Cats sleep in good or bad places. Why does a cat sleep in your bed: signs and what does it mean? Video: Why cats sleep on humans

As in the life of all living things, sleep plays a huge role in a cat's life. A cat likes to sleep 14-16 hours a day, and kittens can sleep up to 18-20 hours. It is very important that their sleep is restful, because growth hormones are actively produced during sleep. Statistics show that city cats living in apartments sleep much more, since they do not have to hunt and have a lot of free time. And barn cats don’t have time to sleep so much, because they need to look for food and protect the territory.

The cat goes to bed several times a day; the period of wakefulness should not exceed 7-8 hours. If a cat does not sleep for a long time, then it is very difficult and painful for them. Good sleep in a quiet place is essential for all cats.

Physiology of sleep and wakefulness of cats

Scientists have conducted various studies that have helped to learn many interesting things about cats' sleep. For example, it turned out that cats' brains continue to work during sleep. Cats' sleep is an active part of their life; it consists of two phases. These phases differ in the level of activity of their brain. The first phase is superficial sleep; during this period, cats are aware of everything that is happening around them and react to all sounds and smells. It's not really a dream, more like a nap. This phase lasts up to half an hour, then gives way to deep sleep. This dream helps the cat to truly relax, gain strength and energy. This dream usually lasts at least 5 minutes. These phases constantly alternate, replacing one another. Superficial sleep takes up 70% of the total sleep period.

During these two phases, various external manifestations of sleep can be noticed. During shallow sleep, the muscles are not completely relaxed, and breathing becomes less frequent than during wakefulness. During deep sleep, the cat's body is completely relaxed, its paws and tail are involuntarily spread to the sides. But under closed eyelids you can see how quickly her eyes move. It looks like the cat is watching something. Therefore, this phase is often called the rapid eye movement phase.

During this period, the cat's whiskers, eyelids, paws twitch, and it can also make various sounds. We found out an interesting fact: during deep sleep, a cat’s blood pressure and pulse fluctuate greatly. This is more like a period of wakefulness than light sleep. And yet, awakening from the second phase of sleep occurs many times slower than from the first phase.

Where does a cat like to sleep?

Cats love comfort, security and choose appropriate places. They usually prefer warm corners where there are no drafts. They love to sleep under a blanket, on a washing machine, on a windowsill where the sun is shining. As a rule, a cat chooses several favorite places to sleep, this depends on the time of year and the presence of the owner in the house.

You can even determine the temperature by the cat's posture during sleep. The lower the temperature, the larger the ball into which the cat curls up. If the room is quite warm and the cat is comfortable, then she can sleep with her nose buried in her paws. When it gets hot, she stretches out, lies on her back and stretches her paws in different directions. You can also determine what phase of sleep it is in by the cat’s posture. If a cat sits with its head hanging down, if its eyes are slightly open, then it is dozing. Moving into the deep sleep phase, she lies down. At this time, she is completely relaxed, lying on her back or curled up.

Humans have a circadian rhythm according to which they sleep at night and are awake during the day. Cats have a more fractional rhythm. In cats, short sleep is replaced by an equally short period of wakefulness. They can't stay awake for long. The period of their wakefulness depends on many reasons: the results of the hunt, the daily routine of their owner.

Where a cat sleeps also depends on its personality. Shy and nervous cats like to sleep in a quiet place where no one will disturb them. For safety reasons, many cats choose a higher place, such as a closet, for example. Cats also love to sleep in boxes, baskets or bags. A confident cat does not worry about this and can go to sleep anywhere. Preferably, in the sun or radiator.

Cats love to sleep at their owner's feet. There are several explanations for this: love for the owner and love for warmth. Also, there is a superstition that a cat lies down on a person’s sore spot or organ and heals it.

The cat also likes to sleep not in a bare place, but where there is bedding. It could be clothes, a bag, a newspaper or anything else.

Little kittens sleep about 70% of the time. But then, starting at three weeks of age, the amount of sleep they get begins to decrease. And soon their sleep reaches 40-50%, like that of adults. But this depends on whether the cat lives in an apartment or in the yard, old or young. Older cats sleep more, sleeping up to 75% of the time.

Sleeping with cats: good or bad?

