Uninvited guest: how to get to "Scarlet Sails" if you are not a graduate. How to get to Scarlet Sails. Instructions. Is it possible to sell tickets for Scarlet Sails?

For most of those who want to attend the Scarlet Sails festival, the phrase “entry is strictly for graduates, by invitation” sounds like “it will be a little difficult, but you can get a ticket.”

One of the reasons why non-graduates are so eager to get there is the autonomy of the main summer holiday. The second reason is, of course, the grandeur of the water performance and the concert of favorite artists on Palace Square.

It should be noted that entry to ordinary spectators is closed only to Palace Square itself; no one is forbidden to listen to music and watch shows from the adjacent territories. But the Forbidden fruit sweet, but no one has canceled economic theory. So, Life offers eight ways to spend the night of June 25-26 among a crowd of graduates.

1. View from the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island

The simplest and, importantly, affordable way- enjoy the water performance from the spit of Vasilyevsky Island (or from the nearest embankments). Perhaps girls should give up high-heeled shoes, because best places will go to those who arrive early. And your loved one won’t give you a ride - some sections of roads and bridges in the city center will be blocked during the holiday.

2. Climb onto the roofs of neighboring houses

By default, this method is available to residents of houses adjacent to Palace Square. If you are not one of them, there is nothing left to do but turn to roofers (roof climbers) who will help guide you there as a friend or as part of an excursion group.

The cost of tickets for such “excursions” on the eve of “Scarlet Sails” starts on average from 1.5 thousand rubles per person. It is worth noting that this method is far from safe: as in previous years, the police promise to check all the roofs and attics of the Central and Petrogradsky districts of St. Petersburg and prevent people from watching the fireworks from there. Otherwise, those walking on the roofs will disturb the peaceful sleep of the residents of the upper floors.

3. Buy a boat excursion

Perhaps the most popular method among tourists, despite its high cost. Walking on ships at night under open bridges is incredibly romantic, and on the Scarlet Sails holiday, when the waters of the Neva are illuminated by fireworks and a stunning light and pyrotechnic show begins around, it’s simply “space”.

The price range varies - it all depends on the class of the vessel and the program on board. On average from 2.5 thousand rubles per person. Tickets for boat trips sell out quickly, so it's worth worrying about this in advance. The same goes for binoculars, since not a single ship will be able to get close to the brigantine.

4. Buy an invitation card

One of the most common and unsafe methods. Graduates’ plans for this night often do not coincide with the holiday program, so young people with a light hand and with a pure heart they put their tickets up for sale. According to offers on Avito, you can get the coveted ticket in exchange for 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

Unfortunately, on the website you will not find information about the integrity of the seller, which means that when buying such a ticket, you can easily encounter scammers. Please note that 2016 tickets, in addition to other levels of security, are equipped with special perforation.

5. Rent an apartment nearby

If you are smart and save a little, you can ensure yourself quite comfortable leisure time and a chic look. Apartments with a view of the epicenter of events will cost an average of 4.5 thousand rubles per day.

6. Sign up to volunteer

The work of volunteers at “Scarlet Sails” cannot even be called work. The functions of young people include:

a) act as concert spectators in the fan zone on Palace Square; b) be a spectator on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island; c) check tickets before the concert (after checking the tickets, these volunteers will be able to choose one of the two venues indicated above); d) participate in a mise-en-scène with a famous musician on the embankment during a television broadcast.

There are also disadvantages: there is an age limit for volunteers - from 16 to 25 years.
7. Enter from the “back door”

Regulars of the Scarlet Sails festival say that they have more than once made their way into the closed area through fences in the courtyards adjacent to the arch of the General Staff Building. Unsafe, but exciting.

8. Cry in front of security

Nobody canceled the human factor. If an 11-year-old girl managed to fly from Moscow to St. Petersburg, then it would not be difficult for a motivated and prepared person to convince the security that he was already there, just going out to make a call.

