Why does a woman wear a long skirt. Women's power. Why is it so important to wear a skirt? Do not forget about religious canons

Women have a colossal burden of responsibilities, a layer of affairs and just a ton of restrictions. Why should a woman wear skirts and dresses? A woman is a hostess, mother, wife, lover, friend, comrade, worker, boss and just a unit of society. Each of her roles is a spectrum consisting of qualities, emotions and skills. Often the success that women are forced to achieve in today's society is not always the success they want to achieve. For the most part, all of these roles are standardized in some way. It turns out that when a woman succeeds, she just perfectly meets the quality standards of modern society.

Alas, today a woman is often likened to male behavior and a male image in principle, since the roles of friend, comrade, worker and boss come to the fore. First of all, imitation of a man begins with an external image. A woman can start smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, for example, in Asian countries, men left women and went to a specially designated place to drink alcohol and smoke cigars there so as not to set a bad example. However, today this rule is rarely followed. In addition, a modern woman certainly has at least one pair of trousers in her wardrobe, which were originally considered barbaric clothing, since they were needed exclusively by female warriors.

Following trends that no one knows who sets, a woman can lose what makes her a woman: beauty, charm, wisdom, and even the ability to love. Changes within yourself are easiest to start by following the simplest rule. You need to get rid of your pants. This is the piece of clothing that hides the true beauty of a woman and does not allow her to free herself from the standards of form and image.

Why choose dresses over trousers?

  • A dress is a woman's wardrobe item. In a dress, the female silhouette looks feminine and sexy;
  • In winter, a dress will be warmer than trousers;
  • Performing simple tasks in a dress will change their pace, you may have to ask for help (for example, for a man to help pull a stroller outside), and men love to help women, they only need to be asked;
  • In a dress, it is not for the status of a woman to carry heavy bags;
  • Updating the wardrobe will give pleasant emotions, you just have to choose the right style of dress;
  • Namely, when a woman is in a dress, a man will tell her what she wants to hear from him;
  • The modern fashion industry allows you to choose a lot of styles of dresses, there are not and cannot be so many styles of trousers;
  • There is an opinion that male and female energies differ not only physically, but also spiritually. So, men are fueled by energy from space, and women have a sacred connection with the earth. After all, the purpose of a woman is to be a good wife, mother and keeper of the hearth. And mother earth is also responsible for peace, stability, fertility and abundance. A man can receive the energy of the earth only through his woman. And if she wears trousers, then her connection with the earth is lost and she herself is filled with male energy. Therefore, there is no exchange of energies between a man and a woman. As a result, misunderstandings, disagreements, quarrels, scandals begin in the family, which often lead to divorces.
  • Pants, especially tight ones, are harmful to women's health. They distort blood circulation, compress nerve endings, cause swelling and rubbing, which are a breeding ground for harmful microbes.

What skirts do you prefer to wear?

It is most preferable for women to wear skirts in the floor of a conical shape. Such skirts form an energy cone, in which there is a lot of energy at the bottom and little at the top. It's typical female type when a woman becomes stable, she develops the ability to love. The wide hem around the woman plays the role of a protective circle. This circle protects all the important energy centers of a woman, especially the reproductive organs. A woman's uterus is a kind of accumulator of female energy. The hem, which sways when moving, causes the formation of torsion fields, which enhance the energy of the earth. And the woman is more filled with feminine energy. If a woman wears a short skirt, then there is no such strong energy filling.

If a woman wears trousers or miniskirts, then she loses her connection with the earth. And the lustful and even envious looks of both men and women break through the energy biofield of a woman. Through this gap, a woman loses her vital energy, attractiveness gradually disappears, female beauty, sexuality. She cannot give her man female energy, and he begins to look for her in another woman.

For men, a woman in a long skirt is associated with purity and chastity. Next to her, he feels calm and stable. He wants to please her, give her attention, support, help, bestow material benefits. Without female care, affection and love, a man becomes tough, sloppy and rude.

Only in a women's dress or skirt does a woman imperceptibly become feminine, calm, self-confident, affectionate, tender. This is immediately noticed by men. And you will certainly catch their enthusiastic glance!

For the past five years I have not worn trousers - not at all. Not in any way.

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For me, it was an experiment that I decided not to finish in a year. He changed my life once and for all. And I shared the results on my website - back in 2011.