Each animal has its own energy, which can affect human health in different ways. It can be harmful, but it can also have a beneficial effect on people’s health. Cats have a very soft and calm energy, most compatible with humans. That's why they sleep with cats most often. It has been proven that if you are a person, then you need to take your cat to sleep with you. A cat sleeping at the feet of its owner helps him fall asleep faster. It has also been established that older cats like to sleep on their feet, while young cats like to sleep on a pillow.

Sleeping with your pet strengthens the bond between owner and animal. But remember that cats don't sleep all night and wake up around 4 am. Also, sleeping with cats is contraindicated for people suffering from allergic reactions.

Dear readers, where does your cat sleep? By the way, watch the video, maybe your cat sleeps even more wonderfully?!

Many owners do not see anything extreme in letting their pet into bed, especially if we are talking about a clean and affectionate cat. When this state of affairs is a long-established habit, there is no point in looking for a mysterious background in Murka’s behavior. But it happens that an animal suddenly changes its inclinations and stubbornly settles down where it had not been noticed before. With what it can be connected?

Signs about a cat in bed

In the old days, overly caring owners were warned: “Whoever sleeps in the same bed with a cat will get frogs in his head!” Of course, it is impossible to treat this sign without humor, and it was invented, most likely, only in order to instill in people at least some concept of hygiene. A mouse hunter freely roaming through courtyards and garbage dumps could bring into bed such an infection that would make frogs seem like a cute thing. But nowadays the problem of hygiene is not so acute, many pets are desperate homebodies, and therefore the question of whether to allow the animal to sleep in the bed depends only on you. It remains to find out how signs explain a cat’s choice of a place to sleep.

At the owner's feet

  • Esotericism lovers claim that negativity accumulates primarily in the lower part of the body. If an animal settles down to sleep at the feet, it cleanses the owner’s aura and removes the excess that has accumulated during the day.
  • Supporters of “mystical-realistic” explanations are sure: in this way the cat relieves fatigue or an incipient illness from the owner. If your beloved Murzik has made a habit of lying on your feet every evening, take the time to stop by the doctor. Varicose veins are such a common phenomenon these days that it doesn’t hurt to get checked once again.

Around the head

  • Feline specialists (experts in cat psychology and habits) say that the animal’s choice of the head of the bed indicates its attachment to its owner. That is, a cat can settle down at the feet simply because it seems warmer there than on the floor. But if she chooses her head, it means she trusts you, loves you and wants to take care of you.
  • If we are talking about a woman, the animal could be attracted by the pleasant smell of the shampoo with which the owner washes her hair. It is difficult to please the tastes of a four-legged pet, since your cosmetics will definitely not contain the smell of valerian or sausage. But sometimes unexpected whims occur in cats too.
  • Finally, the cat may feel the onset of a migraine, pressure or fever and come to the rescue of the owner. Do not immediately dismiss the “ambulance”, even if you are not inclined to believe in the healing abilities of animals. But what if?..

But it’s better not to let the cat on your face

Some people believe that a cat climbs onto a person’s chest or rolls under a barrel when it senses its owner’s bad mood. If your pet settles down on your chest, do not rush to throw the animal onto the floor with dissatisfaction. Perhaps they have come to conduct a psychotherapy session with you!

On the stomach

  • The first reason is still the same: illness. It’s certainly too early to run to the doctor the next day after your cat takes a nap on your stomach. But if Murzik didn’t have such a habit before, and now he clings to you every now and then and doesn’t want to leave, you should take care of your health. Cats sense the slightest changes in temperature and love warmth very much - it’s not for nothing that they doze with such pleasure on sunny windowsills and working computers! If an inflammatory process has begun in the stomach, the body temperature will rise, and your pet will quickly notice this. At the very least, listen to your feelings so as not to miss a possible illness.
  • The second reason applies exclusively to women. It is in this unexpected way that cats react to their mistress’s pregnancy. Often even before the woman herself knows about her situation! There is no need to be afraid of this. If the animal is healthy, does not give you any unpleasant sensations, does not put pressure on your stomach, it will not cause trouble.

Did you know that cats served as the very first pregnancy tests? To find out whether the long-awaited event had happened or whether the first-born would have to wait a long time, the young wife put the domestic cat on her stomach and watched how it behaved. If you curl up in a ball and doze off, you can begin to prepare for the baby's arrival.

Affectionate purring calms both mother and baby in her belly

Under the bed

Picky cats are no match for obedient and unpretentious dogs. They sleep on rugs under the bed “out of their status.” If the capricious woman nevertheless chooses this particular place to sleep, it means that it is marked by strong energy flows. And this is where the differences in interpretation begin.