In St. Petersburg, everything is ready for the famous holiday of school leavers “Scarlet Sails”, which in 2018 will perfectly complement the FIFA World Cup, matches of which are also hosted by the Northern capital. Let us remember that two years ago the Scarlet Sails festival became a finalist in five categories of the European Best Event Awards.

On June 23, a grand celebration will take place, which every Russian graduate dreams of attending. Literally thousands of people gather in St. Petersburg on the Neva every year to enjoy an unforgettable spectacle and a truly fabulous holiday atmosphere.

Celebration of graduates "Scarlet Sails" in its beauty and entertainment it has no analogues in Russia and in the world. The most impressive part of the holiday is the light and pyrotechnic show in the waters of the Neva.
The scenery in this performance is the palaces and bridges of St. Petersburg, and main character- a brigantine with scarlet sails. A sailboat passes along the Neva to the accompaniment of classical music, accompanied by a grandiose fireworks display, symbolizing the hope that the graduates' wishes will come true.

Holiday "Scarlet Sails" received the European Best Event Awards as the best city event in Europe.

Last year, for example, such a large-scale graduation on the Neva was attended by, according to some sources, two million people. This year “Scarlet Sails” has an anniversary - the festival opens its doors for the fiftieth time. Of course, a special show program is being prepared, which in any case will include a concert with performances by your favorite stars, and a pyrotechnic show, the likes of which still need to be found.

This time the concert on Palace Square will include performances by three hundred and fifty artists! There will be singers, dancers, and acrobats. A symphony orchestra will also perform in front of an audience of thousands. Not only every graduate dreams of attending such an enchanting event, but also any person who is attracted by the fabulous atmosphere of the Scarlet Sails holiday. We will tell you in more detail how this can be done at the end of the article.

Program of the holiday “Scarlet Sails” June 23, 2018

At exactly ten o'clock in the evening the introductory part of the program starts on Palace Square. In twenty minutes the concert begins there, which will last more than two hours. Guest stars will perform for all guests of the event. The water and pyrotechnic program will begin after midnight: at 00:40. In just ten minutes there will be a sailboat passing. The concert will continue after one in the morning, and the event itself will end only at four in the morning.

The water and pyrotechnic program will unfold before the eyes of spectators in a water amphitheater over an area of ​​three kilometers. Of course, against the backdrop of city buildings, palaces and temples, this spectacle will become even more attractive and large-scale. For some time, the Neva will turn into a springboard for a fabulous action that many people in the world want to see.

The show doesn't last very long - twenty-one minutes. However, during this time the St. Petersburg sky will be illuminated by fifty thousand salvos. We can say that the heavens will literally bloom with fiery flowers. To please our eyes, more than two hundred people work on the program. While there is a pyrotechnic show, an orchestra will play over the waters of the Neva. Every year different melodies are selected for “Scarlet Sails”.

At the end of the program, the “Secret” ship will appear - a ship with scarlet sails. It will pass along the river bank under musical accompaniment. The fireworks display will still continue at this time. For seven years now, the role of a fairy-tale ship has been played by the Swedish sailing ship “Three Crowns”.

Scarlet Sails 2018 program:
From 20:00 to 22:00
Gathering of graduates on Palace Square and spectators on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

At 22:00
Theatrical prologue on Palace Square.

At 22:20
Concerts begin on Palace Square and on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

From 00:40 to 01:00
Water-pyrotechnic show on the Neva, fireworks to classical music.
To carry out a pyrotechnic show lasting 21 minutes, 50 thousand volleys are fired. A team of 200 people has been preparing for this evening for a month and a half.

At 00:50
Passage of the Swedish sailing ship Tre Kronor of Stockholm with scarlet sails.

At 01:10
Continuation of concerts on Palace Square and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

At 04:00
End of the show.

