Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in verse. Congratulations to civil aviation workers Congratulations on Aviation Day December 7

It has been celebrated since 1994, when it was declared in honor of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the International Convention on Civil Aviation in Chicago.

International Civil Aviation Day celebrated annually on December 7, in Russia - February 9.

Pages: [in prose]

congratulations on civil aviation day

Aviator is great!
This is heaven, happiness, light,
Life rediscovered!
This is the wind roaring in response!

This day is Aviation Day
I will only say good things:
Joy, good luck, brothers, to you,
Let everything be within your reach!

May good things come true
And the bad things will go away!
Let it be felt at hand
Good, powerful plane!

How much is hidden in these two words:
Civil aviation, guarding dreams.
They are heroes, but not in thoughts, but in deeds,
At least they don’t show bright orders.

Let it sound for civil aviation
Always a song of glory, a song of your honor!
Let luck rush towards you at full speed,
You are heroes, there is not even a drop of flattery here!

We will celebrate Civil Aviation Day,
I want to wish you goodness and happiness today!
Planes, helicopters - that’s what’s best than all cars!
Brave pilots know that there is only one chance of error...

I wish you not to neglect caution in life,
To live without knowing problems, you must continue to remember -
People are very grateful to our dear aviation!
May you live a wonderful life! Congratulations to the whole country!

Your element is heaven,
The soul is only revealed there!
Life's calling is to fly,
And trust an experienced pilot!
You are a flight attendant, you are a sky goddess,
You travel through the skies, through the wind!
May the weather always be good
At absolutely any time of the year!
Let there be a beautiful view from the porthole,
And may it always bring you happiness!
Happy Civil Aviation Day,
I wish you success in heaven!

Happy Civil Aviation Day! Let the sky
Only peaceful vehicles roam.
I wish that your family is waiting for you
Always while you are somewhere in a foreign land.
I wish you a blue, beautiful sky,
No lightning, turbulence or clouds.
I wish you happiness and always be
Rich, healthy and happy and powerful.

Everything is familiar: the sky is clear
Soared up, hiding the chassis, the board,
And already with red lights
The airport blinked -
Everything is familiar, without sensation...
I'm pleased at this hour
Happy Civil Aviation Day
I hasten to congratulate you!

I would like to congratulate you on Aviation Day today,
To confer upon you the title of heavenly highness,
Give a bunch of gifts to those stuck at customs,
Pour a hundred grams of fuel, today it’s possible!

On Aviation Day, today you would like to wish:
Let everything difficult in your profession be sharpened,
We don’t care about earthly storms, barriers are fleeting,
Let your finances grow and your titles be honorable!

You have been faithful to your dream since childhood -
Dream of the sky and flights,
To be immune to vanity,
Soaring up on a plane!
And you achieved what you wanted
Didn't lose hope growing up
I dreamed, studied and took off,
I can’t believe my eyes!
Happy Aviation Day, my friend,
Congratulations to you today!
To be protected from storms and blizzards,
I wish you with all my heart!


[in prose]

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in prose

An aviator is always moving only forward, only upward, to new heights and achievements! Anyone who has ever risen into the sky and flown over the earth does not want to come down! This is the peculiarity of aviation, its stronghold and everyday work. Therefore, I wish you never to fall – neither in spirit nor in heart! Love your job and devote yourself completely to it! But at the same time - and appreciate the land that gave us the platform to take off, and where our family and friends live! When going up, don’t forget about the roots and that below you are always waiting! Successful starts and equally successful landings! May your homes always be warm and your faces glow with smiles!

Civil Aviation Day is not just a holiday. This is a holiday for those who are associated with the most interesting transport - airplanes. What a miracle it is to watch a beautiful steel silver bird gain altitude, and how nice it is to watch the clouds from the airplane window... A real miracle! And I congratulate you, as a person directly involved in aviation, on your professional holiday! I want to wish you smooth takeoffs and soft landings. I would like to wish you to always enjoy your very necessary and incredibly interesting work! I would like to wish you that all your dreams come true as easily as a plane takes off from the ground! Happy holiday to you! Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day! This is a holiday of kind, wise, valiant and brave people who know how to never give up. Civil aviation is simply irreplaceable, because regularly thousands, millions of people rush to get from one point of the planet to another, and it is you who help them get to their goal. With all my heart I want to wish you health, family happiness, cheerful interesting life, patience and many bright moments! Let everything be just wonderful, and let every flight go without a hitch! I wish you to visit all countries of the world, enjoy authority and respect among your colleagues, be able to win and strive for the best!

