Tar soap properties for hair. Solving hair problems with tar soap. Methods of using tar soap for hair

Tar soap is excellent for sensitive skin head, relieving it of painful sensations.

The benefits of tar soap for hair

Often, after trying all the expensive remedies for hair loss, dandruff or other problems, the choice is made on ordinary tar soap. It looks like household stuff, but has a unique smell. But even this does not stop girls from using it.

So what is the secret of his magical success? Here's the explanation:

  • Tar soap increases blood circulation, which helps to increase blood supply to the scalp;
  • At the same time, the process of cell keratinization is noticeably accelerated;
  • The speed of wound healing (from burns to calluses) also increases.

Birch tar, which is contained in tar soap, is a natural antiseptic that keeps hair healthy and clean, benefiting not only the hair, but also the scalp. Tar hair soap is excellent for eliminating dandruff, has excellent wound healing properties, and is often used for painful sensations and increased sensitivity of the scalp.

Tar stimulates blood circulation, copes with problems of blood flow to hair follicles, activates the process of strengthening hair and its growth. Tar reviews for hair turn out to be a very effective remedy for some types of alopecia.

If you study the reviews left by girls on various resources, you can conclude that tar soap is an excellent remedy for healthy hair, which has not only strengthening, but also restorative properties.

Using tar soap

Tar soap is convenient because no additional preparations are required before using it. It is simply used as shampoo. However, do not forget about the air conditioner so that the characteristic smell of tar does not ruin your mood. If you decide to completely switch to natural remedies, you can rinse your hair with acidified water. However, you shouldn’t worry too much about the strange aroma of your hair: after washing, the smell quickly disappears. But you must store soap in some closed container.

Don't expect immediate results from using tar soap. Sometimes it’s even the opposite - after the first use, the condition of the hair seems to worsen. Therefore, you should not start treatment before any important event. However, after several uses, dandruff will become much less, hair will stop falling out so intensely and becoming greasy, on the contrary, it will begin to shine and look pretty good. People around you will notice the result in about 1.5 – 2 months from the first use.

The main advantage of tar hair soap over other products is that there is no need for preparation before using it. This tar product is used instead of shampoo. You just have to remember that your hair may need to be washed with conditioner, since not everyone likes the smell of tar soap.

When using folk remedies for rinsing hair, they must be prepared using acidified water. This will eliminate the smell of tar soap as soon as the hair is dry. While the hair is wet, bad smell will be felt, however, the benefits will be enormous.

According to reviews, many girls believe that the benefits of tar soap should appear instantly. But this is not true. After the first use of tar soap for hair, the appearance of the curls may deteriorate significantly, which must be taken into account.

How to wash your hair with tar soap

It is usually recommended to apply only foam to your hair and leave it on for about 5-10 minutes. But for some this option is not suitable. For example, in the presence of thick, long hair this process turns out to be too labor-intensive and time-consuming. Therefore, you can soap your hair yourself - there will not be a noticeable difference. And thin hair just allows you to use the first option.

  • Don't be alarmed if your hair doesn't behave well the first couple of weeks after using tar soap. It's okay if even more dandruff appears, your hair becomes tow-like, or it becomes unruly and coarse. All these difficulties just need to be overcome.
  • After using tar soap, your scalp may become drier. You should not use the product more than twice a week. In a good way, it is worth treating hair with tar soap in courses of two to three months with breaks.
  • To make your hair soft, use a weak vinegar solution. Dilute one teaspoon of vinegar essence with five liters of water. Do not overdo it with the vinegar concentration, otherwise your hair may become thin and brittle.
  • When washing hair with tar soap, the water should not be high temperature. This is especially true for rinsing hair. The structure of tar in hot water changes, and it can remain on the surface of the hair in the form of a greasy coating.

Hair shampoo with tar

If you cannot use tar soap to strengthen your hair, which brings serious benefits, you can use shampoo with tar, which will certainly satisfy the requirements of any woman. You can either prepare this shampoo yourself or purchase it at a pharmacy.

To prepare a shampoo with tar that is beneficial at home, you need to take about 100 ml of the most ordinary shampoo, 2 tablespoons of birch tar. Mix all ingredients thoroughly to form a homogeneous mass. The resulting tar mixture is as beneficial as any other hair wash product. As for the dosage of tar, it can be either slightly increased or decreased.

If tar shampoo is used regularly to strengthen hair, there is a high chance of getting rid of dandruff, increasing hair thickness and growth rate. Your hair will become chic and healthy, the kind you can only dream of, because the benefits of the product are invaluable.

Properties of tar soap for hair

Let's look at the benefits of this controversial hygiene product in relation to a rather non-specific area - hair.

