Recommendations for graduates when choosing a future profession. Let's choose a profession! Dedicated to graduates. It’s better to master one profession for life or regularly try yourself in new areas

Choosing a profession, type of occupation for earning income and self-realization is one of the most important issues in life, sooner or later facing every person.

In what area do we find ourselves, what can we do and what do we strive for? Will our occupation become just a way to make a living or a real calling? Is it possible to avoid mistakes when choosing your favorite activity?
Finding yourself is very difficult. Choosing a profession to your liking is a great success, because you have to do it at a young age, when we do not yet fully understand what our true calling is, what the specifics of each job are.

Catalog of professions with descriptions

Professions on

Catalog of professions with descriptions

Professions on the website of the Center for Testing and Development "Humanitarian Technologies"

Descriptions of professions include: requirements for professions, a list of universities (where to get a profession), industries related to the profession, required for admission to the Unified State Examination, codes of educational specialties, etc.

Professions on

List of professions in the Atlas of professions of higher and secondary vocational education. You can watch professions on video, learn more about the profession that interests you. It is possible to immediately find training programs, universities, colleges, technical schools, schools in which you can obtain your chosen profession.

Professions on

List of professions in Russia, where to get them. On this page you will find all professions in Russian universities with descriptions, salaries, all information and specialties in which they can be obtained.

Directory of professions Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

The Directory of Professions is a state information resource created to assist citizens and organizations in obtaining information about professions in demand on the labor market and promising ones.

Official directories and classifiers

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Working Sectors of the Economy of the Russian Federation
Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and employees

Don't rely entirely on a career counselor

No one can know you better than yourself. Experts only provide recommendations in choosing a profession, and also help to move forward during decision-making. Use these recommendations, but make your decision yourself, taking into account all factors.

Making a living doing what you love is possible

When deciding on your life’s work, it is better to choose an area that will be related to your hobbies

When choosing a profession, you should not rely on forecasts and reviews of “The best specialties”

A specialty that is in demand today will not necessarily be in high demand in the future. When choosing a profession, it is better to take into account only your own values, skills and interests.

Don't focus solely on high salaries

If you enjoy your work and are passionate about your business, this usually leads to high income. And, conversely, most likely you will not be able to achieve great success and income by engaging in activities that are completely uninteresting to you.

Remember that you do not necessarily choose a profession forever.

Few people immediately choose something they like for the rest of their lives. If you ever realize that your chosen profession is not suitable for you and the work does not bring you satisfaction, then you will always have the opportunity to change your occupation. For example, master a related profession or get an education in a completely different field.

Do not recklessly follow in the footsteps of your parents, relatives, and friends.

Don't forget that you have your own interests and aspirations. And if any of your relatives is successful in their profession and is passionate about their work, this does not mean that you will also be successful and happy in it.

Don't rush to choose

If you can’t make a choice at all, perhaps you should wait with training for a while and figure it out for yourself. During this time, you can work and try all possible activities without special education in various fields.

Constantly develop and move forward in the chosen direction

Choosing a profession is only the first step on the path to success. When you decide on your field of activity, don’t stop, move on. A career development plan is road map, guiding you from the moment you choose your specialty, to becoming a qualified worker in your chosen field, to achieving your long-term career goals.

Frequent mistakes when choosing a profession for school graduates

External attractiveness of the profession

Behind the external attractiveness of the profession, there may be hard work and the routine of daily affairs, which may not be interesting to you. Please also keep in mind that not everyone is cut out to become a star. Do not forget to soberly assess your abilities and capabilities. The fashion for professions is also passing; professions that are prestigious today may no longer be in demand tomorrow

Parental pressure

Do not make decisions about choosing a profession under the pressure of parental authority; the dreams of your parents are not your dreams. You need to listen to the opinions of your parents, but it is important to choose a profession yourself.

Frivolous approach

Many high school students have not decided on their desires by the time they graduate from school. Therefore, graduates are often ready to enter educational institutions, just for company or where their parents say. Some choose the educational institutions that are easiest to enroll in, while others don’t care at all - the main thing is that it is closer to home. If you are not ready to take your choice seriously future profession– then this is not the most best start successful life.

Teenagers tend to imitate their idols - musicians, athletes, actors, politicians, businessmen. When trying to imitate your ideal, it is easy to make a mistake and choose a specialty that does not correspond to your abilities.

