How to choose clothes for plus size girls. How should plump girls dress correctly? What style of clothing is suitable in winter

You can often hear girls with a curvy figure say that it is difficult for them to choose fashionable clothes for themselves. Stores with a standard range of products usually offer large sizes spacious, shapeless things that are unable to decorate anyone. Fortunately, today small retail outlets specializing in clothing for curvaceous beauties are becoming increasingly common. You can find many of them on the vast expanses of the Internet. But when visiting such a store, some women get lost in the large assortment of products. After all, a large figure is much more demanding when choosing a wardrobe than the standard parameters 90/60/90. Clothing styles for plus size girls will help you find the right things and correctly compose fashionable looks.

Stylists recommend that women organize their wardrobes in such a way that they have several ensembles for different purposes, designed for different seasons. So, for plus size girls, you will need a set for a business and work environment, daily wear (winter, summer, spring-autumn) and for formal and weekend purposes. The variability of the constituent elements depends on lifestyle, fantasy ideas and financial well-being.

In order not to experience difficulties in putting together the necessary sets, it is advisable to always have the following things in your closet:

  • sweaters for everyday use and special occasions - 2 units each;
  • coat, fur coat, jacket, raincoat - one item each;
  • blouses for every day and going out – 2-3 pieces;
  • trousers, skirts - 4-5 pairs each;
  • dresses for different purposes - about a dozen.

It’s also a good idea to get a couple of suits for summer and winter. To the listed things you should add shoes, which should be chosen, first of all, for comfort and practicality and only secondarily according to fashion recommendations.

The proposed list includes minimum required items from which, by combining, you can create many interesting bows for any time of year. Wide financial opportunities and a love of frequent changes will help to significantly diversify your wardrobe.

In clothing for plus size women, the distribution of colors should be based on their visual properties. Since dark clothes significantly reduce excess volume, they can be used to successfully disguise problem areas: thighs, buttocks or breasts. If a woman has sloping shoulders, a small bust or thin arms, it is advisable to wear light-colored blouses or decorate clothes with contrasting color elements.

What style of clothing is appropriate in winter?

You need to be careful when purchasing outerwear, as they are usually worn for several seasons. It is advisable to choose models of classic styles with a length that covers the knees. Your coat should not have patch pockets, flaps, or fluffy fur, since all these decorations contribute to the visual appearance of your figure.

When wearing warm clothes, avoid bright acid colors, colorful patterns and all kinds of shiny elements. Avoid short jackets that reveal heavy thighs. When choosing a coat, opt for a double-breasted model. The asymmetrical line of the fastener can shift the emphasis away from the problem area. It is also good if the coat has a fitted silhouette or is tied with a belt.

Casual wear in winter period should be warm and layered. Do not wear thick tights under trousers, and several blouses under a sweater. Better buy good jeans with insulation and a thick sweater with a beautiful print. Such clothes will warm you well and will not overload your figure.

In a business setting, a suit or dress is useful. A thin sweater or turtleneck with a skirt or trousers looks good. You can throw a jacket or long cardigan over your shoulders.

For a festive occasion best choice will become Nice dress also purchase Cocktail Dress, which is useful for corporate parties and romantic meetings. The model should not be overly pretentious; prefer a simple silhouette. Depending on the situation, the outfit can be supplemented various decorations and accessories. Choose expensive fabrics for tailoring good quality– natural silk, chiffon, satin. The colors are dark and rich - cherry, black, blue.

Wardrobe for summer (photo)

In the hot season, you can’t do without light, breathable clothes made of cotton, silk, and chiffon. If you like things from linen fabric, then read the label first. Buy this product only if it contains elastic additives. Without them, linen clothes quickly wrinkle, and this looks sloppy and careless on a plump girl.

Dresses and trousers should have a clear outline and fit exactly to your figure. A woman dressed in a shapeless robe or a stretched T-shirt looks very unattractive. In the color scheme, give preference to light shades and prints with vertical stripes.

Clothing style for plus size short girls

The main goal of creating fashionable images should be the desire to visually elongate the silhouette. Vertical lines are great for this, and can be used not only in fabric designs. Choose a long clasp on a narrow placket, deep pleats on the dress, and high slits on the skirt.

