Compliments online. Hit parade of the best compliments for a girl. You make me a better person

Everyone wants to please their soulmate with a kind and gentle word, but sometimes at the most necessary moment your imagination leaves you. Our unique online compliment generator will help you make your girlfriend or man smile every day. Believe me, we know very well that the smiles of our loved ones are the greatest joy in life! To receive a new compliment online, which is sure to cheer up your boyfriend or girlfriend, click on the “Generate compliment” button or just press “1”. We are very pleased that we help cement your love with warm words!

To a man to a woman

In a Word In a Phrase

After kisses your delicious aroma remains on my lips

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Compliments to a girl and a man

The online compliment generator is the most interesting service on the Internet. If you are a young, modest and well-mannered guy who doesn’t know how to approach a girl, our compliment service is what you need. You can learn how to beautifully flirt with your chosen one thanks to our program. You can compliment a girl with our service in one click!

For example, the day is not going well, you Bad mood and you want warm words addressed to you. But, unfortunately, there is no such person nearby who can say something nice. Then you can use our online compliment generator to cheer you up and increase your self-esteem until such a person is found. Yes, and a great compliment for a man can also be found here.

How to give a compliment?

The online compliment generator is a very good service, because it contains the most beautiful and creative compliments that are suitable for both a sweet girl and strong man. You can pamper your lover/beloved with the sweetest words using our generator. Just click the “Generate” button and select the appropriate compliment.

An undoubted advantage is the fact that with the help of our service you don’t have to rack your brains: how to give a compliment, for example, in messages. This is a very convenient option for those couples who correspond via SMS or on a social network.

We provide instructions for using this useful program so that you receive a worthy compliment as a result:

  • Make a choice to whom exactly the compliment will be intended (for a girl or a guy);
  • Choose a compliment style (phrase or word);
  • And click the "Generate" button.
4.9 out of 5 (ratings: 47)

Incredible facts

Anyone can tell a girl: “You are beautiful.”

Let's be honest - thiscompliment has become banal and uninteresting. It is unlikely that an attractive girl does not know about her physical advantages.

Therefore, it is logical that she wants to hear something unusual, unconventional and completely non-trivial.

So, what is pleasant for the fair sex to hear from their lover?

Beautiful compliments to a woman

1. You are strong

© LightFieldStudios/Getty Images

Each smart woman I need a guy who will not immediately notice her strength, because it is not in the physical aspect of it, but in the emotional and mental aspect.

She wants a partner who will appreciate her strong point, will respect her for this and will not feel afraid that his partner is not a weak, insecure girl, but a true woman.

2. You're smart

© Vitalliy/Getty Images

When a man notices a woman's intelligence, and not just the obvious, her beauty, it elevates him in the eyes of a woman.

After all, the fact that he looks at a girl’s mind characterizes him as a deep, intelligent and not superficial person.

It also means the guy is truly interested in her and not just looking for a one-night stand.

After all, beauty is a passing phenomenon, and if a woman is smart, she will be interesting even after 20 years.

Beautiful compliments to your beloved

3. You are funny and interesting

© Alliance Images

Most women appreciate such a compliment.

After all, if she makes a guy laugh, it means that both are on the same wavelength. Availability healthy feeling humor is one of the sexiest qualities and is absolutely necessary in a serious relationship.

Unusual compliments

4. You are real

© Pixabay / Pexels

In a world full of falsehood and something artificial, it is so pleasant to discover naturalness and naturalness in a woman.

Every girl likes to hear that she is unique and stands out from the crowd. And when a guy notices this, it’s especially nice.

5. You captivate

© A75/Getty Images Pro

Such a compliment sounds better than simply saying: “You are beautiful” or “You are sexy.” Any representative of the fair sex will appreciate it.

A woman is much more pleased to hear a phrase less banal than a statement of the fact of her beauty.

Non-trivial compliments

6. You inspired me to do something.

© SE-Fotografie/Getty Images

Any girl is pleased to know that she inspires young man for something big.

Therefore, there is no better compliment than telling her that she inspires, that thanks to her, he becomes better and achieves success.

Even if her contribution to his success was not so significant physically or financially, her support and words of encouragement make the guy feel motivated and realize his dream.

Therefore, it is worth telling the girl about this.

