DIY garden garland. We make beautiful and festive garlands ourselves. Use glitter wrapping paper to create giant glowing candies

In this article, you will learn how to make several different types paper garlands by yourself. Garland making can be quite fun and easy. Perhaps the simplest tool in a craftsman's arsenal, paper is full of possibilities and purposes. You can turn it into anything. I use it for Christmas home decor, this year the round ones with stitched stitches are the priority. You can use them as decorations for a party, event, or simply. About everything in more detail later in the article.

Making a garland

First of all, prepare many, many paper circles for work. I cut my circles with the help of a scrapbooking punch (in our opinion, a hole punch). But you can find more fancy gadgets for these purposes, of which there are many on the Internet. I chose several shades of pink to create a romantic appearance. I also added a few gold medallions which contrast nicely and make the decoration not boring.

First, I laid all my circles in turn in a row in the order in which I saw them, and my goal was to get an ombre effect. Then she started sewing.

Sew along the center of your first circle, then take the next circle, placing it in front of the presser foot and sew right after the first. Continue moving until you have a chain of circles of the desired length. I used fine stitch on a sewing machine.

Make as many strings for the round garland as you need. For my design, it took about 15 sheets of double-sided thick colored paper measuring 20x30 cm. I installed the finished product on a regular double-sided adhesive tape, adding a couple of threads of decorative light bulbs for a festive mood that were held on a nail, and placed the battery packs right there - at the top of the windowsill, also with double sided tape.

  • double-sided thick paper in several colors;
  • metallic paper;
  • ponch with a diameter of 5 cm;
  • sewing machine
  • double sided tape;
  • decorative light bulbs.

As soon as you hang all this, you will only have to enjoy, since paper itself is originally festive. Place it close to others holiday decorations, such as Christmas, and you get a festive color.

You will also need a garland for occasional parties. If you have children, they will appreciate this approach and will be grateful to you.

Light elements add a special atmosphere that is inherent in winter holidays. I really love everything shiny, luminous and shimmering, especially during the holidays.

Someone will find the round option boring, or you may not have all the tools at hand. Therefore, I have prepared for you a few more ways to decorate with paper garlands. So let's get started.

Method 1


Fold each sheet into a triangle. Start by folding the sheet in half. Then fold the triangle in half to make an even smaller triangle.

Consider making small slits around the edges to make your garland more interesting. Do not make any cuts along the folded edges.

Staple the two triangles together in the middle with a stapler. Do the same for the rest of the triangles so that you have six bonded triangular shapes.

Pin the two triangular shapes together at the corners. Take two triangles and overlap dots 1/2 inch (1.27 cm). Sew the corners down.

Pin the forms together to keep them in place. If you don't want the staples to show, you can only stitch the inner layers and leave the top layers free.

To make a garland of separate triangles, connect the parts to each other by the edges.

When you're done, fasten the garland to the wall using the buttons.

Method 2

And again a round garland (they are so funny). This time it's a way that doesn't involve sewing machine. A scrapbooking hole punch works the same as regular hole punches, except that the former comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It can cut circles, hearts, squares, stars and even snowflakes. You can buy a scrapbooking hole punch at any stationery or art supply store. You can also find it online.

If you do not have a figured hole punch, you can use a regular compass. It's a little longer in time, but your perseverance, I'm sure, will overcome the routine.

  • Take colored paper. The best option there will be a choice of special for scrapbooking or cardboard. Craft or origami paper is fine too, but the finished garland won't last long.
  • Try using two to three different colors or shades. For example, try light blue, blue, and navy blue.
  • Make circles of different colors using the available method.
  • If you are making a nursery garland, use patterned and bright colors. For example, half of your shapes might be bright blue, while the other half of your shapes might be white with bright green polka dots or stripes.
  • You can use one punch and get shapes of the same size this way.
  • Or go my way - I made two versions of the round shape in different sizes. One is 5 cm and the other is 8.8 cm in diameter. This trick gave my garland some variety.
If you can't find punch, draw circles with a compass!
  • Cut out your shapes. If your paper is thin enough, you can cut two or three sheets at a time. Cardboard, however, must be punched or cut one sheet at a time. If you try to pierce too much at once, you will end up with fuzzy edges on the shapes and could damage the blade.
  • Align the shapes in a straight line. If different sizes are used, try alternating them. You can alternate them randomly or in a specific pattern.
  • Draw a line of glue down the middle. Make sure it goes continuously through all the forms.
  • Apply the ribbon over the glue. Make sure that the braid has a tail 30-50 cm long at the end. This way you can hang your garland.
  • Lay similar circles with glue on top of the figure with braid, making a “sandwich” out of each shape with twine in the middle. Now our garland becomes like the truth, acquiring the features of a two-sided design.
  • Repeat the process with the rest of the shapes. They can be both at a distance from each other, and close to each other. Make sure you have about 30-50 cm of free rope left at the end of the garland, otherwise you won't be able to hang it up later.

