Traffic rules for child pedestrians. Recommendations on traffic rules for children Preschoolers about traffic rules

Conversations with children on road safety

(File of conversations on traffic rules for children preschool age)

Conversation with children “Where can I play?”

Target: To form preschoolers’ ideas about safety on the streets and roads. Convince children of the dangers of playing on the roadway (road). Explain why you can’t play on the street and roads. Designate places for games and riding scooters, children's bicycles, skis, sleds and ice skates.

Dictionary: danger, discipline.

Progress of the conversation: Road rules

There are a lot in the world.

Everyone would like to learn them

It didn't bother us

But the main thing

Traffic rules

Know how to table

Must multiply.

Don't play on the pavement,

Don't ride

If you want to stay healthy!

Game exercise "Scooter"

Scooter! Scooter!

Scooter, very happy!

I'm rolling on my own, I'm rolling on my own

Scooter wherever I want ! (children bend one leg at the knee with a slight spring, with the other leg they imitate pushing movements, as when riding a scooter, while the leg seems to slide, but does not touch the floor).

The teacher reminds the children that playing on the pavement is very dangerous. Ice skating is only required at skating rinks; on skis and sleds - in parks, squares, stadiums; on bicycles and scooters - only in specially designated areas. Riding bicycles and scooters on the street is strictly prohibited. You should play on sports grounds and stadiums. You cannot play snowballs, football and other games on the sidewalks and roadways of the street or road - this interferes with pedestrians and traffic.

Physical education minute "Cars":

We're going, we're going, we're going for a long time,

This path is very long.

We'll get to Moscow soon,

There we can rest . (walking in place, moving forward on half-bent legs, moving forward and backward with bent arms). (The song plays, “It’s dangerous to play on the road,” lyrics by V. Murzin; music by S. Mirolyubov).

Outdoor game "Pedestrians and cars"

Children are divided into two groups (vehicles and pedestrians). Each of the group "transport" they give a sign with a picture of the type of transport: bicycle, car, motorcycle, etc. Pedestrians are given signs - "child", "a pedestrian". Team "Movement!" for those. who has a sign with the name of the mode of transport. Team "Sidewalk!" served for pedestrians. Children must clearly respond to their command. By command "Movement!" children raise up signs with pictures "automobile", "motorbike" etc. On command "Sidewalk!" Pedestrians do the same. Those who are careless receive penalty points. Then the game is played in the yard on a marked area (repeat several times) . Next, they organize street traffic. Cars and motorcycles must slow down to allow pedestrians to pass. Pedestrians cross the street correctly. Then the children change roles. Errors are sorted out and the game continues.

Assignment and questions:

1. Where can you ride scooters and children's bicycles?

2. Where is it safer to play football and other sports?

3. Why can’t you play on the pavement?

4. Tell me where you can play?

5. Tell me where you can’t play and why?

Conversation with children "About traffic rules"


Teach children to correctly name the elements of the road;

Introduce the rules of driving on the side of the road;

Reinforce knowledge of familiar traffic rules

Visual aids:

Traffic light, roadway layout, three traffic lights for the game "Traffic light", posters depicting various situations on the roads

Progress of the conversation:


The hare came running

And she screamed: - Ay, ay!

My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

And his legs were cut

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny!

Guys, why do you think the bunny got hit by a tram? (Broken the rules.). Yes, of course, he violated traffic rules - he played on the tram tracks or ran across the rails in front of a nearby tram. To prevent such a disaster from happening, you must always follow the traffic rules. Today we will talk about this.

Everyone, without exception, should know the rules of the road.

What does a person become on the street? (On foot.)

What parts is the street divided into?

What is the name of the part of the road on which cars drive?

What is the name of the path along which pedestrians walk?

Guys, what should pedestrians do when there is no sidewalk next to the roadway? Where should pedestrians go in this case?

That's right, in the case where there is no sidewalk next to the roadway, you can walk along the edge of the roadway, which is called the shoulder. The shoulder is the edge of the roadway. I will walk along the side of the road, but how should I walk along it correctly so that cars don’t hit me - along the side of the road towards moving cars or in the direction of their movement?

A model with an image of the roadway and moving cars is exhibited.

Educator. Let's look at the layout and figure out where you need to go so as not to get hit by a car? Look, if I walk along the side of the road towards moving cars, I see the car clearly, and the driver of the car sees me, and if I walk along the side of the road, in the direction of the cars, then I don’t see the car behind me, but the driver sees me. It’s uncomfortable for me, and most importantly, it’s life-threatening - if you stumble a little, you could get hit by a car.

What is the safest way to walk along the side of the road? (children's answers)

That's right, on the side of the road you need to walk towards moving cars. Who helps us cross the road?

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

Attention, looks straight ahead

There's a three-eyed traffic light on you -

Green, yellow, red eye

He gives orders to everyone.

Outdoor game "Traffic light"

When the color is red, the children are standing quietly.

When the color is yellow, they clap their hands.

When the color is green, children march.


Traffic rules!

Should know

All without exception

Animals should know:

Badgers and pigs,

Hares and cubs

Pony and kittens!

V. Golovko

Now you and I will be young traffic inspectors. Let's check how our animal friends follow traffic rules on the city streets.

Displays cards depicting different situations on the road.

Educator. Watch and tell us how animals follow traffic rules.

Children take turns talking about the situations depicted on the cards.

Conversation"Attention - we are crossing the street"


Develop coherent speech

Progress of the conversation:

Guys! Let's imagine street: noisy, loud, filled with cars and pedestrians.

Who can tell me what is on the street?

Children's answers (houses, road where cars drive, sidewalk for pedestrians).

That's right guys. Buses, cars and trucks rush along the road. There are a lot of pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street at pedestrian crossings. In order to be safe on the road, you must follow special rules. Drivers and pedestrians should know these rules. You should know them too, since small children are also pedestrians.

Rules help to restore order not only in games but also on the road. One of these rules is the rules of the road. We must know the rules of the road from childhood. Knowing them prevents accidents and dangerous situations in which both adults and children can suffer.

1 situation:

What's happened? What's happened?

Why is everything going around?

Spun, spun

And the wheel went off?

It's just a boy Petya

IN kindergarten one is coming...

He is without mom and without dad

IN kindergarten ran.

And, of course, on the road

The boy was almost hurt.

Petya jumps and gallops

Doesn't look around.

The boy is very inattentive -

You can't behave like that!

Think about it, kids.

Pete needs some advice

How to behave as a boy

So as not to cause trouble!

(the boy must be attentive and careful, he may get hit by a car; he needs to know the rules of behavior on the road; he must go to kindergarten with his mom or dad.)

Situation 2.

You can hear the roar of cars,

What happened there?

Maybe something happened there?

After all, no one goes there.

Don't worry - it's Masha

She comes home from kindergarten on her own,

She doesn’t take mom and dad’s hand at all.

The baby just wants to sleep, she doesn’t want to walk slowly!

And nothing bothers her, even though many people honk.

Just think guys, you can behave like this!

Sleep on the crosswalk!

(you need to cross the road holding mom or dad’s hand, don’t fall asleep, because you’re walking slowly, everyone will be late for their business).

Well done boys! Now you and Masha have taught the rules of safe behavior on the road. After all, the road is first and foremost a danger. And an inattentive, absent-minded person can get into trouble. And not only he, but also the driver will suffer. That is why it is so important to know and follow the traffic rules.

It is necessary to study and know the traffic rules in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the movement of traffic. There are simply no rules. Every rule has its own meaning: why is this so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide road - they are big themselves, and their speed is higher than ours. For us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. We're safe here. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. Won't even get off sidewalk: dangerous, and a hindrance for drivers. What if not in the city? Then the rule sounds otherwise: the road is for cars, the side of the road is for pedestrians! And you need to walk on the left side of the curb so that cars are driving towards you.

So we remember: the sidewalk is used for the movement of pedestrians along the street; you need to walk along it, sticking to the right side, without interfering with other pedestrians.

Don't rush like you're on fire,

And remember: transport - road,

And for pedestrians - sidewalk!

Yes, and parents are also punished -

And no trouble will happen on the road!

Conversation with children "My traffic light friend"

Target: Introduce children to the basic rules of street traffic, tell them what irreparable consequences a violation of traffic rules leads to.

Teacher: How many cars are there on the streets! And every year there are more and more of them. Trucks, buses, and cars are driving fast along our roads. In order to keep the roads safe, all cars and buses obey strict traffic rules. Everyone should know and follow the rules of behavior on the roads. pedestrians: adults and children. People go to work, to the store, kids hurry to school. Pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk, but they should also walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right. And then you won’t have to stumble, go around people you meet, or turn to the side. In some settlements there are no sidewalks, and there are also a lot of cars. Transport moves along the roadway. If you have to walk along the road, then you need to walk towards the traffic. Why? It's not hard to guess. You see a car and give way to it, move to the side.

You need to cross the road on a pedestrian path. Our friend, the traffic light, helps us cross the road. The traffic light is not a simple one, but a special one for pedestrians; it has only two lights: red and green.

Red light is a dangerous signal. Stay where you are! A green friend will light up - you can walk happily with him!

Such traffic lights are not found everywhere; sometimes there is a large traffic light next to the pedestrian crossing; it can be called "automotive", since drivers rely on its light to avoid an accident. How many traffic lights does this have? "eye"?

(three eyes).

That's right guys! Only the rules for pedestrians differ from the rules for drivers.

Red light - a signal our friend, don’t stand still! - the red traffic light tells the pedestrian. Then the traffic light turns yellow. He says “Attention, look around! Get ready! Now you can move on!”. And green speaks: “The path is closed to pedestrians! Be patient for everyone’s surprise!”.

And when there are no traffic lights near pedestrian crossings, but you need to cross the road. Before stepping onto the roadway, look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right.

Teacher: "Traffic Laws" strict. They do not forgive if a pedestrian walks along the road as he pleases, without following the rules. And then an irreparable disaster happens. But the rules of the roads are also very kind: they protect from terrible misfortune, protect life. Whatever happens to you, you need to follow the basic rules behavior:

Do not cross the street in front of nearby traffic.

Don't play outside close to the road. -

Do not ride sleds, roller skates, or bicycles on the road.

Teacher: So, what should children learn in order to live peacefully? light:

1. Walk only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right. If there is no sidewalk, you need to walk along the left edge of the road, facing traffic.

2. Obey traffic lights. Cross the street only when the pedestrian traffic light is green. Or turn red when there is no pedestrian traffic light.

3. Cross the road only on the footpath. You need to cross the street straight, not diagonally.

4. Before crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right.

5. Cars, buses, trolleybuses must be bypassed from behind, and trams - in front

Conversation on the topic:"Getting to know the street"

Goal: To familiarize children with the street and its features, to reinforce the rules of behavior on the street; walk only on the sidewalk; on the right side; Cross the street only through an underground passage or zebra crossing.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I was recently at the school of pedestrian sciences and they told me a lot about streets and roads, but I didn’t understand everything. Help me figure it out!

Guys, what is a street? Clearly, this is a road along which there are houses.

Who is called a pedestrian? So these are people who walk.

Who are the passengers? These are people who travel in transport.

Where does the traffic move on the street? Does this mean on a road called a carriageway?

Which part of the street should a pedestrian walk on? We must remember that pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk.

Which side should they go on? That means on the right, so as not to disturb other pedestrians.

Where should a pedestrian cross the street? Along underground and pedestrian crossings. This means that the striped road is a pedestrian crossing. It is also called “zebra”.

Guys, they told me a riddle, but I don’t know what it is.

Day and night I'm burning

I give signals to everyone,

I have three colors.

What's my friends name?

What do traffic lights mean?

Oh, how much I have to remember!

Red light - stand order.

The yellow light will flash for people - get ready to cross!

And the green light turns on - the path is clear.

The traffic light addresses me and the car at the same time, but not at all in different words. At the moment when he tells you: “Go!”, he orders the cars: “Stop!” And when he allows cars to drive, at that very second he warns you: “Stop!”

Now I understand everything! Thank you guys! I will try to be an exemplary pedestrian. Well, I have to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:“It’s not time - don’t leave the yard.”

Purpose: To explain to children that they cannot play near roads.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! Do you like to play hide and seek? And who doesn't love it? Do you like driving?

Like it or not, everyone has to drive. What do you say before you open your eyes and go searching?

You probably say this: it’s not time - I’m leaving the yard. This is such a saying. He said, turned around, looked around and went to look.

But I was recently at a pedestrian school there, the guys had a different saying: it’s not time - don’t leave the yard! If you play hide and seek, hide only in the yard!

If you ride a scooter, don't go outside!

If you get on a bicycle... There’s nothing to talk about here: until you grow up, the rules strictly prohibit riding a bicycle on the street.

Why such strictness? Because there are a lot of cars on the street, and they all drive fast.

But cars appear in the yard infrequently and drive slowly. This is what the rules for drivers say: in passages between houses, in courtyards where children play, you need to drive slowly and very carefully.

Do you remember the saying?

That's right: it's not time - don't leave the yard! And why?

Well, well done, you remembered everything! So it's time for me to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:"Look left, look right."

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to cross the road correctly.

