How to make gel food coloring. How to color mastic with food coloring - tips and all methods

Modern confectionery products are full of all the colors of the rainbow, attracting the attention of buyers. But often artificial ingredients are hidden behind the colorful glamor of the product. To protect your health, we recommend paying attention to the composition of the product and making your choice in favor of only natural ingredients. And for those who like to cook themselves, we offer a simple recipe for natural food colors that can be used in any culinary masterpieces, including mastic.

What is mastic for and how to make mastic for a cake

Although we talked about this in previous articles in the corresponding section of the site, let us briefly recall the main thing once again.

Mastic is a plastic confectionery mass from which it is created cake decorations. One of her recipes is based on the use of airy marshmallows. To prepare mastic with it, airy marshmallows are mixed with lemon juice and heated in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. Then the resulting mass is mixed with powdered sugar and, if desired, food coloring is added.

Helps you remember the technology step by step.

Almost every recipe mentions natural concentrated food coloring. Just a few drops of this dye are enough to give the mastic a rich color. If you want to get a pastel shade of mastic, use food colorings made from berries, fruits or vegetables at home.

Ingredients you will need to make food coloring:


Food coloring technology

  1. Divide the finished mastic into small pieces: it is easy to select the desired shade from them by mixing the mastic with a certain amount of juice.
  2. Having decided on the color on a “test” piece, add the required number of drops of juice to the mastic to achieve the desired shade.
  3. Knead thoroughly until the mastic is evenly colored.

The three-minute video clearly shows all the stages of preparing food coloring from beet, carrot and blueberry juice:

By the way, mastic can be given a marble effect. To do this, drop juice of any color onto the mastic in several places, then pull the mastic into a “sausage” and pinch the edges. Repeat several times, but remember: the amount of juice to create a marble pattern should be small.

Continue to follow our advice in the articles on the Zefiryushki website of the Sweet Fairytale group of companies and experiment for your health!

Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting. A familiar phrase from childhood that always helps out if you have forgotten the sequence of the color spectrum. And if this issue can be resolved only with the help of a humorous statement, then the issue of food coloring cannot be easily resolved either. What is the difference between dry and liquid dyes? Why does chocolate curl when dyed? What is better to color fondant or cream for a cake? And this is only a small part of the main questions about food dyes. But this is the ingredient every pastry chef comes across most often! Let's look into the details.

Let's start with classification. All food dyes can be divided into several groups: dry, liquid, gel, kandurins, sprays, food markers. In addition to the variety of release forms, dyes are divided into two large (and very important!) categories based on their chemical basis: water-soluble and fat-soluble. You can read on the packaging which of the two categories a particular dye belongs to. If the dye is fat-soluble, there are usually markings: choco color (from the manufacturer FoodColours), oil candy color (from AmeriColor), the word “Varnish” (from Russian manufacturers) and others like that. Water-soluble ones are often not labeled, so if you don’t see a special sign or inscription on the packaging, then this dye is definitely water-based.

We all know from school courses that the different densities of water and oil (and products containing it) do not allow them to mix with each other. One of the most common confectionery mistakes is adding the first coloring that comes to hand into chocolate. Of course, it may magically happen that you come across exactly the right dye, but most likely not. The chocolate will curdle, turn into a plasticine mass and go in the trash. We decided to make your painful thoughts a little easier when choosing a particular dye when coloring different products and have compiled a visual diagram.

Dry dyes.

Powdered dyes. Most often they are diluted in water or vodka before use. Used for coloring biscuits, creams and chocolate. In the latter case, the dye is not diluted with water, and do not forget about the marking (oil) on the packaging. In addition, all dry dyes can be used in dry form as a pigment. They are used to color mastic or wafer paper, for example, when creating sugar or wafer flowers. Using dry dyes applied with a brush or sponge, you can achieve smooth and natural transitions. Among other things, dry dyes are an important assistant when preparing French Macaron cake. No excess moisture, uniform coloring and economical consumption.

Gel dyes.