Let the glue dry before hanging the garland. Depending on how much glue you used, this can take anywhere from two hours to a day.

Method 3

How to make a garland-flags

Step 1

Prepare 20/30 cm scrapbooking paper. You can use any color or pattern you want. To make the flags more interesting, consider using multiple colors, shades, or patterns. For example:

  • If the garland is for a kid's room, use pink/blue and white paper with pink/blue polka dots.
  • If the garland is for an ocean-themed party, consider using light blue and blue color schemes.
Step 2

Fold in half lengthwise. If the paper has a pattern or is one-sided, make sure the pattern is outside fold. The empty/white part should be inside.

Step 3

Cut in half along the fold line. You should get two copies from a folded sheet of the same size as it.

Step 4

Cut out a triangle from each sheet. To do this, fold the rectangle with the colored side up two times at a right angle. Then cut off the corner to make a rhombus on the spread. In this case, the middle of the triangle should fall at the angle of two folds:

Step 5

Measure the string on which the flags will hang, in addition to the place for the garland, it should have a margin of at least 30 cm at each end for strings, so that you can easily hang the finished product where you want.

Step 6

Open one triangle and cover it with glue around the edges and in the center. You can also add glue in the middle of the triangle.

Step 7

Place the rope along the crease and close the triangle. Iron the flag with the edge of the palm of your hand to flatten it and seal it.

Step 8

Repeat the gluing process for the rest of the triangles. You can arrange them as close to each other or as far apart as possible. However, be sure to leave at least a few inches of space between the triangles so that the garland looks nice when suspended.

Step 9

Consider leaving a message on your banner by placing a letter on each triangle. You can cut out the letters from the colorful and glue them on one side of each flag. You can also paint the letters using a stencil or acrylics.

Creating a cozy atmosphere in the house, thanks to the creation of original home decorations with your own hands, is a very popular trend today.

Handmade has gained acceptance among the majority. And this process is characterized by ease of implementation, elegance of the final result, as well as its economy and ease.

Variable do-it-yourself paper garlands began to attract more and more craftswomen, because with their help you can transform absolutely any home interior.

Paper garlands help to create a comfortable atmosphere in the house, a cozy atmosphere and bring a little more warmth to the hearth.

Paper garland - as a way to decorate your home

Many well-known interior designers recommend taking a closer look and exploring ways to decorate and decorate your home with paper elements, in particular, we are talking about garlands. Indeed, in order to make serious changes to the interior, a little money is required, as well as a temporary resource, the replacement of almost all furniture, rearrangement in the house.

And making a change with an element like a garland is easy. People just need to show their imagination and "live" creativity.

You can see a photo of a garland with your own hands on the Internet - all garlands differ from each other in their charm, originality and individuality.

Asking yourself the question of how to make a garland for your home on your own, the most varied solutions and methods of creation come to mind.

To begin the process of creating a garland, you need to mentally decide on their future shape and color. After all, depending on what shape the garland will have, the selection of material for its manufacture also depends. There are light garlands made of plain paper, and there are also cardboard ones.

Of course, dense material in the form of cardboard is a reliable and more durable material that will not let you down even after a long time. But the fastening of such elements among themselves should be stronger, and not, as for the first type.

There are several types of garlands that you can build with your own hands:

Garland based on balloons

Balloon garland is generally suitable for disposable. For example, you can create it for some event: children's party, birthday or wedding celebration.

But most often it is a children's garland. Bright Balloons can be connected in an arch, in the figures of angels, in voluminous hearts, or simply located along the entire length of the wall.