Buratino comes to visit.

Who knows where to cross the road?

That's right, along a pedestrian crossing with white zebra stripes, or along an underground passage. But there are also quiet, quiet streets, and even more so alleys or, perhaps, roads along which one car passes per hour. And there are no stripes on the pavement, no underground stairs... If you think that here you can walk around anywhere, then you are mistaken. Whatever street you cross, do not rush to step onto the pavement. The road should be clearly and far visible. Right and left. Otherwise, before you know it, a car will jump out from around the corner!

Without leaving the sidewalk, look to your left to see if cars are approaching. And be sure to wait until they all pass.

But why to the left? Yes, for the simple reason that cars come from this side.

Did you look carefully? Is the road clear? Then go. Fast, but don't run. When you reach the middle of the street, stop. And look carefully again, this time to the right: there is an oncoming flow of cars from there. First, look to the left. In the middle of the road - look to the right.

Do you remember how to move? Which direction should you look first? And then which one?

Well done, remember well!

What if a car is approaching? Don't try to cross the road - you won't have time. No matter how you run, the car goes faster. Wait until he passes by.

But where to wait if you are in the very middle of the street? Wait there. Right on the white line that divides the pavement into two parts. And at crossings across wide streets, an island is often painted with white paint. You are completely safe here. This place is called a safety island. Look. (Show picture)

Do you remember the name of the place where you can wait while the cars pass?

Well done boys! You remember well! But it's time for me to go. I'll go tell the other guys. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic “Road Safety”

Goal: to remind children about the rules of behavior on the roads.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! And today I managed to visit the school of pedestrian sciences. They told me what to do to save my life on the roads. Do you know?

That's right, you need to follow the traffic rules. Let's remember them all.

Rule #1. Where can you cross the road?

That's right, you can only cross the road at pedestrian crossings. They are marked with a special “pedestrian crossing” sign. Look here (shows sign). Guys, do you know what is the safest crossing? This is underground. It is designated like this (shows sign).

Rule #2. If there is no underground crossing, you must use a crossing with a traffic light. Do you know traffic lights? Right. "Red man" means "stop!" and "green man" means "go!"

Rule No. 3. You can't cross the road Red light, even if there are no cars.

Rule #4. When crossing the road, you should always look both ways. Where should we look first? Yes, first go left, and when you reach the middle of the road, go right.

Rule #5. It is safest to cross the road with a group of pedestrians. Even stray dogs who do not know the rules of the road understand this. Under no circumstances should you run out onto the road. You have to stop before the road. Guys, why can’t you run out onto the road? Can you play on the road? Why? Right. This is rule number 6. You cannot play on the roadway or on the sidewalk. Guys, if your parents have forgotten which side to go around the bus, trolleybus and tram, you can remind them that:

A bus and trolleybus at a stop must only be passed from behind, and a tram can only be passed from the front. Agreed?

Well done guys! Remember all the rules. This is cool! But now it’s time for me. I’ll go to the other guys and remind them of the rules. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

"Rules of conduct in transport"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in transport.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! When I was going to your kindergarten on the bus, I saw a boy screaming and littering on the bus. Is it possible to behave this way in transport?

Guys, let's talk about the rules of behavior in transport!

How should you stand at a bus stop when waiting for transport?

That's right, they don't play around at the bus stop. When the bus arrives, look at the bus number before you get on. And first let the passengers out of the transport, and then get in yourself. Don't linger in the door, go into the middle of the salon. Do not push other passengers or step on their feet. And you have to be careful when closing doors.

That's right, we pay for the fare or present a ticket. And we save it until the end of the journey!

And if a grandmother gets on the transport, what should you do? That's right, give way to the elders. We need to help older passengers. Don't make a scandal or be capricious in transport. And don't talk loudly - you disturb others. If you are asked something, answer politely. Respect other passengers!

Is it possible to enter transport with ice cream? Why? Is it possible to litter? What about throwing trash out the window? Why?

Guys, I was told that leaning out of the window is very dangerous! Why?

Guys, if someone acts out in public transport, what should you do?

We need to inform the driver. And if you are offended, get the attention of adults.

Oh guys, thank you! You explained a lot of things to me today that I don’t understand. I will now be an exemplary passenger! I have to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic: “Traffic Controller”

Goal: to introduce children to the profession of a police officer and the work of the traffic police.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I was at walking science school yesterday. There they told me that there are people who make sure that everyone follows the traffic rules. These are special units of police officers - vigilant and attentive people. This unit is called the State Automobile Inspectorate - GAI. They keep order on the roads of our country. They protect people's lives and health. Here he is, the most main man on the road - police inspector - traffic controller. (Shows a picture) Look how he is dressed. Even the suit helps him regulate his movements. Waterproof jacket. Protective helmet. Striped belt. Striped sleeves. Everything is striped. The stripes are not simple: they glow in the dark. This is so that drivers can see the inspector at night. He also has a radiotelephone to talk with other traffic inspectors and traffic police cars. In the hands of the traffic controller is a rod, a short black and white striped stick. When the traffic controller stood at attention, and then quickly raised his hand with the rod up, this means: “Attention! It is prohibited to enter the intersection. We must wait for my permission." The traffic controller's order is mandatory for everyone. And if you have already stepped onto the pavement, return back to the sidewalk or get to the “safety island” - much closer. Wait there for permission from the traffic controller. If you have already passed the middle of the street, then quickly get to the sidewalk. When the traffic controller raises right hand up, you need to do what everyone does when the traffic light turns yellow - get ready. We can only go when the traffic controller stands with his chest or back to us with his arms extended forward or to the sides.

This work is hard. But everyone needs him. We must respect the traffic controller - the commander of the intersection, follow his orders, carry them out carefully and accurately. Then there will be no accidents on the streets.

Look, the police have a special car that sees and hears everything. In order to see and hear everything, it has a variety of devices: a radio station, a loudspeaker, a searchlight... All drivers and pedestrians must obey the command of the traffic police car. Do you remember? Well done!

Oh, guys, it's time for me to go. I'm stuck here. See you soon!

Rules of behavior in public transport.

Goal: to introduce children to the rules of behavior in public transport.


  1. Reinforce with children the concepts of “driver”, “pedestrian” and “passenger”.
  2. Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in public transport.
  3. Develop children's horizons and logical thinking, memory, speech and other mental processes.
  4. Continue to develop a sense of responsibility for your life.

Methodological support:

Vocabulary work: pedestrian, passenger, driver.

Equipment: pictures with situations.

Motivation: communicating with children about the rules.


We gave the guys a warning:

“Learn the Traffic Rules!

So as not to worry
Every day parents

So that we can race calmly
Drivers on the street"


Guys, what does the word “rules” mean? Can any of you explain to me? (children's answers)

There are rules to the games you play while walking. There are rules of conduct in a theater or cinema. There are rules of behavior in the hospital. Can you still remember what the rules are? (children's answers)

I know that there are rules in every family. Maybe you can tell us about the rules of your family? (children's answers)

In my family, when I was little, there was a rule: when my mother came home from work tired, she would go to rest, and I would go into another room and not make any noise, so as not to disturb her sleep.

Rules are a certain order. This means that the important thing for all these rules is that they must be followed. And today we will remember some rules that will help you save life on the roadway and streets of our village. Do you already know the rules for pedestrians? (Ask some, remind them if you forgot) There are also rules for drivers. And if drivers and pedestrians strictly follow their rules, then there will be no accidents. And when you grow up, you yourself will learn the rules for drivers in order to drive your car or work as a driver.


Together we help dad:

We wash the car ourselves!

We wipe the glass clean and clean.

We'll wash your car quickly!

One two three four-

They stretched and bent over.

Five, six, seven, eight-

We won’t give up washing the car!

Stretched, bent over -

Well done!

/N. Elzhova/

Guess the riddle:

The house is walking down the street

takes everyone to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And rubber boots. (Bus)

Today we will remember the rules of behavior in public transport. What do you call people who travel in public transport? (passengers) That's right, passengers. And the rules that we will now remember are called passenger rules.

Who remembers how to behave properly on the bus? (children's answers)

The traffic police inspector summarizes the children’s answers based on pictures depicting situations:

  • You need to get on the transport at the bus stop.
  • You must enter through the back door and exit through the front.
  • You must not jump on or off a moving vehicle while it is moving.
  • In transport you must behave calmly, do not shout or talk loudly.
  • It is necessary to give way to elders.
  • You cannot stick your arms or head out of an open window.
  • You cannot walk on the bus when it is moving.
  • If you are standing, then hold on tightly to the back of the chair, since you will not yet reach the handrails.
  • Do not distract the driver by talking.
  • Do not try to open the vehicle door yourself.
  • You must exit the vehicle carefully, looking at your feet and not jostling.
  • Buses and trolleybuses must be bypassed from behind, and trams from the front.

To summarize:

The passenger rules have been repeated, now you can safely go on any trip, but for now only with adults

Conversation: “Our street.” Older age

Goal: To form preschoolers’ ideas about road safety; familiarization with the concepts: roadway, sidewalk, lawn, curb.
Vocabulary: street, road, roadway, sidewalk, lawn, curb.
Contents: - Let's solve the riddle:
The houses stand in two rows
Ten, twenty, hundred in a row.
And square eyes
They look at each other. (Street)
- Today Petya Svetoforov invites you to Autograd. The town has houses, shops, a school, there are streets, a road, intersections, and a lot of cars. But a condition must be observed - there must be order and discipline on the streets. And in order to ensure that no one gets hit by a car and there are no accidents, everyone must follow the rules of the road.
Game "City Street"
Purpose of the game: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about traffic rules, various types Vehicle.
Material: street layout, trees, cars, pedestrian dolls, traffic lights, road signs.
The teacher examines the street layout with the children and asks a number of questions. Children accompany their answers by showing them on a model.
Questions for children:
1. What kind of houses are on our street?
2. What traffic on our street is one-way or two-way?
3. Where should pedestrians walk? Where should cars drive?
4. What is a crossroads? Where and how should you cross the street?
5. How is a pedestrian crossing designated?
6. How is traffic regulated on the street?
7. What traffic lights do you know?
8. What road signs are there on the street?
9. Why is passenger transport needed? Where are people waiting for him?
10. How should you behave on the bus?
11. Is it possible to play outside?
12. Next, the teacher invites the children to “drive” along the street, observing the traffic rules. Then someone acts as a pedestrian. The one who does it without mistakes wins.

Our street.
This is our street. Cars are racing along the roadway. There are buses and trams. There are a lot of pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street at pedestrian crossings. In order to keep the streets safe, special rules must be followed. Drivers and pedestrians should know these rules. you should know them too.
Petya Svetoforov introduces children to the rules:
1. You cannot walk on the roadway, but only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right.
2. Cross the street at a walk in places indicated by signs.
3. At controlled intersections, wait for the green traffic light or corresponding traffic controller sign to appear, while carefully watching the traffic.
4. Before leaving the sidewalk onto the roadway, make sure you are completely safe, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right; let the oncoming transport pass.
5. Wait for a tram or bus only at specially designated landing areas, and where they are not on the sidewalk.
6. After getting off the tram, look to the right, and only after making sure it is safe, go to the sidewalk.
7. Do not play on the roadway, do not skate, scooter, or sled on the roads, do not cling to moving vehicles.
It is necessary to study and know the traffic rules in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the movement of traffic. There are simply no rules. Each rule has its own meaning: why it is so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide road - they are big themselves, and their speed is higher than ours. For us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. We're safe here. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. It won’t even get off the sidewalk: it’s dangerous, and it’s a nuisance for drivers. What if not in the city? Then the rule sounds different: the road is for cars, the side of the road is for pedestrians! And you need to walk on the left side of the curb so that cars are driving towards you.
So, we remember: the sidewalk is used for the movement of pedestrians along the street; you need to walk along it, sticking to the right side, without interfering with other pedestrians.
Transport moves along the roadway of the streets.
Game (on a marked area)
Children act as vehicles. Everyone is given a picture of a vehicle. Children are divided into three groups, two groups line up face to face on the right and left sides. The command is given: “To the right!” “Move!” Children drive along the street, obeying traffic rules, on the right side, the third group moves along the sidewalk. Next, the groups change places.
Then Petya Svetoforov introduces road markings. This white line, which divides the road in the middle. Drivers are prohibited from crossing a solid line, but a broken line is allowed when overtaking, turning left, or making a U-turn.
The white lines of a pedestrian crossing are called zebra crossings.
Game "Pedestrians and Drivers"
Some of the guys portray pedestrians, and some - drivers. Drivers must pass a driver's license test and receive a vehicle. Pedestrians head to a toy store for shopping. Drivers head to the parking lot, then drive to the signalized intersection. Pedestrians from the store go to the same intersection.
At the crossroads:
- Attention, traffic is about to start on the streets, watch the traffic lights. Cars are driving, pedestrians are walking. Change of signals. The game continues until the children understand the rules of movement.

