Mistakes when dyeing hair. The most common mistakes when dyeing hair. Is it possible to apply paint to a wet head?

The main mistakes when dyeing hair

The modern palette of hair colors already includes about 150 shades. In such a variety, it is easy to get confused and difficult to decide on the appropriate color, but the process of hair coloring is no less complicated. After all, the important thing here is to get the shade you want and cause as little damage to your hair as possible.

To ensure that the result meets your expectations and your hair remains as healthy as possible, just follow the advice of professionals and avoid common mistakes.

No initial consultation

Even if you plan to dye your hair at home without involving a specialist, you still need to consult with a specialist. Dyeing your hair without expert advice is like taking pills without a doctor's prescription - it can entail a number of very undesirable consequences. A specialist will assess the condition of the hair, recommend the most suitable, competent care after dyeing and answer all exciting questions, which will allow you to avoid many unpleasant mistakes in painting yourself.

Dyeing on unwashed hair

It has long been no longer relevant, although it is still alive, the myth that before dyeing your hair, in order to save the strands, do not wash them for several days before dyeing. Modern dyes have a fairly soft composition that does not destroy the hair structure. And if ammonia compounds are used in painting, then even the sebaceous shell will not save the curls from damage.

In order to correctly reveal the depth of tone of the hair, the hair must be clean and completely dry, otherwise you can make a mistake with the color. In addition, styling products and dust can remain on dirty hair, which when dyeing can lead to unpredictable color results.

No clear picture of hair condition

Assessing the depth of tone is a very important step in the coloring process. The specialist needs to know what types of chemical procedures have been applied to the hair in recent years, and it is important not to hide anything. There is a big difference between salon and home dyeing, so if you have previously dyed your hair at home yourself, do not tell the hairdresser that the dyeing was done in a salon. Otherwise, the specialist will take action based on your little lies, which will result in either a patchy or less saturated color.

Various unpleasant “surprises” can occur when dyeing after straightening your curls with keratin. The composition could be applied incorrectly and unevenly, causing the hairs to change unevenly as well. In this case, the coloring will appear in spots. To prevent this from happening, the master must feel the client’s hair - where more dye is needed, and where a little less.

Incorrect color wheel selection

Using the color wheel, the master understands which tones to use in coloring in a particular case, so that new color hair turned out to be saturated, contrary to previous experiments. So, for example, to eliminate the yellow tint in the hair, take the dye located in the color wheel opposite this tone; in the case of yellowness, this is Blue colour. Thanks to the laws of color, you can create an ideal formula for selecting dyes and the percentage of oxidizing agent, thereby predicting the final result in advance.

The dyeing time was not observed and the nuances of hair dyeing were not taken into account

Many girls (and some inexperienced hairdressers) mistakenly believe that the longer the dye is on the strands, the brighter and more saturated the color will be. There are many nuances here. Despite the fact that the hair is located on the same head, its structure may be different. In the area with the thinnest and most porous hairs (marginal zone), the pigment is absorbed much faster, so this area should be dyed at the very end. But the ends of natural hair may turn out to be much darker after dyeing, if during the process the dye was applied first to them, and only then to the entire length. And there are many such examples, but only experienced craftsmen know about them.

Hair coloring occupies a significant place in the life of every woman. After all, this simple procedure can change the image almost beyond recognition: turn it into a fatal beauty or a gentle, tremulous girl, make it invisible or highlight some flaws, take away or add a couple of years. But many amateurs have more than once encountered the fact that the result of using the dye, to put it mildly, is not pleasing: in best case scenario it’s just a slightly wrong shade, and at worst – burnt, damaged curls or a terrible color. Why is the coloring result so often very far from expected?

The most common mistakes

1. Wrong choice of shade. Often, when buying paint, women are guided by a beautiful photograph on the packaging. Some people try to imagine a shade by reading its name. In fact, the most complete information about the tone of a dye is contained in its digital designation. Therefore, before buying paint, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the tables that decipher these designations, take from the seller a palette from the desired company, where the colors are presented more accurately - this will help you more or less clearly imagine the result of painting.

2. Failure to comply with the recommendations presented in the instructions. All manufacturers, without exception, advise before dyeing to undergo a test for individual tolerance to the components of the paint, but most women ignore this advice, as a result of which many are forced to treat such unpleasant manifestations allergic reactions such as itching, peeling, redness.

3. Ignoring the time limits on the effect of the dye mixture on the hair. Some women are sure that the longer the dye is left on, the brighter and more saturated the shade will be. In fact, as a result of dyeing for too long, you can only get damaged, overdried and burnt curls.