  • The first positive and most obvious point is the natural composition. This means that the curls will not accumulate “chemicals”; the strands will not suffer from parabens and silicones, which are so generously supplied in modern hair care products.
  • The cosmetic effect is what tar soap is mainly used for. This product is simply ideal for hair that is prone to oiliness and lacks volume. If you regularly wash your hair with tar soap, the desired volume will appear, and the strands will need washing less often.
  • Note to men! Popular rumor claims that tar can help with hair loss. Trichologists are not so optimistic about this statement, but, nevertheless, sometimes recommend using this product as a preventative against baldness. Tar, having an irritating effect on the scalp, increases blood flow to the roots, thus prolonging their life.
  • When using tar soap, hair becomes denser and looks visually thicker and stronger. And all due to the fact that the tar, penetrating the keratin, fills the damaged areas, making the curls more elastic and strong.

Harm of tar soap for hair

The same proverbial “fly in the ointment” can spoil a rosy picture.

  • Tar soap can dry out the skin and even provoke the formation of dry seborrhea, and if this problem is already present, then there is a risk of making it even worse. Moreover, overuse of the product can cause hair loss. So remember - tar soap is contraindicated for dry scalp types.
  • Also, this product is contraindicated for those with dry or damaged hair. Soap will draw moisture out of the keratin even more, causing brittle strands and the appearance of split ends.
  • Tar is a strong allergen, and therefore, before consuming any product containing this component, it is necessary to conduct testing.
  • If soap is used incorrectly, it will make the hair unruly and increase its electrification. ABOUT beautiful styling All that remains is to dream.
  • Tar soap has a sharp, specific smell that can cause rejection not only in you, but also in the people around you. Moreover, getting rid of the “aroma” will be quite difficult.

How to properly wash your hair with tar soap

First, let's look at it - is it possible to wash your hair with tar soap or is this just another pseudo-folk recipe? In fact, you can, however, just like any other soap. But the cosmetic effect will be appropriate - just clean hair without additional care or effects. In other words, after using this hygiene product, additional care procedures will be required to bring the hair into proper condition.

Even if you have determined for yourself that tar soap is completely your product, suitable for all indications and individual characteristics hair and scalp, and you agree to spend extra time restoring your curls after the procedure, you should adhere to a number of important rules.

  • Never lather your hair with a bar. Can only be used to wash your hair soap suds. To form a thick foam, it is enough to dissolve a previously grated piece of soap in a container, and then beat the water with your hands until a stable soap substrate is formed. Or rub the bar in your hands until the required volume of foamy substance is formed.
  • Do not use too hot water to wash and rinse your hair. The tar melts in hot water and when it hits the hair, it envelops it like wax. In the future, the soap will be very difficult to wash off. As a result, instead of a voluminous hairstyle, you will get dull, sticky strands. The ideal temperature for the procedure is 34 – 37 degrees. It is in this mode that the soap can completely dissolve, but will not stick to the hair.
  • Soap foam should be applied only to the hair roots and scalp, without focusing on the ends of the strands. If there is a tendency to split, then it is better to protect the ends from contact with soap. Otherwise, the problem will only get worse.
  • The foam should not be overexposed. Maximum 4 min. Tar is such a strong component that it can dry out even oily skin, subsequently leading to hair loss.
  • It is advisable to use soft water for the procedure. It forms foam better and thus less soap solution gets on your hair. It will also be easy to wash off.
  • To rinse your hair, you should definitely add vinegar to the water; it will help rinse your hair, partially neutralize the tar smell and provide shine to your hair. Make a solution at the rate of 1 tsp. 80% acetic acid per 2 liters. water, or 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar for 1 l. water.
  • After washing your hair with tar soap, it is advisable to rinse your hair twice. Only in this case you are guaranteed to remove product residues from your curls.
  • At the end of the procedure, you should apply a moisturizing balm or hair oil, paying attention to the ends. Remember, tar soap can dry out even oily hair. Therefore, apply the balm, evenly distributing it along the entire length of the curls.

How often can you wash your hair with tar soap?

Having found out why such a non-specific remedy is used, you still should not get carried away with this method. Thus, trichologists note that frequent washing with tar soap can cause dry scalp and disruption of the hair structure. Remember - tar soap is not a cosmetic product, and it is not at all intended for washing your hair. Therefore, it should be used only if there really are indications - oily seborrhea, increased greasiness of hair, fungus, etc. In all these cases, you should take a course lasting at least 3 weeks.

You can wash your hair no more than 2 times a week. The rest of the time, you should use regular shampoo that is suitable for your hair type.

As a preventive measure, you can return to this procedure, but not earlier than three months after intensive therapy, conducting a weekly preventive course of shampooing. But remember - no more than 2 times a week!

