September 8th International Literacy Day brief information. Russian language quiz "September 8 - Literacy Day." Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Natalya Ovsyanitsa and Adriyan Osenniy

International Literacy Day is an international holiday celebrated within the UN system on September 8th. This date was adopted in 1966 by UNESCO according to the recommendation of the “World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy”.

Today, the number of literate people around the world averages four billion. Despite these advances, more than 860 million adults are still illiterate. There are also approximately 100 million children and young people out of school. Many children, adolescents and adults enrolled in various educational programs do not meet the literacy requirements of modern society. There is a need to expand literacy programs to target groups of students who need special attention.

Literacy is always important
This is not new to us:
I changed one letter -
And another word.

Happy Literacy Day, friends,
I want to congratulate you,
Wish you commas
Place it in the right place.

So that there is no doubt,
How to write correctly
And in a good mood
Abide constantly.

Know where to write “o” and where “a”
Where to put the point
You should always know this
Force everyone!
And there is no need to fuss here:
“We write as best we can!”
In life everyone should be
We're just literate.

Today is an important and special day - International Literacy Day. I would, of course, like to express recognition to those who have enriched our knowledge, who educate people, spreading literacy among the population. You transform and enrich our lives. Thank you and happy holidays! I would like to wish everyone else to know and respect their native language, to write correctly, then there will be no misunderstandings.

It’s fashionable to be literate these days -
Know your native language clearly,
Choose the right words
And I thought that my head was right.

I congratulate you on Literacy Day,
I wish you not to make mistakes in words,
Study and work and read books,
Systematically develop your speech!

As they say: grammar is not slutty, but she is not against everyone on Earth using it. And this is the truest of all possible wishes today. Happy International Literacy Day, may you big problem society there will be those who confuse “tsya” and “tsya”.

Let's remember today how great and powerful our language is! The sound of literate speech is wonderful, it is pleasant to the human ear. Easy to read, beautifully laid out text. Happy Literacy Day, Happy Speech Day! For knowledge, thirst for science, for simple work school teacher.

Celebrates Literacy Day
Today the whole planet.
This area is worthy
Great reverence.

I wish you to be literate
And strive for the best.
Before the educated there is a door
Any one will open.

We are literate people
Today is our holiday.
This is how we will celebrate
Feel the courage!

Happy Literacy Day!
She's so important.
And joy and friendship
May life be full!

September 8 - International Literacy Day - one of international days celebrated in the United Nations system. It was established by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the “World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy” held in Tehran in September 1965. And the date of celebration, September 8, is the day of the grand opening of this conference.

The main purpose of the Day is to strengthen the international community's efforts to promote literacy, one of UNESCO's main areas of action, as a tool for empowering individuals, communities and communities.

Literacy is a certain degree of a person’s proficiency in reading and writing skills in accordance with the grammatical norms of their native language. One of the basic indicators of socio-cultural development of the population.

Literacy is a true celebration for humanity, which has made impressive progress in this field, bringing the number of literate people in the world to four billion. However, literacy for all - children, youth and adults - is not yet a fully achieved goal.

Despite remarkable progress in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school. Countless children, young people and adults enrolled in school or other educational programs are not at the level required to be considered literate in today's increasingly complex world.

There is a clear need to develop literacy programs that target groups of students who require special attention, particularly women and girls left behind in school. Where men and boys are denied access to quality education, they also need special attention. Therefore, today's date also allows us to propose innovative ways to solve existing problems aimed at further improving literacy levels in the future.

Today, International Literacy Day is celebrated all over the world. Its celebration brings together governments, multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental organizations, the private sector, communities, as well as educators, students and experts in the field. The Day also recognizes the International Literacy Prizes for people with outstanding ideas to advance literacy to achieve the 2030 Education Agenda. It should also be said that every year Literacy Day is dedicated to a specific topic. So, in different years It was held under the mottos: “The importance of literacy for women”, “Literacy expands personal opportunities”, “Literacy and health”, “Literacy ensures sustainable development”, “Reading the past, writing the future”, “Literacy in the digital world”, etc.

Personal freedom, mutual understanding with the outside world, independence, development of one’s own potential, conflict resolution. All this gives literacy. It even has its own day on the calendar. The whole world celebrates September 8th Literacy Day.

