Start training kittens to use the litter box. How to train a cat to use the litter box: effective tips. Which filler is better

Cats are very capricious creatures. It is very difficult to train this animal to any command. So, for example, when the owner is faced with the problem of training pet to the tray, it encounters many difficulties. The animal is so capricious that you will have to be patient until the cat independently begins to go where it needs to go. No, of course, not all pets are like this, but about 35% of them have a very difficult time toilet training. So, corners in the house may be marked, and as a toilet they will definitely choose either a pillow, or a bed, or the owner’s shoes. That is why it is very important to endure this period until he himself understands that there is a certain, specially designated place where he needs to go. Let's help your pet cope together and look at the question of how to train a cat to use the litter box.

Where to begin?

To accustom an animal to the toilet, you must first choose a suitable tray, because as mentioned above, the cat is very capricious. The filler also plays a significant role, so try to choose something that your pet will like. The toilet for him can be closed or open.

  1. A closed tray implies a special structure, insulated, in the form of a house with a door or a small hole. These mini-rooms are already equipped with a special system that will filter all odors. As a rule, such devices are intended for such an owner who does not have time to clean, who very rarely appears at home. The disadvantage of a closed tray is that it takes a long time to wash every detail. The price for a toilet, of course, is not low either.
  2. An open tray is the most common toilet with sides. You are used to seeing it in almost every home. It is the most popular and convenient. There is a special grill here that cats like so much. All that remains is to pour in a good filler - and the place for your furry friend is ready.

Be sure to consider your pet's age. Each of them is individual, so the tray must be chosen for the animal. So, for example, if this is a small kitten, then it is best to purchase an open toilet that is shallow and small. If your pet is already an adult, but is embarrassed to go to the toilet in front of strangers, then the best option is a large closed tray that is the size of your four-legged friend.

Selecting the appropriate filler

There are a lot of cat litters produced for cats. The most important thing is to look at their composition. A wide range does not mean that the filler will be excellent. Therefore, always pay attention to the structure and hygienic composition. Here are the most popular fillers that can be seen in any store:

  1. Wood sawdust. It costs very little, anyone can afford it, but sawdust is considered an environmentally friendly material. Wood is not a substance that can cause allergies in cats; it is absolutely suitable for any cat’s age. Sawdust can be small if there is a small kitten in the house, or large granules if it is a big cat. Most pets prefer sawdust, and owners tend to purchase this particular filler, since the smell does not spread throughout the apartment, the tree absorbs everything perfectly.
  2. Mineral granules. This litter is suitable for those who generally cannot tolerate cat bad smell. It is mineral granules that have a high degree of absorption, destroying all pungent “aromas”. True, filler should not be given to small kittens.
  3. Silica gel filler. One of the most expensive materials for a cat litter box. Very often the filler is used not only for cats, but also for dogs. It’s good because it actively absorbs unpleasant odors, as if there were no animals in the house. It is also not recommended to give kittens this filler.
  4. Corn filler. This is compressed waste, which, by the way, is very inexpensive in price. As a rule, filler is as popular as wood filler, only a little more expensive. Suitable for all ages of pet.

How to train a cat to use the litter box

If it were a kitten, a small, inexperienced fluffy ball, then it would be much easier for the owner to deal with it. An adult cat is much more difficult. This is why in most cases, “furry friends” are snatched up when they are little, in order to instill in them the habit of going to the toilet in the right place within a few weeks. But don’t despair, it’s quite possible to train an adult animal to use a tray. You will be lucky if you buy a cat that already knows what a litter box is, especially if she has already lived in a house and walked independently. Be sure to grab the old toilet from the previous owners, as the animal is already accustomed to it. But what should you do if your pet doesn’t like innovations, starts crapping and doesn’t understand where the special place for this is?

