Luxurious curls without harming your hair – it’s real! Luxurious curls without harm to your hair Curl your hair without harm to your hair

The desire to have luxurious curls pushes many women and girls to use modern miraculous curling devices, such as irons, curling irons, etc. Even knowing about the harm they cause, how much they burn their hair, few people stop , and all this is to save time. Before going to the hairdresser, it is rare that a lady thinks about how to curl her hair without harm. The most gentle procedure that can be offered in a beauty salon is bio-perm. Its essence is that the hair is curled using products that do not contain aggressive substances. It gets along with highlighting, dyeing and lamination.

For those who still prefer not to use heating devices and abandon chemical experiments, several types of hair-friendly curlers are offered. For example, soft ones with Velcro. The size of the curls also depends on the type of device chosen. Round products are for large curls, soft stripes are for smaller curls.

Finally, to the delight of curl lovers, “lox” curlers, which have no hard parts, were put into production. They are convenient to use while sleeping. Loxes help create voluminous, large curls without harm to any hair type, since they do not require the use of chemicals. In addition, these curlers allow you to curl hair on long curls without damaging their structure. If you twist the locs onto wet strands, the spirals will last up to three days.

But it’s worth paying attention to more gentle ways of how you can curl your hair without harming your hair, so to speak, grandma’s recipes.

Big waves

There will always be pieces of unnecessary fabric at home. It is proposed to cut strips of them approximately 3 cm wide and long enough to make a knot. Wrap each strand of damp hair in a cloth and tie it in a knot. Leave overnight. In the morning you will become the owner of large curls, and all this without headaches or problems sleeping.


The simplest, most effective, time-consuming method, which is used by many in Everyday life. After washing your hair, braid your hair: one for larger ones or several for small curls. You can go to bed peacefully, the result will be lush curly hair.


An excellent option for home use, easy to do even without a mirror. Strands of hair are twisted with your fingers into so-called strands, secured at the bottom with an elastic band or clip and also left overnight. Suitable for any hair length, you just need to take into account the room temperature. The longer the curls and the thicker the strands, the longer they take to dry. But the result will please you for a long time.

Curls with hairpins

This method will allow you to create an “Afro” style. Dividing all the hair into strands, wrap each one individually around a figure-of-eight hairpin and secure with an elastic band. It is advisable to do this after washing your hair, the effect will be more pronounced. Considering the size of the pin teeth, the proposed option is not acceptable for very long hair.

Wavy hairstyle using elastic band

Put a bandage on wet hair. When choosing strands, twist them around the tape, starting from the front of the head: first one side, then move to the other in the same way. The result is a tourniquet that covers the tape. You can safely wear this hairstyle during the day, and if you leave it overnight, by the morning you will become the owner of wavy curls.

Using a hair sock

Hair gathers on top of head high ponytail. The sock is folded into a “donut” (the toe part must first be cut off). Thread the tail through it like an elastic band. The hair is gradually curled together with the sock, evenly distributed over the surface of the “donut”.

For a long time, you can list all sorts of original and safe ways to curl your hair, but the main thing is spectacular curly hairstyle easy to do without the use of technological means. You just need to master harmless methods, and your curls will remain strong and healthy.

There is an opinion that the devices with which girls create curls negatively affect their hair and spoil it. This is partly true, especially if you do it incorrectly and neglect the advice given by professionals. It is not surprising that representatives fair half of humanity are asking the question: “Is it possible to curl curls without harming the hair?” Of course yes, if you choose the following option:

REFERENCE! Don't forget that hair curled slightly damp will retain its curls longer. But this can only be used when curling using hair-safe methods. To enhance the effect, you can moisturize your strands with a strong tea infusion without sugar.

Which perm is better to avoid if you are afraid of ruining your hair?

  • Using chemicals.
  • For curling irons, hot rollers, straightening irons.

Safe long-term styling


Based on cysteamine, which is not as aggressive as acids and alkalis.


  • Moderate effect on the hair structure (the main emphasis is on the outer layer).
  • When performed by a professional, it lasts a long time (2-6 months - the duration is affected by the length, structure of the hair, adequate hygiene procedures, and the degree of atmospheric humidity).
  • The color of the strands is preserved.
  • Good texture of curls.