Biased assessment of one's abilities

It is very difficult to objectively assess your abilities. but important. It is also important to know your physical characteristics and health status, because this may be important for some professions (for example: military, pilots, flight attendants, etc.)

Useful advice for parents from psychologists when choosing a profession for their children

Don’t put your children before a choice: what they love or how to earn money.
No matter what a teenager is interested in, no matter how senseless and stupid his hobbies may seem to you, you can make money from each of them.

Listen to your child.
Often children themselves do not know that they have already decided on their future specialty. Yes, they can draw everything. free time, improve your skills, study literature and attend drawing classes, without even thinking that this could become a real profession that can generate income.

Put yourself in the shoes of a teenager.
Never forget what you have become an independent person only because we learned from our own mistakes. Support his endeavors and console him during failures.

Allow your child to argue that his choice is balanced and reasonable. Such a discussion will allow you to see how soberly he assesses his prospects and whether he is ready to work.


What to become: how can a student choose a profession?

Headhunter Alena Vladimirskaya tells how to choose a profession from several hobbies, in which areas you can work remotely, and how to gain work experience abroad.

Course “Career Guidance for Teenagers” from “Anti-Slavery”.

Career guidance program for teenagers in three stages
01Complete diagnostics
02Long-term career planning
03Drawing up a career map

How to choose a profession? 3 simple tips

About choosing a profession and specialty on the Ozgud Fielding lll video channel

How to decide on a profession?

Tips on choosing a profession for teenagers on the channel of blogger Yulia Nikolskaya

Who to become? Where should I go to study??

About choosing a profession on the channel of blogger Anastacia Kay

Economy. Who to become? Which profession should I choose?

About choosing a profession in the economic sphere on the Oxford Harvard video channel

Who to be? 6 stereotypes about choosing a profession. Teenager and future profession

How to help your child choose a profession on the video channel "Family is... Tips for Parents"
Psychologist Marina Romanenko tells what you, as parents, can do to help your child find his calling and what stereotypes about choosing a profession should be abandoned.

Free higher education in Russia is given only once. Entrusting the choice of profession to schoolchildren, when many graduates are not even 18 years old, is a dangerous decision. According to Rosstat, only about 40% of the population works in our specialty. The numbers not only hint, they shout that more than half of graduates wasted several years on unnecessary studies.

A normal desire of parents is to help their child with a choice. The only question is how to do it.

1. Nurture independence in your child

Unfortunately, it’s too late to do this a year or two before graduation; you should have raised an independent child from birth, but it’s better to start at least someday. The main rule in career guidance is simple:

The child must choose a profession himself.

Only the person himself knows what he needs. And this is the only way the child will not blame his parents if something goes wrong, or think that he missed his chance.

I wanted to study acting. But dad said that all the actors stay in the regional theater, earn little and become drunkards. An engineer is another matter. I was obedient and entered the radio department. It was fun at the polytechnic, I took part in the student spring for 6 years, but I have zero knowledge in my head, as well as the desire to work as an engineer, even though I have a master’s degree. Because of this, all my life I have been haunted by a feeling of unfulfillment and thoughts that everything could have turned out somehow differently. Although I understand that dad is right and the work of actors is bestial. I don’t blame my parents, I blame myself for not doing what I dreamed of.

Maria, editor

2. Understand what professions are in demand

Only they are actually in demand, and not “prestigious”. To understand this, you don’t need to read the selections and ratings. You need to open the websites of employment centers and websites that help you find a job, and look carefully at the vacancies.

Grandfather advised me to choose something related to foreign languages, because it is in demand. I tried it, got carried away, so it was easy to follow his advice. The demand faded into the background because it became interesting. Now I’m in my favorite job in the IT field. Grandpa won't give you bad advice!

Angelina, translator

Viewing vacancies helps assess the popularity of the profession, possible salary and requirements for applicants. It may turn out that a higher education degree alone is not enough for your dream job: you also need to attend some courses at the same time.

3. Show the profession from the inside

Adults have a large circle of acquaintances with a variety of specialties. Ask your friends to tell your child what and how they do at work. It is important to hear about the most common everyday activities. For example, about how you have to write letters, how to work with drawings in real conditions, how you have to arrive promptly at eight in the morning, how to fill out reports and drink tea with accounting.

Many businesses hold open days. At such events, you need to ask the right questions: not about high performance and a great goal, but about routine, the organization of work places.

We have a vague idea about many professions. It is better to get to know the work better than to spend several years and face a conflict between expectations and reality.