The article “A Year Without Pants” made an incredible sensation, I myself did not expect this. For her, I received a lot of pleasant, and vice versa, unflattering reviews. Someone said that it was so, someone tried it, and someone laughed, they say, Valyaeva has a bad head.

How can hormones be associated with skirts? What about the husband's income? And what kind of swirls of energy is this strange woman talking about? Nevertheless, many girls were inspired, many repeated the experiment, abandoned pants and jeans in favor of beautiful skirts - the maxi fashion also helped us.

After that, I summed up the results of another three years without trousers. And in your fifth anniversary I wanted to approach this topic more seriously and explore it more deeply.

Here is mine personal experience. He is very indicative. But. What is the probability that this is not a coincidence in the life of one woman, that is, me?

Maybe all this has nothing to do with dresses and skirts at all? Maybe it's all lies and nonsense? At the same time, I am one hundred percent sure that it works, that this is all true, and that without skirts, nothing like this would have happened in my life.

Everything will not be included in one article. I will show only the brightest and most impressive ones. And here are the statistics.

On March 10, 15335 women participated! Three groups of women stood out - those who do not wear skirts at all, those who wear both trousers and skirts, and those who completely switched to skirts and dresses. To begin with, I would like to compare two groups - those who do not wear dresses and skirts at all, and those who refused trousers and jeans.

Those who do not wear trousers at all suffer from female diseases almost twice as often as those who refuse skirts in the same way.

Four times less among women in dresses those who suffer from depression. Think about it - four times!

Women in dresses are twice as likely to suffer from hormonal imbalances compared to women in jeans.

Those who give up pants are three times less likely to experience relationship problems with their husbands

One and a half times less often "trouserless" suffer from infertility and the inability to get pregnant

Twice fewer women in skirts have trouble accepting their bodies and themselves

Half as many women from the "skirt sect" suffer from problems with excess weight, hair and skin

One and a half times less among those who do not wear trousers at all, those who cannot find themselves and their place in this life

One and a half times less among girls in dresses are those who live in a civil marriage

More than half as often, women who prefer dresses complained of emptiness and lack of energy.

In general, those who wear dresses have twice the best relationships - both with parents, and with girlfriends, and with children.

Among the fans of dresses, there are seven times fewer of those who do not feel like a woman. And the truth is - how can you not feel like a woman when you are wearing a dress?

This applies to men too! Among the “skirt girls” there are two times less of those for whom the husband does not work, and three times less of those for whom the husband does not help. So we influence men - not directly, but indirectly.

But skirting has its own significant disadvantages. And to remain silent about it would be unfair. Nearly 40 percent of women in dresses surveyed said they now need more money for their outfits. Yes, in order to look beautiful and varied in dresses, you need a deeper locker and
more choice.

Creating this selection - especially from scratch - costs more than just jeans and a dozen T-shirts. But many noted that this prompted them to master such female arts as sewing and knitting. So, there is no evil without good!

When you look at all three categories, you see connections. Those who add skirts to their usual jeans already compare favorably with those who are still in pants. But those who changed their ideas about clothes for women dramatically - broke the bank.

Yes, of course, they also have problems, of a different nature. Not all female diseases and cases of infertility are treated only with skirts. Skirts can be the first step - and then you need to deal with your inner world, relationships with men, for example. But in general - they are healthier and more prosperous.

At the same time, for those women who do not wear skirts, things are a little better with personal - namely their own - income. Women in jeans are 15 percent more satisfied with their earnings compared to those who wear dresses. Of course, because we in our "sect" often do not work at all.

“Wherever I go, everyone looks only at me. I feel like a queen and a goddess. Everyone tries to take care of me, look after me, even completely strangers. I've slowed down (kind of grounded), not running around like crazy like I used to.

There was one woman who asked me, “Why do I dress like this?” I replied that I like it that way. Wherever I go, they remember me first. And the woman who asked me (wears only jeans), divorced, unsettled, but strange - considers me. Some say that I am lucky that my husband is rich, and I do not need anything.

And I actually wear inexpensive dresses (the cost of my outfits is from 500 to 2500 rubles), I just combine them with jewelry. Jewelry, belts, scarves, flowers, ribbons, so it turns out that I am different every time.

