Is it possible to wash vertical blinds? How to wash vertical fabric blinds: by hand and in a washing machine. How to properly dry blinds after washing

With the help of blinds it is convenient and easy to regulate the level of lighting in the room. But dust settles on them very quickly. Don't know how to wash blinds at home? I have collected recommendations and methods for you.

Blind Cleaning Basics

When cleaning by hand, be careful:

  • Wax-based products. The wax absorbs dust but remains on the fabric.
  • Cleaning brush. You can use them to brush away the dust, but it will settle immediately.

Method 1. Remove dust

How to clean blinds from the accumulated layer of dust? Very simple! Follow the instructions:

Illustration Instructions

Step 1

Lay an oilcloth on the floor so as not to stain it when cleaning.

Step 2

If there is not a lot of dust, use a brush. Sweep dust from top to bottom.

Cleaning the blinds should be done first from the front side, then you need to unfold them and work on the second side.

Step 3

Use a vacuum cleaner with attachment when there is heavy dust.

Step 4

Use a rag or napkin soaked in a cleaning agent and disinfectant spray to wash the vertical slats.

Method 2. Eliminate heavy dirt

For severe stains, this recipe will help:

Illustration Step by Step Actions

Step 1

Apply soap solution to blinds, then rinse warm water.

Step 2

Using a paint brush dipped in fabric softener, go over the slats on both sides.

If you didn’t get everything clean the first time, repeat the steps twice.

Method 3. Relieve static tension

Dust mainly accumulates due to the presence of static voltage, which is also easy to get rid of:

Illustration Sequencing

Step 1

Check availability static electricity, touching the slats with your fingers. You will feel that they are electrified.

Step 2

Put on a clean cloth mitten. Apply fabric softener to it.

Using a top-to-bottom motion, distribute the product onto each slate without removing the blinds.

The effectiveness of using an air conditioner depends on the degree of air humidity. The more humid the air, the stronger the antistatic effect will be.

Fabric softener will not only get rid of static tension, but also:

  1. Increases the level of protection against contamination.
  2. Increases the resistance of lamellas to moisture.
  3. The white color becomes snow-white again, and the colored color retains its brightness.

Method 4. How to wash blinds

If dry cleaning does not give the expected effect, you will have to wash the vertical fabric blinds. Remove the curtains from the curtain rod by removing the bottom chain and weights.

Washing rules:

  • Place the slats in the bathtub, soak them in warm water with washing powder.
  • The slats can be rubbed with a brush and detergent.
  • Remove dirt with stain remover. For blinds white You can use bleach.
  • Rinse off the foam under running warm water.

Keep in mind that the slats may shrink when washed in a machine, losing their original appearance. Manufacturers do not recommend washing blinds in a machine.

If you decide to do this:

  • The machine can only be set to manual mode.
  • Wash without spinning.
  • Water temperature up to 35 °C.

After washing in a machine, the slats usually become softer, so it is not recommended to wash them in a machine often. The cost of frequent washing in an automatic machine is high - the product will deteriorate.

  1. Blinds must be treated with antistatic agents. This results in significantly less susceptibility to dust.
  2. Can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment. If this is done every time along with cleaning the apartment, then frequent washing will not be required.
  3. Depending on the material, cleaning occurs in different ways:
    • For lamellas with a smooth surface - It is enough to walk with a soft cloth;
    • For fabric strips- You should use a fluffy brush.
  1. To wash horizontal blinds, use special brushes. They are very comfortable and practical.


I hope you can easily cope with any of the listed methods. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. And the video in this article will clearly show how to properly care for blinds.

Together with the purchase of fabric blinds, the interior of the house becomes more stylish and modern. They are very convenient to use and save space. But after a while, the blinds, like any curtains, begin to gather dust, and it becomes necessary to wash them. How to wash vertical fabric blinds at home? — The question is multifaceted. Let's look at the main points.

Which blinds can be washed?

Even at the stage of choosing and purchasing curtains, it is necessary to study the instructions for use and cleaning of this type of blinds, and if such information is not available, then it is better to choose another model, since there is a risk that the manufacturers did not indicate care recommendations due to Bad quality goods.