It is also important that health must correspond to working conditions. You can understand whether a child can handle it or not only in combat conditions, or at least during frank conversation with a representative of the profession.

4. Find study options in other cities and countries

Often we don’t even know where we can work and who we can work with; we have no idea what specialties are available at universities even in neighboring cities, not to mention universities on the other side of the country. And completely in vain.

When the time came to choose who to be, I was only 15 years old. In my city it was impossible to study in the specialty I dreamed of, and the school had a different profile. To enroll, you had to transfer to another school, study according to a special program, travel several hundred kilometers to another city and submit documents. I couldn’t pull it off, and my parents weren’t puzzled; in the end, I chose a profession from those that were available nearby. I'm almost 30, I still regret it.

Nastya, copywriter

Of course, this is not a joyride in the park; supporting a student from a distance is more difficult. But it's worth it if we're talking about a profession for life.

5. Forget about career tests

Especially about those that are scattered on the Internet. They are based on trivial questions and do not take into account the huge number of professions. Choosing the future based on average testing is hopeless when you don’t know what to do.

6. Don’t confuse your favorite lesson at school and your profession.

Standard logic: if you're good at mathematics, go study to become a computer scientist; if you're good at literature, go become a philologist; if you don't like anything, then go for a manager's degree; there's an Unified State Examination in social studies.

This knowledge needs to be tailored to the goal, and not choose a job based on knowledge.

You need to choose a profession that will help your child earn money, and not a favorite subject. Maybe the child likes the teacher, the comfortable office and the beautiful visual materials, but nothing like that will happen in the profession.

7. Don’t force yourself to go to university

If the child has not yet decided who to be, give him time and the opportunity to think about who to become. Nothing (except the boys’ fear of the army) prevents them from working for a couple of years after school, getting acquainted with real life, devoting time to educational courses and finding themselves. If you can't imagine not studying after school, try college. There the exams are simpler, the cost of training is lower, and you will get a ready-made profession faster.

My mother forced me to go to a technical college (at the age of 15 I did not have the right to vote), which I was not very happy about, so I tried with all my might to get me expelled. It didn't work out. After college, I myself already chose a university and a specialty. Now I don't regret it. After college, I was sent to practice at AvtoVAZ. At the age of 18, I already had a normal position and salary.

Maria, manager

A craze does not lead to anything good. Often a diploma is just a piece of paper with not an ounce of knowledge and skills behind it. But there are several years lost and hundreds of thousands spent.

8. Don't force you to finish your studies.

In the period from 18 to 23 years old, a person grows up sharply; this is the age of formation. Sometimes the eyes open and the student realizes that he is not doing his own thing: he finds a more interesting specialty, and realizes what his goal is. As a rule, this is a more conscious choice than the decision of yesterday’s schoolchild; such a turn will bring more benefits than the dull receipt of a diploma, because “once you start, finish.”

After ninth grade class teacher advised my mother to send me to technical school. My parents didn’t really choose, but sent me to construction, because all my mother’s colleagues were graduating from it. I was told that the main thing is to get a diploma. I obediently agreed. I suffered for four years. Afterwards, I independently decided to pursue higher education in a different specialty. My parents agreed, although they said: “Was it really a waste of four years of schooling?”

Anton, designer

An education diploma and several years of study are not a contract for life. Everything can be changed at any moment. Don't forget to tell this to a child who isn't sure what he or she has chosen.

Checklist for a caring parent

Briefly about what to do to help your child:

  • Do not insist on your choice and let the child decide for himself what to do.
  • Tell us what professions are needed now.
  • Offer those professions that will interest the child, and not those that will be suggested by a test or grade in a magazine.
  • Give as much information as possible about different professions.
  • Show non-obvious solutions: specialties that have not been heard of in your field.
  • Don’t force yourself to study for the sake of a diploma: it’s better to spend a couple of years on self-determination, and then find the ideal profession.

Did your parents help you with your choice?

Probably every high school student sooner or later has a question: what specialty to choose? The future life of a graduate often depends on the correct answer, so it is better not to rush into it.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

How to decide on a specialty?

Recently, the choice of specialty has been considered a very important aspect in building the future. Unfortunately, most graduates trust their parents’ choice; it’s much easier this way. But they do not take into account one thing - starting all over again is always very difficult and there is a large percentage of people who did not love their profession, but were never able to reorient themselves. As a result, we get two extremes - an unloved but stable job or complete asociality.

