For several decades now, Russian scientists have been actively struggling with the biggest problem for all humanity - old age. And now Altai researchers have announced that they have managed to develop a substance that can give people eternal life in the future. A

Oleg Grigorievich Mityaev (born February 19, 1956, Chelyabinsk) - Soviet and Russian singer-songwriter, musician, actor. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2009). Author and first performer of the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today” (1978).
Mityaev's hometown is Chelyabinsk. His mother was a housewife, and his father was a worker at a pipe-rolling plant. There was never any swearing in the family; everyone treated each other with respect. When the boy was seven years old, he went to school. At first it was school No. 59, then school No. 55, and he already graduated from school No. 68 in Chelyabinsk.
According to Mityaev, he was unprepared for the first grade, completely failing to meet the required level, he studied simply disgustingly, receiving only deuces and grades. School seemed like a complete torment, where the only joyful events were breaks and vacations. Only by the eighth grade did he manage to achieve fours and threes on his report card.
As a child, Oleg spent a lot of time fiddling with yard dogs and even dreamed as a child that he would be a “dog breeder.” He tamed them, fed them, built booths, and hid them from trappers.
The yard was truly “gangster”, where there was a lot of punks and massacres. Hockey player Sergei Makarov, who became a multiple world champion, and famous hockey player Sergei Starikov grew up in the same yard. Among the guys there were also those who later ended up behind bars.
Despite the fact that the boy spent a lot of time in the yard, his parents closely watched him, and there was no question of any attempt to smoke; all this was immediately stopped. Mom was a strict person. Mityaev recalls that if he allowed himself to leave the house by loudly slamming the door, he always received punishment from his mother for it. For this he is very grateful to her, as she taught him to control himself and be restrained.
Oleg’s passion for the guitar began, like many others at that time. He tried to play even without knowing the chords. “Gypsy Girl” was generally played on a guitar with only two strings. After all the strings appeared, the repertoire expanded significantly. Having heard the songs of Vizbor and Dolsky for the first time, Oleg learned the tapes by heart, and it was the same with Sukhanov’s tape.
The song “March of the Installers” was one of his favorites, and largely because of this, Mityaev decided to become an assembler and entered the assembly technical school in 1971. There he mastered the specialty of electrical technician. The choice of profession happened completely by accident, it seemed to Oleg that this was a real man’s work and real, real life. Having already started studying, he realized his mistake, realized that this was not his thing, especially when he encountered such an exact science as strength of strength. The young man promised himself that he would finish his studies, despite the fact that he had to travel through the entire frozen Chelyabinsk to study.
At this time, Mityaev became seriously interested in swimming, receiving the first category. He was promised that if he played sports, he could avoid the army, but the opposite happened. Suddenly he was taken to serve in Moscow, where, as a sailor in a beautiful naval uniform, he served in the guard of the admiral of the fleet of the Soviet Union.

After the service, it was decided to enter the Institute of Physical Education. Oleg graduated with honors in 1981, which he was very surprised by. He took part in all amateur art competitions. Starting from 1978, the future bard wrote songs, and from 1980 he began not only to write, but also to perform them wherever they were asked.
After graduating from the institute, Oleg Mityaev four years I worked there as a teacher and at the same time was the manager of the club of a boarding house not far from Chelyabinsk. In the city philharmonic in 1985-1986 he worked as an artist. Mityaev began to think about the acting profession and in 1992 he became a graduate of GITIS.
While still studying at the Institute of Physical Education, the bard met Startsev, with whom he began performing. Bulat Okudzhava said at that time that in Mityaev’s work one can feel an indomitable desire for perfection, which is sometimes much more important than an even, constant and average level.
Since 1987, the singer-songwriter began performing with Tarasov, releasing several discs and records together. And in 1992, Tarasov and Mityaev, together with the actors of the Mossovet Theater, took part in the production of “Big Vladimir”, where Mityaev played the role of Mayakovsky. The premiere took place in Italy. Later Mityaev began working with Margolin. He goes on tour, his concerts usually last about three hours. They are more like improvisation.
Even in his youth, the future bard thought that he would have one wife for the rest of his life. However, in reality it turned out differently. Apart from considering his personal life successful, he does not really like to talk about it. From his first marriage, which did not last long, he has a son, whose name is Sergei. The second marriage also broke up. His wife bore him two children. Now Mityaev lives with his third wife, raising their daughter together. Their marriage has lasted for fourteen years. His wife is an actress of the Vakhtangov Theater.
The bard carried his love for his native Chelyabinsk throughout his life. He comes there to give concerts at least once a year, because he cannot live without this city, without breathing its air and walking through familiar streets. According to Mityaev, he often dreams about his childhood, his yard. He considers it happiness that a person lives in this world.

