Is it possible to knit during Orthodox church holidays? Why can't you knit on Sunday? Is it possible to embroider on Sunday?

Is it possible to sew on Sunday? If yes - why, if not - why. and got the best answer

Answer from Vika Vita[guru]
I read this answer:
There is absolutely no reason for you to be embarrassed by your passion for handicrafts. This is a good, good work, and for many centuries Orthodox Christian women have been engaged in sewing, embroidery, and other types of needlework, finding in this peace, consolation, and in this bringing considerable benefit to the family, and sometimes to the churches of God (decoration). Therefore, of course, this activity in itself is very good. On Sunday you can do handicrafts, but not instead of worship, but along with it. We went to church, prayed, took the children there, and did other necessary things for the house. Remains free time- God help me, embroider. It is very good to embroider while praying silently. This is a quiet activity that allows and even presupposes, for a Christian woman, its combination with prayer. Read to yourself the prayers that you know, or the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Regarding embroidery of icons, I think that it is possible to embroider icons, but it is hardly good to do it with a cross when the image turns out to be very conventional. IN Orthodox tradition there was and remains sewing, but it is satin stitch sewing (in relation to icon images). They embroider shrouds, banners, icons, coverings and airs, which are used at the Liturgy. Of course, satin stitch sewing requires more effort, but it also looks much better aesthetically.
and further:
Many have heard that working on Sunday is a sin. And so many of them push work aside, land on the sofa and disappear into the TV.
But when the church talks about the sinfulness of Sunday work, it draws a completely different conclusion from this. Namely - to put aside the bustle of everyday life and voluntarily give (sacrifice) this day to God - go to church, follow the home prayer rule, read soul-helping books.
All the nonsense comes to a person’s head when he is full and doesn’t know what to do.
Any work is better than idle idleness.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Is it possible to sew on Sunday? If yes - why, if not - why.

For a long time, needlework has been the favorite and main activity of all women. There were times when a young girl spent all day embroidering her dowry until the day of her marriage, and did nothing else. This tradition was passed on to women at the genetic level. Many people these days love to do handicrafts. This helps housewives especially to feel important. And some even make money from handicrafts, turning their hobby into a business. As you know, in the old days people adhered to traditions and believed in certain signs. This way they could influence their future and make it better. If modern woman wants handicrafts to bring her only benefits, it is worth remembering some signs.

Signs related to needlework

Do's and don'ts:

  • Pregnant women are prohibited from doing any kind of needlework, especially knitting. If a woman knits or simply untangles the knots, the child will become entangled in the umbilical cord;
  • You cannot embroider water, otherwise the money will flow away and the whole family will be in poverty;
  • You cannot change needles while knitting;
  • Do not do handicrafts after sunset;
  • You need to embroider and knit while sitting facing the window;
  • You can’t stitch yourself up or sew on a button - for a woman this promises loneliness, for a man dementia;
  • You can't knit on Sunday.

The sign that you cannot work on Sundays is known to many. But whether needlework is a type of labor is very difficult to figure out.

Why you can't knit on Sunday

Knitted items are very beautiful and unique. Therefore, many women try to knit for themselves and for their family. interesting gifts. Knitted items for newborns look especially cute. But if you do not want to harm a child or another person with your skill, refrain from knitting on Sunday.

Almost every grandmother knows that knitting on Sunday is prohibited. Such things will only bring trouble to their owner. For example, if you give things that were knitted on Sunday to a newborn, the child will not live long. And even if you manage to survive, you will be sick for the rest of your life. In addition, experience shows that knitting on this day does not work out well - the threads get tangled, you constantly make mistakes.

If a woman gives her husband something knitted on Sunday, he will leave her and go to her best friend. And it doesn’t matter whether he wore this thing or not, the main thing is that the fact of donation occurred.

In some eastern countries they believe that the brownie plays pranks on Sunday. It will not be possible to knit on this day, as the brownie will interfere. The threads will constantly get tangled and torn. As a result, the thing will turn out ugly and crooked. And if you come to someone else’s house to knit, then the brownie of this house may get angry that strangers are doing needlework on his territory, and will create a bad aura for the knitted item. As a result, the person who wears this item will constantly suffer from headaches and joint disease.