Educational conversation “Pedestrian Rules”, older age
Objectives: To expand children's knowledge about the rules of pedestrians on the road (roadway) and on the sidewalk; consolidate knowledge about the following concepts: “pedestrian”, “road signs”, “safety island”, “crossing”; to strengthen children’s ideas about the purpose of road signs: “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Cycling traffic is prohibited”.
Material: road signs: “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Cycling traffic is prohibited”; d/game “Play and dare”, Board-print game“Who is an excellent pedestrian?”, traffic police inspector’s baton.
Progress of the conversation
- Guys, we recently talked about the fact that when going out, going on a visit, or on any trip, we all must follow the rules of pedestrians and drivers. Today I want to see if you remember these rules well. And the traffic police inspector’s baton will help me with this!
D/game “Jolly Rod”
Objectives: generalize ideas about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street; activate children's knowledge, their speech, memory, thinking; cultivate a desire to comply with traffic rules in life.
Rules: listen carefully to the answers of your comrades and do not repeat yourself. The team that names the most rules for pedestrians wins. You can give an answer only after receiving the rod.
Equipment: traffic police inspector's baton
Progress of the game
The teacher divides the children into two competing teams and tells them the rules of the game.
Educator. The one to whom I give the baton will have to name one of the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the street. These rules cannot be repeated, so be very careful! The team that names the most rules and does not repeat itself will win. (For each correct answer, the team receives a chip; at the end of the game, the chips are counted)
The rod passes alternately from one team to another. Children name the rules.
- You can cross the street using a pedestrian underpass or only when the traffic light is green.
- Pedestrians are allowed to walk only on sidewalks; If there is no sidewalk, you can move along the left shoulder towards the traffic.
- It is forbidden for small children to cross the street in front of nearby traffic and cross the street without adults.
- Before crossing the street, you need to look first to the left, then to the right and, making sure it is safe, cross.
Note: you can make the game more difficult if you limit the time: the player must give an answer within 30 seconds. (guide by hourglass).
- Well done guys, you remember the rules well.
- Guys, do you also know what different road signs tell us? Then tell me, what sign is placed on the road if there is a dangerous gap in the road and there is no pedestrian crossing? (“Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”).
Let's play a game and see how well you know other road signs.
D/games “Play and be brave!”
Objectives: develop mental abilities and visual perception; learn to correlate the verbal form of description of road signs with their graphic representation; cultivate independence, speed of reaction, and ingenuity.
Rules: the image of a road sign is closed only after listening to information about it. The winner is the one who is the first to correctly cover all the images sounded in riddles or poems.
Equipment: tables with road signs (“Children”, “Road works”, “Underpass”, “No cycling”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “First aid station”) and blank cards.
Progress of the game
Tables with road signs and blank cards are laid out in front of the children. The principle of the game is lotto. The teacher reads riddles (poems) about road signs, the children cover their images on the table with cards.

Hey, driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast.
People know everything in the world -
Children go to this place! (Children sign)

There are road works here -
Neither pass nor pass.
This is a place for pedestrians
It's better to just bypass. (Road Works Sign)

Will never let you down
Us underground passage:
Pedestrian road
It's always free. (Sign "Underground passage"

It has two wheels and a saddle on a frame
There are two pedals at the bottom, you turn them with your feet.
He stands in the red circle,
He talks about the ban. (No Bicycles Sign)

This zebra on the road
I'm not at all afraid
If everything around is okay,
I'm setting off along the stripes. (Pedestrian crossing sign)

I didn't wash my hands on the road,
Ate Fruits and vegetables.
I'm sick and I see a point
Medical assistance.
(First aid station sign)

Well done boys! You remember the road signs well. I hope all your knowledge will help you in our next game.
Children play the game at will.
D/game “Who is an excellent student - a pedestrian?”
Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules (traffic signals, pedestrian crossing); cultivate attention and patience.
Materials: playing field, 2 chips and a die with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Summary of a thematic conversation on traffic rules in the senior group.

An instructive tale: “Like at our gates there is a very important sign.”

Program content:

  • establish traffic rules;
  • learn to apply your knowledge in practice;
  • Promotion of traffic rules among preschool children.

Preliminary work:

  • Introducing children to the rules of the road;
  • Introducing children to traffic signs;
  • Solving riddles about transport, traffic.

Materials and equipment: steering wheel (several pieces), traffic controller's baton.

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher invites the children to take an interesting and educational journey beyond the garden gates. At the gates of the kindergarten there are road signs “Attention - children” and “Speed ​​limit 20 km/hour”.

Like ours at the gate

A very important sign lives on.

This sign warns:

The driver reduces the speed

Because in kindergarten

The kids are in a hurry here.

This sign stands near the garden,

Like a military sentry.

This sign "Attention - children!"

Protects you and me.

And then any driver,

Just seeing this sign

Slow down and, of course,

The same hour will miss us.

Just be very careful

We must be with you.

What if the driver can't

Slow down in time...

Educator: Guys, tell me, why is this sign important? (because it shows that there may be children on the road and the driver should be more careful).

Who is depicted on it? (children)

What are the children doing? (in a hurry somewhere)

Where are the children in a hurry? (to a kindergarten)

What does the sign warn the driver about? (about the fact that there are children on the road).

Why is this sign at the kindergarten? (because near our garden there is a road along which cars drive. And the driver must slow down. Because there are two kindergartens here).

After carefully examining the road sign with the children and observing how passing cars follow the rules provided for by this road sign, the teacher suggests continuing the conversation at the site. Everyone returns to the kindergarten territory.

Educator: And now I will read you a poem about one boy. Listen carefully and think whether the boy behaved correctly or not quite correctly on the road.

1 situation:

What's happened? What's happened? Why is everything going around?

Spun, spun

And the wheel went off?

It's just a boy Petya

Going to kindergarten alone...

He is without mom and without dad

I ran to kindergarten.

And, of course, on the road

The boy was almost hurt.

Petya jumps and gallops

Doesn't look around.

The boy is very inattentive -

You can't behave like that!

Think about it, kids.

Pete needs some advice

How to behave as a boy

To avoid causing trouble?!

(children's answers: the boy is inattentive, he can get hit by a car; you need to know the rules of behavior on the road; you need to go to kindergarten with mom or dad).

Educator: Well done boys! Very necessary advice you gave it to Petya. I hope nothing bad happens to him on the road again.

Here's another poem. Listen carefully.

Situation 2.

What's happened? What's happened?

Why is everything all around?

Frozen, stopped

And as if you had gone to sleep?

It's just a boy Misha

He goes to kindergarten slowly.

He barely walks

Doesn't look around

He falls asleep while walking -

You can't behave like that!

Why, tell me, is it necessary

Teach Misha too

How I pass the road

Is it right to move?!

(children's answers: you cannot be inattentive on the road; you need to look when you cross the road left and right; cross when there is no car nearby; you cannot sleep while walking).


Game "Traffic Controller"

Educator: And now I propose to check how well you yourself know these rules. To do this, we will play the game “Traffic Controller” with you.

Rules of the game:

We select 1 child - this is the traffic controller. He receives a whistle and a baton. The rest of the children are divided into two teams: pedestrians and cars. The traffic controller’s task is to signal to the teams in such a way that a collision or collision does not occur. The game is played on a specially marked area. The traffic controller can be changed several times during the game.


Educator: Well done boys. Today you have shown yourself to be good pedestrians, exemplary drivers and experts in traffic rules. Good luck on the roads!

Conversation on traffic rules in 2 younger group“Follow the traffic rules without objection”

Purpose of the conversation

Familiarize children with the movement of vehicles and pedestrians;

Continue to develop knowledge of the rules for crossing the street at traffic lights,

develop spatial orientation, the ability to act on a signal

give an idea of ​​how important it is to learn how to walk around the city correctly;

Develop thinking, visual perception, fine motor skills hands

Develop coherent speech

Foster the need to comply with traffic rules

Cultivate friendly understanding among children.

Progress of the conversation:

Guys! Let's mentally imagine a city street: noisy, loud, filled with cars and pedestrians. This is our street. Cars are racing along the roadway. There are buses and trams. There are a lot of pedestrians on the sidewalks. They cross the street at pedestrian crossings. In order to keep the streets safe, special rules must be followed. Drivers and pedestrians should know these rules. You should know them too.

Rules help bring order to a person's life. One of these rules is the rules of the road. We are obliged to know the rules of the road when we are children. Knowing them prevents accidents and saves the lives of many people.

And now I will read you a poem about one boy. Listen carefully and think whether the boy behaved correctly or not quite correctly on the road.

1 situation:

What's happened? What's happened?

Why is everything going around?

Spun, spun

And the wheel went off?

It's just a boy Petya

Going to kindergarten alone...

He is without mom and without dad

I ran to kindergarten.

And, of course, on the road

The boy was almost hurt.

Petya jumps and gallops

Doesn't look around.

The boy is very inattentive -

You can't behave like that!

Think about it, kids.

Pete needs some advice

How to behave as a boy

So as not to cause trouble!

(the boy is inattentive, he could get hit by a car; you need to know the rules of behavior on the road; you need to go to kindergarten with mom or dad.)

Well done boys! You gave Petya some very useful advice. I hope nothing bad happens to him on the road again.

Here's another poem. Listen carefully.

Situation 2.

What's happened? What's happened?

Why is everything all around?

Frozen, stopped

And as if you had gone to sleep?

It's just a boy Misha

He goes to kindergarten slowly.

He barely walks

Doesn't look around

He falls asleep while walking -

You can't behave like that!

Why, tell me, is it necessary

Teach Misha too

How I pass the road

Proper transition!

(you cannot be inattentive on the road; you need to look when you cross the road left and right; cross when there is no car nearby; you cannot sleep while walking).

Well done boys! Now you and Misha have taught the rules of safe behavior on the road. After all, the road is first and foremost a danger. And an inattentive, absent-minded person can get into trouble. And not only he, but also the driver will suffer. That is why it is so important to know and follow the traffic rules.

It is necessary to study and know the traffic rules in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the movement of traffic. There are simply no rules. Each rule has its own meaning: why it is so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide road - they are big themselves, and their speed is higher than ours. For us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. We're safe here. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. It won’t even get off the sidewalk: it’s dangerous, and it’s a nuisance for drivers. What if not in the city? Then the rule sounds different: the road is for cars, the side of the road is for pedestrians! And you need to walk on the left side of the curb so that cars are driving towards you.

So, we remember: the sidewalk is used for the movement of pedestrians along the street; you need to walk along it, sticking to the right side, without interfering with other pedestrians.

Today we all repeated the rules of the road together. Which is important and necessary for each of us to know.

Hold on road rules strictly,

Don't rush like you're on fire,

And remember: transport is the road,

And for pedestrians - sidewalk!

Yes, and parents are also punished -

After all, your children are looking at you.

Always be a worthy example,

And no trouble will happen on the road!

Conversation with children “My friend is a traffic light”junior group
Goal: To acquaint children with the basic rules of street traffic, tell them what irreparable consequences a violation of traffic rules leads to.
Teacher: How many cars are there on the streets?! And every year there are more and more of them. Heavy MAZs, KRAZs, GAZelles, buses are rushing along our roads, and cars are flying. In order to keep the roads safe, all cars and buses are subject to strict traffic laws. All pedestrians, adults and children, should know and follow the rules of behavior on the street. People go to work, to the store, kids hurry to school. Pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk, but they should also walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right. And then you won’t have to stumble, go around people you meet, or turn to the side. There are no sidewalks outside the city, and there are also a lot of cars. Transport moves along the roadway. If you have to walk along the road, then you need to walk towards the traffic. Why? It's not hard to guess. You see a car and give way to it, move to the side. You need to cross the road on a pedestrian path. Before crossing the road, you need to look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right. Our friend the traffic light helps us cross the road. Red light is a danger signal. Stop! Stop! - the red traffic light tells the pedestrian. Then the traffic light turns yellow. He says “Attention! Get ready! Now you can move on!” The green traffic light says: “The path is clear! Go!
Teacher: The law of streets and roads, which is called “traffic rules”, is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules. And then an irreparable disaster happens. But the law of streets and roads is also very good: it protects from terrible misfortune, protects life. So that nothing happens to you, children, follow the basic rules of behavior: Do not cross the street in front of nearby traffic. Don't play outside close to the road. Do not sled, skate, or bike on the road. So, what children must learn in order to live peacefully in the world:
1.Walk only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right. If there is no sidewalk, you need to walk along the left edge of the road, facing traffic.
2.Obey traffic light signals. Cross the street only when the traffic light is green.
3. Cross the road only on the footpath. You need to cross the street straight, not diagonally.
4.Before crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right.
5. Cars, buses, trolleybuses must be passed from behind, and trams - from the front

We live in a world of over 7 billion people, and approximately 1 in 7 people drive a car. With such an abundance of vehicles, even preschoolers need to know the traffic rules. The parent is not always 100% involved in the situation, and a split second is enough to collide with a moving car. Children need to be told how to cross the road safely starting from 3-4 years of age. By school, the child should know the rules of pedestrian behavior by heart. But what to do if such knowledge does not yet exist or is insufficient?

When and how to study traffic rules

Even from the cradle, children strive to copy adults. The behavior of mom and dad on the road is the main example that is “stored in the subcortex.” If parents break the rules (in a hurry, through inattention), the child will unconsciously act in the same way, regardless of whether he knows the traffic rules or not. Therefore the first and main lesson which adults can teach to children is to show in practice that they are conscientious pedestrians.