Universal water-soluble dyes that are suitable for coloring biscuits, mastic, icing, creams, meringues and much more. They have a thick texture, rich color, and good hiding power. Gel colors are the most necessary tool for creating unique cakes. After all, it is among them that you can find the necessary shade for a cream or mastic. The palette of gel dyes is very diverse, especially AmeriColor. In it you can find not only several shades of pink or green, but also unusual “dusty” colors with mysterious names “moss”, “pumpkin”, “cypress” (We’ll talk about them in more detail next week!).

Liquid dyes.

Less dense, flowable water-based dyes. They are less suitable for coloring creams and mastics, but they can still be used to color almost any mixture. You should be a little more careful when working with them, as excess moisture can destroy the texture of the product being painted. Overdoing it with liquid coloring when making cupcakes can result in an unstable cream, and the fondant can become overly soft and sticky. But liquid dyes are ideal for direct coloring. With their help you can draw on the surface of a cake, gingerbread and on mastic. Also, the use of liquid dyes when coloring biscuits (for example, for red velvet) is a more rational and economical solution.


A special type of dry food coloring with characteristic shiny particles. These particles come in different fractions, that is, grinding, which makes some kandurins look like solid shiny dust, while others consist of powder with sparkles inside. They can be used either dry or diluted with water or vodka. With their help, you can give any product a shiny shade. Kandurins are usually applied to the surface of cream, mastic, icing, and chocolate. The most popular shades of kandurins: gold, silver, copper. These shades are indispensable when creating metallic cakes. And if in the case of chocolate it is recommended to apply kandurin in dry form, then on cream or mastic in a reconstituted form. In these cases, the shine will be maximum and the coverage will be uniform. Kandurins are also indispensable for the finishing decoration of cakes and cupcakes - a few strokes of a dry brush are appropriate for almost any design.


In addition to traditional types of dyes, dyes in the form of sprays are becoming especially relevant. The most commonly used are gold, silver and mother-of-pearl options. Using a spray you can achieve a uniform metallic color. The spray can be used to cover any, absolutely any surface: chocolate, mastic, pasta and, most importantly, cream. After all, there is no other option to cover the top of a cupcake with glitter, for example.

If you want to create impeccable confectionery products that are wonderful not only in taste, but also in appearance, then you will need original decorations. Most often, mastic is used for such purposes. But boring white figures are no longer interesting; variegated and saturated colors are in trend. If you are not a professional pastry chef, but want to improve in baking sweets, check out how to color mastic yourself by making dyes from improvised materials.

Powder dyes, can be used in mastic painting

What dyes exist

There are three types of dyes:

  1. Dry or powder. Used to create expressive colors for miniature parts of confectionery products. Dry paints are usually dissolved in boiling water or medical alcohol (2 tsp of liquid per 2 g of paint). Sometimes they are applied to cakes dry.
  2. Liquid. Designed to give original color to creams and protein masses for painting. Often added to sugar mastic instead of water.
  3. Gel-like. They resemble liquid ones, but have a denser structure. Gel paints are suitable for mastic, biscuit dough, creams, glazes.

Making your own food coloring

Fruits, vegetables, juices, seasonings, and herbs are suitable for creating coloring substances. The durability of a regular dye is 2-3 days, but if you add sugar to it, the period of use is extended by 12-14 days. The main thing is not to leave the dye exposed in a warm place.

To create red color, raspberry, strawberry, and cherry juices are used. Regular beets are also suitable. You need to take a few vegetables, wash them, peel them, and grate them. Then put it in a saucepan, add water, and cook for 60 minutes. After cooking, add ½ tsp to the broth. citric acid. When the beets have cooled, filter the broth and use it for its intended purpose.

Orange tones are created using carrots. It is cleaned and grated. The fruit is placed in a frying pan and poured with butter (butter and carrots are taken in equal proportions). After this, the mixture is simmered on the stove for 5-7 minutes. Then the composition is filtered through a sieve or gauze cloth.

You can make green dye from fresh spinach. Beat the greens in a blender or grind in a meat grinder. The resulting composition is boiled for 30 minutes and passed through cheesecloth.

