Relationship coaching. Coach Andrey Kuksenko. How to keep love in marriage? The main law of relationships

In taking up this article, my goal is to describe purely subjective observations and experiences in working through relationships within a married couple. All terminology, views, conclusions, etc. are not subject to criticism in view of the description of personal views that are not instilled in the public.

It should be noted that it is the legal status of the relationship that is of fundamental importance. In a world woven from energy, different types relationships experience fundamentally different external influences and are in completely different energy fields (energy structures), therefore the laws of development within these relationships are very different. What exactly are we talking about: a married couple is energetically not the sum of the energies of a man and a woman, as in a m+f couple who are, for example, in cohabitation. Figuratively speaking, there is a synergistic effect in the family (we will not go into details so as not to dilute the topic of the article). Again, you need to take into account that energy is largely shared, that is, relationships within a couple have much greater influence for both husband and wife than for couples without family status. From a practical point of view, this means that the problem in the relationship is harmful to both, although sometimes it seems to one of the couple that there is no problem at all. For example, if a husband passionately believes that a wife should not work, and the wife is burdened by running the house and strives for career achievements, then no matter who is right, firstly, harmony in the relationship suffers, and secondly, the truth is still the same( !), that is, marital relationships actually have a healthy version of themselves, a certain standard where everything works according to the rules. What's in modern world family relationships refer to such different types of relationships, which has led to great confusion and the illusion of the absence of rules (laws of functioning).

Civil marriages, same-sex marriages, long-distance relationships - everything is also called “family”. The blurring of the concept that has occurred can be compared, for example, with the term “vehicle,” which includes both a bicycle and an airplane. But no one tries to successfully reach their destination by car, having the skills and knowledge solely in piloting, but this is exactly what happened with family relationships. It has become customary to consider the sphere of family building as something ephemeral, where everyone themselves, acting almost at random, hopes to have a happy relationship. A colossal percentage of failures simply turns into cold divorce statistics, without further desire to gain the necessary knowledge on the issue.

So, coaching family relations, like any coaching, its starting point is the attention that a person decides to direct towards improvement in a specific area of ​​his life. It makes sense for all family people who assess their family life and the climate in it as unsatisfactory to take on this area as one of the first in the ranking of areas of personal development, because ineffective (sick) relationships are a place where a person loses energy, that is, increasing one’s potential in In other areas, you will move towards success more slowly due to these losses, without realizing it. As with heating in an apartment with leaky windows - colossal losses. The lost energy also goes to maintaining the world around in the “today” state, that is, if you are trying to change your life, but at the same time, today’s models are being fed, then you get resistance to change from your world.

Let's get back to coaching. Improving anything starts with the question “how does it work?” There are many answers to this question today; Often these answers are opposite to each other (for example, the Vedic concept and the modern Western model do not find common ground; a purely feminist model does not agree with many others, etc., etc.).

Family relationship coaching is aimed at harmonious relationships, that is, it is about eliminating disharmony. And you should start by finding out the views, beliefs, and attitudes of the husband and wife on family relationships. This is the first line of disharmony. Everything is like in Krylov’s fable: if the wife is a swan, and the husband is a cancer or a pike, then the vectors of effort do not coincide, there is no movement and progress, there is only confrontation, stress, misunderstanding and alienation.

It often turns out that at the initial stage of conscious work on relationships, the participants do not have any specific (conscious) principles on many issues. The roles of men and women in relationships are not defined; therefore, no one took specific responsibility; As a result: the relationship is deteriorating. For example, if both are immersed in their careers, and the “comfort at home” area does not have a person in charge, this segment will degrade. Or the distribution of responsibility was carried out incorrectly: for example, raising children is entirely the responsibility of the wife - there will be no great success, even if she consciously took on this responsibility.

Is marriage coaching possible for only one spouse? Yes, it is definitely possible; but the effect will depend greatly on the concept of development: if the emphasis is on independent evolution, the result can be stunning; if the emphasis is on methods of influencing a partner (even with the best intentions), then the effect will be unstable and unpredictable in the future.

Among the many personal 'settings', the most important (in the applied sense - strongly influencing actions and results) is which concept of the world order in principle (family relationships as well) is chosen by you: “the world is fair” or “the world allows injustice, but it can be eliminated” these injustices." We are not talking about the concept where nothing can be done, because people do not practice coaching with such an attitude. If you live “the world is fair,” then you look at everything that you don’t like in your life as a signal that changes are required in you for the resulting fair changes. Everything you have is the only true and fair option. This is a very strong position; and strong not in the sense of being chosen strong people, but in the sense that such a position gives a lot of strength.