It is more difficult and time consuming to make such a garland at home, so many people order this type of garland already in special establishments in ready-made form. But, if you start this process at home, you can save your expenses than spend money on the services of special agencies.

paper ring garland

This technology for creating a garland is known to everyone from the very early childhood. Even at school, everyone made a garland of multi-colored rings cut out of paper. By connecting these rings, you get a long garland in the form of a chain.

It is very simple to make, but if you choose the right colors and add additional decor, you can get the perfect solution for decorating the whole house.

When connecting the rings to each other, special attention should be paid to the attachment points, since if the garland is poorly attached, you can get a poor-quality result.


paper heart garland

Many couples in love can create such a garland for romantic evening for two, so as not to spend money on decorating the house. The shape of the garland and of course the vibrant pinks and reds make this garland a must for a holiday like Valentine's Day.

Some create such garlands, and even sell them later on Valentine's Day. And, oddly enough, this manual work are willing to buy. The main thing is to do everything carefully and get the desired result.

When creating paper garlands, it is not necessary to use only high-quality clean paper, some give preference to newspaper sheets, napkins, clippings from a glossy magazine, bright candy wrappers, and old postcards donated for some holidays.

This is also a kind individual style making garlands at home. For fastening, both the most common PVA glue and stronger adhesives, such as moment, etc., are used.

DIY garland photo



A child is a joyful and expected day for the whole family. Kids are waiting for a fairy tale, and parents are trying to make this day unforgettable.

You can arrange a festive atmosphere by decorating the venue of the event. To make it easy and simple, this article will look at a huge number of examples of holiday decor for children's parties.

Making a garland for a child's birthday with your own hands is pleasant and interesting activity. Parents will be happy watching the reaction of children to their labors. Below are instructions and tips for a child's birthday with their own hands.

We create the atmosphere of a fairy tale

A garland is the easiest and most versatile way to decorate a room for a holiday. It can be made quickly and easily. If there is enough time, it is worth making more complex and spectacular decoration options.

You can make colorful ribbons with your child. The manufacturing process is simple, monotonous and does not require much attention. But parents will have the opportunity to spend time with the child, communicate and teach him the simple skills necessary in any needlework.

The best DIY garland ideas for a child's birthday

Garlands can be used in a variety of ways. It can be a regular thread with flags and circles, or jewelry with more complex shapes, as shown in the photo below.

The thread itself can be hung vertically. This technique is used by professional decorators when it is necessary to visually divide a room into several zones, for example, to separate a playing place from a festive table.

You need to show imagination by making garlands for a child's birthday with your own hands. Ideas for decorating a room are practically unlimited. True, parents will have to spend a little time creating such a decor. Decoration can also be used as part of entertainment program for children.

Garlands allow you to create whole compositions: by combining several various kinds decorations, you can make clouds with rain or a starry sky with the moon and other planets.

What materials are garlands made of?

The most common option for decorating a room for a child's birthday is a paper garland. It is very easy to make it with your own hands. This will require such versatile creative materials as paper, cardboard, glue, a stapler, etc. To create a garland, you can cut out various figures. They can be glued, painted, decorated with sparkles and beads, folded in the form of origami models, stapled and even stitched.

Garlands are made not only from colored paper, some craftswomen use napkins for this. You can make very beautiful balls out of them. To make a garland, it is better to use wrinkled napkins.

In fact, decoration elements can be made from any materials at hand. Perfect for this:

  • food foil;
  • medical cotton;
  • scraps of multi-colored fabric;
  • candy wrappers;
  • corrugated paper "cups" for cupcakes or any other corrugation;
  • Balloons.

The choice of materials depends on imagination and skill.

Original and non-standard garlands

You can even make a garland out of food. For this, rings and pads of ready-made breakfasts, chips, nuts, dried and candied fruits, marmalades and soufflés are suitable. Such a garland must be handled carefully so as not to spoil its appearance. It is necessary to store the decoration in the refrigerator, and no longer use it as a decoration, but, for example, for a competition.

Below is a photo of a do-it-yourself garland for a child's birthday, which is made from popcorn and ready-made breakfast rings.

Such a garland is not suitable for those who have animals in the house. In an effort to taste a delicacy, they can not only spoil the decoration itself, but also the decorated surface.

This is another simple version of a child's birthday garland. Everyone knows how to make balls with your own hands from knitting threads. The photo below shows what a wonderful result you can get.

