Fashion tips from famous stylist Alexander Rogov: how to look cool without spending a lot of money. Fashion tips What should be in every women's wardrobe

Over the past few days, I have received several letters at once with questions on the topic of "eco-leather". Is it worth it to buy things from this material? How applicable are they in everyday wardrobe? Are they cold or hot?
Let's figure it out!

Greetings, dear readers magazine site!
Not so long ago I was asked in the comments how I feel about basic wardrobe? They say one of the promoted stylists began to promote the idea that the base is an outdated phenomenon and now we must rely on characteristic things.
I, as a practicing person or, in other words, dressing people, cannot speak unambiguously on this issue, so as soon as I had a free minute, I decided to write another note about various tips on wardrobe and style.

Article “How many things should hang in the closet?” made an unexpected impression on the readers of the site! I confess that I was preparing for any feedback, especially criticism in the style of “here again the stylist calls us to buy clothes!” However, most of the comments contained a completely different impression - you were sincerely glad that you could and should expand and increase the contents of wardrobes.
Along with this, there were some sad reviews from women who had already analyzed their clothes and came to the conclusion that they really had nothing to wear! Why did they decide so and how to understand that your wardrobe is not diverse enough if you are “sitting at home”, for example, with a child? Let's figure it out!

Many readers of fashion websites and blogs are wondering how much time should pass between the start of work on the style and the result of this work? Clients of stylists, especially those who consult online, are also interested in the timing of noticeable changes in wardrobe and looks.
The basis of progress, of course, is the images of street stylers or fashion bloggers who regularly demonstrate a variety of bows generously flavored with accessories and intricate details.
It would seem that the answer is obvious! The result will appear when the wardrobe accumulates necessary minimum things, but not everyone understands this, so let's figure out a list of clothes that will close most of the exits of the average woman who leads an active lifestyle - works, has a family and leisure.

Greetings, dear readers of the magazine site!

One of the key questions with which women turn to stylists can be briefly expressed by the words “what suits me? What silhouettes, fabrics, prints, bags, shoes and jewelry work and which don’t?” It is assumed that after knowing the parameters individual parts it will be easy to combine them into a whole - a harmonious costume ensemble. "After all, you have to start from something when choosing things in a store, so why not from suitable fabric patterns, for example?"
I was also asked and continue to be asked similar questions in different formulations. Before studying at the school of image makers, I called fashion the main reference point, now, after a year and a half of practice, I think that one should start from the silhouette, figure correction and style.

Greetings, dear readers of the magazine site!
How many times I sit down to write an article about "wrap" dresses and body shaping of the upper type, and how many times my work stumbles over the following thought: what if the note does not help, but, on the contrary, harms readers?
Think it's impossible? Do you think that everything you read about style on the Internet is only for your benefit? No matter how!

The Kibby/Larson typing service has now passed the equator of its popularity and is on the decline. Why? Because most consumers of typings have realized that you can’t go far with one type. Indeed, in addition to the type, personal style is based on figure correction, style, color, proportions, character, and fashion in the end!
And, as my work experience shows, a basic consultation of a stylist should contain information about all of the above aspects, otherwise, relying only on the type, it is simply impossible to build a wardrobe and, moreover, a style!
In this article, we will consider the results of an advertising consultation on Kibby's types, which Vera, a longtime reader of the site, kindly agreed to show.

Greetings, dear readers of the magazine site!
This note is aimed at my clients who have already gone through a basic consultation and have an idea of ​​​​what a style vector is, as well as the palette and style of the wardrobe. However, since we are talking about the principle of choosing a bag, I believe that the rest of the readers may be interested in the article.
So, we will choose a universal bag for a girl whose appearance type is defined as natural-sporty.

Greetings, dear readers of the magazine site!
The image of love in most women is directly associated with shoes with high thin heels, tight and overly open clothes, bright makeup and other nuances of the image, far from modern fashion. However, in order to become attractive to the opposite sex, it is not at all necessary to flaunt in an ultra-short skirt and low-cut blouse. Like other images, the image of love is decided by form, color and texture, which means it can be easily embodied in modern and comfortable bows.
Consider a slide prepared for one of my clients.

Regardless fashion trends And current trends there are time-tested and experienced fashion gurus tricks that allow you to always look stunning. In this article, we'll talk about fashion tips for girls looking to join the ranks of style icons.

Let's start with fashion tips from fashion designers. This year, they recommend that all fashionistas pay attention first of all to themselves, and not to clothes. As he said: "If a woman's body is well-groomed, there will always be someone who will buy her a mink coat."

A win-win option for any woman are flesh-colored shoes - merging with the skin, they visually lengthen the legs and make you slimmer.

Another must-have wardrobe item is black pumps. Invest in quality shoes - your feet will thank you.

Basic wardrobe items (blue jeans, plain jumpers, white shirts in men's style) should be of good quality. Despite their high cost, such things will last you longer than their cheap counterparts, and besides, a quality item always looks better than a low-quality fake.

You should not combine more than three colors in one image - most likely you will look colorful and cheap. But also monochrome images one must be able to wear - very often they are boring. Perfect option - base color+ a couple of shades that go well with it as additions.

Do not forget about the need to compensate for the volume - the lush "top" should be complemented by tight trousers or skirts. And vice versa - a wide “bottom” requires, if not a narrow, then a fitted “top”.

As you can see, the advice of fashion stylists and designers is quite simple. They are based on the classic laws of style, which every self-respecting fashionista must know.

Fashion tips for the full include methods and ways of visual correction of the figure. At the same time, you should not necessarily strive to appear thin at all costs. It is enough just to emphasize the femininity of the figure and get rid of the heaviness and heaviness in the image.