If you live in a “the world is unfair, but we are improving”, then you largely look at the world as existing separately on its own, there is no feeling of merging with the world, but there is a desire to interact with this world, such as with other people in your life (they are not ideal, but you can come to an agreement with everyone and turn the furry side towards you).

Coaching works in both concepts, but spiritual evolution inevitably moves from “unfair” to “fair.” The concept of “fair” requires faith, the concept of “unfair” relies on the ego and confidence in the truth of one’s judgments, that is, a person with a weighty ego does not doubt that he sees the whole picture, and therefore he can judge. How more people dominated by the ego, the less modest he is in the idea of ​​​​the truth of his views.

Returning to the issue of family relationships, we have that it is the ego that operates with the concepts “I am worthy / worthy of better”, “this is unfair to me”, “I deserve more”, etc., etc.; In the concept of “fairness”, coaching begins immediately with an analysis of the existing situation from the position: “I know what I have now; these are consequences; I do not know the reason for these unsatisfactory results; but the world is fair - it means that it is these consequences that are undesirable for me that serve as beacons, signaling points of personal growth; If I grow, the need for these beacons will go away. What height do you need? What should I understand? What lesson is it time to learn so that lighthouses do not become ‘harder’? This is precisely the logic that lives within the concept of “justice.” Large beacons do not appear suddenly; before this, you need to repeatedly ignore small beacons. Small beacons are a depressed mood, sadness, heaviness in the soul, a minor mood. Further, the beacons become ‘larger’ and emerge from the realm of feelings into the manifested world as minor troubles and minor injuries (getting stuck in an elevator, falling and hurting yourself badly, dislocations, etc. discomfort, which are already more difficult to ignore). And so it happens, increasing precisely to the scale of the lighthouse, which you will no longer pass by. Truly, a person’s ability to ignore beacons is enormous if one lives in the concept of chance, where anything happens to anyone for no reason.

Further, I cannot help but express my admiration for the structure of the world and the great variety of patterns in the kaleidoscope of human lives. Outwardly (superficially) similar situations, even at the first or second approximation, acquire absolute individuality, therefore, including in the analysis of a situation forecasts based on the experience of people who have been in “such” situations does not make any reasonable sense.

For example, in pre-divorce situations, it makes sense to seek moral support from people who love you, but not everyday advice, unless your loved ones are your spiritual guides and mentors.

In conclusion, I would like to briefly tell you that I myself have experience in working through family relationships not only on my own, but also with the help of a specialist. I don’t assume, but I know that there is a very effective methods skills improvement family life, sorting out the rubble in your head and other accelerators on your way to happy relationship. In the process of searching and choosing a method, the most reliable method- intuitive, that is, whatever method or specialist you like, try that method. This “so-called “pulling”” happens for a reason, but because there is a resonance with the problem, the teacher himself, or other factors that are important in your situation.

With all my heart I wish everyone to quickly begin this amazing journey of transforming their priceless lives.

Andrey Kuksenko - international speaker, coach, founder of a social center and training agency, author of books on life management and personal development - spoke about what feelings we confuse with love, why husbands and wives become strangers and then divorce, and gave recommendations, .

Without knowing the mechanisms and understanding certain processes, it is very difficult to preserve relationships for many years. In addition, in order for a marriage to be strong, it is necessary to make some efforts. There are four fundamental truths that must be understood in order to save a marriage.

1. We don’t realize where our family started. We want to carry the initial model of our family throughout our lives. But this is impossible. A man and a woman were brought up in different conditions, with different attitudes. In order to different worlds women and men could coexist, they experience brain intoxication (sometimes called falling in love). “Hormonal” intoxication (falling in love) is needed in order for two different people had the opportunity to build relationships so that they could understand whether they could give up something. But this is not love. It's all about hormones. In women, oxytocin predominates, and in men, testosterone predominates. And during the period of falling in love, according to the laws of nature, the level of testosterone increases in women, and oxytocin in men. That is why he becomes romantic, and the woman is ready to go to football. Subsequently, after a year, two, three, this process gradually stops (otherwise the man will turn into a woman, and the woman will begin to grow a beard). And it is then that the couple realizes that “love is over.” Although the process of brain intoxication simply stopped working. And, relationships need to be built. And they need to be built from the very beginning of creating a family.