Recipes with tar soap for hair

  • Dissolve colorless henna with water until it has the consistency of liquid slurry, add grated soap. Distribute a homogeneous mass over the entire length of the strands and leave for 10–15 minutes. Then rinse and rinse with water and lemon juice or vinegar.
  • An oil mask is a great help for thinning hair. Take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and castor oil, mix with the yolk of one egg and add 1 tablespoon of grated tar soap. To reduce the smell, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice or a drop essential oil any citrus fruit. Distribute the mask on your hair and leave for 15–20 minutes. Then rinse and rinse with conditioner or acidic water. Read more:
  • To accelerate the growth of curls, you can use tar water. It is prepared from both tar and tar soap. The latter is somewhat safer, because concentrated tar contains more phenols, which are unsafe. To obtain medicinal water, about 40 grams of soap should be grated and dissolved in half a liter of cold water. Stir occasionally for three days. After the specified period, remove the foam that has formed on the surface and strain the liquid into a jar with a lid. Use as a component of masks, as well as when rinsing.
  • The following mask will help speed up hair growth. Lather a tablespoon of grated soap. Add 1 tablespoon to foam burdock oil and the same amount olive oil. Distribute over the entire length and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with acidified water. Hair will not only begin to grow faster, but will also become more voluminous and shiny.
  • A therapeutic mask promises to get rid of dandruff. Foam tar soap. Add glycerin in a one to one ratio. Apply to scalp 15 minutes before washing. Use regularly until dandruff disappears.

As you can see, tar soap for hair is more of a remedy traditional medicine, but not cosmetology. In other words, it should be used only if there is evidence and a certain kind of problem is present. But using it usually instead of shampoo or as a cosmetic product is a mistake. It will not give beauty to your curls; on the contrary, it will make them dull and brittle. The main task of tar soap is to improve the health of the strands and scalp and eliminate existing problems, after solving which you should return to your usual hygiene products intended for hair.

Video: tar soap for hair

Increasingly, people are striving for naturalism: products that are environmentally friendly, fabrics without synthetics, medicines without chemicals. In our technical age, when everything around is crammed with artificial materials, we really want something natural and real, so we always enjoy using the gifts of Mother Nature.

Let's start from the beginning. Already from the name it is clear that the main component of soap is tar. What kind of substance is this? The majority of people remember from history that they smeared it on the gates of disgraced girls in villages, and that’s all.

Tar is a thick sticky liquid of almost black color, which was extracted in a special way from wood: pine, spruce, birch, aspen. In Rus' it was more often called resin, and this name is more familiar to us.

Tar was used to tar boats and ships, protect boots from moisture, use it as a lubricant for wheels, impregnate railway sleepers, use it as an insect repellent, add it as an ingredient to cosmetics and soap, and mix it with water in a bathhouse and enjoy the fresh tar aroma. This is such a versatile product.

But since we have a bar of tar soap in front of us, let’s take a closer look at its beneficial properties. Tar contains a lot of substances beneficial to the skin, so soap is effective:

  • fights inflammatory processes and skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, lichen, fungus, scabies and many others;
  • reduces pain and itching;
  • enhances skin regeneration;
  • increases blood circulation;
  • disinfects;
  • accelerates the healing of bedsores.

Wounds, scratches and microcracks heal almost before your eyes, you just need to soap them well. It is useful for teenagers to wash with tar soap; it promotes deep penetration and cleansing, relieves inflammation and prevents the formation of blackheads.

It is useful to regularly treat boils and purulent lesions with a well-foamed soap solution and leave for 15 minutes.

Burns and frostbite, barley and herpes, prevention of flu and colds - everything can be done with an ordinary piece of soap with the addition of wood tar.

Is it possible to wash your hair with tar soap? It’s not only possible, but also necessary, especially if you have skin or hair problems. Let's take a closer look at medicinal properties tar.

Due to the fact that tar increases blood circulation and nourishes the hair follicles with beneficial microelements, hair becomes stronger and hair loss stops. Use liquid tar soap or lather your hands well with a hard bar. Once or twice a week and after a month or two you won’t recognize your hair.

You can use the following recipe. Grate about 1 tablespoon of soap, add a little warm water and lather with a shaving brush. 100g full fat sour cream mix with foam and add a few drops of vitamin A (can be purchased at the pharmacy).

Keep the resulting mass on your hair for half an hour and rinse with regular shampoo.


The phenol contained in the tar, when exposed to organic tissue for a long time, seems to burn them, and, consequently, the protein coagulates. But it does not completely destroy lice, since their integument is quite strong, they become slow and “stunned.” For the product to work, the soap foam must be left on the hair for at least 40 minutes, during which time it will dry out the skin and hair greatly.

And soap has no effect on nits at all. Therefore, even if you completely eliminate lice, a new population will certainly hatch and you will have to start all over again.

Why was it believed that soap helped? The fact is that it eliminated itching from bites and irritation. And after using a fine comb, the “inhibited” and immobile insects were mostly combed out. Accordingly, the population decreased.


Everyone knows how unpleasant it is when dandruff appears. The head itches, skin flakes are scattered over the shoulders, the hair looks unpleasant and unaesthetic. In addition, this is not just a cosmetic defect, but a disease that cannot be treated with ordinary shampoo.

This is where tar soap comes to the rescue. It is worth noting that the product will only help with oily dandruff, as it has the property of drying the skin. Tar fights viruses and bacteria well, eliminates fungus, which is the source of dandruff, and reduces itching and irritation.