Another common mistake graduates make is choosing a future position rather than a specialty, since the second concept is much broader and more multifaceted.

Before asking the question of how to decide on a specialty, you need to understand what you want to get in return, that is, your motives. In fact, there are not so many of them - financial success, career, fame and childhood dreams. The only problem is that only graduates of the last category really know what they want.

So, how do you know which profession is right for you? Let's try to look at the most popular methods.

Main criteria for choosing a specialty

The most popular way to choose a particular specialty has recently become orientation based on the Unified State Examination, or rather on the subjects that you have successfully passed. If your mathematics is “at the level”, then it is quite possible to think about physics and technical specialties. If your successes are more significant in linguistics, history or literature, then you should think about conquering the humanities department. Everything seems logical, but it’s not so simple. Many people rush between these two directions until the very end, because not everyone has a 100% affinity for or foreign languages.

To help modern applicants, hundreds of different career guidance tests have been created that can indicate in which direction they should move. What are these applications? This is a list of questions compiled by leading psychologists that can determine your needs, temperament type, habits and inclinations.

After you answer the last question, a special program will process the information received and give an impartial answer about your professional inclinations.

First of all, when choosing a specialty, focus on your own interests and gravitate towards what you like most.

When choosing a specialty, do not settle on just one option. To begin, select three to five professions that are closest to you and try to learn as much as possible about their specifics. For example, if you have a noble dream of becoming a doctor, then you should take into account that any medical specialty requires strong nerves, a minimum level of disgust and a desire to spend your whole life doing intensive work for little money. It’s very good if you are a representative of a medical dynasty and understand perfectly well what you will have to face, but this is rather an exception to the rule. According to statistics, about 10% of first-year medical students drop out of their studies due to blood intolerance and other phobias. Therefore, before applying to a particular institute, try to talk with a representative of this profession about all its pros and cons. It is he who will help you fully decide and will do this no worse than choosing by exams or by CT subjects.

Previously, there was a distinction between specialties based on gender. That is, there were professions that were ideal for a girl and were considered completely unsuitable for a guy. But in modern life Such restrictions apply only to some specialties. Unfortunately, a woman cannot be a firefighter, miner, or welder, because such work involves special risks to health and life.

Also, when choosing a specialty, you should pay attention to the fact that most humanitarian areas are available only after 11th grade. But after 9th grade, most specializations have a technical direction.

Which faculty should I choose?

The first thing modern applicants do is choose a university, which, of course, is wrong. Yes, studying at Moscow State University is prestigious, but do you have enough knowledge, money and perseverance to study all the nuances of your future profession there? Or is it still worth enrolling for a bachelor's degree at a less prestigious university and only then completing a master's degree at Moscow State University? There is one significant advantage in making your study plans this way - you will be able to accurately decide on your specialty and your readiness to learn the basics of your future profession at this particular educational institution.

The main thing to remember here is that by choosing, for example, a faculty at the MBAA, you are actually connecting your life with the army - are you 100% ready for this? Ask yourself these questions constantly.

By the way, to work in a bank, it is not at all necessary to study at the State University of Management. To do this, it will be enough to simply enroll in the economics department of any university. But how prestigious a position you can get in the end depends entirely on your success during training, your diligence and perseverance.

Choosing a university

Where to study is enough important question, but far from the main one. Even studying at an Ivy League school does not guarantee success in the professional field. As mentioned earlier, your personal qualities and a desire to learn. At correct placement priorities, studying at any faculty at KUBSU can be no less promising than at the Institute named after. Mechnikov (Northwestern State Medical University).

Every year, statistical agencies throughout Russia collect data on the competitiveness of their graduates. This list perfectly illustrates that graduates of the Yaroslavl Ushinsky Institute can sometimes be more successful than their Moscow colleagues from MPGU. Therefore, you should choose a specialty to your liking, and which institute to enroll in is the tenth thing. After all, having made a mistake in choosing a profession, you can only guess at what course you will get tired of playing with studies, and when you will go on a free voyage with an unfinished higher education behind you.

If the prestige of an educational institution is very important to you, then we present to your attention a short selection of the best universities in the most popular specializations. For example, it is best to obtain a programmer's diploma at MSTU. Bauman, it is his graduates who have the greatest success with employers. If you are aiming to study to become a doctor, then it is most prestigious to receive a medical education at NIMU named after. Pirogov. PMSMU is no less popular in medicine - it is the flagship of education in Moscow. It trains excellent specialists not only for Russia, but also for foreign practices; many disciplines are taught here in English.