  1. Decide on the place where the tray will stand. Very often it is placed either in the toilet, opening the door or making a small hole for the pet, or in the corridor. It's up to you to decide where exactly to place your pet, but pay attention to where it will be more comfortable for her to sit.
  2. Smell for a cat. The fact is that the place where the pet relieves itself plays an important role. So, for example, after shitting on shoes, it is best to put them in the tray - this way, he will quickly understand where his place is.
  3. Don't use air freshener. This is simply useless, because the filler itself is already like a freshener; it blocks the smell from escaping into the apartment. If you start splashing, it will only confuse the animal; it will begin to mark corners, not understanding where its place is. Don't joke with foreign odors.
  4. Convenient toilet. You can train a cat by starting with the right tray, which should be as comfortable as possible for the animal. Take into account the size of the pussy: its height and weight. Try to avoid any sharp corners.
  5. Suitable filler. It often happens that the cat does not like the litter. The owner will have to be patient to understand the pet's desire. In most cases, they prefer wood or silica gel filler, but there are exceptions.
  6. Place your cat in the litter box after she eats. She has special digestion - she will definitely want to go to the toilet if she has just eaten. Therefore, try to place her in the designated place for a few minutes each time so that she knows where to go after eating.
  7. Animal tracking. In general, the “furry friend” will definitely let his owner know if he wants to go to the toilet. Some begin to run around the room, some meow loudly, while others, on the contrary, begin to pretend that they are digging. In this case, do not frighten the animal and take it to the tray so that it understands what needs to be done and where to go if the urge to relieve itself comes.
  8. Encouragement. Don't forget to praise your pet and reward him with treats. This will be a sign for the cat that she is doing everything right, and the process of getting used to the toilet will be much faster and more enjoyable.

What to do if your cat prefers other places for toileting?

Very often, a change of place is associated with the fact that the animal is worried or very sick (for example, urolithiasis disease, cystitis and so on). By the way, very often a cat simply doesn’t like the purchased toilet, so they choose other places if she doesn’t like something (for example, if the tray is not convenient for her). Remember that these pets are very capricious, it is very important for them that the toilet is clean, otherwise the cat will shit everywhere, letting its owner know that it is not ready to go to a dirty place. To prevent this from happening, here’s what’s important to do:

  • Wash the cat litter thoroughly, dry it well, and disinfest it;
  • treat all places with a special product so that it scares the animal away from sitting past the tray (there is a good substance called “Antigadin”, it perfectly helps fight against the marked corners, directing the animal to relieve itself directly into the tray);
  • the tray should be in a quiet place, away from the room with a loud TV, where the lights are dim;
  • change the filler more often (for example, the most optimal change is once every 4 days), but if the toilet fills up ahead of time, then add filler;
  • Visit your veterinarian often to have your pet checked, and if an illness is detected, treat it immediately.

How to train a kitten to use a litter box

It is much easier with small animals, since kittens quickly understand what their owner wants from them. These recommendations will definitely help.

  1. If the baby was taken from another family, then it is necessary to take away his old tray so that he can find his toilet by smell.
  2. To teach a kitten to relieve itself in the right place, it is very important to put it there, not to leave anywhere so that it gets used to it, and to gently stroke the fluffy one.
  3. After the animal wakes up, it must be taken to the tray. The same must be done as soon as it eats.
  4. So that the kitten knows its place, you can dig with its paws in the litter. This will trigger the animal’s natural instinct, after which the baby himself will begin to relieve himself in a specially designated place.
  5. It is very important for your pet to know that he is doing everything correctly, so play with him and give him treats as often as possible.

Also take into account what the cat breed is, because it has its own special character, unlike any other. So, for example, Persian breeds are very lazy creatures, and Siamese are active, fold-eared ones are too pampered, and courtyard breeds are the most loyal and quickly trained. Don’t think that litter box and cat are two incompatible words. If you have patience and take action, then even after a couple of weeks you will achieve desired result, and your pet will finally know where to go to the toilet.

Every pet owner has at least once encountered the bad habits of their pet. When buying a puppy or kitten, many people rarely think about the difficulties that come along with it.

And when a little kitten begins to mark corners and tear apart wallpaper, instead of tenderness, irritation appears. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to train your pet. If you just bought a pet, then it needs to be accustomed to a certain place. It's not difficult, but you need to be patient. Read our article on how to train a kitten to use the litter box and avoid mistakes.

Choosing a tray for a kitten

One of the first mistakes cat owners make is buying a small litter box. There is excessive concern for the pet, they say that a small one will not be able to get into a large tray, and a short one is more convenient. Actually this is not true. The baby will jump into the tray perfectly if its height is 10-12 cm (for small trays the walls are half as low) and if he knows where to go. Kittens grow quickly. Before you can blink your eye, yesterday’s baby will weigh 5-6 kg today. Try to imagine such a hog in a small tray.

