Etiquette training. Trainings and courses on etiquette. Business etiquette How many people take etiquette courses

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The art of business communication / Business etiquette courses

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Business etiquette courses in Moscow will help you master the etiquette of personal communication with partners, clients and co-workers, the order of greetings, table manners, as well as the traditions of giving gifts to employees and partners.

Business etiquette courses

To be able to communicate correctly with colleagues, clients and partners - every person who plans to start a career should be able to do this. And it is useful for any person to know the rules of good manners in society. But business is a complicated thing - you can have an excellent product, but not be able to present it correctly to the client. And large transactions, as a rule, depend on many factors. In this matter, every nuance is important.

Business etiquette courses or “The Art of Business Communication” is a great opportunity to become a sensitive and pleasant interlocutor. Learning proper manners will help you master the important basics of behavior as a modern businessman.

The art of etiquette today

The ability to find a common language with your colleagues is good. Selling skills - excellent. And the ability to win a big client is an art. We all know that 80% of decisions are made based on intuition. Etiquette courses are aimed at creating the correct image of a specialist in relation to the client, setting his voice, gestures, facial expressions, etc. Currently, there is a large shortage of this information in the business environment. This is why the art of business communication is so popular.

Etiquette courses in Moscow

Course program business etiquette includes a detailed discussion of the following topics - organization of visits at the highest level, organization of business visits, non-protocol events, and much more.

At etiquette courses in Moscow, experienced teachers will tell you how to use business cards correctly, what are the features of holding a business breakfast (lunch or dinner), and how to prepare a room for business negotiations. Business etiquette is a special art that not everyone can master. However, under the guidance of experienced teachers, you can become a truly secular person.

Knowing the basic rules of business etiquette will help you always feel confident and conduct any negotiations brilliantly, including with foreign partners. Take etiquette courses in Moscow and you will always be confident in yourself during negotiations!

Course name:

The art of business communication - with or without protocol!

Course duration:

Total course volume:

Class schedule:

Standard training mode:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 4 academic hours each.
  • Tuesday, Thursday - 4 academic hours each.
  • Saturday, Sunday - 4 academic hours each.
Intensive training mode:
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 4 academic hours each.
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8 academic hours each.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday - 8 academic hours each.
  • Saturday, Sunday - 8 academic hours each.
*** For corporate clients, the training schedule is discussed and compiled individually.

Group lesson times for courses:

  • morning - from 9-00 to 12-00, from 10-00 to 13-00
  • daytime - from 12-00 to 15-00, from 13-00 to 16-00, from 15-00 to 18-00
  • evening - from 18-00 to 21-00, 19-00 to 22-00
  • Weekend groups: Saturday and/or Sunday - from 10-00 to 13-00, from 13-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00.
*** In certain (exceptional) cases, class times may be changed.

Place of classes:

  • in classrooms in Moscow (Arbatskaya metro station, Okhotny Ryad metro station, Pushkinskaya metro station, Tverskaya metro station, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya metro station, Sportivnaya metro station, etc.);
  • In your city;
  • at your company's office.

Upcoming classes start dates:

Work days:

  • Morning - 09/23/2019
  • Day - 09/24/2019
  • Evening - 09/24/2019
  • Saturday and/or Sunday - 09/28/2019

*** Attention! Class start dates are subject to change.

Course fee:

  • base price: 8770 rub.
  • individual. training: 12,000 rub.

Course curriculum:

1. Greetings.
1.1. The order of greetings.
1.2. Greeting options.
1.3. Bows.
1.4. Handshakes, etc.
2. Dating and introductions.
2.1. Etiquette norms during acquaintance and introduction.
2.2. Order of presentations.
2.3. Speech clichés of the presenter.
2.4. Rules of conduct for the person represented and the one to whom they are represented.
3. Business card.
3.1. Appearance.
3.2. Types of business cards.
3.3. Terms of use.
3.4. Rules for delivery.
4. Reception of delegations
4.1. Stay program.
4.2. Procedure for meeting the delegation.
4.3. Greetings and introductions.
4.4. Protocol aspects of negotiations.
4.5. Extra-protocol events.
4.6. Seeing off guests.
5. Etiquette in the practice of business negotiations.
5.1. Preparing the premises.
5.2. Meeting with guests.
5.3. Rules for seating at the negotiating table.
6. Business breakfast, lunch, dinner.
6.1. Features of holding a business breakfast, lunch, dinner.
6.2. How to behave at the table.
7. Receptions, banquets.
7.1. Types and features of techniques.
7.2. Honorary receptions: preparation, rules of conduct.
7.3. Clothes for special occasions.
8. Gifts in business practice.
8.1. Gift protocol.
8.1.1. Choosing a status gift.
8.1.2. Cost of the gift.
8.1.3. Features of gift packaging.
8.1.4. Gift delivery protocol.
8.2. National characteristics when choosing and giving a gift.
8.3. VIP gifts.

