Ethical conversations in elementary school. Ethical conversation as a means of moral education for younger schoolchildren Examples of conversations in elementary school

Ivanchenko Ashkhen Armenovna
Topics of conversations on the moral and ethical education of young children preschool age

Topics of conversations on the moral and ethical education of children of primary preschool age

1. Why do they say "Hello"

Tasks: Form at children basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Introduce greeting methods. Reinforce ideas about the importance and need to use « good words» in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.

What do you say when you come to kindergarten in the morning?

– Who are you talking to? "Hello"?

– What do you say in the evening when you go home?

What other polite words do you know?

2. Festival of politeness

Tasks: Form friendly relationships between children. Promote expansion vocabulary, to express friendly feelings; cultivate understanding that our own mood and the attitude of other people depend on our actions.

Guys, look, Tom the bear and Tim the mouse came to us, their tummies hurt, they ate too much apples.

Questions: What is the bear cub's name? What's the mouse's name? Why are they crying? What needs to be done to prevent the little bear and mouse from crying? How does your mother feel sorry for you? Which sweet words speaks? Let's feel sorry for Tom and Tim. How will you feel sorry for Tom and Tim? What words can you say?

Need some polite words? They are truly magical, kind and very, very necessary. Let's repeat polite words together words: "Hello", "Goodbye", "Thank you".

3. "If you are polite." Tasks:: Introduce children with rules of behavior during a conversation, develop respect for elders.

Reading a poem:

Then in a conversation with my aunt

And with grandfather

And with grandma

You won't kill them.

S. Marshak.

How should you talk to adults?

What polite words do you say to your grandfather?

What about grandma?

4. Conversation about magic words.

Tasks: educate children cultural behavior skills, teach children to politeness: for greeting reply: "Hello!". Saying goodbye "Goodbye".

Reading a poem by L. Kudlachev "Important Words"

Words: "Goodbye!", "Thank you", "Sorry!"

"Please", "Hello"- give generously!

Give to passers-by, friends and acquaintances

On trolleybuses, in the park, in kindergarten, at home!

These words are important. They are human

Like air is needed. It's impossible without them

To live in the world. These words are necessary

Give with a smile!

About which "important words" what is this poem talking about?

When should these words be said?

when we speak "Hello"?

When "Thank you", "Please", "Sorry"?

5."In the world of kind words"

Tasks: learn children

When we meet well-mannered people always say hello. How do we greet each other?

Who are we talking to? "Hello"?

Who are we talking to? "Hello"?

Is it possible to say "Hello" an adult? Why?

When you come to kindergarten in the morning, who do you tell "Hello", and to whom "Hello"?

6. "Bye and goodbye"

Tasks: learn children use polite words and expressions in various situations.

Everyone will say goodbye

Leaving, everyone "Goodbye".

It's time for a friend to leave -

We'll tell him "Bye".

A. N. Kondratiev

when we speak "Goodbye"?

when we speak "Bye"?

Whom will we tell "Goodbye", and to whom "Bye"?

When you leave kindergarten home, what do you say teacher, and what about friends?

7 "Thank you and please"

Tasks: learn children use polite words and expressions in various situations.

Words "Thank you" And "please" very important. They, like magic keys, open any door, and people are happy to fulfill your requests.

Tell me when to speak "Please"?

When to speak "Thank you"?

What are we talking about "Thank you"?

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told how many times.

A. N. Kondratiev

8. "Sorry"

Tasks: learn children use polite words and expressions in various situations.


Sorry, I won't do it again

Accidentally breaking dishes

And interrupt adults

And I promised to forget.

And if I still forget,

Sorry, I won't do it again.

A. N. Kondratiev

when we speak "Sorry"?

If you offend a friend, what should you say?

9. Final conversation about polite words

Tasks. Strengthen your knowledge of etiquette. Develop the ability to express one’s opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to one’s own interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing polite requests and gratitude.

What polite words do you know?

Why do people say polite things to each other?

Listen to what the poet V. Soloukhin said about this.


Having bowed, we said to each other,

Although they were not at all familiar:


What special things did we say to each other?