To understand which blinds can be washed and how, consider the following recommendations:

  • If we talk about washing in a washing machine, then only cotton or synthetic slats are suitable for it.
  • Jacquard blinds can only be washed by hand. Moreover, they are first cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and then washed with a soft damp cloth.

For anyone who decides to wash vertical fabric blinds at home on their own, you should take into account the main points that can easily be applied to any type of fabric.

First rule

Be sure to read the instructions included with the package on how to wash vertical blinds. The instructions describe in detail tips for caring for your specific type of curtains. If the instructions are lost or there is missing information, please refer to the tips below.

Second rule

Don't wash your blinds too often. This deteriorates the special coating that protects them from dust, causing them to become dirty even faster.

Important! It is very convenient to combine this process with. If the blinds collect dust faster, it is better to wash them manually.

Third rule

If the canvas is heavily soiled (for example, a coffee stain), it is better to clean it immediately.

In any case, no matter how much you monitor the cleanliness of fabric blinds, washing them in a machine is inevitable, since the fabric perfectly absorbs odors and collects dust.

Important! Washing in the washing machine is a big risk, so you need to make sure that the fabric does not fade or shrink during cleaning.

How to wash vertical blinds?

First you need to dismantle the curtains and disconnect the slats from the fasteners. When disassembling structures, it is better to refer to the instruction label. In general, you need to remove the protective cover and unscrew all the fasteners.

Important! After the slats are removed, they are wiped from dust or vacuumed.

  1. Washing blinds in a washing machine.
  2. Manual cleaning of canvases.
  3. Wash blinds in a vertical position without removing them.

Washing blinds without removing

This is a very gentle cleaning method, but due to the complexity of the process, it is rarely used, mainly to remove individual stains on curtains.

Important! The difficulty with cleaning vertical blinds while hanging is that the risk of streaks and stains from detergent is very high.

An additional disadvantage to this species work becomes necessary to almost constantly keep your hands up and carry out the procedure on a stepladder or stool.

How to wash vertical fabric blinds without removing them:

  1. The first thing to do when cleaning vertical blinds is to vacuum them. You need to vacuum carefully, at low power, using a soft attachment (for example, for furniture).
  2. Next, a detergent solution is made, and the blinds are cleaned using a sponge or soft cloth, paying special attention to heavily soiled areas.

Important! Do not rub one spot for a long time, since using brute force can remove the protective coating of the curtains. It is also not recommended to wet the curtains too much, since the slats may become deformed when wet, and streaks may appear on them.

  1. After the blinds are washed, change the soapy water to clean water without additives, and once again carefully pass with a soft sponge along the entire length of the curtains.

Important! No special drying is required with this cleaning method. You just need to leave the blinds alone for a while and they will dry.

Washing blinds in a washing machine

A less labor-intensive option is to machine wash the slats. But this method is only suitable for the lucky owners of curtains made of synthetic and cotton fabrics.

But even synthetic slats must be cleaned carefully, following simple but very important rules:

  • after removing the curtains, it is necessary to clean visible dirt and dust;
  • if there are stubborn stains, you need to wash them by hand;
  • if the curtains are so dirty that even manual cleaning does not help, you can soak them for half an hour in warm water with washing powder.
  1. The narrow slats can be folded one by one, about seven pieces, rolled up and put in the washing machine. If the strips are too wide for your washing machine, they are rolled in groups of about five.
  2. In order to protect the sheets and drum of the machine, you can use a protective one, or make it yourself from a duvet cover or pillowcase.
  3. Washing in a washing machine involves using washing powder. For blinds you need to choose soft powders, without aggressive components. Under no circumstances should you use bleach or any other stain remover - it will easily ruin the delicate coating of the curtains.
  4. The water temperature during washing should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius, and the washing mode should be selected the softest of the available programs.
  5. It is not recommended to use the mechanical spin mode when washing blinds.
  6. At the end of washing, the slats are laid out in the bathroom and rinsed with a shower.

