Which vitamin complex is better to choose? How to choose a complex of vitamins for adults and children. Advantages and disadvantages of vitamin complexes for adults and children

The modern lifestyle of a person with semi-finished products and snacks on the go leads to a lack of both vitamins and minerals in the body.

You can make up for their deficiency by drinking a vitamin-mineral complex. From the article you will learn how to choose vitamins for different ages.

Hypovitaminosis especially manifests itself in the winter-spring period with limited consumption of fruits and vegetables. During this period, there is a shortage of not just one vitamin, but several at once.

Therefore, it is better to take a multivitamin complex rather than individual vitamins.

Multivitamin complexes are used for prevention, and monovitamins for therapeutic purposes.

When making your own choice, you need to take into account that complexes are sold for different purposes and ages:

  • prevention;
  • preservation of youth;
  • pregnant women;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • women;
  • children, etc.

On most packages, the manufacturer indicates the content of each vitamin as a percentage of the daily value. The best option would be a content of 50-100%.

The most correct decision would be to consult with a doctor; he will competently select the multivitamin complex you need, and you will avoid both vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis, as well as hypervitaminosis.

Who needs to take vitamins

The main risk groups susceptible to vitamin and mineral deficiency:

  • aged people;
  • children;
  • vegetarians and those on any diet;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • survivors of infectious diseases;
  • abusing bad habits (alcohol, tobacco);
  • those engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • malnutrition.

Symptoms indicating a lack of vitamins:

  • The first signs may be deterioration in the condition of nails (dull and brittle), skin (flaking, dry, pimples appearing) and hair (falling out).
  • Frequent colds and other infections.
  • Deterioration of vision in the evening.
  • Decreased memory and attention.
  • Increased fatigue and decreased performance.
  • Indigestion.
  • Children may experience delayed mental development and growth, they become either too active, or, on the contrary, lethargic and get tired quickly, and their educational results decrease.

How to choose vitamins for women

  • A multivitamin complex for women must include the following vitamins:
  • A – strengthens vision, improves the condition of nails, hair and skin.
  • C and E – these antioxidants protect the body from the effects of an unfavorable external environment, improve the appearance of hair and skin.
  • B3 – also improves skin condition and prevents the development of various skin diseases.
  • B6 and D – will facilitate menstruation and reduce the manifestation of PMS.
  • B9 – improves a woman’s psychological state, helps with depression and stress, balances the body’s hormonal functions, and delays the onset of menopause.

How to choose vitamins for men

Multivitamin complexes for men must meet the following requirements:

  • promote physical and mental activity;
  • promote the formation of a strong skeleton and muscle mass (vitamins B, D, calcium and proteins);
  • general strengthening of hair, skin and nails (vitamins A and H);
  • for reproductive function and improvement of potency (vitamins A, B6, C and E);
  • protecting the liver from unbalanced nutrition, bad habits and stress (vitamin H).

Vitamins for pregnant women which to choose

The best vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women will be the one prescribed by the doctor monitoring the pregnancy. Here, a lot may depend on the duration of pregnancy and the state of the body of a particular woman.

During pregnancy, it is necessary not to take a general complex of multivitamins, but to pay attention to specific vitamins and microelements.

For the full development of the unborn baby, the diet of a pregnant woman must include: vitamins C, B1, B6, calcium and folic acid.

At the same time, an excess of some vitamins (for example, A) can negatively affect the health of the woman and the fetus. This once again indicates the need to consult a doctor.

How to choose multivitamins video:

How to choose vitamins for children

Due to the intensive growth of the child’s body and high mental stress, the need for vitamins and minerals increases. Childhood in itself is considered an indicator for taking multivitamin complexes.

Only a pediatrician can prescribe the best complex, since you need to take into account age, general condition of the body, etc.

Requirements for children's multivitamin complexes:

  • hypoallergenic, without artificial flavors and dyes;
  • promotes physical development;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes adaptation to mental and emotional stress.

Children's vitamins can come in different forms: syrup, powder, drops, lozenges, tablets and even candies. For each age, you can find the optimal type, so syrups and drops that can be added to food are suitable for kids, and school-age teenagers will like vitamins in the form of lozenges and gummies.

Vitamins for the elderly

The older a person gets, the worse his body absorbs vitamins, so additional intake is necessary.

The complex for the elderly should contain the following vitamins:

  • A, D and E strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • A and B2 strengthen vision;
  • group B improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • D and calcium prevent the development of osteoporosis, strengthen joints and the spine.

