Scenario of a traffic propaganda team in a kindergarten. Scenario of the speech “For the best Propaganda Brigade on traffic rules among preschool educational institutions. Summary of the propaganda team for parents and children on traffic rules

Rebuilding to the song “Road Sign” music by T. Razuvaeva.

1.Hello friends! (extends his hand to the audience)

2. Hello people! (extend their hands to the audience):

What lives in the village of Donskoy!

1. Now the propaganda team greets you all -

All: “Simply cool!”

1.We are young traffic police assistants,

From« Forest fairy tale» arrived,

And as a whole group we want

May you receive us warmly

2.We want to prove to everyone

What are the traffic rules?

You always need to know the "five"

Do them every day

So that in road accidents

Never hit

The song “Allowed, Forbidden” music by V. Yudina.

To all the boys and girls

We will convey knowledge about traffic rules!

We are for safe traffic

And we won’t let our village down!


1.Here is Little Red Riding Hood

The girl is smart, beautiful,

Worthy of your respect,

Follows traffic rules.

2.And the gray toothy wolf

Considers himself cool

Wolf. I'm not cool, but super cool.

Child: Doesn't want to study well

Doesn't follow traffic rules.

Wolf: Where are you going, little hat?

A diligent girl, honey?

Little Red Riding Hood. I'm going to see my grandmother

I bring pies and butter.

The road lies straight to it,

But there are many dangers there.

And there is one more: according to it

The path is safer, but longer.

I'll take the long road.

Wolf. Go, go. Your legs will get tired.

I'll find a shorter route.

And I’ll quickly run to your grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood. Look carefully

Don't get into trouble.

(Little Red Riding Hood sings a song to the melody “If it’s long, long, long...”, the wolf howls at her in the chorus. Instead of “A-a,” he lifts his head and sings “U-u.”)

If you are walking to school

Along the path, along the path,

Be a little careful

Don't forget the rules

And probably, and of course,

And maybe - maybe - maybe,

Safe road

You choose for yourself!

Wow! Think better when going on a long journey!

Ooh! Don't forget to follow the road rules!

Ooh! Both the girl and the boy,

Ooh! At least you're not in too much of a hurry,

Wow! Don't break the rules though!

Little Red Riding Hood leaves

Wolf. Just think, the road!

Just think, cars!

What are people afraid of?

Cars are not mines.

Here on the tubercle

The hut is already visible

There behind the crossroads

And the old lady lives.

(Brakes squeal.)

Wolf. Oh, they dragged their legs away.

I don't understand where to go

Where can I find my way?

Child (with a pedestrian crossing sign)

Gray wolf, you are a pedestrian.

Remember about the transition. (Shows sign)

Underground, above ground,


Only this transition

It will save you from trouble.

Child. To everyone who went out for a walk,

Let us remind you in advance:

On the road - not in the forest,

Attention is needed here!

Wolf. What kind of three-eyed idol is this?

I have never seen him.

Child (with traffic light sign)

A traffic light has three eyes.

Submit to them without argument.

Red light (shows) - no passage,

Yellow (shows) - be ready for the journey,

And the green light (shows) - go.

Wolf. Let other people wait

Until they give the green light.

I won't wait in vain

I'll run through the red light.

(Squealing of brakes, roar.)

Child. He ran through a red light

And I got into an accident.

All: It’s good that he remained intact.

Rebuilding, children line up with signs.

1.Familiar stripes

Children know, adults know,

Leads to the other side -


2.The circle is painted in Blue colour

And there is a bicycle in the circle.

Have fun, my friend, go ahead

Just pedal!

3.You won’t get enough food

Without gasoline

To the cafe and shop

This sign will tell you loudly

There's a gas station nearby

4.Road work sign

Someone is fixing the road here

You will need to slow down the speed

There are people on the road

5. There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driverb

6.Wandering here

In the middle of the road

Moose wolves rhinoceroses

You're a driver, don't rush

Let the hedgehogs pass first.

Song “About the rules of the road” music by T. Orlova.