Be careful with knitted clothing, which tends to be form-fitting. If there are vertical stripes on it, then on a full figure they will become tortuous, which will lead to a negative result. Also refuse any clothing with a large pattern, no matter how beautiful it may seem to you. Do not overload your figure with ruffles, draperies and frills. An asymmetrical fastener or wrap will help highlight the waistline.

Clothing style for overweight teenage girls

Youth fashion is very changeable and fleeting, so keeping up with it is not so easy. In addition, her tendency to minimize details is not very suitable for curvy beauties. When selecting an update, pay attention to the size match.

For overweight teenagers, you should not buy clothes intended for adult women. They have slightly different proportions, which can distort a young figure. The teenage line always includes clothes in large sizes, designed to accommodate excess volume. Each item should fit your figure freely, without being tight or sagging in any way. A successful landing gives confidence and distracts from viewing problematic parts of the body.

Young people love to wear tight trousers in the skinny style. Unfortunately, plump girls won’t have to wear them, since their figure will immediately look heavy and squat. It is better to choose models with a straight cut or slightly flared from the knee. Such styles are always in fashion; they will decorate a full figure and reliably hide your appearance. excess weight.

The main mistakes of overweight people are putting off buying beautiful things until they lose weight, and dressing in baggy clothes, trying to hide figure flaws. The first leads to a depressed moral state, the second leads to a disgusting appearance.

Even if you are an obese man with a belly, you can choose stylish, comfortable things that will correct your figure, give you self-confidence and a good mood.

Clothes make a person. Naked people have very little, if any, influence in society.

Mark Twain, writer

Why is it so important for large men to dress correctly?

Overweight people often feel uncomfortable being in society. They are accused, even behind their backs, of laziness, incontinence in eating and other sins that lead to obesity. The accusations are not always fair, but there is no escape from them.

Undoubtedly it is necessary. And the point is not even in condemnation by society, but in the fact that it is important for maintaining good health. However, you should not dream that you will lose weight and buy clothes. Dress nicely and correctly now.

If a thin or athletic person is dressed casually, he is not particularly noticed. The sloppy appearance of an overweight man is another confirmation of how lazy he is: after all, he didn’t even have the desire to put together a decent wardrobe.

We understand that it is unpleasant to hear this. But let this be a strong argument for changing something in your style.

Basic rules for choosing clothes for large men

Later we'll talk about which items of clothing will help you look your best, but first, remember the four basic rules.

1. Good fit is important.

Extra folds on clothing, sagging fabric, and wrinkles give the suit an unkempt appearance. On a plump man, this effect is enhanced. Trying to disguise excess weight by wearing clothes a size or two larger does the opposite: you only draw even more attention to your figure.

How better clothes sits, the more comfortable you feel in it, and this improves your mood and appearance.
So, clothes should not be too tight, but should not hang in folds. Finding something that fits perfectly in a store is an almost impossible task, don’t even torture yourself with searching. It is more profitable to find a good atelier or tailor who will fit the purchased clothes to your figure.

2. The simpler the better

Your physique already makes you look impressive. Therefore, you should dress more simply, so as not to overwhelm others with your appearance.

Clothes without bright patterns and prints are suitable: basic, plain.

3. Advantages of lightweight fabric

Thick, heavy fabric emphasizes your size and makes you look bulky. It's hot in such clothes and you sweat more. And even if you don't suffer from sweating, still try to choose lighter clothes.

At first glance, you probably won't notice the difference between thin wool trousers and thick jeans, but as you wear them, you'll realize just how different they are. Smooth, lightweight fabric that drapes neatly will flatter your figure and make you feel more comfortable.

4. Don't try to tighten your figure

All things that are aimed at tightening - corsets, special underwear, etc. - have a short-term effect (only while you are wearing them) and deprive you of comfort. And this is a big minus. A person who is uncomfortable constantly twitches, trying to adjust his clothes, looks nervous, unsure of himself.

How exactly the right clothes will help you

Good clothes will visually change the shape of your body: you will look proportionate and neat.

The best effect of wearing the right clothes is to change the first impression of you: not a fat guy, but a big man. It seems not so significant, but in people’s minds you will appear not as lazy, soft-bodied and weak, but as powerful, impressive, and self-confident. This means they will communicate with you differently.