Tickets for Scarlet Sails in 2018

Entry to the Scarlet Sails concert in 2018 is by invitation only for graduates and their immediate relatives, as well as for school teachers. Tickets are ordered by school management and will be issued from June 19 to June 22.

Everyone can be on the embankment and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island for free. The only chance for guests and residents of St. Petersburg to get to Palace Square is to purchase tickets there in person on the day of the holiday.

Invitations are also offered on various sales sites, and their cost ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

How transport will work on June 23, 2018, on the night of “Scarlet Sails - 2018”

For those who are going to the center of St. Petersburg on the night of June 23-24, it is better to leave their personal vehicles at home. But the metro will operate all night, as well as special buses duplicating metro lines. Buses will begin running on all routes after the bridges on the Neva, raised for the duration of the sailing ship's passage, are closed.

Access to the metro station on the night of June 23-24 will be carried out using tokens and all types of travel documents. Fare on night buses will be paid at a one-time rate of 40 rubles.

Have you seen these photos - fireworks with a sailboat in the background? We saw it too and decided to go there.

In about a month in the group Volunteers of St. Petersburg ( https://vk.com/volunteerspb) registration of volunteers for Scarlet Sails was opened. The only responsibility of the volunteer was to be present in the fan zone in front of the stage (graduates were not allowed there). I was signed up, but Zhenya was not signed up, so I had to look for an invitation.

Each graduate is given 2 unnamed invitations, a day or two before the event. Therefore, only fakes are sold in advance. I read in the Scarlet Sails group that it doesn’t make sense to buy 1000-2000 in advance, because on the day of the concert on the wall of this group last year tickets were sold for 100 rubles. I understood the logic of prices and we drove to St. Petersburg.

And here it is 18:00, June 20, 4 hours before the concert, the hostel and the administrator’s computer are in front of me. I went to the VKontakte group, but it was blocked for copyright infringement! In contact with! For copyright infringement! Figase! I go to Avito, the day before there were tickets for 300, but they were sold out in half an hour. Today there are advertisements for 350-2000. I call in ascending order: busy, busy, already agreed, there is 1 ticket, busy, busy, “I’ll find out right now.” Tickets are selling like hotcakes. The time is already 19:30. I managed to find 1 ticket for the metro end for sure and 2 tickets for the other end from some shady guys. We go into the metro and then the call rings - there are 2 tickets left for 450 on Nevsky. I run and buy. The only thing you can check when purchasing is whether the hologram is in place. We go, and then I notice that the ticket says “Collection until 21:00.” We're speeding up.

On Nevsky, right after the Moika, there are riot police and a crowd of people wanting to get in, they let you in with tickets, they ask you to throw out the water, they tear up your ticket. In line, the schoolchildren chatted pleasantly, made funny jokes, and what I remember most was the moment when one girl complained to her classmates that her electronic cigarette was broken once again, and the boy picked it up and said - well, you have condensation here, you wipe it off and that’s it will earn. There were a lot of out-of-towners, foreigners and adults in the queue, so don’t worry, no one will expose you.

In general, it was a very strange checkpoint, because after it there were still a bunch of cafes and restaurants with ordinary people, and the entrance to the palace was later, with three sides, through the frames (see diagram). Immediately after the riot police there was a burger joint where I took lunch for 200 and we entered the square. There were 2 long lines of well-mannered people standing here, Zhenya stood in one of them for about 5 minutes, the line did not move. I checked that there was just a crowd at the frames, took Zhenya and after 5 minutes we entered the viewing area. We tried to get closer to the Fan Zone, but got stuck just short of it.

The main feature of the event is the unorganized crowd around. Without stopping, one stream of people goes forward, and another comes back, they collide, they push you and it’s not clear what to do. We barely made it to standing people and started watching the concert. But nothing was visible. Only the top of the screen. Will you really have to leave? At that moment, the guy on the right, who was wearing a cast, punched another guy in the mug and a massive fight began, which sucked in those around him like a funnel. There were no police or controls in the area. But very quickly the fight subsided, the participants exchanged words at each other a little, then smiled and went their separate ways. We stood in the crowd a little longer and Zhenya said, let's go back.