And the outfits are true - the husband buys. For me, any new dress is at least six months of happiness. Every month I pick up new jewelry for the dresses I already bought, like trinkets, and it’s like I have a new outfit. I look 8-10 years younger than my age. I feel like I'm even younger.

How to explain to your husband?

If he asks why the skirt is on the floor, like a nun. Or he asks for trousers so that his beloved ass can be seen. I ask him: “Do you want me to go outside and everyone would stare at your favorite ass?” He says, "No!" That's why on the street and a floor-length skirt, and ankle-length dresses, and a sundress in the summer on the ground. And at home, please, all your favorite places, as you like (within easy accessibility).

About the environment— those who do not understand me have fallen away by themselves. The rest are changing, how it happens, I don’t know, I have nothing to do with it. But my mother began to wear dresses, wears jewelry, lost 15 kg, rejuvenated, blossomed.

She looks younger than her peers. Dad began to earn more. The sisters have become more feminine, gradually adding skirts and dresses to the wardrobe. This is my observation for three years. Younger sister gave birth to a third child.

The fathers of the girls I work with started buying clothes and jewelry for their daughters and their mothers. And the girls try to take an example from me, wear skirts, dresses, sundresses.

Girls who live in Europe have the opportunity to see where feminism is taking us and what we will look like in twenty years if we do not return to ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like this picture of the future.

“Dresses are always beautiful and feminine. I have been living in France for four years now. Constantly, wherever I am, I pay attention to what the surrounding women are wearing.

In France, I am afraid of the almost absence of women in dresses, and especially in beautiful dresses(despite the popular belief that France and in particular Paris is one of the world's fashion capitals), but there is an insane amount of women in trousers and with short men's haircuts, some sexless or even masculine "women".

Of course, I'm talking about what I see on the street, we are not talking about secular receptions or the red carpet of some festival, since it is considered bad form to come in trousers ...

In my humble opinion, I do not pretend to be the truth, but it is my only opinion that women in France fought so hard for equality with men that they became equal with them not only in social rights, but also equalized their physical appearance and behavior.

And this fact upsets me, because men have also changed in this way, and sometimes you will often see a more feminine / effeminate man than a feminine woman.

And those men who, in spite of everything, remained men very often, apparently on a subconscious level, are looking for femininity in a woman, which is why so many find them among Slavic women and among Asian women.

So, back to dresses and skirts: with my husband, I shared my impression of French women and how they dress, to which he tried to “protect” his compatriots, explain that everything is not so bad, but the picture on the street is still speaks for itself...

A year ago, we became the happy parents of a wonderful daughter. And now dad chooses and approves her outfits very carefully.

There is no question of buying trousers or jeans for my daughter, but we still occasionally get them as gifts or “inheritance” from older cousins, and if, God forbid, I put trousers on my daughter, mainly due to weather conditions, so that it is warmer, dad will not leave this moment without comment, he says: what kind of boy has appeared with us. But when he sees his daughter in a dress, his heart immediately melts and he is ready to keep her in his arms all day long.

“After switching to skirts and dresses, I began to dress much better, even at home. And I began to respect myself more and think about myself that I deserve better, more beautiful, more expensive.

I live in Germany, in a country where feminism won a long time ago. There are a lot of masculine women here with masculine energies and ambitions, very rude. In addition, there are many “people without a gender” here (i.e. it is absolutely impossible to determine what gender the person is in front of you - I have not observed such a phenomenon in Russia).

So when I walk down the street or through the park in a long beautiful skirt, women look very interested. I don't know what's going on in their heads. But the reaction was as if they saw a man in an astronaut suit. I hope that the Germans, seeing such examples in front of them, will also be able to somehow reorient themselves.

And yes, skirts are comfortable, warm, beautiful. You just need to find your length, your style and try. Experiment. There would be a desire.

And as the survey showed, sooner or later:

46% of girls who wear both trousers and skirts admit that they like themselves better in dresses
37% of them say they are in the process of fully transitioning to women's clothing
19% are planning such a transition
in the future, 62% of those who do not wear skirts at all also plan to start, but for now they are postponing.

So maybe stop putting yourself, your beauty and femininity on the back burner? And even though it is not so “profitable” and not always familiar and simple, even if it is a way out of the comfort zone. But what if it is there, outside our current comfort, that our happiness and health lie?

After all, all the best always comes as a reward for our work, right? Even the birth of children is the result of our work for 9 months to bear and give birth to a new person.