1.This world is made up of pedestrians

Of cars and of drivers

And of course from the roads

So that everyone in this world lives together

We all definitely need

Live by the rules my friend

Observe them friends

We can't live without them

Pedestrians and drivers traffic rules

2. The traffic light will blink for us green eye and the cars will freeze immediately

and we'll go to kindergarten

you don't need a red light


we need to stop

This is the rule of the road.

Children speak in turns.

1 . If you know all the rules

2. And always follow them,

3. We will live up to 200 years

All: No traffic accidents.

They leave to the song “Road Sign.” music by T. Razuvaeva.

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 30 “Forest Fairy Tale”

Topic: “On the way to kindergarten.”


musical director

Cherkashina Irina Viktorovna.


Taranova Elena Alekseevna.

Competition material

for the regional competition "Green Light-2017"

nomination "Best propaganda team"

Municipal state preschool

educational institution kindergarten No. 30« Forest fairy tale"

Donskoye village, Trunovsky district

Propaganda team on traffic rules in preschool educational institutions

Target: Propaganda of traffic rules.
- To develop the skills of conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in Everyday life, in order to prevent DDTT;
- Strengthen children’s skills in safe, cultural behavior on the roads;
- Create conditions for the development and improvement of knowledge on traffic rules;
- Involve students in promoting traffic rules among children and adults;
- Teach awareness of the value of life as the main category.

Progress of the speech:

We are happy to show you our program
From the two hundred and fifteenth garden there is a propaganda team.
We are the “DTP” team and it should be clear to everyone,
The most important thing on the road is safety!

Children all together: Why the accident?

Propaganda team Road accidents are not a problem at all
Danil, Alina and Dasha are here,
Lena, there is and there is Amir
Dasha And together we are called:

All together: Road - creative patrol.

Child: All adults together

All children together: Our motto:

All adults together:
“To never get into difficult situations

Children all together:
You need to know and follow the traffic rules.”

Song based on (“33 cows”)

1. In the center of a large city
There are a lot of roads
And of course it is important that
Everyone could cross them.
And that's why someone came up with the rules, friends,
These rules of movement, walking, and driving must never be forgotten.

Traffic rules, traffic rules
Adults and children must comply
Rules of movement from birth
Everyone is useful and needed.

Our century is gaining momentum
And it’s not for nothing that they say
What from edge to edge
Everyone is in a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry.

Moms, dads, uncles, aunts
No matter how much they teach us
You set an example for us
We're looking at you with all our might.

Are you a pedestrian or a driver?
Businessman, leader
You are always an example for us
Now listen to us.

There is no such country on the map
But it needs rules
Both young and old, children, teachers
It is always available to you.
Tell me, what kind of country is it?

Children (all together) TRAFFIC LIGHTS!

The king rules the country -
Traffic light Great,
So that it doesn't happen sometimes
There's confusion there.

A main law of this country -
Girls and boys
Educators, parents!
Would you like to visit the Traffic Light today?
Today our story is about traffic rules.

All together: We invite you to the Traffic Light!

Come on, guys,
We will go to visit the signs,
And pleasant acquaintance
Let's make friends with them.

We are road signs
It's not difficult for us to remember.
A whole series of funny signs
They keep you from harm.

Everyone knows the stripes,
Children know, adults know,
Leads to the other side -

Road sign on the way
The iron path lies ahead
But there is a mystery in the sign:
What are the dangers of a railway crossing?

You didn't wash your hands on the road,
Ate fruits, vegetables,
It's good that the point is nearby
Medical help!

There is a sign on the road
He says in a stern tone:
I forbid it in this place

Hey driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast!
People know everything in the world:
They might run out here... CHILDREN!

Please don't touch me!
I'm the main road!
Make way for me
Let my transport go ahead!
And don't quarrel, friends!
Of course, I’m the boss of everyone!

If you see this sign,
Know that he is there for a reason.
To avoid problems,
Make way for everyone!

You can safely slow down here,
But you can't stand idle.
You seat the passengers
And leave quickly!

So let's, friends, respect every sign,
So that you don't get into trouble on the road.
In the traffic lights the sign is not just there,
He will prompt, point out, warn!

