Prepare for the OGE in 2 months. Life hack: we prepare for the OGE in three months. Three months until the OGE

The OGE is the main exam for all 9th ​​graders in the country. As we know, students will have to take two compulsory subjects (mathematics and Russian) and two elective subjects. The results of this exam will determine whether the student can proceed to grade 10 or enter a technical school (college), or whether he will only receive a certificate next year. This means preparing for the OGE is a very serious stage.

Let's start off with, What do you need to get permission to take the OGE? The following are allowed to take the exam:

Graduates of 9 classes of general education institutions of the Russian Federation with annual grades in all subjects not lower than “3”;

Graduates with one “2”, with the condition that they will take an exam in this subject;

Foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons studying in a general educational institution;

Graduates from previous years who did not receive a certificate.

Accordingly, in order to successfully pass the OGE, it is imperative to fill gaps in knowledge and adjust grades in those subjects in which the student has 2 marks.

Rules for preparing for the OGE with excellent marks:

1. You should start preparing in the fall, because Preparing for 4 subjects at once takes a lot of time.

2. Efficiency does not equal constant cramming. Some students make a huge mistake when they start studying material, no matter how much they understand or how tired they are. “The teacher told me that I need to study at least an hour a day!” - they say and after a few months they lose strength. But the main secret of success is making the right choice duration and number of classes! Study for the exam only when you have had enough sleep and are not too tired. Prepare for no more than 1 hour, then be sure to take a break. Otherwise, you will get tired, but you won’t remember anything.

3. Choose one tutor. Of course, we are not talking about agreeing to take classes with someone who doesn’t suit you and “endure” the class for a whole year. Quite the opposite, in the fall, start choosing the best tutor to prepare for the OGE, whose teaching style, experience and student results are completely satisfactory to you. Classes with a tutor should give you strength to move forward, not fatigue and hatred of the subject! On TutorOnline, you can take 10-15 minute lessons with different teachers, ask them to explain some small topic and decide whether a particular tutor is right for you or not. You won't have to explain why you didn't schedule a second lesson with him. This way you can easily and quickly find your ideal teacher, whose recommendations you will be happy to follow all year. The tutor will definitely conduct testing and identify your gaps, which he will help you eliminate step by step.

4. Don't waste time traveling, use the time to review. If you think about it, many students lose 2 hours of time traveling to the tutor and back. But it’s much better to save energy and spend 1 hour reviewing the material before class or doing homework, given by the tutor. Proper distribution of time and effort - The best way prepare for the OGE with maximum results!

Do you want to pass the OGE with excellent marks? Sign up with the most experienced online tutors and start classes now!

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In order to continue studying at school in grades 10-11 or enter college, a 9th grade student must pass final exams, including the OGE in mathematics. Statistics have shown that most graduates choose to take humanities subjects. But what to do when one of the required subjects for passing the exam is mathematics? Our article will tell you how to prepare for the OGE in mathematics. So, let's go, friends.

Structure in mathematics

Historically, the structure of control and measurement materials for various subjects is changed by the organizers from year to year. It is still difficult to say why this is needed. The Ministry of Education has decided that in 2017 the OGE in mathematics will consist of three modules:

  • algebra;
  • geometry;
  • real mathematics.

Each part is divided into difficulty levels. The harder the level, the more points are awarded for the correct answer. In total, you will have to solve 26 tasks in the exam. There are 20 tasks at the basic level, and 6 more questions at an advanced and high level of difficulty.

Thus, the graduate is given 235 minutes or 3 hours 55 minutes to complete these tasks.

You need to know these features in order to understand how to prepare for the OGE in mathematics. During preparation, it is necessary to correctly allocate time to complete certain tasks.

Those who get up early can easily pass the OGE

Of course, preparation for the OGE in mathematics in grade 9 should begin as early as possible. Experienced teachers advise children and parents to pay attention to this subject in advance, starting in the 5th grade. The first step is to visit the official FIPI page on the Internet. On the site, teachers, parents, and students will find a lot useful information. From there you can download demo versions of the OGE options in mathematics.

