Why can't you sleep on your stomach and is it harmful? Why is sleeping on your stomach harmful? Why can't I sleep on my stomach?

Many of us have heard that sleeping on our stomachs is very harmful, but we cannot explain what this harm is. There are many opinions around the question of whether sleeping on your stomach is harmful or not; doctors put forward whole theories. Whether there really is a threat to our health from sleeping on our stomachs is something we will try to figure out.

Here's what one doctor says about this:

Sleeping on your stomach is like a ticking time bomb. By taking the “lying on our stomach” position, we indicate that we are completely indifferent to our health. It turns out that this position has a bad effect on the functioning of the genital organs, and the cardiovascular system begins to work differently; with this position, we cause harm to our stomach, intestines and duodenum. During sleep, it is necessary that nothing interferes, even clothes, so in addition it is better to sleep naked.

The harmful effects on the body accumulate and appear gradually, and in a hidden form. And so, when our body becomes very ill and the disease manifests itself, we cannot say with certainty what the cause of this or that disease is. The doctor prescribes us a whole bunch of all sorts of medications, we take them regularly, and the disease recedes for a while, but not for long, while we continue to sleep on our stomachs, and we are not dissuaded or forbidden from this habit.

Why can't you sleep on your stomach?

The position in which we lie on our stomach is the same position that threatens a person not to wake up. One such thought makes one feel uneasy. But, alas, this is so. In the usual position of a sleeping person, the person’s chest is straightened and nothing interferes with normal breathing, it is normal, because the lungs are filled with air without hindrance. The sleeping position on the stomach has the opposite effect. The flattened chest does not straighten out when sleeping on the stomach, which means the air that is in the compressed lungs is not renewed. For young people this does not pose a threat, but for older people there is something to think about, because each such dream may be the last.

The next reason why you can’t sleep on your stomach: when lying in this position, we turn our heads either to the left or to the right. Is not it? So, in this position, the common carotid artery is blocked, and if the second artery of a sleeping person functions poorly, and the sleeping person suffers from osteoporosis or atherosclerosis, then the person may also not wake up. At this moment, nutrition to the brain stops, and its work is slightly supported by the carotid artery. It is very important to convey this information to older people, because at this age the most common enemy is stroke.

Spanish researchers about the position of sleeping on the stomach.

Spanish researchers, after lengthy observations, came to the following conclusions:

1. Sleeping on your stomach is bad for your breasts. This position compresses the chest, while the skin wrinkles, and it is almost impossible to get rid of such wrinkles. This pose helps stretch the mammary glands. There is another interesting opinion of doctors - due to compression of the breast, the risk of developing breast cancer increases significantly, and the vast majority of scientists also support this theory.

2. People who have problems with posture and spine should not sleep on their stomach.

3. Sleeping on the stomach is one of the causes of sexual disorders in both sexes, because... During sleep, internal organs are compressed, including the bladder. As it turned out, it is generally not advisable for men to fall asleep in this position. The reason is simple - the risk of developing impotence increases.

4. Not the best in the best possible way Sleeping on your stomach affects the condition of your skin, its youth and freshness. When sleeping in this position, the face becomes covered with fine wrinkles, and constant sleep in this position contributes to the deepening of such wrinkles. Don’t be surprised if one day, looking in the mirror, you notice that a nasolabial fold has appeared on your beautiful face, and the corners of your mouth are “decorated” with vertical wrinkles.

On the other hand, sometimes lying on your stomach is simply necessary. As an example, abdominal pain is not felt so acutely when a person is in this position. It’s not for nothing that small children are often placed on their stomachs.

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Probably everyone will agree that the best body position during sleep is one that allows the body to relax and fully rest. Or is it not just about convenience? Since ancient times, the process of sleep has been considered a mystery and a riddle that has been solved, and modern scientists are diligently studying it. So, maybe the location of the body has some significance? First things first. Let's start with antiquity.

Since Christian teaching is rooted in Greek - pagan - culture, at first it carefully tried to avoid similarities with it. The Greeks had a god of sleep - Morpheus, going to bed was a ritual, the position of the body relative to the cardinal points was regulated, the well-developed sexual culture of ancient Greece contributed to the tradition of falling asleep without clothes. So Christianity chose to move away from all this and... not attach any significance to the dream. At all. Neither in the texts of the New Testament, nor in the writings of the Church Fathers will you find a single “rule” for falling asleep or sleeping in a certain position.