In this case, more work of the soul, changing one's own habits, eliminating laziness and changing thinking. The work is not easy, but as you can see, it really changes lives.

“Recently I caught myself thinking that I haven’t been wearing trousers for almost a year and a half. At all. Initially, it was an experiment after reading Olga's article, that for several years she has been walking only in dresses and skirts. Then it seemed incredible to me. Is there anything more comfortable than my favorite jeans? And I decided to try.

Autumn passed and the approaching winter made me think about the forced end of the experiment. But I decided to try to hold out, excitement appeared: “How much longer can I?”

What was my surprise when I realized that the wintering took place in skirts! It turned out that in warm tights and not short skirts it is surprisingly warm! And in the Arctic cold, thermal underwear and a long skirt saved. And the most interesting - it was warmer than in the pants.

Of course, there are activities that do not involve a skirt at all, and I do not like fanaticism. Snowboard pants are still in my wardrobe. But not jeans.

I tried to put them on somehow and go somewhere. After 15 minutes, I became terribly uncomfortable: everything presses, presses, and even my gait changes!

With the move, I left all the trousers with my mother, now I simply don’t have them. Sometimes people ask why I am always in dresses, is it due to religious principles? No, I answer, I'm so comfortable. Yes, even in winter. Yes, even on a bike. (Yes, I learned to ride it in a skirt!)

Of course, the skirt in this case is not long, but not mini. But how many compliments and admiring glances! I noticed that the dress makes you match: to comb your hair like a human, put on jewelry, do makeup - the bundles on your head and the first T-shirt that came out of the closet will no longer come off.

That's why so many girls think jeans are more comfortable. But when they go on dates, they dress up in dresses. Is it because they make you feel like a real woman? :)"

I want this article to inspire you to wear skirts and dresses more often, strive to look like a woman more often, act like a woman and feel like a woman.

Since we were born in a female body, this means that the taste of happiness is inherent in us - female. Whatever we do, we cannot change it.

So maybe it's enough out of your own pride to fight what has already been decided for us, and just accept it - as the greatest gift of the Creator?

Being a woman is wonderful. There are so many opportunities in a woman's life that men mostly don't have. Don't believe?

Creative skills. This female essence, female nature. And almost all creative men are not quite of the usual orientation, right? Leads to thought.

Beauty. The female body is much more attractive than the male, and for good reason. Especially if this body is dressed in women's clothes and quietly rustling skirts.

Motherhood. No father in the world will ever be able to enjoy raising children as much as a woman. And a child will not be able to love a single father in the world the way he loves his mother.

A woman shapes the reality around her. We create the atmosphere - with our thoughts, feelings, actions. Our desires can be fulfilled faster and more often - in view of our special sensitivity.

To be here and now. Being inconsistent, being able to take back your promises, not keeping them, being late. This is the nature of a woman, while a man has to think about the future, be responsible and reliable.

Try different things in your life. Women have many abilities, and the best thing for a woman is the one she likes today. In other words, our tastes can change throughout life, and we can master more crafts and get a variety of experiences.

Impact on family life. If a woman wants to save her family, success is almost guaranteed to her. But if a man wants this, then no matter what he does, until the woman makes the same decision, nothing will come of it.

The skirt is a real decoration of a woman!

The skirt has always been considered the main attribute of femininity. And the reason for this is not only the beauty of such clothes. Experts in the field of energy practitioners believe that when a woman puts on a skirt, she begins to accumulate the energy of femininity inherent in her. Therefore, the skirt also carries with it a certain sacred meaning for each of the representatives of the weaker sex.

Since ancient times, women have dressed exclusively in dresses and skirts. And this fashion was true for all peoples. For example, among Slavic women, a sundress was the main clothing, Indian women dressed in long wide scarves, and Japanese women wore a kimono over their bodies. As you can see, the clothes of all women did not in any way imply the design of trousers.

In earlier times, people more subtly felt their connection with the forces of nature. And it was known to everyone that women differ from men not only in physical parameters. People of different genders have different energies. Men were ordered to draw energy from outer space. And women took energy mainly from the earth.

If we remember such concepts as love, sensitivity, care, mercy, tenderness, then, of course, we will attribute them to a woman. But in relation to the earth such definitions will be fair.

The design of any skirt is such that it forms a cone expanding downwards. And this skirt model was not invented by chance.