Test (interview).

How to register for courses:

In order to become our student, you need to go to the training department of our Center, enter into a training agreement and pay the cost of the course, taking into account the discount that is provided to all visitors who receive information on this site. According to the terms of the agreement, the applicant can make an advance payment (50% of the tuition fee). The second part of the payment is due before the second lesson of training.

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We will be glad to see you in our center!

Here we have collected programs of courses and trainings on business etiquette. You can order both etiquette training (for a group of up to 20 people), a program in the format of a master class (for a group of up to 100 people) or an individual consultation.

Purpose of the training:

Duration: from 3 hours to 3 days

  • Learn the requirements of the modern business environment in relation to a person’s appearance and the image of an organization
  • Learn about the specific national characteristics of business communication.

Purpose of the training: promptly increasing the competence of participants in matters of modern business etiquette; formation of business etiquette standards and the conscious need to follow them.

Duration: 1 day

As a result of the training, participants:

  • They will learn the basic rules of etiquette for standard business situations: business acquaintance, business meeting, basic etiquette at the table and at official events, business conversation on the phone.
  • Find out the modern requirements for a person’s appearance.
  • They will receive practical tools for creating a decent business image.
  • They will master behavioral skills in various business situations.

The target audience: managers and employees of the company, whose appearance and manner of communication directly affect the success of business contacts, form the corporate image of the company in the eyes of business partners and clients and in the business environment as a whole.

Purpose of the training: increase the competence of participants in matters of modern business etiquette; develop an understanding of business etiquette standards and a conscious need to follow them; improve the quality of internal and external business interactions.

As a result of the training, participants:

  • Learn the requirements of the modern business environment in relation to a person’s appearance and the image of an organization.
  • They will learn why etiquette training is the most important trend of the time and will receive practical tools for creating a worthy business image.
  • They will learn the rules that business etiquette dictates for standard business situations: business acquaintance, business meeting, communication with partners, negotiations, receiving official guests, basic etiquette at the table and at official events, business conversation on the phone.
  • Will be able to create an impeccable business image of themselves and the company in the internal and external business environment, depending on the situation.

Purpose of the training: increase the level of competence of secretaries to the level necessary for conscious adoption and competent compliance with the company’s corporate standards.


  • To form a stable and unified understanding of the professional competence and business image of the secretary.
  • Practice and consolidate the standards of business etiquette in clothing, behavior, and communication.
  • Work out and consolidate corporate standards for telephone communication.
  • Improve professional interaction skills with your manager, guests and colleagues.
  • Develop skills to manage your own emotional state and methods of coping with stress.
  • To work out and consolidate in the minds of the participants uniform corporate standards that the company secretary must comply with.

Who is this training for: The training is developed and conducted in two versions:

  • For personal drivers of the company's top officials.
  • For drivers serving VIP clients/guests/partners

Why this training is being conducted: The training develops driver service behavior skills.

As a result of the training, participants:

  • Understand the driver’s role in shaping the company’s image
  • Can create a favorable impression
  • They will master the tools and principles of proactive behavior when servicing VIP clients.
  • Master customer service tools
  • Will work on basic ethical principles

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Etiquette training. All the secrets of social etiquette

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Social etiquette training offered by our training center will help you gain a decent knowledge of decency, learn to behave correctly in society, and acquire table etiquette skills. Having received all this knowledge, you can become a truly secular person. Courses "All the secrets of social etiquette" provides a unique opportunity to receive comprehensive answers to basic questions that relate to the rules of behavior in society. Qualified teachers, presenters, will also tell you what types of greetings exist, what are the rules for holding social receptions, what are the features of the art of “being a guest” and how to properly serve and consume various dishes and drinks?