When to start studying with child traffic rules? You can read all kinds of poems, listen to songs, and watch cartoons about behavior on the road from the age of 1. From 3-4 years old, explanatory conversations should be held. For example, talk to your child about the fact that it will take time for a car to come to a complete stop, that it does not know how to brake instantly. Even while attending kindergarten, the child must learn what a road, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, traffic light are and how to use them.

How to help a preschooler learn traffic rules? For children aged 3-7 years, lessons are held in game form and with clear examples - this way the material is absorbed faster and more fully. In addition, it is important to take into account the perception of the world characteristic of this age, the level of mental capabilities.

  1. Until about 8 years of age, “tunnel” vision predominates - the child perceives objects in front of him, but not from the side. Therefore, it is important to teach children to look carefully both ways before going out on the road.
  2. Until the age of 6, a child is not able to quickly identify the source of noise or hear an approaching car.
  3. Until 5-6 years of age, concentration of attention is selective. A baby can simultaneously evaluate only one object - in his opinion, the most significant (for example, a baby notices a truck approaching, but does not pay attention to a passenger car).
  4. Short stature limits the viewing angle; children cannot see everything that is happening on the road. For the same reason, it can be difficult for drivers of large cars to notice a child.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of a child’s behavior in a dangerous situation. Nine out of ten children, when they see a car rushing towards them, fall into a stupor and cover their faces with their hands. The tenth rushes into a stampede, most often directly under the wheels of a car. Therefore, no matter how smart the baby is, an adult must take him across the road, holding him tightly by the hand.

List of rules

Knowing traffic lights and zebra crossings is not enough for a preschooler; the picture of the road will not be complete. You need to explain to your child what types of transport there are, how they move, talk to him about the purpose of sidewalks, underground passages, and traffic lanes.

5 rules of the road for preschoolers:

  1. You can cross the roadway when the traffic light is green or at the crossing, and only this way.
  2. Before you step on the road, you need to look to the left, then, when you reach the dividing strip, look to the right.
  3. Along the road you should move on the sidewalk on the right. If you are outside the city, walk towards cars on the side of the road.
  4. You can't play near the road. You cannot cross it or go through a red or yellow light, even if there are no cars nearby.
  5. You need to know some road signs. They are described in detail in the picture below.

Dangerous situations on the road

Overnight there are from several tens to hundreds of people on the roadway. Even if one of them makes a mistake, an accident may occur. This is a human factor, and the child should know about it.

Here are the most dangerous surprises you may encounter on the road:

  1. A car suddenly appears from behind a car standing by the side of the road. Therefore, before crossing the road, you need to look at the entire moving lane.
  2. The light turned red and the child was in the middle of the road. Traffic from both sides can be very frightening, but you should not panic, run forward or backward.
  3. The car is moving slowly, and it seems that you can run across. No you can not. A car can drive behind her at high speed.
  4. A car suddenly drove out of the yard. Accidents do not only occur on busy roads - in residential areas there are many turns, due to which a car can appear at any moment.
  5. The driver moved to the green signal for a pedestrian. Yes, such cases are not uncommon. There are, have been and will be violators. Even when crossing the road according to the rules, the child must be attentive, not be distracted by games, take off his headphones, and look around.

Poems, riddles, songs on the topic

There are many children's printed publications that can be used to teach traffic rules to preschool children. For example, the book “About the Rules of the Road” by S. Volkov and A. Usachev with the same title are popular. I. Gurina’s poems “Naughty Pedestrian”, “Zebra”, “Sidewalk and Roadway” are interesting on the topic of road rules.

An example of a poem for preschoolers:

It is clear to all smart guys:
Where there is a road, it is dangerous!
Find it, pedestrian.
Black and white transition!

No green light?
Is there no traffic light at all?
What's happened? How so?
Look at the blue sign.

Is there a person walking in it?
So this is a transition.
Stand still by the road,
Don't run, don't be a bully,

Take mom's hand
Look left and right!
Invites transition:
- Walk forward on me!

(I. Gurina)

Poems have rhyme and therefore are easier for a child to remember. Here is another poetic version of traffic rules for preschoolers:

Driving fast uphill? - Yes.

Do you know the rules of movement? - Yes.

Here the traffic light is red,

Can I go across the street? - No.

Well, the green light is on, then

Can I go across the street? - Yes.

I got on the tram, but didn't take a ticket.

Is this what you're supposed to do? - No.

Old lady, very advanced in years,

Will you give up your seat on the tram to her? - Yes.

After several readings, the child himself will answer “yes” or “no”. To consolidate the material, it is very good to listen to the songs of A. Usachev, A. Pinegin “The Road is Not a Path” and “This World Consists of Pedestrians” from a collection of children's songs.

It is useful and very exciting to tell your child riddles. Example:

Illustrated instructions

It is known that a person has several types of memory. In addition to auditory, there is also tactile and visual. It is recommended that preschool children be taught using pictures. Bright illustrations arouse interest, and even if the child listened to some words of an adult, the image will be remembered in memory.

An example of a picture that is suitable for a lesson on learning traffic rules for a preschooler:

4 game options

It is a rare child who will sit for a long time reading books and listening to poetry. Especially if the sun is warm outside the window and sandy affairs are waiting. Don't get upset or annoyed by inattention. You can play with your child interesting game in the traffic rules, which he probably will not refuse. It is best to spend it outside with other children, in the yard or kindergarten.

So, here are 4 options for educational games.

  1. “And on our street.” The action takes place in a sandbox. Children bring out cars, small soldiers, dolls, adults make road signs and traffic lights from paper, felt-tip pens and toothpicks. Then the nearby road and buildings around are recreated from slightly damp sand. Children are divided into pedestrians and drivers. The first task is given: go to the store, to the hospital, take the bus, etc. Drivers drive on the road, creating danger.
  2. "A toy shop". The lesson is held on the playground. A pedestrian crossing and a road are drawn on the asphalt with chalk, and on the opposite side there is a store where all the toys are taken. Kids are divided into groups: drivers, pedestrians, 1 seller. The older child or adult plays the role of an inspector and asks exam questions for drivers: when you can drive, when you can’t, what a road, shoulder, sidewalk is, what signs you know. If the answers are correct, the kids are given cars. The second adult stands at the crossing and alternately shows green, red, yellow cards. Pedestrians are instructed to cross the street, make a purchase in a store and return, drivers are instructed to drive along the street in accordance with all traffic rules.
  3. "Traffic light". Before the game, circles are cut out from yellow, green, and red cardboard. Then the presenter shows them one by one, and the child performs the appropriate action: when he sees a red circle, he steps back, when he sees a yellow signal he crouches, and when he sees a green signal he reacts by marching in place.
  4. “Who will remember the most signs?” A group of children have pieces of paper with pictures of road signs attached to their backs so that they cannot spy. Then the presenter announces the task: you need to see and remember as many drawings as possible, but at the same time hide yours. After 30 seconds the stop signal sounds. Children are given leaves and markers, and they try to remember and draw the signs they saw. Afterwards, the adult tells what they mean and rewards the winner with a symbolic prize.

You need to talk about traffic rules with your child often, not sporadically. When crossing the road, you should draw your child’s attention to the traffic light. With older children, you can try to switch roles - he is an adult, he takes the little dad or mom across the road.

It's never too early to learn traffic rules. With the play method of learning, the child will absorb information very quickly. Then it’s a matter of repetition. In addition to the above methods, to consolidate the material, you can make crafts with your baby: sculpt a traffic light, a zebra, signs from plasticine, make models from cardboard, appliques. This is no less interesting than rolling cars and combing dolls. Moreover, the safety of the child is at stake.

Child road traffic injuries are one of the most painful problems of modern society. Every year, tens of thousands of traffic accidents involving children and teenagers occur on Russian roads. Knowing and following the traffic rules will help shape the safe behavior of children on the roads.

Objective of the project: provide basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the road; introduce traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.

Project objectives:
— create conditions for children to consciously study the Rules of the Road;
- introduce children to the meaning of road signs, promote children’s ability to understand schematic representations for correct orientation on streets and roads;
— to develop in preschoolers the habit of behaving correctly on the roads;
- form healthy image life, prevention of road traffic injuries;
— develop the ability to practically apply acquired knowledge in the road transport environment;
— to educate children as competent pedestrians;
— intensify efforts to promote traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.

Project type: long-term, group, information-oriented.

Project participants: children of primary preschool age, parents of children, teachers.

Expected result:
— conscious attitude to issues of personal safety and the safety of others;
— manifestation of discipline, self-control, independence in observing the rules of behavior;
- the ability to anticipate possible danger and find ways to avoid it;
— knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on city roads.
— to educate a competent pedestrian;

Product project activities:
— production and acquisition of attributes for games and aids;

Project stages:

Stage 1 – preparatory
— selection of material according to the Traffic Rules;
— examining drawings and photographs about road situations;
— viewing video material;
— familiarity with literary works;
— production of didactic games on traffic rules;
- use of didactic, board-printed, outdoor, role-playing games.

Stage 2 – creative:
— carrying out activities according to traffic rules;
- playing didactic and outdoor games based on traffic rules;
— solving game situations;
— educational and developmental games;
- reading fiction;
— modeling of the road situation;
— examination of illustrations, posters, visual aids;
— watching television programs, videos, cartoons, theatrical performances according to traffic rules;
- observation, targeted walks, excursions.

Tasks for teaching preschoolers the rules of the road:

I junior group

To form spatial orientation in children.
Introduce children to vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport.
Learn to distinguish between red and green colors.

Development indicators:
Children distinguish and can name the colors red and green.
There are buses, cars and trucks.

II junior group
Improve orientation in the surrounding space.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish red, yellow, green colors.
Continue to introduce and recognize some types of transport.
Learn to identify and name what parts a car consists of (cabin, wheels, windows, doors).
Introduce children to the concepts: “street”, “road”, “sidewalk”, “roadway”; with a traffic light.
Introduce children to the rules of behavior in public transport.

Lesson notes for junior group 2

Topic: “Getting to know the street”
Program content.
Clarify and expand children’s ideas about the street, road, sidewalk; about trucks and cars; give basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. To develop children's observation and activity in motor activities.

Progress of the lesson

Poem "My Street"

Here on duty at any time
A clever guard is on duty,
He controls everyone at once
Who is in front of him on the pavement?

No one in the world can do that
With one movement of the hand
Stop the flow of passersby
And let the trucks pass.

S. Mikhalkov

Introducing children to the street teacher says: Look how wide and beautiful our street is. There are many houses on it. There are a lot of cars on the road. The cars are very different.
— What cars do you see?
(trucks, cars)
— What vehicles are called trucks?
(Those who carry goods)
-Where do the cars go?
(On the way to)
The place where people walk is called a sidewalk. You and I are walking along the sidewalk. Who remembered?
— What is the name of the place where people walk?

Now you and I know that cars drive on the road, people walk on the sidewalk.”
The teacher invites the children to look around and tell what else they see on the street.
Draws children's attention to individual objects (houses, cars, etc.)

At the end of the lesson outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

Lesson notes for junior group 1

Theme: “Magic lights”
Program content:
Teach children to distinguish colors: red, yellow, green.
Introduce children: a) to traffic lights; b) with traffic rules.
Teach children to cross the road correctly.
Instill in children a sense of responsibility and obedience
Preliminary work:
1.​ Examination of illustrations in books about traffic rules.
2. Reading poems and stories about traffic rules.
3. Showing a toy traffic light and looking at it.
4. Role-playing game"Car".
Mugs of three colors (red, yellow, green), balls of three colors (red, yellow, green), traffic light toy, doll, cat toy.

Progress of the lesson

In front of the children on the tables are mugs of three colors: red, green, yellow.

The teacher offers to take the children one mug at a time: “Choose any one. Who has which one? »

Children take one mug and name its color. The teacher checks whether the children name the color of the circle correctly. If the child is mistaken, the teacher invites the children to clarify the color of the circle chosen by the child.

This way the color of the three circles is specified: red, yellow, green.

- Meow meow meow! - the cat Murka comes and brings multi-colored balls in a basket.
- The balls are good!
Choose any one you have!

She asks to name the children the colors of the balloons.

Children take balls out of the basket and name what color they are. If the children name the color of the ball correctly, the dog barks. And if they are wrong, the cat meows. (The exercise is repeated 2-3 times)

The cat collects mugs and balls in a basket.

There is a knock on the door. The teacher and Murka invite the children to see who it is. The children saw the Masha doll. She began to tell the children how she was in a hurry to go to kindergarten, but could not cross the road because there were a lot of cars on the road. Doll Masha asks the teacher and children to teach her how to cross the road correctly.

The teacher invites all children to sit on chairs. He also places the doll Masha and the cat with the children. He takes out and shows a toy - a traffic light and says:

- This is a traffic light. It helps adults and children cross the road correctly. Remember who saw the traffic light on the road. (Children answer)

The teacher shows and tells that the traffic light has lights: red, yellow, green.