To achieve a positive result, use simple rules:

  • no hot water, it leaves an unpleasant residue on the hair - only warm;
  • beat the foam separately, do not wash your hair with a bar of soap;
  • keep the product on your head for no more than 2-3 minutes;
  • rinse well with warm water and rinse with vinegar solution.

The course of treatment is designed for two months, provided that you wash your hair with this product no more than 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time, regular shampoo is at your service.

Despite the variety of hair cosmetics, tar soap is still popular among women with thick and shiny curls. And all because tar increases blood circulation, which means hair growth is stimulated. Moreover, it restores the damaged structure; after regular use, the hair becomes shiny and voluminous. The unpleasant smell of soap is easily eliminated with rinse aids and.

If you have oily and greasy hair, and dandruff appears periodically, use tar soap for hair, the benefits of which have been proven over time.

With henna

The mask strengthens and revitalizes, suitable for all hair types.

Dilute two tablespoons of colorless henna with warm water to a paste. Grate a tablespoon of tar soap into the resulting mass on a fine grater. Mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Apply to hair and leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and use a rinse of acidified water with lemon or vinegar.

With castor oil

It helps well with brittle and split ends, restores structure and nourishes the scalp.

Take half a glass of warm water, or even better, bread kvass. Dissolve a spoonful of tar shavings and 10 mg of castor oil in the liquid. Stir until smooth.

Apply to damp, washed hair and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse under running warm water and use.

With egg and olive oil

The mask gives strength and shine to hair.

Beat a teaspoon of shavings with a shaving brush until a strong foam forms. Enter three carefully chicken yolks and two tablespoons of olive oil. Distribute on dry hair and wrap with film or put on a shower cap. After 20 minutes, rinse well with shampoo.

With burdock oil

The mask perfectly strengthens hair, creates volume, provides growth and strength.

Grate tar soap on a fine grater. Add warm water and beat into foam. Combine it with a tablespoon of burdock oil and apply to your hair. Wrap your head with film and a towel. After half an hour, rinse thoroughly and rinse with acidified water.

Contraindications and possible harm

IN modern world Due to the abundance of artificial materials around us, poor quality food and air polluted with chemical waste, many suffer from allergies to natural remedies. Before using tar soap, try its effect on a small area of ​​skin. If itching and redness appear, it is dangerous to use due to allergic reaction. Instead of benefit, tar will bring you harm.

Having a drying effect, tar is harmful to dry skin and hair.

You should also avoid it if you are pregnant due to the presence of phenol and resins, these substances can harm the unborn baby.

Some people simply cannot stand the unpleasant smell of soap and it makes them feel nauseous. Then you shouldn't use it.

Never apply soap to open wounds; instead of healing, you will get a burn.

Tar has a drying effect and is effective for all kinds of pimples and rashes. However, soap is not suitable for washing more than 2 times a day even for those with oily skin. Those who have dry skin should apply soap suds to spots or on problem areas.

To avoid drying out your scalp, use tar soap to wash your hair no more than 2 times a week, and dyed or chemically curled hair - 1 time.

It is worth knowing that tar quickly washes off the dye from the hair, but if you darken it with a shade, then after this specific soap the color will lighten.

Do not lather your hair with a bar of soap; lather it up in advance and rub the resulting foam into your hair. Do not leave on hair longer than 2-3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and rinse with conditioner or rinse.

After the first use, the hair becomes stiff, difficult to comb and loses volume. But after just a few washing sessions you will see a positive result - soft, manageable curls.

It is advisable to take a break for several weeks after a month of use. Repeat the course if necessary. The peculiarity of tar is that the healing effect occurs over time.


As you can see, tar hair soap, about which there are only positive reviews, is old and almost forgotten folk remedy. Nature itself takes care of us, gives us beauty and health. Be sure to buy a bar of soap and use it from time to time. Your hair, face and body will thank you.

More and more often, the beauties of our time strive to use exclusively natural products for proper care and self-care. After all, according to many, if a product is natural, it means it is healthy. Unfortunately, not everything that is natural is healthy. And yet, beauty recipes from our grandmothers are back in fashion again!

Previously, one of the natural helpers in creating beautiful hair was birch tar. It was with this that our grandmothers rubbed their curls to make them strong and shiny. Now a more convenient product to use is made from such tar - tar soap. It is about tar hair soap that we will talk today.

Liquid and dry tar soap, is it necessary for hair?

Beauties go to great lengths to give their hair natural shine and fullness. For example, they wash their hair with tar soap, even despite its persistent and not very attractive smell.

Since ancient times, tar soap has often come in handy both in the household and in caring for one’s appearance. They washed not only their curls with it, but their entire body. It is birch tar that cleanses the skin well from acne and various unpleasant rashes, softens it and makes it more tender.