Clothing for Large Men: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

So, with general principles We’ve decided on the selection of clothes, let’s add specifics.

Good clothes

The right clothes create a neat, clean and collected silhouette. Suits, blazers, and sports jackets cope with this task.

Instead of jeans, choose loose-fitting trousers made from thick cotton or wool fabric. IN cool weather complement the image long coat to look respectable.

Bad clothes

Danger awaits you when choosing soft, shapeless clothes. Be careful when purchasing sweaters and hoodies. They can visually reduce the belly, as they cover the waistband of the trousers, but these things should fit quite tightly to the body so that there are no wrinkles, folds, or overhanging fabric.

Sportswear will make you look shapeless. Therefore, wear it only for training. By appearing in other places in sweatpants and a T-shirt, you will again confirm the stereotype of the lazy fat slob.

Terrible clothes

The worst outfit combines shapelessness, low-rise trousers or jeans and too much bare arms and legs. The point is, when your arms and legs are bare, you draw a lot more attention to your sizable belly.

How to look better now without throwing your entire wardrobe in the trash

Are you depressed? Are you thinking that you will have to change your wardrobe completely, but you don’t have the money or energy for it? There are seven tricks you can use to make visible changes to your existing wardrobe.

1. Replace your belts with suspenders

The belt does not always cope with its functions on a full man. Trying to secure your pants at the waist with a belt is similar to trying to tighten the belt on the bottom of a basketball.

But suspenders will definitely prevent your trousers from falling off you, and besides, your trousers will fit correctly and beautifully, without sliding under your stomach.

There are two types of suspenders: with buttons (classic) and with metal clips. Metal clips will look very frivolous and even funny. Therefore, it is better to take your trousers to a tailor and ask them to sew on buttons or buttons with reverse side belts so that they can be worn with classic suspenders.

Of course, this will not be an ideal result, since the waist of trousers worn with suspenders should be slightly higher than the waist of ordinary trousers, but for a while you can put up with this state of affairs, and buy the next trousers specifically for suspenders.

2. Choose shirts with shark collars

“Shark” is a collar whose ends are widely spread to the sides. The edges of the collar can be rounded, sharp, cut off, the collar itself can be longer or shorter - choose what you like best.

With shark collar wide face it looks proportional, and with this type of collar you can tie a large one (Windsor, for example) or a neckerchief. And you only need to use wide ties and large knots, because big man with a thin tie and a tiny knot it looks ridiculous.

3. Wear a hat

A hat is a magical wardrobe item that turns almost any outfit into an outfit for going out. By wearing a stylish hat, you show others that you put a lot of effort into your outfit. This will dispel their assumptions that your obesity is the result of laziness.

And the hat will visually elongate your figure a little.

4. Swap jeans for overalls

When you have to do some work with your hands, wear overalls instead of jeans and a T-shirt, which will constantly ride up or slide down.

Work overalls are a classic men's clothing, which will hide your stomach and protect you from minor abrasions.

5. Grow a beard

You don’t need a thick boyar’s one, but a short and neat one will hide the excessive fullness of the face. A goatee will sharpen your chin, and a mustache will correct the shape of your cheeks.

Just watch your beard very carefully. A big guy with well-groomed facial hair - stylish man, big guy with tufts of hair sticking out - lazy.

6. Use large accessories

It is important to maintain proportions in everything. The bigger you are, the larger your accessories should be: watches, ties. Even a plastic ballpoint pen that you use regularly should be replaced with a heavier one.

Bonus - large accessories are perceived as an indicator of the strength and power of the owner. And these are exactly the feelings that you should evoke with your appearance.

7. Wear your shirts untucked.

This will help elongate the silhouette, hiding the belly hanging over the trouser belt. Pay attention to the shirts with a rounded hem and the guayaberas - classic Cuban shirts. You can replace the shirt with a thin sweater.

Hemingway in guayabera

Be honest with yourself, accept your body as it is at the moment, and dress it beautifully. By correctly selecting the elements of your suit and adjusting them to your figure in the studio, you will look stylish, neat and elegant, regardless of your figure size.