The best compliments from a girl

7. You are incomparable (here it’s worth inserting the part of her body that excites you the most)

© bairachnyi

Of course, it's always nice to remind a girl that she is beautiful.

But if you simply say, “You are beautiful,” it may seem too trivial to her. However, if you note that part of the body that you especially like, she will certainly appreciate such a compliment.

Tell her that her hair is insanely soft, or her wrist is amazingly thin, or she has an unusual lip shape that drives you crazy.

The best compliments

8. I can be myself around you.

© StefanDahl

Perhaps this is one of the best compliments for any girl. Everyone wants to hear something like this.

After all, this means that he feels comfortable around her. He can trust her with his most intimate thoughts and deepest feelings.

Such a compliment is a sign of intimacy and trust.

Nice compliments

9. You are important to me

© nd3000 / Getty Images Pro

A guy who tells a girl that she is important to him is probably truly in love.

Being significant to someone is much more important than just being beautiful.

This means that the girl brings something very important to the young man's life, and he undoubtedly appreciates it.

The best compliments to a girl

10. I respect you


If a man respects a woman, it means that he values ​​her and will never cross an unacceptable line.

Generally, respect is the basis of something very strong.

Strong compliment

11. It is very important for me to listen to your opinion.

© Lunamarina

A guy who cares about his partner's opinion really values ​​and respects her.

Such a compliment suggests that he can trust the girl, share the most important things with her and wants to hear her opinion on this or that issue.

A phrase like this is a huge compliment; it can become a real incentive for a girl to continue to support her partner.

12. When I'm with you, I'm the happiest man in the world.

© Eugenio Marongiu

If a young man says this to his girlfriend, it is worth a lot.

There are so many things in the world that make him happy, but if spending time with her makes him shiver with happiness... what more could he ask for?

This is such a wonderful compliment, because making someone happy is the greatest gift, and not everyone can do it.

13. I love your cute quirks

© Cheschhh/Getty Images

Some girls are embarrassed by their quirks, such as being absent-minded or obsessing over stupid things.

But when a man finds these oddities to be cute quirks, it's damn nice.

This means that he loves you completely, appreciates not only your advantages, but is also forgiving of your disadvantages.

This attitude speaks of a man’s true love.

14. You are an amazing friend!

© Nikolodion/Getty Images

Of course, such a compliment can be viewed in two ways.

On the one hand, no one wants to be in the notorious friend zone.

However, if this is said by a man with whom the girl is already in a relationship, then this indicates that he sees her not only as a mistress or a potential future wife, but also sees her as his best friend.

15. You are the best girl anyone could ask for.

© Rido

Such a phrase will undoubtedly amuse the vanity of every girl. This is a real balm for her ego.

Hear what she is best girl in the world, anyone can wish for anything.

I want to be the best not only in the bedroom, but also in Everyday life. So when a guy talks about it, he makes his woman happy.

This is one of those compliments that seems to say: “You suit me 100 percent.”

16. You are elegant and sophisticated

© alkir/Getty Images

Any woman can be fashionable and stylish if she has the means.

However, if a man tells his lover that she is elegant and sophisticated, it means that she stands out from others and has a certain class.

An innate sense of taste and elegance will elevate you in the eyes of your partner. He will be proud that such a woman is next to him.

There is no shame in introducing such a girl to friends or bringing her to a corporate event and introducing her to colleagues.

17. You make me the best person

© Syda Productions

When a man meets a woman who challenges him and shows him what it's like real love, she inspires him to become a better person.

Therefore, every woman is pleased to hear that she had such a huge positive impact on a person that he was able to change.

This actually means that she brought him to new level self-development.

If a girl receives such a compliment, she can be proud of herself. After all, she managed to do what others failed to do.

Many people underestimate the importance of compliments when communicating with a girl. Of course, you can do without them (and many seducers have already proven this a thousand times). However, a well-made compliment can promote you more than a well-made joke. :)

Let's first dispel a few myths. Historically, pickup artists have given compliments rather stupidly. Why? Remember who the first pickup artists were in Russia. These were programmers (because only they then, back in 1994, had access to foreign conferences) who read the advice of their Western colleagues and perceived this advice as a step-by-step algorithm. And this is what came out of it.