Just "Hello", we are more

They didn't say.

Why did I get a little more happiness?

Why is it a little more joyful?

Is life done?

V. Soloukhin

You see, children, from magical, polite words people become happier,


Let's play and see what kind of polite words you say.

The teacher calls two children and gives them a task:

During your drawing class, your much-needed pencil broke.

How do you ask for a pencil?

Children act out a skit; the whole group evaluates their actions. Then

teacher calls a boy and a girl and offers them

play another scene.

Now let's play like this: a boy and a girl are part of a group. Show how they will do it, what they will say to each other.

All children discuss and evaluate their actions.

10. Conversation about politeness

Tasks: Continuing to teach children of politeness,.

Fairy tale "Kind fairy":

. “The little girl Thumbelina saw a house with smoke coming from the chimney. There was a stove burning there. Thumbelina was delighted and knocked on the door.

- Please let me warm up.

The Good Fairy lived in the house. She opened the door and saw a girl shivering from the cold.

- Poor little thing, quickly go to the stove and warm yourself up! Thumbelina entered a warm house and said hello: "Hello". Fairy to her answered: “Hello, now I’ll give you some hot sweet tea.” “Thank you,” said Thumbelina. Suddenly, with noise and screaming, two gnomes flew into the door. “Hey,” they demanded. “We are thirsty.” “Go away,” said the Fairy. – I am always ready to help those who need it. But you you behave badly“You don’t know how to behave politely.”

What polite words did Thumbelina say?

Why did the Good Fairy drive away the gnomes?

What should they have done to be taken care of?

11."What is kindness"

Tasks: Form an idea children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds; consolidate ideas children about good deeds Bring up

Reading a poem:

Good words

Kind words are not laziness

They will repeat it to me three times a day.

I'll just go out the gate,

To everyone going to work,

Blacksmith, doctor, weaver,

"WITH Good morning» - I scream.

"Good afternoon"– I shout after everyone going to lunch.

"Good evening"- this is how I greet everyone rushing home for tea.

What kind words is this poem about? What kind words are found in the poem?

12. Conversation about good deeds.

Tasks: to form ideas about good deeds.

The teacher draws the children's attention, because the Katya doll is crying.

Katya doll is crying. What will you do?

What will you tell her?

How can you feel sorry for her?

When else can you have regrets?

13. Conversation about good deeds.

Tasks: Learn children be kind, responsive, attentive to adults and peers.

Reading a poem

A friend came to see me

And we played with her.

And here's one toy

Suddenly I liked her:

Groovy frog,

Cheerful, funny.

I'm bored without a toy

- It was my favorite.

And still a friend

I gave away the toy.

E. Blaginina

Questions for children:

Who came to visit?

Which toy did you like? girlfriend liked it?

How did the girl do? Did you give away the frog?

Do you think the girl did a good deed?

14. Conversation about goodness.

Tasks: Pin views children about good deeds, understand that polite words help people communicate. Form moral ideas about kindness. Bring up good feelings towards people around you.

Good words

Kind words are not laziness

They will repeat it to me three times a day.

I'll just go out the gate,

To everyone going to work,

Blacksmith, doctor, weaver,

"Good morning"-I scream.

"Good afternoon"- I shout after everyone going to lunch.

"Good evening"- this is how I greet everyone rushing home for tea.

What kind words is this poem about?

Can you name some kind words?

when we speak "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening"?

15. Conversation about kind words and good deeds

Reading a poem by M. Lisyansky "About Kindness"

And how we need kind words!

We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,

Or maybe it’s not words but deeds that are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us,

At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

What is more important: kind words or kind deeds?

What kind words do you know?

What about good deeds?

Is it a good deed to feel sorry for a friend?

Is taking away a toy a good deed?

16. Conversation about whims.

Tasks: to accustom children communicate calmly, no screaming.


What's wrong?

What's wrong?

In this world?

What kind of stomping?

What kind of scream?

This is Pete, this is Pete

We didn't buy a truck.

L, Yakovlev

Why is Petya screaming and stamping his feet?