This way, you will know in advance which topics will be on the exam and which sections of mathematics you need to improve.

On the same site you can download a document called “Specification”, which will indicate the tasks and the assigned number of points for the correct answer. Therefore, a graduate can easily independently determine in advance whether he will be able to successfully pass the exam.

The first and one of the most important criteria for successfully passing the OGE is advance preparation!

Help from a tutor or self-study?

Many people think: “How to prepare for the OGE in mathematics?” Is it possible to do this on your own or do you need the help of a tutor? Only a student can answer this question based on internal sensations. But a parent’s perspective from the outside will also be useful. After all, every responsible parent knows which subjects are easy for his child at school and which are difficult.

It is worth noting that if the work on preparing for the OGE in mathematics takes place with a tutor, this means that it will be systematic. Can you also prepare for tests regularly without help? Studying for an exam with a friend is a mistake. All the useful time will be spent talking.

Remember that 30% of the OGE tasks in mathematics will be related to topics that children study only in 9th grade. Students will have to practice previously covered topics as well as new material!

So, the second important criterion is regularity and systematicity.


We live in the age of information technology, which means that 80% of the information we are interested in can be easily found on the Internet. You should not rely on cheating on the exam. To successfully prepare for testing, you need to search for the necessary data and solve tasks for the OGE in mathematics. Don't fool yourself. Don't write it off. This mistake is costly!

The third criterion is integrity.

Information sources

If a future graduate does not have the opportunity to study with a tutor, then the question arises: “How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own?” Don't panic. You can easily find everything you need to prepare on the Internet.

First, download collections of training tasks. Secondly, the Yandex search system, together with talented Moscow teachers, prepared a project for Yandex Unified State Examination graduates. Here, children will find webinars and tests that will help them prepare well for the exam. Thirdly, to practice the topic, you can include video lessons on the YouTube portal, where teachers and children post their video materials with the solution of certain tasks.

As you can see, it is much easier for today’s graduates to prepare for the exam, because on the Internet there are options for the OGE in mathematics for preparation. This factor greatly facilitates the fate of the examinee!

The fourth criterion is useful information.

Visual information

Everyone knows that mathematics and algebra are subjects in which children need to memorize a huge number of formulas, expressions, and so on. You can write down the necessary information in a special notebook or purchase a special manual, where the necessary formulas for successfully passing the mathematics exam have already been selected and printed for you. The more often you look there, the faster the formulas will be remembered.

The fifth criterion is visual aids.

Attention parents

Final exams are always a source of stress for teenagers. Therefore, parents should treat their children with special attention, understanding and sensitivity during this period. Keep your home quiet when your child is doing homework or preparing for an exam. When asking questions about preparation, show natural curiosity rather than rigid control. Ask about his moods, feelings and inner beliefs, and also offer your possible help.

The sixth criterion is parental care.


So, we have considered the question of how to prepare for the OGE in mathematics. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that preparation can be done independently or with the help of a tutor. It is important to organize and systematize these activities. Identify difficult topics for yourself. Solve tests regularly, and also try to memorize formulas and expressions using mnemonics. But that’s a completely different article!

Every teacher is interested in providing students with the opportunity to receive high-quality preparation for the mathematics exam. In the classes where I work, the children can be roughly divided into those who can master mathematics, but do not want to; can master mathematics, but they need to work long and hard; cannot master due to their abilities (ZPR). Therefore, in my work I try to find the most effective forms, methods and technologies of teaching. My main task is for graduates to successfully pass the Unified State exam mathematics.

In preparation for the final certification, I conditionally divide all students into the following groups, the composition of which may change:

  • Group 1 - children requiring constant assistance.
  • Group 2 - children who can cope on their own.
  • Group 3 - children who are able to cope with the material within short term With good quality and help others.