Thanks to the right wardrobe, every girl can visually look slimmer. Ideally, you need to collect your basic wardrobe. Then add to it every season fashionable things. At the same time, it is necessary not so much to hide parts of the body that confuse you under clothes, but rather to emphasize the advantages of the figure. How should fat girls dress? Let's look at the images and the list of current things for 2019-2020 that give a visual result. You will look more beautiful, graceful and slimmer.

When creating your own clothing style, it is important to select items taking into account color, style, fabric and prints.

  • So, small and medium drawing, narrow strip and the oblique direction of the pattern, animal prints on a dark background suit all girls and do not make them look fat at all.
  • But any large print is not suitable, especially for plump, short girls. This also applies to bright patterns.


When choosing a style, it is advisable to take into account the smoothness, softness of the fabric and the direction of the pattern. Overweight girls should wear things with a vertical direction of the ornament, made of smooth, matte and opaque fabrics. These can be jackets, trousers with straight shapes. A-line skirts, wrap dresses or asymmetrical cut. The main thing is not to try to hide everything. You don't need to wear only black hoodies.

By choosing clothes in this way, you can visually reduce the volume of your figure. By the way,

Color combinations

Speaking of colors, pay attention to the total look ensembles. This is a win-win option for curvy girls and will always be in trend. By playing with textures and changing styles, you can easily create a memorable image.

As well as combinations based on the principle of kinship with cold and warm shades. So, overweight girls should remember that cool colors visually make their figure smaller. And warm shades in clothes increase. Wine, olive, brown, blue and all neutral colors never go out of fashion and should be present in the wardrobe of plus-size girls.

Wrap neckline

It has a triangular shape, with one edge of the cutout overlapping the other. This type of V-neck focuses attention on the chest and emphasizes its advantages. Therefore, blouses and wrap dresses are suitable for all girls, including overweight ones. In addition, such a neckline visually “stretches” the figure.

Light flowing dress

The choice of dress depends on your taste and style, but you need to pay attention to the fabric and length. Overweight girls are recommended to wear midaxi. This length emphasizes the most graceful part of the leg - the ankle, hiding and distracting attention from problem areas. In addition, when you walk, flowing fabric, such as chiffon, follows the movements of your body. The effect is simply amazing, because such a dress has lightness, dynamics and smooth lines. Over the dress, wear a plain sweater, jacket or sweatshirt that matches the color scheme of the dress.

Wide and straight trousers

Another favorite in a plus-size girl’s wardrobe is must have. Wide-leg, high-waisted pants will make you look slimmer while still being super comfortable. There can be either cotton jeans or classic trousers. Fashionable plump girls pair them with sneakers or ankle boots. And in the office, loose trousers will look great with brogues or shoes with small, stable heels. When choosing a top for a loose-fitting trouser, you should avoid hyper-voluminous items, otherwise such an outfit can make you look fat.

Culottes are your option

Culottes have been on the catwalks for a long time; they do not make you look fat, and therefore suit girls of any appearance. Combine with sneakers, slip-ons or trainers, even if they are the same tall. Pants-skirts are universal, which, if necessary, can be worn with a sweatshirt, T-shirt or.


Another staple of every fashionista’s basic wardrobe. Allows girls with appetizing shapes to look slimmer. Thanks to straight trousers and a spacious elongated jacket, which it is advisable not to button. This way you will create extra vertical lines and look fashionable.

Sundress robe and shirt dress

The star of an outfit for plus size girls can be a stunning cotton sundress, to be worn with a T-shirt in hot weather, or with a jacket or long denim jacket in cool weather.

White T-shirt

This is perhaps the best all-around addition to your fashionable looks. Fits well into absolutely any basic wardrobe. For example, wear it with trousers in calm muted shades, an a-line skirt or a sundress.


To dress stylishly for plump girls, you need bright colors in the form of various accessories and decorations. They will enliven your image and draw attention to themselves. And elongated earrings, voluminous headdresses (headband, beanie with a lapel, caps), long scarves, laconic medium-sized bags will hide your fullness. Pay attention to the neon colors.


Any boot height is relevant, but do not forget that wide boots in the middle of the calf mercilessly cut the leg. For plump girls, it is better to choose models with low heels. Shoes still need to be comfortable for both relaxed and business looks to look amazing. Of course, in some cases you can’t do without sports shoes. Wear the most fashion sneakers, sneakers - and you can't go wrong.