  • High price.
  • The advantages of the method are available only with a professional approach to the process (it is necessary to calculate the percentage of components, taking into account the condition of the client’s hair).
  • A specific hair scent for several weeks.
  • Not an option for hair dyed with henna or basma (the consequences are unpredictable due to the lack of data on the results of the interactions of these herbal dyes with the components of the curling product).
  • Cannot be combined with gel styling products.


The product contains fruit acids that cause minimal harm to the structure and condition of the hair.


  • Curls last 1.5-2 months.
  • The fat content of strands is reduced.
  • Suitable for all hair types in normal condition.


  • Not suitable for lovers of sunbathing and swimming pools (it is advisable to protect the resulting curls from UV radiation and exposure to chlorine).
  • Short-lived among “mermaids”.
  • Curls have increased rigidity.

When is it wiser to abandon gentle methods?

If the hair is “killed” due to frequent staining, other aggressive procedures to change the appearance of hair or due to health problems, even the most gentle long-term perm should not be done. But should you be upset when safe ways to achieve curls are always available?

Contraindications for gentle curls:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Problems with hormonal balance.
  • Dry hair due to UV exposure, exposure to salts, and frequent dyeing.
  • Increased skin sensitivity.
  • In previous colorings, henna and basma were used.

How to effectively create curls at home without damaging your hair?

  • Braids (small ones will give the effect of spiral chemistry, large ones will provide waves, and the roots will add volume).
  • Curl into bundles, which are then placed on the head in buns.
  • For curlers, curlers, donuts, bandages.

Extend the viability of the resulting curls:

  • Lightly moisturize before curling.
  • Use a strong, fresh infusion of yarrow, nettle, tea or chamomile as a modeling liquid.
  • Wear braids or curlers for at least 8 hours.

ADVICE! Do not start the process if rainy weather is forecast, your hair is dirty and you cannot wash it before curling - your efforts will be in vain.

Simple ways to curl your hair

On a sock (for mane up to the shoulder blade)

It is better to take terry, long and the same color as the hair (then small fibers tangled in the strands will not be noticeable).

On the toe (for mane up to the waist and below)

  1. Make a cross-section of about 3 cm in the unfolded sock.
  2. Tie the prepared mane into a ponytail.
  3. Insert the ends of the tail into the cut.
  4. Wrap the hair around the sock until it is secured into a ponytail.
  5. Tie the edges of the sock into a secure knot.
  6. Wait the allotted time.
  7. Having untied the edges of the sock, unravel the tail.
  8. Straighten the curls and fix them with varnish if desired.

This video will help you understand this topic better:

On lox

Don't be upset if the first time you don't get exactly the curls you want. Loksa are quite convenient and easy to use, you just need a little experience. A few tries and you will succeed.

Thermal devices

Thermo curlers

  1. Heat for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Keep for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Use up to 2 times a week.
  4. Give rest and use restorative agents for care during this period.

Curling iron, iron

In order for the resulting effect to last for a long time, experts recommend using fixing agents. For example, hairspray with flexible fixation is designed specifically for curls.

Which coating is better in tongs and curling irons?

Attention! Minimizing harm should be achieved by evenly distributing the strands over the heating element. You can also burn it with a Teflon-coated device if you wind a large strand of hair and wait until the top layer warms up well - the lower part of the strand will simply fry during this time.

How often can you do such hairstyles?

Determine for yourself, taking into account the current condition of your hair: if it has become dull, brittle, it’s time to take a break and do restorative procedures.

The beauty of curled curls largely depends on the accuracy in the process of creating them. Take your time, deciding to get an avalanche of curls by tomorrow. Work only with fresh hair, with thin strands, twist them evenly and do not rush in the process of removing auxiliary products. Then the result will be pleasing, and the condition of the hair will not worsen.