To live without knowing grief
To run, swim and fly,
You need traffic rules.
Always and everywhere comply.

Sun, air, forest, water,
Laughter, friendship, love and happiness.
All this is life, and our life is wonderful!

If the driver, without violating
Traffic Laws
Comrade drivers and pedestrians!
Let's make our roads safe together.

Drivers don't drive!
You are parents too!
The alphabet of the road,
Everyone deserves to know!

We will grow up and promise to become disciplined road users.

If you know all the rules
And always fulfill them,
We will live up to 200 years
No traffic accidents!

All together Let there be no troubles on the roads!
Let the green light shine on us!
May the children of our beloved country

Road rules Let's be faithful.

Song to the tune of “Opera” by the group “Lyube”.

1. Fog falls over Izhevsk
And the caravan takes prisoners.
But this is not the first time for us
After all, the rules are always with me
And we can handle any problem.

2. We teach road rules all year long.
Any of us is a potential pedestrian
And everyone has known for a long time
When the green eye of the traffic light blinks.

3. Yes! So observe them friends everywhere, always!
Yes! Let the game be played by the rules!
Yes! And it’s not an easy task for the traffic police
And our accident team!
Accident Teams!

They leave, marching and waving to the spectators.

State budgetpreschool educational institution kindergarten No. 17 combined type

Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Scenario of a propaganda team on traffic rules

for children of the preparatory group

"School of Pedestrian Sciences"

Compiled and conducted:

Teachers: Tarusheva V.B., Kornilova Z.I.

Musical director Nikishina O.A.

Physical education instructor L. A. Yakovleva


Goal: To develop in children the skills and abilities of safe behavior in the road transport environment.

Educational objectives:

  • Reinforce understanding of traffic rules and rules of safe behavior on the road; be able to independently assess the traffic situation;
  • Consolidate knowledge in the ability to distinguish between prohibitory, informational and warning signs, and service signs.

Developmental tasks:

  • Promote the development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech.
  • To promote the ability to navigate the road situation, its changes, and react correctly to them.

Educational tasks:

  • Foster a sense of responsibility, carry out joint actions in a friendly and harmonious manner.

Preliminary work

  • Reading fiction
  • Looking at illustrations
  • Word games"Finish the sentence"
  • Guessing riddles on the topics “Transport”, “Road signs”, “Pass the baton”
  • Compiling stories about the traffic situation based on the picture using personal experience children
  • City tours
  • Thematic discussions “Traffic signals”, “Road signs”, “Rules of traffic and crossing of different streets and intersections”
  • Working with parents: observing traffic on the street, discussing various situations.
  • Simulation of various traffic situations on the “Street” layout

To the music, children run into the hall and dance a cheerful modern dance with flowers on their palms.

Song “We are little children, we want to walk”

(words by Yu. Entin, music by E. Krylatov from the film “Adventures of Electronics” ( phonogram)

Then the children stop scattered.

1 child: Everyone is surprised now

We'll put on a show.

Watch the show

According to traffic rules.

Children raise red flowers up.

2nd child: If the red light is on -

Stay where you are, don't go!

Children lift yellow flowers up.

3rd child: If the yellow light is on –

He tells us to wait!

Children lift green flowers up.

4th child: Oh, the green light turned on,

The path forward has been cleared for us!

Children put flowers near the flowerbed and stand scattered.

Song “We will not break traffic rules”

music and lyrics by O. Krainikova.(piano).

(The song is performed with movements).

“Animals” sit down at the edge of the forest, and children - “road signs” sit down near the clearing.

Presenter (child):

Once upon a time in a dense forest,

On the edge of the forest,

The forest people gathered -

Funny little animals.

They began to think, reason,

How can they not get into trouble?

Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

(Prepare a pedestrian crossing).

The Hare jumps out to the music.

Hare: I'll live in a house

And serve as a security guard,

Now I'm heading to the house, skok-skok,

I'll run across diagonally.

To the music The hare runs across the road diagonally.

Crosswalk (road sign - child):

What kind of fashion is this?

Cross diagonally?

Have you seen the pedestrian signs?