Smart oversized

Oversized will not add extra volume; on the contrary, it will help you look visually slimmer. Believe me, any figure in a slightly loose coat, dress or sweater will look fashionable and modern. The main thing is to know your prints, textures and colors; we told you about the recommended ones above.

  • We recommend

If nature has been generous to you and gifted you with a few “extra” kilograms, don’t worry too much. You can be beautiful and stylish even with size XXL. The main thing is to learn the rules that will allow any overweight woman to be confident.

So, if you are a plus-size woman and want to look and feel 100%, then...

Watch your posture. It is believed that being curvy is bad. Hence the mass of complexes. And instead of walking with our heads held high, we slouch, forgetting that this makes us look shorter and rounder. Therefore, keep your nose up! Straighten your shoulders - and go!

Underwear. Choose corsetry according to your size. This type of underwear makes your figure more toned and will help correct figure flaws.

Find a good bra. And don’t forget to replace your underwear every six months, as they tend to stretch.

P O choose stockings and tights correctly. It is advisable for you to buy tights with a high top and tightening inserts on the butt and abdomen. In addition, they must be the correct (i.e. your) size.

No baggy or overly loose clothing. Most people think that this way they can hide their fullness. But no. Such clothes make the figure too bulky. Clothes should fit slightly to the body.

Nothing too tight. Clothes that are tight-fitting will emphasize your fullness, and this is not stylish. Clothes should just fit slightly to the body!

Clothing should fit well. Don't look at the size - the main thing is that you feel comfortable.

In fashion for very plump women, ruffles and patch pockets should be avoided. exclude clothes with a large number of different details.Also, avoid wearing clothes with massive sleeves and shoulder pads.

¾ sleeves are not advisable, if you have full arms, it is better to choose completely short sleeve or long.

Try not to have any contrasting colors in your outfit. Because in this case, the light part will look more bulky.

Dark colors are slimming. We are talking not only about black, but also other dark colors. Choose the color that suits you. Remember that your outfit should not contain any bright transitions or sharp shapes.

You should not wear long jackets. Those that are mid-thigh length look better.

You should not wear things with large patterns, wide vertical, and even more so, horizontal stripes.

Forget about skirts that have a rounded hem, miniskirts and flared skirts. Give preference to knee-length or slightly higher, and a loose fit.

Square necklines are best. Although, if the neck is not very long, then V-neck preferred. It is advisable that the neck is always open.

Choose the right shoes. The heel should not be too high. However, shoes with heels are preferable as they make you look taller and slimmer. Shoes with open toes look good.

And boots should cover the entire calf. And avoid shoes with square toes.

Selection of blouses, trousers and suits for overweight ladies

When choosing blouse models for obese women, it is best to choose those that can be worn untucked. These styles look great with a bright belt at the waist. A blouse that is planned to be tucked into a skirt or trousers should not be in contrasting color with them, otherwise the bust will appear square.

Blouse models for obese women look better with long sleeve than short or three-quarter length. Give preference to a V-shaped or square neckline. Flowy, lightweight tunics for plus-size women allow you to hide all your figure imperfections. They are even suitable as an outfit for formal evening events.

Rules for choosing skirts and sundresses for overweight people

Skirt models and summer dresses For overweight women, you need to choose a loose fit that reaches the knee or slightly covers the knee. Flares and minis are definitely not suitable.

Some models of skirts for overweight ladies, photos of which can sometimes be found on the pages of magazines, cut on the bias, tightly hug the figure exactly where this is not necessary. For example, there are models of skirts for overweight ladies, photos of which have also appeared in magazines more than once. These are yoke skirts that have horizontal seams in the hip area and draw unnecessary attention to them. Models of skirts and summer dresses for obese women, with their convenience, make the hips visually wider. And if you don’t feel very comfortable in skirts of other styles, a sundress would be a good solution.

Long sundresses, photo for full models confirm this, emphasizing the seductive forms of the female silhouette. Models of sundresses, photos for which are full in various catalogues, should fit the figure. From below they can have the shape of flounces, flowing freely when walking. This makes the figure slimmer and the legs visually appear longer.

Styles and models of dresses for obese women: right choice

The ideal silhouettes of dresses for plus size women will be semi-fitting and denoting the feminine curves of the figure.

