: characteristics and features

Outsole materialDescription

Relatively new species. It is lightweight and has an interesting design. The main “enemy” of such a coating is metal buttons, zippers, and any sharp objects that get under the sole during ironing. The surface is poorly resistant to scratches, chips often appear, and peeling is possible even due to a small crack. It is recommended to treat devices with a ceramic coating as carefully as possible and not to use abrasives or hard brushes for cleaning.

The metal is very light, glides well over fabrics, is not subject to corrosion, is durable and is considered budget-friendly. At the same time, aluminum is easily deformed, scratches quickly appear on it, and an iron with such a soleplate can leave shiny spots on things. It is advisable to iron things through gauze.
Aluminum can be cleaned with chemicals, powders, or the hard side of a dishwashing sponge.
Irons with stainless steel soles are quite weighty, but are valued for their low cost, durability and ability to efficiently iron any fabric. Such irons are not afraid of zippers, buttons, or sharp rivets. Steel, if you are not too zealous, can be cleaned with any abrasives, sponges and brushes.
On a note! There are models of irons with stainless steel soles and coatings (chrome, sapphire and others). It is better to treat these household appliances more carefully, beware of rough mechanical surface cleaning methods.
The coating is non-stick, easy to clean with household chemicals and folk remedies, not containing abrasive particles, since the resistance to scratches is very mediocre.

Soles made of these materials glide flawlessly over fabrics, smoothing out even the smallest wrinkles. The soles are durable and it is difficult to leave deep scratches on the surfaces. They can be safely cleaned using any available means.

Cleaning agents for ceramic and Teflon soles

You can try to wipe off minor stains with a cotton swab, generously moistened hydrogen peroxide. You will have to rub the cold sole for a long time and with diligence, but with high probability the carbon deposits will soften and the surface will become cleaner. The method can be used as a preparation for the next stage - cleaning the surface with hydroperite.

They cost about 30-40 rubles in pharmacies. The active substance of the drug is urea peroxide with a caustic, strong, very unpleasant smell. It is not recommended to use them to clean the iron in a small bathroom; it is better to ensure an active influx fresh air by opening a window or balcony door.

Hydroperite is an oxidant; when the drug comes into contact with mucous membranes and other surfaces, active oxygen is released, and the result of the reaction is mechanical cleansing. To clean the iron, it is heated to maximum temperature, after which the stains are erased directly with tablets.

Important! Wear cotton gloves to avoid accidentally getting burned.

When the deposit is completely or almost completely removed, the device is turned off and cleaning is completed with a damp cloth.

Important! Hydroperite is unstable in an alkaline environment. It is not recommended to use this drug simultaneously with baking soda and other alkaline-containing products.

But just try to clean the iron baking soda definitely worth it. This gentle product is very effective against many different stains. There is no need to heat the iron. The sole is cleaned with a sponge or gauze swab, generously moistened with soda solution (not much water is added to make a thick paste). If stains remain after cleaning, remove them with a clean, damp cloth.

In addition to alkali, you can try to remove carbon deposits with acids: citric and acetic.

Advice! To prevent the whole house from smelling like vinegar, place the iron in a basin, cover it with a cloth soaked in acid, then cover the bowl with cling film on top.

When cleaning the iron, make sure that vinegar does not get on your skin, mucous membranes, or eyes. If this cannot be avoided, thoroughly rinse the area where the acid came into contact with warm (not hot or cold) running water, treat with a baking soda solution, apply a burn remedy if necessary, and consult a doctor.

Sole cleaners with high mechanical strength

This includes irons with titanium, steel (without coating), and composite soles. Such devices can be cleaned with abrasives, but the use of acid-containing products is not recommended, as unsightly dark stains and stains may remain.

Advice! If the soot is fresh, for example, a thin fabric accidentally melted, or chewing gum stuck and burned, you should try to remove most of the dirt with a wooden spatula or spatula. But if the stain has managed to cool and harden, there is no point in picking at it.

The first thing you should use for cleaning is regular fine table salt. It is poured into a baking sheet or onto a cloth in a layer of up to 0.5 cm. And then everything is simple - heat the iron to maximum and move it forcefully over the grains. The carbon deposits are eventually removed mechanically.

To speed up the cleaning process, the salt is pre-mixed with finely grated paraffin.

Paraffin You can also clean a hot iron. The candle is moved along the sole, while the iron is held above a layer of newspapers or an old rag at an angle of 45 degrees. Paraffin melts from contact with a hot surface and flows down along with soot particles.

Advice! If the iron has holes for steam to escape or the surface of the sole is embossed, you should not use paraffin. It will clog into the recesses, and during the first use of the iron for its intended purpose, it will leak directly onto the clothes.