Among universities with advanced studies foreign languages For decades now, Moscow State University has been considered a bright star - a forge of diplomatic personnel since the times of the Soviet Union.

But technical specialties are best studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. There you can also get a very high level of economic education. This university is an excellent start for future economists and bankers. Here you can also study computer specialties - IT specialists are trained exclusively using advanced technologies.

If you decide to devote your life to defending your Motherland, do not rush to join the army. The Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy is an excellent opportunity not only to receive a higher military education, but also lieutenant shoulder straps.

The Moscow Aviation Institute is a Mecca for those who are sick of the sky. And even if your physical condition does not allow you to fly, the profession of an air traffic controller or aircraft engineer is also valuable. However, you can always replay the combination and, having improved your health, still get the long-awaited pilot's crust.

The best university in the field of service and hotel services is considered to be MSUGU named after. Razumovsky.

Whatever you choose, in any case remember that choosing a specialty is a very important step that must be done consciously.

“When you grow up, what do you want to be?” - this question is asked by parents to their children from generation to generation. It’s good if a child has been interested in medicine or construction toys since childhood. But it often happens that after 10 years of study he still cannot decide on a profession. What to do in such a situation?

This profession is...

Profession is a type of human activity that requires certain knowledge, skills and training. A profession determines the nature of a person’s work, and a specialty determines the type of activity within one profession. For example, a doctor is a profession, and a therapist is a specialty. The position - the name of the position in the documents - depends on the level of training (qualification).

A lot depends on the choice of profession. Job satisfaction, income level, health, well-being. A person who does something he doesn’t like sooner or later begins to complain that “the work is boring, it has become uninteresting” or “the soul is not in it.”

To avoid getting into such a situation, you should choose an activity that you enjoy and that will bring you satisfaction.

A person must consciously answer the following questions:

  • What do I want to do?
  • What can I do?
  • Do you have enough strength to engage in your chosen activity for a long time?

Choosing a profession for life, where to start your search

American consultant Dale Carnegie once wrote: “The only way to become a wealthy person is to do what is interesting.” Therefore, the first thing you should do is understand your interests.

When a person is passionate, he:

  • does not work through force;
  • learns quickly;
  • shows good results;
  • shows creativity;
  • enjoys it.

Interesting work develops a person’s abilities and talents. It’s like delicious “food” for the brain, which fully satisfies the need for self-development and self-realization. Career growth is a pleasant bonus of the right direction of movement. Even the most interesting work sooner or later it stops satiating. This situation usually occurs once every 5-7 years. Psychologists recommend changing your place of work or type of activity at such moments.

Each position has a list of requirements for a specialist. It's called a professiogram. This is a psychological portrait of a position, which includes a list of abilities and qualities necessary for successful work. Without them, it will be difficult to succeed in your chosen activity. For example, to become a musician, it is important to have an ear for music, to clearly distinguish notes and their frequencies. Otherwise, you won't be able to become a professional musician.

Any ability is the result of the interaction of inclinations and environment. If you can’t fix your genes, you can develop certain skills.

The final stage in choosing a profession is determining the degree of development of skills. You can’t do this without the help of psychologists. Knowledge of “strengths” and “weaknesses” increases the awareness of choice and allows you to predict your future career.

It is necessary to monitor the situation on the labor market in order to understand what professions are in demand and what field of activity to choose if market requirements change.

First of all, get a higher education. Secondary education is a good help, but it does not give real confidence in career growth. This is evidenced by statistics: the annual income of a specialist with education increases by one and a half times. Over your entire career, earnings can increase by 75%.

According to the Ministry of Labor, every second master's degree student who could not find a job graduated from the Faculty of Economics or Law. The number of budget places in universities in these areas is decreasing. But this does not mean that the country no longer needs economists and lawyers. Finding an intelligent economist for a manufacturing enterprise is a big problem.

These statistics are a relic of the 90s. With the development of computerization and the emergence of private business, everyone sought to obtain technical and financial education. Today, when financial schemes are built, companies of various profiles appear. Industrial society needs humanists to communicate with people and offer them opportunities for harmonious development.

To remain a highly paid specialist, it is important to obtain a good education, acquire and develop professional skills.