It is better when the dress is not cut-off, having vertical reliefs. Dress styles with reliefs make it possible to create a beautiful feminine shape and vertical lines. Models cut along the hips or waist elegant dresses for fat ladies “cut” female figure in half and make it wider than it is, it’s better not to choose them.

The lower the length of a dress for a plump woman, the more optically graceful she looks. But the length to the middle of the knee is also quite acceptable.

Festive dresses for plus size people should also always be chosen correctly for the figure. It must be remembered that evening dresses for obese women, due to the presence of a corset of the required size, are usually slightly smaller. When trying on festive dresses for plus size people, wear them with the underwear you are going to wear to the event. When choosing evening dresses for plus size women, it is better to choose dress styles with a deep neckline that emphasizes the neckline. Choose models of elegant dresses for plus size ladies in the shape of an a-line or with a high waist. When choosing corset evening dresses for plus size women, choose one in which folds will not form at the back. A lot of draperies should be avoided. Otherwise, evening dress models for plus size women will visually enlarge your figure.

When choosing dresses for plus-size women, photos of some models can be viewed in catalogs. They will help you quickly decide and see how a certain style fits your figure. When choosing dresses for full photos from magazines or catalogs will help you better examine the models you are interested in.

From the article you will learn everything about fashion news for curvy ladies. You will also learn how to choose and combine blouses, skirts, trousers, jackets and coats.

Curvy women, just like thin women, strive to dress fashionably. But unfortunately, not all fashionable outfits fit well on overweight women. And if they are not chosen quite correctly, then such clothes begin to show off all the imperfections of the figure. Seeing this, the fair sex gets upset and tries to hide problem areas with baggy outfits. Is it possible to do this and how to properly emphasize the advantages of your figure, we will look a little lower.

Secrets of choosing clothes for plus size girls

If you choose the right clothes, you can hide all the imperfections of your figure.

Since childhood, the modern fashion industry has taught us that only a thin figure can be beautiful. Therefore, usually owners of curvy figures look with envy at thin girls in fashionable outfits. But if someday beautiful clothes It was quite difficult to find large sizes, but now in shopping centers there are entire stores for curvy ladies. All such women need to do is come and choose the right outfit.

Recommendations for choosing clothes for obese women:
Give preference to plain clothes dark colors. This doesn't mean you have to wear only black outfits. Dark gray and chocolate colors look good on curvy figures.
It is also very important to choose the right underwear. It should be exactly your size and in no case should it squeeze your body. A small bra or panties will create additional folds that no clothing will disguise
Miniskirts are contraindicated for plus size girls. On curvy hips, loose-fitting models that slightly cover the knees look quite good
Avoid clothing that has shoulder pads. Not only will they not make you look slimmer, but they will also weigh down your shoulders and arms
If you like, then high-waisted models will suit you. Such outfits will make you more elegant and visually reduce your belly fat.
Also don't forget about shoes. Both shoes and winter boots should have a small heel. Almost all models suit plus size women, except for shoes with square toes.

Colors for curvy girls

Chocolate color dress.

Ladies with curvy figures often buy black clothes. They believe that only dark colors can hide imperfections and make them look slimmer. But no matter what anyone says, you shouldn’t be afraid to try wearing other colors. After all, you can always compose color scheme so that the image turns out beautiful and sophisticated.

Tips to help you choose the right color of clothes:

If you want to make your figure look slimmer, then give preference to dark brown, green and rich blue colors. They will make any look stylish and elegant.
Soft pink and light blue colors do not look very attractive on a curvy girl. They weigh down the figure quite a lot and make it visually larger than it is.
But there are still light shades that can decorate a voluminous figure. Women who cannot imagine their life without light dresses, blouses and sundresses can choose models made from light burgundy, hazy blue, and olive fabrics
Gray tones are considered a good option for overweight women. They mask volumes quite well. But when buying such clothes, keep in mind that in the evening they become blurry, and a woman may seem even fuller than during the day
Also try to combine the colors correctly. If, for example, you have two very bright colors in one outfit, then it is likely that they will divide the body into two parts and thereby make it heavier

What a fat woman should not wear

A short skirt will make your legs look even thicker.