  • Some people warn to place the bed in the “cat’s bedroom” area. They say that what is only beneficial for the pet is pure harm for its owner, and therefore one should stay away from such places.
  • Others believe that the fluffy resident will work as a kind of filter: it will draw out and destroy all negative turbulence, and leave you to enjoy pure, uncomplicated energy for the benefit of your health and mood.

You can judge for yourself who is right. All you need to do is sit down and remember how you feel after sleeping on this bed? If you are cheerful and full of energy, everything is fine. If you feel overwhelmed and tired, as if you are carrying sacks of grain at night, try rearranging your bedroom. And here's an additional reason to play designer: psychologists say that such changes are good for your mood.

Other places where your four-legged pet sleeps

The bed was sorted out. But our pets sometimes choose such strange places to sleep that it’s amazing! Why do they do this?

The cat sleeps on the table

  • Mystical explanation. The purr “keeps” someone in the family, promising him illness or death. And if the table is in the kitchen, then the jealous young lady, through her actions, drives the man out of the house.
  • Realistic explanation. From a height, the animal has a better view and control of the territory, children won’t reach the cat on the table, and the nearby kitchen is also full of all sorts of tempting smells.

There is no need to be afraid of signs. Remember: according to many beliefs, a cat can sacrifice itself in order to ward off trouble from the house. Well, will she click on her favorite owners? Of course not. However, you still need to wean your pet off the new habit. A table, especially a kitchen table, is a place that must be exceptionally clean. And a sign about a man can work if your husband has to eat food seasoned with cat hair every day.

On the threshold

Legends consider the home threshold to be the brownie's favorite hiding place. And cats are his constant interlocutors and loyal friends. Previously, in Rus' it was believed that the rodent exterminator dozing on the threshold was having a leisurely conversation with the house spirit, so there was no need to disturb them under any circumstances. This is in your own interests!

The pet doesn’t just bask in the sun, it solves important issues!

But people have nothing to do in this place. If you disturb the mysterious inhabitants of the invisible world, you will get yourself into trouble.


  • If the cat settles down to sleep on a travel bag or suitcase, the journey will be easy and favorable. If he tramples on an already assembled backpack, throws things out of it, or, what’s more, tries to urinate on them, it’s better to postpone the trip.
  • The cat sleeps by the radiator, fireplace or on the windowsill, exposing its back to the sun's rays - it will soon get colder, and this weather will last a long time.
  • Sleeping spread out in the middle of the room? Either the thaw is approaching, or she completely trusts you. Be proud, you are a great host!

We have mentioned many times about the ability of cats to have a beneficial effect on human health. But sometimes it happens that it’s a furry animal that needs help. If your pet suddenly changes its habits, climbs on your arms and chest, and demands attention, its behavior may indicate that not everything is all right with the animal. Watch her more closely, and if your suspicions are confirmed, take Murka to the vet.

Everyone knows that cats love to sleep in public, but not everyone wonders why they do it. Thoughts on this topic and some facts allow us to identify 5 visible and one additional reason for this behavior.

Cat lovers do not see anything strange in the manners of their charges. Cats are individual, some of them are very good at sitting on your hands or laps, while others you won’t get any attention from. It's interesting that even the grumps of the cat world sneak into bed and sleep on the owners.

There is also a downside - the owners themselves. Many people say that they feel more comfortable sleeping with a cat. In winter, a “living heating pad” is simply irreplaceable; some people are soothed by the peaceful purring of their charges. If you think about it, we are not talking about the manners of a tailed animal, but about the mutual dependence of a person and a cat.

We will not delve into human psychology. In the end, each person can answer the question for himself why he loves cats and their company. The behavior of quadrupeds is more difficult to interpret, since the study of animal psychology is based solely on observations.

So, The first and obvious reason is that a cat sleeps on a person because it’s warmer.. Think about it and you will quickly conclude that your pet is very partial to heat sources. The cat greets the dawn with joy, as the sun's rays bring warmth. The pet happily stretches out on the windowsill, exposing its sides to the sun's rays, this happens even in summer. With the onset of cold weather and the heating season, the four-legged dog with great tenacity occupies all heating radiators suitable for sleeping. Moreover, you can’t force a four-legged animal to lie under the radiator; it definitely needs to climb up, where it’s warmer.