How to decide on a profession if you like more than one field or specialty

Break the “narrow boundaries”. If making an important decision comes down to a “yes or no” answer, then it is necessary to seek a compromise. If a person refuses to buy a car on credit, this does not mean that he will be forced to ride the subway all his life. Sometimes it's better to buy a cheaper car or find a job close to home. The choice of vocation should not be limited to just one profession. First you should master one (the most interesting at the moment), and then study the next one.

Expand your choice. Let's say you approached the choice of specialty consciously, and in the 5th grade you decided on a university. But by the time I graduated from school, the university had become less prestigious, and new educational institutions appeared. What to do in this case? Do not be tied to one place of work, analyze training programs in several institutions. Disappearance method. Imagine that the university you were planning to attend was closed. What will you do in this case? Have you decided? Take action!

How to choose a profession you like

To find something you like, follow these three steps:

1) List everything you like to do, to which you are willing to happily devote a lot of time every day. It is important to sincerely answer the question posed and list all types of activities: communication, searching for information, playing the guitar, etc. The activity should be liked not only in words, but also in deeds, cause pleasure, and lift your spirits.

2) Study yourself as objectively as possible, but without self-criticism. Think about which job that you like can you apply for right now? In what area of ​​activity are you praised? Evaluate the work from a geographic perspective as well. Are you ready to wake up early to get to the office?

3) The most important stage- determine what kind of person you are. All abilities and skills must be presented beautifully. The characteristic “best accountant” will interest few people, because everything is learned by comparison. But the “eternally cheerful dispatcher” will find a job faster.

Free test to choose the right future profession

To pass the next professional test, you will need a pencil and a sheet of paper. For each item you need to select one answer option.
1.How do you spend your leisure time?

a) Chat with friends.

b) Read magazines, newspapers, news, watch news programs.

c) Go shopping, compare prices.

d) Repair, design something, install computer programs.

d) Attend cultural events.
2. What is the most important thing for you in your work?

a) Close-knit team.

b) The opportunity to learn, learn something new.

c) Stable income, career growth.

d) The ability to improve something.

d) Creativity.
3. What is the most important thing in life for you?

a) Relationships.

b) Cognition.

c) Financial stability.

d) Modernization.

d) The ability to create.
4. What is the most important thing for you in a person?

a) Kindness and compassion.

c) Honesty.

d) Hard work.

e) Having imagination.
5. What would you do for free?

a) Worked with people.

b) Learned something new.

c) Nothing.

d) Invented something new.

d) They did it!

Now all you have to do is select the most common answer options

A- Working with people is important to you. This could be education, medicine, or even law and order.

B- Information is important to you. You need to choose professions related to science, the study of languages, diagrams, formulas, etc.

IN- Your field is finance. You manage money well.

G- You need to choose an activity related to technology: architect, designer, programmer, engineer, and so on.

D- You are a creative person. You can draw, sing, act in films - the choice is yours.

I can’t decide on a career choice, what to do

In European countries, great attention is paid to the development of children. Pupils at school themselves choose subjects that interest them and develop their strengths. And what parents cannot explain is explained in detail by professional coaches. They conduct training and tests with the child to determine which areas of activity are best for him to focus on.

The Russian education system is structured differently. Often young people do not know what they want to do in the future by the time they graduate from school. IN best case scenario follow in the footsteps of their parents. It’s good if the chosen direction matches their own interests. In practice this is not always the case.

  • Commit to change. Changes in the labor market stimulate the emergence of related and new specialties. Mastering them will make you a valuable and sought-after specialist.
  • The work should first of all be interesting, and then prestigious. Otherwise, there is a chance to get a “fashionable” but not enjoyable specialty.
  • The actor's hard work is hidden behind the lightness of the screen image. This applies to all specialties. You can only learn all the features of the work first-hand.
  • Work that does not correspond to the level of physical development can cause damage to the body.
  • Every person has the right to make mistakes.

The most common mistakes that should not be made

A profession is chosen once and for life. In any field there is a change of positions with increasing qualifications. Specialists who want to develop in their chosen field will have to master related specialties. The first profession can come in handy in the most unexpected situations. For example, for a lawyer, previous education as an art historian will help him understand antique values.

Choosing a specialty under the influence of someone is good if the desire to continue the family business is a sincere impulse of a person. When focusing on relatives or peers, you need to understand that all people are different. If Vasya goes to serve in the fire academy because he likes to take risks, then this profession may not suit you, a reasonable person.