There are beautiful clothes for plus size women in almost every store. It’s just that very often women pay attention exclusively to advertised outfits. But there are times when, having brought home such a long-awaited purchase, a girl realizes with disappointment that it doesn’t suit her at all. Of course, such clothes can be worn at home or in the country, but even in these places you can be seen stranger and you will be ashamed of your image. Therefore, let's figure out what outfits women with curvy figures should avoid.

Clothes that fat ladies should not wear:
Ripped jeans. Typically, such models look quite funny on full legs, making them more voluminous and shapeless.
Tops. Even if you think that you have found a top in your size, it is not worth buying. It will make you fatter and visually enlarge your belly.
Sheer blouses. Although many representatives of the fair sex consider such clothes to be the sexiest, plump girls are strictly forbidden to wear them. After all, even if you buy a blouse of the darkest shade, it still won’t hide your folds
Bouffant skirts. Only skinny people can afford this outfit. For a plump woman, a fluffy skirt will visually enlarge her butt and make her legs heavier.

Is it possible for plus size girls to wear voluminous clothes?

Voluminous items made from soft fabrics highlight well female forms.

In the wardrobe of every plump woman you can find voluminous items. Ladies with curvy figures love them for their lightness and convenience. But unfortunately, not all such outfits can be called beautiful. If they are made of heavy, bright fabrics and have some kind of drapery on them, then there is a possibility that they will make the woman quite obese.

It is also very important to correctly combine such a model with the rest of your clothes. If, for example, you bought a fairly voluminous blouse, then choose classic trousers or a skirt below the knees. This combination will visually tighten the figure and make the woman slimmer.

As you can see, voluminous outfits may well fit into the wardrobes of a curvaceous lady. The main thing is to choose the right style, color and type of fabric. If you take into account all these factors and are able to correctly complement your outfit with original jewelry, then you will most likely be able to feel like a beauty even in baggy clothes.

How to hide flaws correctly?

Shapewear will help remove excess wrinkles at the waist.

If nature has rewarded you with curvaceous figures, then you shouldn’t be too upset. Just try to choose clothes so that they hide your shortcomings and enhance your strengths. Always remember, there are no perfect figures, and even thin women have flaws that they try to hide.

Small stature. For girls vertically challenged Multi-layered outfits should be avoided. They will make your figure rounder and shorten your height. Plain high-waisted dresses look very good on such ladies. And if you complement them with high-heeled shoes, then visually the girl will become thinner and taller

Big belly. If it turns out that your stomach sticks out a little, then pay attention to outfits made from fairly dense fabrics. Such skirts and trousers will support the stomach quite well and even tighten it a little

Full legs. Since this part of the body cannot be covered with anything, women have no choice but to wear tights and high-heeled shoes. But with the help of clothes you can slightly reduce the volume of this part of the body. If a woman wears classic models of a matte shade with a velvety structure, then her legs will definitely look thinner

Big shoulders. Girls with full arms and slightly larger shoulders should wear loose-fitting dresses and blouses. It will be better if there are no strict lines in the shoulder area at all, and the fabric falls freely without tightening the arm

Casual dress for a plus size girl

Boho style dress.

Dresses should be in every woman's wardrobe. A correctly selected model will make the fair sex more beautiful, sophisticated and fashionable. But unfortunately, girls with curvy figures try to avoid such looks, and if they buy a dress, it is usually quite ugly and shapeless.

And in such an outfit, even a thin girl will look ridiculous. And if you don't know how to choose either everyday dress That's right, then let's figure out together which model is considered the best option for a full figure.

Wrap dress.

Boho for plus size people. Such dresses are usually made from natural, flowy fabrics and have a fairly loose fit. If you like an outfit with a pattern, then make sure that it is not located on problem areas. For example, if your stomach protrudes, a bright print will only draw attention to this flaw.

Wrap dress. In this outfit, a woman will feel free throughout the day. Typically, such models have a loose fit and a length slightly below the knee. This allows you to visually reduce the size of your waist and hips, as well as disguise your tummy.

Dress with a flared skirt. This style suits women with not very large hips. Soft pleats help make them appear a little smaller and also visually make the calves appear smaller. In order for such an outfit not to make a woman look even bigger, it should be made of silk, chiffon and cotton

Prints for plus size women

Delicate print helps to harmonize body proportions.