2. They often say: “Everyday life destroyed our relationship.” Life cannot destroy anything. Everyday life is a given and that’s all. Spring, summer, autumn, winter - can they ruin your relationship? No. Everyday life is a natural phase of people who live together. And so that after the end of the phase of falling in love your relationship does not end, you need a very important component of love - friendship. Friendship means the presence of common interests, the presence of a common value system. Both men and women must make a concession here. For example, a man should strive to understand and take part in joint shopping, and a woman should strive to watch football on Sundays. In addition, everyone in a couple should listen to each other and delve into the essence of the issue, interact so that for your partner you are a valuable interlocutor, whose opinion he listens to.

3. Another step that will allow you to preserve love is the conscious experience of everyone (there are only five of them - the honeymoon, one year, 5-7 years, 10-12 and 20-25 years, when children build their families). You must understand what is happening and not panic, but take concrete steps that will allow you to survive the crisis. We are not taught the theory of marriage anywhere. And if somewhere at a university you had some kind of course, then this is several hours a month. If you had been taught aircraft engineering for the same amount of time, would you have been able to build an airplane? So how can we build a family without special knowledge? That is why you need to develop yourself all the time, read books.

4. It is necessary to be whole individuals. In order to develop, a person needs such an element as awareness. This is the ability to respond appropriately. A woman who is a personality will not be led by her emotions. The ability to manage emotions is a big plus from the point of view of men, from the point of view of the family. Personal development is both emotional stability, and the development of relevant abilities, and the ability to have a certain volitional bundle, to have the right motivations, the ability to create motivation is the ability to have the right social attitudes, the ability to have the right value system.


Do you remember your honeymoon? The very beginning of your relationship? What was there that was especially valuable to you? Remember the first time you saw him/her? How did something respond inside and you realized that she was my soulmate? Remember how you vacationed together? How did you like to take care of each other? And spend as much time with each other as possible?

How are you doing now? How much time do you spend together? What are your common interests? When was the last time you told your spouse that you loved him/her? How do you see your future together?

Did you know that according to research 70% of conflicts in families are unresolvable, and only 30% can be successfully resolved. You know that according to the same studies after 3 months of relationship, couples often lose respect for each other. What For every negative moment, at least 5 positive moments must occur to dissolve the pain and have the strength and opportunity to build relationships further? And in order to keep the relationship alive, you need at least 5 hours a week of communication with each other or at least 20 minutes of full-fledged dialogue a day?

What do you do every day to maintain and improve your relationships?

And you know that it is always the area of ​​life where we direct our attention that develops. And if you planted a garden of several trees (family and relationship tree, work tree, hobby tree, health tree, etc.), but you only have time to water a couple of trees from this garden, then what do you think will happen to this garden? in a couple of years?

Excerpt from an article by Erickson University Coaching President Marilyn Atkinson, “Family Coaching Helps People Succeed in One of the Most Important Projects of Their Lives”:

Notice what happened to relationships and family traditions over the previous 50 years.

Today, in almost every cultural environment, we have complete freedom to seek, improvise and create relationships that bring us true satisfaction. Constant social transformations have allowed us to choose between remaining in relationships that do not satisfy us, or being free from relationships. But we still haven't developed the systems of individual skills we need to successfully manage the most important project of our lives.

Too often, people go through a grueling journey in search of happiness, as they go blindly, making mistakes, mending broken pieces, abandoning relationships that did not work out the way they would like. For many, this search path turns out to be too long until they finally create a successful relationship.

At the same time, family relationships continue to be one of the main priorities in our lives. If you take a close look at what is happening in your environment, with your friends, and even with you, you will see that men and women around the world are actively seeking productive behaviors to create strong family. They do not want to find themselves in a situation where they have to consult to solve relationship problems; they are open to solutions and recommendations of all kinds: friendly, esoteric and spiritual, astrological and psychological, trainings, the Internet and books.

For all these reasons, relationship coaching is gaining increasing popularity around the world, as it provides an opportunity for people to learn to negotiate with each other, listen to their partner, be in a coaching position with their partner, grow and change in each other's presence, and at the same time maintain stable system of relations.

It is important to think about building the foundation of your relationship already initial stage– the honeymoon stage, since it is easier to prevent possible negative developments in the future, when the candy-bouquet period ends, than to try to glue the fragments together broken hearts and showers as partners go through life's trials.

But there will be trials, no one is immune from conflicts, the euphoria of falling in love and beautiful courtship passes over time. And then gray everyday life begins, running around the circle of life, and each partner, immersed in his own experiences and grievances, simply stops hearing the other. Relationships undergo very serious tests of strength during the birth of a child, financial difficulties, and disagreements at the level of values.

