Design of a wall newspaper for Victory Day, May 9. Wall newspaper for Victory Day. Personal experience. Order of the Patriotic War

Congratulations on Victory Day can be different: beautiful poems, solemn speeches, touching cards, cute handmade crafts. But there is also a special type of congratulations on May 9, which has long become traditional on this day. We are talking about posters and wall newspapers, without which not a single Victory Day celebration takes place in schools and kindergartens. It may seem that today the poster for May 9 looks like an outdated echo of the past. But in fact, posters dedicated to victory contain something that you will not find in any other type of congratulations. This is a unique combination of visibility (photos of heroes, excerpts from front-line magazines, letters, etc.), gratitude (words of gratitude, touching poems) and creativity. In our article today you will find several poster templates that we hope will inspire you to create your own greeting.

Beautiful poster for May 9th with your own hands - step-by-step instructions with photos

This option congratulatory poster for Victory Day is very simple to decorate. We will mainly use paints to create it. But if you want to add dimension to the poster, you can replace the drawn St. George’s ribbon with a real ribbon glued to whatman paper.

Necessary materials:

  • whatman
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • paints and brushes
  • military photos

Cool do-it-yourself poster for May 9 “Victory Day” - step-by-step instructions

Our next version of the congratulatory poster will resemble the first one in terms of execution technique. There will also be photographs of heroes and hand-drawn congratulatory inscriptions. But besides this, we propose to make this poster for May 9 more informational and interesting by adding to it a list of hero cities and portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union. And to make the poster also touching in the end, let’s not forget to place a beautiful poem on it.

Necessary materials:

  • whatman
  • pencils or paints
  • simple pencil, eraser
  • PVA glue
  • photos
  • colored paper (optional)

Step-by-step instructions for making a poster for May 9:

  1. The poster will consist of 5 zones, into which we mentally divide the Whatman paper. The largest and most informative will be the middle of the poster - it consists of 3 parts. The upper and lower zones will be smaller, about 1/5 of the width of the middle one. To begin with, we display the inscription “May 9 – Victory Day!” at the top. On the sides of the inscription we draw St. George ribbons, folded into traditional loops.
  2. Then, in the upper part of the middle zone, we mark with a frame the place for the congratulatory poem. It can be decorated with paints or colored paper. We fill it with a beautiful verse.
  3. Below we make a similar rectangular zone for the names of hero cities. In total, 13 cities of the former Soviet Union were awarded this unique title: Brest Fortress, Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa, Kiev, Sevastopol, Volgograd, Murmansk, Kerch, Minsk, Tula, Smolensk, Novorossiysk.
  4. Now we place military-themed photos to the right and left of the central part of the poster. For example, portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union, familiar veterans, grandfathers and grandmothers who went through the war.

  5. In conclusion, we draw two Eternal Flames, a St. George’s ribbon and the inscription “Thank you” below. The original and informational poster for May 9 is ready! photo 6

This article will help you design an original wall newspaper or poster for Victory Day. Tips that will help in this matter have already been published: you can learn ways to decorate a congratulatory poster.

The poster can be either a standard rectangular shape or any other, more creative one, for example, in the shape of a star, an oval, or a flag. Also, instead of a single base, you can attach it to fabric (the same flag, Soviet brocade) or attach it directly to the wall individual elements wall newspaper or poster (cut out large letters and numbers “May 9”, “Victory”, “70 years of the Great Victory”). The content of a congratulatory poster can be lyrical (poems, texts of war songs), prosaic (newspaper clippings about the war, excerpts from letters from WWII participants), informative (documentary historical facts relating to the Second World War).

Patriotic poems for Victory Day are widely presented on the Internet, your task is to choose what will touch the strings of your soul.

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
Let the peaceful years rush by quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.

May you now be fathers and grandfathers,
The whiskey was silvered with gray hair.
You will never forget the spring of Victory,
The day the war ended.

Even though many are out of commission today,
We remember everything that happened then
And we promise our homeland
Save for business, peace and labor.

Your wall newspaper can be very useful if you present little-known Interesting Facts relating to the Second World War, for example:
  • the Nazis conquered France in 38 days, and in Stalingrad this time was not enough for them to even move from one side of the street to the other;
  • 80 thousand Soviet officers during the Second World War were women;
  • Abroad, Victory Day is celebrated on May 8, since the act of surrender was signed in Central European time on May 8, 1945 at 22:43 (and in Moscow time on May 9 at 0:43).
The price of victory can be clearly reflected on the poster with wartime photographs. This may be enough to express your understanding and respect for the generation of WWII heroes. You can select photographs of both military scenes and modern ones from the parade, veterans wearing medals. Interesting idea for a class at school or a group in a kindergarten - take a photo of each child with one of the letters of congratulations or their own drawing. You can design the poster in a retro style like a Soviet poster. You can find examples of real posters from those times by searching for “Soviet posters from the Great Patriotic War” in your browser’s search engine. The most popular are “For the Motherland!” and “Glory to the victorious warrior!”. A poster is usually done by one or a group of people, but what can be done so that everyone can contribute to the common cause? Instead of or together with a poster competition, the organizers can hold a competition for the best drawing on the asphalt for Victory Day. Then every child will be able to depict their attitude towards the Great Victory and join in the holiday.