Hand wash blinds with vertical slats

Washing in a washing machine is convenient, but very dangerous for covering curtains.

It is much safer to wash your blinds by hand. There are two options for manually cleaning the slats: without removing them from the fasteners and removing the strips completely.

The most convenient way to wash the removed slats is in the bathroom. To do this you will need the following tools:

  • For cleaning, you can use a mild detergent, such as carpet or furniture cleaner.
  • Baby laundry detergents or neutral shower gel will also do the job perfectly.
  • For hand washing you will also need a soft cloth or sponge.

Important! The main criterion when choosing what to wash with is the absence of scratching elements on the fabric. When choosing a detergent, a liquid or gel structure and the absence of chlorine and other aggressive bleaches are preferred.

How to wash vertical fabric blinds at home:

  1. When all the elements are dismantled, the weights and chains are disconnected, the canvases are lowered into the bath and washed with warm water in the shower.
  2. Next, warm water is drawn into the bath and a little detergent is added.
  3. Using gentle movements, trying not to damage the coating, wash the slats and then leave them in a soapy solution for 15-20 minutes.
  4. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times, after which the water is drained and the clean blinds are rinsed to remove soap.

Important! Please note that in order to avoid damage, the lamellas are cleaned with vertical movements along the entire length of the strip, avoiding kinks in the blades.

How to dry vertical blinds?

  1. Drying of the slats occurs either vertically, suspended in place immediately after cleaning, or horizontally, on a flat, smooth surface.
  2. For horizontal drying, a long clothes dryer or clean floor is ideal.
  3. Beware of the bright sun, which can easily damage the delicate coating of the curtains and hot air, which causes the blinds to become deformed.
  4. If folds appear on the fabric, you need to smooth them out manually, but do not press them down with heavy objects.
  5. After drying, the lamellas can be carefully ironed through gauze or fabric, using the lowest iron power.

Vertical blinds are a modern, practical and quite attractive way to decorate windows, both in the office and at home. But no matter how much they please the eye with their appearance, sooner or later the question will arise of how to wash vertical blinds in an automatic washing machine. And you may need to additionally find good way Clean blind slats from stubborn stains. This is where the information offered in our article comes in handy.

Is it possible to machine wash this type of blinds?

Vertical fabric blinds cannot be washed in all cases, especially in washing machine. Before putting the blind slats into the washing machine, pay attention to what fabric they are made of. If we are talking about expensive blinds made of natural fabrics, such as jacquard and cotton, then experts do not recommend getting them wet at all, that is, they cannot be washed in any way, either by hand or in a machine.

If you neglect this recommendation and wash natural slats in a machine, this will lead to significant shrinkage and, possibly, loss of color. For blinds made of natural fabrics, only dry and wet cleaning is available; we will talk more about cleaning a little later.

Blinds made of polyester and other synthetic fabrics, as well as fabric mixtures, can be washed, including in automatic mode. However, this cannot be done haphazardly. In any case, washing should be very gentle, following certain rules and recommendations. Otherwise, there is a risk of denting the delicate lamellas and thus ruining the entire structure.

Note! Before washing your blinds, read information about how the slats of a particular manufacturer react to it. To do this, you can study consumer reviews on the Internet, as well as instructions from the blinds manufacturer.

Washing blinds in the machine: step-by-step instructions

If you decide to wash your blinds in an automatic washing machine, you must first prepare everything, first of all, the washing machine itself. So, stage one is preparing the washing machine.

  1. Remove dirty laundry from the drum.
  2. Remove the powder cuvette and rinse it thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining detergent.
  3. Start the rinse cycle with the drum empty (idle). This will remove any remaining powder and dyes from synthetic items that have been washed previously.

Once the machine is prepared, you can move on to the next step - choosing a detergent. It would seem, why not pour regular machine powder and wash the vertical blinds? Ordinary powder can react with the material of the blinds slats in a completely unpredictable way, and most importantly, it can leave unsightly white stains on them, which are very difficult to remove.