According to Christian traditions, it is forbidden to work on Sunday, and knitting is considered physical labor. This is a great sin against God, since this day was given to people in order to devote it to God and prayers. You cannot be distracted by worldly worries.

Every family has its own traditions, some believe in all the signs and try not to break them, while others don’t even know them. Meanwhile, it is worth understanding that in order for a knitted item to bring good luck and happiness to a person, it must be associated with love and good thoughts about the person to whom it is intended. Even if a thing is knitted on Sunday, a mother who knits for her child gives all her tenderness to this thing. As you know, there is nothing stronger than mother’s love; it covers everything and can protect from any troubles.

Natasha asks
Answered by Vasily Yunak, 06/28/2010

Natasha writes: Tell me, is there a prohibition in the Holy Scriptures to wash, sew, knit on Sunday, and is there any mention there that if you need to work, then you can do this? Thanks for the answer.

Greetings, Sister Natasha!

No, the Holy Scriptures do not prohibit any work on Sunday, but there is a prohibition against all work on Saturday. God's commandment says:

“Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; six days you shall work and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God; on it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor thy servant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy ox, nor thy donkey, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them; the seventh day rested; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it" ().

Note, however, that this commandment not only prohibits working on the Sabbath, but also requires working on the other six days. So anyone who wants to establish another day on which it is not permissible to work also violates this commandment of God.

As for exceptions, that is, the permissibility of working in certain cases, this is associated only with virtue and mercy, as the Lord said:

"And behold, there was a man with a withered hand. And they asked Jesus to accuse Him: Is it possible to heal on the Sabbath? And He said to them: Which of you, having one sheep, if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not take it and won’t pull out how much? better person sheep! So you can do good on Saturdays. Then he says to the man: Stretch out your hand. And he held out, and she became healthy, like someone else" ().

With these words, the Lord did not lift the ban on working for oneself - for the sake of earning money or doing housework. Here permission is given to do good to save the life and health of another.


Vasily Yunak

Read more on the topic "Saturday":

27 Jul

The Association of Trade Workers in Greece ensured that, contrary to the legislation adopted by the Parliament, Sunday will remain a day off.

Metropolitan Ambrose of Calabria made a speech, calling on the clergy to be just as brave and defend holy Orthodoxy with all available legal methods, writes Romfea.

“The issue of canceling the day off on Sunday has become relevant again.

The atheist state of Greece, through a legislative act passed in the Greek Parliament, abolished the Lord's Day holiday and obliged shopkeepers to keep their shops open. The measure was initially adopted as a trial in 7 regions of the country.

While the bill was still at the discussion stage, many were against it, but not the Mother Church.

Workers staged demonstrations on Ermou Street in Athens. Shop owners protested at the state level. Even the Trade Workers Association resisted the law.

Ultimately, the Association filed an appeal to the Constitutional Court. And she won the case!

The court, by decision of September 11, declared the abolition of the Sunday day off illegal and suspended the implementation of the law. The country's highest court has recognized that a day off on Sunday is necessary to preserve the "strength of family ties" and "ecclesiastical integrity." Now, of course, you can breathe freely!

Because as soon as it was announced that such a bill would be put to a vote, we asked to convene an emergency meeting of the Holy Synod. To give force to the request, the demand was sent to all bishops for signature. And what? We have 81 hierarchs - and only 15 (!) signed the paper!

Then despondency took hold of me. I wondered: so few bishops care whether the Greeks are fulfilling the Divine law? So many hierarchs are indifferent to fulfilling the sixth commandment of God Himself?

I don’t want to say anything: social service is good, feeding the poor is great, but fulfilling obedience to God is our primary duty as clergy and laity!

And this indignation of the people showed this time too that ordinary Christians believe in God stronger than I, a bishop and monk, who, by definition, are completely dedicated to serving Christ and the Church!

And this decision sounded like a slap in the face, or rather, like a slap on the head to all of us, the bishops, and to me, the first!

We must now ask for forgiveness publicly, otherwise there is no place for us in governing the Church! If, at the first danger, we flee from the responsibility entrusted to us by God, then we must transfer this great service to more courageous and daring soldiers of Christ.

And I, a humble and unworthy brother in Christ, addressing all the clergy of the Church of Greece, great and small, nameless, monks and the fathers of the Holy Mountain, and I want to ask them that we finally come out to our service, to our sacred feat and defend Holy Orthodoxy by all legal means at our disposal!”