The human body has a fairly high temperature, and if you lie under a blanket, the heat is retained. A cat that stubbornly breaks into your bed is looking for warmth and comfort. Some four-legged dogs are very proud; they wait until the owner falls asleep and only then get under the covers. Whether a cat sleeps on a person or lies down next to it depends on its need for comfort.

Note! Cats sleep in public if they are bored, thus they warm themselves and compensate for their need for close contact with the owner.

The next reason is convenience.. Cats are picky about their sleeping conditions. Naturally, having no alternatives, the four-legged will sleep in the corner and on the bare floor, but when there is a choice. Where do owners find their pets, in drawers with clean towels, in baskets with laundry, or in the “bowels” of a carelessly thrown jacket. All hot spots are united by a common feature - the softness of the surface. How soft and warm is it to sleep on a person's stomach? By cat standards, this is pure bliss.

Read also: How to understand the language of cats: by tail, eyes and gestures

Lack of attention or communication, the cat seeks affection by any means. Pets purr, gently trample the owner with their paws and try in every possible way to be in close contact. While a person stands or walks, the tailed animal meows, runs after it and rubs against its legs. This behavior can also be considered compensation for communication, even if the ward is somehow disturbing you. How many times have you tried to kick your cat out of bed, only for it to come back again and again? If this happens, you should think about whether you are paying enough attention to your pet. Cats are not known for their intrusiveness, and even if they come to sleep on you, they then lay down next to you or go to the lounger.

Important! Lack of attention and communication has a detrimental effect on a cat’s psyche. When an animal feels abandoned, it goes into . If life circumstances force you to be away for a long time, consider getting a second cat or taking your pet with you (on trips, business trips, vacations).

All cats, even those whose character is sometimes unbearable, love their owners. Attachment is determined genetically, since tailed animals and humans have lived side by side for centuries. By laying down on your lap, your ward demonstrates his love and trust. Cats do not eat, do not sleep or doze where it is dangerous.

The following reason follows from the above: need for security. The desire for peace is one of the three unconditioned reflexes transmitted to all living beings from ancient ancestors. Just as a reflex, the cat considers a person to be a strong predator, leader, daredevil and protector. The pet knows that the owner will not harm her and falls asleep in his arms without fear.

Read also: How to remove a cat from a tree?

Most cats are adopted into a new home as babies. Some kittens are artificially fed and consider their human savior as their “mother” all their lives. Adult cats that have grown up with their relatives tend to rub in every possible way, everywhere and leave their scent markers.

Animals raised without a mother or given to a new home when they are too small are less concerned about their smells. For them, the scent of the owner is a symbol of safety, care and comfort. Thus, falling asleep in your arms, the cat falls into a state of boundless peace.

Note! Mature cats are partial to the smell of human sweat and may try to lie on the owner's chest or armpit because they like the scent.

Some pets love to sleep on the owner's chest and there is also a reason for this - heartbeat sound. Even people notice that there is something hypnotic and calming in the rhythmic beating of the heart. Little kittens tend to sleep on their owner's chest because they are accustomed to hearing their mother's heartbeat, and many animals retain this need into adulthood.

If you love cats, you've probably heard of, and maybe even personally encountered, temperamental four-legged animals. Such pets behave like leaders and protect owners and children. Brave four-legged animals are capable of unexpected actions; they rush into battle without hesitation or even guard the house. The special character is determined by the dominant position in the family, that is, your pet feels like the head of the pride.

Many people admire lions and are surprised at the same time, because if you watch programs about wild cats, you get the impression that the king of animals is lazy and a dictator. Indeed, the lion sleeps most of the day, eats what the lionesses have killed and always gets the first bite. He decides who will be in the pack and who will leave, which lioness will have offspring, and who will remain at his beck and call. All this is true, but when the pride is in danger, only the lion is responsible for everything.

He protects the territory, he enters into deadly fights, he is the last to escape from the sights of poachers, he does everything to save the lives of lionesses and lion cubs. Of course, domesticated cats have gone through many stages of evolution and have lost some of their skills, but respect for the hierarchy of the pride lives in them to this day.

Many cats love to sleep with their owner in his bed. If you have allowed your pet to sleep with you since childhood, then there is nothing unnatural in the fact that an adult animal continues to sleep with its owner. But it also happens that the cat suddenly changes its place to sleep. Why did the pet suddenly change its owner to the warm bed? Let's figure it all out.