Another available and effective remedy- regular toothpaste. You can use absolutely any, but mint and whitening are preferable. A little paste (a strip 2-3 cm long) is applied to the hard side of a damp dishwashing sponge and actively cleans the sole.

Toothpaste can be mixed with baking soda or salt, or both. The cleaning ability of the mixture will only improve.

Advice! After using any traditional methods Iron an old or unwanted item of clothing first in case there is some cleaning product left on the sole.

Another well-known method is to use strips of sulfur from matchboxes. The rough surface of the strips facilitates quick mechanical cleaning of the sole.

The most modern means for cleaning irons - melamine sponge. The melamine resin foam sponges are soft and have a rubber-like feel. Despite its softness, the sponge is a good abrasive. Small nanoparticles effectively cope not only with carbon deposits, but also with most known contaminants. Wet the sponge in cleaning and detergents no need.

The melamine sponge is lightly moistened with water and wrung out without twisting. Dirty stains are rubbed off with the corner of a sponge, applying light pressure. After cleaning, the surface of the iron is wiped so that no traces of melamine remain, and crumbs from the sponge are swept into the trash.

If a piece of polyethylene sticks to the iron and melts, wash it off acetone or nail polish remover, being careful not to touch the plastic parts of the iron.

And very small stains can be removed soap-ammonia solution. Add ammonia and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent or liquid soap to half a glass of water, mix, foam with a sponge and treat the surface of the sole, then iron with an old woolen rag. The procedure is repeated several times until the iron becomes clean and shiny.

Teflon-coated sole cleaners

The non-stick Teflon sole can be damaged if:

  • pour hard tap water into the iron. After just a couple of ironing procedures, the device will begin to produce scale flakes instead of steam;
  • Iron synthetics in the “cotton/linen” mode, that is, at a temperature above 190°C. The fabric will melt and black spots will remain on the sole. If you do not remove them and continue ironing other items, the clean fabric will be damaged by soot;
  • iron dirty things with traces of resin and glue.

Large fresh stains can be removed Teflon spatula. The iron is heated to soften the stain, after which it is carefully removed with a spatula, being careful not to smear the stain on the sole.

Small stains can be cleaned with household chemicals “anti-fat”. The product is applied to the Teflon coating of the iron, foamed with a sponge, left for half an hour, then carefully washed off with a wet sponge, trying to prevent water from seeping into the electrical appliance.

Prices for cleaning products

Pencils for cleaning irons

A universal product that is suitable for all materials and coatings.

The price of pencils starts from only 15 rubles. Information about the method of application can always be found on the packaging. Typically, irons are cleaned as follows:

Important! During cleaning, the iron is held vertically.

The most popular brands of pencils

Contains urea and does not contain abrasive components. Removes carbon deposits, scale and simply dirty stains of unknown origin. After applying the product, you need to wait only 1 minute, then remove the remaining carbon deposits and pencil with a cotton cloth. If the iron has a steam function, it is advisable to release steam several times to clean the holes. After use, the shine of the coating and the glide of the iron on fabrics improves.

Contains citric and adipic acids, ammonium nitrate. The pencil acts very quickly, does not scratch the surface of the iron, and extends the service life of the electrical appliance. Effective for all types of dirt.

Contains urea and organic acids. Recommended for Teflon coated irons. Quickly copes with carbon deposits, rust, soot stains, etc. After evenly applying the product to a heated iron, there is no need to wait; you can immediately begin removing stains and product residues with a cloth.
Produced in Russia. Contains organic acids and urea. Removes burnt fabric and dirt without leaving marks or scratches. Suitable for ceramic and Teflon coatings.

Professional approach to problem solving. Contains sodium percarbonate, urea, organic acids, nonionic and anionic surfactants, special additives. Ideal for Teflon coated irons. Clears carbon deposits in a few minutes. The surface after cleaning is shiny and smoother.

Suitable for cleaning all metal surfaces. It will help remove old carbon deposits. Composition: urea >30%, stearic acid

Pencil for cleaning irons “Every day”

Important! When using pencils, ensure that the room is well ventilated.

To extend the life of an electrical appliance, do not forget to maintain the temperature regime when ironing different fabrics, use cleaning pencils and descaling agents more often, do not forget to clean the iron stand and wash the cover on the ironing board on time, and pour out the remaining water from the iron after ironing. Careful attitude and competent care are the key to long-lasting iron operation and impeccable appearance of your things

Video - How to clean an iron? Getting rid of burning and scale

Video - 6 ways to clean your iron

Prices for popular iron models

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