It was believed that such a cone helps a woman better absorb the energy and strength of the earth, become fertile and materially prosperous. The energy of a woman, if we talk about the physical body, accumulates in a special organ - the uterus. Men, as planned by nature, are not endowed with such an organ. And in terms of energy, in order for a man to receive the energy of the earth, he must take it from a woman.

Feminine energy for a man is important. It makes him more calm, balanced, stable. If a man has access to female energy, then he will always want to do creative work. When a man is deprived of female affection and love, he becomes aggressive, rude and cruel.

There are many women who do not wear skirts at all. They dress exclusively in trousers or jeans. But from an energetic point of view, such a woman strengthens and nourishes her spirit in a way alien to her, that is, in a masculine way. As a result, a woman interacts with a man in the same way as if she were a man by nature. On the subtle plane, this is expressed in the fact that the exchange of energies is disturbed. This can also be reflected on the physical plane in the form of various illnesses, misunderstandings and quarrels in relationships.

Women in their justification for wearing trousers can say that such clothes are very comfortable, they are stylish, practical and fashionable. Of course, in jeans it will be much more convenient for a woman to do the work that was originally due to men, for example, carry weights, move quickly and dexterously, etc. Compared to trousers, a skirt or dress acts as a natural brake. But this is a great blessing for a woman, bringing her peace and harmony. It would never even occur to a real woman to do hard work, carry heavy loads or rush somewhere. She will wait for a man for this, who, like a real knight, will not refuse to help her.

Wearing a beautiful skirt or dress, any woman can feel how quickly her mood and condition change. A huge and very familiar energy seems to awaken in a woman. Naturally, men's eyes are always directed precisely at women in skirts and dresses.

Pants for women, albeit super fashionable, still need to be worn only as an exception.

The length and shape of the skirt also matters. It used to be that a women's skirt or dress should certainly be as long as possible, as they say today, to the floor. So it was easier for a woman to feed and keep the energy of the earth in herself. If the skirt has wide edges that sway when moving and twist slightly, then torsion fields begin to appear, designed to enhance earthly energy. The edge of the skirt has long been considered a kind of circle-amulet. Such a charm was intended to create protection for the sexual centers of a woman. The health of the female reproductive organs and their proper functioning directly depend on the correct operation of such centers.

The image of a woman in a long skirt will always remind you of chastity, innocence and purity. A long skirt will protect a woman from lustful looks. And this is very important. Such bad views are like a real evil eye that can leave a gap in the lower energy centers.

If this happens, then the woman simply loses her sexual energy. Together with her, vitality and female attractiveness will go away. As a result, the energy impoverishment of the woman occurs. She can no longer give anything to her man, and therefore he loses interest in her. Today, many women are wondering where the real men, comparable to Russian heroes, have gone. But think for yourself, where will they come from if women themselves have ceased to be such in the full meaning of this concept?

Women deliberately abandon their femininity by dressing in trousers and other men's clothing. Fortunately, the fashion of recent years is such that it gives women a chance to return to the original women's clothing, absorb the power of the earth and endow their beloved man with their femininity. Therefore, right today, wear a long skirt or dress and get used to feeling like a true woman.

It is unlikely that you will meet such a woman who would not have a single skirt in her wardrobe. And, by and large, there is nothing to be surprised about. It was in ancient times that both the fair sex and men wore skirts. More precisely, men wore a prototype of a skirt. It was a cut of some kind of fabric, which was wrapped around the hips and fastened at the waist. IN modern world, however, many men (according to their passports) also wear skirts. But it’s not worth attributing them to men in the literal sense of the word. But, let's get back to our topic, why do women wear skirts? What is it, a tribute to fashion? Or maybe it's just convenient? Or do girls dream of winning the hearts of men in this way? We will answer the questions. We believe that you will not waste your time reading this article.

This is one of the main reasons why skirts are worn. Agree, today the line between everything masculine and feminine is very, very thin. We hear the word “unisex” almost every day. And, surprisingly, the fair sex constantly complains that there are no knights left now, real men. And men, on the contrary, are indignant because real princesses have disappeared, for the sake of whose attention one would like to run with checkers naked and perform feats.

So, they just want to feel not some kind of "unisex", but real,. Putting on a skirt, the beauty begins to move differently: involuntarily her gait becomes light, the girl watches her posture. Her movements are smooth and free. The mood rises. It seems like the whole world is in front of your feet! And it remains to make it just a little better ...