As for the hair, they were not just rinsed with tar soap, but also applied with it. special masks, strengthening curls. Now we will find out why birch tar soap helps us so much, and why it is so valued and loved in every home.

Useful qualities of tar soap for hair

  1. Persistent specific smell of tar. It is worth knowing: despite the fact that there is not so much birch tar in tar soap, it is still present there. Therefore, the persistent smell of tar after applying tar soap to your hair will still remain on your hair.
  2. A common allergy to birch tar. Tar soap is not suitable for everyone who is allergic to tar; they may well develop dangerous health complications.
  3. Cannot be used frequently. Tar soap for hair should not be used constantly; you should take short breaks. After all, although the product is natural, it is still not safe. Frequent use can cause the skin to tighten, which can cause discomfort.

Who is allowed to wash their hair with tar soap and who is not?

Tar soap for hair has been successfully used for many years, but is it suitable for everyone? Indeed, tar soap is suitable for any hair type without exception. It will also help those who have oily or dry hair, dandruff or damaged skin. Tar soap will help wash and heal minor wounds and cuts on your skin. And also, significantly strengthen your lovely curls, making them soft and silky.

As for the contraindications of tar soap for hair, unfortunately, they also exist. If you are allergic to birch tar, it is important to avoid direct contact with tar soap.

What happens when you wash your hair with tar soap for the first time?

Tar hair soap is a source of natural girlish attractiveness. As for the very first time washing your hair with tar soap, there is a low probability that the result will be exactly the opposite.

After rinsing your hair with tar for the first time, your hair will feel dry, heavy, or possibly sticky. But this is just the initial effect, don’t be scared! It’s just that your curls are not yet accustomed to tar soap. In this case, we advise you to rinse your hair with citric acid diluted with water. It will quickly remove all negative effects from your hair.

Rules for using tar soap for hair

When using tar soap for hair, there are a number of rules that it is advisable to follow in order to obtain a more effective result.

  1. Rule #1. Don't waste your time! It is best to spend 10-15 minutes on a procedure such as rinsing your hair with tar soap, so that your hair has time to be properly saturated with the beneficial substance.
  2. Rule #2. Rinse your hair thoroughly. After you have washed your hair with tar soap, rinse your hair thoroughly warm water. If even a little soap remains on your hair, the unpleasant smell will not leave you for a long time.
  3. Rule #3. Do not overuse this procedure. It is recommended to wash your hair with tar soap no more than 2-3 times a week.
  4. Rule #4. Maintain the required water temperature when washing your hair. It is important to maintain the required water temperature; it should not be hot or cold. Only in warm water will tar hair soap fully reveal all its positive qualities. Otherwise, it will simply lose some of its healing properties.
  5. Rule #5. Avoid direct hair contact with tar soap. The safest and most effective way for your hair is to wash it with foam from tar soap itself. This will leave significantly less tar smell on your hair.

Tar shampoos and hair balms

The development of natural cosmetic products does not stand still! And now pharmacies and private manufacturers of natural cosmetics offer the purchase of tar shampoos and rinses.

If you compare their composition, then, in fact, this is the same tar soap for hair - only in liquid form, which is much more convenient to use.

Reviews of tar hair soap:

Now the Internet is full of fresh reviews about tar hair soap. And most of them are positive! For example, we selected one of the reviews about the use of tar soap for hair in everyday life:

Photos of hair before and after using tar soap:

Especially for our beloved readers, we have collected photo examples of hair before and after washing with tar soap. Let's look at the photos and remember the result!

Tar soap for health purposes

Tar hair soap will relieve you of lice and dandruff, as well as eliminate hair loss and significantly strengthen it. Many doctors to this day recommend tar soap for hair to people with scalp problems and damaged hair.

It is worth noting that tar soap is a good prevention against hair loss.

Reviews from trichologists and hairdressers about tar hair soap:

There has long been a debate among trichologists about the benefits and harms of tar soap for hair. Some are sure that frequent use will harm your hair, due to the alkaline composition in tar soap. And others, on the contrary, advocate the use of tar soap for hair. Justifying this by the fact that aggressive cleansing of the skin and hair will only speed up the result of obtaining healthy and strong curls.

It's up to you to decide who to believe. The main thing is not to overuse tar soap on your own, without consulting a specialist.

Where to buy tar soap for hair?

Nowadays tar soap can be bought almost everywhere. Any pharmacy will definitely have it on the shelves, because tar soap is considered a useful healing product. Also, in almost all supermarkets in the department with household chemicals and personal hygiene products there is always a shelf with tar soap or shampoo.

If you want to purchase a ready-made mask or shampoo with tar soap for hair, then you should contact cosmetic stores or salons. Or make your own hair mask at home.

The price of tar soap is not high, from 300 rubles =. Nowadays there are mixtures of tar soap with other aromatic additives that cover the smell of tar. This soap will cost 500 rubles.