Etiquette training courses will help you understand the peculiarities of behavior at various receptions and social events. After completing etiquette courses, you will always and in any society feel “like a fish in water.”

Course name:

Business and social etiquette.

Course duration:

Total course volume:

Class schedule:

Standard training mode:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 4 academic hours each.
  • Tuesday, Thursday - 4 academic hours each.
  • Saturday, Sunday - 4 academic hours each.
Intensive training mode:
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 4 academic hours each.
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8 academic hours each.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday - 8 academic hours each.
  • Saturday, Sunday - 8 academic hours each.
*** For corporate clients, the training schedule is discussed and compiled individually.

Group lesson times for courses:

  • morning - from 9-00 to 12-00, from 10-00 to 13-00
  • daytime - from 12-00 to 15-00, from 13-00 to 16-00, from 15-00 to 18-00
  • evening - from 18-00 to 21-00, 19-00 to 22-00
  • Weekend groups: Saturday and/or Sunday - from 10-00 to 13-00, from 13-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00.
*** In certain (exceptional) cases, class times may be changed.

Place of classes:

  • in classrooms in Moscow (Arbatskaya metro station, Okhotny Ryad metro station, Pushkinskaya metro station, Tverskaya metro station, Chistye Prudy metro station, Turgenevskaya metro station, Sportivnaya metro station, etc.);
  • In your city;
  • at your company's office.

Upcoming classes start dates:

Work days:

  • Morning - 09/23/2019
  • Day - 09/24/2019
  • Evening - 09/24/2019
  • Saturday and/or Sunday - 09/28/2019

*** Attention! Class start dates are subject to change.

Course fee:

  • base price: 12360 rub.
  • individual. training: 18,000 rub.

Course curriculum:

1. Correct posture. Gestures of a well-mannered person.
2. Greetings.
2.1. The order of greetings.
2.2. Greeting options.
2.3. Bows.
2.4. Handshakes, etc.
3. Dating and introductions.
3.1. Etiquette norms during acquaintance and introduction.
3.2. Order of presentations.
4. Rules of conduct in public places.
5. Visit – social and business.
5.1. Ability to receive guests.
5.2. The art of being a guest.
5.3. The manner of communication during a social reception.
5.5. What is small talk?
6. Table etiquette
6.1. Table setting.
6.1.1. Serving items.
6.1.2. Serving rules.
6.2. Rules of conduct at the table.
6.2.1. Rules for seating guests at the table.
6.2.2. How a gentleman courtes a lady.
6.2.3. Rules for using a napkin.
6.2.4. Rules for using cutlery.
6.3. How to eat various dishes correctly and beautifully.
6.4. How to properly serve and consume various drinks.
6.5. Techniques.
6.5.1. Types and features of techniques:
6.5.2. Rules for conducting receptions and behavior at them.
7. Gifts.
7.1. Ability to give and receive gifts.
7.2. Reasons.
7.3. Some rules.
7.4. Gifts in business life.

Test (interview).

How to register for courses:

In order to become our student, you need to go to the training department of our Center, enter into a training agreement and pay the cost of the course, taking into account the discount that is provided to all visitors who receive information on this site. According to the terms of the agreement, the applicant can make an advance payment (50% of the tuition fee). The second part of the payment is due before the second lesson of training.

Sign up for a course


We will be glad to see you in our center!

Etiquette for personal communication with partners, clients and co-workers, the order of greetings, table manners, traditions of giving gifts to employees and partners...
“The art of business communication – with and without protocol!” – a course through which you can learn the most significant rules of conduct for a modern businessman. The business etiquette course program includes topics such as “Organizing visits at the highest level,” “Organizing business visits,” “Non-protocol events,” and much more.
How to use business cards correctly? What are the features of a business breakfast/lunch/dinner? How should a meeting room be prepared? Studying on the course will help you overcome stiffness and tension in communicating with partners, and feel more confident when receiving a foreign delegation.
Course “The Art of Business Communication – with and without protocol!” – a unique opportunity not only to expand your understanding of the peculiarities of business communication, but to form a reliable basis for further professional growth.