Anyone want to be like Petya?

Why don't you want to be like this boy?

Do we have any capricious children in our group?

17. Conversation about good deeds Tasks: Learn children do good deeds, understand that good deeds help people communicate. Form moral ideas about kindness. Bring up good feelings towards people around you.

Reading a poem:

Where was it "Thank you"?

Snowdrifts grew overnight

In the park, in the yard, in the garden,

Making my way barely,

I'm walking down the street.

And I'll look to the left,

And I'll look to the right:

Who's shoveling the snow there?

I'll ask myself.

This is my neighbor's grandmother.

We need to help grandma!

I take a shovel from her, I’m always willing to help!

Have you cleared everything?

From work

My face is burning.

The old lady smiled at me

AND "Thank you"! speaks.

I'm glad to hear this

After all, I'm pretty tired.

So it turned out that "Thank you"

I found it under the snow.

R. Timirshin.

Questions for children. Why did the boy say that he "Thank you" Did you find it under the snow?

What proverb can you say to such a boy?

Do you think it’s difficult to get a word from adults? "Thank you"?

Why can adults tell you?

"Thank you"?

Have you eaten. What will you do? What should you say?

Your ribbon is untied. Alena came up to you and tied it. What you

should I say?

Boys, you are sitting at the table and eating. Suddenly Masha fell to the floor

spoon. What will you do? What will you tell her? What will Masha tell you?

Four boys are sitting at the table. They are having lunch. Kolya asks Kostya to give

give him a piece of bread. What will they do? What will they say to each other?

Two boys. They are playing. One accidentally pushed his comrade. How

should they do so? Educator asked you to take the book to another group, Anna Ivanovna. How will you do it? What will he say? teacher

18. Conversation about rudeness

A fairy tale about a rude word "Leave"

Masha and Oika built a house from blocks.

The Mouse came running and said:

What a beautiful house! Can I live in it?

Oh, nasty little mouse! “Get out of here!” Oika said in a rude voice.

The Mouse got offended and ran away.

Masha started crying:

Why did you send the Mouse away? The mouse is good.

Oh, you too go away, Masha! - Oika said in a rough voice.

Masha was offended and left.

The sun looked through the window.

Shame on you, Oika! - said the Sun. - Masha is your friend. Is it possible to tell your girlfriend to “go away”? Oika ran to the window and screamed to the sun:

And you go!

The Sun said nothing and left the sky somewhere. It became dark. Very, very dark.

Oika left the house and walked along the path into the forest. And it’s dark in the forest too. Oika hears someone crying under a bush.

Who are you? - asked Oika. - I can not see you.

“I am Little Red Tail Squirrel,” answered Little Squirrel. - I got lost in the dark, I can’t find my hollow. My mother is waiting for me there.

Oika walked and walked in the dark and almost fell into a deep ravine. Suddenly Oika hears someone howling in the forest.

Oika saw someone’s green eyes flashing between the trees.

Oh, who is this? - Oika was scared.

And the green eyes are getting closer. Oika was surrounded on all sides.

It's us, Gray Wolves! - answered the Wolves. - Night has come! Night has come! We'll scour the forest and scare everyone!

Oh, now we're all gone! - Oika cried. - It's all my fault. Oh, I will never say the rude word “go away” again!

The Sun heard her words and came out into the sky. It immediately became light and warm.

The Gray Wolves ran far beyond the deep ravine.

Oika is watching, and Masha is walking along the path. Oika was happy.

Oh, Masha, come to me! Let's build new house for the Mouse, even better. Let him live there.

S. Prokofiev

Why was the mouse offended? Masha? Sun?

Did Oika do the right thing by saying a rude word to everyone? "leave"?

When did the sun come out into the sky?

19. Conversation about the culture of behavior.

Tasks: Develop emotional responsiveness, the desire to help, showing empathy. Learn children's responsiveness, sensitivity.

While they were arguing

Tanya and Nadya sat on a bench by the gate and took turns rocking the new doll that their mother bought for them. Suddenly Tanya dropped the doll, and the doll fell on

dusty road.