The history of the holiday

There are more than 700 million illiterate adults in the world, and more than 72 million among children. Most common illiteracy problem in countries experiencing war, civil unrest, and third world countries. This became the prerequisites for the emergence of International Literacy Day, designed to draw public attention to this problem.

The World Conference of Education Ministers, the theme of which was “Elimination of Illiteracy”, opened and took place September 8, 1965 in the capital of Iran, the largest city of Tehran. At the proposal of this conference, UNESCO the following year, 1966, proclaimed International Literacy Day ( Iinternational Literacy Day)- 8 September.

The United Nations recognized 2003-2013 as the “Literacy Decade”, and UNESCO was appointed as the coordinator of all activities.

The main objectives of the Decade were declared to be: a significant increase in literacy rates, ensuring accessible and universal primary education and promoting equality between women and men in education.

Every year on this day, international conferences are held on various topics (“Literacy ensures development” (2006), “Literacy and health” (2007), etc.).

AND Literacy Day begins to acquire its own customs.

Literacy Day Traditions

On September 8, Olympiads, open lessons, quizzes, and Russian language competitions are held in schools in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan, the purpose of which is to highlight diligent students.
and diligent students.

Lectures are given on the problem of illiteracy of people. Conferences and meetings of teachers are organized, and outstanding teachers are awarded.

On this day, libraries hold literacy lessons and select special books designed to improve the quality of literacy.

In Russia, activists are distributing leaflets that describe the basic rules of the Russian language. Librarians organize events right on the streets, handing out books and magazines to people at bus stops and just passers-by. There are fun grammar lessons before entering the library.

Interesting facts about literacy

1. In the world, only 19 countries have a higher literacy rate for women compared to men. And out of 143 states, in 41 countries, a woman is twice as likely to be illiterate as a man.

2. Illiteracy flourishes not only in the poor, but also, as the UNESCO organization points out, in richer countries such as Egypt, Brazil, China.

3. In 15 countries of the world, more than 50% of children do not even have basic general education.

4. The All-Russian Population Census showed that in Russia in 2010, 91% of Russians had secondary school and higher education.

You should never forget about your own literacy; you always need to improve it.

Literacy is a kind of “face” of a person. Competent people are always valued in society. To be literate is to be prestigious.

(International Literacy Day). It was first held in 1966 at the initiative of the World Conference of Ministers of Education on Literacy, held in Tehran (Iran) in September 1965, and was timed to coincide with the date of the inauguration of this conference.

Literacy is one of the fundamental elements needed for sustainable development, it helps people make good decisions regarding economic growth, social development and environmental integration. Literacy is the foundation of lifelong learning and plays a fundamental role in creating sustainable, peaceful and prosperous societies.

Education is central to the concept of sustainable development and is an integral part of one of UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The goal is for all young people and a significant proportion of adults, both men and women, to be able to read and count by 2030.

According to UNESCO, despite increases in literacy rates over the past 50 years, there are still 750 million illiterate adults worldwide and 250 million children unable to acquire basic skills.

Since 2000, adult literacy rates have improved, reaching 85.3% globally, but sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia continue to have the lowest rates.

Literacy among youth aged 15 to 24 years has now reached 90.6% due to the availability of school education.

Women make up two thirds of all illiterate adults - 63%, young women make up 59% of illiterate youth.

The 2017 International Literacy Day theme will be “Digital Literacy”.

In record time, digital technologies are fundamentally transforming people's lives, the way they work, study and communicate. They give people new opportunities to improve all areas of their lives, including access to information and social security.

On September 8, 2017, the International Conference “Digital Literacy” will be held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

Currently, International Literacy Day is celebrated all over the world. Governments, multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental organizations, professional societies, teachers, students and experts in the field take part in its celebration.

Each year, UNESCO awards five literacy prizes: three The UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy, established in 2005 with the support of the Chinese government, and two The UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize literacy centers established in 1989 with the support of the South Korean government.

The 2016 UNESCO King Sejong Prize for Literacy was awarded to the Center for Outreach and Community Development for its Books for Rural Vietnam program and the Research Institute of Asian Languages ​​and Cultures at Mahidol University (Thailand) for its bilingual/multilingual education project. Patani Malay-Thai.