Transferring the attitude towards the specialist to the work itself. When choosing a profession, you should take into account the characteristics of the type of activity. Just because you like a warm math teacher doesn't mean you like the subject itself.

Enthusiasm outside professions. Actors not only pose for cameras and sign autographs. They create a stage image for a long time. Journalists also do not always appear on television. First, they process a lot of information in the archive and communicate with people to prepare a 10-minute video, which will then be voiced by another announcer.

Reluctance to understand personal qualities and physical characteristics. Identify strengths and weaknesses Not only psychologists will help, but also friends and relatives. But even having skills is not a guarantee of mastering a profession if a person has direct contraindications. For example, people with a weak heart are not accepted as pilots.

It’s better to master one profession for life or regularly try yourself in new areas

People with more experience find it easier to find a job. We are talking about mastering not one specialty, but several. Why waste energy and time on something that may not be useful in life?

  • Firstly, no one knows what will happen in the future.
  • Secondly, a situation may arise in life when professional skills are not required. Then you will have a backup option.
  • Thirdly, if you want to become an entrepreneur, you will need the skills of all related professions: from an accountant to a clerk.
  • Therefore, the more work experience you have, the better. A person who has mastered several types of activities is more competitive in the labor market.

Advice from a psychologist on choosing a profession

Choosing your profession and your path in life is not an easy task; a mistake can be costly. A person who has chosen a business that is not his own, studies poorly and works without pleasure.
What can you advise to future applicants choosing a specialty?

Lyudmila Abramova, a practicing psychologist, helped us find answers to these questions.

It is very good if a graduate has long ago decided on a university and specialty and firmly follows the chosen goal. But, unfortunately, this ideal option is rare. Much more often, former schoolchildren do not know what they want to become, they enter an educational institution for the company or on the advice of their parents, or even better - on the principle of where they will be accepted with the points they have scored...

If this happened, and career guidance did not happen - there was no accompanying program at school, the tests did not help, then, it seems to me, it makes sense not to fly headlong after school to the next educational institution, but to wait a year or two.

For example, I know for sure that in America it is a common thing to look around for a couple of years after school - to become ripe for further education. Children get jobs after school simple work, work as volunteers, gain experience communicating in a team and receive recommendations from employers. Along the way, they read, study university offers, commit some actions, mistakes, and grow up. After some time, the thirst for knowledge comes. And then the person makes a conscious choice in favor of one specialty or another.

Julio Iglesias studied for a bachelor's degree on and off for almost 35 years! I left training and returned. He finally received the coveted diploma. However, such a long journey in education did not prevent him from becoming successful and gaining worldwide fame...

A graduate wants to enter a specialty that he likes. But for this you need to pass another, rather difficult exam. And with those subjects that have already been passed, he will be guaranteed to be admitted, although not into such a desirable specialty. What to give preference to?

If a person has firmly decided to go where he dreams, then whether or not to pass the subject - such a question simply will not arise before him. He will do everything to learn and pass. But if there are doubts about successfully passing the exam, then you can take a more realistic route, choosing, so to speak, the bird in your hands...

There's probably nothing to recommend here. So I will say - believe in your dream, follow it no matter what! But if your capabilities, your spirit, your will today are not ready to overcome certain difficulties, then you will not draw anything worthwhile from my advice.

In general, choosing a profession does not happen once and for all; life is mobile. Perhaps you will then have to master a related specialty or you will find a job at the intersection of the one you have and the one you dreamed of. Any choice you make now may or may not be successful, but only with the passage of time will you understand what exactly you needed and what was not useful at all.
What if you want to go here and there and to 2-3 other places at once? What will help you make the right choice?

The easiest way to decide is to hear yourself. But this is also the most difficult way. In a stream of external voices (relatives, friends, all kinds of media), it is very difficult to concentrate and hear your “I”. Try to set aside a special time for this once a day, sit alone, in silence. Go through the options in your mind, ask yourself a question and try to hear the answer within yourself.

As a rule, after 5-10 minutes of sitting like this, you will want to get up, jump out into the street, go about your business... But it is useless to advise anything to a person who does not know how to find time to hear himself. He will listen to the voice that will “shout” louder at that moment.

Parents insist on a certain profession, make every effort to facilitate admission to the chosen university... Should you trust your parents’ instincts or should you still go your own way? What if there is a mistake?