Nadya, lift it up! - Tanya ordered little sister.

“Here’s another thing,” Nadya answered. -You dropped it, you pick it up

But you played with her too!

So what! And you played.

While the sisters were arguing, old grandfather Yegor approached them. Relying on

stick, he, groaning, bent down, picked up the doll, shook off the dust and handed it girls:

Don't argue, magpies. Here, play.

Oh, how ashamed the girls felt, and they didn’t even want to play anymore.

What can you say about girls, what are they like?

Do you think that if Tanya had politely asked her sister to pick up the doll, instead of ordering her, Nadya would have picked it up?

What did grandpa name the girls?

Who helped the girls? Is this what you do?

20. Conversation about caring Tasks: Learn to take care of adults. Develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing empathy. Learn children's responsiveness, sensitivity.

Not only adults take care of children, but children should also take care of adults, especially old people.

My grandmother

Became a grandmother

Old, sick.

She gets tired from walking.

Brave pilot

I'll be there soon

I'll put her on the plane.

I won't shake her.

I won't rock her.

She will rest

Grandma will say:

“Oh yes, my grandson,

Hey, my pilot, well done!”

S. Kaputikyan.

How can you take care of your grandmother differently?

The grandmother praised her grandson and said: "Well done". How else can you praise

21. Conversation"My mom"

Tasks: respect and love for family and friends

Reading a poem

Mother! I love you so much,

That I don’t really know!

I'm a big ship

I give the name "MOTHER".

My mom.

I will kiss my mother deeply,

I will hug her dear one.

I love her very much.

Mom is my sunshine.

Do you love your mother?

What is your affectionate name for your mother?

Are you helping mom?

22. Conversation"Mom is resting"

Tasks: to develop experience in correctly assessing good and bad deeds.

Does everyone know how to behave quietly when mother, grandmother or grandma are resting or sleeping?

Reading a poem.

"Mom is sleeping, she's tired."

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...

Well, I didn’t play!

I don't start a top

And I sat down and sat...

And roll the ball

I would sing a song

I could laugh.

There's so much I want!

But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

E. Blaginina

Why didn't the girl start playing with toys?

Listen to another story, how another girl behaves when her mother is resting.

“Mom is sleeping, she is unwell. Katya is playing. She wants to pour tea for the doll, but cannot reach the tap. "Mother!"- Katya shouts. Mother awoke: “What happened?” she asks in fear. Mom helped Katya pour water.

Mom went to bed again. Katya dresses her doll for a walk. She can't seem to get her coat on. "Mother!"- Katya screams again..."

-Did you like the girl Katya??

Did she do the right thing when she woke up her mother?

Do you feel sorry for your mothers?

23. Conversation about greed

Tasks: to form children friendly relations with each other, the ability to share with a friend.

Reading a poem.

The dog walked along the alley,

He was chewing a large bun.

The Puppy came up

I asked for a piece.

I started guessing -

Or not?

I told my fortune, I told my fortune

Chewed and chewed

Cat-Meow came up,

The cat asked for a pulp.

The Dog stood up

I started guessing -

Or not?

I told my fortune, I told my fortune

Chewed and chewed

The Frog jumped up,

She whispered in my ear,

The Frog asked for a humpback.

I started guessing -

Or not?

I told my fortune, I told my fortune

Chewed and chewed

The Chicken came up.

The Chicken asked for a crust.

The Dog stood up

I started guessing -

Or not?

I told my fortune, I told my fortune

Chewed and chewed

The Duck came up

I stood there for a minute,

The Duck asked for a little

Just try it!

I started guessing -

Or not?

I told my fortune, I told my fortune

Chewed and chewed.

And said:

I would give it!

I have it myself

There is nothing more.

Emma Moshkovskaya

Did the dog do the right thing by not giving the bun to anyone?

Tell me, is the Dog greedy?

Is it good to be greedy?

Do you think the greedy guy has many friends?

Would you share a bun?

24. Conversation about friendship.

Tasks: to form children friendly relations with each other, bring up communication skills, empathy, positive emotions.