Especially if a woman has a good figure. Let's face the truth. The fair sex in the eyes of men is not at all associated with the image of a lady in trousers and a jacket. Such a woman is perceived as "his". Yes, we all work in various companies, at enterprises, and almost everywhere there is a dress code. And often during working hours we see women in trousers, some incomprehensible pants and torn jeans. But work is work. And in your free time, keeping your legs closed all the time is somehow completely inappropriate. When an attractive woman walks in a skirt, no normal man will leave this moment without his attention. And, importantly, a properly selected skirt does not look vulgar. By the way, this also applies to short skirts.

A woman wants to be defenseless and fragile

When a man notices a woman in a skirt, he, so to speak, tunes in to her wave. I want to take care of her. Give a hand when getting off public transport. Open the door in front of her, entering the entrance. And, if the fair sex is carrying something heavy, take the bags and walk her home. This is an elementary psychological factor!

Do not forget about religious canons

Even not particularly religious people know perfectly well that no one will let a woman in pants into the temple. Only in a skirt! Of course, it should not be short, tight or transparent. But even in the Old Testament it is said that a woman should not appear before God in men's clothes. And so it has come to this day.

Doctors never tire of repeating: wearing tight pants leads to tremendous pressure on the pelvic organs. As a result, there can be serious health complications. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic area will not lead to anything good. Gynecologists sound the alarm! As soon as tight jeans came into fashion, the health of the female half of the population of our country deteriorated significantly. It only at first glance seems that the regular wearing of pants simply can not lead to anything bad. In fact, everything turns out differently. Moreover, many of the fair sex suffer seriously from an imbalance of female and male hormones. So, doctors understand why women wear skirts and try to wear pants as little as possible.


If a man could wear loose shorts all year round, believe me, he would. Much the same applies to women. In skirts, beauties are really very comfortable. They feel fresh, relaxed, light. Feelings, of course, are incomparable with those periods when you have to put on pants. Especially when you have to sit in the office for 8-10 hours.
By the way, many of the fair sex refuse to wear skirts in time. In fact, skirts should be worn even when the thermometer outside the window shows below zero. Helps jacket or good winter coat. You can always wear thermal underwear. And with high winter boots, a girl in a skirt will look just great! And, by the way, if it gets hot in the office, you can always remove the extra layer of clothing from under the skirt.

When you walk in a beautiful skirt that also flutters in the wind, you become a real queen in the eyes of the male part of the population. The representatives of the stronger sex will not even notice anyone around you. Agree, if a girl feels beautiful, desirable, her mood rises on an intuitive level. The body is filled with strength, you become more confident in yourself. Why not feel all this, if not every day, but just as often as possible?

Any person has the right to choose what to wear and how to look. We think we have answered the question posed in the title of the article. And it doesn't even matter if others like you or not. The main thing is that you should feel yourself as often as possible. real woman which, unfortunately, there are not so many left in the modern world. Do not be afraid to dress beautifully, brightly. Buy quality clothes, avoid things. And you will definitely be appreciated in a cultural society. There can be no doubt about this. Good luck and take care of yourself and your loved ones!

When looking at modern women becomes obvious: skirts and dresses have practically disappeared from the women's wardrobe. And if a skirt flickers on the horizon, it will surely belong to a very small girl or, conversely, to a grandmother. There are also minis on young girls who are trying to attract as many admiring glances as possible. Skirts and dresses have become go-to clothes, uncomfortable and even out of fashion to some extent. But still, some of us sometimes have questions: “Why should women wear skirts? What is so special about them? Why did only men wear trousers before? Of course, a woman owes nothing to anyone, and the decision of what to wear is a deeply personal matter for everyone. But it would be nice to remember the origins. Moreover, beauty, morality and female happiness are things directly related to our appearance and, in particular, clothing.

Why do girls and women wear skirts and dresses from time immemorial? A bit of history

We associate representatives of ancient peoples with beautiful, flowing outfits: Greek women wore chitons, Roman women wore tunics, Egyptian women wore kalaziris (a piece of cloth wrapped around the body from chest to ankles and held on by one or two straps), Indian women wore saris, Japanese women wore kimonos. , Slavs - sundresses. There was no talk of any trousers, due to traditions and ideas about the feminine essence.