Your holiday has come, Civil Aviation Day, and I congratulate you on this! What can you wish for a person who conquers the skies and looks at the world from a height where even birds cannot fly? Well, of course, success and great health, because without health nothing in life is possible! I thank you for your courage and for the joy that you give to people! Let nothing overshadow your flight and let every flight pass “without a nail or a rod.” I always wish you a soft landing and an easy take-off! I wish you fulfillment cherished dream, from which you can look at the world in a new way, even from a great height and despite the kilometers traveled! Be happy! Happy Civil Aviation Day, thank you for being here!

Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday - Russian Civil Aviation Day. There are no secrets left for you in your courageous profession. You have conquered the sky and confidently control powerful steel birds. I want to wish you good health with all my heart. May your work bring you joy and worthy reward. I wish you family well-being, may you always be greeted on earth with love and joy. I wish you faith in yourself, confidence in the future, fulfillment of your desires and satisfaction from your work. May the heavens with which you have been in love since your youth protect you. Happy holiday!

My winged brothers! We have had unprecedented happiness - to always be on top. We are endowed with amazing abilities: in just a few hours we can transport several hundred people from one end of the world to the opposite. But along with this gift, we are also given the highest responsibility for the lives of those who trusted our skill, our hands, our heart. I am proud that none of us ever gave any reason to doubt our professionalism. I sincerely congratulate us on our holiday and wish all of us a cloudless sky, a fair wind, as our girls say, a pleasant flight! Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Today is Civil Aviation Day and on this day we congratulate everyone for whom the sky has become not only work, but also a close friend. The sky loves you, and you are the sky, so you are always happy to set off on your next flight. You organize passenger flights and special search and rescue, sanitary flights, you send cargo to where it is urgently needed. Sometimes the lives of hundreds of people depend on your well-coordinated work, and you, understanding this, do everything possible and impossible. At these moments, even the elements submit to you, because you are professionals!
Thank you, dear civil aviation workers, for your conscientious work, attention, and professionalism! We wish you health, conquering new heights, happiness to your family and all your loved ones who are always waiting for you to return home!

Dear civil aviation workers! You have chosen a job that requires discipline, determination, attentiveness and punctuality, extensive knowledge and constant self-improvement! Thanks to you, millions of people every day have the opportunity to travel around the world, meet new people, receive unforgettable experience! Thanks to you, dreams come true and loving hearts unite! Thank you for the professionalism and accuracy on which people’s lives depend! Thank you for making flying enjoyable and safe!
Today, on International Civil Aviation Day, we want to wish you only a free corridor, only flying weather and only sunny days in your destiny!

Working in the air is associated with daily risk, heavy loads and stress for the whole body. The profession of heroes, it is respected, admired, people strive for it, it is worthy of awards and generous, loud celebrations and congratulations on the dem of aviation. Aviation holidays are those days on which you simply must congratulate your friends and relatives working in this field. About and congratulations on aviation day read below.

If the heavens have opened for you

So you are winged wizards,

And wondrous expanses stretched out,

And you soar from dawn to dusk.

Life is trusted every day

Hundreds, thousands or more people

Everyone entrusts their hearts and souls to you,

May they be carried into the distance faster!

Take care of them, take care and store them,

To avoid trouble,

Carry me on your wings,

We will always pray for you!

Of course, such a large-scale, multifaceted profession associated with daily risk has more than one date for celebration.

  • The successes of aviation on an international scale could not go unnoticed. In 1992, the UN General Assembly established the holiday “International Civil Aviation Day”, which has since been celebrated on December 7th.
  • February 9 is Russian Civil Aviation Day
  • December 23 - Long-Range Aviation Day
  • June 1 is Military Transport Aviation Day
  • July 17 - Naval Aviation Day
  • August 12 - Russian Air Force Day
  • 3rd Sunday of August - Air Fleet Day.
  • And of course, every 13th of every month, as if in defiance of fate, the heavenly warriors celebrate their successful, countless landings.

Air fleet great holiday

We single him out among many.

And it is collected in the hearts of the most diverse

Whose exploits we don’t even know about.

Heroes, quickly soaring into the skies,

Risking my life every day for you

Whose stripe is infinitely continuous,

Both take-off and your own.