The yellow tint comes from lemon. Citrus zest is grated and squeezed until juice is formed.

Painted mastic, finished result

Food colorings

Coloring substances from natural products do not harm the body, do not contain preservatives, give the mastic a natural bright color, and have a pleasant taste. Below we will look at the variety of shades that can be easily created at home from available ingredients.

Variety of dyes

Using different products, it is easy to recreate dyes of all colors:

  • white shades are created from powder (sugar), fermented milk products;
  • yellow - from carrot juice, pineapple juice, turmeric powder, saffron;
  • orange - from freshly squeezed citrus fruit drinks;
  • pink and scarlet - from beets, cranberries, currants, pomegranate juice, cherries, red wine;
  • green - spinach greens, mustard seeds, parsley, dill, sorrel;
  • purple - from blueberry juice, grapes, purple cabbage, blackberry juice;
  • brown - from instant coffee;
  • chocolate - made from cocoa powder, dark or milk chocolate;
  • black - from activated carbon.

Creating new shades

When you can’t find the right shade, you can combine colors that have already been made, creating new interesting variations. By combining yellow and blue, you get a green color. A dark green palette can be achieved by combining a little black and green tones. The swamp shade is made from a drop of red and green flowers. Pistachio – made from yellow and a drop of blue. Lavender - from lilac and pink. Plum - from red (a little) and lilac.

Coral color is obtained from a yellow and pink palette (2:3). Terracotta - from orange and brown colors.

How to make mastic at home

Making your own mastic

Creating a dye is only half the battle; you also need to know how to prepare mastic.


  • milk powder (160 g);
  • powdered sugar (same amount);
  • whole condensed milk (180 g).

Combine flour with powdered sugar and place in a deep container. Add powdered milk little by little (it is better to buy with a high percentage of fat content). Mix the mixture gradually, then add the condensed milk, stirring with a spoon. After the mastic thickens, knead it thoroughly with your hands.

If the mastic crumbles

Sometimes the mixed mastic can crumble and crumble. If this happens, you should add a little more condensed milk to it. The mastic will reach the desired consistency when it comes off your hands and has a uniform structure.

Mastic consistency

To easily make figures from mastic, its consistency should be soft (resembling plasticine). Usually the color of the prepared decoration is milky white, cream. There is no crystal white shade of a sweet product.

How to store mastic

The made mastic can be stored for 2-3 months. It is better to do this in the freezer, wrapping the sweet mass in cling film or a disposable bag.

How and with what to paint mastic at home

The light milky shade of the mastic can be easily transformed into the desired color. Below we will look at ways to color sweet decorations.

How to paint mastic with dye

The prepared mastic is divided into parts, then the required colors are prepared. Add a couple of drops of dye to a piece of jewelry, and then mix thoroughly so that the liquid is absorbed into the mastic.

How to paint with dry dye

Dry dyes will not be able to melt in thick mastic, so the shade will be uneven, resembling dots of different shapes. For dry dyeing, take a colored powder mass (2-3 g) and combine it with water. The resulting liquid is dripped into the mastic.

Do-it-yourself natural coloring pigments will be an excellent replacement for synthetic substances. They are easily created from products that everyone has on hand. Prepared dyes will be an excellent way to decorate mastic, biscuits, cakes and other sweets.

Natural Food Colors. How To Do. Color table. Natural Food Coloring. How To Make

Making mastic from condensed milk

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Mastic. Recipes and videos.

The decoration of any holiday has always been, remains and will be a festive cake. And, as you know, it should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. Recently, mastic for cakes has become especially popular, with which they cover it, make figures, inscriptions, and special craftswomen even sculpt entire compositions.

If you first came across the concept of mastic or saw it on a cake, then it is very difficult to imagine what it was and how it was made. Mastic is an astringent and adhesive edible substance, homogeneous in composition, which is created in production or prepared by hand. A properly prepared mass is similar in consistency to plasticine, from which you can mold any figures.

The most interesting thing is that all the parts made from this material are not only beautiful, but also edible, because only food and natural dyes are used for preparation. In the event that the cake mastic is completely unusable, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months, but the main thing is to wrap the mass in cling film or polyethylene before putting it in the freezer.