How to use vitamin complexes

When taking vitamins, you must follow some rules:

  • Strictly follow the dosage indicated by the doctor or on the package.
  • Take vitamins in courses of 1-1.5 months and take a break of several weeks between them.
  • If taking vitamins is not prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes, then in the summer, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, you should refrain from taking multivitamin complexes. Otherwise, hypervitaminosis may develop instead of benefit.

Pharmaceutical companies receive millions in profits from the sale of vitamin complexes, and therefore every year there are more and more vitamin- and mineral-containing preparations, as well as advertising calling for them to be taken regularly. But do we really need multivitamins, and how can we choose the best ones from all their variety? We will try to answer this question in our article.

Multivitamins: benefits and harms

Few of us, when preparing a diet, pay attention to how enriched it is with vitamins. At best, we try to include fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs in our daily menu, but very few people count the vitamins and minerals in them. It is much easier to buy multivitamins at the pharmacy, drink them twice a year and sleep peacefully.

However, recent scientific research shows that not everyone can sleep peacefully. Yes, in most cases, multivitamins provide benefits by strengthening the immune system, normalizing metabolism and improving the functioning of almost all internal organs.

But this medal also has a flip side. For example, doctors for a long time were confident and convinced their patients that additional intake of vitamins A, C, E prevents the occurrence of cancer of the digestive system. But after examining 170 thousand people, it turned out that this statement is wrong. Moreover, an overdose of these vitamins promotes the appearance and growth of cancer cells.

For a long time it was believed that vitamin E has a positive effect on life expectancy and reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis. In fact, it turned out that people who regularly took synthetic vitamin E lived 4% less than those who limited themselves exclusively to natural products. Vitamin A lovers were even more unlucky - they “shortened” their days by 16%.

Unexpected results also came from studies of the effects of taking vitamin C. It turned out that those who were partial to ascorbic acid from childhood subsequently suffered more often from heart disease than those who preferred natural ascorbic acid to synthetic ascorbic acid, i.e., ate citrus fruits and black currants , drank rosehip infusion and sea buckthorn tea.

As a result, modern medicine has come to the conclusion: synthetic multivitamins can cause harm, so they should be used only in cases where you cannot do without them.

To whom and in what cases are multivitamins indicated?

Multivitamin complexes should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor and only after he has determined, based on research results, which vitamins your body lacks. Typically, multivitamins are prescribed when a person:

  • eats irregularly and monotonously. As a result, there is a deficiency of nutrients and hypo- and vitamin deficiency;
  • is on a strict low-calorie diet or mono-diet, which almost always leads to a lack of vitamins;
  • is regularly exposed to increased physical activity (engaged in heavy physical labor, sports, etc.), which depletes the body’s vitamin reserves;
  • underwent surgery and illness. In this case, you need to “support” the body by providing additional nutrients;
  • takes medications that interfere with the absorption of vitamins.

Complexes of multivitamins and minerals are also prescribed to pregnant women who, during the period of bearing a child, need an increased dose of nutrients, children during intensive growth (infancy and adolescence) and elderly people, whose body can no longer absorb the substances necessary to ensure normal life.

If you belong to one of the listed groups, then you will be faced with the question: what multivitamins are best? The optimal choice would be a vitamin complex that is selected taking into account your individual need for nutrients, belongs to the group of vitamins, and not biologically active additives (dietary supplements), the effectiveness of which has not yet been proven, and produced by a trustworthy manufacturer.

Review of Women's Multivitamins

The best multivitamins for women are those that are selected taking into account the age characteristics of the body. The fact is that the processes of growing up and aging are accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. Taking this into account, pharmacologists, when developing vitamin complexes, increase the dosage of nutrients that are most necessary for a woman at this stage.

After 30 years

At this age, general strengthening vitamin complexes are sufficient to maintain your health and beauty. We recommend taking Alphabet-Cosmetic and Duovit, which strengthen the immune system, provide nutrition to the skin, hair and nails, and also improve memory and help relieve fatigue.

From 40 years old

It's time to take care of prolonging youth, so vitamin complexes intended for this age help maintain skin firmness and elasticity, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cope with psycho-emotional stress. The most effective in this case are “Centrum”, “Complivit “Shine” and “Vitrum”. From the latter’s line, it is better to choose “Beauty Elite” (rejuvenates the skin and makes hair healthy), “Performance” (increases performance) and “Memory” (increases concentration and improves memory).