4. Layering one paint on top of another without checking the result- this is the most the right way become the owner of green or purple hair. Of course, the most reliable method to avoid this mistake will be, but you can just remember a few simple rules:

  • hair dyed in purple shades may turn green when lightened;
  • red colors most often turn yellow when lightened;
  • you cannot use basma without adding henna - most likely you will get a swampy shade;
  • you need to be careful when dyeing your hair after using henna - the result may be the most unexpected;
  • During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, due to which the paint may not work at all or may give a color that is not the same as before.

5. Applying dye to unprepared hair. It is best to plan this procedure and start moisturizing your curls with various masks at least a week in advance - this will help achieve a more even and uniform color. It is also recommended to trim split ends. It is better to wash your hair the day before dyeing, but without using balms and conditioners, which can smooth out the keratin scales and prevent the dye from penetrating the hair. In addition, there should be no hairspray or other styling products on the hair.

6. Using hair dye to color eyebrows and eyelashes. Hair on the face and on the head have a different structure, therefore the dyes for them differ in their composition.

7. Carrying out the procedure without gloves or an apron. The paint practically does not wash off from clothes, so you need to wear things that you don’t mind getting dirty. It is better to lubricate the skin of the face next to the hair with a thick layer of rich cream and, of course, be sure to use gloves - this is much easier than subsequently trying to wipe the stains off the skin.

How to achieve perfection

In order for the result of applying the paint to be luxurious, shiny hair of a beautiful shade, you need to carry out a test dyeing - select the least noticeable strand from the back of the head and try the product on it. If both the color and the condition of the curl are pleasant, then you can safely begin the transformation, otherwise it is better to choose another paint.

Another essential component of a beautiful, uniform color and excellent hair condition is the correct one. Here, too, many make mistakes that negatively affect appearance hairstyles:

1. Anti-dandruff shampoos are used, which wash out the dye very quickly, which increases the number of dyes and, naturally, negatively affects the condition of the hair;

2. They use their previous care products instead of shampoos and conditioners for colored hair, which can give such curls more shine and preserve color for a longer period;

3. Regularly use tongs and hot air for styling, which dries out hair that is already damaged by dyeing.

Contents Error 1: Bold expectations Error 2: Excessive drama Error 3: Forcing events Error 4: Results without testing Error 5: Surgical cleanliness Error 6: Applying cosmetics Error 7: Excessive frugality Error 8: Waiting time Error 9: Thirst for experimentation Error 10: Incorrect calculation Error 11: Fortune telling at a coffee shop thicker Error 12: Favor for metal Error 13: Bath procedures Error 14: Plans for tomorrow Error 15: Extremism

What could be simpler than home coloring hair? Those representatives of the fair sex who think so face many dangers and a completely unpredictable ending. But you can prepare for “accidents”!

Let's look at the most common mistakes when dyeing hair at home!

Mistake 1: Having Bold Expectations

Do you expect your hair to gain fashionable shade like the beauty on the front of the paint box? Alas, this is unlikely! Each woman has her own hair structure, and its condition is often worsened by numerous dyes. Plays a role and natural color, even if only regrown roots remind of it. To roughly understand how your hair will look after the procedure, you need to look at reverse side boxes of paint containing a table of approximate shades. It will give a more complete picture.

Mistake 2: Being overly dramatic

Hair color that is too dark is a common coloring mistake. Removers and special shampoos that are used in beauty salons, due to chemical composition artificial pigments of an unsuccessfully selected coloring composition are “pulled out”. The hair color is the same as before dyeing. But the condition of your hair can surprise you! To avoid unpleasant consequences, focus on the color of your eyebrows. You should not buy paint whose tone is more than two shades darker than your eyebrows.

Experience shows that many women believe that their hair is darker than it actually is. If you want to get into your color, my advice is to go with a paint that you think is a little lighter than your natural shade.

Mistake 3: Forcing events

Even if you have been buying the same paint of a certain brand for several years, an allergy test is required. The formulas of the compositions are often changed and improved, and it’s commonplace to get a counterfeit. Ignoring the simplest safety precautions can lead to irritation and redness, scalp burns and even hair loss. To avoid excruciating pain later, do an allergy test two days before the planned coloring.

Error 4: Result without testing

A radical hair change is a whole event in a woman’s life. And it’s better to prepare for it! Representatives of the fair sex who dye their hair a new color “without trying it on” often regret it. Would you like to join their number? - Try on a wig with the chosen hair shade in the store or dye a small strand behind the ear and only after you like the result, color all your hair. This way you can see the real hair color after dyeing and understand whether this is what you really need.

