Is it possible to learn to dance at home from scratch. Learning to dance at home. The best way to learn to dance

Professionals are not born, they are made. You must remember this truth well. Even if at first glance you do not have all the necessary data for dancing, do not despair - thanks to hard training, you will succeed.

How to learn to dance so that those around you at the disco are speechless? What dance will blow your mind away? How to learn to feel the music and move to the beat? Let's try to find answers to all these questions together.

Benefits of classes

1. The dancers are in excellent physical shape. At least for the vast majority. Constant stress will not allow you to gain weight.

2. This is a great way to get rid of 4-10 kg excess weight per month. Especially if you haven’t played sports before, your body will accept new loads with a bang.

3. Thanks to them, you will become more relaxed, find new friends, and maybe love.

4. Get to know your body and be more sexy.

This is not all the advantages of dance art. But I think there are enough of them to understand that you definitely need to try dancing in this life!

Each of us has danced at least once, even at home in front of the TV. It is clear that before receiving the title of Master of Sports in ballroom dancing We are far away, but everything is in our hands. You can learn to dance at home using Have a good mood, video lessons and your desires. If you can’t master the elements and steps on your own, sign up for a special group with a good specialist.

How to master this art

Before starting classes, choose the dance style that you like best. To do this, watch videos of other people’s performances, read reviews, listen to the music to which the dance is performed, feel what is close to your heart.

If you are determined to trust the professionals, choose a good school. It should be taught by real professionals who have multiple degrees and extensive experience. The room should be normal. Don't forget to inquire about tuition fees. You are unlikely to have outstanding results in one session; at a minimum, you should study for three months. Plan your budget in advance.

It’s quite possible for a girl to learn how to move beautifully at home. To do this, you need to work on your flexibility and plasticity. Download necessary videos lessons and study them as long as possible. It is more convenient for beginners to master starting skills at home, because in a team you may feel awkward and will not allow you to properly perceive the trainer’s information. Dance in front of the mirror, and strictly follow the video lessons.

Don't rush, you won't be able to learn a full dance right away. Remember 6-8 movements and repeat them until automatic.

Learn to understand and listen to music. Dancers perceive music differently than ordinary people. They are always imagining elements and movements, coming up with new performances. Each dance step has its own notes. Having learned to listen to music, you will not get confused during the process.

Don't criticize yourself and don't listen to words of condemnation. Close people may judge you and not support you in your desire to master the art of dance. Be prepared for this and believe in your strength. The main thing is that you make your dream come true!

Once you actively start exercising, you will feel severe pain. Art requires sacrifice and at the first stage you will have to endure some inconveniences. Over time, this will pass, and your body will become much slimmer.

Start dancing, and who knows, maybe you will find your calling!

A large number of people want to know the answer to the question: how to learn to dance modern dances at home? After all, not everyone can visit different dance sections in order to train under the guidance of experienced teachers. But many people have a dream - to become a dance floor star. And if you don’t have the money or time to visit specialized studios, then nowadays you can learn this at home.

It doesn’t matter what style of dancing you prefer, it is important that it is in harmony with your musical tastes and that you like it.

At the same time, modern dancing is an ideal way to take care of yourself, as it helps to get rid of excess weight.

You won't get the skills of professionals at home, but it is quite possible to improve your skills so that you can feel confident at any party.
And besides, it is better to start learning with modern dances, since they are well accepted by the current generation. But don't forget about the classics.


Sensuality, flexibility and plasticity - this is what attracts the attention of men, making women seductive and irresistible. Therefore, most women want to learn this dance of liberation. A special technique for staging movements hides flaws and emphasizes the strengths of the figure, increases self-esteem and teaches you to move beautifully. At the same time, for many it is enough to learn only basic movements:

  • Seductive sitting on a chair
  • Graceful squats with a sexy stand-up
  • Seductive hip rotations
  • Flexible and slow tilts

To improve your striptease skills, you should check out this video lesson

Go go

Enjoying the rhythm, improvisation, freedom and emancipation - this is the essence of Go Go dance. The main thing for you is to learn to move well to almost any music. After all, this dance style combines all kinds of movements from a variety of styles:

  • Hip-hop
  • Brakedance
  • Tectonic
  • Strip of plastic
  • Latina

Therefore, first, you need to learn the basic movements of other styles, and only then move on to Go Go. And you can feel the character and mood of this dance by watching this video


This style is a whole dance culture, energetic and self-sufficient. It is preferred by creative and freedom-loving young girls and boys. There are no active arm movements or sudden jumps, but it is important to work well with your legs and body. Hip-hop technique consists of the following movements:

  • Power elements that require good physical training and endurance
  • Half-bent legs and body, which gives the impression that you are relaxed
  • Soft turns and jumps

It is quite possible to learn all this at home. In addition, the training is quite interesting. And to make it more effective, you can watch these video lessons


This is a dynamic extreme dance style that is part of hip-hop culture. There are 2 types of break dancing: lower and upper. To learn how to dance this style at home, every dancer must have considerable physical training, endurance and virtuoso abilities. The basic elements include:

  • up rock or top – regrouping of the legs before starting the lower movements
  • footwork - so-called races, foot movements
  • freeze – while performing some elements, the body position is recorded
  • power moves or spining - various twisting elements and ligaments that connect them: rotations on the hands, rotations on the head, jumps on the hands, and so on

You can see the amazing inventiveness with which the dancers perform various power movements, friezes and footwork in these video lessons


Those who dream of learning how to dance tectonics at home must wear a certain style of clothing and become involved in the culture. Movements in tectonics include elements of the following styles: techno, rave, break dance, hip-hop. Tectonic can ensure success at almost all parties. The dancer can improvise using different blanks in any order. The main thing is to follow the basic principles:

  • Add movement of the feet and knees
  • Rhythmically engage your hips along with your arm movements.
  • But put the main emphasis on your hands

Ideally, the performer needs to move to the rhythm of the music. To better understand each movement and then combine them, you need to watch video tutorials

Drum and bass (drum step)

Now everything in clubs is becoming more people who dance to Drum And Bass. And that's why dance studios include this style of dance in their programs. There are several substyles of this dance: x-outing, Hungarian, hardstep, old school. All other substyles are formed from the last one. In essence, drum and bass is a complete improvisation; there are no clearly defined movements in it. Therefore, in order to learn how to dance in the Drum And Bass style, it is enough to study the supporting elements:

  • Elements of turns and torsion at high speed
  • Heel turns done on the floor, and also, for real professionals, turns in the air
  • Crossing and alternate leg swings
  • Alternate foot placement - toe-heel

You can get a complete understanding of the technique of drum step or drum and bass movements by watching these training videos

Come on, let’s all start dancing together in a modern way at home? It is unlikely that there is an opportunity to resist such a temptation. There is not a single person in the world who would not open up during dancing! And modern, newfangled dances offer so many different unique approaches and movements! Previously, everyone walked around and around and called it dancing. And now, basically, incendiary new products have burst into the world, demolishing everything in their path.

At first it seems to anyone that he will never be able to move like that. But a little time passes, and he is already dancing faster than everyone else! Oh, how many uncertain words there were at the very beginning. In any case, every Internet user has a unique opportunity, literally, right now, to break into a dance “on the fly,” repeating the movements shown in the video.

A colossal burst of energy! And many will feel something they have never felt before in their lives. These are modern dances, for which you don’t really need any instructors. Moreover, in many people the talent to move beautifully lives from birth. So to speak, it is embedded in them by Mother Nature herself, with whom, oh, how dangerous it is to argue! It’s better not to start these pointless disputes. And start dancing this minute.

Video: Strip-Dance Video lesson for beginners!

Video: Go-go dance! Strip of plastic. How to learn to dance at home?

Modern dance lessons on video: Beauties teach you to dance beautifully!

A selection of video lessons of modern dances at home for beginners:

Below is a whole selection step by step videos modern dance lessons for beginners at home, which will undoubtedly teach you something necessary and useful. The video squares are small, click “full screen” or double-click on the video for easier viewing.