Hair masks with tar soap:

  1. Recipe No. 1. This mask with tar soap will help strengthen your hair. To prepare this mask, we need 1 pack of colorless henna, shavings from tar soap (or foam from liquid soap) and water. Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. Then wait for 10 minutes until the mask is absorbed into your curls. After time, rinse your hair with water and citric acid and enjoy the result!
  2. Recipe No. 2. A mask to improve the effectiveness of your main shampoo. In this case, we add tar soap to your shampoo and dilute it with water. This way we get hair lotion. It should be applied no more than 2 times a week. Keep on yourself in the same way as other masks made from tar soap for hair - no more than 10 minutes. Then rinse with water and citric acid.

Which tar soap is healthier, liquid or solid?

Undoubtedly, liquid tar soap is much more convenient to use than solid soap. As for the beneficial properties, solid soap retains much more of them. And all because additional chemical impurities are used to resist liquid soap.

To use solid tar soap as a shampoo or conditioner, you just need to rub it or crush it into pieces. And then turn it into foam under water.

  1. Be sure to consult your doctor before using tar soap on your hair. Since birch tar can cause allergic reactions, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Follow all instructions on the package exactly. If you follow all the instructions for using tar soap for hair, it will undoubtedly bring you many benefits. But do not neglect the instructions. After all, in large quantities, tar soap can not only leave an unpleasant odor on your hair, but also harm it, making it dry and brittle.
  3. If an allergic reaction occurs, consult a doctor immediately! The consequences of allergies can be serious for you, so you shouldn’t take risks and expect everything to go away on its own. Contact ambulance with a description of your problem.

The main symptoms of an allergy to tar soap: severe itching of the scalp, redness where the soap was applied, dizziness and nausea.

  1. Avoid getting tar soap in your eyes. If such soap gets into your eyes, you will immediately experience burning sensations. discomfort. Immediately rinse your eyes with warm water and try to remove all the soap from your face.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the tar soap from your hair. Better yet, after using this product, rinse your hair with citric acid and plenty of water.

In the modern age of high technology and poor ecology, the issue of beauty and health is especially acute for many people. And find natural ones and really effective means It doesn't always work out. But few people realize that ordinary tar soap can solve many problems, and for very little money.

The main component of such soap is tar.. This natural remedy, gifted by nature itself, was known in the world as “Russian oil” or stone resin. In Rus', they lubricated wheels, harnesses, boats and even leather boots. They also poured it on the gates of women of obscene behavior as a sign of shame. A similar custom existed in the USA. Criminals covered in this resin were feathered and paraded.

The word “tar” itself comes from the Indo-European root “dheg” and means “to burn, burn,” which confirms the antibacterial qualities of this antiseptic. It is not without reason that it is one of the main elements of Vishnevsky’s ointment, which is successfully used to treat trophic ulcers, vascular diseases, and frostbite.


Externally, this soap is very similar to laundry soap, it differs only in its pronounced specific smell and darker color. In addition to natural tar, it contains fats of animal origin or vegetable oils, water, thickeners, some cellulose constituents, benzoic acid, disodium salt, citric acid and table salt.

Thanks to its natural ingredients, this product is a wonderful natural antiseptic with antibacterial, insecticidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The product foams well regardless of whether it is solid or liquid soap.

Is it possible to wash my hair

Today, despite the huge selection of hair washing products, ordinary tar soap occupies a special position among them. And this is not a new product, but a long-known natural cleanser. Even in ancient Rus', owners of long and healthy braids knew about the miraculous power of wood tar.

With frequent washing with this product, hair begins to grow faster, becomes thicker, becomes less oily and gets rid of dandruff.

Benefits and harms

Like any caring product, tar soap has its strengths and weaknesses. The healing properties of this resin relieve the scalp of increased oiliness and dandruff, improve blood supply to the hair follicles and give volume and thickness to the hair, and also help cure skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen, seborrhea, dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis) and restore hair structure after dyeing and chemical perms.

This natural antiseptic works great against head lice. Tar with alkali destroys lice and nits from the first use, just hold it on your hair for 5 minutes. This soap is also useful for people who are allergic to the chemical components of regular shampoos.

The disadvantages include a specific smell, which, by the way, quickly disappears. For some it is unpleasant, but for others this aroma is reminiscent of a Russian bathhouse and birch brooms. With frequent use, this product dries out the scalp and hair, so owners of thin, porous and damaged hair should use it with caution. Birch resin is also contraindicated for women during lactation.

For more information on the benefits of tar soap for hair, watch the following video.


Washing your hair with tar soap provides certain instructions:

  1. It is necessary to first foam the soap in your hands, and then apply to the roots and distribute evenly over all strands;
  2. Leave the foam on your hair for about five minutes so that nutrients can be absorbed into them;
  3. Rinse your hair well with warm water, and not hot, so that a film does not remain on the hair;
  4. Finish the rinsing with a soft balm or conditioner. Water with the addition of soda, lemon juice, or apple/wine vinegar will also work, which will give your hair a healthy shine and softness.