Civilian or military

We honor you each and congratulate you,

Immortal, steel and immortal,

We wish you from the whole world:

Take off... fly... fly...

Always, at any time of the year,

So that the angel can give his protection,

And in sunny days, and in bad weather!

How to congratulate a pilot?

If a person close to you has connected his life with heaven and such a special profession as a pilot, then you should be congratulated in a special way. Choose beautiful words that reflect the essence of the profession, create an unforgettable environment and, of course, interesting gifts.

Why were wings given to man?

To soar into the sky endlessly

How small the particles of the planet are from above,

And the little people are not visible at all.

You're soaring up, you're soaring up

Every day, keeping your finger on the pulse

Responsible for life, responsible for everyone,

So, beautifully soaring above the earth and circling!

We wish you health, strength and patience,

We always wish you good weather

May good luck fly with you,

And there will never be bad hours!

Probably the most wonderful holiday feeling for pilots is being at home with family, so don't suggest going out to restaurants or other establishments. The holiday should be a family one, unless, of course, it is already a corporate event.

Fly pilot, fly, take off

Be above everyone every day

And throw away all your strength,

Land without interference!

And on the sides they fly with you

May your angels

And they are watching you

All the way to the ground!

Holiday decoration at home.

Order a cake in the shape of a steering wheel or a uniform cap, you can arrange lunch as on an airplane, serve all dishes on platters and in disposable packages, but, of course, exclusively homemade. Or prepare them in the shape of an airplane, emblems and other flight paraphernalia, and give interesting names associated with this profession. For example, come up with cocktails and name them in an original way, “Runway”, “Turbulence Zone” or “Seven Thousand Above the Ground”. Decorate the salads and also name them – “Chassis”, “Rudder”, “Gangway” (for the color palette we use black olives, brown nuts, purple onions and cabbage). Place the hot dish on a platter in the shape of an airplane or airline logo.

Hang small paper airplanes, balls and other little things associated with air around the apartment.


Invitation to a banquet in the form of tickets. The service staff at your banquet should dress in the uniform of the company that is celebrating, and hand out “takeoff and landing” candy at the entrance. Decorate the hall balloons choose appropriate music with the airline logos, periodically diluting it with announcements heard on planes and airports.

Chairs can imitate the appearance of airplane seats, for example, they can be equipped with headrests or seat belts. Dishes can be served in disposable containers, foil, or simply reflect a specialized theme.

Organize the event itself in the form of a flight, an exotic trip, an exam for employees of the air industry, or an unscheduled landing. In a retro style, for example, “Flight of the 60s”, or maybe, on the contrary, “Heaven, 3100” and so on.


It is very difficult to surprise a person who has seen many times more than you, but you still need to try. One option is to approach the issue with humor and give him a ticket for a train, bus or sea vessel for some tour of cities or European countries. Present a model of an airplane, cufflinks or a cigarette case with symbols, a personalized watch, a comfortable leather chair, like in the cockpit.

Of course, these are exclusively themed gifts and holiday nuances; you can choose topics completely unrelated to flying.

Lines of congratulations.

Pilots, flight attendants and flight attendants! Every third person in the world has at least once trusted you with their lives and the lives of their loved ones. And you, at the highest level, have coped with this task millions of times. And all because you have neither professionalism, nor courage, nor courage, nor dedication. With all our hearts, on your holiday, we would like to wish you, most importantly, health! After all, only it gives you the opportunity to soar into the skies, and for us to be in good hands. Incredible luck, on which our destinies also depend. Cloudless skies, endless expanses, the strongest guardian angels and thousands of flight hours ahead! Happy holiday to you, heavenly employees of the flight industry!

On the day of civil aviation I wish,
Fair wind to you on your journey,
And I congratulate you from my heart and soul,
May good luck lie ahead.
Let happiness in life warm you with warmth,
And gives success, and strength, love,
And fills the soul with warmth and goodness,
Bring a smile to the soul again and again.

On civil aviation day, today,
We wish you sunny weather,
May there be no black clouds on the way,
And expects only happiness ahead.
May every day bring you victories,
And good luck, and bright smiles,
May the Lord drive away troubles from you,
And it will warm you with warmth for many years.

Planes crash into white clouds
Airplanes carry people and cargo
A confident hand at the helm
Aviation is not an easy job.
Happy Civil Aviation Day
We congratulate you today, friends
Let the sky above you always be blue
After all, you can’t live without the sky.