Here the following picture emerges. The cat has completely climbed into the tray, but its loin is hanging down. It is not difficult to guess where the puddle will be made. In this case, scolding the animal is pointless. He did everything right.

Therefore, the tray for kittens should initially be large.

Place the tray

Cats, like people, have different personalities. Some are even embarrassed to sit on the potty if someone is nearby. And some, on the contrary, do not mind demonstrating the whole process to other residents of the apartment. Place the litter box as if the baby is shy: a quiet, out-of-the-way place will do, but don’t hide the litter box so that it’s difficult for the kitten to find. If you have a small apartment and there is not enough space in the bathroom and toilet, then you can put a tray under the bathtub in a slope where a kitten can easily fit. To prevent the animal from being tempted to do its business just under the bathtub, past the potty, it is worth separating the toilet from other contents under the bathtub, for example, powders and other chemicals, with plastic bottles. These water bottles are inexpensive, but they will definitely come in handy around the house. It happens that cats are terrified of the toilet or bathroom. The water there might be too loud, or he might be too scared in his parents' house. Then the tray can be placed, for example, in an inconspicuous corner in a corridor or room.

How to train a kitten to go to the litter box

As a rule, when we adopt a kitten, we hear that he is potty trained and can go to the litter box even without a piece of paper or just a newspaper is enough. In fact, this is very rare. Not every owner is lucky enough to take such a pet into their home. Usually a small kitten with a blank and proud look ignores both the empty tray and the tray with a piece of paper. But he happily sits down in the farthest and most inconspicuous corner. Strange, but most often it also turns out to be empty. What to do in this case? If you are fundamentally against cat litter, as well as against your own peace of mind, then simply teach the kitten to relieve itself in an empty tray or a tray with a newspaper. Then, to teach the kitten to go to the litter box, just tear up some paper (an A4 piece of paper is enough), put it in a puddle so that the sheet is soaked and transfer it to the cat potty. This is necessary so that the smell settles in the tray. After this, take the kitten (but remember, he is a baby and does not understand your language), put him in a puddle, hiss menacingly (yes, that’s the language you need to speak), take him to the tray, poke him in wet pieces of paper, dig with his paw , they say, this is the place where you need to go to the toilet.

Then you should clean the unauthorized toilet and eliminate the smell. To prevent the kitten from going there further, put something in this place. You can place the same plastic bottle, it will also help if you need to close the entrance under the sofa. Of course, it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing, but remember that this is not forever. If another puddle forms in an undesirable place, you should do the same with it. Repeat the same procedure with the kitten and don’t get irritated, be patient, because this is only for the training period.

By the way, a spray gun or a water pistol is a good way to scare cats away from their favorite, but “wrong” places. As soon as the animal starts to misbehave and already wants to sit down, immediately shoot a stream of water at it, pick it up and send it to the tray. Try to always pay attention to the cat's behavior. He begins to worry and sits down when he wants to go to the toilet. Don't scare him, but calmly take him to the litter box. And try not to let him out of your sight until he does his business. After several such procedures, the kitten will understand where to sit. Try to make sure that the kitten does not hate the toilet and tray. Do not resort to too aggressive teaching methods. Otherwise, all attempts to accustom the kitten to the tray will be in vain. He will walk around corners out of spite.

Choosing a filler for the tray

It happens that a kitten goes to the tray with newspapers several times, and then periodically begins to do its business in an unspecified place. In addition, some animals are squeamish and will not go into a dirty litter box again. In this case, it is worth using a litter for the tray, which will absorb both odors and the contents of the tray. You can leave your cat with it for quite a long time. Let the kitten get used to the litter box. The filler should be poured onto the bottom of the tray. If you plan not to use newspaper as a filler when toilet training your kitten, then you should resort to the method described above. With poking into unauthorized puddles and carrying dirty pieces of paper. By the way, it is much easier to accustom an animal to a tray with filler from a pet store. The kittens' instinct kicks in and they start digging into it. True, it’s worth making a warning here: you don’t need to buy expensive fillers.

How to choose litter for a tray?

Remember that you should never allow your kitten to eat litter. This is quite dangerous for his body. Kittens can eat clean, freshly poured balls with appetite, however, they do not do this, preferring used ones, those with a smell. You can fight this too. For example, you can ask for a lump of used litter from the owners of your neighbor's kitten. And put it in your tray. The animal will understand that the smell is not its own. And this will stop him from trying the filler. The editors of the site sincerely hope that our simple tips will help you quickly and easily train your furry friend to the litter box!
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Of course, the biggest problem for all cat owners is the kitten going to the toilet. Here people usually act according to stereotypes, often incorrect ones.