The best option for any type of fabric slats is a liquid detergent for delicate washing of items in a washing machine. Moreover, if you intend to wash light blinds, then you need to choose a liquid product for light ones, and if you wash dark blinds, then you need to choose a product for dark ones. Works well for synthetic blinds, for example, liquid detergent for woolen items.

At the third stage, you can start loading the blinds slats into the drum of the washing machine. But first they need to be removed correctly. Experts recommend finding instructions for installing/dismantling vertical blinds, and removing all slats very carefully, without jams. So, we do the following:

  • remove the slats;
  • we twist the lamellas one at a time into loose rolls (you can fasten them with threads);
  • place the twisted slats in a washing bag;
  • put the bag in the drum and pour a few caps of liquid into the powder cuvette of the washing machine.

At the fourth stage, you should select a washing program. The washing programs illustrated in the diagram are preferable.

If your model of automatic washing machine does not support any of the specified washing programs, you can set the program manually with the following parameters:

  1. temperature – no higher than 30 0 C.
  2. speed – no higher than 500 rpm.
  3. Additional functions such as bubble wash "ecobubble" - disable.
  4. Rinse, spin, dry - turn off.

You can read more about the washing programs of various washing machines in the article. At the fifth stage, the washing is completed, but the washed slats still need to be dried properly. While drying, the blind slats should be unrolled and hung vertically on a rope, hooking their ends with clothespins.

It is best to hang the slats outdoors in a shaded place or in an apartment above the bathroom so that the glass comes off them excess water. Blinds should not be ironed or dried in a horizontal position, much less in a curled position. Experts recommend hanging the slats back on the window while still damp, and attach small weights to their lower ends. Forced drying of blinds using any heating elements is strictly prohibited.

Important! The use of weights on blind slats is almost always justified. It is better to let vertical blinds stretch evenly than to shrink unevenly.

Is it possible to do without washing?

In most cases, vertical blinds cannot be washed in a washing machine, and when there is no choice, you have to resort to dry or wet cleaning methods. The best way to clean blinds is from dry cleaners, so if you decide to update slats made from expensive materials, then it’s better not to take risks and entrust the work to professionals. If you decide to take everything into your own hands, then read the following recommendations from experts.

  1. If you decide to clean fabric slats with a textured structure, do not use a brush.
  2. To remove dust from the slats, mix ammonia in half with water, apply this mixture to a soft cloth and wipe all the slats on both sides one by one.
  3. If you add a little soda to a mixture of water and ammonia, then this mixture can remove ink stains from the slats.
  4. To remove stains from spilled tea from the slats, you need to dilute a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of water and carefully clean the stained area with this mixture.
  5. A nail polish remover that does not contain acetone will help remove marks from a marker or felt-tip pen. Apply the liquid to a cloth and wipe away any dirt.

Note! Currently, cleaning companies provide services for ultrasonic cleaning blind slats. This type of cleaning is very effective against dust, but is ineffective against stubborn dirt.

To summarize, we note that when deciding how to wash vertical blinds in an automatic washing machine, you must first figure out whether your type of blinds can be washed. If possible, you need to properly prepare the washing machine, select detergents and programs. Within the framework of the article, we tried to cover these processes in as much detail as possible.

How beautiful it is when the windows are protected by blinds. Clean, bright, comfortable, pleasing to the eye. Blinds have long become indispensable assistants in our homes, protecting us from the bright sun and prying eyes. Today they are made from different materials and various designs. And all this makes our home attractive and cozy.

Ease of use, reliability in operation, affordability, and light-protective properties have led to the fact that vertical blinds are used not only in the design of windows, but also to decorate other openings in various types of premises.

To make this type of curtains, cotton, polyester, jacquard, bamboo and other fabrics are used. Any material is susceptible to dust and other contaminants. And sooner or later the question arises about the need to wash or clean vertical blinds.