— When the light turns red, there is no road, you can’t go, stop. Children and adults stand, and cars drive. Then the yellow light comes on - you need to get ready and watch when the green light comes on. And now the green light lights up, both adults and children can cross the road. But small children must definitely hold on to their mother’s hand and not let go until they cross the road. But cars are not allowed to go. They stand and let pedestrians pass.

The teacher clarifies the purpose of the traffic lights 2-3 times.

— Listen to the poem about the traffic light:

To help you pass the dangerous path
Lights up day and night - green, yellow, red.
Our house is a traffic light. We are three siblings.
We have been shining on the road for all the guys for a long time.
The strictest light is red.
If it lights up, stop! There is no further road
The path is closed to everyone.
If the yellow one is tanned, then get ready.
Soon you will need to cross the road -
Be careful.
The kindest one is green light.
If it's on, cross the road.
The path is open to everyone!

The teacher invites the children to play game "Cross the road!"

An oilcloth runner is laid out on the floor. Cars are placed on it, and a traffic light is placed on the side. Murka the cat is placed at a traffic light. The teacher takes turns closing the circles of the traffic lights, leaving one and asks the children to answer whether they can cross the road or not. If the children answer correctly, the teacher allows them to go. Children cross the road with a doll. And if the children make a mistake, the pussy meows loudly and the teacher invites the children to correct the mistake.

Kids are playing. Doll Masha addresses the children: “Thank you all! Now I know how to cross a road where there are a lot of cars. Because you are so good and taught me, I brought you treats. (Treats are distributed)


Consultation for parents.

Your child goes to kindergarten
How to use the movement of parents holding hands with a child in kindergarten to teach his safety?

In some countries, such as England, Japan and Finland, school education for child safety has gradually faded into the background. It became clear that the child must be taught primarily in the family and kindergarten. In Finland, for example, parents whose children go to kindergarten are gathered, they are shown slides of the correct and incorrect behavior of children on the road, and they are asked to practice one or another habit necessary for the road with their children while driving on the street for the next month. For example, one of the most important things is to be sure to pause before stepping from the sidewalk onto the roadway or to always switch from running to walking and cross the road only at a measured pace, etc.

Traveling with your child to kindergarten and back is an ideal way not only to impart knowledge, but, above all, to develop children’s skills for safe behavior on the street. Unfortunately, many people have the misconception that a child should be taught safe behavior on the streets from the age of five or six, as the time approaches when the child enters first grade. It's dangerous to think like that! After all, a child has a whole range of habits (not noticeable to him or to us) from the very beginning. early childhood, and some of them, quite suitable for staying in and near the house, are deadly on the roadway. That is why the time spent driving with a child on the street, starting literally from 1.5-2 years old, should be used to train his or her set of “transport” habits.

So, you leave the house with your child, holding his hand. Often, on the way to kindergarten, parents are in a hurry so as not to be late for work. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between teaching a child on the way to kindergarten and home from kindergarten, when there is nowhere to rush.

Every child has a habit of careless, “irresponsible” observation. This means that the child observes casually, allows himself, for example, to back away, i.e. take a step back without looking, or rush where your eyes are looking without looking back. And, what is most dangerous, is to “boldly” go out or run out from behind various objects that interfere with your view: from behind bushes, trees, fences, corners of houses, parked cars.

First of all, on the way home, you need to get used to “fixing” a stop before entering the roadway: in some countries this is called “stopping”. You need to repeat this “stopping” many times with your child, explaining in words the need to stop specifically for observation. Constantly demonstrate the transition from a fast walk or even a run to a measured (though not slow) walk when crossing the street. At the same time, explain to the child that when a person runs, he does not look around. Turning your head while running to inspect it is both difficult and downright dangerous; you can fall. And when moving at a walk, having support on both legs, a person can easily turn his head both to the right and to the left.

The most dangerous habit of children is running out or going out without looking because of objects blocking their view! On the street, this is a parked car - any car. But, first of all, a truck, bus or trolleybus. According to my 20-year observations, every third child among the victims ran out onto the road because of a standing car! Most cases involve buses. Every seventh child was hit by a car by running out in front of a standing bus, every 20th by running onto the road behind a standing bus (not seeing the car approaching from the right).

The recommendation used in some books is the proverb: “walk around the tram in front, and the bus behind” is a gross mistake. By repeating these words, we are simply pushing the child under the car. The journey with the child to kindergarten and back should be - at the same time - a daily practice of the child’s ability to “see” a parked car as an object that can hide danger. The child must see for himself the standing bus, like a “hiding object,” and the car driving out from behind it. The same observation lessons (from the sidewalk!) should be repeated dozens of times near standing cars, bushes, trees, and groups of pedestrians. The child himself must understand the very serious danger of a parked car and, in general, any objects that interfere with the view of the roadway.

For a little man, the street is a complex, treacherous, deceptive world full of hidden dangers. And the main task is to teach the child to live safely in this world.

Consultation for parents

“The road is not terrible for those who are attentive from the threshold!”

Parents should instill in their children respect for the traffic rules and the habit of strictly observing them. It is enough to have a conversation-game with your child on the rules of the road at least once a week for 10-15 minutes so that he looks at the situation with different eyes. Such a child will later be able to navigate independently in difficult situations on busy city streets.

A young child does not imagine a car as a danger that can cause injury or take life; on the contrary, he has pleasant impressions associated with a car. Nothing attracts a child more than a car, be it a toy or a real one. The child must be taught to comply with all road safety requirements; it must be taught that the roadway is intended exclusively for vehicles and not for play. It is necessary to teach children, even before they go to school, the ability to navigate the transport environment, to predict different situations, correctly determine the place where you can cross the road, and before crossing, be patient enough and always look around before leaving the sidewalk. Patience and perseverance, which we need to stock up on at least to save the life and health of our own children.

These dangers can only be avoided through appropriate upbringing and education of the child.

It often happens that it is parents who set a bad example for their children: they cross the road in places where this is prohibited, and put children under 12 years of age in the front seats of their cars. All this leads to an increase in child road traffic injuries.

Another common mistake parents make is acting on the principle “you can do it with me.” If you show your child by your own example how to run to red, be sure that when left alone, he will try to repeat this trick.

Basic rules that a child should know:

  1. Basic terms and concepts of rules;
  2. Responsibilities of pedestrians;
  3. Responsibilities of passengers;
  4. Traffic regulation;
  5. Traffic lights and traffic controller signals;
  6. Warning signals;
  7. Movement across railway tracks;
  8. Traffic in residential areas and transportation of people;
  9. Features of cycling.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the roads, following the example of family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

Parents developing street behavior skills in their children:

  1. When approaching the road, stop and look around the street in both directions.
  2. When leaving home, do not be late, leave early so that you have some time to spare when walking calmly with your child.
  3. Set an example of the ability to daily monitor your behavior to shape it in your child.
  4. The child must learn to see with his own eyes that danger is often hidden behind various objects on the street.

If a child is well versed in the rules of the road, parents can be calm about him.

Consultation for parents

"Children's safety on the roads"

The speed of movement and the density of traffic flows on the streets and roads of our country are rapidly increasing and will progress in the future. Therefore, ensuring traffic safety is becoming an increasingly national task. Of particular importance in solving this problem is the advance and proper preparation of our youngest pedestrians - children, who are already facing serious difficulties and dangers outside the gates of their homes and who will have to live with incomparably greater intensity automobile traffic.

Road accidents are most often caused by children themselves. This is caused by ignorance of the basic principles of traffic rules and the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. Left to their own devices, children, especially younger ones, pay little attention to the real dangers on the road. This is explained by the fact that they are not able to correctly determine the distance to an approaching car and its speed and overestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves fast and dexterous. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out onto the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They consider it quite natural to ride out onto the roadway on a child’s bicycle or start a fun game.

Unfortunately, many parents have the misconception that their child should be taught safe behavior on the streets closer to the time when he goes to kindergarten or school. But it’s dangerous to think like that! After all, children develop a whole set of habits (unnoticed by him and us) from early childhood. Including demeanor. Therefore, preschool teachers are faced with the task of conveying information not only to children, but also to their parents in such a way that they develop the vital habit of following traffic rules and teach their children to do the same. Solving this problem is not easy, but it is necessary.

These dangers can be avoided only through appropriate upbringing and education of the child from the very beginning. early age.

Work to prevent child road traffic injuries will be most effective if it is carried out in three directions: work with children, teachers, and parents.

Memo for parents on traffic rules

Memo for parents on teaching children traffic rules

*Don’t rush, cross the road at a measured pace.
*When going out onto the road, stop talking - the child must get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.
*Do not cross the road when the traffic light is red or yellow.
*Cross the road only in places marked with the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign.
*Get off the bus or trolleybus first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the road.
*Invite your child to participate in your observations of the situation on the road: show him those cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.
*Do not leave with your child from behind a car or bushes without first inspecting the roads - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.
*Do not allow children to play near roads or on the roadway.

Your child is a passenger


— Always fasten your seat belts yourself and explain to your child why you need to do this. If this rule is automatically followed by you, it will help your child develop the habit of wearing a seat belt or sitting in a child restraint system (car seat)

— Children under twelve years of age must be seated in a car in a child restraint system (a car seat appropriate for their age, weight and height. If the child’s build makes it difficult to place him in a car seat, a (partial restraint device) can be used (an additional booster cushion, which is used in combined with a standard seat belt passing around the child’s torso, with the diagonal branch of the belt passing over the shoulder and chest without slipping onto your neck.

- Teach your child the correct way to exit the car - through the right door, which is located on the sidewalk side

Consultations for parents

Running across the road is the enemy especially in winter
Let's solve future problems today!

Children persistently run across the roadway. Why? The most common answer: “It’s faster!” Let's think about it. Still, the baby is afraid of the road, the place where cars pass, and wants to overcome it faster. So to speak, “a mistake with good intentions.” Moreover, we, adults, are often to blame for the appearance of this error, hurrying the child: “Why are you digging? Faster!".

The usual state of children is to move and run. Especially next to adults. The child's stride is shorter - he can barely keep up with mom or dad. This is how a strong habit is developed! How many hundreds of kilometers has your child already run in the house? Near the house? On walks? In principle, although beneficial for a child’s development, this habit is harmful on the road!

Dear parents! When you return home, ask your child the question: “What is the danger of running across the road?” What will they tell you? Often children give the most strange and unexpected, illogical answers like “The driver can run you over.” This is not entirely true. Closer to the truth: “You can trip (in summer), slip (in autumn and winter) and fall.” But this is not the main answer. “You might not notice the car.” This is the most important thing.

Ask your son or daughter the following question: “How does someone running across the street observe? Can he look around? Can not. That's the whole point!

That is why it is so important for children to develop a stable skill when crossing to continue to watch the road in both directions, first more to the left, then more to the right.

Not “First look to your left. When you reach the middle, look to the right,” namely, “Look in both directions”! After all, the street is constantly changing! A stationary car could move, a slow-moving car could speed up. Following straight ahead - suddenly turn. Hidden behind another parked car or around a corner - emerge. Observation must be duplicated! How to do this when running? No way!

Here is the main answer: the one who runs, his eyes are directed forward and practically cannot look around. He's almost like he's blind. But this is not enough, let's get to the bottom. What exactly is running? How is it different from walking? When a person walks, with each step there is a moment when both feet are on the ground at the same time. The benefit of walking in steps is stability when moving; you can turn your head both left and right as many times as necessary depending on the situation and the width of the street. On the street, the most important and most difficult thing is to observe and notice. There is knowledge. Understanding is the utmost. But the habit “sits”, and firmly. But the man on the street does not think, but acts as usual. And in order to elevate your child’s correct actions when crossing the street to the rank of habit, practice with him - in the yard, in the park, at home - a simple exercise: crossing the road while observing. Train the movements in stages. First, you show your child how to act: stop at the edge of the sidewalk, look left, then right and left again. Only after this can you begin to move without stopping to observe (with your head turned!). Before the middle of the roadway, we pay more attention to observation to the left, after the middle - to observation to the right. The next step is to practice these actions together with the child: bringing these actions to automatism. The final step is for the child to cross the “road” independently, consolidating the acquired skills.

In winter, running across the road is doubly dangerous! Snowfall, ice, even just wet asphalt, watered or sprinkled with anti-icing agents, increase the braking distance many times over. Stopping a moving car becomes ten times more difficult! From sudden braking, the car may skid or skid (when the wheels lock and it becomes uncontrollable). And then the trajectory of its movement becomes completely unpredictable.

Only a calm transition, only at a step, only the utmost attention to the road and the traffic on it! A habit trained to automaticity will help your child safely cross the road alone, with a friend, with skates or skis in hand. She will simply become his safe conduct on the road.

Questionnaire for parents

Dear adults!
Fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers!

Raising a competent road user is a component of raising a new type of person. And until adults get used to the fact that compliance with traffic rules (traffic rules) is not only a legal requirement, but above all a norm of behavior in society, the growth of road traffic injuries cannot be stopped. The lost instinct of self-preservation in society can only be restored together.

We ask you to seriously think about this problem and answer the following questions. Your sincere answers will help us in further work with kids.