Stereotype one. The kitten is small, then it will learn. This is an easy position, nothing is required from the owner, just use a rag more often and wash away the consequences.

The result of such upbringing will definitely have an impact: the kitten will ignore the proper place and use the territory at its own discretion. And the longer he does this, the better his understanding will become that shit can be done everywhere in this house, because there is a master and a rag. When they finally start “teaching” the kitten, that is, punishing it for what they themselves taught, it will be at a loss, what do they want from it? It is firmly established in his mind that the public restroom called an apartment is cleaned by the owner herself. She is the eldest here, and she is a rag in her hands. And the later you introduce the kitten to culture, the more problematic a good result will be.

Stereotype two. The kitten understands everything, but shits on the floor out of spite. Therefore, from the first day the hunt begins for the kitten. The owner chases the poor animal and even inflicts noticeable physical harm on it. At the same time, no one explains to the kitten what its problem is. And the kitten does the only thing correct conclusion: you need to shit in secret. He finds hidden corners where he performs the necessary actions. If the fear of its owners is irresistible, then even an adult cat continues such acts.

In the first days of a kitten's stay in the house, it needs special care. Up to two to three months of age, each kitten is looked after and protected by a mother cat, after the kitten comes into your home, you become its mother cat! Therefore, from the very first minutes of being in a new home, a small, defenseless kitten should feel your love and maternal care. In such favorable conditions, the kitten’s adaptation to its new home will pass quickly and unnoticed.

If you are planning to take a kitten into your home, you should be prepared to spend the first few days with him, this will help the kitten better adapt to the new environment, and you can easily train the kitten to the litter box if you listen to the following recommendations:

At first, try to limit the space for the cat. Use one room for this, in which you need to place a bowl of food and a tray so that your pet gets used to it and is not afraid of the new room.

In the first days, you should closely monitor your pet, cats are not dogs, they do not immediately fall and go to the toilet in the same place, they begin to fuss, looking for somewhere to perch, as soon as this starts to happen, try to react quickly.

If your pet has done a “deed” somewhere near the tray, don’t be lazy, take a piece of paper, wet it and put it in the tray, cats are good at navigating by smell.

To punish or not?

But in fact, for the kitten himself, who loves it to be dry and clean where he lives, searching for a toilet is a necessity. In nature, cats strive to “clean up” after themselves; it’s not for nothing that they reliably bury waste. In a kitten, this knowledge is embedded in the form of an instinct: if you do the job, bury it. So he tends to “bury” the floor or is looking for a more convenient substance for digging - a flower pot. Kittens who have never seen any soil have an instinct to bury.

But they do not connect it specifically with the earth. That's why they bury the puddle on the floor. According to all the rules, this puddle after burial should be absorbed and disappear. But it doesn't disappear. And when such trouble happens to a kitten for the first time, it tries to attract the attention of a person with desperate cries! Attracts.

And then people make their mistakes. The most common one is to punish a kitten for puddling. If a baby pokes his nose into this puddle or hits him with a rag, then he draws a paradoxical conclusion: the floor is not buried, they force me to smell something that is unpleasant and should disappear, they hurt me, which means I need to look for an inaccessible place where it is not prohibited to do this. If you think that after such a course of “training” the kitten goes straight to the litter box, then holy stupidity you are human! The kitten does not go to the litter box, the kitten goes to hide and does not tell anyone else about what it has done. He's already tried it, he knows how it ends!

A smart owner does things differently. From the very first hours of the kitten’s stay in the house, a tray is shown to it. And it’s not an excursion, but they take the kitten immediately after eating, gently transfer it to the appropriate place, plant it and, holding it with one hand, gently stroke its well-fed belly with the other. Kittens have a desire to empty their bowels or bladder immediately after feeding, so there is no need to watch when the baby wants to go to the tray, you just need to place him in this tray and wait for the result! It's so simple! Of course, not every kitten immediately associates the purpose of the tray with its needs, but after several days of constant training, even the stupidest kitten understands what this structure is intended for! It all depends on the age of the kitten, and on what the mother cat managed to teach him.