The expected results may not be seen immediately, but after several procedures, high-quality hair transformation is guaranteed. To enhance healing properties to improve the smell, you should add essential oils (chamomile, green tea, calendula, elecampane, lemon balm, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn), kefir or decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

In order not to dry out the scalp, it is advisable to alternate tar soap with mild shampoo. Owners of dry curls will correctly use a product with birch resin twice a month, and for washing normal and oily hair One session per week is enough. The same applies to masks, which should not be used often.

There are a huge variety of masks based on this natural antiseptic. For example, to speed up hair growth, the following are suitable:

  1. Tar water. To do this, grind 40-50 grams. of this soap and dissolve it in cold water. Leave the resulting mass to infuse for several days, remembering to stir it periodically. The prepared strained liquid is convenient for rinsing your hair or preparing masks and shampoos based on it;
  2. Mask with added oils. Pour water and 1 tbsp into grated soap. l. burdock and 1 tbsp. l. olive oils. Apply the resulting mixture to your head and leave for half an hour. After the specified time, rinse your hair with water softened with lemon or vinegar.

For hair loss you need to use the following products:

  1. Need to mix 1 tbsp. l. castor and 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil with egg yolk and 50 gr. crushed tar soap. Apply the resulting mass to unwashed hair and leave for 20 minutes. To improve the smell, you can add a few drops of mint or orange essential oil;
  2. Dissolve in water package of colorless henna and 1 tbsp. l. grated tar soap, stir thoroughly and leave the resulting mass for 10-15 minutes. This mixture can be used no more than twice every four to five weeks;
  3. Connect 1 tbsp. l. crushed tar soap with 300 ml. pepper tincture and stir until a uniform consistency is achieved. Rub this mixture into the scalp using massaging movements. If you do this procedure several times a week, it will stop hair loss and make it noticeably thicker.

Against seborrhea and other skin diseases:

  1. Mix soap shavings dissolved in water with 50 ml. vodka, 1 tsp. castor or olive oil, egg yolk and 1 tsp. honey. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture to unwashed hair and leave for half an hour. This mask should be used once every 7-10 days;
  2. Combine liquid tar soap from 1 tbsp. l. burdock and 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and 50 ml of vodka. You need to keep this mask under a cap for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your hair with warm water softened with vinegar.

A mask with glycerin will help against dandruff. Add glycerin in a 1:1 ratio to the foamed tar soap and apply the resulting mask for 15 minutes. With frequent use of this mixture, dandruff will disappear.

To strengthen hair follicles follows 5 gr. mix soap shavings with 25 ml. cognac and 20 gr. rye flour. Apply the resulting mixture to clean, damp strands and leave for 1 hour. Then wash off the mask with warm acidified water and use a soft balm.

To lighten curls you need 50 gr. Dissolve soap shavings and a bag of white clay in warm water. Then add 200 ml there. burdock oil and 5 drops each of cinnamon and lemon essential oils. Apply to unwashed hair and leave for 1 hour.

For gray hair you need to mix tar water (70 ml.) with beaten egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. motherwort tinctures. Apply this mixture to your head and do not rinse for 1 hour. If you repeat this procedure twice a month, you can partially restore natural color hair and get rid of dandruff.

For moisturizing: 1 tbsp. mix liquid soap with 1 tbsp. any essential oil you like and 5 drops of vitamin “Aevit”. Apply the prepared mixture to the strands and leave it on for 1 hour, covering your head with a cap. Then rinse off the mixture with warm water acidified with vinegar.

For dry hair: 1 tbsp. combine crushed soap with tar with 100 g. fat sour cream and 5 drops of vitamin A. Apply the prepared mass for half an hour, then wash your hair with a mild product and rinse with balm or conditioner.

And in winter and spring, you should delight your hair with masks that saturate it with useful substances.

Vitamin mixture: 1 tbsp. l. dissolve soap shavings in 50 ml. warm water, add 7 drops of vitamins A and E and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply the resulting paste to the roots and then distribute along the rest of the length. After half an hour, rinse your hair with warm water and your usual shampoo. This procedure must be repeated at least once every 7-10 days.

Nutrient mixture: 1 tbsp. pour grated soap with half a glass of kefir or warm milk. Pour in the egg yolk, 1 tsp. cocoa, 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and 2 tsp. honey. Apply the whipped mixture to your hair. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water without detergent and rinse with tea decoction or diluted aloe juice.

Surprisingly, tar soap makes wonderful masks for the skin that will help tighten it, clear it of pimples, acne and blackheads.


Today, tar soap is very popular among the population, because the absence of flavors and dyes makes this product not only natural, but also inexpensive. And besides, it can be purchased at any pharmacy, supermarket or hardware store.

Therefore, domestic manufacturers successfully fight for quality, using only natural wood tar in their work. For example, brand soap "Spring" contains birch bark tar (Tar Oil). And in products "Nevskaya Cosmetics" natural birch tar (Batula Tar) is used, which, compared to juniper or pine tar, is more successful in the fight against dandruff and seborrhea.