Who is over 50

After 50 years, a woman experiences menopause, so it is important to find a combination of vitamins and minerals that would minimize the negative consequences of this condition and rejuvenate the body. “Undevit”, “Alphabet 50+” and “Vitrum Centuri” cope well with this task.

Multivitamins for pregnant women

Vitamin complexes prescribed during pregnancy stand apart, since the dosage of the ingredients they contain is much higher than the norm for an ordinary person and can cause allergies or hypervitaminosis and poisoning. They should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The most popular multivitamins today are:

Name of multivitamins pros Minuses
Alphabet-Mom's health Vitamins and minerals are arranged in three tablets, which eliminates the “neighborhood” of two substances that neutralize each other’s effects Reduced content of all active components, so you will have to drink extra folic acid and other beneficial substances
Vitrum Prenatal Does not contain much iodine and is prescribed for women with increased thyroid function High price
Complimentary Mom Low calcium and phosphorus content, so women with kidney disease can safely take it There is no iodine, so you will have to take it separately
Elevit Pronatal Increased magnesium content, so this complex is prescribed to women with increased uterine tone and prone to cramps Without iodine
Pregnavite Balanced content of vitamins and microelements Iodine missing

The best multivitamins for children

We have already written how to choose multivitamins for a child, so now we’ll just remind you: when choosing a vitamin complex, pay attention to its composition. If your baby is allergic to vitamin C, look for multivitamins for children over one year old with ascorbic acid produced from rose hips.

We have created a table of multivitamins corresponding to the child’s age:

What multivitamins are best for men to take?

It is important for men to maintain high muscle tone and functional sexual function at any age. Pharmacologists took this into account when creating multivitamins for men. But there are some nuances here too:

  • “Alphabet” is suitable for young and active people, as it stimulates brain activity and increases the body’s endurance;
  • the male version of “Duovit” prevents premature aging of cells, and therefore is indicated for representatives of the stronger sex whose age has reached at least 40 years;
  • "Vitrum Life" promotes the development of muscle mass, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and aging. Recommended for men involved in sports;
  • "Complivit classic" can be used to prevent weakening of reproductive function.

We hope that with our article we have convinced you that taking multivitamins is akin to taking medications: both have their own indications and are taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

What multivitamins do we need and do we need them at all? Watch the doctor’s opinion on this matter in the video:

The reader should understand that the information provided below is descriptive in nature and does not provide medical advice for use. The site is not responsible for possible negative consequences if you use information from this resource. Before taking the drug, consultation with a specialist is required.


» opens the rating of the best multivitamin preparations for today. The complex is prescribed for use by people with poor vision who experience regular mental and physical stress. "Undevit" is taken during the rehabilitation period after operations, for hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiencies, after long-term use of antibiotics, etc. A course of treatment replenishes the vitality of the body and strengthens the immune system.


"ranked in ninth place among the best multivitamin preparations. It is intended for people experiencing increased mental and physical stress. Its use is necessary for older people, smokers, and those who live in environmentally polluted areas. In the absence of a properly balanced diet, Triovit replenishes the daily dose of vitamins in the body and strengthens the immune system. It can be used from the age of ten. The vitamin complex can be taken by diabetics, as it does not contain sugar.


"is considered one of the best poly drugs for children and adolescents. It is taken as a disease prevention, for the treatment of deficiency conditions, during the period of active growth. The drug replenishes the body with all the necessary microelements and ensures the normal development and functioning of all tissues, strengthens the immune system and improves mental activity. With regular use, resistance to viral diseases is developed.


"also entered the top ten best multivitamin and multimineral preparations. The complex can be taken from 12 years of age. The main advantage of the drug is that, despite its low price, it is in no way inferior in effectiveness to more expensive analogues. It is used as a prevention of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, during pregnancy, for chronic diseases, as well as during periods of increased emotional, mental and physical stress. “Centrum from A to Zinc” is also recommended to be taken in the postoperative period, in the treatment of alcoholism and diabetes. The complex should not be taken with other vitamin preparations, as it already contains the daily dose of all necessary elements.


» – the best vitamin and mineral complex for children. A growing body has a greater need for vitamins and minerals than an adult. This drug copes well with this task and provides all biological tissues with all the necessary substances. “Pikovit” improves mental activity and reduces fatigue, which is very important for school-age children. Regularly taking multivitamins strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of viral and infectious diseases. The complex is also responsible for the growth and full development of all tissues.