We all want something. Some want to see Machu Picchu with their own eyes, some want to get a dog, and some want to learn to dance. Sometimes such dreams, due to lack of time, money or laziness, gradually become unrealistic. If your problem is: “I want to learn to dance, but I don’t know where to start,” then this article is just for you! So let's get straight to the point!

First, you should familiarize yourself with simple techniques on how to start dancing lessons from scratch.

Conquer your fears

“I’m too clumsy and fat to dance”, “I’m no longer young to be flexible”, “Everyone will watch me twitch ridiculously to the music”, “What a shame it would be if I pressed someone’s leg!” etc.

Sounds familiar? Then the first step towards a dance future is to write all your fears on a piece of paper and throw it in the trash!
Remember: There is no age, height or build that is unsuitable for dancing. You just need to choose a rhythm in which you will be comfortable moving - that is, choose a dance direction. And if you really need dance classes, let them bring you only confidence and joy.

And the risk of stepping on a foot is the same typical danger for a dancer as getting an electric shock for electricians. But the consequences are incomparable. It's okay if one day someone steps on your foot.

If this is no longer scary, move on to the next stage.

Start moving

To learn to dance, starting to move independently at the first stage will be quite enough.

If the beginning for you, as in the famous saying, is still “hard trouble,” you can master the style at home. A computer and a mirror will be your faithful assistants in this matter.

The algorithm is simple: we find a video lesson on the Internet in the chosen direction, turn it on and try to repeat it. The reflection will tell you what is already working and what still needs to be corrected.

It will also be useful to improvise. Turn on your favorite music and move the way you like. You don’t have to look in the mirror, because the process itself is important.

pros homeschooling: you train in your usual conditions at a comfortable pace of mastering the material. Whenever you want and as much as you want. No one is looking at you, which provides psychological comfort for the newcomer.

A significant disadvantage here is the lack of control from an experienced trainer. Difficulties in mastering complex movements and tricks (for example, during breakdancing lessons) often arise. also involves a lot of complex movements, which you are unlikely to be able to study on your own. Plus another minus - the possibility of harming your health by performing movements incorrectly on your own and incorrectly distributing the load on joints and muscles. But home dancing lessons for beginners in order to give themselves confidence are quite acceptable and will undoubtedly be useful.

Sign up for a dance school

Whether you like it or not, you will eventually run out of options. self-study. You will need the help of experienced choreographers or simply want new horizons. That's when it will become topical issue“Where can I learn to dance?”

This is one of the forms physical activity. Monotonous movements and multiple repetitions make some people sad. It’s impossible to run to class with joy. With dancing it's the other way around. The mood is high, you want to dance, enjoy life, have fun. They are addictive and you want to live, lose weight, do fitness, dance. During the dance, various muscles are tensed, posture improves, a beautiful gait is developed, musicality and a sense of rhythm develop. They will teach you how to control your body and allow you to burn a lot of calories and fat. This is the best way to get a sexy body. It also improves your mood and vitality.

How to learn modern dance

Every fitness club has dance classes. You can also practice and learn dancing at home using videos. And it doesn’t matter where you live, how old you are, or even what shape you are in. There are paid and free videos courses. To start free lessons. Video below.

Learn to dance club dances at home

Video tutorials for your attention - club dancing— a free educational video for those who want to learn how to dance modern dances at home online. Thanks to video lessons, learn beautiful, popular movements that are now fashionable in clubs.

1. Watch club dance video lesson. Sexy Dance


2. Self-study tutorial


3. Learning to dance at home, video.


4. Erotic dance

  • Who wants to show off their flexibility and dancing skills at a party, attract the admiring glances of men, and surprise their friends?
  • And during training and home workouts - burn excess fat, lose another kilogram?

6. Let's dance Zumba

What is Zumba? Zumba is fitness and dancing. Serious cardio exercise accompanied by incendiary Latin American music. Dancing to burn fat. In my article you can get acquainted with Zumba and even practice online: 3 Zumba videos absolutely free. Join us! The Video section contains all the video tutorials, and you will also find the most popular ones there:

  • 50 min and cardio warm-up 10 min,
  • — 5 videos on thighs, abs, buttocks, arms, stretching for 10 minutes each,