You can buy mastic in a store or make it yourself - it all depends on the preferences and desires of the housewife. But you need to know that there are several types of mastic mass, they have the same base - powdered sugar or sugar, soft marshmallows, and the other components vary.

  • honey This cake mastic, as the name implies, is made from honey, it is softer than sugar, so it is easy to sculpt figures and cake details from it, because it never crumbles or crumbles.
  • gelatinous, also called pastillage. Its base is gelatin, it is thanks to it that the mass quickly hardens, becomes hard and elastic. This allows you to make complex small parts. For example, the petals and stamens of flowers.
  • dairy. This is one of the most common types of mastic. Condensed milk is used for preparation. Most often, this mass is used to cover the base, that is, the cake itself, or to sculpt medium-sized figures.
  • marzipan This mastic has a very soft consistency, which allows you to roll it out in a thin layer of a few millimeters and cover cakes and pies. However, remember that it is impossible to make figures and inscriptions from it; it contains almonds.
  • industrial. The peculiarities of this cake mastic are that it cannot be made at home, it is created only in production. It is universal and suitable for both covering and decorating confectionery products. It tastes and looks no different from homemade.
  • floral. This type is an ideal option for “fine jewelry” work, creating a flower from mastic. You can cut petals, leaves, etc. from the flower mass. They will look natural and will not lose their shape.

Recipes for making mastic at home

Whatever type of mastic you choose, before preparing you need to take the following tools:

Products for different types of mastics will differ, but we will consider the simplest and most common ones

To prepare you will need:

First, marshmallows are placed in a deep plate, water is added (to give the mass sourness, it can be replaced with lemon juice), all this is placed in the microwave for 40 seconds. The mastic for the cake according to the recipe turns out to be soft and plastic. When the marshmallow has melted a little, powder is added, which is sifted in advance.

  • Rolling pin;
  • A wooden board for rolling out or a dry and clean table;
  • Ruler;
  • Round knife;
  • Colored ribbon;
  • Cling film.
  • Powdered sugar - how much the mass will absorb;
  • Marshmallow (chewable) - 200 gr.;
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Food coloring to change the color of the mastic.

It needs to be added until the mass looks like plasticine, and this must be done gradually so as not to add too much, otherwise it will be impossible to work with the mastic - it will become rough. As soon as the mass is formed, you need to wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer for 30-40 minutes, and then you can start working with it.

Experienced confectioners know that each type of mastic is suitable for specific purposes. But housewives, fascinated by art, find different ways to make cake mastic at home. More often, the main criteria are inexpensive and accessible products, ease of preparation, versatility and the ability to color the mass after cooking.

For this mastic you will need the following products:

  • Condensed milk - 200 gr.;
  • Powdered sugar - 160 gr.;
  • Powdered milk - 150 gr.;
  • Cognac - 1 tsp. (can be cooked without it);
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp.

First you need to combine the milk powder and powdered sugar, then sift them through a sieve and begin to gradually pour in the condensed milk, add cognac and lemon juice. As soon as the mass has acquired the consistency of plasticine, it needs to be transferred to cling film and put in the freezer.

Coloring the mastic is necessary in almost every preparation. Before you make cake fondant at home, you need to think about the colors you need for decoration. It is better to add dyes during the cooking process than to the finished mass - the color will be more even.

If you still have to paint after preparing the mastic, then first roll a small ball out of it, make a depression in it, pour in a few drops of paint, then stir until the color is uniform and wrap the piece in polyethylene.

You can store mastic and figures made from it for no more than 3 months, and the parts need to be prepared at least 2 weeks before the holiday so that they have time to dry and keep their shape.

Decorating a cake with fondant is an art that only comes with experience. The more cakes are prepared, the more accurate and interesting the next job turns out. The main thing is desire and patience, everything will definitely work out!

How to make dyes for elastic mastic?