While participating in the work of the network community of mathematics teachers, I became acquainted with the educational and methodological manual “Not two on the OGE”, prepared by the authors Mikhail Isaakovich Alperin and Sergei Ernestovich Nokhrin of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Institute for Educational Development” in Yekaterinburg.

  • Start working on this “Not two on the OGE” method at the final stage of preparation for the OGE (since this type of student, as a rule, after a week forgets everything that he studied);
  • Regularity of classes (tasks are completed by the student every day);
  • Give assignments 1-2 from various topics;
  • You cannot give too many tasks; ideally, the work should take no more than 10-15 minutes, i.e. 5-6 tasks at a time;
  • Give each student his own assignments to limit cheating.

This method of preparing for the final certification is acceptable for schoolchildren who do not know and do not want to know mathematics, i.e. just for schools operating in unfavorable conditions, where students are taught in classes, for whom school is about communicating with peers or serving time so as not to be scolded by parents, or these are students with a low level of motivation and limited abilities.

But I applied the principles of this methodology when working to prepare students with average level preparation.

I will give an example of using the “Not two on the Unified State Exam” technique on task 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics. Students are asked to complete the task. The solution is attached to the task, i.e. hints on what theory you need to remember and how to consistently apply it. Carrying out each point of the proposed solution order, the student remembers the theoretical material and develops a specific algorithm for solving the task.

After completing all the tasks with hints, several more similar ones are offered, but for complete self-execution without specific solutions.

The “Not two on the OGE” method can be used to organize work with low-performing students not only in graduating classes. This technique also works for students with different levels preparation in any class.

Selection of tasks No. 1 KIM Unified State Examination in mathematics (profile level)

No. 1. The notebook costs 40 rubles. What is the smallest number of such notebooks that can be purchased for 750 rubles after the price is reduced by 10%?

1. What percentage will the price of the notebook be after a reduction of 10%?

100 - 10 = 90 (%)

2. Find the price of the notebook after reducing the price by 10%:

40:100.90 = 36 (rub)

3. How many notebooks can you buy for 750 rubles?

750: 36 = 20 (remaining 30)

You can buy 20 notebooks for 30 rubles. change will remain.

Answer: 20 notebooks.

Tasks for preparation.

  1. Find the cost of the notebook after the price has been reduced by 10%, if its original price is 50 rubles.
  2. Find the cost of the notebook after the price has been reduced by 15%, if its original price is 20 rubles.
  3. Find the cost of the notebook after the price has been reduced by 20%, if its original price is 40 rubles.

No. 2. The store purchases flower pots at a wholesale price of 120 rubles per piece and sells them with a 20% markup. Which greatest number Can you buy these pots in this store for 1000 rubles?

1. What percentage will the price of a flower pot be after the markup?

100 + 20 = 120 (%)

2. Find the price of a flower pot after markup:

120:100.120 = 144 (rub)

3. How many flower pots can you buy with 1000 rubles?

1000: 144 = 6 (res. 136)

You can buy 6 flower pots for 136 rubles. change will remain.

Answer: 6 pots.

Tasks for preparation.

  1. Find the cost of a flower pot with a 10% markup if its original price is 100 rubles.
  2. Find the cost of a flower pot with a 15% markup if its original price is 200 rubles.
  3. Find the cost of a flower pot with a 20% markup if its original price is 400 rubles.

No. 3 One roll of wallpaper is enough to cover a strip from floor to ceiling 1.6 m wide. How many rolls of wallpaper should you buy to cover a rectangular room measuring 2.3 m and 4.2 m?

1. Find the perimeter of the room to determine the number of 1.6 m wide wallpaper strips needed.

(2.3 + 4.2) . 2 = 13 (m)

2. Find the number of strips of wallpaper that are needed to cover the walls from floor to ceiling?

13: 1.6 = 8.125 (pieces)

8 whole stripes, i.e. 8 rolls and 0.125 from the ninth roll, i.e. 9 rolls of wallpaper are needed.