It is customary for us to give the newlyweds various useful household items on their wedding day, but we forget that it is much more important to make a contribution to their future relationship. Tea and table sets, household appliances and even apartments and cars will eventually be mercilessly divided during the divorce process if the couple does not learn to negotiate and overcome life crises. A much more valuable gift for a couple can be working with a family coach, who at the initial stage of development of family relationships will help build the foundation of the family, teach the newlyweds to hear each other and negotiate, and show the importance of creating a common family vision and the contribution of each partner to achieving family goals.

Family Coaching Program is essentially a training for couples who understand the importance of creating and strengthening harmonious family relationships, since this is the area of ​​life on which success in all other areas of life directly depends. When your family understands and supports you, when you can return home as to a quiet haven to rest and gain strength, then any obstacles and obstacles become surmountable.

Who is this program designed for:

— for couples who are in a state of crisis and want to get out of it with the least losses and preserve the relationship;

- for couples facing the first difficulties in partnerships after the birth of a child;

— for newlyweds who understand the importance of building the foundation of a harmonious family at the initial stage of relationship development;

— for couples who have their first conflicts regarding one of the areas of life (finance, buying a home, etc.);

— for couples who want to renew their relationship.

As a result of studying under the program:

— you will learn how to recreate harmonious relationships in the family after crises;

— you will learn to restore the flow of love in the family through forgiveness;

— you will learn to work with different belief systems, negative patterns and create compatibility of values ​​in family relationships;

- you will learn how to restore freedom and flexibility in family relationships by coordinating perceptions in situations of stress;

- you will create a clear vision of the future in your family;

— you will learn to create conditions in which each partner will feel loved and appreciated;

— you will learn to listen and hear each other, calmly accept refusals and negotiate with each other on various issues, including those related to finances and the family budget;

— you will refresh your memories of the beginning of your relationship, see your partner from a new perspective and fall in love with him/her again;

— you will learn to see, first of all, the merits of your partner, which will help you maintain mutual respect in any life circumstances;

- you will again awaken tenderness for each other and want to give tenderness, care, gifts;

— during the training you will spend more than 50 hours of time with each other, developing and renewing your relationship;

- and of course, positive, inspiring changes in your home that everyone at home (children, parents and even friends) will notice.

How the training will take place:

The training will take place in a special closed forum. Training and communication within the group are anonymous.

Duration of training – 90 days or 3 months under the guidance of a professional family coach. Training format: weekly online meetings with a trainer, homework work in a training group, individual coaching session via Skype for each couple separately.

No more than 7 pairs work in the stream at the same time. Training in a group and publication can be done by one of the partners, but to achieve the result of the training, both partners must complete the tasks.

Romantic tasks and feedback from your coach await you.


Lesson 1 – Dating and introduction to the family coaching program. Principles of family coaching.

Lesson 2 – Research of the desired state. Laws of the family system. Developing a conscious family structure based on mutual agreement, values ​​and vision.

Lesson 3 – Freedom to love and remain yourself in relationships. How to get out of a codependent relationship.

Lesson 4 – Creation of a wheel of family values;

Lesson 5 – Building a family system. Restoring the flow of love in the family through forgiveness.

Lesson 6 – Restoring relationships after a crisis: skills of constructive dialogue.

Lesson 7 – Integration of conflicting belief systems. Negotiation skills to reduce stress.

Lesson 8 – Renewal of a multi-generational family. Energy of the kind.

Lesson 9 – Creating an inspiring vision of the future for the whole family.

Lesson 10 — Long-term success strategy for the whole family.

Lesson 11 – A plan of concrete steps to further renew family relationships and enhance the harmony and flow of love in the family system.

Lesson 12 – Summing up. Test.

What is included in the training program:

— 90 days – support from a personal family coach;

— a set of educational materials for a couple;

- a workbook with tasks for him;

- a workbook with tasks for her;

— a “Romantic Vacation” diary for him;

— diary “Romantic vacation for her.

Who conducts the training?

Irina Stoyanovskaya

Certified Family Coach, Erickson University Coaching Assistant;

Certificates for programs: Deep coaching, Team coaching, Family coaching, Freedom to love;

Over 250 hours of individual and family coaching sessions;

More than 800 training participants.

Irina was trained in a unique training program for family coaches, brought to Russia by the President of the International Erickson University of Coaching, Marilyn Atkinson. Only about 40 family coaches in Russia and the CIS countries have such qualifications.

If you would like to participate in the program and receive valuable family coaching materials and articles by email, please fill out the registration form below.