How to make DIY flags for a child's birthday garland quickly and easily

You can make an element - a checkbox using ordinary scissors and a pencil. You just need to draw the necessary shapes and carefully cut them out. Then the flags are either fastened with glue or a stapler, or broadcast on a thread.

Such a simple manufacturing method takes a lot of time, and the process itself is monotonous and boring. You can simplify your task by purchasing a curly hole punch. There are many such devices sold in craft stores, in various shapes and sizes.

Even the simplest and most well-known garland-ring can acquire a second life. Hole punch knives are so complex that they can cut real patterns, and not just geometric figures. The following photo is an example of what can be done with a figured hole punch.

A simple device will significantly reduce the time of work. You will no longer need to draw and diligently cut along the lines, just bring the sheet up and press the pen.

Helpful Hints:

  1. You can make a ring garland by buying a ready-made paper ribbon with a printed pattern. It will only be necessary to cut it into strips and glue it.
  2. For fabric flags, it is better to take felt, then you will not need to process the curly edges left by the hole punch.

How to securely fasten flags in a garland

You can collect a garland on a thread attached to the surface. If the elements need to be hung, then it is worth doing this before fixing the base in place. Flags can be connected to each other with glue or a stapler without thread.

You can save time if you stitch the elements using sewing machine. Only thick paper / cardboard or fabric flags are suitable for this. You can use the most ordinary threads or you can find metallic ones with a sheen on sale. Figures made of thick paper will need to be placed under the foot of the machine one by one, without gaps. An example of work is shown in the photo below.

Garlands sewn in this way will last longer. They are easier to store, faster to make, and look just as good as store-bought decorative items.

Making a garland of candy wrappers for a birthday

Such a product will turn out beautiful only from whole, untorn candy wrappers. If they are torn, you can make base flags out of cardboard and simply stick candy wrappers on them. For a garland of candy wrappers you will need:

  • many different candy wrappers;
  • strong thread - the basis;
  • glue or stapler.

Wrappers must be selected as much as possible the same in size. If they are multi-colored and shiny, you can simply fold them in half, put a little glue in the center and hang them on the base. If the wrappers are large enough and have pretty scenes on them, you can carefully fold one edge over and stick the wrapper to the thread like a regular flag or staple it with a stapler.

This is a very simple and fast way that will save time and get great results. It will be interesting for children to look at the wrappers and share their impressions about which of the sweets is tastier.

Note: parents should take care of the presence of those delicacies on the festive table.

We make a flower garland from multi-colored napkins

Paper flowers can freshen up the atmosphere just as well as real ones. The photo below shows an example of decorating a table with flowers from napkins.

You will need napkins or thin multi-colored wrapping paper, scissors, threads, glue, wire. It is necessary to cut the napkins into strips and fold them with an accordion. The paper accordion from the edge must be cut off using one of the methods suggested in the photo below and unfolded. Then the strip is twisted and tightly wrapped at one end with a thread. You can dip the base of the flower in glue and stick the bud on a thin wire for easy attachment to the base of the garland.

For large flowers, it is better to take not napkins, but special paper for florists. It comes in a variety of shades and has an interesting heterogeneous texture.

Create a garland of balloons

Paper balls hanging from the ceiling on strings different lengths, look very impressive, but in a tight bunch, balls are a great way to decorate a space. You can verify this in the photo example below.

The easiest way to make such balls is to buy ready-made ones in the store and string them on a thread. Making them is a very painstaking task. Need to cut a large number of circles from colored double-sided paper. Then fold the circles in half and glue them one by one. The more circles, the more voluminous and "stuffed" the ball will be.

The presence of partitions depends on the method of gluing the halves of the circles with each other. Finished balls must be collected on a thread (base) and attached to the surface.

Such beautiful garlands can be made not only from paper, but also from threads and glue. It is necessary to inflate the balloons, generously coat them with glue and wind the threads. The blanks must be set aside until the glue dries. Then take a needle and pop the balloons. The result is fashionable and interesting decorations, for example, as in the photo below.

The final appearance of the product will depend on the method of winding the threads and their thickness. Instead of thread, you can take thick twine or thread from twisted napkins or newsprint. Then the finished balls will look like in the following photo example.

You can also take at least 10 sheets of paper, fold them one by one, fold them into a small accordion and tie them in the middle. Then straighten the accordion separately for each sheet. The result is a voluminous and beautiful ball, as in the photo below.