Curls always look stylish and modern. However, not every representative of the female half has been endowed by nature with curly hair. But with modern gadgets for creating hairstyles and many years of experience of grandmothers and mothers, today it is quite easy to create curls for long hair. Let's consider gentle options for creating daily wavy styling, and effective ways for a special occasion.

Curling hair in harmless ways

There are several simple options for home perm suitable for long hair. Each of them allows you to get beautiful curls. The main condition for safe curling is washing your hair, since it is advisable to perform any manipulations with damp hair, otherwise the curls will quickly straighten. If the health of the strands does not contraindicate the application of fixing agents, then you can work with dry strands, but this will have a negative effect.

Using harnesses

Wavy curls can be done as follows:

You should keep your hair in this position depending on the hair structure and the use of mousses or gels for fixation. Manageable dry hair treated with styling cosmetics will curl in two to three hours. You can wash your hair before going to bed, wrap yourself in this way and go to bed. In the morning, your hair will turn into light curls.

Those who like large curls may not bother with a large number of flagella. You can make only two to four tight tourniquets and get the desired result. Curls in the form of a light wave on long hair with a porous structure can be made even easier: twist a strand around your finger and sprinkle with strong-hold hairspray. This method is better in different directions to look as natural as possible.

By braiding

Wet hair should be divided into zones. There can be two of them after a horizontal parting in the middle. Then it is best to braid two spikelets.

You can prepare many ponytails from which braids will be woven.

The initial stage depends on desired result, but any weave will create beautiful waves.

Light curls can be obtained by forming many thin braids, large ones - by weaving thick braids. You should unravel the pieces only after your hair is completely dry, so if you are in a hurry, use a hairdryer. To maintain your hairstyle for a long time, you can spray it with hairspray.

By creating hairstyles with a Greek headband or donut

This option is notable for the fact that if you do these hairstyles during the day, you will get curls on your long hair in the evening. To form a babette using a foam roller, follow these steps:

A simpler option for creating such a hairstyle, which allows you to get large curls after carefully removing the elastic bands,
shown in the photo.

In this version, the tail is simply screwed onto the roller. The method of curling strands using a Greek headband is presented in the video tutorial.

On curlers

This ancient method can give owners of long hair beautiful curls, large curls and spiral curls. It all depends on the shape and diameter of the curler itself. Get beautiful styling easy if you take into account some nuances:

The curling procedure itself takes place in three stages: washing and lightly drying the hair, twisting the strands and keeping them until completely dry, and removing the curlers. If desired, the formed styling can be sprayed with varnish.

Effective winding due to thermal effects

The listed methods are associated with the treatment of curls with thermal devices, and therefore are not suitable for weakened and split ends. It is preferable to use them once or twice a week. It is recommended to protect the strands with special means beforehand.

On a curling iron

There are three types of curling irons:

Before heat treatment, it is advisable to apply mousse or foam to the hair for fixation and wait for it to dry completely. Hairdressers advise keeping the strands on the curling iron for no more than fifteen seconds. You can curl them in different directions, getting spirals wrapped towards the face and the back of the head. The winding technique is as follows:

  1. Zones are formed by dividing the hair in a horizontal direction.
  2. Each is divided into upper and lower parts. In this case, the hair at the top is secured with a clip.
  3. Curling begins from the back of the head. Small strands up to a centimeter wide are clamped with pliers at the end and wound to the middle or to the roots, depending on what result you want to get.
  4. The hair on the crown and sides is treated in the same way.

The resulting beautiful curls should not be combed. You can spray them with varnish to preserve the styling for a long period.


Working with this device is similar to the previous method, only the strand begins to curl from the roots in a downward direction. An important difference is the final result: after ironing, large, voluminous curls are obtained. There are two possible installation options using this method:

These are the main ways to curl long hair, available at home. As you can see, even without a curling iron or iron, you can special effort create daring curls. Following these tips will help maintain the beauty of your hair.

Almost every girl dreams of having luxurious curls these days. And for good reason, beautiful curls are now in fashion. It’s just a pity that not everyone is naturally blessed with them. That's why you have to constantly use electric tongs, a hair dryer and perms. One “but”: all this will sooner or later ruin your hair.