Where did you cross the road?

Bunny, don't be afraid! Bunny, calm down!

If you need to go -

You must go straight!

Hare: Well, thank you, I'll know

Road rules

I will do it! (the hare runs away).

The Mouse runs out to the music.

Mouse: And if you want to eat,

Where can I find a canteen?

So many signs along the way!

Food point ( road sign - child):

And if you want to eat,

Look here quickly!

This sign will tell you -

There is delicious food here.

Mouse : Even if you are a driver

Or just a pedestrian

Knife and fork in the picture

It will lead you to nutrition.

Lisa comes running to the music.

Fox: But I didn’t know the rules and got into an accident!

Medical aid station ( road sign):

This sign is for those who are sick

Who is not happy with their health?

Roadside Aibolit

He will heal you, he will heal you!

Fox : You know the rules - go ahead boldly,

Both paws and tails will be intact! ( The fox runs away).

The Bear appears to the music.

Bear : I'm tired of walking.

I took the car in between,

I don't look at the signs

I go where I want!

Entry prohibited (road sign - child):

No, Bear, don't rush,

look at me,

Neither in the yard, nor in the alley,

Not in a trivial corner

There is no way to get through here -

This sign will not allow it!

Remember, he means-

“No cars allowed!”

Bear : I will remember in advance,

The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

Dance "Road Signs"(phonogram - old record "Carrier's Song").

Children perform a dance with road signs in their hands.

Children: We are important signs - road signs,

We stand guard over order,

You know the rules and follow them,

And we will hurry to help you!

(Children say goodbye and leave to the music)


  1. Galeeva G.A. A series of activities for children preschool age on teaching the rules of safe behavior on the roads. Kazan, 2009
  2. Garnysheva T. P. How to teach children traffic rules? Lesson planning, notes, crosswords, educational games. Childhood-press, 2011
  3. Danilova T.I. Program “Traffic Light” of traffic rules for preschoolers. Childhood-press, 2011
  4. Skorolupova O.A. "Rules and traffic safety." Moscow, 2009
  5. Tips for parents. " Safe roads childhood" Concern "Shell", Moscow, 2008.
  6. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about traffic rules with children 5-8 years old. Creative Center, Moscow, 2009.
  7. Shorygina T.A. Cautious Tales. Safety for kids. Prometheus, Moscow, 2003.

Propaganda brigade – a short-term musical and speech performance by children corresponding to a specific topic.
Thanks to the regional program "The Adventure of the Traffic Light" , the team of MDOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 17 in Millerovo, Rostov region, first turned to this genre of musical and speech art. Every year in the spring, in April, a new issue of the propaganda team is published on consolidating and generalizing the knowledge of traffic rules among preschoolers.

Purposefully and systematically in kindergarten This is the form of work used to prevent child road traffic injuries, although other methods and forms of organizing work with children (classes, holidays, conversations, games) are also effective. According to many criteria, the propaganda team corresponds to age-related physiological and psychological characteristics preschool children.
Firstly, propaganda team - This is a short, intense performance by children lasting 10-20 minutes. It is during this time that children are able to be attentive to the material offered, since the voluntary sphere of preschoolers is just being formed.
Secondly, in a short period of time in the involuntary, game form children are asked to recall and generalize the knowledge they have acquired during the year on traffic rules. The most significant basic concepts are reinforced : traffic lights, road signs, behavior on the street, in transport. Thus, propaganda team – an educational, information-rich event.

Third, This is a dynamic musical colorful mini-festival for children. Considering the physiological aspect, there is frequent and rapid change of activities : after the song - dance, then poetry, dramatization, restructuring, changing music, etc.

Considering age characteristics mental development preschoolers, to activate perception, the propaganda team uses bright thematic costumes (colors of traffic lights, signs, traffic police officers, etc.), which are updated with new details throughout the entire performance: hats, ties, knee pads, vests, etc. Attributes are required to be used, in in the hands of the performers there are road signs, colored plumes, hoops covered with red, yellow and green fabric, multi-colored cardboard circles, traffic police staff batons, balls, etc.