There is a stereotype that ladies with a curvy figure should absolutely not wear clothes with prints. But recently, designers have begun to offer models with original designs that help decorate the female form. Original prints in combination with high-quality and properly selected materials make a plump woman lighter and more mysterious.

Tips to help you choose outfits with prints:
Buy outfits that alternate prints with solid color inserts.
The bright pattern can be used as embroidery, appliqué or a small insert on the side of the outfit.
A vertical stripe looks pretty good on crumpets. It visually reduces the size of the female body
Choose print outfits in medium sizes. It will not divide the figure into blocks and make it heavier
Overweight women should avoid drawings geometric shape. A curvaceous figure will be made beautiful by slightly blurred floral patterns.

Elegant blouses for plus size people: colors, styles, materials

Loose fit blouse.

A blouse is considered a fairly universal type of clothing. It can be worn with trousers, skirts, sundresses and shorts of different lengths. The same blouse, combined with different models trousers and skirts will look different. In combination with classic models, the look will be more restrained and elegant, but if you wear a blouse with a flared skirt, then such a look will make the woman mysterious and playful.

Feminine blouse for evening outings.

Basic rules for choosing blouses for a full figure:

Material. Silk and chiffon are considered the best options for sewing blouses. This lightweight material will not show through and show unsightly folds to everyone around you. On models made from this fabric, medium-sized transparent inserts will look good. They will make the image more feminine and memorable. But blouses made from stretch and knitwear don’t suit crumpets. They hug the figure, thereby making them appear more corpulent.

Color. Every curvy lady should avoid models in very dark, nondescript tones. In the case of blouses, preference should be given to light shades. If nature has blessed you with white skin, then blue, light green or light blue outfits are ideal for you. It is best for dark-skinned ladies to wear models in burgundy, dark blue, and green shades. If this is a light flight blouse, then it can be quite bright, for example, orange

Style. Blouses with voluminous drapery and ruffles do not suit overweight girls. Such models will make the female figure quite disproportionate. Look great on curvaceous figure loose-fitting models with a high waist and a V-neck. It is also very important to choose the correct length of the blouse. If the item you choose is short enough, it will focus attention on your stomach. A long blouse will make your butt and hips appear larger, but a medium-length outfit will look perfect

How to choose a suit for an overweight girl or woman?

To choose a high-quality suit for overweight girls, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made.

A suit is a rather capricious thing, so under no circumstances should you buy the first outfit that catches your eye. Ideally, it would be better to have it sewn in a studio. Since curvaceous figures have their own characteristics, standard models can fit quite poorly on a woman. But usually the fair sex does not want to waste time and prefer to buy ready-made models.

Rules for choosing a suit for a curvy figure:
Give preference to well-tailored outfits
The color scheme can be light or dark
The jacket should be loose and not constrict the chest and stomach
, trousers sewn in a classic style
If you don't like straight skirts, then choose an A-line model for your jacket

Models of jackets, jackets and coats for overweight people

Stylish leather jacket.

Outerwear for plus size people, just like everything else, should fit perfectly on a curvy figure. This is the only way a woman can feel beautiful, confident and attractive. But before you pay for the chosen item, think carefully about what you need to wear it with. After all, in order for a look to be truly fashionable, it must be harmoniously combined with shoes, a handbag, pants or a skirt.

Jackets. If you do not have a very large belly, then you can easily afford single-breasted, slightly shorter models. If you choose a double-breasted jacket, take a close look at the number of buttons. Short ladies should give preference to outfits with a minimum number of buttons. Raglan jackets also look quite nice on plump ones. They visually lengthen the body and make the shoulders and arms lighter

Jackets. Models with an A-shaped silhouette are considered the best option for overweight girls. They make the fair sex airy, elegant and remove excess volume in the hips. Another great choice would be a jacket with a belt. It will focus attention on the waist, thereby visually reducing it. But the best option is considered leather models. They hide all figure flaws well and disguise the belly

Coat. This outfit, just like the jackets, should have an A-shaped silhouette. You can choose any length, the main thing is that the model you like does not make you look fat. Also be very careful about draping and prints. Since the coat is made from fairly heavy fabrics, all this can add extra volume to your already rather large size

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