Mistake 5: Surgical Cleanliness

Are you used to washing your hair every day? Before the procedure you will have to give up your principles! The fact is that the sebaceous glands on the scalp produce a secretion that moisturizes the skin and protects it from adverse factors. If this lubricant is washed off, the skin will remain defenseless, which is fraught with the use of permanent paints. To minimize the risk of allergies and unpleasant reactions, hair stylists advise coloring your hair the day after shampooing.

Mistake 6: Applying cosmetics

Why does the dye apply unevenly to my hair? This is often caused by improper preparation for the procedure. Although it is better not to wash your hair before dyeing, there is one exception to the rule - the use of care and styling cosmetics. If shortly before the procedure you used oil, foam, hair mousse, or applied masks and balms to your curls, you should wash your hair and, ideally, reschedule the coloring the next day.

Mistake 7: Being overly frugal

In order not to lose in the quality of coloring, you cannot dilute the coloring composition with shampoo, and especially with hair conditioner. But representatives of the fair sex often do this when they discover that there may not be enough paint. Buy two packs of paint at once; is it wise to save on beauty?

Juliena Fiterman, stylist, founder of an organic beauty salon

If your skin appears pale and dull, choose a color that has warm colors. Light warm strands framing the face give the skin freshness and radiance. And cool tones work well on fair skin with pink undertones, but can also look beautiful on a woman with dark skin.

Error 8: Timeout

Not keeping track of time is another typical mistake of women who choose home coloring. Most often, this is done deliberately, because they believe that the longer the dye is left on the hair, the better the result will be. But in fact, everything is exactly the opposite! The dye's action time is limited: it is prescribed in the instructions and is equal to 30-40 minutes. If you keep the coloring composition longer, the color will not improve, but you can easily burn your hair.

Mistake 9: Thirst for experimentation

“Don’t forget to tint your eyebrows!” Stylists give this advice to women after a radical change in hair color. And this advice is justified: eyebrows and hair should be in harmony: too dark hair color “lightens” the eyebrows, making the face expressionless. However, following the word of a professional, it is important to follow the rule - use special soft compounds for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes.

Do not tint facial hair with hair dye. The scalp and face are different in texture and sensitivity; ignoring safety precautions can lead to serious problems, including eye health.

Error 10: Incorrect calculation

To obtain a beautiful result, the dye should be applied to the hair in a clear sequence. First at the roots, and then along the entire length of the hair to the very ends. If you apply the composition “in one motion”, the hair at the roots will turn out lighter (brighter), since the ends, as a rule, have a more porous structure - the dye “takes” on them faster.

If you need to disguise overgrown gray roots, do not apply dye along the entire length of your hair, but only on the roots. Over time, the pigment accumulates, and as a result of the “layering” of dye, the hair looks darker towards the ends. In addition, it can cause damage to previously colored hair.

Error 11: Fortune telling on coffee grounds

“Should I apply dye to wet or dry hair?” women often ask when preparing to dye their hair. There are several opinions on this matter, but the only correct one is the position of the manufacturer. Always apply the composition according to the instructions! Some formulations work great on dry hair, while others require pre-moisturizing to be effective.

Mistake 12: Favoring Metal

When dyeing, it is strictly forbidden to use metal tools, be it a container for diluting dye or a comb for applying the composition to the hair. The metal oxidizes and reacts with the paint, which can have unforeseen consequences. Safe materials during the procedure are plastic, wood, ceramics.

Error 13: Bath procedures

A big mistake after coloring is washing your hair. hot water. In almost all cases, this leads to irritation and sensitivity of the scalp, and sometimes to hair loss. You can wash your hair only with cool or warm water.

Becky Sturm, hair stylist, beauty salon owner

Gray hair is quite stubborn. Therefore, regardless of how long the manufacturer advises to leave the dye on my hair, I leave it for exactly 45 minutes.

Mistake 14: Plans for tomorrow

A correctly carried out procedure is a guarantee of a beautiful and rich hair shade, provided that you do not wash your hair the day after dyeing. Rushing things is a typical mistake for beginners. For the paint to “fix”, wait at least 24 hours.

Mistake 15: Extremism

Radical coloring at home - in purple, pink, green, blue and other tones - can become a fatal mistake. And the point is not even that it is difficult to achieve a uniform hair shade in this case. The formula of fantasy paints includes the substance paraphenylenediamine, the use of which promotes the appearance of inflammatory elements on the scalp. Before you decide on bold experiments, weigh the pros and cons!