Who has not heard the famous phrase “Beauty requires sacrifice”? Very often, in girls' pursuit of perfection appearance hair becomes these innocent “victims”. To suit current trends, anticipating admiring glances, fashionistas dye, straighten or curl their hair, including using electrical appliances. But you can get a spectacular styling without harming your hair. If you need to complement your look with beautiful curls, it is useful to know how to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons. Anything can be used: from old socks and a T-shirt to cocktail straws, foil, pencils. All that remains is to choose the safest curling option that is most convenient for you and start curling.

Harmful use of curling irons and hair curlers

Many people know that thermal products harm hair. For this reason, curling irons, flat irons, and hot rollers are not suitable for everyday use. Maximum - for special, special occasions.

The high heating temperature when using a curling iron makes the strands dull and lifeless. They become dry, thin, stop shining, and resemble a washcloth. The structure of the hair shaft is destroyed over time, and the ends are constantly split. If you overexpose the curl, the curling iron can burn it.

Hot rollers are gentler than electric curling tools. However, using any rollers is fraught with other troubles. Due to strong hair tension, metabolic processes are disrupted and blood supply to the follicles deteriorates. The strands begin to fall out. If you roll wet curls with curlers, they stretch and become thinner. Those with thin, weak hair should not use rollers of large diameter and keep them on their heads for too long.

  1. A curly hairstyle will last longer if you curl the curls on a clean head, washed without conditioner or balm. Simply moisturized hair holds curls for only a few hours.
  2. Styling products will help prolong the effect: foams, mousses, creams, gels. They are amateur and professional. The latter are more expensive, but allow you to admire your curls for 1–2 days.
  3. Varnish is only suitable for fixing the result.
  4. You cannot use products for strong hold every day: this spoils the structure of the hairs.
  5. Do not overdo it with styling, otherwise you will end up with sloppy, sticky strands.
  6. To give the look a natural look, curl your curls a few centimeters away from the roots (depending on the length, maximum 10–15).
  7. Light, careless waves are the result of curling hair away from the face.
  8. After removing the means you used for styling from your head, do not comb your curls. Model your hair with your hands and spray with hairspray.
  9. Girls with short hairstyles can curl their hair onto marker caps and cocktail tubes.
  10. Strands middle length Excellent winding in almost any way.
  11. It is quite difficult to curl thick, long strands well. It’s worth trying options with paper, foil, rags, and flagella.

How to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons

Using paper

The undoubted advantage of paper is that it perfectly absorbs moisture, thereby drying the curls. As a result, the curls become stronger. There are several options for how to curl your hair this way.

  1. After tearing the paper towels, prepare strips 2 centimeters wide. The amount depends on the length, thickness of the hair, and the size of the curl.
  2. Make sure your hair is slightly damp.
  3. Separate one strand and wrap its edge around one of the strips. This will ensure a secure fit.
  4. Continue curling the curl all the way to the top.
  5. Secure it at the roots by tying the ends of the paper strip.
  6. Repeat the procedure, curling the rest of your hair in the same way.
  7. Wait until your hair is completely dry.
  8. Remove the papers, model the curls, spray with hairspray.

Instead of paper strips, you can take wet wipes (one for each curl).

Another method involves using paper curlers on strings. The method can be called classic, because it was still popular even when women did not know about curling irons and irons.

To make these homemade curlers and then curl your hair, you need:

  1. Cut thick white paper, making strips 8 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters long. Take a landscape sheet or a school notebook for these purposes. Newspaper will not work: ink may leak. Colored paper should be postponed for the same reason.
  2. Make ribbons 15–20 centimeters long from bandage, gauze, and fabric.
  3. Place the fabric strips on the paper rectangles and fold them over so that the resulting roll is centered.
  4. Make the required number of flexible papillots. The more of them, the more voluminous the hairstyle will be.
  5. Divide dry or slightly damp hair into thick strands.
  6. Taking one of them, curl from the tips to the roots.
  7. Secure by tying the ends of a fabric (gauze) tape over the curl.
  8. Curl the remaining strands, moving from the back of your head to your face.
  9. Put a scarf or nylon net on your head. Walk for a few hours (you can leave it overnight).
  10. Remove the paper rolls by untying or cutting the tapes.
  11. Separate the curls with your fingers and, if necessary, fix them with hairspray.