The choice of how to care for blinds should be considered at the time of purchase. If you do not find instructions for using and caring for the product, look for another option. Since vertical blinds can be made from different materials, the maintenance methods will be different:

  • Jacquard slats can be washed by hand after cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Initially, they are impregnated with a dirt-repellent composition, which will become thinner with each wash. After a few washes, the slats will begin to fray.
  • The polyester and cotton slats are machine washable.
  • Blinds can be dry cleaned - the easiest way, but not the cheapest.
  • Such curtains can be wiped with a damp or dry cloth or vacuumed without removing them from the base.
  • Slats made of bamboo and wooden plates are not washed, but wiped with a damp or dry sponge or napkin.

How to remove slats from a cornice?

If you decide to wash your vertical blinds by hand, machine or dry cleaner, you will need to remove them for washing. Since each manufacturer of curtains for windows may have different designs, they will be removed differently.

If your curtain rod has a front panel, you will need to remove it first. Further:

  1. using the control chain, turn the slats so that they open;
  2. along the lower edge of the lamellas there are 2 guide chains secured in weights - disconnect them;
  3. The sinkers themselves (weights) can be removed or left - at your discretion, but during washing they themselves may fall out of the slats;
  4. Each lamella is put on the cornice with a loop on a small plastic hook. Lift the top bar of the lamella with the loop slightly with a click, tilt it 10 - 15 degrees and remove it from the hook, gently pull it down - the bar will slip between the slider clamps and end up in your hands.

To learn how to remove the slats from the cornice, see the following video.

Features of hand washing

Hand washing is the most gentle way to care for blinds. For washing, select any of the options listed.

  • Washing in the bathroom. Pour water at a temperature of no more than 30-40 degrees. For intensely colored fabric, use cool water. Add detergent: regular powder, liquid soap or gel. Place the lamellas with or without weights in the bath in such a way that there are no sharp bends, otherwise they will remain on the strips. Soak the strips for 15-40 minutes, then clean them with a sponge or soft cloth, and then leave for another 15-20 minutes. If you are satisfied with the result, rinse each lamella under running water. If the stains don’t come off well, clean again.

Synthetic fabrics are more likely to withstand cleaning with a clothes brush. But with cotton and jacquard slats, use a sponge or cloth.

  • Washing in a basin or bucket. Add detergent to the water. Roll the lamellas into loose rolls of 1-3-5 pieces. To prevent them from unwinding, you can secure them with an elastic band, thread, or put them in bags or nets for washing clothes. Leave the fabrics to soak for 40 minutes. If the stains do not come off, extend the time. If the stripes seem clean to you, rinse them thoroughly.

The blinds are never pressed. Water should drain from the slats on its own.

Machine washable features

Housewives wash polyester or cotton blinds in an automatic machine, although professional craftsmen do not advise doing this.

Let's try to protect ourselves:

  • Before sending the curtains to the machine, remove dust from them with a vacuum cleaner, and wash heavy dirt by hand.
  • Roll the slats into loose rolls of 5-10 pieces (with or without weights) and pack them in duffel bags or nets, or use an unnecessary pillowcase, a piece of fabric that needs to be tied in a knot. Each roll must be in its own packaging.
  • Set the machine to a delicate mode with a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees, without spinning.
  • Choose non-aggressive detergents (liquid or granular).
  • After washing, make sure that the slats are rinsed thoroughly. If this does not happen, rinse by hand or in a machine.

Features of cleaning on the eaves

If your house has high ceilings or you are preparing to become a mother, you should not risk climbing under the ceiling to remove the slats.

There are several other ways to care for blinds:

  • To begin, as in previous recommendations, vacuum the fabrics with a soft furniture nozzle. Dilute a highly foaming soap solution in a bucket. Using a soft sponge or cloth, apply foam on both sides of each lamella. You can use the sponge on the handle to clean windows. Not very convenient, but the top parts of the blinds can be carefully washed.
  • Do not try to wet the canvas too much so as not to leave stains and stains. Change the water in the bucket and wash off the foam from the slats. With this method of semi-dry cleaning, the curtains will dry very quickly. But if you still wet them too much, lay a thick layer of fabric on the windowsill or under the window (if you have long blinds) to absorb excess water flowing from the slats.
  • This method best preserves the dirt-repellent coating of the canvas and does not deform it. During this wash, do not open the windows so that street dust does not stick to the damp curtains. The disadvantage of this method is the need to constantly raise your head and arms high, as well as use a chair or stepladder.
  • Perhaps the easiest way to clean blinds without removing them is to use a steamer or steam generator. It will clean heavy stains, preserve the coating, do not deform the lamellas, and remove unpleasant odors.