Why does a cat sleep in your bed, according to scientists?

The reason why a cat wants to sleep in your bed is unknown to this day. There are only hypotheses.

Kittens love to sleep next to their owner. This is how they make up for the care they lack when the mother cat leaves.

Scientists have put forward several versions of this cat behavior, but it’s up to you to believe it or not.

  1. The most popular version of scientists is that cats heal and relieve fatigue of their owners . Many people attribute this to the magical abilities of our pets, but in fact, there is another explanation for this version. Each cat has its own biofield, it is capable of absorbing negative human energy and transforming it into positive. During this process, the cat itself does not suffer in any way, but rather strengthens its biofield.
  2. Another version of scientists is that the cat wants to control its owner . When your pet sleeps with you, he can keep you in his field of vision. From all this the animal feels completely safe.
  3. The most logical version sounds very simple. Our cats sleep with us because they love us , and thus show their devotion.
  4. And the latest version says that cats sleep with their owners because human body temperature is higher than the temperature of other objects in the house . Don’t forget that pets can easily exchange our bed for a place near the radiator.

Cats heal and relieve fatigue of their owners.

Folk signs about where cats sleep

With the help of some signs, you can easily determine why the cat suddenly chose this or that place to sleep in your bed.

  • A cat sleeps at a man's feet . After a hard day at work, a person’s legs hurt. The cat senses negative energy in the lower part of the owner’s body and, during its sleep, tries to remove it. If a person sits at home, then a cat sleeping in his legs can be a harbinger of various leg diseases.
  • A cat sleeps near a man's head . This is how your pet shows you his care and love. There is also the possibility that your pet might like the smell of your shampoo. Or the cat senses your headache and thereby tries to calm it down.
  • Cat sleeps on man's stomach . Either the cat feels the beginning of a disease in your stomach, or it sensed the woman’s pregnancy. In the second case, the pet acts as a harbinger of the life that has arisen in you.

If a cat sleeps near a person’s head, it means it shows its care and love.

Can cats detect pregnancy?

In ancient times, when there were no tests yet, a cat was used to determine pregnancy.

In the past, it was believed that a cat could detect the presence of pregnancy in its owner.

A woman who wanted to find out if she was pregnant placed her pet on her stomach. If the cat ran away, it means the lady is not pregnant, but if the cat curled up into a ball, then we should expect a new addition to the family.

The cat sleeps under your bed

This may mean that there is negative energy concentrated under your bed that your pet is trying to discharge.

If a cat sleeps under your bed, it means he is removing accumulated negativity.

If you have little faith in this version, then it is easy to check. Do you remember how you feel in the morning? If after sleep you get up tired, your back and legs hurt, then you should think about rearranging your sleeping place.

Whether you believe these signs or not depends only on you.

Should you let your cat sleep in your bed?

Is it possible to allow a cat to sleep with its owner?

Whether your cat will sleep with you is up to you to decide. However, don't forget a few things:

  • Cats don't sleep all night long . They may wake up at 5 am to eat, go to the toilet or play.
  • Even if your cat doesn't walk outside, it's still don't forget about hygiene . Cats lick their paws, scratch themselves and visit the litter box. If you want to sleep with a cat, then make sure its paws are clean before bed.

How to get your pet to sleep longer with you

If you want to extend your sleep together, and preferably until the morning, then do this:

  1. Buy thick curtains that allow little sunlight to pass through.. The darkness in the room, even in the morning, will create an atmosphere of night for the cat.
  2. You shouldn't feed your cat as soon as you get out of bed.. This regular feeding will show your cat that you are ready to feed her when called. This means that if your pet gets hungry at night, he will immediately start waking you up.
  3. If early in the morning the cat wakes you up, don't answer it. Your cat may get used to waking you up, and you'll get a great morning alarm clock in the form of your cat.
  4. If your cat wakes up frequently at night, try don't let her sleep during the day. Go for a walk, play active games. Exhausted during the day, she can sleep the whole night next to you.

Having thick curtains in the bedroom will extend your sleep with your cat until the morning.


Few people don't like to sleep with their pet. Cats are like soft toys. It's nice to hug them at night, pet them, and just feel that they are nearby.

If your animal has been sleeping with you since childhood, you should not wean it off.

If your cat constantly sleeps in the same bed with you, there is no need to wean him.

If you have never slept together, and in the morning you find a cat in your bed, then try to find out the reason why this happened. I hope this article will help you with this.