Friendly fairy tale

Here are the pets -

Take a look, guys.

Here's a puppy

and here's a kitten,

Here's a baby goat

and chicken.

Katenka plays with them,

He loves and respects them all.

Once the animals argued,

Who does Katya love more?

They began to tease, push,

calling each other names.

They don't walk together anymore

They play alone...

The puppy began to bite the chicken,

A goat gored a kitten...

Katya looks at the animals -

Doesn't recognize them in any way...

I am more beautiful

I am stronger!

I'm more obedient!

- I'm smarter!

What to do, how to be here?

How can animals become friends again?

Katyusha collected them,

I gave out gifts to everyone

and said: “Really,

Are we tired of each other?”

Here the animals became ashamed,

Everyone was upset to the point of tears.

Katya loves all animals -

Puppies, kittens, kids, chickens...

They are all important to Katya,

He wants them to be friends.

We learned a new fairy tale,

Her animals told.

We won't forget her

And we will all be friends together!

Do you guys have friends?

Having many friends is good. Tell me, do friends push, tease, call you names?

Real friends don't push, don't tease, don't call each other names, but support each other.

Is it good to have many friends?

25. Conversation"How can you call a person by name"

Tasks: cultivate a culture of communication, friendly attitude towards each other.

When I went to kindergarten, then I saw a Katya doll on a bench in the yard. She sat and cried bitterly. When I asked her why she was crying, Katya said that the girls who play with her call her Katka. And to her like when her name is called kindly: Katenka, Katyusha.

To you like when they call you affectionately? How?

It will be very good if we call each other affectionate, gentle, kind names.

26."How can you be sorry".

Children, do you always have fun?

Sometimes everyone feels bad, someone offended you, you hurt yourself and, probably, you really want someone to take pity on you. Likewise, another child or adult, when he feels bad, wants to be pitied.

How does your mother feel sorry for you?

What can you say to a person to calm him down?

What can be done?

How will you behave if your mother has a headache? What if your sister or brother gets hurt?

Approximate topics for spiritual and moral conversations for children of younger, middle and older ages with a list of necessary literature.

Preview themes

Junior classes.
How beautiful this world is, look.

Font 3/97
Books about nature for children (Sladkov, Charushin, Bianki, etc.)
God's wonderful world. A manual for catechesis. Publishing house Moscow. St. Daniel's monastery and the missionary department of the Greek Orthodox Church. churches. - M., 1996.
Any photo albums with reproductions (nature, animal world)
Januskeviciene O. The Good Tree. Textbook for elementary grades.
2nd ed. - M., 1996.

Russian holidays.

Vysotskaya village Clean Monday. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1997.
Font 3/97.
Bee 1/91.
Prot. Seraphim Slobodskaya, "The Law of God" (any edition)
Shmelev I. Summer of the Lord, - (any edition)
Chudakova N.V. Holidays for children and adults - in 2 books. - M.: LLC "AST Publishing House", 1997.

Mother father me.

Lives of saints for children (about St. Sergius, about St. Xenophon and Mary, etc.)
Prot. Seraphim Slobodskaya, "The Law of God" (any edition)
God's law for the little ones / comp. Kulomzina S.M. - M.: "Pilgrim", 1997.
Lessons on health and virtue. - M.: "Pilgrim", 1999.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

What is good and what is bad?
What from childhood helped me become a believer? - St. Petersburg, 1998.
Paustovsky "Warm Bread", - (any edition)
Ivanova S.F. Introduction to the temple of the word - M.: School. - Press, 1994.
Prot. Seraphim Slobodskaya, "The Law of God" (any edition)
God's law for the little ones / comp. Kulomzina S.M. - M.: "Pilgrim", 1997.
Plyatskovsky M. sunshine as a keepsake. - M., 1975.
Raising preschool children in the Orthodox faith. - M.: "Father's House":, 1998.