I want to note important fact – at the moment of viewing, children develop positive emotions (joy, delight, surprise), which contributes to better memorization of what they saw and heard, and the development of the emotional sphere of pupils.
The children are also interested in the fact that only their peers, children from preparatory and senior groups, participate in the propaganda team.
In turn, “artists”, in the process of preparing their performance, receive musical, cognitive-speech, emotional development, as well as personal, because they teach kids the rules of the road. The guys are proud of themselves, feel responsible, so they try very hard and worry.

For the teaching staff propaganda team is a kind of creative platform that needs to be “decorated” in a new way every time. That's why musical director composes the lyrics of theme songs, comes up with dance compositions, senior teacher draws up a script, models the stage space. The whole team is engaged in the production of attributes, sewing costumes, decorating the hall and getting great pleasure from the results of our work.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 3 "Rainbow"

Summary of the propaganda team for parents and children on traffic rules

V senior group"Kolobok"

With. Donskoe


Goal: To develop in children the skills and abilities of safe behavior in the road transport environment.

Educational objectives:

Reinforce understanding of traffic rules and rules of safe behavior on the road; be able to independently assess the traffic situation;

To consolidate knowledge in the ability to distinguish between prohibitory, informational and warning signs, and service signs.

Developmental tasks:

Promote the development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

To promote the ability to navigate the road situation, its changes, and react correctly to them.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a sense of responsibility, carry out joint actions in a friendly and harmonious manner.

Preliminary work

Reading fiction

Examination of traffic rules posters

Word games “Finish the sentence”

Guessing riddles on the topics “Transport”, “Road signs”

Compiling stories about the traffic situation from a picture, using children’s personal experiences

Excursion to the crossroads

Thematic discussions “Traffic signals”, “Road signs”, “Rules of traffic and crossing of different streets and intersections”

Simulation of various traffic situations on the “Street” layout

Used Books:

    Vernikova, L.M. We are opening the theater season. Scenarios, competitions, tournaments: textbook / L.M. Vernikova. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004.

    Volina, V.V. Entertaining alphabet learning / V.V.Volina. – M: Education, 1991.

    Barmin A.V., Galtsova E.A., Klyueva I.Yu., Nechaeva O.P. Studying the rules of the road / A.V. Barmin. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

    Plyashechuk, V.I. Road alphabet / V.I. Plyashechuk. - Kyiv: Rad. School, 1983.

5. Emelyanova Olesya Poems about road signs.

Command exit. (Song to the tune of “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”)

It's fun to walk through the open spaces together (3 times)
If the way is open to you by a traffic light (3 times)
We will show you an interesting program,
Although the topic may seem familiar to you,
Everyone is learning today, no doubt.
There are traffic rules in schools.

Nastya: Hello! Let's get acquainted.
Ksenia: We represent the propaganda team
All:"Traffic light"
Kirill: Kindergarten "Rainbow"
All: Creative and united, cheerful and resourceful!
Alla:“Traffic Light” wishes well to pedestrians and drivers too.
Be polite and careful, and then trouble will not overtake you.
On the road and on the sidewalk in the bitter cold and hot day.

Sofia. A pedestrian needs to know where to walk and where to walk,
And the driver must drive in such a way as not to disturb people.
Matvey. Anyone walking down the street is called a “pedestrian”.
Those in the car are the passengers, and the driver is carrying them.

song "On the Bus"

Ilya: So that you live peacefully without troubles and without worries,
You learn the traffic rules by heart.
Nastya: After all, in our complex world you can live without losses.
We appeal to reason, you better believe us.


One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe it’s not simple, we want to be able to tell you.

We remember her from childhood, or maybe not from childhood.

Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember.

Fly, Hustle-Fly, gilded belly.
The fly went along the highway, the fly found the money.
Mucha went to the sporting goods store so as not to waste time,
And I bought roller skates to develop motor skills.

Mucha - Nastya E.
I'm swinging down the street, like a bird I'm flying.
Like a bird I fly and swing wherever I want.

I don’t need traffic lights, I don’t need signs either.
After all, cars are not trams; they have to go around me.