Which one to choose

Nowadays, not only classic bar soap is available for sale, but also liquid soap. It does not need to be pre-dissolved in water, but can be immediately added to gels, shampoos and masks for face and hair.

But the best thing is homemade tar soap, made with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • 60 gr. any tar, 200 ml. coconut oil, 180 ml. milk thistle and wheat germ oils, 70 ml. grape seed oil, 70 ml. castor oil, 7 gr. beeswax, 7 gr. citric acid, 20 gr. honey, 20 gr. superfat and a decoction of any medicinal herbs.
  • 100 gr. baby soap, 2 tbsp. l. coconut or palm oil, 1 tbsp. l. tar soap and 100 ml. water.

Melt the soap shavings with water in a water bath, and then add the remaining ingredients. Pour the resulting thick liquid into molds and cool.

How to make tar soap with your own hands, see the following video.


Solving hair problems with tar soap

Despite the variety of modern hair care products, tar soap occupies its niche and is becoming increasingly valuable and popular. Followers natural cosmetics prefer tar for its healing properties.

What is tar soap

The nondescript packaging with the simple name “tar soap” hides the old folk remedy of our grandmothers; it contains natural birch tar, which:

  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • prevents inflammation and irritation of the scalp;
  • improves circulation and blood flow;
  • does not contain dyes;
  • has a natural dark color with a pronounced tar smell;

Tar soap also contains water, palm and coconut oils, sodium salts of fatty acids and sodium chloride. Despite the simple appearance, specific smell and cheapness - this cosmetic product is unique.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are very few disadvantages:

  • has a “special”, specific smell (not for everyone);
  • if used incorrectly, it can dry out your hair;

Tar soap is contraindicated for use by people:

  • with kidney diseases;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • For colored, bleached and very dry hair, soap will dry out the curls even more. But if you really want to, then apply only to the roots.

Before washing your hair you should do special test: Lather tar soap and apply a small amount to the skin of your elbow. After 15 minutes, rinse with water. If there is no burning, itching or redness, you can safely use it.

Using tar soap for hair

Don't set yourself up for instant results. When you first use tar soap, you will notice a decrease in the amount of hair lost, and shine will appear over time. Under no circumstances should you be upset by the presence of a heavy, specific odor. After you dry your hair, there will be practically no residue left.

Prepare yourself for the fact that your hair will undergo adaptation at first. They will seem sluggish, tangled and dull. This is due to the absence of chemicals in tar soap. After a couple of weeks (3-4 applications), the hair condition will stabilize and you will be able to see the first results.

How often to use:

  • For obvious skin problems, wash your hair 2-3 times a week for one month. After two to three months, it is advisable to repeat the course.
  • If you have excess fat, you can use this product constantly (2 times a week).
  • If you have dry hair, do not overdo it, use no more than once a week.
  • It is not advisable to apply tar soap directly to the hair and scalp; use foam.
  • Rinse off the soap with warm or cool water. Never use hot hair; your hair will become coated with a greasy film that will be difficult to wash.
  • Tar soap is better suited for normal and oily hair. If the hair roots are oily and the length is dry, be sure to apply the balm to the length.
  • Keep in mind that using soap will remove color from your hair.

How to properly wash your hair with tar soap:

  • On wet hair apply soap foam.
  • Massage into hair follicles for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary.

After washing:

  • After washing your hair, it is recommended to rinse your hair. To do this, you need to mix water (in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1) with vinegar or lemon juice.
  • For a more intense effect, add a couple of drops of essential oil to water with vinegar (lemon juice):
    • lemon - will add shine and shine to your curls;
    • lavender - soothes the scalp;
    • rosemary - will reduce hair loss;
    • bergamot - will add a light aroma.
  • For unruly (thin and prone to tangling) hair, apply a leave-in balm or spray to make combing easier.

How to make your own soap

Birch tar soap can be prepared at home; when making it, take into account the characteristics of your hair. You can create a recipe for your own soap, it all depends on the beneficial properties that you want to additionally endow your creation with.

You will need:

  • soap base - 100 g;
  • birch tar - 1.5 tsp;

one or more oils (volume - 1/3 tsp):

  • castor;
  • palm (for dry curls);
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • flaxseed (for oily hair).


Mix the soap base with oils and melt in a water bath, bringing the mass to a uniform liquid substance. We wait for the base to cool to a warm state, add 1.5 tsp of birch tar, mix and pour into the mold, leaving to cool for several hours.

When making tar soap, you can use either the hot or cold process method (both methods require the use of alkali, which can be dangerous; precautions must be taken). It should be noted that during the hot process they are better preserved beneficial features birch tar.

Tar soap is not an expensive hair product; it comes in solid and liquid form. It can be bought at any hardware store or pharmacy, its average price is about 150 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and content.

Whichever option you choose: buying soap self made, mass production or making your own soap, I'm sure you'll love it!