» is one of the five best vitamin and mineral complexes. The products produced include vitamins for children, adolescents, pregnant women, as well as adult men and women. With regular use, you can be sure that the body receives all the necessary elements to maintain health. The vitamins and microelements included in the composition improve not only the general condition, but also promote better hair growth, strengthen bone tissue, and increase resistance to many diseases.


» is a vitamin and mineral complex that contains the basic elements for maintaining human health. In addition, it contains special enzymes that are responsible for better absorption of nutrients obtained from food. Dietary supplement improves mental performance and general condition of the body. Regular course use increases immune resistance and reduces the risk of various diseases. It can be used by both female and male genders. If you have any diseases, you should consult with your doctor to take the Daily Formula.


"opens the top three best multivitamin and multimineral preparations that exist today. The effectiveness of the vitamin-mineral complex is confirmed by many positive reviews about it. One tablet per day satisfies the body's daily need for vital substances. “Supradin” improves metabolic processes, energizes, strengthens bone tissue, increases mental activity, launches regenerative processes and strengthens the immune system. Its intake is especially necessary in the spring, when the body's reserves are depleted and require replenishment. Before use, you should read the instructions, as there are some contraindications.


The vitamin-mineral complex "" is in second place. Vitamins of this group are developed for both children and adults. Both men and women can take it. A multivitamin preparation includes all the elements necessary for the body to function normally. It can be used both for prevention and to replenish necessary substances during the rehabilitation period after illness. "Alphabet" is aimed not only at protecting the body from diseases - it also stimulates mental and physical activity. A specially developed group of vitamins is selected so that a three-time dose optimally replenishes the daily dose.


» tops the rating of the best vitamin and mineral complexes. A series of vitamins produced under this brand is intended for any age category, as well as pregnant women. "Complivit" contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins. It should be taken not only to replenish all vital elements, but also at the time of increased mental and physical activity. The complex contains an important group of B vitamins, which are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and general psycho-emotional state. Taking Complivit daily reduces the risk of viral diseases by 30%.

All people need vitamins, regardless of age and gender. Another question is that the set and quantity of necessary vitamins may vary.

Men spend a lot of energy, are exposed to physical activity, and experience stress at work. Women give birth to offspring and take care of their beauty. Children grow, develop mentally and physically.

Which multivitamins are better can only be determined experimentally, because the effect of the drugs is individual. Let's talk about what vitamins are needed by men, women, children and teenagers, and how to choose an effective multivitamin complex for each of these groups.

A man’s health depends on the intake of vitamins in his body.

A man’s health is not only the absence of diseases and good immunity.

Many (especially after 30) are concerned about issues and baldness.

To prevent such troubles from happening, it is important for men to maintain an optimal vitamin balance.


There are no special vitamins for men. The male body needs the same elements as the female body, but in larger quantities.

You can highlight a list of the most important vitamins for men:

  1. – affects reproductive function by regenerating the epithelium in the testes.
  2. Vitamin F– is also important in the sexual aspect of men’s health, as it contributes to the production of the optimal amount of seminal fluid. Responsible for the level of testosterone, the male hormone.
  3. And– increase immunity and strengthen blood vessels.
  4. - needed for protein synthesis to maintain muscle and skeleton in order.


Complex Men's Formula

A complex of biologically active components for both healthy men and those who have already felt the effects of age, poor environment and constant overwork on their bodies.

Taking the drug is indicated for problems with potency, lethargy and passivity, and fatigue.

Contains vitamins B3, E and the microelement zinc. Also contains extracts of Siberian ginseng root, yohimbe bark and green clam.


A vitamin preparation indicated for prolonged physical activity and fatigue. Contains vitamins A, B (1, 2, 5, 9, 12), C, D and trace elements - iron, magnesium, zinc, silicon, manganese, iodine, chromium, selenium and others.

The complex is suitable not only for those who work physically and spend a lot of energy, but also for those who have sedentary, tiring work associated with stress.


Dietary supplement that is suitable for men of any age.

It can be taken by both a healthy man as a preventive measure, and by one who has been diagnosed with problems with the reproductive system.

Contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc gluconate, as auxiliary components - dwarf palm berries, nettle root and pumpkin seeds.

For women

The female body needs vitamins throughout life, but there are several periods when vitamin support is especially necessary:

  1. Period and birth. At this time, the woman’s body gives a lot of nutrients and energy to the fetus.
  2. Climax. Hormonal changes require a special approach to taking vitamins.