Nowadays, elastic mastic is extremely indispensable in creating true confectionery masterpieces. It is used to decorate cakes and make figurines for decorating all kinds of pastries. But the mastic itself looks very boring and uninteresting. It looks like white plasticine, only sweet and edible. Products made from such a product will come out monotonous and faded. Dyes for sweet mastic, which can be either natural or synthetic, will add the missing beauty and brightness to the cake.

Dyes can be liquid, gel and dry:

  • . Liquid colorants. With their help, creams for confectionery products and drawing protein mass are colored. Such tools can be used anywhere.
  • . Dry dyes for mastic. Produced in powder form. With their help you can give the desired shade to any confectionery product. Diluted in boiled water or alcohol.
  • . Gel dyes. In some ways they are similar to liquid dyes. They are concentrated, which allows them to be used extremely economically and in doses. Various creams and glazes are colored using these means. Often, paint is added directly to the dough to make it unusual.

Some are afraid to use synthetic paint for fear of harming their health. These fears and doubts are unfounded. If you still have doubts, you can prepare food coloring for mastic at home from available and inexpensive products. Preparing natural dyes for elastic mastic is not at all difficult.

A yellow or brown tint will come out of the roast, which is extremely easy to prepare.

  1. To do this, pour five parts of granulated sugar into a deep bowl and pour in one part of water, place the container on low heat and boil until a thick mass of a beautiful dark brown color is formed.
  2. Next, remove the pan from the stove and add water in small portions, stirring constantly.
  3. The resulting solution must be filtered.
  4. To obtain a yellow tint, you can take crushed saffron. It is poured with warm water for a day, after which it is filtered.

The source of the brown color can be chocolate or strong coffee. Depending on how you add the required dye to the mastic, the result will be obtained.

From beets you can get delicate pink and rich red colors. Depending on the concentration of the juice, one tone or another will be obtained. Grate the beets on the largest grater, transfer them to a container and fill them with water, cover with a lid and boil for at least an hour. After which the liquid must be drained and the beet pulp squeezed out.

A pinch of citric acid is added to this solution, so the solution will remain bright and saturated. No less beautiful shades of red can be obtained by boiling the juices of any red berries. Making dyes to give different shades to mastic at home is not at all difficult.

The orange color will come from juicy carrots, grated on a coarse grater and fried in butter. The oil will not burn at all if you first grease the pan with vegetable oil. After about five minutes, the carrots will become soft and can be removed from the heat. The slightly cooled mass is squeezed through double gauze or thick fabric.

Spinach will serve as a source of green shades. It is passed through a press or crushed in a blender, then wrapped in cloth and squeezed out. A richer tone will be obtained if you boil the spinach juice over low heat for about forty minutes.

Blueberries and grapes will produce purple and lilac dyes.

But what if you want to create something special, but there are too few available shades? How can you replace dyes for mastic to get a new color? You can get the desired color by combining certain means:

  • . yellow + blue = green
  • . green + black = dark green
  • . yellow + lilac = light green
  • . yellow + green + white = light green
  • . red + green = swamp green
  • . lilac + pink = lavender
  • . green + yellow + orange = blue
  • . red + purple = plum
  • . red + yellow + blue = burgundy
  • . white + red = pink
  • . yellow + orange = peach
  • . yellow + red = orange
  • . white + green + yellow = lemon
  • . yellow + red + white = beige
  • . brown + orange = terracotta

For many home cooks, it remains a mystery how to paint mastic with dry dyes without spoiling the elastic mass. Even an inexperienced pastry chef can cope with this task if he uses food coloring for elastic mastic.

You only need a drop of gel dye. The paint is added directly to the material and vigorously kneaded until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained. It is necessary to mix very intensively and quickly, otherwise the mass will harden and the color will be distributed quite unevenly.

When using dry products, you can paint the mass in two ways. In the first case, take an ordinary toothpick and dip it into the dry dye, and then into the mass itself. Do this several times, and then mix the mastic. Stir until the color is evenly distributed.

In the second case, just a little dry paint is placed in some container. Just a teaspoon of paint is enough. Add 3 drops of water or lemon juice into the container, then mix well. Place this mixture directly into the mastic dough and knead vigorously. Now you know how to make dye for elastic mastic quickly and easily.