How to make unusual flags - hearts, bows and lanterns

Interesting elements will turn out if you cut the tape into strips of different lengths and fasten them in a special way. In more detail, the process of creating hearts can be seen in the photo below.

The element is a voluminous bow, perfect for a girls birthday. It is not difficult to make it, but you will have to draw and cut out the details manually. For a bow, you need to cut and fasten 3 parts. The manufacturing method is shown in the photo below.

The element - a flashlight is very similar to a ball, but it is even more difficult to complete it. They do not need to be made large, the smaller they are, the more they attract the eye and delight others. To make lanterns, you will need cardboard and scissors. First you need to cut a large number of blanks, and then simply fasten them with glue or with the help of cut out hooks.

As you can see in the photo, the decorations are very beautiful. Such balls are called flashlights because during the manufacturing process an LED light bulb can be easily inserted into them.

Summarizing experience, or Complex designs from garlands

When decorating rooms, it is worth combining several types of garlands and various elements, this option will be the most advantageous. Clouds with rain from garlands have already been mentioned, the photo below shows an example of such a design.

You can also string long threads with small pieces of medical cotton wool and paper stars. By attaching them to the ceiling at short intervals and allowing them to fall to the very floor, you can get a fabulous veil and separate the resting place for parents and children with it. Small surprises and gifts for kids can be hung on garlands.

Even the alternation of very simple garlands creates space for the decorator. You can put letters on the flags, make up the name of the child or a whole congratulation with pictures.

The easiest option for creating a festive decor is a garland for a child's birthday, assembled with your own hands for 1 thread. It's easy to make and doesn't take much time.

Whatever parents come up with to decorate their child's holiday, both adults and children will be able to have a lot of fun, as well as keep happy memories of the time spent together in their memory. One very unusual garland can be created throughout life. It is necessary to hang a thread on the wall and attach photos of family celebrations and joyful events to it.

Choose tartlets in classic Christmas colors: green, red and white. Such bright Christmas trees will appeal to both adults and children.

What do you need

  • multi-colored paper tartlets (cupcake molds);
  • glue;
  • decorative sequins in the form of stars;
  • twine or ribbon;
  • scotch.

How to do

Fold the paper cutter in quarters to form a triangle.

Lubricate the corners of two triangles with glue. Lay three triangles on top of each other and glue them together to form a Christmas tree. In the same way, make as many Christmas trees as you need for your garland.

Decorate them with sequins. If you don't find star-shaped sequins, just cut them out of colored cardboard.

Then glue the Christmas trees to the twine or ribbon with adhesive tape at a small distance from each other. The garland is ready! Decorate with it or hang it on the wall.

It is very easy to make such a beautiful soft garland. The amount of material depends on the desired length of the decoration.

What do you need

  • white and red strips of felt 2.5 cm wide;
  • 2 needles;
  • threads.

How to do

Lay the white strip of felt over the red one and pin them on both sides with needles. Then make longitudinal cuts in the middle of the strips at the same distance from each other.

If you want to make a very long garland, cut the felt gradually: make no more than five cuts at once, move on to weaving, and then repeat the procedure. Thanks to this scheme, the strips will not move out, and it will be much easier for you.

To braid a two-tone braid, thread the end of the strip through the first hole and pull tight so that the strips do not fall apart. Then thread the garland through all the other holes in the same way.

Trim and sew the strips to each other at the ends of the finished garland so that they do not stick out. By the way, you can combine any colors of your choice. For example, these:

These miniature stars look like glass, even though they are made from plain cellophane! This material is not as malleable as paper, but such an unusual garland is worth the work done.

What do you need

  • cellophane;
  • lined sheet of paper;
  • scissors;
  • thin needle;
  • thin threads.

How to do

Cut the cellophane into strips. It is more convenient to do this by placing a lined sheet of paper under the cellophane. Please note that the length of the strips should be at least 30 times their width. In other words, if the width is 1 cm, then the length must be at least 30 cm.

Then make stars out of the stripes as shown in this video:

Carefully pierce the stars with a needle through which a long thread is threaded. The stars should be at a small distance from each other.

By the way, garlands of paper stars also look very nice. Therefore, choose the material to your taste.

This option is suitable for those who want to diversify the usual old garland.

What do you need

  • white paper cups;
  • a sheet of plain paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • glue or double-sided tape;
  • stationery knife;
  • electric garland.