Myth 1. You shouldn’t give compliments, because by doing this you raise the girl’s status and lower your own status (and Western colleagues wrote that status in communication with a girl is very important!). If we arm ourselves with common sense and look at how girls react to cool and appropriate compliments, we will quickly realize that this is complete nonsense. Compliments can often increase a girl's interest in you, this good tool for seduction.

Myth 2. A compliment is a tool for getting to know each other. Many schools still teach dating according to the principle “you come up, say something, then give a compliment...”. In fact, when you're learning how to give compliments, the first time you should use them is during a date, when you've already started a good dialogue. Then the compliments will come out better - more sincere and less intrusive. And almost any pretty girl expects to hear a compliment when dating.

Myth 3. You need to give a compliment to get a girl to like you. This is where it gets a little more complicated. A compliment is a tool for increasing interest. But, if you do it with the goal of being liked or arousing interest, the compliment will turn into flattery and work exactly the opposite. The right motivation- absolute disinterest as a result of the compliment. And you should only compliment those girls and only those qualities that you really liked.

As we see, you need to be able to give compliments and it’s worth learning. There are certain rules and schemes for composing words that are pleasant to the ear that will help you give truly high-quality compliments to girls. And now I will share these schemes with you.

But first, I’ll give you a few examples of compliments that you can use right now. These will be compliments to girls in SMS and photos - you won’t have to wait long for the situation to use these examples.

Examples of compliments to girls in SMS

What to write via SMS so that she feels like it's a compliment and not something else? Let's look at a few examples so you get the idea.

For example, if you communicate with her via SMS, and she's teasing you, then you can give the following compliment to the girl:

“Masha, I like your sense of humor and sass!”

In such cases, some seducers advise arranging a competition with the girl to see whose joke will be funnier and “more painful.”

But everything changes when, instead of playing this game with her, you give her a compliment. In this way, you show that you perfectly see her game, that you are above her, and condescended to give her this compliment. Those. you perceive her behavior as the playfulness of a little girl, and act as a caring dad. Many women really like this approach - try it and you will see the result!

Another example: “I love it when you get angry! This makes you more sexy!

If during correspondence she told you that she went to training, you can give the following compliment: “I believe that only truly strong people engage in sports.” This is a model of indirect compliment, which I will tell you about a little later.

Note: in all of these examples, the compliment is your reaction to her behavior or situation. Those. a compliment really needs to be earned.

Compliments to girls for photos

Communication via SMS teaches us to compliment her behavior, but what about her appearance? Photos of girls are perfect for training. You have time to look and think. Let's study!

What kind of compliments can you write to girls? to photo? Of course, a lot will depend on what you see in the photo. A universal recommendation is to try to look for those small details in its appearance that you really like and can be praised. Especially try to notice the changes that occur in her appearance. Perhaps it Nice dress or a new hairstyle.

Then you can write: “Marina, you have taste! ;)" or " This hairstyle suits you very well!».

If you can’t praise something specific, then you can compliment her in general. True, so that your compliment does not turn out banal, it is important to use so-called “strong” words:

« You are irresistible as always! or " You look very sexy in this photo!;)».

With the help of “strong” words you can give your words an emotional coloring. Again, you can use various derivatives on a sexual theme (sexy, passionate, depraved) in compliments. These epithets work well if you and the girl already have a sufficient level of trust.

Direct and indirect compliments to girls: what's the difference?

Now we’ll talk a little about the different types of compliments and the structures for composing them. We will divide all compliments into direct and indirect.

  • Direct - we directly and openly praise a girl or some quality of hers

Direct ones are well suited to the initial stages of communication with a girl, when you are just getting to know her, talking on the phone or on a first date.

As in the previous example of a compliment in SMS, you can praise her attempts to tease you: “ Natasha, I like your sincerity and audacity!».

At the first meeting (the moment you saw her), you can say with admiration in your voice: “ You are simply irresistible today!».

  • Indirect - we praise some quality inherent in a girl, in isolation from her personality

Indirect ones are more suitable for more “advanced” stages of communication. More often these are compliments about sex or about “deep and important things.”


« Are you a teacher? I think this is one of the most important professions!».

« Next to you I feel like a man with a capital M».

« If you don't develop your creative skills, it will be a crime against all humanity».