Do you know what someone else dreams of?
He doesn't even dare. You are much cooler:
You can fly above the clouds
You fly above the most menacing cloud!
Other: are you a bird? isn't it? - will not understand,
But, the gravity of gravity is stronger,
You fly a plane into the sky
It's like you're stretching your arms like wings!
No, not alone to fly under the Sun for a year
To you, and therefore: earthly luck,
Soft landings, less bad weather,
Wives, beautiful children, houses, dachas!
Flying in the sky like a bird,
We wish we don’t turn into a bird!

Civil aviation is always at its best
Flights take place throughout the country,
The pilots at the controls are great daredevils,
And the flight attendants! At least paint pictures from them.
We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday,
We wish the crew happiness and good health,
Let the weather always be flying.
May God grant that your life is wonderful.

We sincerely congratulate the pilots,
May luck smile on them along the way,
We wish them a fair wind.
May happiness be with you along the way
It goes, brings bright moments,
May the angels always protect you
And all sunrises give clarity of mood.

We congratulate you on Aviation Day
You are responsible for our security,
Our hearts are in heavenly pulsation.
We wish you a peaceful clear sky,
A steady hand and a tenacious engine,
Family happiness, radiant sunshine,
All the best, the best!

Civil Aviation Day
The seventh of December will come.
Question about celebration exactly
Then he will stand in front of you.
So a little earlier
I want to congratulate you on it
So that all your strength for the holiday
You were able to easily guide tomorrow.
Your work is very important
It was, is, and will be necessary.
I'm glad that in this whirlwind
You haven't forgotten about our friendship.
Therefore I wish you
Don't change yourself over the years
And try at work
Don't exhaust yourself with labor.

On International Civil Aviation Day
Let's raise our glasses,
For those who make our skies blue
In love with both heart and soul.

We wish you wonderful flights,
And a fair breeze on the way,
Soft landings and successful takeoffs,
So that there is no fog or thunderstorm.

The flight has been announced. Everything is battened down
The lane is empty
And the engine roared desperately,
Instantly sensing the heavens,
And with unprecedented grace
Bort disdained his earthly weight...
Happy Civil Aviation Day!
And cloudless skies!

We sincerely congratulate you
From aviation we are during the day,
We wish all civilians
So that they fly more often during the day.

We love airplanes
We respect you very much
Since we are walking along the ladder.

We wish you happiness and success,
Your service is not easy,
More joy and laughter
You are always a hero for us!

The hospitable hosts of the aircraft cabin -
Today is the holiday of flight attendants.
Who do we trust to take care of our comfort?
When we fly among a thousand winds?
Who will feed us, the instructions will open,
Will he give you medicine, bring you a bed?
Who collects feedback during the flight,
So that everything in the sky is also like people’s?
We congratulate you with love today
And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything,
Let sorrows be driven away from you,
And the heart will be forever young.
I wish you health and trembling happiness,
Smiles and patience everywhere -
After all, you live in two different elements,
In heaven and fiery earth.

In the sky, like at home - but only at work.
This is how the conductor lives on board.
Let health keep pace with you,
Every route will be calm.
New countries greet you brightly,
Your loved ones and your friends are waiting at home.
The angels will be generous with gifts,
The native land is looking forward to it.

My pilot - dear, beloved!
I want to congratulate you!
I wish you successful flights -
Let the sky be on your shoulder,
I always miss you
And in my thoughts I'm flying to you,
I miss you so much!
But I won’t say anything about it!
Forward! Let the clouds call!
Salute to the romantics of heaven!

Our old friend, Aeroflot,
Ruler of the blue heights,
Creator of miraculous routes,
You are familiar to each of us!
When the plane takes off
The soul rejoices and sings,
Two wings shine in the sun,
And the distance is transparent and bright.
And joy fills the gaze,
From the beauty of forests and lakes.
Live, grow, Aeroflot -
Ruler of the blue heights.

Today we drink champagne for you,
I’m not too lazy to praise you to the whole world:
Hail, civil aviation,
On this snowy bright winter day!
Wings carry us, and at night, in the evening,
Even on the worst day
Flight attendants, pilots, dispatchers
We sing health resorts to heaven
We wish you new fast “boards”
And there is a strict number of landings,
In armchairs to sit carefree
And we were carried across the oceans!!!