We began to move back and it turned out that there is a slope in the square from the Winter Palace to the General Staff Building (see diagram) and the further you move, the better you can see. We moved away so that both Zhenya and I could see and began to watch the concert.

The first was Bilan. Zhenya said that nothing has changed, she watched Scarlet Sails on TV 10 years ago and Bilan was also there with the same songs. Then there were stupid interruptions about the war. A completely idiotic recitation of Vysotsky’s songs. Nyusha sang all 2 songs, there are only 24 of her, and the face of a 40-year-old tired woman. Uma Thurman sang quickly, quickly, I hate such hackwork, Nogu Svelo were very drunk and sang some stupid songs, some completely unknown, IOWA sang only one minibus, and I was still waiting for Mom, at least. But Moody sang beautifully both Romance, No Exit, and My Heart. I heard everything I wanted, it’s a pity that Orbit without sugar was not available.

The fireworks and the ship began in the middle of Spleen's concert, Zhenya ran behind the Hermitage and said that the entire embankment was full of people, you couldn't get close to the water, the ship was poorly visible and hard to see. "We'll have to come here again." This is essentially how the event is conceived: you first choose what you want to go to - a concert or a sailboat and, depending on this, at 20:00 you go to either Palace Square or Palace Embankment.

After Spleen and the fireworks, instead of Urgant and Shelest, some local presenters came out with a DJ, and it seemed that a disco was starting, but after the DJ some little-known and not incendiary groups came out and sang with their mouths.

Experts later said that on the eve of the event itself there is a rehearsal at which you can get a good look at the sailboat. This is probably what should be done - arrive a day in advance, and spend the holiday itself at the palace.

On the night of June 23-24, tens of thousands of people will watch with bated breath as a brig with scarlet sails, the main symbol of the graduates’ holiday, sails along the Neva. They will also be the main spectators - invitations are distributed to children in schools.

The stunningly beautiful show is known far beyond St. Petersburg. Last year it was recognized as the best city event in Europe. It is not surprising that by the end of June many tourists flock to the city in the hope of catching this spectacle.

There’s just one problem: you won’t be allowed into the “green zone” without tickets. They are not legally available for free sale - the position of the city administration is clear: strangers have nothing to do here. But he who seeks will always find. Komsomolskaya Pravda has collected all the possible options that will allow you to get tickets for Scarlet Sails 2017..

Help from a friend

Each graduate receives an invitation card for two persons. Whom to take with him is his own business, be it his mother, his grandmother, his neighbor, or even a tourist. If he pays, of course.

Become a volunteer

This year, children are being recruited in two directions: some will check tickets, others will simply have fun in the fan zone. Yes, being a spectator is also an important task. There is an age limit: from 16 to 25 years. And, of course, the number of places is limited; not everyone gets in.

Rent the room

Or an apartment with a view of Scarlet Sails. A night in the very center of events will cost about 4-5 thousand rubles. But the whole holiday is at your fingertips. The main thing is to make sure in advance that the view from the window suits you.

Find an open area

We warn you right away, it’s not the easiest thing. Firstly, you will only see a water and pyrotechnic show from it, there are no loopholes to just get to the concert on Dvortsovaya. Secondly, there will be many “quick-witted” people like you. Thirdly, the organizers keep access zones secret. And they promise to post it in the official holiday group vk.com/parusaspb_ru only the day before. For example, it is already known that the spit of Vasilievsky Island itself will be partially open to people and a screen will be installed there. You can go to the embankments, except for Dvortsovaya. Hit - a section of the Kronverkskaya embankment between the Trinity and the Peter and Paul Fortress, as well as the embankment near the Liteiny Bridge. You can also admire the spectacle from the Palace Bridge, Suvorovskaya Square and Petrovskaya Embankment.