Russian language quiz

for students in grades 5-6

"The mighty and great Russian language"

Progress of the event

Leading: Hello guys!

International Literacy Day is one of the international days celebrated within the United Nations system. It was established by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the “World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy” held in Tehran in September 1965. And September 8 is the grand opening day of this conference.

Literacy is a true celebration for humanity, which has made impressive progress in this field, bringing the number of literate people in the world to four billion. However, literacy for all - children, youth and adults - is not yet a fully achieved goal.

And now we will do a little warm-up.

I. Qualifying round

1. How many “A” do you need to take to get the bird? (magpie)

2. Which word has 100 “L”? (table)

3. Which two pronouns together interfere with traffic on the roads? (I-We)

4. How many personal pronouns are there in the word “family” (7th)

5. The first syllable is a personal pronoun, the second is the sound that a frog makes, together - a vegetable. (Pumpkin)

6. Which word consists of one pronoun? (I)

7. In what adverb are there 5 “O”? (Again)

8. What needs to be done with the noun “roast” so that it becomes an adjective? (emphasis needs to be changed)

9. Which of these words is redundant? (quadrangle, four , four)

10. The first syllable is a personal pronoun, the second is the same as misfortune, together they denote petty slander or a slanderer. (I'm trouble)

11. In the name of which state is there a small horse between two identical personal pronouns? (Japan)

12. How to turn the nouns “distance”, “stump”, “rudder” into verbs? (put nouns into plural)

Leading: We have identified the team members, and now let the teams come up with names that would be related to the Russian language. Team captains should also be selected.

II. Tasks

Leading: Let's move on to the tasks. The team will receive points for each task. In the end, the team that scores the most points will win.

1. Determine the part of speech for the following words:

Double (adj.), three (n.), double (v.), second (n.), five-day (adj.), three (n.), eight (n.), ten (n.), three-hour ( adj.), one-sided (adj.), hundred (n.), hundredth (n.), tenfold (ch.), twenty-five (n.), seventh (n.), five-year plan (n.), triple (adj. .), eleven (number), Thursday (n.), fortieth (number), ten (number).

Competition with fans

3. In which female names is a separating soft sign written?
(Aksinya, Anisya, Natalya, Tatyana, Ulyana)
4. Have you ever come across words in which there are three identical letters are they located in a row?
(consonants - no, vowels: snake-eater, long-necked)
5. Name two words starting with four consonants.
(splash, look, meeting)
6. What word belongs only to each of you, and is it used most often by your friends and family?
7. What are we talking about?
-Is it black?
-No, it's red.
-Why is she white?
-Because it’s still green.
(we are talking about currants)
8. Find in the text a word formed by transitioning one part of speech to another.
I look - my brother is in the hut,
He has an overcoat to his toes.
He's with a vacation note
He came to us on his day off.
(day off)
9. How to turn a big house into a small one?
(using the suffix -ik: house – house)
12. Find the “fourth extra”: trousers, chores, doors, pitchforks.
(doors – a noun has both singular and plural forms)
19. In which verb is NO heard 100 times?


You all know a lot of folk proverbs and sayings. To warm up a little, we will now remember them. (The teacher reads the beginning of the proverb, and the team must continue. For the correct answer - 1 point.)

1. What you sow, ... (that is what you reap).

2. Without difficulty... (you can’t even take a fish out of the pond).

3. Finished the job - ... (walk boldly).

4. Be afraid of wolves - ... (don’t go into the forest).

5. With whom you fall in love - ... (from that you will gain).

6. As it comes back to you - ... (so it will respond).

7. If you chase two hares - ... (you won’t catch either).

8. Difficult in learning - ... (easy in battle).

9. Do you like to ride - ... (you also like to carry sleds).

10. Teaching is light... (and ignorance is darkness).

11. Measure seven times... (cut once).

12. Don’t have a hundred rubles... (but have a hundred friends).

3. Determine the case of the highlighted words in proverbs.

    Case doesn't like jokes. (Name)

    From the word to the point a whole mile. (Gen. n.)

    Not really case, A on business essence. (Name, Date)

    You agree case, A case for you. (Vin. p., Name. p.)