Poems about aviation, congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

They neither plow nor sow,
They spend their days outdoors;
We are transported and cherished,
And they feed you chicken.
Here is a verse that came down from heaven:
For pilots and flight attendants!

High, high in the blue sky
You're flying - the eagles can't keep up!
Good luck! And Russia is proud
For civil aviation!
May you rarely see me here
"Boeings", "YAKs", "ANnushki",
"TU" - what has been built!
But pilots are citizen soldiers -
The entire Lufthansa will be silenced!
Everything is not easy for them there either,
And not everyone can fly a Boeing!
Well, ours can easily do it!
Will their pilot on the Yak be able to?
No, they can’t keep up with ours!
Today is a holiday - we need to celebrate!
Happy Civil Aviation Day!
How many takeoffs do you have - so many landings!

Happy Civil Aviation Day
Congratulations to wonderful people
They are on the wave of improvisation
We make wishes:

Love and carefree life,
Good health and no problems!
Weather - so that only summer weather,
After all, everyone needs a civilian fleet!

May the sky be kind to you
We are all immensely grateful!
Let him play with bright colors
Your holiday is fabulous and glorious!

On Civil Aviation Day
We congratulate the pilots,
And we wish with all our hearts,
Reliable aircraft to you!

To weather conditions,
Your flights have not been cancelled,
On earth, so that loved ones,
You were greeted with a smile!

The sky has beckoned everyone since childhood,
But not everyone can fly!
We wish you a lot of joy,
Let's drink wine to the pilots!

Today is Aeroflot Day,
And we want to congratulate those
Who sends the planes
And makes flights -
Flight engineers, flight attendants,
Similar article to princesses,
Pilots, navigators, cashiers,
Dispatchers and commanders.
Let there be summer weather
Not only on Aeroflot Day!
We want to fly by plane -
There is no more reliable Aeroflot!

Today is civil aviation day,
We give our thunderous ovation,
A passenger plane takes off into the sky,
And your next flight began,
Let the sky be only blue,
So that there are no force majeures in flights,
We congratulate you on this day,
We wish you only endless spaces.

That's why aviation -
What flies high!
That's why airliners -
To float across the sky.
That's why they are pilots -
Draw strokes across the sky.
That's why flight attendants
So that in the blue sky
They served us
And they were pleasing to the eye.
And let the applause thunder
In honor of our aviation!

Poems about aviation, congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

All our lives you accompany us,
Smile kind words please
And if you need to quench your appetite -
You just love everyone who flies.

And we love and wish you in return,
So that they always wait for you at home,
So that the road of life is smooth and wide
And it was far from the end, just like from the stars.

White-winged giants
Conquer the skies
Talented aviators
Give people miracles:
They give meetings and farewells,
Strength, speed and progress,
Gives a thrill from contemplation
Long-legged flight attendants!
We wish you pleasure
From the flights of your birds
And come back soon
To a good circle of loved ones!
We raise our toasts
We are for every plane,
We praise you and congratulate you!
Prosper, Aeroflot!

Happy Civil Aviation Day,
Congratulations to all of you today,
Together with the planes
The soul strives for heaven.

Airplanes deliver cargo
Those that cannot be delivered by trains,
Parcels, letters and parcels
Delivered from overseas.

How wonderful it is that people have created
Wonderful birds that move us,
Now we will fly across the sky,
Congratulations to the pilots' holiday.

The landing gear is already retracted, we're ready to fly,
Our plane has departed!
Will cover the distance
He will bring it wherever we need it.

And the flight attendants are so nice
They give us care.
And then the landing is announced,
Lights are visible below.

We wish you a soft landing,
Let the flight be pleasant,
And the impressions are wonderful,
Let sadness forget about you.

It is known that the Earth is round,
The sea also divides the land.
Transported bodies
They tremble for their own soul.
Piercing the sky with your gaze,
The bourgeois and the proletarian are flying,
Hoping firmly: bodies
All sorts of accidents will be avoided.
Don't be, pilot, you're too proud
Communicating only with heaven:
Deliver the bodies to the airport
And we will save the soul ourselves!

I congratulate you, my pilot, my hero!
May happiness and luck always be with you,
May the flying roads not let you down,
And remember you are at home, in your dear family, they are waiting for you!