1. Do you consider this problem important for you and your loved ones?
1.​ Yes.
2.​ No.
3.​ I find it difficult to answer.

2. Do you know the traffic rules?
1.​ Yes.
2.​ Partially.
3.​ No.

3. Do you follow the rules of safe behavior on the road?
1.​ Always.
2.​ Partially.
3.​ No.

4. Have you ever violated traffic rules in the presence of your children?
1.​ Never.
2.​ Sometimes.
3.​ Always.

5.​ Why do you violate traffic rules?
1.​ I'm in a hurry.
2. I don’t have the patience to wait for the traffic light to clear.
3. Very large traffic flow.
4.​ I don’t assume that I’m violating traffic rules.
5.​ I act like everyone else.

6. How often do you have to prevent children from violating traffic rules?
1.​ Often.
2. Rarely.
3.​ Never.

7.​ What is your reaction to traffic violations by parents with children?
1.​ I'm trying to prevent a violation.
2.​ Make a comment.
3.​ You internally condemn the behavior of adults.
4. I didn’t notice anything like that.

8. Do you think it is possible for a preschooler to go out on the road independently?
1.​ Yes.
2. Maybe sometimes.
3.​ No.

9. What percentage of children do you think of the total number of deaths according to various reasons children, are children injured in road accidents?

10. Who, in your opinion, is most often to blame for an accident?
1.​ Drivers.
2. Pedestrians.
3.​ The offender himself.
4. Organization of traffic.

11.​ What, in your opinion, needs to be done to reduce the number of accidents involving children?

12.​ Name what difficulties you are experiencing on an unknown section of the road in the village and how, in your opinion, the organization of traffic on that section needs to be changed.

Consultation for parents

If you are really interested in your child having the skills to behave safely on the road, then do not reduce the learning process to an empty and useless phrase: “Be careful on the road.” She does not explain to the child what exactly he should be afraid of on the road. Where might he be in danger? Next, use the movement to kindergarten and back to practice road behavior skills.

Unregulated pedestrian crossings pose a great danger to children. Here it is important for the child to make sure that the distance to cars on both sides will allow him to cross the road without stopping in the middle of the roadway. At a controlled pedestrian crossing, explain to your child that red and yellow traffic lights are prohibitive. It is especially dangerous to enter the road when the signal is yellow, because some cars complete the intersection and at the same time increase their speed. The green signal is permissive, but it does not guarantee a safe crossing for the pedestrian, so before entering the road you need to look left and right and make sure that all the cars have stopped and there is no danger.

Objects blocking the view (fences, parked cars, snowdrifts in winter, bushes and trees in summer) pose a great danger to children. It is better to move away from them and cross the road where it is safe. If your child is soon going to first grade, then now walk with him repeatedly along the route from home to school and back, drawing your child’s attention to all the dangers that he may encounter along the way. Stipulate in advance that in a difficult situation you need to seek the help of adults. Give your child the opportunity to go through this route on his own, watching him from the side. Then analyze in detail all his actions with him.

Road safety tips.

Some road safety tips for your children:

  1. In the city, children should only walk on the sidewalk and not on the roadway. If there is no sidewalk, then you need to walk on the left side of the street, that is, towards the traffic.
  2. You need to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing (“zebra crossing”). First, stop at the edge of the sidewalk and watch the traffic. If the road is controlled by a traffic light, you need to wait for the green light for pedestrians, then make sure that all cars have stopped before crossing the street.
  3. Explain to children that it is dangerous to stand behind a vehicle that is leaving or parking. The driver may not notice the child due to his small stature. In addition, you cannot cross the street in front of or behind a bus, trolleybus, or tram standing at a stop: the driver may not notice the pedestrian because of the traffic. You need to wait until the bus leaves and only then start crossing.
  4. Under no circumstances should you step off the sidewalk onto the roadway, even if other pedestrians are preventing you from passing.
  5. Before your child goes biking or rollerblading, make sure he or she is wearing protective equipment and has pieces of reflective material attached to their clothing if it is dark outside.
  6. Teach your child to distinguish sounds that indicate danger from ordinary sounds heard around.

Some road safety tips for you:

  1. Even if you are driving on a familiar road for a short distance, make sure that all passengers in the car, front and back seats, are wearing seat belts.
  2. A child under 12 years of age must be in a car in a special child seat, adjusted in accordance with his height and build.
  3. Remember that the speed limit on the road depends not only on the speed limit, but also on the density of traffic. Always keep your distance from the vehicle in front to avoid a collision during emergency braking.
  4. You need to choose - either drink or drive. Every fifth accident on Russian roads is related to driving while intoxicated.
  5. Check the condition of your car before going on the road. Flat tires can cause accidents on the road.

Don't ignore this advice. Following them could save more than 3,000 lives every year!

Dear mothers and dads!
The best way to save your life and the life of your child on the roads is to follow the traffic rules!

The question may arise: why explain the rules of the road to your child?

This article is devoted to a very important problem - educating children in safe behavior skills on city streets. The question may arise: why explain to children the peculiarities of traffic, the rules of crossing the street, if little children cross the road only holding the hand of an adult? Perhaps it is not worth bothering their heads with these rules while they are not yet walking the streets on their own or using public transport. ?But we must always remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Today a child walks everywhere hand in hand with his mother, and tomorrow he will become an independent pedestrian and passenger of city transport. But we must always remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. Today a child walks everywhere hand in hand with his mother, and tomorrow he becomes an independent pedestrian and passenger of city transport.

Work on teaching children the rules of competent and safe behavior on city streets and in public transport must be systematic. For it to bring results, one lesson or conversation with children is not enough. And one more important requirement: children do not have enough theoretical knowledge, they must apply it in practice.

In kindergarten we hold conversations, classes, games, entertainment, and exhibitions on this topic. But this is not enough - the practical application of this knowledge falls entirely on your shoulders. The unity of our and your requirements for children is the conditions for the safety of our children!

Dear parents!

You are a role model for children. You are an object of love and imitation for a child. This must always be remembered, and even more so when you take a step onto the roadway with your baby.

To prevent your child from getting into trouble, teach him respect for the rules of the road patiently, daily, unobtrusively.

The child should only play in the yard under your supervision. He must know: you can’t go out on the road.

Do not intimidate the child, but watch with him and take advantage of the situation on the road, yard, street; Explain what happens to transport and pedestrians.

Develop in a child visual memory, attention. To do this, create houses game situations.

Let your baby lead you to kindergarten and home from kindergarten.

Your child should know:

  • You can’t go out on the road;
  • ​ You can cross the road only with adults, holding the hand of an adult;
  • ​ You need to cross the road at a calm pace;
  • Pedestrians are people walking along the street;
  • ​ in order for there to be order on the road, so that there are no accidents, so that a pedestrian does not get hit by a car, you must obey the traffic light: red light - no traffic, yellow light - attention, and green says: “Pass the path is open”;
  • There are different types of cars (trucks, cars); this is transport. The cars are driven by drivers. The highway (road) is intended for transport. When we travel in public transport, we are called passengers. While riding in public transport, you should not lean out of the window.

Consultation for parents

Safety of children in the car.

Almost every day, children are killed or injured in road accidents. In the overwhelming majority of cases, these tragedies are on the conscience of adults, and often the closest people - parents.

Children and teenagers are the most vulnerable road users. A child inside a car is entirely dependent on the person sitting behind the wheel. It is the negligence of parents and loved ones who neglect basic safety measures not only for themselves, but also for the child, that become the culprits of such tragedies.

Since the beginning of this year, 15,548 accidents involving minors have occurred on the streets and roads of our country, as a result of which 696 children were killed and 16,240 were injured. More than half of them are child passengers. And to one degree or another, the cause of these tragedies was the criminal negligence of adults who exceeded the speed limit, overestimated their strengths and capabilities, and finally, simply did not care about the safety of their child.

For little passengers the main and most effective means protection is a child restraint device - a so-called car seat, designed taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s body, individually selected to the height and weight of the child and, finally, correctly installed in the car. The traffic rules of the Russian Federation oblige drivers to use special restraints when transporting children under 12 years of age in a car - even when traveling the shortest distances.

And this is not a whim of legislators, but a vital condition. Many people mistakenly believe that they can hold a child in their arms. This is wrong. In the event of a collision, sudden braking or impact at a speed of 50 km/h, the weight of the passenger increases by approximately 30 times. So, if a child weighs 10 kg, then at the moment of impact he will already weigh about 300 kg, and it is almost impossible to keep him from a sharp impact on the front seat or on the windshield. This is why carrying a child in your arms is considered the most dangerous.

For the same reason, you cannot wear the same seat belt with a child - in a collision you will simply crush him with your weight.

In addition to general irresponsibility, one of the main reasons why parent-drivers refuse child seats is their alleged high cost. But today the price range of child seats is quite wide, and if desired, you can still choose an acceptable option. And, for example, in the Republic of Tatarstan there is a special program: you can rent a child seat for, frankly, symbolic money.

Yes, such conditions do not exist in every region of Russia, but, if desired, a way out can always be found. For example, take a used chair from friends - those whose children have already grown up and moved into a different “weight category”. However, in this case there is one fundamental condition: if you decide to buy a used car seat, you need to be 100% sure that it has not been in a traffic accident. The fact is that in case of an accident, as a rule, damage occurs in the seat. And even if they are not visible to the naked eye, these damages will make themselves felt in the event of an accident: the use of such a chair will not only not save the child, but, on the contrary, can cause serious injuries or even fatal outcome.
Be that as it may, humanity has not yet come up with a simpler and more reliable protection for a child in an accident than a car seat. Today, manufacturers offer a number of models of child restraint devices, and, despite the apparent simplicity, it is not easy to understand the variety of designs, adjustments and fastenings of child car seats without consulting a qualified specialist.

So if you are determined not to save on the life and health of your child, the only correct advice is to visit a specialized store and understand the variety of options. When going for such a purchase, take your baby with you to, so to speak, “try on” the child for a specific model.
It is also necessary to ask what material the seat frame and upholstery are made of. Many experts in this field are inclined to believe that the frame should be steel, not plastic, and the upholstery material should be natural.
Another important detail is the method of installing the child car seat in the car. Again, many experts agree that a child of the first year of life must always travel with his back to the road (i.e. lying down or reclining) and always facing the direction of travel. The point is that if you plant infant facing forward, then even with slight braking, the fragile neck will not be able to support the heavy head. You can, as a rule, turn the chair in the direction of travel by one and a half to two years of a child’s life, when the muscles are sufficiently strong. In this case, the child seat can be placed in both the front and rear seats. But be sure to remember that the airbag must be turned off!

A child car seat is not a cheap thing, but it is vital. But it’s probably better to save money on endlessly breaking toys than on the safety of your own child.

Consultation on Traffic Rules

Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?

At first glance it seems easy. You just need to introduce him to the basic requirements of the Traffic Rules and there will be no problems.

It's actually very difficult. After all, we, parents, violate these same notorious Rules every day in front of our children, and do not think that we are setting an impossible task for our child: what is the right way? What do they say or what do they do?

When a child gets into a traffic accident, everyone is to blame: the driver, the kindergarten, the school, and the State Traffic Inspectorate. Why didn’t they teach you, show you, or save you? Forgetting that, first of all, parents must teach and protect by their example.

If you are really interested in your child having the skills to behave safely on the road, then do not reduce the learning process to an empty and useless phrase: “Be careful on the road.” She does not explain to the child what exactly he should be afraid of on the road. Where might he be in danger? Better use driving to and from kindergarten to practice road behavior skills.

The child must firmly know that the road can only be crossed in designated places: at a pedestrian crossing and at an intersection. But even in this case, no one can guarantee its safety. Therefore, before going out onto the road, stop with your child at a distance of 50 cm - 1 meter from the edge of the roadway and pay his attention. that you must look left and right by turning your head, and if there is no dangerous transport on both sides, you can go out onto the roadway. You must cross the road with a calm, measured step and under no circumstances run.

Unregulated pedestrian crossings pose a great danger to children. Here it is important for the child to make sure that the distance to cars on both sides will allow him to cross the road without stopping in the middle of the roadway.

At a controlled pedestrian crossing, explain to your child that red and yellow traffic lights are prohibitive. It is especially dangerous to enter the road when the signal is yellow, because some cars complete the intersection and at the same time increase their speed. The green signal is permissive, but it does not guarantee a safe crossing for the pedestrian, so before entering the road you need to look left and right and make sure that all the cars have stopped and there is no danger.

Children often find themselves under the wheels of vehicles when, after getting off a bus or trolleybus, they try to cross to the other side of the road. Explain to your child that in this case it is dangerous to pass the vehicle both in front and behind, because it is large and nothing can be seen from behind it. You have to wait until the bus or trolleybus leaves.

Objects blocking the view (fences, parked cars, snowdrifts in winter, bushes and trees in summer) pose a great danger to children. It is better to move away from them and cross the road where it is safe.

If your child is soon going to first grade, then now walk with him repeatedly along the route from home to school and back, drawing your child’s attention to all the dangers that he may encounter along the way. Stipulate in advance that in a difficult situation you need to seek the help of adults. Give your child the opportunity to go through this route on his own, watching him from the side. Then analyze in detail all his actions with him.