The most important vitamins are the following:

  1. E is considered the most “female vitamin”. Experts prescribe it to women during pregnancy and during pregnancy planning. In addition, the vitamin is involved in the creation of elastin and collagen fibers, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Group B. Among all the vitamins, B9 – folic acid – should be highlighted, especially during pregnancy. This vitamin is involved in the development of the nervous system and brain of the unborn child. B6 is no less important; it helps fight stress and insomnia.
  3. A is a vitamin responsible for cell division and renewal. With its deficiency, the skin is subject to rapid fading, nails peel and hair falls out. Therefore, this element is included in the vast majority of vitamin complexes for female beauty.
  4. . Its main merit is helping in the absorption of calcium, which has a good effect on the condition of bones. This is important because women (especially middle-aged and older women) are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men. In addition, vitamin D retains moisture in the skin, making it firmer and more elastic.
  5. F. Participates in skin lipid metabolism and fat absorption. Regular intake of this vitamin in the body helps normalize weight, improve skin condition and get rid of swelling.



The complex is designed to support female beauty and combat premature aging. Contains vitamins A, E, C, B5, B6, B12, and minerals - iron, zinc, silicon and others. Most reviews indicate the effectiveness of this complex.

Alphabet Cosmetic - vitamins for healthy skin, hair and nails

The action of this complex is also aimed at maintaining the beauty of skin and nails.

Contains a decent list of vitamins: group B, A, C, E, PP, H, K, as well as minerals - iodine, inulin, magnesium and others.

The complex also contains natural extracts of pharmaceutical plants.

Elevit Pronatal

Multivitamins for pregnant women and for those who are just planning to conceive. Contains vitamins A, E, almost all elements of group B, C, D, PP, N. Microelements: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. Non-pregnant women also take it as a vitamin prophylaxis.

Lady's Formula 40+

This drug is suitable for those who have already begun to experience age-related hormonal changes.

The complex is indicated for menopause and premenopause, decreased libido, stress, irritability, and fatigue.

Contains vitamins A, C and E. Minerals include silicon, boron, bromelain, selenium, magnesium and sodium.

When choosing a vitamin complex for a woman, it is important to take into account her age group, since different ages require a different set of vitamins and their dosage.

For children and teenagers

Childhood is characterized by large energy expenditures for growth, the structure of new cells and mental development.

Teenagers experience stress and increased mental and physical stress. In addition, adolescence brings hormonal changes and intense bone growth.


The following vitamins are most important for a child’s body:

  1. D3. In childhood and adolescence, bones grow rapidly, the main building material of which is calcium. But without vitamin D3, calcium will not be absorbed, so the body must be fully provided with this element.
  2. A. Used by the body to synthesize proteins, build bones and cartilage. A lack of vitamin A leads to decreased immunity and even blindness.
  3. Group B. It is important for children and adolescents to receive all the elements of this group: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12. Deficiency manifests itself in the form of lethargy, insomnia, indigestion, weakness, and forgetfulness.
  4. E is a vitamin that helps the body grow and is involved in all recovery processes.



There are “Baby”, “Kindergarten”, “Schoolboy” and “Teenager”. Each complex contains a set of vitamins and microelements in a dosage appropriate for age. The price of the complex usually does not exceed 300 rubles. Has positive customer reviews.

Multi Tabs

Multi Tabs - vitamins designed for children of different ages

For children – “Baby” and “Toddler”, for teenagers – “Junior” and “Teenager”.

These are general strengthening vitamin complexes, the action of which is aimed at the harmonious development of the body during the period of growth.


Vitamins for children (from 5 to 12 years and older). The emphasis is on calcium and vitamin D3, so the drug is suitable for children with poor growth rates. It also contains copper, magnesium, zinc and manganese.


A complex for the development and strengthening of memory, thinking and intelligence in children and adolescents. The effect is achieved due to the presence of substances that stimulate metabolic processes in brain tissue. The composition includes vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, H, C, D3, and trace elements - calcium, magnesium, lysine.

A polluted environment, irregular diet, increased physical activity, stress - all this negatively affects the health of any modern person, be it a man, woman or child.

Multivitamin complexes selected in accordance with age, gender and individual characteristics of the body will help the body cope with the influence of external factors. When choosing a vitamin preparation, you should consult your doctor.

Rules for the selection of vitamin complexes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, preparations for men, women and children of different ages, multivitamins suitable for solving problems with hair and skin.