Answer: 9 rolls.

Tasks for preparation.

  1. Find the perimeter of a rectangle with dimensions 2.2 and 3.5.
  2. Find the perimeter of a square with side 4.7 cm.
  3. Find the perimeter of a square if it is equal to the perimeter of a rectangle with sides 5.6 cm and 7.5 cm.

No. 4 A runner ran 50 m in 5 seconds. Find the average speed of the runner over the distance. Give your answer in kilometers per hour.

1. How many kilometers are in 50 m?

Let's convert m to km (1 m = 0.001 km): 50. 0.001 = 0.05 (km)

2. What part of an hour is 5 seconds?

Let me convert seconds to hours (1 sec = 1/3600 h): 5. 1/3600 = 1/720 (h)

3. Find the average speed of the runner (v = s: t):

0.05: 1/720 = 36 (km/h)

Answer: 36 km/h

Tasks for preparation.

  1. Convert to km: 10 m; 24 m; 240 cm; 5000 cm; 10 dm; 7 dm.
  2. Convert to hours: 2 minutes; 10 min; 36 min; 2 sec; 10 sec; 36 sec; 72 sec.
  3. Find the speed of the runner if he runs 10 m in 5 seconds.
  4. Find the speed of the runner if he ran 100 m in 5 minutes. Give your answer in meters per hour.
  5. Find the speed of the runner if he runs 100 m in 5 seconds. Give your answer in kilometers per second.
  6. Find the speed of the runner if he ran 100 m in 36 seconds. Give your answer in kilometers per hour.

No. 5 The patient is prescribed a medicine that needs to be taken 0.5 g 3 times a day for 21 days. One package contains 10 tablets of medicine, 0.5 g each. What is the smallest number of packages that will be enough for the entire course of treatment?

1. How many grams of medicine are contained in one tablet?

1 tablet contains 0.5 g of medication

2. How many tablets per day should the patient take?

The patient takes 0.5 g 3 times a day, one tablet is 0.5 g of medicine, which means you need to take 3 tablets in 1 day.

3. How many tablets should you take in 21 days?

21. 3 = 63 (tablets) - necessary for the entire course of treatment

4. How many packages of tablets must be purchased if there are 10 tablets in one package?

63: 10 = 6 (remaining 3), 6 whole packages are needed and from 7 packages 3 tablets, which means 7 packages in total.

Answer: 7 packs.

Tasks for preparation.

  1. The doctor prescribed the patient to take 0.5 g of medication per day. One tablet contains 0.25 g of medication. How many tablets per day should a patient take?
  2. The patient bought a package of the drug in the amount of 10 pieces of 0.5 g each. How many grams of the drug are in the package?
  3. The patient is prescribed to take the medicine 2 times a day, 0.25 g. One tablet contains 0.25 g of medicine. How many tablets should a patient take in 2 days?
  4. The patient is prescribed to take the medicine 2 times a day, 0.5 g. One tablet contains 0.25 g of medicine. How many tablets should a patient take in 2 days?
  5. How many packages of capsules does a patient need to purchase if he takes 4 capsules a day, the treatment lasts 3 days, and there are 6 capsules in one package?
  6. One package contains 10 tablets with medicine. How many days will 2 packs last for a patient if the doctor has prescribed to take 3 tablets per day for 7 days?
  7. Will three packages of the drug (one package contains 10 tablets) be enough for a patient to complete a 7-day course of treatment, 3 tablets per day?

No. 6 Chocolate costs 35 rubles. On Sunday, the supermarket has a special offer: by paying for two chocolates, the buyer receives three (one as a gift). What is the smallest number of chocolates you can get by spending no more than 200 rubles on Sunday?

1. How much money should you pay for two chocolates?

35. 2 = 70 (rubles)

2. How much chocolate can you buy for 200 rubles?

200: 35 = 5 (chocolate)

3. How many times 2 are there in 5?

5: 2 = 2 (times), i.e. The special offer applies to 4 chocolates.