Of course, it’s a personal matter for everyone, which dyes for mastic are better to use: homemade or synthetic. It is important to remember only one thing: you cannot save on your own health, so you need to choose the best. If you choose a synthetic mastic dye for your cake, carefully read the composition on the packaging. And if you prefer to make homemade dyes for plastic mastic with your own hands, use the ripest and freshest products for this purpose.

  • — food coloring (gel or dry);
  • - gouache paints;
  • - toothpicks;
  • - brushes.

For 150 g of condensed milk you will need a glass of powdered sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and powdered milk or cream - about one and a half glasses. Sometimes more powdered cream is needed. Consumption must be controlled directly during preparation and kneading of the mass.

In a deep bowl, mix milk or cream with powdered sugar. Add condensed milk, stir. Prepare your work surface. The mastic will need to be kneaded like a dough. Sprinkle the surface on which you will do this with powdered sugar. Then pour the mixture from the bowl onto it and knead until it stops sticking to your hands.

If you think that the mastic is too sugary, you can replace some of the powder with potato starch. When adding it, the mass will stick to your hands less. If you have glycerin, add a few drops - this will help the mastic become more beautiful and elastic, and not dry out during storage.

The mastic can be considered ready when it reaches homogeneity. The result should be an elastic, elastic mass, reminiscent of plasticine in its properties. When the mass is mixed, you can begin to sculpt figures from it. Cover the surface on which you are going to do this with powder. You can roll out mastic on it without fear that it will stick to the table.

To get different colors of the pastry mixture, divide it into parts and add food coloring to each of them. You can use cocoa powder to achieve a brown or beige color. The pink and red colors come from adding berry syrup.

Decorations must be made in advance - they must dry before serving them on the table or decorating the cake. To dry, they must be wrapped in film or placed in a suitable container and covered with a lid. If the mass remains, it can be stored in the refrigerator. Before sculpting it again, leave it for half an hour in a room at room temperature, in film, so that the mastic becomes soft and more pliable.

Often when working with mastic you need to paint it some color. This can be done using special food colors of the desired shade. And if the choice in stores is not pleasing and you can’t find the right shade, these tips can come to the rescue.

· If you can't find the right food coloring or are against using chemical coloring, you can use juices. Spinach juice will give the mastic a light green color, beet juice will give it a red color, and carrot juice will give it an orange color. For a lighter color, you can defrost the spinach and squeeze the juice out of it. A more concentrated color is obtained by boiling the spinach in a small amount of water and straining.

· Yellow color can be obtained from turmeric. To do this, you need to brew turmeric with boiling water (1 tablespoon turmeric, 2 tablespoons boiling water), let it brew, then strain. The resulting decoction can be used as a yellow dye.

· The purple color can be obtained from elderberry juice. Another way to make purple dye is to boil shredded red cabbage in a little water.

· It is very difficult to paint mastic black without black dye. In this case, craftswomen use a mixture of three dyes: one part each of red and blue and two parts blue. The resulting blackness depends on the shades of dyes that were used. The color may not be completely black, but slightly greenish with a hint of purple.

· Another way to get a black color is to add burnt sugar to the mastic, getting a brown color. Then adjust the color using blue dye.

Use these tips and your desserts will delight you and your guests with bright colors.


The easiest and safest way to color is to use food coloring. If you take it, then you just need to drop a couple of drops from the bottle onto the material. Then knead the mass intensively and get a homogeneous lump of plastic dough, from which you can already create. Just remember that you need to mix the dough with the paint very vigorously so that the mastic does not harden and the color is distributed evenly.

If you are using dry dyes, you can paint mastic two ways. The first one looks like this. Take a toothpick and dip it into the dry dye, then push it through the mixture itself. Repeat this several times, then start mixing the dough. Do this until the color is evenly distributed. If you feel that the color intensity is not enough, add dry powder again using a toothpick.