Thoughts about the ungodly position of the body, which angels see during their night rest, about the fact that it is godly to sleep on the left side, so that the right hand The modern Christian church interprets making the sign of the cross immediately upon awakening as a superstition and calls for falling asleep in a comfortable position, most importantly, with pure thoughts and peace in the soul.

According to Islam, only sinners sleep on their stomachs!

Yes, a body lying on its back can cause the wrath of Allah, this is stated in the text of the Koran. The prohibition states that both men and women who sleep on their stomachs are inhabitants of Fire and are surrounded by the devil.

Therefore, a devout Muslim should refrain from sleeping on his stomach.

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their stomach?

The answer is obvious– due to the increased pressure of body weight on the fetus and placenta, which can block the access of blood and oxygen to the embryo or deform it. But the ban comes into force only at the 12th week of pregnancy, after the uterus with the growing embryo leaves the pelvic bones. However, it is better to start getting used to the optimal sleeping position for pregnant women - on the left side - a little in advance.

It is better for nursing mothers to avoid sleeping on their stomachs, since as a result of the same pressure in the breasts, stagnation of milk and lumps can develop, which develop quite often without it. There is no need to take any additional risks!

Can a baby/baby sleep on their stomach?

Here comes the most interesting part! It is babies who sleep in the most favorable position, according to scientists - the fetal position. Simply curled up on your side or touching the crib with bent knees and cheek, some with your forehead.

It is specially placed on the stomach of newborns to relieve them of bloating or intestinal colic - it helps.

Medical point of view

Most doctors consider falling asleep on the stomach Negative consequences, among them:

  • the pressure of a person’s own weight on the lungs and the associated difficulty breathing, a decrease in the volume of inhaled oxygen and a deterioration in the quality of sleep;
  • load on the neck associated with forced rotation of the head to the left or right;
  • tightness of the pelvic organs, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the genital organs and can cause problems with ovulation in women and problems with erection in men. Although, if you think about it, this point seems exaggerated and becomes relevant for those who fell asleep while intoxicated or under the influence of substances that constrict blood vessels, but if this condition recurs regularly, it is most likely not sleeping on the stomach that is to blame for the problems that have arisen, is it logical?
  • the risk of developing breast tumors in women due to prolonged pressure on the breasts;
  • formation of wrinkles - on a face turned to one side, the skin stretches and a morning “bruise” forms;
  • sudden cardiac arrest due to impaired blood supply and pressure on blood vessels in people with coronary heart and lung disease, in those who have suffered a heart attack.

But there are doctors who highlight the positive aspects of lying on your stomach while sleeping:

  • relieving the kidneys of the stress they experience when a person sleeps on his back. This is important to take into account for those who suffer from inflammatory processes in the kidneys and take antibiotics for their treatment - kidneys free from excess pressure work more efficiently and quickly remove the products of decay and metabolism of antibiotics;
  • Gastroenterologists have nothing against sleeping on the stomach if it is done on an empty stomach (falling asleep no earlier than 2, 2.5 hours after eating). But if your stomach is full, it is better to refrain from lying down for a long time or sleeping for a long time. Because in the body of a person lying down, enzymes enter not only the duodenum, where they are needed for digestion, but also into the stomach, from which the food has already left, and they have nothing left to do but eat away its walls, forming ulcers;
  • orthopedists and chiropractors are also in favor of sleeping on the stomach, as it allows the intervertebral cartilage tissues to straighten.

So, medicine recommends paying attention to the negative consequences of sleeping on your stomach, provided that you have problems with internal organs and are overweight. At normal weight There is no need to lose peace and sleep because of the fear of “squeezing” something inside!

Each of us has our own habits and preferences. When we fall asleep, we don’t even think about how to sleep properly. And which positions are useful for sleeping and which are not. Many people are interested in this question. It is our article that will be able to dot all the i's.