  • Step 1 Select from the congratulations on our website the one you want to send to a loved one to the phone.
  • Step 2 Enter the phone number of the recipient of the congratulation (birthday person) and select the time at which you want to call. You can “Right Now” or “Specify time” - specifying the day, hour and minute of the call.
  • Step 3 Select a payment method for your order. You can pay via phone (only for subscribers of MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2), or pay with bank card, Yandex Money or Webmoney. When paying by card or electronic payment systems, congratulations will cost you 10% less (there is no mobile operator commission). Click the “Send Congratulations” button.
  • Step 4 Subscribers of MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2 will receive a free incoming message, by replying to which you confirm payment ( detailed instructions will be in SMS). When paying using another method, you will be redirected to the payment system website.
  • Step 5 After paying for the order on the specified day and time, our system will call the recipient and he will hear the congratulation you selected in the handset. If you paid by phone, you will receive an SMS message informing you that your congratulations have been successfully delivered!


  • What happens if the birthday person's phone is temporarily unavailable? If the recipient's phone is busy, turned off, or he does not pick up, then our system will call him at increasing intervals for 10 hours until the subscriber picks up. Have you ever gone 10 hours without answering your phone? Unless the subscriber turns off the phone for a day. In other cases, congratulations will be delivered!
  • How much will a call cost for a birthday person? If the birthday person has free incoming calls, then this call will be absolutely free. For him, this is a regular incoming call. If the subscriber is roaming, then the fee is only for roaming and nothing on top.
  • Can I send greetings to a friend in another country? Yes, congratulations will be delivered to any phone anywhere in the world. It is important to indicate the recipient's phone number correctly. The recipient's phone number is entered with the country code, then the mobile number, for example, if you want to send a greeting to Ukraine, then the recipient's number will begin with the Ukraine code 380
  • What should I do if I haven’t received an SMS for payment? This problem may occur if your operator’s line is busy during the holidays. Choose the "Card / Yandex Money" method, it always works + get a 10% discount.
  • What time is the call made? If you selected the "Right Now" option, the robot will start calling immediately after receiving payment. If you specified the time, then 30 seconds before the specified point. Congratulations are sent according to the local time of the customer (sender) of the congratulations.
    Example No. 1: you are in Novosibirsk and specify the delivery time as 9.00, the congratulations will be sent at 9.00 Novosibirsk time. If you are in the same time zone, you don’t need to think at all, just indicate your local time.
    Example No. 2: I am a customer from Sochi (Moscow time here), I want to congratulate a friend in Novosibirsk, we have a 4 hour difference, I need him to be called at 10.00 Novosibirsk time, which means I indicate delivery at 10.00 - 4 hours = 6.00 in my opinion time.
  • Advice You can add several congratulations you like to your favorites by clicking on the star next to them and then select one of them.
  • Advice Check the box next to deliver from my phone number and select Putin, the police or a sexy blonde for the pranks. Surprise guaranteed! You will have to pay from your phone to confirm that the specified number is yours.

How can I use this?

  • Always an unexpected surprise. Remember how keenly you react to everything new and original? Pugacheva herself or Vladimir Putin is calling you. Wow! How pleasant are these unexpected emotions, how do they energize and delight? Congratulations in voice form, against the backdrop of your favorite melody, in the voice of a famous politician, singer, actor or folk artist - it is always pleasant and interesting.
  • A way to surprise. Among the huge selection of different voice congratulations, you can find exactly the one that the hero of the day or birthday will surely like. You can be sure that this surprise will be special and unique.
  • A great addition to any gift. A voice congratulation can accompany the delivery of a gift to the birthday person, because you yourself determine the exact time of sending the surprise. Congratulatory words can be heard at the moment of proclamation of a toast, when all those invited come together to honor and praise the hero of the day. Surrounded by family, such a surprise will be received even better by the birthday boy.
  • Funny pranks. Another advantage of a voice surprise is the ability to combine the text of the congratulation with an unexpected draw. Humor is our savior. It makes life brighter, more enjoyable and easier. Laughter, a sincere smile and delight - this is what you and your family can get from voice congratulations. Real and sincere emotions are not often found in life. Give them to each other every day!
  • An opportunity to joke or test your other half's fidelity. Send a friend or your significant other an explicit recording from the opposite sex and listen to what he (she) will say in response on the recording.
  • Voice alarms. A text motivating achievements with upbeat music from the very morning is exactly what you need to cheer up and set up a victory for your loved one before an important meeting or before taking an exam.