Responsibility for one's destiny is developed precisely at the age of 17-18 years. Although at this time there is still a “weakness” - dependence on parents (territorial, financial, psychological). Many are afraid to take responsibility for their destiny and are often forced to follow parental orders.

And parents, without realizing it themselves, often “capture” the fate and will of their children into their hands. They proceed from their own experience; it seems to them that they know exactly how to live. But the world of a parent, even one who has lived long life, this is the world of ONE person. Behind it you may not see the entire vast universe, you may not see all its possibilities!

Still, I am convinced that you need, no matter how difficult it is, to choose your own path. And don’t think that by doing this you are betraying your parents. Thank them for their concern and explain that you, like them, have the right to make mistakes and search. When should you search for yourself if not in your youth?

At all good parent should always be there as a supportive person, but not interfering in the affairs and fate of the child. I’ll make a reservation - this is very difficult, but this is the perfection of a parent - respecting the choice of their children.
What can you say about career guidance testing, how much do they help?

I have conducted a huge number of tests and I want to say that even the most serious of them can be wrong. After all, a person answers questions while being in a certain state at that moment. If the state changes, the answers will also change.

You can, of course, say, determine the direction of your activity - whether you prefer communicating with people or whether you have a penchant for working with technology or numbers, or maybe organizing something. But nothing can replace working on yourself, independent awareness of your individuality.

Give yourself a test. Do you really want to become a doctor? I would advise you to first visit any medical institution, sit in line, talk with patients, doctors, and nurses. You will see that in addition to the actual treatment of ailments and pain relief, there is also a huge amount of paperwork that needs to be filled out, and there are home visits. There are subtleties and nuances of the profession that you may not even be aware of. And if after all this your decision to become a doctor does not change, then the path has been chosen correctly.
If in your 2nd or 3rd year you suddenly decided to change your profession?

In my practice, I often encounter such a crisis in the middle of training. Young people usually make decisions abruptly; if I don’t like it, I’ll leave. But first you need to decide not where to leave, but where to go. And while there is no clear solution to the second question, it is better not to take any action. With a strong-willed decision, force myself to continue doing what I was doing - studying. When everything is clearly understood and lined up in a logical chain, you can change your university or specialty. You can just take a time out, look around and make a decision. Such periods of reflection and inner concentration are necessary for every person.

It happens that a decision has been made and you really need to leave. Here you will have to go through the entire crisis of care, and first of all, the misunderstanding of the parents. What comes to the fore, of course, is the effort spent on admission, money, and nerves. But think about it, after all, you still gained some knowledge, some experience - isn’t it worth some effort and money? We can say that you paid to understand that you DON'T NEED.

Edison, inventing the alkaline battery, conducted several hundred thousand experiments. Most of them ended in failure. But even in the unsuccessful outcome of the experiment, Edison saw only an approach to the goal by the method of eliminating unsuitable solutions.

If the choice is obvious to you, then it is better to make a change in your destiny earlier than to regret the step you did not take for the rest of your life.

5 “Don’ts” in conclusion:

1. DO NOT be afraid of change!

Every year the number of new professions is increasing. The labor market is changing very quickly. Be prepared to learn throughout your life - improve your skills, master related specialties. Mastering a completely new specialty along with your existing one will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields. Any profession you acquire can be useful in unforeseen life circumstances.

2. DO NOT think only about the prestige of the profession.

The prestige of the profession should be taken into account, but only after understanding your individuality, interests and abilities. Otherwise, there is a chance to remain with a “fashionable” but not enjoyable specialty.

3. DO NOT look only at the external manifestation of the profession.

Behind the lightness of the stage and cinematic image, the daily, sometimes quite hard and monotonous work of the actor is not visible. Find out all the details about the chosen job, preferably first-hand, before rushing to storm the educational institution with burning eyes.

4. DO NOT choose professions that can worsen your health.

Young people tend to overestimate their physical capabilities and are unable to correlate their health with the requirements of their chosen activity. Meanwhile, it has been proven that a profession that does not correspond physical development and health, can cause significant damage to a growing organism.

5. DO NOT be afraid of any decision you make.

You have the right to make mistakes, to search. Don't take the instructions literally, come up with your own creative way to choose a profession. Develop your own plan - a list of actions necessary to choose a profession. Go through everything step by step: analysis of offers on the education market, analysis of demand on the labor market, assess your abilities, inclinations, knowledge, etc.