The benefits of sleeping on your stomach

If you are interested in how dangerous it is to sleep in one position or another, we will tell you about the most useful and comfortable ones for sleeping. The position we are interested in is sleeping on the stomach. If you have colic or bloating, doctors recommend sleeping on it to alleviate your condition. Under the pressure of weight, your condition can improve in just half an hour.

Negative effects of sleeping on your stomach

Let's take a closer look at whether you can sleep on your stomach. It remains to list the disadvantages.

  • In this position, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.
  • One of the vertebral arteries is not functioning well because the head is turned and the artery is compressed.
  • Most strokes happen in this position.
  • Many doctors do not recommend sleeping on your stomach, as this may cause chest pressure is produced and it becomes difficult for the person to breathe.
  • Through many studies, scientists have concluded that sleeping on the stomach is contraindicated because it affects the sex life of both men and women.
  • Another scientifically-backed claim is against sleeping on your stomach: Sleeping on your stomach creates wrinkles on your chest (this is especially a concern for women) and on your face, which can lead to wrinkles.

And after our arguments, it’s up to you to decide whether you can sleep on your stomach or limit yourself to positions that are more beneficial to your health.

Baby sleeps on his stomach

How nice it is to watch when a child sleeps quietly and sniffles sweetly in his sleep. But many mothers are worried whether the baby can sleep on his stomach or still turn him on his side or back for a healthy and full sleep. Doctors say that it is not scary if the child sleeps like this. If the birth took place without consequences and the child was born completely healthy. You should not turn it over every fifteen minutes, thereby disturbing the baby’s sleep. He's still through a short time will roll over onto his tummy again. This position is even beneficial for one-month-old babies, because they often suffer from bloating. And in this position, the gases will pass faster and not as painful. And mothers should not be afraid that the child may suffocate with his nose buried in the pillow. Even at such an early stage of their lives, their self-preservation reflex is triggered.

After reading our article, you found out whether you can sleep on your stomach. It's possible, but not for long. And to control your posture, you need to fall asleep on your side or back. Then you will get used to it, and your favorite position will no longer seem so comfortable. The body itself will give the command where to roll over.

Exists a large number of sleeping positions. Some sleep positions are beneficial, while others are harmful. One of the most common positions is sleeping on your stomach.

Is it harmful to sleep on your stomach? Few people think about this question, since people choose the most comfortable position for sleeping, most often subconsciously and do not attach much importance to this moment.

People rarely think about why sleeping on their stomach is harmful.

The dangers of sleeping on your stomach at night

A person very often sleeps on his stomach at night and a large number of people remain in this position throughout the night.

Scientists agree that sleeping on the stomach is harmful and dangerous for the human body.

Sleeping on your stomach is not at all healthy, and this is due to a number of factors.

These factors are:

  1. Impaired blood supply to the genital organs and compression of the bladder.
  2. Deterioration in the quality of breathing.
  3. Impaired functioning of the heart.
  4. The appearance of fatigue in the neck muscles.
  5. Squeezing female breast and circulatory disorders in it

Sleeping on your stomach is harmful for the simple reason that some internal organs, which provokes impaired blood circulation in them, leading to malfunctions.

Doctors testify that if you often sleep on your stomach, compression of the bladder and genitals occurs, and this leads to disruptions in work and problems in sex life, both men and women.

The second reason why it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach is disturbances in the breathing process. This occurs as a result of additional pressure being applied to the chest. In this position, the lungs do not have the opportunity to fully perform their function and be well filled with fresh portions of air during the act of inhalation.

Lack of oxygen in the body leads to oxygen starvation of the heart muscle, and the heart begins to function abnormally. Oxygen starvation of the heart leads to increased heart rate and increased heart rate. The heart works hard during the entire time allotted for rest.

Keeping the neck in one position leads to muscle fatigue and impaired blood supply. The neck muscles cannot relax while sleeping on the stomach. A malaise arises, which is felt most strongly by people with problems in the functioning of the spine.

Women sleeping on their stomachs provoke compression of the chest and stagnation of blood in the mammary glands, which can cause the development of various diseases.

In addition to the negative effects the body receives while sleeping on the stomach, there are several positive aspects that speak about the benefits of such sleep for a short time.