The content of the article:

Vitamins are an essential component of a complete human diet. If there is a shortage of them in food products, and this often happens in winter and spring, doctors recommend using synthetic analogues. You can take both monovitamins, that is, a specific preparation containing one vitamin, and multivitamins - complexes that include various vitamins, sometimes in combination with organic and mineral substances. It should be remembered that monovitamins are prescribed for medicinal purposes, and multivitamins are prescribed as a preventive measure.

Advantages and disadvantages of vitamin complexes for adults and children

Vitamin complexes (multivitamins) were created by doctors several decades ago and during this time they became a real breakthrough in the prevention of vitamin deficiency. The complexes include, in addition to vitamins, various minerals. The obvious advantages of vitamin complexes are:
  • Improving short-term memory. Recent research shows that people who take a multivitamin every day are 32% faster at short-term memory tasks.
  • Reducing the risk of developing many diseases. According to new medical observations, women who take vitamin complexes regularly are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Availability of all useful substances. Vitamin supplements fully satisfy the body's needs for nutrients.
  • Positive impact on psychological perception of life. It has been proven that a person taking vitamin complexes tries to lead a healthy lifestyle and, for example, in a cafe will prefer juice to alcohol.
  • Convenient reception. There is no need to take handfuls of tablets in order to replenish the body’s needs for all types of vitamins, as is the case with single-dose medications. 1-2 tablets or capsules daily are enough.
However, a complex of vitamins can also cause certain harm to health if taken haphazardly. In addition, the disadvantages of multivitamins are:
  • Possibility of developing hypervitaminosis. This complication occurs if a person regularly exceeds the permissible dosage of taking vitamin preparations.
  • Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins may interact poorly with each other. This applies to cases where a person takes several vitamin-containing medications.
  • Possibility of individual intolerance. This feature of vitamins does not allow doctors to give general recommendations for use.
  • Not recommended for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

If you are planning to take any vitamin complexes, you should definitely consult a general practitioner.

Who are vitamin complexes suitable for?

When choosing vitamin complexes, you need to determine, first of all, for what purpose you want to take the course. Depending on your goals, multivitamins are different. In addition, there are certain groups of drugs that are suitable for men, women, children, nursing mothers, and so on. The age of the patient is also important when choosing vitamin complexes.

How to choose vitamin complexes for women

Vitamin complexes intended for women should include components that affect metabolism, support immunity, and the state of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. In addition, women's multivitamins should have a positive effect on elasticity, skin turgor, condition of nails and hair.

Mainly, you should pay attention to complexes that include the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, PP, F, K. It is also desirable that the composition multivitamins included various minerals: magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, chromium.

Of all the vitamins, vitamin B9 or folic acid is considered the most “feminine”. It regulates the course of menstruation and puberty in young girls, delays the onset of menopause, stabilizes the condition during menopause, helps fight depression, and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

In addition, other vitamins are responsible for the following functions:

  • Vitamin A is responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, hair, skeleton, and improves vision.
  • Vitamins E and C are antioxidants and protect against the adverse effects of the environment on the appearance of skin and hair.
  • Vitamin PP protects the female body from various skin diseases.
  • Vitamin B6 reduces the symptoms of PMS.
  • Vitamin D helps make menstruation less painful and takes care of the skin and skeleton.
In general, all B vitamins help maintain a woman’s well-being, energy, and beautiful skin.

For women under 40 years of age, the following vitamin complexes are best suited:

  1. Duovit for women. One of the most popular multivitamin complexes for women. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E in an optimal ratio. Women's Duovit also contains minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. This is a supporting complex that is effective for physical activity, stress, mental tension, vitamin deficiency, diets, and poor nutrition.
  2. Alphabet Cosmetics. The emphasis in this multivitamin is on vitamins and minerals that help maintain optimal condition of a woman's hair, skin and nails. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, D, PP, E, H, K. In addition to vitamins, Alphabet Cosmetics includes selenium, silicon, calcium, chromium, copper, iodine , zinc, iron, coenzyme Q10, inulin, magnesium, manganese. The preparation also contains extracts of medicinal herbs: aloe, nettle, green tea, chamomile, horsetail, birch.
  3. Lady's Formula. This is an American-made enhanced multivitamin complex. It was created specifically for a comprehensive positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, and hair of young women. Lady`s Formula contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, P, minerals - calcium, silicon, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese. Also included in the preparation are gelatin, essential amino acids, and horsetail extract.
For women 40 and older, slightly different multivitamins are recommended, which should help fight age-related skin changes, hair problems, and stabilize hormonal levels on the eve of menopause. You should pay attention to such drugs as:
  • ActiveLife. The basis of the drug are antioxidant vitamins - A, C, E, P. These vitamins have a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the development of cancer.
  • Menopace. A complex that includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, PP, C, D, E. It also includes various minerals. The composition is selected in such a way as to fully satisfy the female body’s need for nutrients during the period before and with menopause.
  • Fito 40. A multivitamin preparation that is also aimed at supporting a mature female body and preventing diseases typical for this age. The composition includes vitamins B9, C, E, F. One of the main components is flaxseed oil, which protects the body from excess cholesterol.