Indirect compliments (especially on initial stage training) is recommended to be done during live communication (not via SMS or telephone, but during a meeting). To make this compliment work better, we recommend sticking to this structure:

  1. Look into the eyes for 2-3 seconds.
  2. Look at the subject of the compliment for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Pause for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Delivering your compliment.
  5. Touch.

This is the sequence of actions that works perfectly.

What can you compliment?

  • Appearance. But these should not be banal compliments. Try to find those things that are rarely praised or not praised at all (for example: “ You have such an attractive ankle! :)»).
  • Efforts. Skillfully selected colors in clothes, small wardrobe items, hairstyle, unusual (!) manicure - all this makes her invest a huge amount of effort. Which means it requires praise and approval! ;)
  • Environment and lifestyle. Praise work, friends and relaxation.
  • Behavior. The way she manifests herself in life, what actions she performs (she has committed in the past or the behavior she strives for).
  • Skills. Often people devalue their own skills, not considering them something significant. However, when you compliment something she can do well, she will be pleased to hear it.
  • Beliefs. By approving her beliefs, you are already giving her a compliment. The main thing is not to praise something with which you do not agree, otherwise she will feel false.
  • Energy and attractive force. It is quite difficult to prove that she has attractive power. This type of compliment is based, rather, on the suggestion of this fact. :)

For example, you can ask her why she looks at you like that, and after 5 minutes of communication make the following compliment: “Well, here we go again. :) Again I looked at it so much that I even forgot why I picked up the cup;)».

Rules for a working compliment

What needs to be done to make it work?

To do this, it is important to remember that:

  • The compliment must be sincere. The falsehood will definitely be felt.
  • You should definitely touch her at least in the “SDT” format (socially acceptable touching). Complimenting with touch works 3-5 times better!
  • The right motivation is when you praise her not because you liked something, but in order to emphasize your vision of beauty.
  • Say only non-standard things!
  • Do this in an evaluative frame so that the girl understands that your value is high enough, and a compliment is not an attempt to pick her up.
  • There should be a slight smile on your face.

If each of these rules is followed, then your compliment will work 100%. Use these diagrams and examples, and with practice, you'll be able to come up with some really cool compliments on the fly.

Hit parade of the best compliments for a girl. We have selected the top 50 compliments to the fair sex, which were liked more than others by visitors to our site.

Img by Satterwhite.B

The Compliment website has been successfully operating for several months. During this time, we received a huge amount of your attention, for which special thanks to you, dear readers. People really liked the idea of ​​complimenting each other. Today we decided to present you the top 50 most loved by our users ( by number of views) compliments to a girl.

  1. Your eyes and smile are simply charming.
  2. You clever! You are a beauty! You are my princess!
  3. I'm fascinated by your dimples when you smile.
  4. You have wonderful Brown eyes. The enchanting light gives them a different meaning each time.
  5. I like your red fiery hair.
  6. There is a piece of heaven in your eyes.
  7. All girls are angels. But you are a special angel! You are my guardian angel!
  8. You have an amazing smile - you leave, but it remains.
  9. You are perfection itself! Stunning in everything.
  10. You are the most charming and attractive girl.
  11. Sometimes you can be frivolous, like a little girl, and I like it. After all, then you can also become a child and fool around a little.
  12. Oh God, what a woman! A man's dream!
  13. Girl, I agree with you on everything! Especially on “happily ever after”!
  14. You have the most beautiful eyes, hiding some kind of secret.
  15. You have such an expressive look that I feel your touch from a distance.
  16. You have very sensual lips!
  17. You are like a goldfish from a fairy tale - you can make any wish come true!
  18. Your eyes are two bottomless lakes reflecting the blue sky.
  19. You are unique! You are irresistible! You are unsurpassed!
  20. The bewitching gaze of a tigress, scarlet lips filled with passion - this is your portrait.
  21. Your mole on your cheek makes you look like a sophisticated French mademoiselle.
  22. You attract me like a magnet! I'm looking forward to meeting you!
  23. Your radiant smile delights even the sky!
  24. Wow, what legs! Amazing, what a figure!
  25. You look stunning! When you walk down the street, try not to step on fainting men.
  26. You are incredibly beautiful and charming, charming and attractive!
  27. You are special and extraordinary. I've never met a girl anything like you.
  28. It’s impossible not to fall in love with your eyes!
  29. You are my soulmate!
  30. You are my tender spring sun.
  31. Girl, I would give you the title of “The Most beautiful girl peace."
  32. Your smile shines brighter than the sun!
  33. Charming beauty - nothing more to add!
  34. If because of your dazzling beauty I stop seeing, then the responsibility will be entirely yours! You can’t be so bright and captivate men with impunity!
  35. There is something elusive about you that attracts and fascinates!
  36. Looking at your unearthly beauty, I want to write poems and dedicate them only to you.
  37. You are the Queen of Tenderness! You are the Queen of Passion! You are the Goddess of Love!
  38. Only you have such an incomparable look with a hint of mystery.
  39. I have no words to express my admiration! You disarmed me!
  40. You are my sweet candy! I'm turning into a sweet tooth...
  41. You look like a supermodel before an important photo shoot!
  42. Shine! Amazing! You look great!
  43. You make me smile!
  44. You have an amazing tan, like the dark flame of a sunset!
  45. You are my drop of water in the desert, a breath of air in the abyss of the sea.
  46. Yours Blue eyes- like the sky, your golden hair - like the sun! You are more beautiful than all the women living on earth!
  47. You are the most sparkling blonde of all blondes in the world!
  48. With these glasses you look like a young, strict teacher.
  49. This rich black hair color suits you very well! Even the tan became more bronze!
  50. It feels like kindness is concentrated in your lovely hands: your touch makes you feel warm and cozy.