Using a pencil

This method allows you to get beautiful, natural spiral-shaped curls.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Divide slightly damp hair into strands of arbitrary thickness. The thinner they are, the longer it will take to style, and the smaller the curls will be.
  2. Taking one strand, wind it around the pencil, but not completely, but up to half.
  3. Turn the product 180°C, twist the curl, leaving 2.5–5 centimeters to the ends.
  4. Secure the hair around the pencil with an elastic band or clip.
  5. Wind other strands around the pencils.
  6. When the curls are dry, remove the pencils. Start with what you used first. Gently unravel the tightly wound strands with your fingers.
  7. Straighten your hair and spray with hairspray.

You can curl it in the same way, but additionally use a flat iron designed for straightening. Wrap the strands completely around the pencil, being careful not to overlap each other. Press each curl with an iron (no longer than 3-5 seconds). Then hold the curl for another 10 seconds, then release it and move on to the next strand.

If you use a straightening iron, pre-treat your hair with a heat protectant.

Using socks

To use this method, prepare thin long socks. If your hair is thick, you will need 10–12 pieces, otherwise you can get by with 6–8 products.

Step by Step Curling Guide:

  1. Divide your hair into strands according to the number of socks.
  2. Taking one of them, place it on top of the knitwear. They should be perpendicular to each other.
  3. Wrap the bottom of the strand around the sock. There should be a few free centimeters left on each side.
  4. Roll up the curl to the top and secure by tying the ends of the sock in a knot.
  5. Repeat with the remaining strands, moving from the back of the head to the crown.
  6. Leave for several hours (optimally overnight).
  7. Carefully untie your socks and untwist your curls.
  8. Separate them with your fingers or comb them, spray them with varnish.

You can also use an old sock to make a donut elastic band. Trim the bottom of the knit and roll the edges outward to create a roll. Gather your hair into a ponytail and thread it through a donut. It should end up in the tip area.

Twist your hair around the elastic, tucking it in from the inside to form a bun. Secure it with hairpins, and undo it after a few hours. Large curls are ready.

Curls on tubes

Before you start twisting strands using this method, Prepare the means at hand. If the tubes are straight, no additional manipulations with them will be required. If the straws have a bendable part, cut it off. Then divide your hair into 3-5 zones: the back of the head, the crown and the sides (1-2 on each side).

The next steps are:

  1. Separating one strand, wind it around the tube. If you want wavy curls, twist your hair in a spiral. Flat strands are suitable if you want bouncy curls.
  2. Secure the curl with a bobby pin. You can also tie the ends of the straw, but to do this, you should not wrap the hair along the entire length of the straw, so as to leave both edges free.
  3. Twist the remaining strands. Try to move sequentially, from right to left or vice versa, so as not to miss a single hair.
  4. Leave your hair until completely dry.
  5. Remove the cocktail tubes and style.

How to curl hair with rags

Using rags will require a little skill, as is the case with other improvised means that imitate curlers. You will need:

  1. Cut fabric strips. Width - 5 centimeters, length - 10–15. The narrower the stripes, the smaller the curls will be.
  2. Divide slightly damp hair into strands.
  3. Place the tip of one of them on a cloth, twist it to the middle or completely - depending on what result you are hoping for.
  4. Tie the edges of the strip.
  5. Curl the rest of your hair as well.
  6. Wear a headscarf or hat.
  7. Wait until the curls dry.
  8. Remove the rags (untie or cut) and arrange the curls.

Using foil

Due to its flexibility, foil paper can be an excellent alternative to foam rollers or boomerangs. To make rollers and curl curls, follow these steps:

  1. Cut rectangles from foil. Parameters - 5×15 cm.
  2. Place a little cotton wool inside each one.
  3. Press down the ends slightly to secure the filler.
  4. Comb your hair, divide it into strands.
  5. Wrap each of them on foil. Fix the curls by connecting the ends of the roller. The curls can be given any shape.
  6. Cover your head with a scarf.
  7. After the hair is completely dry, remove the foil.
  8. Model the curls and spray them with hairspray.