4. How many chocolates will the buyer be given as a gift?

For 4 chocolates - 2 free, that means 2 chocolates.

5. How many chocolates will be purchased, and how many will be given as gifts?

Purchased - 5 chocolates, gifted - 2 chocolates, total - 7 chocolates.

Answer: 7 chocolates.

Tasks for preparation.

  1. How much should you pay for two chocolates if the price of one is 40 rubles?
  2. During the promotion period there is a special offer: buy two chocolates, the third one is free. How many chocolates can you buy during two days of the promotion?
  3. During the promotion period there is a special offer: if you buy two chocolates at a price of 30 rubles per piece, the third chocolate will be free. How much should you pay for chocolate if the buyer purchased 3 chocolates?
  4. During the promotion period there is a special offer: buy two chocolates, the third one is free. How much chocolate can you get for free during the promotion period if you buy 6 chocolates?
  5. During the promotion period there is a special offer: if you buy two chocolates at a price of 30 rubles per piece, the third one will be free. How much chocolate can you buy for 120 rubles and how much chocolate can you get for free?

No. 7 Installation of two water meters (cold and hot) costs 2,300 rubles. Before installing water meters, we paid 1,900 rubles a month for water. After installing the meters, the monthly payment for water began to be 1,300 rubles. In what minimum number of months will the savings on water bills exceed the costs of installing meters if water tariffs do not change?

1. What is the difference between the monthly water bill before and after installing meters?

1900 - 1300 = 600 (rubles)

2. How many times are the savings on water bills greater than the cost of installing meters?

2300: 600 = 3 (rest 500) - almost 4 times.

This means that in 4 months the savings on water bills will exceed the costs of installing meters.

Answer: 4 months.

Tasks for preparation.

  1. How many rubles more did the cost of paying for utilities per month increase, if before the price increase it was 1200 rubles, and after the increase it began to cost 1550 rubles?
  2. What are the savings when paying for water if the cost of water was 600 rubles, but became 450 rubles?
  3. How many months will it take to install a gas meter if the savings per month are 200 rubles, and the installation cost is 1200 rubles?
  4. The cost of a gas meter with installation is 3200 rubles. What are the savings in gas payments after installing the meter if the meter pays for itself in 8 months?

No. 8 The house where Yana lives has 9 floors and several entrances. There are 6 apartments on each floor. Yana lives in apartment No. 55. In which entrance does Yana live?

1. How many apartments are there in one entrance of the building where Yana lives?

6. 9 = 54 (apartments) in one entrance (in the first).

2. Where is Yana’s apartment?

Yana has apartment No. 55, which means it is on the first floor, second entrance.

Answer: in the second.

Tasks for preparation.

  1. How many floors are there in a building if it has one entrance and only 48 apartments?
  2. How many apartments are there on one floor of an eight-story building with only 56 apartments?
  3. How many entrances are there in a four-story building if it has only 60 apartments, and there are 3 apartments on one floor?

There are a little more than three months left until the OGE. It's time to start preparing if you haven't already. How to properly allocate time and where to start, even if you really don’t want to, learned from the center’s experts "Phenomenon".

Three months before the OGE:

First of all, you need to pass tests in the subjects you are taking. This way you will figure out what you are strong at and what you are not. If the result is disappointing, don’t worry, there is still time to catch up.

Make a plan on what days and what you study. This will help you manage your time wisely. Important! Do not prepare for two different subjects on one day, otherwise your mind will get confused and you will forget everything.

Two months before the OGE:

Remove anything bright in the room from visible places. In order not to be distracted by harsh colors and to be able to calmly prepare for the exam, it is better to exclude irritants. After you hand it in, you take everything out of the closet.

Start taking notes with basic information on topics where errors are common. Don't rewrite everything. Only the most important things.