If you washed the slats by removing them from the curtain rod, then think about how you will dry them. Dry such curtains only in an unfolded form without using heating devices such as a heater or hair dryer, otherwise they will become deformed. To drain water, you can hang the blinds with clothespins from the top bar, or lay them out on a long clothes dryer or on a thick layer of absorbent fabric on the floor.

Without waiting for complete drying, hang the slats in place and attach weights - sinkers. Due to them, the curtains will droop and straighten faster. And there will be less shrinkage. Even if kinks have formed, they will disappear in a few days.

But if you want to achieve an ideal appearance, then before attaching, iron the slats with an iron through gauze at the lowest temperature or steam with a steam generator after returning to place.

During general cleaning, attention must be paid to windows. They are washed approximately 3-4 times a year. The dustiness of the area is of great importance. However, you cannot wash your blinds every time your windows are washed. Most often, dust settled on the lamellas is collected using a vacuum cleaner. Blinds need to be washed approximately once or twice a year.

The cleaning procedure allows you to restore a neat appearance to sun protection systems of this type. In this case, the entire procedure can be done independently. different types, it will be interesting for every housewife to know.

Types of blinds

There is a large selection of configurations and materials for solar shading systems for windows. Before deciding, it is necessary to take into account some of their features. First of all, it should be said that there are vertical and horizontal varieties of the presented interior elements. The first group of lamellas is considered more capricious. They require special care. Horizontal blinds can simply be wiped with a damp cloth, without even removing the structure from the window.

Blind slats can be fabric, wood or metal. Depending on the type of material, their cleaning occurs. Most often, manufacturers indicate how to properly perform this process. Some types of designs are strictly prohibited from being washed.

In some cases, the material from which the sun protection system is created allows wash the blinds in the washing machine. But most often the procedure has to be done manually.

Horizontal aluminum blinds

Considering how to wash blinds, attention should first be paid to horizontal varieties. They can be made of different materials. Under no circumstances should they be machine washed.

Aluminum slats, for obvious reasons, should be cleaned under running water. In this case, the structure is dismantled from the window. You can, of course, wipe all structural elements with a damp cloth. However, this will be a long, tedious process.

After the structure is removed from the window, it needs to be brought into the bathroom. Here the blinds are hung on a clothesline. Next, using a spray bottle, spray detergent over the entire surface of the material. If the contamination is very strong, the substance is left on the lamellas for some time. They are then washed with a stream of water from the shower. The same procedure is carried out with reverse side.

Which blinds cannot be washed?

Studying the technique, how to wash blinds at home, you should consider types of materials that do not tolerate moisture. These include bamboo wood and fiberglass fabrics.

When a large amount of water gets on such lamellas, the material begins to deteriorate. It may swell and become deformed. Therefore, if you are the owner of such sun protection structures, you should give preference to gentle cleaning methods. Such blinds do not need to be removed from the window. All structural elements are wiped with a slightly damp cloth.

Bamboo blinds and fiberglass slats are recommended to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Even a damp cloth can ruin appearance similar materials. Therefore, this cleaning method is only suitable for wood.

Washing type

Stitching of fabric lamellas can be done manually or by machine. The choice depends on the type of material. Thus, slats made of cotton and polyester fibers can be machine washed. It does not matter what type of construction the product belongs to.

When considering, you should take into account the characteristics of the material. The slats in this case will be quite wide. They may become tangled when machine washed. If you need to clean horizontal narrow blinds, you can simply put them in the unit. The strips of material will not get tangled.