Top 10 tips for fashionistas "in the body":

In general, fashion tips can be briefly described as follows: experiment with unusual combinations, but do not forget about harmony and proportionality.

In fashion blogs, in glossy magazines and at shows of famous designers, we are surrounded by stylish images, complemented by many accessories, often very difficult to handle. There are tiaras, and rows of heavy beads, and dozens of bracelets, and earrings of such complex designs that it’s even scary to imagine how you can walk in all this in everyday life. And is it possible at all, or is all this invented solely as art, which should not come into reality from the pages of magazines? And how, then, to choose accessories for a casual look, how to find a balance so that it is not too empty, but not carnivally?

Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with fashion bloggers, because first of all, an incredible amount of accessories that embarrass ordinary women, it is they who are wrong. What can I say, it's their job! To be catchy, memorable, to show many ideas in one image at once, so that as many readers as possible find something for themselves in each of their photosets. But in addition, in the photo, many accessories that look great in real life are lost and fade! And in order to get high-quality pictures, you have to choose not only beautiful and suitable, but also photogenic. This is how a very special subculture is formed, which can be inspired, from which you can take a lot of ideas for your everyday sets, but which does not always make sense to project onto your wardrobe on a one-to-one scale. Therefore, if you suddenly looked at a photo from a fashion blog, counted more than two dozen different accessories and began to worry that your kits compared to this astronomical figure

unacceptably simple - know that there is no reason to be upset! But if you can’t overcome yourself, you can always subscribe to a couple of blogs, the owners of which create images specifically for life, and study them with pleasure.

There is another extreme - fear in Everyday life use any accessories. This problem is familiar to most Russian women, especially in small towns. One has only to adorn oneself with noticeable earrings, a bracelet or even a bright belt, as there is sure to be a person who is curious about what holiday it is today. The word "dressed up" so firmly settled in the public mind that to cope with it negative influence Not every woman can do it. The bewildered glances of acquaintances, colleagues and just passers-by bring joy only to some, and they confuse, frighten, upset everyone else and make them give up trying to create complete images with accessories in everyday life. Is it correct? Probably not, like any extreme. But external beauty is not a matter of principle for many to spend their time and nerves on the fight against prejudices, and sometimes it is easier to retreat.
But how can you go between Scylla and Charybdis without losing your charm and continuing to improve your image? A clear understanding of the basics will help here. There are two ways to make your look interesting, organic, and balanced: layers and details.

Decorations are also details, but more details are various stitching and edging, unusual buttons and lapels, a beautifully tied, and not just a hastily thrown scarf, stylish shoes, a bag suitable for the set... And also - interesting color combinations instead of the usual black-white-gray scale. It is worth trying to complicate your image in at least one way that is most comfortable for you, in order to gradually feel that you are ready to afford a little more.

Have you noticed that there are people who look very light and harmonious, their image does not seem overloaded at all, but if you set out to count the number of jewelry and accessories, it will become clear that the image is much more complicated than it seemed at first glance? And vice versa: sometimes we meet a woman who, of all the decorative elements, has only beads, but these beads still climb into the eyes, creating a feeling of excess and congestion? This effect is due to the fact that accessories interact even more closely than clothes with your facial features, with emotional state and image in general. Accessories that suit your style will not be aggressively conspicuous, attracting the increased attention of zealots of simplicity. They will place accents and add the necessary emotions, and then merge with your image without disturbing either you or those around you. And if the accessory sharply contradicts your style or color of appearance, it will invariably attract unnecessary attention of the audience. That is why, choosing jewelry and any decorative elements image, it is important to be guided not so much by fashion as by your individual traits.

Once you try on a complex outfit, completely composed in your style, you will feel the difference!

But how many accessories are necessary and enough for a stylish everyday look? If you have done a good job and picked up a really suitable bag and shoes, if your set is designed in colors that adorn you and is perfectly tailored, one piece of jewelry will be enough. appropriate style. Where to place it? Let's define this in two steps. First, try to understand what kind of jewelry will be really comfortable for you to walk with, taking into account your plans? Let's say it's a hot day, so you're afraid that a necklace or large bracelet will stick to your skin and get in the way. Then you can think of a ring, earrings or a beautiful scarf tied around the handle of a bag. Or your plans include a visit to the hairdresser, which will definitely interfere with your large earrings, but your hands will be completely free, so you can afford to decorate them with a watch or a bracelet.

Have you decided on convenience? Now let's take care of aesthetics. See which of the convenient accessories can not only complicate your look, but also close the empty space in it? Maybe you put on a blouse with a three-quarter sleeve, to which the bracelet just asks? Or did you not have time to do a manicure in interesting colors to match the outfit, and a ring will help to focus on graceful fingers?

Is it possible to do without jewelry at all in a casual look and still remain stylish? Of course, you can, if other accessories, details on clothes or well-composed layering have taken on the style-forming role in your costume!

But the main thing is to make sure that the rejection of jewelry is not caused by fear of them or laziness. After all, every woman deserves to freely navigate the world of little things designed to make her life more interesting and beautiful. If you and those around you associate jewelry only with uncomfortable flashiness, this is a serious reason to one day set yourself the goal of finding yourself a pair of completely matching and comfortable stylish necklaces, rings or bracelets. Just to feel the complete freedom of choice. Will you suddenly like it? And if not, you can always go back to relying on stylish bags, shoes, color, print and layered ensembles. Or hats. Or anything else that your fantasy tells you.

The main thing is that everything will depend only on your taste and inspiration, and this is worth a lot!