Consultation for parents

(tell this to the children)

-​ When entering public transport, do not push everyone away with your elbows, let women, elderly people and girls (if you are a boy) forward, help them climb into the cabin.

- Do not stop at the entrance (unless you get off at the next stop), but go to the middle of the cabin.

- A well-mannered person gives way to older people, children, and women with heavy bags.

- In public transport they do not shake snow or raindrops from their clothes, do not eat, do not enter with ice cream in their hands and, of course, do not smoke.

-​ In the salon they don’t comb their hair, don’t clean their nails, don’t pick their nose, teeth, ears...

- The newspaper is read folded, without unfolding; do not look into a neighbor's book or newspaper. And your eyes will tell you “thank you!” if you completely give up the habit of reading while driving.

- Do not look closely at the passengers, do not lean on them with your whole body.

- When entering transport, you need to take off your backpacks and satchel bags so as not to touch (sometimes even dirty) people.

-​ If you find it difficult to hold the cake or flowers when you are riding standing, you can politely ask those sitting to hold them.

- While in the salon, you should not laugh or talk loudly, discuss your problems, or argue loudly with friends. Moreover, it is impermissible to insult people who reprimanded you.

- Parents should ensure that children do not soil the clothes of others and seats with their feet.

- Do not take up space for passengers with luggage or packages; it is better to transport large items not during peak hours. And bulky sharp objects (for example, skis) are transported well packed.

- It is advisable for owners of animals: cats, birds, small rodents to be transported in special cages; dogs must be muzzled.

- You need to prepare for the exit in advance (especially if there are a lot of passengers). Ask those in front: “Are you getting off at the next stop?” Do not silently push people aside while making your way, but, apologizing, ask permission for you to pass.

-​ If a woman (girl) is traveling with a man (young man), then he is the first to go to the exit and the first to get out, helping his companion get off.

In any type of transport, be attentive and helpful; words such as “Be kind”, “Thank you” will give you confidence in any situation and will create an opinion among others about you as a well-mannered and friendly person.

Consultation for parents

“Red man – we’re standing, green man – we’re going.” In most families, parents begin to explain traffic rules to their children with this phrase. On modern streets, the number of cars is increasing every day, and accordingly, the number of accidents is increasing. Therefore, today this issue has become even more relevant and acute. This means that the child must learn the traffic rules for preschoolers as effectively as possible for his age. The first assistants in this are, of course, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

What should a little person learn in order for him to develop the skills to behave correctly on the street? There are many factors involved. Children must learn to understand what a road user is, what elements of the road there are (road, roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, shoulder, intersection). It is very good if kids can distinguish between types of vehicles (bus, tram, trolleybus, car and truck, bicycle, motorcycle). Children also need to be told about the means of regulating traffic and the colors of traffic lights. Little pedestrians must know the rules for driving on sidewalks and roadsides and the rules for crossing the roadway. It is also important in the process of teaching traffic rules for preschoolers to study the rules of behavior, boarding and disembarking on public transport. And the main thing that kids must remember and understand is that under no circumstances should they go for a walk without adults.

In the case where the child’s parents are involved in training, the optimal option would be unobtrusive stories during walks, clearly using road situations. The child needs to be told in his own words about the rules of the road and only to the extent that he is able to learn. Walking down the street with a child, you need to talk to him about the types of vehicles that are nearby at that moment, explain their features. When crossing the street, you need to mention how and where you can cross the roadway correctly, and remember how and where you can’t do this. The process of a child’s perception of information about traffic rules will be effectively influenced by indicating pedestrians or drivers who have violated these rules.

A very important point in teaching preschoolers the rules of the road is the development of spatial understanding and the idea of ​​speed. The child must learn to navigate in space, understanding such concepts as close, far, left, right, behind, in the direction of travel. The child also needs to correctly perceive the speed of movement of both vehicles and pedestrians: fast, slow, turns, stops.

During the learning process, it is very important not to frighten the child with the street and transport. After all, such fear is just as dangerous for a baby as carelessness or inattention. On the contrary, it is necessary to develop in him attention, composure, responsibility, confidence and caution. Very effective method Teaching children traffic rules also includes reading them poems, riddles, and children's books dedicated to traffic safety.

The task of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road also lies with teachers of preschool educational institutions. It consists of providing basic knowledge and quality preparation of children for school, because very often first-graders have to go to school on their own. Traffic rules for preschoolers should be taught to children according to a system that includes classes, walks, excursions and observations. All knowledge must be communicated to children taking into account their age and environmental conditions. Gradually they should be supplemented, complicated and refined. In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, it should be organized play activity children, during which they learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

When teaching children in preschool educational institutions the rules of the road, various teaching materials must be present. These are children's fiction and methodological literature, lesson notes, paintings, posters, filmstrips, films, manuals for games and activities.

It is very good if special car playgrounds are equipped in kindergarten areas, which are a smaller copy of roads with several types of intersections. With the help of play vehicles (bicycles, cars with pedals) at such sites, children gain practical knowledge of traffic rules and road signs.

There are traffic rules for preschoolers also for group trips or transporting children accompanied by teachers. When traveling on foot, children usually line up in two rows and walk only on the sidewalk or side of the road. It is necessary to cross the road only in the designated places, while the teacher must stand in the middle of the road and hold a red flag until all the children have crossed to the other side. Transportation of groups of children is carried out only by special buses driven by qualified drivers. The number of children transported must correspond to the number of seats. Both when walking and when transporting children, the group must be accompanied by two adults.

No matter who teaches children the rules of the road, be it parents or teachers of preschool educational institutions, it is important to remember that the corresponding behavior of adults has the greatest influence on the formation of a child’s behavior on the street. After all, it’s not enough to just read, tell, teach a child; you need to show him by example how to behave correctly on the street. Otherwise, any targeted training loses its meaning.

Where there is a noisy intersection,
Where you can't count the cars,
It's not so easy to cross
If you don't know the rules.
Let the children firmly remember:
He does the right thing
Who only when the light is green
It's coming across the street!
N. Sorokin

Working on traffic rules with parents in preschool educational institutions

The insufficient level of cultural behavior of adults on the street, in public transport, and their violation of traffic rules leads to the same phenomena in children.

Employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate must provide parents with information about the state and causes of child road traffic injuries in the region or city.

Educators are recommended to maintain a systematic section in the “Safety Corner”
— “Educating a Pedestrian,” where materials will be posted on teaching children the rules of behavior on the street and in public transport (moving folders, screens).
- “Adults! They are imitating you!”
— “On the importance of teaching children traffic rules.”
— “Discipline on the street is the key to pedestrian safety.”
— “How adults should behave when outdoors with a child”:
- baby in arms;
- child on a sled;
— boarding a bus, trolleybus;
- travel by bus, trolleybus;
— exiting a bus or trolleybus holding a child’s hand;
- your child wears glasses, etc.

The teacher must provide advice, conduct a conversation, and organize a survey on the topic.

Sample list of conversations and consultations

— “On the importance of teaching preschool children the rules of the road.”
— “On behavior in public transport.”
— “How to teach a child to behave safely on the street?”
“The example of parents is one of the main factors in successfully developing children’s skills for safe behavior on the street.”
- “Being a pedestrian is a science!”
- “This could not have happened.”
— “What children and parents need to know about traffic rules.”
- “The street demands respect.”
- “Do you know the specifics of the location of the kindergarten?” and etc.

It is necessary to systematically organize exhibitions of children's crafts, applications, and drawings on the topic of preschoolers studying the Rules of the Road. They should guide parents to constantly resolve problematic situations on the road with their child, persistently and patiently explain to him the rules of a pedestrian and passenger, and be an example in this themselves.
Children's observance of pedestrian rules involuntarily disciplines parents. They are more actively involved in the process of raising and educating the child, working together with teachers, helping in the production of attributes and didactic games.

Situations to analyze

We invite educators to pay attention to these situations and offer them to parents at a parent-teacher meeting or during a conversation, to analyze the possible consequences.

— Mom walks with her son from kindergarten along the sidewalk. The boy runs in front of her and interferes with pedestrians. Mom doesn't react to this.

— Mom and son are walking down the street. On the opposite side, the boy sees his dad and rushes across the road to him.
Question: What should mom have done?

— Mom and son are walking down the street. There are a lot of people around the kiosk. The mother lets go of the child's hand and approaches the kiosk.
Question: What should a mother do?

— Dad walks with his child along the sidewalk. The child has a ball in his hand. The ball falls on the road. The child runs after him.

Question: What should dad do?

When teaching children the rules of the road, it is necessary to use all available forms and methods of work.

Consultation for parents

Every year, children die on Russian roads as a result of traffic accidents. This occurs due to children’s ignorance or deliberate non-compliance with the Rules of the Road (TRAF), indiscipline on the roads, provoked by the negative example of adults who neglect the rules. Often, the culprits of road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles.

According to psychologists, children under 8 years old are still poorly able to recognize sound sources: they hear only those sounds that are interesting to them. It is much more difficult for them to navigate the road than for adults. When children run, they look only forward, in the direction they are running. Ophthalmologists say that children's field of vision is 15-20% smaller than that of an adult. Children under 7 years of age, as a rule, lack reliable orientation (left, right) and have scattered attention. A child’s reaction is slower than an adult’s, and he needs much more time to react to danger. Such delay can be dangerous at a critical moment. It is also necessary to keep in mind that the child short stature, and the driver may not notice it on the road.

That is why it is necessary to teach children the rules of the road from a very early age. This should involve not only preschool institutions, school, but also the parents themselves.

It is impossible to instill the skills of safe behavior on the road only by talking about caution. A child should be taught safe behavior and traffic rules from the moment he begins to walk independently. You should talk to children seriously, as with adults, without diminutive words - after all, cars are dangerous on the road, not cars! The main task is to educate a competent pedestrian.

IN younger age You need to introduce children to the street, road, sidewalk. At an older age, watch the traffic light with your child and draw his attention to the connection between the colors on the traffic light and the movement of cars and pedestrians. When taking your child on targeted walks along the streets at different times of the year, observe how pedestrians and vehicles interact. Always focus your child's attention on such important points for traffic safety, such as lighting, weather conditions, road condition, number of pedestrians, their physical activity (walking or rushing, crossing the road or calmly walking along the crossing). For example, on a cloudy day, you need to draw the child’s attention to the fact that the danger increases due to the fact that the road is poorly visible for both pedestrians and drivers. Due to the lack of lighting, pedestrians cannot see whether the car is standing or moving, while the driver also does not see pedestrians well, and the traffic lights are not very visible.

In winter, pay attention to slippery roads: you can slip and fall; it is difficult for the driver to stop the car (even after he presses the brakes, the car slides and drives a few more meters). You can show the braking distance of the car.

It is recommended, especially for young parents, to draw up a diagram of the yard indicating dangerous places. This helps children navigate faster and avoid accidents. Using these diagrams, you can invite children to tell you how they will play in the yard: where it is safe to ride a bike, play ball and other games. And vice versa, children must tell where they are not allowed to play: this is a parking lot, garages, trash cans, various buildings.

All this disciplines children, they quickly understand what can and cannot be done.

A child learns the laws of the road primarily from the example of adults. The example of elders should help the child develop the habit of behaving in accordance with the Rules of the Road. This is the main factor in developing disciplined behavior on the street. In other words, the success of preventing child road injuries largely depends on the consciousness, personal culture and discipline of the parents themselves.

Perhaps a remark you made to your child, a helping hand extended in time, will prevent a possible disaster.

Memo for parents

1. Causes of children's road traffic injuries.

  • ​ Inability to observe.
  • ​ Inattention.
  • ​ Insufficient adult supervision of children's behavior.

2. Recommendations for teaching children traffic rules.
When leaving home.
If there is possible movement at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child to see if there is any approaching traffic. If there are vehicles or trees growing at the entrance, stop and look around to see if there is any danger.

When driving on the sidewalk.
1.​ Keep to the right.
2.​ The adult must be on the side of the roadway.
3.​ If the sidewalk is next to the road, hold your child's hand tightly.
4. Teach your child, when walking along the sidewalk, to carefully watch cars leaving the yard.
5.​ Explain to the children that throwing glass or stones on the road is prohibited. This could lead to trouble.
6. Do not encourage children to go out onto the roadway; push strollers and sleds on the sidewalk.

When crossing the roadway.
1.​ Stop and look at the roadway.
2. Develop your child’s observation skills.
3.​ Emphasize your movements: stopping to inspect the road, turning your head to inspect the road, stopping to let cars pass.
4. Teach your child to peer into the distance and distinguish between approaching cars.
5. Do not stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk.
6.​ Draw the child’s attention to the vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the turn signal signals of the cars.
7.​ Show how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.
8. Cross the road only at pedestrian crossings or at intersections.
9.​ Go only when the signal is green, even if there are no cars.
10. When you go out onto the roadway, stop talking.
11. Don’t rush or run, cross the road in a measured manner.
12.​ Do not cross the road at an angle; explain to your child that this makes it harder to see the road.
13.​ Do not go out onto the roadway with your child because of traffic or because of bushes without first inspecting the street.
14.​ Don’t rush to cross the road, if on the other side you see friends, the right bus, the child should know that it is dangerous.
15.​ When crossing an uncontrolled intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic.
16.​ Explain to your child that even on roads where there are few cars, you need to cross the road carefully, as a car can drive out of the yard or alley.