Here is your choice of the best

Print and memorize!

1. beautiful
2. smart
3. caring
4. attractive
5. sexy

6. kind

7. tender

8. honey

9. charming

10. charming

11. unique

12. indescribable

13. unforgettable

14. irresistible

15. gorgeous

16. dazzling

17. passionate

18. unavailable

19. divine

20. mesmerizing

21. angelic

22. radiant

23. sexy

24. bright

25. fluffy

26. awesome

27. stunning

28. slim

29. seductive

30. flirty

31. sophisticated

32. graceful

33. cheerful

34. energetic

35. creative

36. stylish

37. sociable

38. tactful

39. loving

40. romantic

41. versatile

42. fabulous

43. pretty

44. ardent

45. the only one

46. ​​affectionate

47. sweetie

48. mind-blowing

49. desired

50. unpredictable

51. mysterious

52. blooming

53. flawless

54. harmonious

55. responsive

56. perfect

57. best

58. modest

59. exquisite

60. naughty

61. awesome

62. sincere

63. friendly

64. understanding

65. extravagant

66. dreamy

67. fragrant

68. sparkling

69. ambitious

70. alluring

71. enthusiastic

72. selfless

73. immediate

74. seductive

75. intoxicating

76. cheerful

77. lovely

78. smiling

79. shy

80. incendiary

81. honest

82. exciting

83. sincere

84. playful

85. charming

86. awesome

87. purposeful

88. marvelous

89. feminine

90. blessed

91. incomparable

92. radiant

93. beloved

94. necessary

95. amazing

96. fabulous

97. touching

98. miniature

101. I like your crazy unpredictability...

102. I like that you were able to become the one and only for me...

103. I love how you often say, “You made me REALLY happy.”

104. I love that you understand me like no one else can.

105. I love your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.

106. I love that I was able to conquer the true embodiment of femininity.

107. I like that you think about me and believe in my strength...

108. I like your wild seductiveness...

109. I am captivated by your tender, intriguing, mysterious gaze...

110. I like your “Moor-r-r” when you cling to my shoulder...

111. I love your smile that inspires great achievements...

112. I like your figure of a beautiful nymph...

113. I love your affectionate and playful cat behavior...

114. I like that you are able to give endless amounts of warmth and smiles to those around you...

115. I like that you like to be beautiful just for me...

116. I like that you are so touchingly tender with me...

117. I love that you are so changeable - from a seductive devil when we are alone, to a strict and collected business lady, with an invariably flirting look when I pick you up from work...

118. ... and in any guise you smile royally...

119. I like that you know how to be silent with me...

120. I like that you are interested in what I think about...

121. I like that after kisses Your scent remains on My lips...

122. I love that you miss me even after my short absence...

123. I love the way you fall asleep on my shoulder...

124. I like that you can hear my heartbeat...

125. I like that you can be so affectionate and passionate at night that in the morning you just don’t want to get up and it’s impossible to tear yourself away from you...