If you took a very small kitten, who never got out of his mother’s box and, naturally, did not go to any tray, then he does not yet understand what is required of him. His mother removed all the waste with her soft, rough tongue. Thanks to mother’s efforts, the kittens in the box were always clean and dry, and the bedding did not smell of anything bad. Such a kitten will, of course, need more time to master the litter box. But then he will firmly connect the tray and his actions.

Sometimes, like any kid, he will make mistakes, or rather, simply not have time to follow the required route. And if you notice that the kitten’s gaze has glazed over and he is sitting down on the floor, quickly and gently pick him up and take him to the tray. If the kitten has already started the process, it still cannot stop it, so try to grab the kitten before the “process begins.” If you don’t have time, take it during the process, but so as not to scare it, and mix it into the tray. But don't scold, don't hit, don't shout. It's useless anyway!

If the kitten was adopted at the age when he mastered getting out of the box, and his mother showed him how to use the litter box, then you only need to reinforce the concept that all litter boxes in the world are intended for the same purpose, no matter how different they are in size, smell and appearance. After a couple of landings at the right moments, the kitten will firmly understand where he should be after a hearty meal.

Any safe object with a recess can be used as a tray, not just special cat litter boxes. It is advisable that the tray have a grid or contain filler. Many kittens do not like that their paws become wet after the process. Do you like to perform the same actions in a public toilet filled with urine? I do not like. But at least you have shoes on, and the baby has bare paws. Of course, he doesn’t want to get them wet or dirty! After all, then he has to wash them... with his tongue! Put yourself in the kitten's place. I think you understand everything?

The “correct” filler

Toilet filler is a good thing if you use it correctly. But some cats like the a toy. No matter how much the owners filled their tray with the necessary contents, the cats stubbornly scooped up the toilet pellets and chased them throughout the apartment! Other animals scoop up their litter box too much, causing mounds of scooped litter to form around their litter box! Therefore, you need to select the amount that your kitten requires, the smell of this product, and the height of the tray. Tall trays with sides are best for filling.

But some animals completely refuse to go to such a tray! They are more attracted to cut paper or a tray with a grid. So, if for some reason your kitten really doesn’t like the tray you chose and the litter you purchased, experiment until you understand what this kitten prefers. As you know, there is no arguing about tastes. Even about the tastes of a kitten!

Types of tray fillers

Fillers are made from the most different materials, and some of them are not at all safe for kittens, especially those that the kitten could accidentally swallow. The absorbent clay litter that kittens love can accidentally stick to the tongue, and it takes time for the kitten to understand that the litter is not a toy. But it rustles so funny, you want to try it on your teeth! Therefore, until the kitten gets used to it, you need to monitor the process and stop unwanted actions. Another type of filler forms lumps after absorbing liquid. It is also convenient because it does not create dust when digging.

Consider your cat's fur as well. Compressed sawdust litter, for example, is not suitable for furry cats; it easily sticks to furry paws. In general, it is best to use it for trays with grates, because it is impossible to dig such filler. And not for kittens, but for adult cats.

Pay attention to the smell of the filler. Many manufacturers add flavorings to suit their taste. Not all cats like these flavors! And sometimes a well-mannered kitten suddenly begins to stubbornly refuse to visit its litter box!

He doesn't like the smell, and there's nothing you can do about it! Just change the filler, choose one that does not have aromatic fragrances.

If you have a very small kitten, then for toilet training, make a fence for the kitten with a box or nest where it will sleep, and place a tray with sides next to it, putting kitten litter there. This can be any filler of natural origin that absorbs liquid well. For example, filler in the form of clay balls. If the kitten does not understand what is required of him, be a cat mom for a while and show him that these balls can be raked with his paw and then sit down more comfortably. Usually, when kittens see you making a hole, they easily imitate your movements!

Where should I place the tray?

During training, the little kitten must remain close to its “potty” at all times. That's why he needs to have his own fenced off corner. It's kind of a cat complex. Here the kitten will sleep, eat and empty its intestines. When he grows up, the tray can be moved to the toilet, bathroom or placed in the kitchen - where it is more convenient for the cat. If you place the cat's litter box in the toilet or bathroom, the kitten should always have access there.