How to do

First you need to make a "wrapper" for the cups. To do this, cut one glass in half, cut off the bottom and edges. Flatten it, put it on plain paper and make a template.

Lay the template onto the scrapbooking paper with reverse side and cut out as many "wrappers" as you have cups. By the way, you can choose any color of paper. Just try to match it in color with an electric garland.

Then wrap the cups in paper and glue the edges with glue or double-sided tape.

Make cross cuts in the bottom of each cup with a utility knife. Insert the light bulbs of the electric garland into the cuts. Unusual New Year's garland is ready!

Another way to transform a boring electric garland.

What do you need

  • decorative burlap of New Year's flowers;
  • scissors;
  • electric garland.

How to do

Cut the burlap into equal small strips. Tie them in turn with a knot between the electric bulbs.

Very simple and beautiful!

This beautiful garland looks very impressive, and it is very simple to make it. If you do not have twine, you can use thick threads or yarn.

What do you need

  • Balloons;
  • petrolatum;
  • ½ l of PVA glue;
  • 2 tablespoons of corn starch;
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water;
  • twine;
  • needle;
  • electric garland.

How to do

Blow up balloons of the same size. Note: a garland of small balls will look prettier. Lubricate them with Vaseline. This is necessary so that the twine does not stick to the balls tightly.

Mix glue, starch and water. If the mixture is too thick, add a little more water. Just do not overdo it so that it is not very liquid.

Wet the twine in the resulting adhesive solution. Then wrap the rope around the balloons. The easiest way to do this is to hang the balls on a rail. Just do not forget in this case to put an oilcloth under them, where excess glue will drain. The density of the balls of the future garland depends on how much twine you wind.

Leave the balls to dry overnight. Then pierce each balloon with a needle to make it burst. First check whether the twine has become stiff enough and whether the finished ball will hold its shape. Remove the balloon carefully.

Then insert the bulbs of the electric garland into the balls of twine. If the balls turned out to be very dense, then you can make holes in them with scissors or a pen.

For such a garland, you need thick paper, such as cardstock. But thin cardboard is fine too.

What do you need

  • thick paper (gray and several other colors to choose from);
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • glue;
  • twine.

How to do

Cut the gray paper into strips 3 x 10 cm in size. The parameters of the strips from the rest of the paper are 2.5 x 20 cm. The number of strips depends on the desired length of the garland.

Fold the gray stripes into octagons and make holes for the twine with a hole punch as shown in the photo. Then glue the edges of the octagons.

Now make the light bulbs. To do this, fold the long strip in half, only slightly running your fingers along the fold. Holding the strip by the tips, press it to the palm of your hand. When you release the paper, it will take the shape of a light bulb.

At the ends of the strip, exactly in the middle, make a hole for the twine with a hole punch. Thread the twine first through one hole on the gray octagon, then through the light bulb, and finally through the second hole in the octagon. Repeat these steps with all the other details and align the "bulbs" along the length of the twine.

Such beauty can become not only New Year's decor but also decorating a child's room.

What do you need

  • A4 paper packaging;
  • template (download);
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • threads.

How to do

Print and cut out the templates, circle them on sheets of paper as shown in the picture below. For the garland, you need 24 of the first and second parts of the lanterns and 126 stars. And to speed up the process, draw stars on sheets folded four times.

Cut out all the details.

Take one part of the flashlight and grease one side with glue. Glue the same part to it. One flashlight should consist of six identical parts. Just do not glue the sides of the first and sixth parts until you have made a loop.

To do this, stick double-sided tape on the fold. Glue the thread from the bottom up, make a small loop at the top, then glue the thread from the top down and cut off the excess. Now you can glue the sides of the first and last parts.

Repeat the same with the rest of the flashlight parts. In total, you will get 8 flashlights.

In the same way, make 21 volumetric stars. The difference will be only in gluing the thread. It must be stretched through three stars, making a loop on the topmost of them.

Now pull the thread through all the loops, forming like this beautiful garland:

Just enough to cut out the pieces ready template and decorate them with glitter.

What do you need

  • thin cardboard;
  • template (download);
  • scissors;
  • stationery glue;
  • colored sequins;
  • twine.

How to do

Print on thin card stock and cut out the templates along the solid lines. The number of parts needed depends on the desired length of the garland. Bend the blanks along the dotted lines.