Studying the technique, how to wash vertical blinds in a washing machine, you should also take into account that the material may stretch or shrink after washing. Therefore, you cannot heat water above 35 ºС. This also applies to hand washing.

Machine washable

To understand how to wash vertical blinds in the washing machine machine, a simple technique should be considered. It prevents the slats from becoming tangled and deformed. Depending on the length and density of each element of the system, it is necessary to fold 5-7 strips into a washing bag. At the same time, do not stretch the material too much. It is enough to simply twist the selected lamellas slightly.

The powder must not contain bleach or aggressive substances. When choosing a mode, set to delicate washing. Spinning should occur at the lowest speed. It's better to do without it altogether.

Even in the most gentle mode, a special protective layer will be washed off from the surface of the material. Therefore, the less often you wash, the longer the blinds will last. When the protective layer disappears, dust will eat into the structure of the material. The slats will quickly lose their appearance.

Disassembly and installation

Studying how to wash vertical blinds at home, it is necessary to consider the process of dismantling them and installing them in their original place. To remove the blinds, you need to disconnect the slats from the frame and other metal elements. All plastic parts should also be removed gradually and carefully.

After this, the washing process occurs. The slats are hung on the balcony or on the street. They should dry in a well-ventilated place, not exposed to direct sunlight or heating devices. Knowing how to wash vertical blinds, You can ensure the attractive appearance of the material for many years.

Blinds should be hung on the frame when they are not yet completely dry. Weights are installed on them. With this approach, all structural elements will quickly align and return to their original shape.


Some types of materials should be washed exclusively by hand. In this case, a special technology is also used, which explains how to wash vertical blinds.

The algorithm is similar to that used for machine washing. Vertical slats must be rolled into rolls. If they unwind, they are placed in special bags. The material should be soaked for an hour. In this case, granules of washing powder should not settle on the material. They are pre-dissolved in warm water (up to 35 ºС).

Next, the slats are washed with a stream of water from the shower until the soap film disappears. When washing, do not use a brush or rub stained areas. If heavy stains have not disappeared after soaking, repeat the procedure again. Only this time you should add more powder to the water.

Knowing how to wash blinds, you can significantly improve the appearance of the solar control system on the windows. The manual approach takes more time, but the end result in this case will be much better than using the mechanical method.

Washing horizontal slats

Knowing how to wash blinds at home conditions, you can save significant money on the family budget by avoiding going to the dry cleaner. For horizontal types of systems, a certain cleaning technology is also used.

The slats of such blinds need to be raised up. At the same time, they will “look” at the ceiling. The protruding flags must be moved towards you to the right. This will allow you to remove the structure from the brackets. Carefully, holding the slats, you need to pull the system towards you and down. The blinds should be easily removed from the window.

The slats must be open. Otherwise they will stick together. Then, under the pressure of water from the shower, you can clean the material from contaminants. After this, the blinds should be placed in a bathtub in soapy water. The procedure lasts several hours. Next, you can remove the structure and rinse it with running water.

The slats will dry for about 30 minutes. After this, you can install the system on the window again.

Cleaning without dismantling

Knowing how to wash blinds in a typewriter and manually, another approach should be considered in detail. It does not involve dismantling the system from the window. Cleaning is easy.

First, dust is removed from the surfaces of the material using a vacuum cleaner. To do this, you will need a nozzle without bristles. The procedure is performed from the front and back sides. Next, you need to dissolve the detergent in warm water. In this case, you need to whip up the foam.

Dip the sponge into the solution and wring it out. It should be moist, but not wet. The slats are cleaned with a sponge on all sides. If there are stains on the material, clean this area several times. Don't press too hard on the sponge. The material may become deformed or fade due to mechanical stress.

The slats should not get very wet. If they absorb a large number of moisture, streaks may form. The soap film is removed from the surface of the material with a damp cloth. She gets dipped in clean water and squeeze it out. After a couple of hours the blinds will dry. This cleaning is considered gentle, so it is suitable for most materials.

Having considered how to wash blinds, every housewife will be able to clean them efficiently. In this case, the service life of the system will be long.