    Big in body, but small business. (Tv.p.)

    And smart, and strong, and in business good (Prev. p.)

    Everyone affairs you can't change it. (Gen. n.)

    Don't rush your tongue, but affairs do not make me laugh. (Tv.p.)

    Smart in words, but stupid in affairs. (Prev. p.)

    You are judged by your deeds. (Dan. p.)

4. Competition with fans.

While our participants are determining the case, we will play a little with the fans. You are asked to name as many proverbs and sayings containing numbers as possible.


A mind is good, but two are better. There is safety in numbers. Measure seven times and cut once. He has seven Fridays a week. If you chase two hares, you won't catch either. A smart head has a hundred hands. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Seven troubles - one answer. Seven do not wait for one. There is safety in numbers. One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.

5. Fix bugs


I'm not bored without a lamb -

I have a flashlight.

You look at it during the day -

Nothing is visible in it

And look at it in the evening -

It has a green light.

It's in a jar of trava

Sweetfly is sitting alive.


10. Competition with fans.


Which insect is it placed inside?barrel , and what kind of pet is placed insidetank ?

(Bah barrel and with tank A)

What animal walks intailcoat ?

(Cancer - f cancer)

In what composition meat product includes chemicalflask ?

(Flask sa)

What vehicle can be instantly cut out oftablecloths ?

(Boat - from boat t)

How from trunk quickly make wood without a single tooltable ?

(Remove the letter “B”: st V ol - table)

What flower does everyone always carry everywhere?spies, champions And pioneers ?

(With peony - w peony,how peony, peony er)

What animal cannot live withoutlessons ?

(WITH lesson)

What cereal eachtourist Do you need to take it with you on a hike?

(Rice - tu rice T)

What do they have in common? bear And jellyfish ?

(First three letters: honey after all - honey bond)

What rustles in the wind in everyonewheel ?

(Forest - ko forest O)

Which punctuation mark is everyone inseparable from?swallows ?

(With a dot - las dot)

What candies, loved by many children, containchalk ?

(Mar chalk hell and punishment chalk b)

Where he always hidesa lion : to your right or left?

(WITH a lion A)

Which educational institution has 24/7 hours without breaks?hymn sounds?

(IN hymn Asia)

What animals live permanently inhair even the cleanest person?

(Ox and wasps: ox wasps)

What needs to be swapped incarriage so she can fly?

(Letters K and R: To A R eta - R A To eta)

What is the name of the path leading from the letter “A” to the letter “Z”?

(A lle I)

Which number always rolls inby train ?

(Number three - elek three chka)

COMPETITION 3. “COLLECT WORDS” (orally, make notes on sheets of paper)

Collect words that are hidden in other words. Listen carefully, make notes on the worksheets (for each word - 1 point).

1) The prefix is ​​in the word RUN, and the root is in the word SNOWFLAKE, the suffix is ​​in the word FORESTRY, and the ENDING is in the word DISCIPLES ( snowdrops).

2) The root is in the word WINNER, the suffix is ​​in the word DINING, the ending is in the word GREEN ( yard).

3) The prefix is ​​in the word WALL, the root is in the word CITY, the suffix is ​​in the word SIDE, the ending is in the word WINTER ( fence).

4) The root is in the word YOUNG, the suffix is ​​in the word FINGERS, the ending is in the word GRASS ( well done).

Well done to you for successfully completing this task!

Competition with fans.

You need to make as many words as possible and the largest word from the word ATTRACTION.

6. Captains competition.

Now we will get to know the team captains better and check whether you have chosen the leader of your team with dignity.

Captains are asked to answer the presenter's questions so that all words begin with the same letter.

1st team: M.

Team 2: K.

Team 3: R.

4th team: S.


    What is your name?

    What is your last name?

    What is your mother's name?

    What is your father's name?

    What city are you from?

    Name your favorite dish.

    Favorite book.

    What do you like to do in your free time from studying (hobbies)?

    Favorite animal.

    Describe yourself using 3 adjectives.

7. Contest

You need to compose a telegram from the following letters so that each word begins with a specific letter:

Z, D, A, F, V, L, E, N, Z, H, O, D, C.

Competition with fans:

While our participants are completing the task, I offer you this competition.