Mother Earth has always been considered the element of a woman, giving abundance and fertility. A woman, as a mother and a stronghold of the spirituality of the family, had to embody in her appearance the energy community with the earth. And this connection was maintained precisely thanks to the triangular silhouette of a classic women's skirt. It is more common for a woman to “grow roots” to her native land, because she is the keeper of the Hearth and she does not need the energy of the air as much, unlike a man who is responsible for the external, social life of the family.

Pants were brought into fashion by the well-known Coco Chanel in 1929 (mind you, not even a hundred years have passed!). The bold step to some extent equalized women in rights with men. Yes, now the ladies were able to walk quickly and sit comfortably. But along with this, competition between the female world and the male world arose, including in the family. Many of the women now are not at all happy that they were given the opportunity to do men's work, to carry weights. Yes, we have become extremely independent, but with skirts, the harmony, charm and smoothness that are characteristic only of women have disappeared.

Do not consider skirts and dresses as vestiges of past civilizations. It is enough to look at the divorce statistics and the picture of the decline in moral values ​​in modern society. Of course, it's not just the skirts. But the rejection of them is also part of the global changes in women's consciousness that led to such disastrous consequences.

Why does a woman need to wear a skirt?

There are many reasons for wearing skirts and dresses. If you prefer pants because they are “comfortable,” ask yourself: Comfortable for what? Somewhere to run, do physical work, carry weights? If your life is full of such goals, it may be time to change something. Try wearing a skirt or dress, simply because it:

1. Feminine, elegant and beautiful . A woman in a flowing skirt moves smoothly, hypnotically acting on those around her. Any man deep down wants his girlfriend or wife to be like this - feminine and graceful. And trousers, whatever one may say, are clothes that make women such “comrades”.

A woman in a dress or skirt is unlikely to allow herself to put on ugly (but comfortable!) Shoes and hide her hair in a bun. She will try to look decent from head to toe. The posture and gait of a woman in a skirt changes significantly, and one can immediately see: a Woman is walking.

Someone will say - jeans and tight pants are sexier ... Yes, if your goal is to attract a lot of men to your person, you probably are. But excessive, lustful attention impoverishes a woman energetically, and if she is married at the same time, it introduces problems into her life. family relationships. The same, by the way, applies to short skirts.

2. Makes you feel tender and fragile . It is to a woman in a skirt that a man will want to give his hand and open the door in front of her. Putting on a skirt or dress, you psychologically adjust to the "female" wave. It would never occur to you to drag something heavy yourself - an assistant will definitely appear nearby!

3. Complies with religious canons . Everyone probably knows that a woman should go to the temple only in a skirt. The Old Testament also mentions: “A woman should not be menswear and a man should not dress in women's dress For everyone who does this is abominable before the Lord your God” (Deut. 22:5). The Qur'an also instructs women to wear clothing that covers the entire body except for the face and hands. It should not look like a man's and be transparent or tight-fitting.

4. Good for your health . Wearing trousers, especially tight jeans, puts extra pressure on the pelvic organs. Stagnation of blood in this zone is fraught with the occurrence of various disorders of the female sphere. Gynecologists have already admitted that women's health has deteriorated significantly in recent years. Many suffer from an imbalance of male and female hormones. The point, of course, is not only in trousers, but in them too.

5. Comfortable . In the right dress or skirt, you will feel much more comfortable and at ease than in trousers or jeans. This is especially true for office work that involves long sitting. Some are afraid of wearing a skirt in winter, and it’s completely in vain! Long coat or a jacket plus thermal underwear and high boots - and you are not afraid of any cold. And if it gets hot at work, removing an extra layer of clothing from under a skirt will be much easier than from under trousers.

6. Stands out from the crowd . A beautiful long skirt is a rarity in our time, and when you see a woman dressed in this way, it is impossible not to admire her. This is a real queen. She moves gracefully and smoothly, without fuss. She lifts the hem a little as she walks up the stairs, her skirt fluttering beautifully in the wind.

Each of us is free to choose what to wear for herself and her little daughter... But do not forget that not everything modern is wise and bright. If your wardrobe has no skirts or dresses at all, maybe it's time to change this fact? Not to please men, no, that's not the point. Wearing a skirt is worth at least in order to feel like a Woman! And believe me, after this, a lot will change in your life ...