126. I like that therefore we don’t have to wake up early on weekends...

127. I like the sensations that arise when I stroke you...

128. I like to carry you in my arms...

129. I like that you give me the opportunity to feel like a man...

130. I like that you are my sunshine...

131. I love that you love to lie on my shoulder in the cinema...

132. I like that after the movie my clothes smell like your perfume...

133. I love that when I put it on the next day, it feels like You are nearby and hugging me...

134. I like that you cook incredibly delicious...

135. I like your soft and warm fingertips...

136. I like the touch of your tender, cool palms...

137. I like your playful nails...

138. I love how my heart beats faster when I see you...

140. I like our bets...

141. I like to pleasantly surprise you and see the surprise on your face...

142. I love that you try to surprise me in return...

143. I like that you want to be the very best for me...

144. I like your crystal laugh...

145. I like the tickling of your fluffy eyelashes...

146. I absolutely love the touch of your fingers...

147. I like that you taught me to believe in lucky eyelashes and other signs, although I am not superstitious...

148. I like your playful bangs...

149. I like that we are able to see the unusual in ordinary things...

150. I like that you discovered new writers and their heroes for me...

151. I like that we “entered the rain castle”...

152. I like that only you can kiss my palms like that...

153. I like that I smile while waiting for you...

154. I love the way you casually touch me when we are in a cafe or restaurant...

155. I like that all happy poems are about us...

156. I love that you share my love for boating...

157. I love that you love it when I massage you with aromatic oil...

158. ... and then you turn into a witch, like Bulgakov Smile...

159. I like that you left traces of tenderness cat paws in my soul, clinging to it with its claws...

160. I like that you appreciate me...

161. I like to feel your body when we are lying in the bath...

162. I love that you are my princess...

163. I like that you feel comfortable in my bed Smile...

164. I like that every evening I wait for your call...

165. I like the way you hug me with your eyes...

166. I like that you smile happily when I give you flowers...

167. I like that you give me affection...

168. I like the way you touch me with cold fingers, quietly approaching me from behind...

169. I like that it’s interesting for us to look at the beauty of the northern sky together...

170. I like your unexpected arrivals...

171. I like that suspiciously often I walk you home at night... fate? Wink...

172. I like that the sand stopped in the hourglass that you gave me...

173. ...which means we are together until the end of time...