One month before the OGE:

Write all dates, formulas and terms on separate cards so that you can refer to them at any time. In addition, during the exam your visual memory may work, and the day before it will be convenient to repeat the material.

One week before the OGE:

Quickly re-read your notes and carefully study the cards you wrote earlier.

If you're still not ready, you might want to panic.

Tomorrow OGE:

Before going to bed, repeat the dates, formulas and terms again.

Go to bed early and put notes and flashcards under your pillow.

If you're still not ready, try not to worry and hope for luck.

Published in

Studying material without the help of tutors and experienced teachers not only has a number of advantages, but is also associated with certain difficulties. It is advisable to refuse a tutor if:

  1. You have no difficulty understanding the subject. Perhaps you simply missed some topics due to illness, which created gaps in your knowledge, or some of the material was missed by the teacher himself, who gave topics for home review.
  2. You know the subject generally well and want to brush up on your knowledge. Even if your report card always showed excellent marks, do not neglect preparing for the exam. Over the course of a few years, some information is forgotten, and it wouldn’t hurt to remember it at all. Plus, doing it yourself is quite easy.
  3. They will be able to help you. Parents-teachers or professors or even excellent classmates who are willing to spend half an hour explaining a complex topic will greatly help you. If you are confident that you can cope with the bulk of the material on your own, and that they will help you with complex topics, feel free to choose self-study.

Start preparing in advance, don’t put everything off until the last few weeks. The end of the year is already a stressful period, you will have to write tests, complete individual assignments and many other types of work, and there will be very little time to prepare. In addition, it is better to absorb information in small parts, delving into each rule and formula.

Exercise regularly. It is better to set aside 1-2 hours every day than to devote the whole weekend to preparing and sitting at the computer for many hours in a row. Don’t forget, the brain can work effectively for no more than 40-45 minutes, after which you must definitely take a break. If you try to “catch up” on all the classes you missed during the week in one day, the material you read will be forgotten very quickly.

Don't forget about repetition. It is best to repeat the material twice - 6 hours after studying and the next day. Repeat and remember only the key information, and you will not forget it until the day of the exam.

Study in a calm, quiet environment, do not be distracted by any household chores, concentrate.

How to prepare for the OGE yourself: what materials are needed?

First of all, take care of the materiel and stock up on everything necessary materials that you will use.

You shouldn’t immediately go to the library and ask for textbooks from previous years; they are unlikely to help you. The fact is that the material in them is presented with lengthy explanations, the study of which will take a lot of time. In addition, the OGE program changes annually, some topics are skipped. In textbooks you will have to learn and repeat everything, even things that may not be useful at all in the exam.

Special preparation guides will be an excellent alternative to textbooks. The material in them is presented concisely; in fact, basic concepts, formulas, dates, rules and other key information are highlighted. Often the text is accompanied by tables, diagrams, diagrams and other graphic components that simplify the process of systematizing and memorizing information.

In addition to manuals and collections with the theoretical part, you will need materials for practice. It would be a good idea to practice solving tests and problems, answering written questions and writing essays, that is, performing the types of tasks that you will encounter during testing.

A complete database of materials for preparation on the site "site"

In order not to waste extra money and time searching for and purchasing all the necessary manuals and collections with training tasks, register on the website. Here you will find a complete database of materials that will help you prepare for the OGE in all subjects:

  • Russian language and literature
  • English, Spanish, French, German
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Social studies
  • Stories
  • Mathematics
  • Geographies
  • Computer Science

We have collected all the necessary materials for our users:

  1. Theoretical manuals that contain textual information, tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, maps, images and much more.
  2. Practical tasks, including tests, tasks, examples, open tasks with independent formulation of the correct answer, retellings, essays and others.

All materials on the website “site” are divided into separate sections corresponding to subjects and organized by topic. Thanks to this, you can easily find the information you need and prepare yourself as efficiently as possible.

If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam, we offer you online preparation, which will save you time and money.