Benefits of sleeping on your stomach

Short-term sleep on the stomach helps reduce pain in the stomach. Such sleep reduces the severity of periodic pain that girls experience.

Sleeping on your stomach helps reduce discomfort, arising from bloating and flatulence.

It is recommended to sleep on your stomach for a short period of time if you need to stretch your spine. But when carrying out such a rest, it is necessary to fulfill the requirement - the neck, head and spine must be in one straight line. This effect can be achieved by removing the pillow or using special bolsters instead; additionally hard bolsters are recommended to be placed under the chest, stomach and pelvic area.

When carrying a child, women are allowed to sleep on their stomachs for up to 10-12 weeks.

Sleeping on your stomach for more later is inconvenient and can cause discomfort and pain.

How to sleep properly?

People who want their body to fully rest during night sleep, restoring its strength, need to know about the rules of healthy sleep.

A person spends about 1/3 of his life sleeping; during sleep, processes occur that contribute to the restoration of vitality. For proper sleep and recuperation, you need to properly prepare for sleep and rest in a certain position.

For maximum rest, it is advisable for a person to sleep on a hard surface. Instead of a pillow, it is recommended to place a cushion of medium hardness under your neck. Such a cushion not only supports the head in a comfortable position during the entire sleep period, but also helps to relax the entire body.

An important collateral have a nice rest is clothing used for sleeping. It should not hinder movement during sleep and be comfortable. It is undesirable to use clothes that have belts and elastic bands in their design. Such items of clothing lead to compression of the body and poor circulation. Poor circulation leads to oxygen starvation in organ tissues.

Most doctors say that it is recommended to sleep naked, without wearing any clothes while sleeping.

Ecology of health: It is curious that most people and animals, even in the wild, most often prefer

Researchers from Stony Brook University in their new scientific work claim that it is most beneficial to sleep lying on your side.

It is in this position that the brain is most effectively cleansed of toxins, scientists say.This in turn helps reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as a number of other neurological diseases.

Using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, a research team led by Helene Benveniste, MD, PhD studied the brain and the complex glymphatic system(glymphatic system), which plays a vital role in the effective removal of toxins and waste products from the brain.

The results of the work showed: in the side position, the process of removing toxins proceeds in the best way.

Dr. Benveniste has used MRI for several years to study the glymphatic system in a rodent model organism. The method identified pathways in this system in which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is filtered through the brain and mixed with interstitial fluid to clear waste from a vital organ, just as the lymphatic system does with our other organs.

It is during night sleep that the glymphatic system works at full strength, removing substances that negatively affect brain activity such as tau proteins and beta-amyloids.

In the experiments, the scientists forced mice to fall asleep and placed them to sleep on their backs, stomachs, or sides. Benveniste group colleagues at the University of Rochester used fluorescence microscopy and radiotracers to confirm MRI findings and evaluate the effect of sleep position on the clearance of amyloid substances from the brain.

Sleeping on your side was considered the most effective by both groups of scientists. so the researchers concluded that not only the quality and duration of sleep affects the rest and cleansing of the brain, but also the position during rest.

“It’s interesting that most people and animals, even in the wild, tend to prefer this position,” said Maiken Nedergaard, a researcher at the University of Rochester who took part in the study. “It seems that we have adapted to this position for the best removing metabolic waste from our brain."

"Many types of dementia are associated with sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep and insomnia," the researcher adds. "Such disturbances may accelerate memory loss in Alzheimer's disease."

In the future, the research team plans to conduct similar studies with human participants to definitively confirm their findings and provide recommendations regarding the most optimal positions for night rest.

An adult should not sleep on his stomach. When we sleep on our stomachs, quickly turning our heads to the left or right blood supply to the vertebral arteries is disrupted and there is a risk of stroke.

How to sleep with pain in the spine (back):

It is very comfortable to sleep on your side with a straight leg, and place the other leg, bent at the knee, on the bed. In this case, place the hand on which you will sleep under the pillow, and the other hand can be placed on the body or on the bed.

This pose is suitable for most people suffering from spinal pain. In this case, lie down better on the sore side -at the same time, the intervertebral gaps increase, and the roots of the spinal nerves are not so strongly compressed (irritated). published