How we make friends with animals.
Prot. Seraphim Slobodskaya, "The Law of God" (any edition)
Life of St. Gerasima (any edition)
Life of St. Sergius (any edition)
Miracle in the Desert - m., "Pilgrim", !997.
Any books about animals for children (Sladkov, Charushin, Bianki)

About the creation of the world.
Prot. Seraphim Slobodskaya, "The Law of God" (any edition)
God's Law for the Little Ones /composed by S.M. Kulomzina - M.: "Pilgrim", 1997.
Kiselev A. Seven days of creation. - "Pro-press", 1998.
Tarasar K. Our life with God. Manual for catechesis of children younger age. - M.: Gospel Light, 1999.

Stories about Russian saints.
Fedotov R.P. Saints of Ancient Rus', (any edition)

Any lives adapted for children.
Font 3/97
Suprun V.I. Orthodoxy holy names. - Volgograd, 1996.
The feat of Ilya Muromets. - M.: TSL Compound, " A new book", 1996.

I'm drawing a temple.
A thousand years. Collection. - New York, 1985. (reprints available)
God is with us 3/94
Bee 1/91
Januskeviciene O. The Good Tree. Educational manual for junior classes.
Marchenko V. House of God (structure of the temple). - Ross. branch of the Valaam Society of America. - M., 1996.
Orthodox services, Sacraments and customs. - Bialystok, 1992.

When the soul sings.
A thousand years. Collection. - New York, 1985. (reprints available)

Middle classes.
Where I live?
Life of St. Sergius (any edition)
Turgenev N. About the ascetics and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra // Vera. Prayer. Love. - M., 1993.
Muravyov A.N. Travel to Russian holy places. - M.: Book,!990.
Any local history collections, publications in the press.

Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.
Life - any edition.
Fedotov G.P. Saints of Ancient Rus' (any edition)
Charskaya L. One for all. The story - TPO "Svetoch" all-Russian. cultural fund, b. (reprint 1909)
Klyuchevsky V.O. The meaning of rev. Sergius for Russian history // Klyuchevsky V. O. Church and Russia. Three lectures. - "YMCA-Press", 1969.
Klyuchevsky. The gracious educator of the Russian folk spirit // Vera. Prayer. Love. - M., 1993.

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.
Almazov B. Life of the teacher. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov. - St. Petersburg: Lyceum, 1993.
Life of Father Seraphim of Sarov. - Publishing house of the brotherhood in the name of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky, 1996.
Zaitsev B. Near St. Seraphima // Font 1/2000.

Holy defenders of the Fatherland.
Fedotov R.P. Saints of ancient Rus'. - any edition.
Font 3/97
Bee, 1996.
Lives of saints for children. - any publications.

Icon and painting.
A thousand years. Collection. - New York, 1985 (reprints available)
Font 3/97
Trubetskoy E. Three essays about the Russian icon. - Novosibirsk, 1991.

The Gospel and Old Russian Literature.
Davydova V.N. The Gospel and Old Russian Literature. - M.: Miros, 1992.
Proverbs. Educational book by Alexander Knyazhitsky. 8-9 grades. - M.: Miros, 1994.
Petrov V. The Gospel in History // Faith. Prayer. Love. - M., 1993.
Davydova V.N. The story of Boris and Gleb. - M.: Miros, 1993.

The way of life of a Russian family.
What from childhood helped me become a believer? - St. Petersburg, 1998.
Domostroy - any publications.
Shmelev I. Summer of the Lord - any edition.

Love and friendship.

Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.
Light of Orthodoxy. Christian interlocutor. Publishing house of the Makariev-Reshem Monastery, No. 41/1988. Contents: Transitional age(conversation with high school students).

Miracles, holiness, holy relics.
Protopopov D.I. About the incorruptibility of holy relics. - M: Interdialect, 1997.
Father Arseny. - M.: Brotherhood of the All-Merciful Savior, 1993.
The lives of the saints are at the discretion of the narrator.

Music sacred and secular.
A thousand years. Collection. - New York, 1985. (reprints available)
Prot. Vasily Metallov. Essays on the history of Orthodox singing in Russia.

Senior classes.
Why am I living?
Faith. Prayer. Love. Collection. - M.: Russian Spiritual Center, 1993.