Scientists at Altai State University stated that they have developed a drug that allows the body to activate the processes of producing its own stem cells, renew tissues and maintain them in the state of a biologically young organism. It took them about two years of work to achieve this. The substance that the researchers obtained will in the future form the basis of a youth drug.

In general, it has always been common for humanity to dream of immortality. Since ancient times people in various ways tried to prolong their youth and life. Thus, the ancient Greeks took milk baths to rejuvenate, and the ancient Romans drank the blood of gladiators fought in battles in the arena. In the Middle Ages, thousands of alchemists, along with the philosopher's stone, were looking for the elixir of immortality, and Chinese adherents of Taoism tried to develop a similar elixir within themselves. The history of such searches is extensive, but, alas, completely inconclusive.

The first scientific researcher in this area is considered to be the Russian and French biologist, Nobel Prize laureate in the field of physiology and medicine (1908) Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. He is the founder of gerontology - a science that studies the biological, social and psychological aspects of human aging, its causes and ways to combat it. Mechnikov developed a whole theory of aging due to intoxication and recommendations for healing fermented milk drinks for rejuvenation.

During the Soviet years, scientists were also actively involved in research on life extension. For example, at the Research Institute of Medical Primatology in Adler, the former Sukhumi nursery, unique results were obtained on primates. It turned out that the level of the hormone melatonin, especially at night, falls over the years. Based on these data, a group of Ukrainian chronobiologists learned to determine the biological age of people. Soon the understanding came that it was not age that needed to be assessed, but the pace of aging. Scientists were led to this idea by the results of a unique modern study in which several thousand truck drivers participated. It turned out that this is the fastest aging profession.

Now the issue of aging has been taken up at Moscow State University. A major project to combat aging at the cellular level is led by the director of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after Moscow State University, academician Vladimir Skulachev. And it must be said that scientists have achieved phenomenal results. In addition, it is worth noting that average life expectancy has already increased significantly in the last couple of centuries, thanks to scientific advances such as the discovery of antisepsis, asepsis, vaccination and antibiotics, which have radically changed human survival. Such inventions are rightly considered revolutionary milestones in medicine. As a result, this resulted in an increase in average life expectancy from 35-40 to 75-80 years.

And now the latest breakthrough of Russian scientists is the invention of a substance that slows down aging. It is known that the drug is based on stem cells. According to scientists from Altai State University, aging is a disease that can be treated. According to them, the medicine causes the body to produce new cells. This function will allow the drug to be used not only as a “cure for old age,” but also for healing wounds and ulcers. In the future, with the help of this invention it will be possible to cure cirrhosis of the liver, stomach ulcers and restore the heart muscle after a heart attack.

“We are developing anti-aging drugs for bone marrow regeneration after chemotherapy in cancer patients, a hepatoprotector to support the liver, and drugs for women’s health. They are based on a substance that has hepatoprotective activity, slowing down the aging process and preventing age-related diseases,” said Ivan Smirnov, director of the university’s Research Institute of Biomedicine. According to him, experts have already tested the drug on the liver of laboratory mice, which from the point of view of chemistry and biology is 100% similar to human liver, and were satisfied with the result.

The scientist also noted that over the past few days the phones at the ASU and in the laboratories have not stopped ringing; people from all over Russia are trying to sign up to test the substance on themselves, but this is still prohibited.

“Now the substance looks like powder. The future drug may have several forms of use, both internally in the form of tablets and in the form of a cream or gel for the treatment of wounds and abrasions that heal instantly,” said Ivan Smirnov. According to him, scientists have a lot of work to do before the finished product is released. Will there be a drug medicine or cosmetic, it will be decided in two years.