Take a boat ride

Boat trips during Scarlet Sails are very popular. From the water you will be able to see a pyrotechnic show and, perhaps, the TreConor brigantine itself. The cost of the trip will depend, among other things, on how close your ship comes to the city center. Vessels can dock at Liteiny Bridge, between Liteiny and Troitsky, between Troitsky and Sampsonievsky, between Blagoveshchensky and Dvortsov. The cost of such a walk is from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

Have dinner at a restaurant

Here you pay not only for a panoramic view, but also for a menu, which is most often included in the ticket price. It can be cheaper, but without additional entertainment. You can have a premium one, also with a concert in a restaurant. Tables are already booked almost everywhere. At the Bering Hotel (Hotel St. Petersburg), the cost of dinner per person will be 2.5 thousand rubles, at the Scarlet Sails restaurant on Kronverkskaya Embankment 3 thousand, and so on. There are offers for any (but not thin) wallet.

Climb onto the roof

There are also options here: from “economy” to “premium”. For two thousand rubles you will climb, for example, to one of the roofs of the Petrograd side. Yes, you will see fireworks and a boat, but... somehow from afar. And for 6 thousand you will be taken to the roof right next to the embankment and the action will take place literally before your eyes.

We warn you right away - not all excursions on the roofs of St. Petersburg are legal. And by agreeing to them, you assume all risks. In addition, keep in mind that the organizers recently warned that those who try to watch the show from nearby poles, roofs and other high-rise structures will be immediately removed from there. And, although “tour guides” most often assure that everything is legal and they have all the agreements, be prepared for the fact that you may be “asked” from the rooftop.

Take a chance and buy

Those who sell holiday tickets online can be divided into two categories. The first are graduates who do not intend to go there themselves, but are not averse to earning extra money. The tickets are not personalized, so they don’t really risk anything. There are many offers on Avito and social networks. Moreover, often the advertisements are placed not by the teenagers themselves, but by their parents. The range of prices is great: someone decides that 950 rubles is enough for him, and someone is ready to part with them only for 5 thousand.


"Scarlet Sails": in adult life graduates were conducted by Ivan Urgant, “Bi-2” and the lit Rostral columns

“Cool!”, “Unforgettable,” - the graduates are still reliving the memories of the night of “Scarlet Sails”. It was mainly the city guests who admired it. Unlike sophisticated St. Petersburgers, they really had not seen such beauty. For the first time this year, schoolchildren from Crimea and Sevastopol received invitations. Twenty best graduates They arrived from a new region for Russia the day before the celebration. The children were taken to museums and shown the Peter and Paul Fortress.

I will enroll here,” they all said as one about their plans ().

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Scarlet Sails 2016: It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Shooting - Timur KHANOV Timur KHANOV, Anatoly ZAYONCHKOVSKY

On the night of June 23-24, tens of thousands of people will watch with bated breath as a brig with scarlet sails, the main symbol of the graduates’ holiday, sails along the Neva. They will also be the main spectators - invitations are distributed to children in schools.

The stunningly beautiful show is known far beyond St. Petersburg. Last year it was recognized as the best city event in Europe. It is not surprising that by the end of June many tourists flock to the city in the hope of catching this spectacle.

There’s just one problem: you won’t be allowed into the “green zone” without tickets. They are not legally available for free sale - the position of the city administration is clear: strangers have nothing to do here. But he who seeks will always find. Komsomolskaya Pravda has collected all the possible options that will allow you to get tickets for Scarlet Sails 2017..

Help from a friend

Each graduate receives an invitation card for two persons. Whom to take with him is his own business, be it his mother, his grandmother, his neighbor, or even a tourist. If he pays, of course.

Become a volunteer

This year, children are being recruited in two directions: some will check tickets, others will simply have fun in the fan zone. Yes, being a spectator is also an important task. There is an age limit: from 16 to 25 years. And, of course, the number of places is limited; not everyone gets in.

