How do you know if your pregnancy is going well? Pregnancy without signs: description, features and recommendations of specialists Fetal movements: what is normal

This topic is very exciting and delicate. Talking about this is always difficult and joyless. But you can’t remain silent either, because undeveloped pregnancies, unfortunately, are not that uncommon today.

If the fetus froze at term, when a rather large belly was already visible, then it may decrease slightly in size. For more later Freezing will be indicated by the absence of movements for an extended period of time.

Whenever a misfortune occurs, a woman may feel very bad for no apparent reason, as it seems to her.

The described signs of a non-developing pregnancy can appear individually or in combination, several at a time, or be completely absent - in each individual case everything happens differently.

We sincerely hope that this information will forever remain theoretical and unclaimed for you. But if, God forbid, something else happens, then don’t be upset: 80-90% of women successfully carry their next pregnancy to term. Moreover, the chances of success increase if the pregnancy is planned in advance, undergoes and is properly prepared for motherhood (and fatherhood too).

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Difficult pregnancies are becoming increasingly common among expectant mothers these days. of different ages. Such a pregnancy, as a rule, ends in an equally difficult and difficult birth. A large number of women are forced to undergo conservatorship to avoid premature birth. And children are increasingly being born with various abnormalities and complications.

To avoid such consequences, you need to plan and prepare for pregnancy in advance. Diet, daily routine and hygiene must be maintained within normal conditions for pregnant women.

The causes of difficult pregnancy may vary

These include intoxication of the body before conception. These are excessive use of alcohol, tobacco and abuse medicines. Along with intoxication, the body’s rejection of many types of food can cause a difficult pregnancy, including disposal of the fetus. This condition manifests itself in the form of toxicosis, both mild and severe. If the latter is present, continuation of pregnancy becomes impossible due to the woman’s extremely poor health.

In the psychological aspect, a difficult pregnancy can provoke apathy or aggression, Bad mood or increased fussiness. Family relationships may be upset, which will further aggravate the general condition of the pregnant woman. Stress and sudden mood swings are contraindicated during any pregnancy, and even more so during a pregnancy that deviates from established norms.

Pregnancy and Childbirth. The most difficult 10 days of my life video

Nausea, nervousness, drowsiness, changes in appetite - all this is normal for the first trimester of pregnancy. Vomiting that does not threaten dehydration is also not a deviation. All these symptoms are called gestosis in the first trimester and do not pose a danger to the woman and the fetus. But the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge and frequent vomiting are not normal, you need to call urgently ambulance, and before the doctor arrives, observe bed rest. It is in the first trimester that the body makes a decision whether to continue the pregnancy or not. To make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding normally and everything is fine with the embryo, the following studies are carried out:
Ultrasound on early stages(diagnoses pregnancy, excludes ectopic pregnancy);
Ultrasound at 12 weeks (no abnormalities in embryo development are diagnosed);
laboratory tests (including maternal blood tests, screening for developmental anomalies);
sometimes chorionic fibers are examined (if the risk of developmental anomalies and genetic mutations is high).

Hypertonicity or training contractions?

Obstetricians say that in the second and third trimester the main task of the embryo is to grow, since the rudiments of organs and systems have already formed. At this stage, it is important to maintain the health of the expectant mother and prevent deviations during pregnancy. Hypertonicity of the uterus is not normal under any circumstances - this threatens the development of fetal hypoxia and the risk of miscarriage. Nagging pain in the lumbosacral region, a feeling of a “petrified uterus” are signs of hypertonicity. In contrast to hypertonicity, training contractions, which can begin as early as the beginning of the second trimester, pass quickly, alternating periods of tension and relaxation of the uterus. Remember, a “stone” stomach and severe pain in the lower back are hypertension; urgent medical attention is needed.

Excess weight: is swelling or excessive appetite to blame?

Increased appetite and thirst accompany almost every pregnant woman. However, in some cases, these symptoms may indicate gestational diabetes. To do this, they conduct a blood test for glucose levels (donate blood for sugar). If these indicators are normal, then excess weight- the result of excessive consumption of food.

During pregnancy, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode: they are put under pressure by the enlarged uterus, and there is additional stress due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and the consumption of pregnant fluid in a larger volume than usual. Moderate swelling is not a pathology, but extensive swelling threatens serious gestosis and can lead to malnutrition of the fetus and provoke a persistent increase in blood pressure. To understand whether you have fluid retention, you need to monitor the amount of fluid you drink and excrete for at least a week. If the difference between the values ​​is more than 100-300 ml, you have fluid retention.

What studies are carried out in the second and third trimesters?

During the second and third trimesters, an ultrasound examination is performed to exclude pathologies of the fetus and placenta. The doctor looks at the volume amniotic fluid, placenta insertion site and blood flow study. It is impossible to obtain this data using subjective methods, and therefore you should not refuse diagnostics. At the same time, fetal developmental abnormalities can be diagnosed. If you plan to continue the pregnancy in any case, then it is even more worthwhile to go for additional diagnostics. Knowledge about fetal development disorders, many of which can be successfully treated, will allow you to prepare for the birth of a special child and find good specialists to eliminate the disorders.

Colostrum is normal

Enlarged breasts, increased sensitivity in the nipple area and the appearance of colostrum are a sign of a normal pregnancy. Indirectly, based on the condition of the breast, you can understand that everything is fine with the child. If you are pregnant, then the hormonal status changes - the breasts sharply decrease, colostrum ceases to be released. The absence of colostrum is not a deviation; in some women it appears the day before or only after childbirth.

Fetal movements: what is normal?

Normally, a woman feels fetal movements from 17-22 weeks. Every day you need to record up to 12 cycles of movement or note the presence of fetal activity every hour. Both calm and active behavior can indicate both normality and pathology. If your baby is always calm, and it is confirmed that there is no fetal hypoxia, then this is the norm for a particular pregnancy. A sharp change in the behavior of the fetus may be a cause for concern: active child became lethargic, and the calm one became too active. You should contact your local obstetrician or call an ambulance.

Arterial hypertension is dangerous for the development of convulsive syndrome

An increase in blood pressure even by several tens of units is a cause for concern and hospitalization for a pregnant woman. The fetus experiences oxygen starvation, developmental delay may occur and one of the most dangerous complications of pregnancy is eclampsia and the occurrence of seizures. Convulsions can lead to placental abruption, intrauterine fetal death, fractures in a pregnant woman and premature birth. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and feel a sudden headache, which is combined with loss of orientation in space, dazedness, tunnel vision - seek immediate medical help.

Bloody discharge is always a cause for concern

The discharge of bright scarlet blood is always dangerous. A common myth that menstruation passes through the pregnant uterus can cause miscarriage. Sometimes the discharge of coagulated blood may occur several days after an instrumental examination in a chair. The reason for this is a loose cervix and vaginal walls, as well as increased vascular permeability, and not the carelessness of the doctor, as many believe.

You should know that the presence of complications during the first pregnancy does not in any way affect the course of subsequent pregnancies. Often during the first pregnancy, women note hypertonicity of the uterus, nausea causes them great inconvenience, as does increased sensitivity of the nipples. Multiparous women are more ready for changes in the body, and therefore characteristic, sometimes discomfort do not cause them serious discomfort, and complications such as hypertension and the risk of developing eclampsia in