174. I like that you DO NOT care about the opinions of others...

175. I like the feeling when we massage each other...

176. I like our frank conversations...

177. I love that you learned how to deliciously make my favorite cocktail from vermouth and cola...

178. I like that you are just with me, and no extra words or promises are needed...

179. I like your view on many things and issues...

180. I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me...

181. I like that you do good deeds for others...

183. I like to just walk with you...

184. I love that you love space...

185. I love the way you kiss me goodbye...

186. I love that you believe that “everything will be not just good, but GREAT!!!” ...

187. I like to wake up in the morning only with you...

188. I like that you want to be an unusual bride...

189. I love that you love to play with my hands...

190. I love that you call just to hear my voice...

191. I love that you gave me the northern sky with its breathtaking white nights...

192. I like that you appear in my dreams...

193. I love that you are an attentive, gentle, feline-sexy, inventive, passionate, affectionate, playful lover...

194. I love that you care about our relationship...

195. I like the phrase: “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You are the world to me.” About Us...

196. I like that you seem like an angel in the rays of light of a white night...

197. I like that you are a LADY!!!...

198. I like that you are my soulmate...

199. I love that you are my ENTIRE life...

200. I like that I'm just happy if you're around...

201. I like that you see me as a knight...

202. I'm going crazy romantic dinners prepared by you...

203. I like that I only want to see you next to me....

204. I like that you always try to understand me...

205. I bow to your patience with my character...

206. I like that my shirt, which you touched in the morning, keeps the warmth of your hands all day...

207. I love that none of us try to tug on the Wink blanket at night...

208. The sexiness of your belly drives me crazy...

209. I like the tenderness with which you take care of the flowers I gave you...

210. I like that when you are near, the world around is filled with happiness...

211. I like that people around me smile when we walk, hugging, down the street...

212. I like that even in business clothes you look very seductive...

213. I like how we read poems to each other at night...

214. I like the commonality of our literary tastes...

215. I love that my life has become so unusual after our meeting...

216. I like the little holidays that you throw for me...

218. I like that your affection and love can lift even a very “cloudy” mood...

219. I like that we are together despite all the circumstances...

220. I love that you can be so sensually seductive on Saturday evenings...

221. I like to listen to the rain with you...

222. I like our night walks...

223. I love sitting with you in our favorite cafe...

224. I like that when you are far away, you call and ask to play OUR music on the phone...

225. I like that with you I learned to be gentle without losing my masculinity...

226. I like that you and I successfully pass all the tests of our love...

227. I love that my friends admire your charm...

228. I love the way you make incredible coffee...

229. I like that the roses that I give stand in your house for many weeks without fading...

230. I like that with you I became a “model” that my friends force their young people to look up to...

231. I like that we burn with the same fire...

232. I like that we chose each other ourselves...

233. I like that I do 1000 crazy things for you...

234. I like that we can easily say goodbye before parting...

235. I like that you are waiting for me, wherever I am...

236. I like that when we lie hugging, our hearts beat to the beat...

237. I like that our hands themselves look for each other when we walk side by side...

238. I like that you and I can dance even without music...

237. I like that my care is dear to you...

238. I’m proud that you appreciate my ability to cook deliciously...

239. I love that you left everything to be with me...

240. I like that we can be close for an indefinitely long time and not get tired of each other...

241. I like that our relationship sucked us in like an avalanche...

242. ... and we didn’t try to escape from her Smile ...

243. I like that no one did for me the things that you were able to do...

244. I like that our decisions are supported by the universe itself, giving easy solutions to complex issues...

245. I like that not a single book novel can compare in brightness with the story of OUR love...

246. I like that we always want to do something nice for each other...

247. I like that the minutes we spend together are so precious to us...

248. I like that the star of our love shines especially brightly at night...

249. I like that it’s easy for us to be together...

250. I like that our feelings are stronger than time and distance...

251. I like that you are so relaxed and peaceful with me...

252. I like your trust...

253. I like that you and I feel each other’s mood so subtly...

254. I love that you love to read books out loud to me...

255. I like that they say about us “the perfect couple”...

256. I like that we know how to smooth out the sharp edges of our characters...

257. I like that you like to visit my house...

258. I like that the flame of our love has not been extinguished for a very long time...

259. I like that you are interested in my opinion on many issues...

260. I like that you don’t argue with me about things that I know a little more about...

261. I like that we understand each other’s body language...

262. I like that you don’t take off the ring I gave you even at night...

263. I like that you smile when I look at you...

264. I like that no one in this world can dance as incomparably as you...

265. I like to constantly take care of you, even in small things (after all, this is so important)...

266. I like that we are stronger than all the obstacles that keep us away...

267. I love that we can just listen to music for hours...

268. I love that breakfast with you fills me with a great mood for the whole day...

269. I like that we easily give the warmth of our souls to each other...

270. I like that we go crazy caressing each other...

271. I like that you don’t force me to make promises, but believe that I myself will do everything right...

272. I like that you consider our meeting a DESTINATION...

273. I like to see how happy you come from work...

274. ... and the fact that you realize how important my work is to me...

275. I like that our warmth is mutual...

276. I like that we read the same books in childhood and therefore understand each other so much...

277. I like that with you I began to write very beautiful poems...

278. I like that the touch of our hands reverberates in my soul...

279. I like that we were able to see each other’s wings...

280. I like that our “HONEYMOON” Smile (as you called the crazy month after we met) is still going on for a very, very long time...

281. I love that you become so funny after our favorite cocktail...

282. I love that we both laugh at the word PIANIST... and only we know why...

283. I like that our relationship is not clouded by any suspicions...

284. I am sure that no one in this world will give you even a hundredth part of the love and tenderness that I am trying to give...

285. I like that you consider me a fairy tale...

286. I like that on weekends we don’t fall asleep until dawn...

287. I like that you were able to tame me...

288. I like that you chose me...

289. ... and you still believe that you weren’t mistaken...

290. I like the passion with which we take off our clothes...

291. I like that we are not making sex, but LOVE...