Let the lights blink, I don’t care about them.
Let everyone let me through, otherwise I will demolish them all.
Come, cockroaches, I’ll pimp all of you, all of you.
The cockroaches all came running and roller-skated.
And the insects travel three times along the highway, once, twice.
Nowadays everything is allowed to the Tskotukha Fly!
No! Not allowed!
Roller skates are not for long walks.
There are paths for them inside the yard, but don’t go on the road!

Little insects - girlfriends:(singing)

We are little insects and we are going to visit the fly

We dance and sing ditties very happily.

We are little insect friends, we have eyes and ears.

Oh, there are cars on the way, where to cross the road?

Girlfriends are trying to cross the road. The whistle blows and the Inspector appears.

Inspector - Ilya: Wait a minute, girlfriends! Where are your eyes and ears?

The matter will end sadly, there may be a lot of troubles!

Dear friends, listen to our advice:

Sing and dance on the road...

Children - signs: Prohibited!

Inspector: Be an exemplary pedestrian...

Children - signs: Allowed!

Inspector: Be sure to remember! Be careful on the road!

So that you don't have any misfortunes,

Never play on the roadway!

Jumping girlfriends: Inspector, help us cross the road here

It’s time for us to visit the fly, the fly has been waiting for us in the morning.

Inspector: A traffic light will help you at any intersection.

He will very simply start a conversation with a pedestrian.

Its lights flash and help pedestrians.

A traffic light appears. He raises colored signals in accordance with the lyrics of the song he sings with the insects.

“Song of the Traffic Light and the Bugs” is performed:

Bugs - girlfriends: If the light is red, the traffic light tells us

Traffic light - Matvey: Wait, don't walk, there is no way for pedestrians!

Red light - no progress!

Bugs - girlfriends: If the yellow light is on, it is, as a friend tells us

Traffic light: I’ll let you through soon, I’ll give you the green light now!

Bugs - girlfriends:(speaking over music)

Let’s agree with you: yellow – let’s get ready!

Bugs - girlfriends: The green light flashed and the cars couldn’t move.

Traffic light: Come on in, the way is open, the traffic light is telling you!

(speaks to conclusion music, raising the green signal)

The light is green, look!

Cross the street, calmly go and visit the fly!

Bugs - girlfriendswalk along the pedestrian crossing and leave.

Children - signs, Inspector, Traffic lights form a line, say

Together: Everyone should know the traffic rules

They must be implemented without delay!

Poems about signs. Rebuilding one by one. (Each child with a sign):
1 child:
The circle is painted red, and inside is a bicycle.
This sign tells everyone: “Bicycles are closed!”
2 child:
The person on the circle is red, which means moving is dangerous!
In this place, friends, you are not allowed to go to anyone!

3rd child:
In a triangle, two brothers are all rushing somewhere, rushing.
The most important sign in the world is be careful! These are kids"!

4th child:
The circle is painted blue, and in the circle is a bicycle.
Have fun, my friend, just pedal!
5th child:
In a triangle, a pedestrian walks along the stripes.
This sign warns that there is a crossing somewhere nearby

Song to the soundtrack “If you went out with a friend”:
If you went to kindergarten, if you went to kindergarten,
Look to the right
Suddenly you see a car, suddenly you see a car,
Don't rush, don't.

When everything rules with me.
What do I need snow, what do I need heat, what do I need torrential rain,
When everything rules with me.

Everything ended well in our wise good fairy tale,

I won’t forget the lesson and I’ll be outside
To behave. And all the traffic rules,
I'll learn the multiplication table by heart!
Always cross the road for you on the street
And the talking colors will give you hints and help.
The red light will tell you: “No!” reserved and strict.
The yellow light advises you to wait a little.
And the green light is on - “Come on in!” speaks.

Musical and rhythmic composition “Traffic Light”

RESULT: (all)
REMEMBER (in unison) – there are so many difficulties on the road! (Ilya)
REMEMBER (in unison) – there are thousands of cars on the roads! (Ksenia)
REMEMBER (in unison) – there are many intersections on the roads! (Alla)
REMEMBER (in unison) - and learn all the rules! (Nastya)