Immediately after subscribing, you will receive by email a recording of the online seminar “Family Coaching: How to Strengthen the Flow of Love in the Family”

Today, coaching is a powerful and effective tool for improving the quality of life, the ability to set and achieve goals, revealing a vision of the future, understanding one’s own desires, personal growth, the ability to build harmonious relationships with a partner, in the family.

Relationship coaching is becoming increasingly popular these days.. And this is not just a fashionable trend, it is really powerful and effective tool, allowing a married couple for enough short time achieve the required results.

Family relationships are one of the most important areas in a person's life.

The ability to build partnerships, be in union, maintain love and respect for each other for many years is an important component of all married couples. It is not always easy to create exactly the relationship you would like. In addition, people themselves sometimes do not know what exactly they want in a relationship.

Quite often, people go through a difficult path in search of happiness, in search of that very “half” who would understand them, and they could be truly happy. Often this is a blind path, with mistakes and suffering.

Today's pace of life, constantly emerging new technologies, and social instability in society create background tension. And I really want to come home and just relax and unwind. But if tension awaits you even at home, this can lead to a breakdown of the nervous system, psychosomatic disorders, and worsening social adaptation All in all. It is important that you have a calm and harmonious environment at home, where you can relax and recuperate. And if you feel tense at home, analyze what exactly is causing the tension. And if the issue is in your relationship, think about it: maybe it’s worth contacting a specialist in time to help you resolve “difficult” issues. “Difficult” questions will naturally arise in the course of life; it is important to be able to resolve them painlessly.

Everyone wants strong and happy family.

But how to create this strong and happy family, how to preserve all those happy moments that happen at the very beginning, when we see everything in “ pink color“When we are in love, when we don’t notice a lot, we forgive a lot, thinking that over time “this” will pass. And often we don’t see the most important thing - that which later becomes a stumbling block and conflicts, resentments, and misunderstandings arise.

When we build a relationship with a partner, we usually rely on our own beliefs and certain rules. Based on these beliefs and rules, we build our actions. And if your partner agrees with these rules, everything is just great. But quite often it happens that you and your partner have completely different beliefs and rules. Much depends on the life values ​​on which each of you relies. Naturally, your partner may have completely different life values, a completely different view of the world. And then it is important to understand how much you can accept your partner with his rules, beliefs, values, or not accept him at all. How flexible can you be? How will you negotiate? How much do you know how to listen and hear each other? And can you even accept another person’s model of the world? How can you learn not to get stuck on the past, think about the present and build a new positive future?

Coaching for married couples will help achieve success in one of the most important projects in life, help create or restore harmonious relationships in the family, based on cooperation, mutual understanding and love.

How is relationship coaching different from couples therapy?

Unlike psychotherapy, in which a lot of attention is paid to past mistakes, the reasons for these mistakes, their depth are considered..., in relationship coaching the focus is on the positive, “shining” moments in the life of a couple, on the present, and the vision of the future. With the help of open-ended, deep questions and other coaching techniques that the coach uses in working with the couple, the spouses have a vision of concrete steps to create this new happy future.

How exactly is relationship coaching done?

The work is carried out with a couple, but individual coaching meetings with each partner are also possible. The process uses open-ended in-depth questions and other coaching tools. The atmosphere is relaxed and pleasant, as the work is carried out in a positive format. There are homework tasks that are advisable to complete, which will help speed up the solution to the problem. Typically 5-10 meetings are held to resolve one of the requests. If there are several hot spots, it will take more time. The frequency of meetings is 1 time per week. Classes are conducted on a subscription basis (subscription for 5 or 10 meetings). The result of the work is a clear understanding of the problem, ways to resolve it, improved mutual understanding in the couple, the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue and negotiate, and harmonious relationships.

The work is carried out by a coach with a special Family Coaching certificate.

What relationship coaching can do for a married couple:

  • Learn to feel and understand each other.
  • Learn to negotiate.
  • See your partner from different sides.
  • Understand and accept everyone’s life values.
  • An opportunity to hear each other.
  • Give your partner the right and opportunity to be who he is.
  • Interact non-judgmentally.
  • Be able to see something valuable in your partner that is worth relying on.
  • Become "WE".
  • Find sexual harmony.
  • Feel and breathe in the love that once united this couple.
  • Reveal your vision of the family, its values, the values ​​of each of the partners in the family.
  • Find integrity, spontaneity and inner freedom.
  • Overcome all difficulties and obstacles and actively move forward.

And then the opportunity arises to be truly close and loved.