That is, you need to either keep the door ajar, or make a special hole in it. If the kitten has a litter box, but it turns out to be inaccessible, then he will quickly forget all his lessons and begin to do his business wherever he has to. And it will be much more difficult to train him again! After all, the kitten perceives the temporary unavailability of a necessary item this way: I have a tray, but it is behind a door that I cannot open, therefore, the owner believes that I should look for a new place for myself. What would you think if the door to the toilet was firmly closed? Can't use it! And they would quickly run to the neighbors or... wherever necessary. So a systematically closed door gives the kitten the right to use your entire apartment for the wrong purpose. And the access to the toilet is the best thing you can come up with. This can be said to be the kitten’s personal access to his litter box.

Usually the place for the toilet is chosen once and for all, and the kitten takes direct part in this choice. If he doesn't like the place you choose, he will simply ignore the litter box. So observe the kitten’s behavior and choose a place that satisfies all its parameters!

Finally, it’s worth giving a few more tips to kitten owners:

  • The tray for an older kitten is installed in a quiet but easily accessible place.
  • Choose a tray with low walls, otherwise the kitten with its still short legs will not be able to get inside.
  • If problems arise, the veterinarian will help you with the question of how to accustom a kitten to the litter box.

    Follow these simple rules, and you can easily train your kitten to use the litter box without raising your voice at your furry friend or poking his nose into a puddle. Cats, being very proud and self-loving creatures, simply will not tolerate such treatment towards themselves!

  • If a small fluffy ball has appeared in your house, then you are thinking about how to train a kitten to use a litter tray. Your main task is to help your baby navigate a new place. The more attention you pay to your cat during the training process, the faster your new pet will learn to do its “tricks” in the potty.

    How to accustom a kitten to a litter tray: choosing a filler

    Nowadays, pet stores offer a wide range of fillers. These include clay, wood, mineral and many others. Practice shows that kids prefer fine litter rather than large ones, since by their nature they really like to bury their “deeds”. Another important point is the shape of the tray. If you have a very tiny baby (a month and a half), then choose models with low sides, so that it is easier for the kitten to understand how to get into the tray.

    The use of fillers simplifies the process

    1. They absorb odors perfectly.
    2. If there is filler in the potty, then it is much easier to accustom the cat to the toilet.
    3. It’s convenient to clean, since you don’t need to constantly change the filler, just throw away any lumps that have formed.

    How to train a kitten to use a litter box: action plan

    1. Find out from the person who sold (gave) the kitten to you what litter he used.

    2. First steps. As soon as your baby gets to your home, show him the potty. As a rule, kittens up to five months go to the toilet several times a day! Your task is to keep track of when the baby wants to do his “business” and immediately put him in the tray.

    3. Potty in sight. The tray needs to be placed in a visible place so that the cat child can immediately find it. When the kitten gets used to it, then it will be possible to move it to the toilet or bathroom. It is best to place the potty on the baby's path from the resting place to the bowl, so he will pass through it very often. Since kittens are very curious, he will definitely take an interest in this strange thing.

    How to train a kitten to use a litter box: limit the space

    If you have a large apartment or house, then at first you need to fence off a small area for your baby, so he will quickly get used to doing his “business” in the potty.

    Blocking "alternative places"

    It is necessary to isolate all possible corners and spaces that he might mistake for a toilet.

    How to accustom a kitten to the toilet: choose the right filler

    If you don’t know what type he is used to, then experiment a little: put two identical trays, but with different fillings. Whichever one he chooses, use it.

    Controlling the result is the key to success

    To consolidate the result, you need to check the baby several times: how he went to the potty, caress him and tell him that he did well. As soon as the kitten understands where his toilet is, you can move the tray to any convenient place.


    Various toilet training sprays are now sold. You can use them to help your kitten get used to the litter box faster. In addition, there is a special filler “Katsan”. All cats start going there, even the pickiest ones.


    If the baby peed in the wrong place, then this corner should be washed thoroughly with a vinegar solution. All these tips will help you figure out how to train a kitten to use a litter box. Happy learning!

    Many owners face a serious problem when their pet does not want to go to the toilet. When choosing a kitten, checking this is quite problematic, and sellers always assure about good upbringing animal. However, at home, everything turns out to be completely different, and you have to raise your pet yourself. How to train a kitten to use a litter tray? The advice of a veterinarian will help you cope with such a difficult task in a short time.

    Where to begin?