The second method of coloring with dry dyes looks like this. Place some dye of one color or another in a small container. You only need a teaspoon of the product. Add 2-3 drops of plain water or lemon juice (diluted citric acid will also work) and stir. Then place this mixture into the mastic dough and mix.

If you are not going to eat mastic figurines, you can paint the source material with ordinary gouache paints. You will also need 1-2 drops of them. Try not to pour too much, otherwise you risk ruining it. mastic - after all, from excess moisture it simply breaks. Just like with food coloring, stir mastic and paint. Start creating.

Can be painted mastic and after the fact. To do this, make a figure, connect its parts together, let it dry - usually the mastic dries for about a day. Next, take markers or paints and a brush and start coloring. Again, remember that you cannot wet the material too much - your toy may leak.


You should not pour dry dye into the mastic. You won't be able to mix it properly, and the mixture will turn out spotty and lumpy.

Shiny floors in the house indicate cleanliness, delighting household members and guests. But with repeated application of gloss mastics, the resulting film becomes dirty, dull, and loses its attractive appearance.

You will need

  • - self-shining agent;
  • - a rag or sponge;
  • - floor cleaner from self-shining compounds;
  • - hard brush.


To add shine to your flooring, coat it with a self-gloss polish.

Wash the floor surface or wipe it with a damp cloth.

Moving from the far wall to the door of the room, apply the product (for example, “Self-shine”, Saihky lattiakiilto, “Vipolis”, etc.) in small quantities to individual areas of the floor surface, then immediately distribute the product in an even layer with a sponge or rag over the floor.

Wait 30-40 minutes. During this time period, the product will harden, and an even glossy film with a pleasant shine will form on the floor. To make the mastic shine stronger, repeat the above procedure 2-3 times. This product does not require rubbing.

Twice a year, remove all film from the floor surface, since its appearance deteriorates over time under the influence of light and air, then apply a new layer of self-shining product. To do this, use special cleaners (“Egle”, “Floor Cleaner for Self-Shine Compounds”, etc.): shake the contents of the bottle thoroughly, dilute it with 6-8 liters of water and mix thoroughly.

Apply the resulting emulsion to the floor surface and wait five minutes, then rub the entire coating with a stiff brush or sponge. Complete the cleaning procedure by washing the floor with clean water.

On the cleaned floor, after it has dried, apply a new layer of self-shining product.


If the floor being treated is parquet, then minimize its contact with water.

Helpful advice

Self-shining products are made on a wax or polymer base. The products of the first group form a more rigid film, which is more water-resistant and less susceptible to scratches than films formed from wax-based self-glosses, which are more elastic.


  • To make the floors shine

Baking mastic is an effective way to decorate a cake the way you want. It is easy to use, flexible, stores well and looks great on the cake. Mastic can be used to decorate a variety of desserts - from themed cakes to multi-tiered wedding cakes.

Often when working it is necessary to paint it in some color. This can be done using special food colors of the desired shade. And if the choice in stores is not pleasing and you can’t find the right shade, these tips can come to the rescue.

· If you can't find the right food coloring or are against using chemical coloring, you can use juices. Spinach juice will give the mastic a light green color, beet juice will give it a red color, and carrot juice will give it an orange color. For a lighter color, you can defrost the spinach and squeeze the juice out of it. A more concentrated color is obtained by boiling the spinach in a small amount of water and straining.

· Yellow color can be obtained. To do this, you need to brew turmeric with boiling water (1 tablespoon turmeric, 2 tablespoons boiling water), let it brew, then strain. The resulting decoction can be used as a yellow dye.

· The purple color can be obtained from elderberry juice. Another way to make purple dye is to boil shredded red cabbage in a little water.

· It is very difficult to paint mastic black without black dye. In this case, craftswomen use a mixture of three dyes: one part each of red and blue and two parts blue. The resulting blackness depends on the shades of dyes that were used. The color may not be completely black, but slightly greenish with a hint of purple.

· Another way to get a black color is to add burnt sugar to the mastic, getting a brown color. Then adjust the color using blue dye.

Use these tips and your desserts will delight you and your guests with bright colors.