Translated from Greek

Many people have heard that on time church holidays some activities are prohibited.

However, not everyone can accurately answer the question of what should not be done on church holidays.

Is it possible to knit on Sunday, the opinions of priests

Sunday is an important day for people.

The priests say that it was created not for everyday affairs, but for godly deeds: going to church, performing merciful deeds, etc.

In case of emergency situations, for example, a child’s blouse begins to unravel, you can tie it up. It is important to remember that the main work should be planned for other days.

Is it possible to clean the house on Sunday?

On the seventh day of the week, as mentioned above, it is better not to do household chores.

Sunday is created for attending services, reading prayers, and spending time with loved ones.

It is considered a sin to do household chores, but some clergy say that cleaning is permitted in cases where failure to do so could lead to sin.

Is it possible to sew on Sunday?

Sewing on this day, as the main activity, is considered a sinful activity. At the same time, you should not treat this occultly. If it is necessary to sew up a torn curtain or trousers, it is considered normal.

Is it possible to wash your hair on church holidays?

This issue causes controversy among clergy. Even in ancient times, appearing dirty in church was considered sinful.

But what about people washing hair daily? This matter will be a sin if, instead of visiting the temple, you engage in water procedures, so everything must be done without violating the proper routine.

Believe in superstitions that washing your hair leads to washing away happiness, etc. is erroneous.

Is it possible to embroider on church holidays?

Embroidery is a hobby of many girls, women and some men who do what they love every day. You can often hear that it is sinful to embroider on church holidays.

If you have free time, you can sit down and embroider. Free time refers to the time that remains after going to church, praying, confessing and taking communion.

There is information about queens embroidering in their free time and saying prayers at the same time. Therefore, embroidery can only be done under the conditions described above.

Is it possible to heat a bathhouse on Parents' Saturday?

Parents' Saturday is a time to remember those who have passed on to another world. The church commemorates all the dead, and parishioners, as a rule, commemorate their relatives and comrades.

It is called so because the memory of the deceased who went to their parents and ancestors is honored. It is believed that prayers help cleanse souls. In addition to prayers and visiting the temple, people come to the cemetery to clean the graves.

On Parents' Saturday, peasants were required to heat the bathhouse and bathe with the whole family. After this, they left a broom and water for departed loved ones. Based on this, you can heat the bathhouse.

Is it possible to do laundry on church holidays?

Officially, there are no prohibitions regarding washing on religious holidays. This does not mean at all that you can get up in the morning and spend the whole day washing clothes.

In the morning you need to devote time to God by going to church. Next, it is advisable to spend time with your family, relatives and people close to you.

Then lunch will approach and if laundry is very necessary that day, then you can do it. If it is possible to reschedule it for another day, it is better to do so. The main thing is to spend time with God.

Is it possible to bathe a child on Sunday?

Even in ancient times, it was believed that a child should not be bathed on this day of the week. In our time, echoes of this superstition still remain.

Often grandmothers and mothers-in-law scold mothers for this. They assume that this will harm the child (the baby will be restless, sick, happiness will be washed away from him, etc.).

In fact, no church confirms this. First of all, you need to devote time to the Lord, carry out merciful deeds, do not forget about your loved ones, and then mind your own business.

Is it possible to work on the holiday of the Kazan Mother of God?

There are no strict prohibitions regarding work on this day. According to superstitions, working on such a big holiday will be in vain or, worse, harmful.

Representatives of the church consider it necessary to adhere to God’s commandments, namely: work for six days, and on the seventh devote time to the Lord and loved ones.

Is it possible to treat teeth on a church holiday?

Church holidays must be honored. However, if you have an illness that needs urgent treatment, it would be unreasonable to suffer in pain. Therefore, dental treatment is allowed.

Neglecting health will not be approved by any church.

If the pain is minor or the procedure can be performed on another day, then it is better to reschedule plans for the next day. You should also try to make time for the Lord.

Thus, the bans on different types working and studying on Sundays or church holidays is the lot of superstition. Superstitions inspire fear; there is no real threat. Despite this, many continue to adhere to myths.

However, this is everyone's business. Priests recommend spending this time visiting church or temple, praying, and spending time with family and loved ones.