Rent the room

Or an apartment with a view of Scarlet Sails. A night in the very center of events will cost about 4-5 thousand rubles. But the whole holiday is at your fingertips. The main thing is to make sure in advance that the view from the window suits you.

Find an open area

We warn you right away, it’s not the easiest thing. Firstly, you will only see a water and pyrotechnic show from it, there are no loopholes to just get to the concert on Dvortsovaya. Secondly, there will be many “quick-witted” people like you. Thirdly, the organizers keep access zones secret. And they promise to post it in the official holiday group vk.com/parusaspb_ru only the day before. For example, it is already known that the spit of Vasilievsky Island itself will be partially open to people and a screen will be installed there. You can go to the embankments, except for Dvortsovaya. Hit - a section of the Kronverkskaya embankment between the Trinity and the Peter and Paul Fortress, as well as the embankment near the Liteiny Bridge. You can also admire the spectacle from the Palace Bridge, Suvorovskaya Square and Petrovskaya Embankment.

Take a boat ride

Boat trips during Scarlet Sails are very popular. From the water you will be able to see a pyrotechnic show and, perhaps, the TreConor brigantine itself. The cost of the trip will depend, among other things, on how close your ship comes to the city center. Vessels can dock at Liteiny Bridge, between Liteiny and Troitsky, between Troitsky and Sampsonievsky, between Blagoveshchensky and Dvortsov. The cost of such a walk is from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles.

Have dinner at a restaurant

Here you pay not only for a panoramic view, but also for a menu, which is most often included in the ticket price. It can be cheaper, but without additional entertainment. You can have a premium one, also with a concert in a restaurant. Tables are already booked almost everywhere. At the Bering Hotel (Hotel St. Petersburg), the cost of dinner per person will be 2.5 thousand rubles, at the Scarlet Sails restaurant on Kronverkskaya Embankment 3 thousand, and so on. There are offers for any (but not thin) wallet.

Climb onto the roof

There are also options here: from “economy” to “premium”. For two thousand rubles you will climb, for example, to one of the roofs of the Petrograd side. Yes, you will see fireworks and a boat, but... somehow from afar. And for 6 thousand you will be taken to the roof right next to the embankment and the action will take place literally before your eyes.

We warn you right away - not all excursions on the roofs of St. Petersburg are legal. And by agreeing to them, you assume all risks. In addition, keep in mind that the organizers recently warned that those who try to watch the show from nearby poles, roofs and other high-rise structures will be immediately removed from there. And, although “tour guides” most often assure that everything is legal and they have all the agreements, be prepared for the fact that you may be “asked” from the rooftop.

Take a chance and buy

Those who sell holiday tickets online can be divided into two categories. The first are graduates who do not intend to go there themselves, but are not averse to earning extra money. The tickets are not personalized, so they don’t really risk anything. There are many offers on Avito and social networks. Moreover, often the advertisements are placed not by the teenagers themselves, but by their parents. The range of prices is great: someone decides that 950 rubles is enough for him, and someone is ready to part with them only for 5 thousand.


“Scarlet Sails”: graduates were ushered into adulthood by Ivan Urgant, “Bi-2” and the lit Rostral Columns

“Cool!”, “Unforgettable,” - the graduates are still reliving the memories of the night of “Scarlet Sails”. It was mainly the city guests who admired it. Unlike sophisticated St. Petersburgers, they really had not seen such beauty. For the first time this year, schoolchildren from Crimea and Sevastopol received invitations. Twenty of the best graduates from a new region for Russia arrived the day before the celebration. The children were taken to museums and shown the Peter and Paul Fortress.

I will enroll here,” they all said as one about their plans ().

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Scarlet Sails 2016: It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Shooting - Timur KHANOV Timur KHANOV, Anatoly ZAYONCHKOVSKY