The name of the program:

  • "Business Etiquette"

Course duration:

  • 16 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 7-10 people
  • 12 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 4-6 people
  • 12 academic hours - classroom lessons for individual training 1-2 people
  • 0 academic hours - for home study

Class schedule:

  • 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) 4 academic hours a day.
  • 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) 4 academic hours a day.
  • 1 day a week (Saturday or Sunday) for 4 or 8 academic hours per day.

EXPRESS group:

  • training 4-5 days a week on weekdays in the morning or afternoon.

Floating chart:

  • Taking into account your visiting capabilities.

Class time:

  • morning groups from 9-00 to 12-00 or from 10.00-13.00;
  • day groups from 12-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00;
  • evening groups from 18-00 to 21-00 or 18.30-21.30;
  • Weekend groups: Saturday or Sunday.

Required knowledge to take the course:

Document upon completion of the course:

  • Certificate

1 academic hour is equal to 45 minutes.

If a class(ies) falls on a holiday, the class will be rescheduled in accordance with the selected attendance schedule.

  • Greetings.
  • The order of greetings.
  • Greeting options.
  • Bows.
  • Handshakes, etc.
  • Dating and introductions.
  • Etiquette norms during acquaintance and introduction.
  • Order of presentations.
  • Speech clichés of the presenter.
  • Rules of conduct for the person represented and the one to whom they are represented.
  • Business card.
  • Appearance.
  • Types of business cards.
  • Terms of use.
  • Rules for delivery.
  • Reception of delegations
  • Stay program.
  • Procedure for meeting the delegation.
  • Greetings and introductions.
  • Protocol aspects of negotiations.
  • Extra-protocol events.
  • Seeing off guests.
  • Etiquette in the practice of business negotiations.
  • Preparing the premises.
  • Meeting with guests.
  • Rules for seating at the negotiating table.
  • Business breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Features of holding a business breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • How to behave at the table.
  • Receptions, banquets.
  • Types and features of techniques.
  • Honorary receptions: preparation, rules of conduct.
  • Clothes for special occasions.
  • Gifts in business practice.
  • Gift protocol.
  • Choosing a status gift.
  • Cost of the gift.
  • Features of gift packaging.
  • Gift delivery protocol.
  • National characteristics when choosing and giving a gift.
  • VIP gifts.
  • Test (interview).

The interactive schedule will allow you to find out the date, time and place of classes.

To find out if there are free places in a group, click on the selected group.

Please note that the interactive schedule is common to all areas of study, is updated periodically and the time, start and end dates of classes may shift.

To clarify the relevance of the schedule, contact the center managers.

Our addresses in Moscow:

Service and auditorium office near VDNH metro station, Alekseevskaya

Address: Moscow, st. Yaroslavskaya, house 8, bldg. 5

The center is located in a historical location in a business center, minutes from the metro and train stations. platforms Malenkovskaya Address: Moscow, Novaya Basmannaya st., building 4/6, building 3 Auditoriums near Komsomolskaya metro station, Krasnye VorotaAddress: Moscow, Krasnovorotsky proezd, 3, building 1 The classrooms are located within walking distance from the metro and Yaroslavsky, Kazansky and Leningradsky railway stations. Auditoriums near Aviamotornaya metro station, Shosse EntuziastovAddress: Moscow, 1 Entuziastov street, building 3 Travel time will be no more than 5 minutes.

Our offices and classrooms in the Moscow region:

Service and audience office in Korolev, st. 50 years of the Komsomol, building 4-G (near the Megapolis shopping center) The training center office is located 5 minutes from the railway. Bolshevo and Podlipki platforms and 100 meters from a public transport stop. This center is convenient for those who live in the cities of Korolev, Yubileiny, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo, Pushkino, Ivanteevka and Sergiev Posad and other nearby settlements. Service and audience office in Balashikha, Lenina Avenue, building 10-A (opposite the Luxor cinema) It will be convenient for you to study at this center if you live in the cities of Balashikha, Elektrostal, Zhukovsky and Lyubertsy. Service and auditorium office in Podolsk, Lenin Avenue, building 99 (near Red Rows) It will be convenient for you to study at this center if you live in Podolsk, Klimovsk, Butovo, Zheleznodorozhny, Domodedovo, Chekhov, Serpukhov and other nearby settlements.