Wedding photographers capture the most significant events in the life of a couple in love, but this event is only the beginning; after the wedding, many events happen that are so pleasant to remember and which help to stay in love together. Stephanie Jarstad recently published a whole series of couples who carried their feeling through the years, without losing it one gram, but only increasing it.

About Doug and Fran from the title photo: "We dated for eight years. We broke up and got back together six times. We couldn't find a common language at all, but the stars kept bringing us together. We're still working on communicating with each other, but love does not allow us to part, it grows every day."

"My family was worried because Steve was from a dysfunctional family, they tried to dissuade me from marrying him. And for me it was not an easy decision - my mother tried very hard to dissuade us. I prayed to understand what decision to make, and The answer was almost immediate - Steve came by car from another state to me, and we signed immediately."

Four years ago, Ray was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Since then, no matter what you ask him, he answers, “As Tess wishes.” He will definitely never forget this phrase!

Lloyd has a twin brother and I have a twin brother. We've been riding the school bus together since I was in third grade and Lloyd was in sixth grade. I was 16 and he was 18 when we got married. Now we have 30 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren. It’s so wonderful that we rode on the same bus back then!

“As a wedding photographer, I love to find out photos about how everything happened for the first time: how the couple first met, how they realized that they fell in love, how he proposed... I think it’s such an honor to capture love. Pure, sincere, from which eyes sparkle," says photographer Stephanie Jarstad.

We met on a blind date. My nephew arranged everything and we went to the restaurant. I didn't like her dog, and she didn't like me.

We went hiking in the summer of 1944 on Mount Timpanogos. Six months later we were engaged. And we tried very hard to raise all of our thirteen children.

Ian: We met in 8th grade. I invited him to a dance in 9th grade. He said that then he would have to come pick me up.
Richard: What I meant was that I didn't have a license and had to ask my dad to give us a ride.
Jan: And I thought that he was saying that because he didn’t want to bother himself.
Richard: Then she came up to me in class English language and asked me a bunch of questions that I couldn’t get away with. We got married when we were 17 years old. Although I usually tell people that we got married as teenagers, when she was 19 and I was 13. Laughter plays an important role in our lives. I don't go into her room where she sews, and she stays away from my workshop where I cut glass."

Actually he was dating my cousin. My aunt really liked him, she even organized a party so they could get back together after a fight. That's where we met. We started dating. We are so grateful to Auntie for organizing this party. But none of us wanted to go to it! Every Friday since then we have a date night.

We met when I was working in a store women's clothing, and he is in the next department with men's clothing. Every morning we both went outside to sweep the sidewalk in front of the shops. One day our brooms met. Day after day, on this heel of the sidewalk, our feelings grew. Sweeping is beneficial.

I just got hired as an administrator at a maternity hospital. There was a big vacant lot in the backyard and I wanted to burn it down. I called the fire department to get permission and Alan arrived. A week later he came again and asked if we could have dinner together. I resisted, but he knew everything for sure. This is a second marriage for each of us. It is very important to stop being selfish. The biggest problem is when you think about yourself first. Marriage is a constant work in progress. By the way, I received permission to burn the vacant lot only a few years later. But that was no longer important - I had something much more important.

He asked me if I wanted to meet him, and I replied that I had other plans. He asked me about the next week, and the next, and I honestly met with him once a week. And then he stopped calling. Forgot!
And now we're growing old together. Before, we didn’t grow old, but now we’re learning. We rely on each other. Best advice What I can give you is: don’t try to change each other, just accept each other as you are. Look for the good.
George: Can I tell you that you were Miss Oregon?
Diana: Oh, that was a hundred years ago!

We met in economics class. Who studied what, I am an attractive girl sitting in the classroom. Life is so fickle, you have to have faith. When we got married, we didn't have much faith. We just plunged into family life. You always have to make an effort. Now we are as close to each other as we have never been before.

All ages are submissive to love - travel photographer Ignacio Lehmann draws attention to this feeling. B - a variety of couples, young and old, rich and poor, from different countries, under different circumstances, but the only thing that unites them is that same love that does not recognize boundaries.

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