Selection of vitamin complexes for men

It is incorrect to say that men need different vitamins than women. The difference is only in the quantities and ratios of vitamins that female and male bodies need. As a rule, men require slightly more elements of all types than women. This is due to the fact that they weigh more, have more physical activity, and tolerate stress less well.

The main “male” vitamin is F. Otherwise it is called a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It affects spermatogenesis and the good functioning of male sex hormones.

Vitamin F is followed by E. It ensures the regeneration of the epithelium in the seminal ducts in the testicles. Without this vitamin, a man can be overcome by “sexual depression.” This vitamin, in combination with A and C, improves immunity, heals blood vessels, and improves tone.

B vitamins ensure protein synthesis and energy processes in the male body.

The most popular vitamin complexes for men are:

  1. Aevit. This drug is based on vitamins A and E. When these vitamins enter the male body, they promote the growth of muscle mass, support the immune system, and help recover after a long illness. Both vitamin A and vitamin E can accumulate in the body, which means that if consumed excessively, they can provoke hypervitaminosis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the dosage.
  2. Tetrafolevit. This drug includes vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP. Its main goal is to provide the male body with energy and support normal metabolism. The effect of Tetrafolevit is very pronounced, so it is recommended to take it in the morning to increase activity.
  3. Kvadevit. The drug contains the following vitamins: A, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, P, PP. In addition, several amino acids, potassium, copper, calcium. Excellent as a restorative after long-term illnesses, during periods of lack of natural vitamins in food.
  4. Aerovit. This is recognized by many doctors as the best vitamin complex for those men who experience heavy physical exertion and work in difficult conditions. Aerovit is often taken by professional athletes. Includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, B12, C, E, R. The drug is quite strong, so you should carefully follow its dosage.
  5. Glutamevit. A rich complex preparation that contains vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, P, E, minerals - iron, calcium, potassium, copper. Helps quickly restore strength, stabilizes the immune system.

Features of choosing a vitamin complex for children

Most vitamins in a child’s body perform completely different functions than in an adult’s body. The reason for this is that formation processes occur in a growing body that are not observed in adults. Biological processes in a child’s body require the following vitamins primarily:
  • A. Participates in the formation of the skeleton, regeneration of mucous membranes, development of the lungs and digestive organs. Needed for normal vision and growth.
  • IN 1. Ensures the process of carbohydrate metabolism and supports mental activity.
  • AT 2. Participates in metabolism, supports hair and nail growth, and good skin condition.
  • AT 6. Responsible for immunity, the formation of red blood cells, and good functioning of the nervous system.
  • AT 9. Prevents anemia, increases appetite.
  • AT 12. Participates in hematopoiesis, activator of the nervous system.
  • WITH. Inhibits allergic reactions, supports the immune system.
  • D. Responsible for skeletal development.
  • E. Ensures proper functioning of the muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems.
  • TO. Responsible for the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • N. The source of healthy skin.
  • RR. Participates in the metabolism and absorption of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Each vitamin is needed by a child at different ages in different quantities. Therefore, when choosing synthetic vitamins for a child, it is best to be guided by his problems and age.
  1. Multi-Tabs Baby. It contains vitamins A, C, D.
  2. Kinder Biovital gel. Includes a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Vitoron. The Russian drug contains vitamins A, C, E.
  4. Pangexavit. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B15, PP.
  5. Pikovit. May take the form of syrup and lozenges. The latter, in addition to vitamins, also include calcium and phosphorus.
For children from 2 to 5 years old, you can choose the following vitamin preparations:
  • Centrum for children. It has two varieties: extravitamin C and extracalcium.
  • Unicap U. Chewable tablets containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, D, PP.
  • Alvitil. Syrup that contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B12, C, D3, E, PP, H.
If a child is over 5 years old, he can take the following general strengthening multivitamins:
  1. Vitrum, Vitrum Plus. They contain a full range of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a growing body.
  2. Alphabet. It is in the form of multi-colored tablets, each of them has a unique vitamin composition.
  3. Oligogal-Se. Vitamins A, C, E in combination with selenium. Has the form of capsules.
  4. Triovit. The composition is similar to Oligogal-Se, only without selenium.