Video about why cats sleep on humans

Why do cats sleep next to humans? This question interests many owners of these pets. You will find the answer in the article.

A person cannot explain the behavioral characteristics of his pets. It is also unclear why a cat sleeps in a bed, because it has its own place with a pillow on a soft lounger? But she still climbs into bed, lies on top or lies at her feet.

  • This behavior can be explained from the point of view of science and folk wisdom.
  • There are many options for this explanation. But only a sensitive owner will be able to determine and understand the reason for himself if he knows at least a little useful information.
  • Read in the article why cats love to sleep with people, why they lie on their heads and what kind of energy is in the place where the cat sleeps. Also here you will find the answer to the question of how to stop a cat from getting into bed.

Not all owners like it when their pets want to get into bed with them. Many people explain the fact why cats climb into a person's bed and sleep with people by saying that animals love bed, but this is not so. The cat doesn't care what material the bedding is made of. There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • A cat's body temperature is higher than a human's, and the desire to get even more heat is explained by the high sensitivity of temperature receptors. Even if the cat is comfortable, it will still strive to get another portion of warmth, and the warmest place in a person’s house is his bed.
  • Association in an adult animal with the comfort and warmth of the mother cat. A cat can remember at the level of body receptors how warm he felt with his mother when he was little.
  • A cat's bed is the best place in the house. The cat is a selfish and intelligent animal. He is sure that the owner will not choose anything bad for himself and is ready, if not to win this place from the owner, then at least to slowly sneak into the bed while the owner is sleeping and does not hear anything.
  • The cat feels calm at night only next to its owner. A person sleeps at night, but a cat needs a feeling of security, so it moves into the bed and quietly dozes along with people.

It is worth noting that a cat will not always sleep in a bed, somewhere on the edge or to the side. She will definitely lie at the feet or climb on top of a person.

A person gets a kitten, arranges a sleeping place for it, makes a sunbed near the radiator or in another warm place in the house, but the cat does not need such excesses at all, since he climbs into the bed and sleeps at his feet. Why do cats sleep at human feet? There are several possible answers to this question:

  • The animal senses a sore spot on its owner’s body. That part of the body or organ of a person that is painful or susceptible to disease has a higher temperature than healthy parts of the body. We don’t feel this, but the cat senses it on a biological level and lies down to help its owner and cure him.
  • Craving for warmth. The cat not only loves warmth itself, but also loves to warm everyone around with its warmth. At night she goes to bed with her owner. There are even examples from village life when a cat was not allowed into the house at night, and he went to sleep in the barn, next to the cows and goats.
  • Maternal safety. As a child, the cat loved to sleep next to its mother. She perceives a person as her mother, and feels like a little kitten. That's why cats climb into bed and sleep hugging our legs because they are looking for shelter and maternal security near a person.

A cat has many motives for sleeping with a person - the desire for warmth and additional psychological factors. Therefore, it is almost impossible to stop a cat from getting into bed. This is inherent in her nature.

All the actions of a cat have their own mysterious meaning for humans, but important for the animal. The owner carefully observes the behavior of his pet, and cat owners often wonder: why do cats like to sleep on a person, on a person’s head? A few explanations:

  • Dominance over a person, the desire to show devotion and humility. Don't believe those who say that if a cat sleeps on a person's head, then there is nothing good about it. The cat will be offended if the owner does not respond in kind to her affection, but drives the animal away. Even if the cat interferes during sleep, you need to change his resting place with caution and very carefully.
  • Energy factor. Everyone knows that cats have a great sense of what cannot be seen with their eyes. If an animal sits on its head while a person is sleeping, then you need to listen to yourself. Perhaps you need a good rest, because the cat senses when a person is tired and helps him gain energy and get rid of headaches.
  • From a scientific point of view, which does not devote space to energy and other similar things, there is a simple explanation for the question of why a cat sleeps near or on a person. It's all about the same warmth that a cat loves. Temperature is of great importance. If it’s hot near the radiator, then the human body is the ideal temperature for a cat.

As mentioned above, an unhealthy organ has an elevated temperature, and therefore the cat easily finds it. If the person is completely healthy, then the cat settles where it is comfortable.

Cats are one of a kind - unique and inimitable. They are difficult and not as good-natured as other pets. Therefore, every act of a cat can be explained. Why do cats sleep in place or on their owner's things?