After one, grease the triangles on the templates with glue and sprinkle with sparkles. When the glue dries, shake them off. You may need to repeat these steps one more time so that the triangles are completely covered in glitter.

Then glue the semicircular parts on the templates with glue and glue the figures. Pull the twine through the figurines. If you are afraid that you will not be able to do this, run the twine through each figure before gluing, and not after.

Such Christmas trees can be decorated with anything: sequins, sequins or buttons. Connect your fantasy!

What do you need

  • green tissue paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • yellow cardboard;
  • red cardboard;
  • twine.

How to do

Straighten the tissue paper. By the way, this can be done with an iron, putting it on the most low temperature. Fold a long sheet in half crosswise and cut lengthwise into two parts. You will get two long strips folded in the middle. Make long cuts on them, leaving part of the fold intact. You will need as many of these details as you want to make Christmas trees for the garland.

Unfold the strip and twist it thinly. At the fold, make a loop and twist several times so that it does not fall apart. If desired, you can fix it with glue.

Tie the resulting Christmas trees to the twine. Then cut out stars from yellow cardboard, and circles from red cardboard and glue them. Try to fasten the stars so that the knots on the twine are not visible.

And finally, an option for those who have absolutely no time to make something, but there is a great desire to update the New Year's decor.

What do you need

  • beautiful Christmas balls;
  • twine.

How to do

All you have to do is thread the twine through the loops of the Christmas balls, tying it in knots and place the balls at the same distance from each other.

You can decorate your house and garden with garlands all year round - few things so quickly and surely create a romantic mood and a magical atmosphere. Fortunately, today it is easier to add decorative light to the house than in our childhood: now the garlands consist of safe diode bulbs and can be powered by batteries.
Safe light bulbs can be decorated using a special kit (in the same IKEA, in addition to “naked” garlands, decorations for them are sold), but it’s much more fun to do it yourself, given the interior features and your own taste.
Summer garland should be bright and look good not only at night, but also in the light of a long day. We decided to decorate it with paper octahedrons - and we are sharing our experience with you.
We needed: LED garland (for example, "Serdal" from IKEA), dense colored paper, scissors, ruler, hole punch, pin, carnation button, knitting needle.

1. We print out the scheme of octahedrons.

We did not find suitable colored paper in the sets, so we chose Canson with a density of 120 g / m 2 (you can buy it in art stores for about 15 rubles per sheet). This paper is dyed in mass and has a uniform structure, that is, it will look good when illuminated from the inside. In addition, Canson has a rich selection of shades that are not as beautiful as standard paper colors for children's crafts.

Flashlight schemes can be downloaded (for large) and (for small)

2. We push the fold lines.

To neatly fold the lanterns, it was necessary to push the fold lines along the ruler. At first we used a regular pencil, but the particles of the stylus, smearing, dirty the flashlight, so we found a thin needle.

3. Making a perforation

On paper for lanterns, it is better to make small holes, so the garland will look more delicate, give more light and cast beautiful shadows. The easiest way to perforate with a push pin is to place the paper on a lint-free carpet, sofa, or piece of felt. First, we pierced the paper with chaotic quick movements, then we added holes where necessary. It is better to pierce a workpiece that has not yet been cut out - so the sheet does not wrinkle around the edges. It is important that the paper is face up: the surface of the lanterns must remain smooth.

The hole punch is not very suitable for making decorative holes (if only because small bulbs will tend to stick out through them), but we still used it for blue lanterns.

4. Cut out the blanks.

In the corners of future flashlights there should be a place for wires. We cut out the holes with a hole punch, but you can get by with scissors.

5. We glue the lanterns.

We glued the first few lanterns, immediately putting them on a garland. Then it turned out that two pairs of sides can be connected in advance, and only the rest can be glued on weight. it turned out to be important to use a fast-setting adhesive. The pencil fits perfectly.

6. We light the garland!

The garland turned out amazing! The yellow and orange paper turned out to be very bright in the light, and the lanterns resembled fabulous luminous physalis flowers. But the weak light of the diode bulbs did not penetrate through the blue paper, so, although they looked good, they were lost against the background of brighter neighbors; next time for such a garland we would take only light sheets. Another important thing to do: it is better to print the diagram in toner save mode, as black lines will show through the paper.