    Experts advise starting to teach a kitten to go to the litter box as early as possible - at 1-1.5 months. The fact is that adult cats are difficult to train, and the chances of success become minimal. It’s good if the baby learns to relieve himself in a special place while still in front of the cat.

    To quickly train your pet, you need to immediately decide on the place in the house where the tray will be placed. This should be a quiet and secluded corner in the room without a lot of foot traffic. It is for this reason that the hallway is not always good option for a cat litter box in an apartment where there are always guests.

    Most often, pet owners choose a toilet or bath for their cat's needs. This choice is quite successful if these rooms are spacious enough. In addition, we should not forget that the pet must have free access to these places.

    Selecting a tray

    One more important point, which will help train a kitten to the toilet, is right choice tray. It is best to immediately buy a large one, with high sides. Kittens grow quickly, so after a few months a small cat litter box will be too small for your pet. At the same time, retraining your baby to use a new tray can be a real problem.

    Don't be afraid that the high sides will prevent your small pet from climbing into the tray. This will not be an obstacle, because kittens jump well. Experts advise choosing this option, since thanks to the sides, the filler will not scatter throughout the room. If you want to accustom your kitten to a litter box without litter, then it is best to buy a special cat litter box with a grid.

    A closed tray (pictured below) is a good option. The animal feels safe and secluded in it. In addition, scattering of filler outside the toilet is also eliminated. The disadvantage is the rather high price and there is no guarantee that the baby will want to wear it.

    Which filler is better?

    Long gone are the days when pet owners used sand and paper as litter. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of fillers to suit every taste. If you buy a kitten from a breeder, be sure to ask what company he bought the litter for your pet. Buy the same one - and it will be easier to accustom your pet to the tray in a new place.

    Some breeders even advise taking a small amount of litter from the old litter box with you to mix with the new one. As a rule, this action helps to easily accustom the kitten to another place in 1 day.

    If you took your baby from the street, you may have to experiment a little. The most common option is wood filler. It perfectly absorbs moisture and unpleasant odors, moreover, it can be disposed of through the sewer. At the pet store you can choose fillers with sawdust of different sizes.

    Cat litter with silica gel is also popular. It is a little more expensive than wood, but it is more economical and absorbs odors better. Another advantage is that silica gel does not remain on the paws, which is why many pet owners choose it.

    Don't buy scented litters; the smell can be off-putting. Toilet training your baby will be much more difficult.

    Training secrets

    How to actually train a pet to use a litter tray? There are special nuances that will help cope with this not an easy task almost any animal lover.

    1. Take your pet to the litter box 15-20 minutes after he eats.
    2. Make sure your cat's litter box is always clean. Kittens are fairly clean creatures and may simply not want to go into a dirty litter box.
    3. In some cases, the only way to toilet train a kitten is to buy two litter boxes.
    4. If your pet eats litter, it is advisable to buy a special option for kittens. It is absolutely harmless to the stomach of a small animal.
    5. Try to carefully monitor the kitten's behavior. Is your baby acting restless, meowing, looking for a secluded corner, or starting to scratch the floor with its paws? Quickly take your pet to the litter box and wait for him to do his business. Try to repeat this every time until the animal understands where its toilet is.
    6. How to train a kitten if you are at work all day? Veterinarians advise buying a product for toilet training cats at a pet store. This is a special spray that is sprayed into the filler. The procedure is carried out until it is possible to teach the baby to systematically go to his toilet.
    7. To wean a kitten from shitting, it is necessary to treat the surfaces marked with it with products with a smell that repels the animal. Orange peels, citrus essential oils or vinegar will do. You can also purchase a special product at a pet store. Under no circumstances should you use cleaning products containing chlorine, as they will only increase the odor.

    If the animal went to the toilet past the tray, and quite a lot of time has passed, then there is no point in scolding, much less hitting, the baby. The kitten will never understand why he was punished. The same goes for rewards for doing the right thing. You can scold or praise directly after the process itself.

    However, no veterinarian encourages the use of force or yelling in educational measures. Your tone should be stern and serious, and your voice loud, but not loud. At the end of the “conversation”, you can lightly click the baby on the nose, so that the pet feels offended, but not hurt. Believe me, animals are smarter than we think! You just need to train and educate them correctly.

    We told you about how to train a kitten to use the litter box. Try to use all our tips, and you will no longer have to be upset because of the dirty tricks of your little pet.

    You can also watch some secrets of toilet training your pet in the video:

    Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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