  • Our clothes store body odor. The cat wants to appropriate it for himself in order to be closer to the owner and have a close relationship with him. The cat quickly masters the new territory, and then it considers it its own. She also needs to make her owner's things her own. By this she shows that she trusts her owner and shares her cat life with him.
  • Our clothes retain the smell. Cats climb on things to feel safe. She feels as if she is sitting on her owner's lap.
  • From an esoteric point of view, this fact can be explained by the fact that the cat loves to collect bad energy. The animal lies on clothes, collecting negative energy waves that have accumulated on things during the working day from stress or bad thoughts.

Advice: If the cat is lying on your things, do not shoo it away abruptly. Give her time, and if clothes are needed, kick out the cat, who is showing his love for you in this way.

If you are not going to share a bed with your pet, then he needs to be taught to sleep separately from childhood. From a scientific point of view, animals should have their own bed. Why can’t adults, children, or pregnant women sleep in the same bed with a cat?

  • Like all animals, cats are carriers of a wide variety of diseases and worms.
  • The most terrible disease is toxoplasmosis. If a pregnant woman becomes infected with this disease in the later stages, the fetus may experience underdevelopment of the brain and severe pathologies of internal organs.
  • As this disease progresses, a pregnant woman may experience miscarriage or premature birth.
  • This disease is also dangerous for young children..
  • Adults are less likely to become infected with toxoplasmosis, but cats can transmit worms and other unpleasant ailments to humans. Therefore, it is believed that a cat should sleep separately.

Important: You cannot kiss an animal, and after communicating, you must wash your hands with soap.

The cat has long been the keeper of the hearth. She must not be frightened, pulled by the tail or offended. Cats are always near us. But is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses? A few answers that have come to our time from the distant past:

  • A sleeping cat between spouses interferes with their libation on an energetic level. If a husband and wife sleep together, they feed off each other’s energy and this helps them to always be together and feel each other even at a distance. The cat takes away some of the energy, and the husband and wife will have a gap in this regard.
  • A cat can quarrel between people. If a man does not love her, then she will take revenge and will do everything so that he does not interfere with her living in this house.
  • A cat can mark its territory with its foul-smelling secretions., especially if she feels jealous towards one of the spouses.

Advice: How many people, so many opinions. Some ancient beliefs claim that a cat can separate, while others say that a cat strengthens the union between spouses. Therefore, it is up to each person individually to believe or not to believe.

Cats are considered one of the most powerful bioenergy sources. It is known that the interaction of different energies under one roof can be both a good and bad factor. Pet owners are interested in the question: what kind of energy is there in the place where cats sleep?

  • The cat's biofield has a beneficial effect on humans. These animals remove negative waves, impulses, sensations. Therefore, in the place where the cat sleeps, negative energy prevails.
  • The cat tries to neutralize it and lies down in exactly the right place.
  • Cats sense the intersection points of magnetic fields, which may adversely affect human health.
  • The animal lies down in this place and stabilizes energy flows, transforming them into calm and peaceful waves.

Important: Do not force your cat to sleep in one place or another in the house. This cannot be done, and the cat knows better where to sleep in order to help its owner. In addition, sources of negative energy can move, cats feel this, and also move in the direction of this movement.

If a cat is used to sleeping on the owner's bed, then it is difficult to wean it off. Many owners punish and scold, but everything is useless. How to stop a cat from sleeping on the bed? Some tips:

  • The best remedy is to not allow her to sleep in the bed from a very early age. At this time, the cat can be punished, explaining that this cannot be done.
  • Give your cat a new sleeping place. Perhaps she goes to bed because she does not have her own place to sleep. Buy a special basket, a soft pillow and a bed.
  • Spray the animal with water from a spray bottle.
  • Place double-sided tape on the bed. The cat will jump and its paws will stick to the tape - this will give it the courage to do it.
  • Scold your cat before she even wants to jump on the bed. But, if the animal does end up on your bed, continue to swear at it until it leaves. This way the cat will get used to not being allowed to jump into this place.

There are many different opinions about the habits of “mustachioed psychics.” Some say that a cat only lies down in a place with negative energy, while others are sure that a cat will not lie down in a bad place. There is even a belief that where the cat most often sits in the house, that’s where the bed should be placed. Each person chooses for himself what to believe in and what not. But we can definitely say that without fluffy and mustachioed pets our home will be empty and uncomfortable.

Video: Why do cats sleep on humans?