How wonderful it is that every year the Victory Day holiday events become larger and more interesting. Patriotic flash mobs and thematic work competitions are a way to introduce the younger generation to the great joy and pride for our Motherland, to thank the participants in that terrible war for freedom, for the peaceful sky above their heads!

Hello, dear readers!

I don’t know about you, but at our school preparations have already begun for one of the most important holidays of the year - Victory Day. Many interesting events are expected, including a hand-made wall newspaper competition, in which we are taking part.

Our poster for May 9 is already ready, and during the work we made a master class on how to make it for you. I hope it is useful to someone.

So, working on a poster begins with choosing a topic. We had three for consideration:

Articles on these topics have already been written and posted on the blog in the “Projects” section. In general, we thought, and chose the theme “Hero Cities”.

The basis for our poster is a sheet of whatman paper in A1 format - this is the largest possible. In our work we also used:

  • sheets of plain white A4 paper;
  • colored paper (black and orange);
  • orange gouache;
  • black marker;
  • black tea bags;
  • scissors, ruler, brush, pencil, glue.

Now let's show the work step by step.

In our opinion, a poster without a frame looks somehow unfinished. That's why we started with the frame. Colored paper black and orange colors were cut into strips 5 mm thick. We took one sheet of each, there were enough strips, there were even some left over.

These strips were glued along the edge of the poster in the form St. George's ribbon. There was space left at the top for the title.

The headline “Glory to the hero cities” was first written with a simple pencil, then the letters were painted with gouache and outlined with a black marker.

The base is ready.

Let's move on to the internal content of the poster. There are only 13 hero cities. And for each city we decided to make a separate piece of paper on which the name of the city is written, given short description The feat of the townspeople is a photograph from the war.

Texts, photos and titles were typed in advance on a computer and then printed on a regular printer in A5 format. If you suddenly decide to make a similar poster, then at the end of the article I will post a link to download the document.

Of course, one could glue the leaves to whatman paper and be done with it, but it’s not that interesting. Therefore, we decided to age the leaves with cities. Make them look like vintage newspapers. They aged paper using tea. There is a blog about how to make old paper, so I won’t go into detail here. I'll tell you briefly.

First, we tore off the edges of the leaves with our fingers and made them uneven. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not tear off a piece of text. So, be careful.

Then we crumpled the leaves.

Literally, they first crumpled it in their fists and then smoothed it out.

Then they dipped them into the tea leaves, kept them there for 15 minutes, took them out, dried them and ironed them. Thanks to this tea bath, the leaves acquired the required “old” appearance.

Time to glue the sheets to whatman paper. You can place them however you like. We placed Moscow in the center, with Smolensk and Kerch in the lower corners. These three sheets are glued to the Whatman paper completely, with their entire back surface.

And we glued the remaining 10 sheets diagonally, with a corner. The leaves jump on each other. Therefore, only the upper part of the sheet was smeared with glue. So that you can lift the top leaf and read what is written on the bottom. This design adds interactivity to the poster and makes it more attractive to children. Thank you very much to our dad for the idea!

As decorative elements We used stars, which were also first printed on paper and cut out. And then they glued it and outlined it with a red pencil. Although you could just draw them.

And the poster for Victory Day is ready!

The beauty of it is that it is fast, simple, quirky and informative.

And here is the previously promised link to download the archive of files with hero cities and stars. Enjoy it for your health!

Happy creativity!

May 9 is the most important holiday, celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. Traditionally, the streets of populated areas are decorated for Victory Day, and festive posters and banners are hung in parks and along roads. Every citizen who wants to pay his debt to memory should congratulate veterans using a colorful congratulatory wall newspaper, the template of which can be downloaded absolutely free on our website.

Using this blank, it’s easy to decorate a school classroom or hallway in an educational institution. Young people are encouraged to hang homemade posters in the entrances of houses where participants in a brutal war live, who gave their youth to the Victory over fascism. Elderly people will gladly accept such pleasant signs of attention.

Download wall newspaper fragments

The template of this newspaper consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of a large pattern.

How to make a wall newspaper for Victory Day

  1. A wall newspaper template is a template similar to children's coloring books. To get the final image, just follow a few simple steps:
  2. Connect the fragments so that the result is the picture intended by the artist.
  3. Color the outline image matching colors, leaving spaces for signatures blank. To do this, you can use felt-tip pens, paints or colored pencils.
  4. Write in the remaining clouds

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