Many professional hairdressers curl their hair onto foil using a straightening iron. At home you can do this like this:

  1. Unwind 6-8 pieces of foil paper 35 centimeters long from the roller.
  2. Stack them and cut them into 4 equal parts.
  3. Divide dry hair into 3 zones, making horizontal partings at the level of the tops of the ears and lobes.
  4. Gather the middle and top parts of your hair with bobby pins or elastic bands.
  5. Select a small section from the bottom area and spray it with a setting spray.
  6. Wrap it around your finger and hold it for 1-2 seconds.
  7. Place the snail-twisted strand in a piece of foil. Fold the paper up, then inward (on both sides).
  8. Curl all the hair in this way from the bottom zone, then from the middle and top.
  9. Using a heated iron, press one curl into the foil. After a few seconds, remove the tool.
  10. Do the same procedure with the remaining curls.
  11. When the foil has cooled, remove it from your hair. Move from bottom to top.
  12. Style your curls as you wish. Thanks to the use of a straightening iron, curls are obtained faster.

Angel curls using paper

  1. We cut a sheet of paper into small strips with a width of approximately five centimeters. There should be as many such stripes as the number of curls you want to get in the end.
  2. We twist tubes out of them; the size of our future curls depends on their diameter.
  3. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo, then dry it until semi-damp with a towel. If your hair is already clean, you can spray it with a spray bottle.
  4. We apply a special styling product to the entire length of our hair.
  5. Next, you need to divide the entire volume of hair into separate strands. The thinner the strand, the smaller your curls will be. For convenience, you can use hairpins or hairpins.
  6. Now we wind the strands onto our tubes, starting from the temporal zone.
  7. When the hair is completely curled, we pass a cord or piece of fabric through the cardboard cylinder and tie it tightly, fixing our curl.
  8. We move on to the occipital region and do the same. Then to the opposite temporal and ending with the crown.
  9. For the curl to be successful, we need to wait at least six hours; the most convenient way is to just go to bed.
  10. In the morning or after the specified time, carefully untie the laces and take out our tubes.
  11. Using your fingers, we form a hairstyle and spray everything with varnish.

Curls without harm to hair

  1. Prepare paper towels, tear them into strips, they should be approximately 2 cm wide.
  2. Now let's do the hair. It's best to keep them moist, but not wet. If your hair is dry, then before curling a strand of hair, it must be slightly moistened with water.
  3. Let's start making curls: separate a small strand and twist the tip of the hair tightly onto a paper towel. This must be done to ensure that the hair is securely fastened.
  4. Then continue curling your hair up onto the towel towards your head.
  5. When the strand is completely twisted, the paper towel must be tied.
  6. Do the same with the rest of your hair and go to bed. The hair should dry well, then your curls will last for several days.
  7. If you don't have that much time, then use a hairdryer, but not hot air.
  8. In the morning, gently loosen your curls and separate them with your hands. If you want to see more defined curls, separate them using your fingers rather than a comb. If your hair is very voluminous, you can spray your hair a little from a spray bottle.
  9. If desired, decorate your hair with accessories and secure with hairspray.

Gorgeous curls without a curling iron

  1. To create curls without a curling iron or curling iron, you will need a regular old T-shirt and scissors.
  2. And also some free time and, of course, a great mood
  3. Before you start curling your hair, you need to wash your hair and apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair.
  4. After this, the hair will need to be slightly dried and combed.
  5. Then you need to prepare the T-shirt, that is, in other words, cut it into strips of approximately the same length.
  6. At the same time, it’s worth clarifying right away that you won’t need the whole T-shirt, since the sleeves make too short stripes that don’t need to be used.
  7. The width of the stripes cut from a T-shirt depends on the size of curls you want to get in the end. Read more:
  8. So, for example, to create large curls, stripes 7.5 cm wide are suitable, and for small, neat curls it is better to use strips whose width does not exceed 2.5 cm.
  9. When the T-shirt strips are ready, you will need to divide the hair into separate strands, twist them into strips and tie their edges.
  10. All strips need to be twisted in one direction, that is, inward, then the curls will turn out more neat and beautiful.
  11. It will take some time for the curls to form, so it is preferable to do this curl at night.
  12. After all, while you are resting, your curls will curl and in the morning you will only have to untwist the stripes;