When choosing vitamins for your child, be sure to consult your doctor.

What are vitamin complexes for?

Getting enough vitamins into our body ensures that all our systems work optimally. In addition, by receiving the necessary vitamins, your hair, skin, and nails will be in excellent condition.

Selection of vitamin complexes for hair

Special multivitamins for hair have some advantages over monovitamins. Firstly, they are guaranteed to supply the body with the entire complex of substances that hair needs. Secondly, multivitamin complexes have a balanced composition that is best suited for maintaining healthy hair.

Let's look at the most popular drugs:

  • Nutricap. A preventative complex that strengthens hair, promotes growth and prevents excessive hair loss. Available in the form of capsules that contain B vitamins, sulfur, calcium, silicon, zinc, walnut oil, wheat germ extract, beeswax.
  • Perfectile. Used to treat scalp diseases. It has the form of capsules, including B vitamins, as well as H, E, PP, C, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, burdock and echinacea extracts.
  • Revalid. A medicinal vitamin preparation that fights hair diseases. It is effective in the fight against baldness and increased hair fragility. Each capsule contains vitamins B1, B6, B10, zinc, copper, iron, amino acids, yeast, wheat extract, millet.
  • Fitoval. It is prescribed for deterioration in the appearance of hair, loss, or changes in its structure. It contains B vitamins, as well as A, zinc, iron, amino acids, and yeast.

How to choose a multivitamin for the skin

An important point when selecting vitamin complexes for the skin is that the purpose of the action should be the cause of skin problems and vitamin deficiency, and not just the fight against external signs. It is for this reason that there is practically no point in using vitamin creams and masks if there is no effect on the internal problem.

The most popular vitamins for skin are:

  1. Aevit. It contains vitamins A and E. It protects the skin from the negative influence of the external environment, sunlight, and is a powerful antioxidant.
  2. Aekol. This drug contains vitamins A, E, K. It stimulates the rapid healing of skin damage and relieves inflammation.
  3. Vitasharm. A typical vitamin complex aimed at healing the skin and treating its diseases. Includes vitamins B and A. Also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails.
  4. Revivona. This is a rich vitamin complex, which includes B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, H. It has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on joints, bones, immunity, and the cardiovascular system.

Remember, for all their positive qualities, multivitamins provide the body with specific vitamins. It also needs additional auxiliary substances, and your body must get them from the right diet.

What are the best vitamin complexes for growth?

When we talk about growth vitamins, we usually mean vitamins for children, which are designed to participate in the normal formation of the skeleton. However, people grow up to 23 years old, and sometimes even longer. Therefore, growth vitamins are necessary for teenagers and young adults.

The main “growth agents” are the following groups of vitamins: vitamin D, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C. The amount of these vitamins present in a young body determines how much it can realize its growth potential.

Let's look at the most popular vitamin complexes that are designed to help you “grow up”:

  • Calcemin Advance. This combined vitamin preparation is designed to accelerate growth processes. It affects salt metabolism thanks to vitamin D3, as well as calcium, magnesium, copper, boron and manganese.
  • Natekal D3. In addition to vitamin D3, the drug contains calcium and a group of certain excipients. Together, they promote the effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the bones. Bones acquire strength and plasticity.
  • Berlamin Modular. A very rich multivitamin complex, which includes all B vitamins, as well as A, E, D, K, H, C, PP, molybdenum, selenium, chlorine, fluorine, zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, essential amino acids.
  • B Big. The drug promotes rapid growth in children over 6 years of age. It contains a couple of growth vitamins - D3 and B1. In addition, bamboo extract, calcium carbonate.
These drugs are guaranteed to give an increase in growth. However, the benefits of a proper diet have not been canceled. As a rule, both a child and a teenager can grow a few centimeters as soon as they start eating properly and nutritiously.

How to choose vitamins - watch the video:

Vitamin complexes have a powerful healing and preventive effect on the human body. It is important to choose the right drug and discuss the dosage with your doctor first. However, it is important to remember that no synthetic vitamins will make junk food healthy. And the first step to the health of all body systems should be a healthy lifestyle and diet.