When boarding and disembarking from transport.
- Get out first, in front of the child, otherwise the child may fall and run out onto the roadway.
- Approach the door for boarding only after the transport has come to a complete stop.
- Don’t get on transport at the last moment.
- Teach your child to be careful in the stopping area - this is a dangerous place (poor view of the road, passengers can push the child onto the road).
- When waiting for transport, stand only on landing areas, on the sidewalk or on the side of the road.

Recommendations for developing street behavior skills.
1.​ Skill of switching to the street: when approaching the road, stop, look at the street in both directions.
2.​ The skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: when leaving home, leave in advance so that you have some time to spare, don’t rush and don’t run.
3.​ The skill has switched to self-control: the ability to monitor one’s behavior is developed daily under the guidance of parents.
4.​ Skill of anticipating danger: the child must see with his own eyes that danger is often hidden behind various objects on the street.


2 Junior group

Target: teach children to distinguish between the roadway and the sidewalk; form an idea of ​​the purpose of green and red traffic lights; develop an unconscious habit of playing in a strictly defined place, understanding that you cannot go out on the road; give the concept that cars are transport, that transport can be different; Explain why a traffic light is needed.

Didactic game "Constructor"

Target: Develop imagination; develop the ability to put together an image from the details of a geometric mosaic constructor, combining various figures, changing their position on the table plane; develop memory, speech of children, educate them creative activity; develop logical thinking, the ability to make a whole from parts.


a) Lay out any vehicle from the proposed geometric shapes.

b) Take geometric figures and apply it to the proposed figures. After construction, count how many figures of each type were needed (for older children).

Didactic game "Traffic light - constructor"

Target: Develop imagination; develop the ability to assemble an image from the details of a geometric mosaic constructor; develop children’s memory and speech, cultivate their creative activity; develop logical thinking, the ability to make a whole from parts.


Take geometric shapes and apply them to the proposed shapes.

Didactic game “4 is the odd one out”

Target: Strengthen the ability to classify objects.


Show the card and ask to find the “extra” item. Explain why he is “superfluous”.

Didactic game “Red, yellow, green”

Target: development of attention and memory.


Educator: I will show you circles of different colors: green circle - everyone clapping their hands together; yellow circle - raise their hands up; red - silent.

Didactic game “Traffic Light” (junior and middle groups)


  1. Strengthen children's understanding of the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.
  2. Strengthen children's understanding of color (red, yellow, green), paint it correctly, according to the template.

Outdoor games

  1. “Colored cars” (junior group)

Along the edges of the playground there are children with colored circles in their hands - these are steering wheels. The teacher is in the center with colored flags. He raises a flag of some color. Children with a circle of the same color run around the playground in any direction, honking, turning the circle like a steering wheel. When the flag goes down, everyone returns to their seats. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color and other children run around. You can raise two or three flags at the same time, and then all the cars leave.

  1. "Machines" (junior group)

Each child receives a hoop. Children run around the playground, turning hoops and steering wheels left and right, trying not to interfere with each other.

  1. “Sparrows and the car” (junior group)

Target: To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

  1. "Tram" (younger age)

Target: Teach children to move in pairs, coordinating their movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movements according to them.

Didactic game "Road Lotto"

To develop and strengthen children's knowledge about transport and traffic lights.
Development of speech and attention.

Game material:
The game consists of 4 cards, additional cards depicting transport and traffic lights.

Ekaterina Haleva
Abstract open class“Road rules for preschoolers” in the middle group

Summary of an open lesson in the middle group

Traffic rules for preschoolers.

Activity – entertainment.


To consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights, traffic rules.

Expand knowledge about street rules.

Create a positive emotional condition children.

Hello guys! We live in a large and beautiful village. What is it called? There are many, many streets in our village. Along the streets moves there are a lot of cars and trucks, buses are traveling.

If we listen more closely, we can hear the hum of cars. They are running at high speed. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for drivers and pedestrians.

Traffic Laws.

Now I'll check you

And I’ll start a game for you

I'll ask you questions now -

It is not easy to answer them.

If you act according to traffic rules, then together answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”, and if not, then remain silent.

1. Which of you goes forward?

Only where the transition is?

2. Who flies forward so quickly,

What does the traffic light not see?

3. Who knows that the light is green

Means the way open.

Why is the yellow light always for us?

Does he mean attention?

4. Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move?

5. Which of you, going home,

Is it on the pavement?

6. Which of you is in a cramped carriage?

Did you give up your seat to the old lady?

Traffic light riddle. “The red eye tells you to stand, and the green eye tells you to open»

And a traffic light came to visit us!

3 children come out, holding yellow, red and green.

1 child.

To help you

The path is dangerous

We burn day and night -

Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light,

We are three siblings

We've been shining for a long time

IN dear to all the guys.

2 child.

The strictest is red light.

The path is closed to everyone.

3 child.

So that you can cross calmly,

Listen to our advice:

Wait! You'll see yellow soon

There's light in the middle!

And behind it is a green light

Will flash ahead

He will say: “There are no obstacles, boldly go on your way!”

1 child

You will obey without arguing

Traffic light instructions,

You will go home and to kindergarten,

Of course, very soon.

Guys, the traffic light invites you to dance, and we’ll see how attentive you are.

If there is a green light ahead, march more cheerfully, if it is yellow - stop! dance on the spot, but if it’s red, shake your finger at each other! “You can’t go forward!”

Who's on the run?

Couples swirling,

Blowing smoke from a pipe,

Carries forward

And myself

Yes, and me with you. (Train)

The children will sing us a song "Train and Kitten"

The children sat in the trailers and went travel by train.

A game "Train"

Mystery “It starts at home, it ends at home” (Road)

To safely cross the street, you need to know Traffic Laws, and you need to know the signs.

Let's sing a song about how to behave road, be careful and remember Traffic Laws.

Song: "On don't yawn on the road»

If you go for a walk alone,

Are you sad or in a good mood,

To avoid getting hit by a car,

Remember Traffic Laws!

Chorus: On don't yawn on the road,

And according to "zebra" you walk!

Don't forget about the traffic light. At the crossing.

Go to a green light, but stop and wait when it turns to a yellow light.

Red light - there is no road to cross.

On don't play ball on the road,

It's not worth risking your head,

And from the mountain to don't go off the road,

This too could end in disaster.

Look, kids, cars are coming towards us!

Now we will check what great drivers you are. Who will cover this distance faster? Look carefully at the traffic light, it will help you.

A game: “Who will get the car faster?”

Children will sing a song: “The car, the car is moving, humming”

A game: "Colored Cars"

It's time to test your knowledge. Do all the children know Traffic Laws? Answer mine questions:

How many colors does a traffic light have?

Who does the traffic light give the command to?

When should you start crossing the street?

What should you do if the light turns yellow and you have only reached the middle of the street?

What should you do if the light comes on red?

I see you are good at traffic rules. Therefore, I invite you on a journey through our village. But first guess riddle:

What a miracle this house is,

The windows are glowing all around,

Wears rubber shoes

And runs on gasoline (Bus)

A game: "Bus"

1. You can talk to the driver during movement?

Children: No! The driver must not be distracted. He must keep an eye on Expensive to avoid colliding with other cars.

2. Can I lean out of the window?

Children: You can't, it's dangerous.

3. Is it possible to walk on the bus during movement?

Children: You can't, it's dangerous. You might fall

4. Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus?

Children: No, it will disturb other passengers.

Well, here we are, get off the bus. Do not hurry!

Nice ride kids! Don't forget to wait until the bus leaves the stop before crossing. the road.

Carlson enters with a song.

Offers to solve a crossword puzzle, and go on a trip.

To go on this bus on a trip, you need to learn Traffic Laws, and solve the crossword puzzle « Rules»

1. Pedestrian track

It will save you from cars

After all, walking along that path

Maybe only... (A pedestrian)

2. Go across the street there

Pedestrian, where the sign indicates to you (Transition)

3. Where should you cross the street?

ABOUT remember the simple rule:

With attention to the left

First look

…. Take a look later! (Right)

4. If the light turns red,

So it's dangerous to move

The green light says:

Come on - the way open!

Yellow light - warning

Wait for the signal movements!

Who helps the pedestrian cross? the road? (Traffic light)

5. We will remind you politely,

And you tell others

That the crossroads is always right (go)

6. If you are in a hurry to go hiking

With backpacks on my back,

Walk along the side of the road and along…. (left) side.

7. From the tram platform, getting off

Don't forget to right to look

Is the path safe?

Don't go around the back of the tram,

You can easily fall under... (Tram) .

When you walk down the street, be careful!

Do not rush!

Walk along right side of the sidewalk!

Don't go out onto the roadway!

When passing through look to the left, then on right.

When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights!

Red - stop! Stop!

Yellow - attention! Wait for the next signal!

Green - You can move on the road!

Make sure the cars stop!

A game: “Who can assemble a car from paper parts the fastest?”

Carlson, let's check how you know Traffic Laws?

Answer the questions, and you children correct!

1. Where can you cross the street? (Only at pedestrian crossings) .

2. Where should you not play? (On the roadway) .

3. At what light do we cross the street? (On green) .

4. What should you do before you start crossing the street? (You need to look to the left and right, make sure there are no cars, and only then move)

5. Where can small children ride a bike? (Only in the yard. On you can't leave the road. Only children over 14 years old can ride on road.)

Remember guys, playing outside can lead to disaster. Always follow Traffic Laws!

Child reading a poem:

If the light turns red

So it's dangerous to move

The green light says:

"Come on, way open

Yellow light - warning

Wait for the signal movement.

Children, be careful on the street.

Remember it firmly these rules!

Always remember these rules,

So that no trouble happens to you!

Carlson treats the children.

Traffic rules are a topic that can and should be regularly repeated and refreshed in children’s memory. And do this throughout school year and summer healing period. However, simple cramming is a very boring and ultimately useless activity.

Useful materials in this thematic section will tell you how to diversify your traffic rules lessons with children, make them easy, fun, playful and entertaining. And most importantly, they contribute to the high-quality assimilation of the material. For your convenience, we have systematized the publications in this section. Without spending a lot of time, you can easily find here the necessary notes classes, GCD; or a holiday script dedicated to traffic rules; or useful advice for the production of an interesting didactic game and manual. The topic of creating thematic layouts, corners, and game centers for studying traffic rules was also not left unattended.

Children are supposed to know the rules of the road!

Contained in sections:
  • Safety. Life safety, basic life safety
Includes sections:
  • Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Didactic games and aids
  • Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment
  • Traffic rules, traffic lights. Layouts, corners and centers for learning traffic rules
  • Traffic rules Consultations for parents on child safety on the roads
  • Traffic regulations, road traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports
  • Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, GCD
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 21450.
All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights. Traffic rules for children

Work experience “Formation of safe behavior skills on the road in preschoolers through familiarization with traffic rules” The relevance of the problem of developing safety skills in road in our time, it is obvious, since the range of problems related to the safety of a preschool child cannot be solved only within the framework of a kindergarten. Small children are a separate category of pedestrians and...

Subject: Collecting traffic light? Abstract of OOD on the topic “Collecting traffic light” in s preparatory group. Project “Lean Kindergarten”. Target classes: To teach to distribute roles, to learn to build in a team, to help each other, to solve interaction problems. Develop interest, develop the plot,...

Traffic rules, traffic lights. Traffic rules for children - Consultation for parents “Speech games on the way to kindergarten” for older adults

Publication “Consultation for parents “Speech games on the way to kindergarten” for...”
You can play and study with your child not only at the table at home, but also on the way to kindergarten. Dear parents, turn the road to kindergarten into an educational and interesting game for you and your child. A game that will help awaken his speech and thinking. This word games. A game...

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"Traffic Laws". Holiday scenario in the preparatory group Fundamentals of life safety. Traffic rules This holiday scenario will tell children about all the rules of the road. Program content: 1. Expand children's knowledge about the names of parts of the street. 2. Expand children’s understanding of the rules of behavior on the street....

Lesson notes for the second junior group “Three colored eyes of a traffic light” Goal: To form an understanding of basic traffic rules and the correct crossing of the roadway. Objectives: - learn to distinguish the colors of traffic lights, know their meaning; - give knowledge about pedestrian crossings (zebra crossings); - cultivate obedience and the desire to help; -...

OD summary on teaching children traffic rules for the middle group “Teaching the rules of safe behavior on the street” Program content Educational objectives: - to form ideas about safe behavior on the street; - introduce children to the rules of safe behavior on the roads, the pedestrian crossing and the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign, and teach them to recognize them. Developmental tasks: - enrich...

Traffic rules, traffic lights. Traffic rules for children - Parent meeting "Children's safety on the road"

General parent meeting No. 2 Parent meeting“Safety on the street” Goal: To attract the attention of parents to the problem of children’s road traffic injuries, to increase the activity of parents in teaching children the rules of the road. Objectives: Activate knowledge...