How girls love to do curls, especially if nature has blessed them with straight hair. Nowadays, curling irons or hot rollers are most often used to create curls, but this method harms the hair, making it weaker and more fragile. What to do if you don’t want to spoil your hair, but want to have beautiful curls? There is a solution - make curls using... paper towels!

Video: luxurious curls without harm to hair

There's nothing more beautiful than a cloud of gorgeous, bouncy curls - but are they worth the constant struggle with hot tools and damaging our precious hair? No thanks. So what should girls who dream of a head of curls do? Turn to heat-free curling methods, of course!

There are many ways to get amazing curls without using heat, even if your hair is perfectly straight. Moreover, you will have something to do on a lazy evening, and in the morning you will wake up with a wonderful hairstyle.

"Rag" curls

Start with damp hair. Find an old T-shirt or any other item that can be turned into rags and cut it into thin strips. You can adjust the width of the strips depending on the size of curls you want to get. Start at the ends of your hair, gradually wrapping a strip of fabric around it, and work your way right up to your scalp. Tie the ends of the fabric tightly so that the bun holds well, and proceed to the next strand. These homemade curlers, moreover, do not interfere with normal sleep. The next morning, simply untie each bun for soft, flowing curls. Add a little hairspray to keep your curls in place, or brush them out with a brush to create soft waves.

Tip: If you have soft and manageable hair, you can use paper towels or even strips of toilet paper instead of fabric!

Night braids

Every girl probably used this method to wake up and go to school with wavy hair. If you do just one braid, you're unlikely to get much more than light waves. Instead, braid your hair multiple times to create multi-faceted locks. Apply a little mousse to your hair, divide your hair into two equal parts and braid each strand into french braid. Make sure the braid reaches as close to the scalp as possible. When your hair is dry, you will get wonderful long-lasting curls.

Flexible rods

This is a great option if you want big, defined, bouncy curls but don't want to curl them with a curling iron or hot rollers. Flexible foam curlers appeared back in the 90s of the last century, only now they have become much more convenient to use.

Try using different diameter rods to achieve different interesting results on your hair. Use flex rods on dry hair or add a little mousse for longevity. Bend the ends of the rod or wrap them around the strand for extra curl. Sleeping in this design may not be very comfortable, but in the morning your curls will be perfect. In the morning, spray your hair generously with hairspray and finger comb your hair for a more natural-looking curl.

Hair band

You may have seen this technique in various in social networks, then you noticed its dubious lightness. In fact, this trick really works and can help you achieve soft and delicate curls. Before going to bed, prepare a headband, a headband, a wide elastic band or bandana, and a hair clip. Add a little mousse to damp hair and then place the headband at forehead level. Take strands of hair about 3-4 centimeters wide one at a time and wrap them around the bandage.

Secure the structure with hairpins and go to bed peacefully. In the morning, remove the clips and bandage, add a little hairspray and enjoy romantic curls all day long!


This is an easy way to get beautiful curls if you only have ordinary hair clips at your disposal. All you need to do is divide your hair into sections, carefully twist each strand into a strand and secure with a hairpin. You can choose the diameter of your curls yourself, experimenting with the width of each strand, but remember that the larger the strand, the weaker it will curl. In the morning, remove the hairpins, fluff your hair with your fingers and fix your hair with hairspray.

Foam curlers

They are very similar to flexible foam rods, but may require some fiddling with them if you are using them for the first time. It is more comfortable to sleep in them than in foam rollers: they are voluminous, but soft. You need to use them the same way as foam curlers: gradually wind each strand onto the rod, and then fix the rod at the roots of the hair. In the morning you will become the happy owner of charming curls in a “retro” style.