Two models of the history of the earth.
Trostnikov V. The science of becoming religious // Orthodox conversation, 3/96.
Prot. Stefan Lyashevsky. The Bible and the science of creation. - M.: Publishing house named after St. Ignatius of Stavropol, 1997.
Priest Timofey. Orthodox worldview and modern natural science. - M.: "Pilgrim", 1998.
Priest Timofey. Two cosmogonies. - M.: "Pilgrim", 1999.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.

The 10 commandments are the basis of human morality.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.
About faith and morality according to the teachings of the Orthodox Church. - Publishing house Moscow. Patriarchies, 1991.
Priest Nikolai Uspensky. How to live as an Orthodox Christian according to the commandments of God. - Ed. Department of the Vladimir diocese, 1997.
Envy is more deadly than war. - b.m.: "Rarog", b.g.
Priest Timofey. A manual on asceticism for modern youth. - M.: "Pilgrim", 1999.

The choice of faith by Grand Duke Vladimir.
Prot. Petr Smirnov. History of the Christian Church. - M.: "Orthodox conversation", 1994.
Talberg N. History of the Russian Church. - M, 1997.
Darkevich V. Christianity in ancient Rus' // Science and Life, 11/1998.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.

Good and evil.
What from childhood helped me become a believer? - St. Petersburg, 1998.
Faith. Prayer. Love. Collection. - M.: Russian Spiritual Center, 1993.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.
About faith and morality according to the teachings of the Orthodox Church. - Publishing house Moscow. Patriarchies, 1991.

What from childhood helped me become a believer? - St. Petersburg, 1998.
Faith. Prayer. Love. Collection. - M.: Russian Spiritual Center, 1993.
Ivanova S. F. Introduction to the Temple of the Word. - M.: School-press, 1994.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.

Love and infatuation.
Prot. In Zenkovsky. On the threshold of maturity. - M., 1997.
What every boy needs to know. / ed. priest A. Gracheva. - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 1996.
What every girl needs to know. / ed. priest A. Gracheva. - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 1996.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.
Light of Orthodoxy. Christian interlocutor. Publishing house of the Makariev-Reshem Monastery, No. 41/1988. Contents: Transitional age (conversation with high school students). How to get married correctly.
Metropolitan Anthony (Blum). The mystery of love.

About friendship in the modern world.
What every boy needs to know. / ed. priest A. Gracheva. - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 1996.
What every girl needs to know. / ed. priest A. Gracheva. - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 1996.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.
Lives of the saints who gave us examples of friendship.

Family. Fathers and Sons.
What from childhood helped me become a believer? - St. Petersburg, 1998.
Prof. prot. Gleb Kaleda. Home church. - M.: Publishing house of the Zachatievsky convent, 1998.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Fundamentals of Morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.
Father's cross.

Death. Life after death
Faith. Prayer. Love. Collection. - M.: Russian Spiritual Center, 1993.
Jerome. Seraphim (Rose). Soul after death. - M., 1997.
Vasiliadis N. The Sacrament of Death. - TSL, 1998.
About the truth of God or the legend about what awaits us beyond the grave. // Path to the temple. - Samara, No. 3/99.
Yanushnevičius R. Yanushnevičienė O. Conversations about morality. - M.: "Propress", 1998.

general information

The topics of spiritual conversations are formulated in accordance with age characteristics children. They are intended for students of secular secondary schools as part of extracurricular activities. The library of the pedagogical office has prepared a list of references for each of the proposed topics.


Sunday School Data

Age junior, middle, senior

Discipline Class hour, lectures on spiritual and moral topics

Conducts Clergyman, trained religious educator

Existing file data

Format doc format document

Alena Makeikina
Conversation for younger schoolchildren “Your appearance»


Instill in children the desire to dress appropriately; introduce the history of costume and clothing manufacturing;

Develop aesthetic taste;

Cultivate neatness, cleanliness, neatness.


Children have dolls with different models of clothes, cards with tasks.

Progress of the event

I. Opening remarks

Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale and say which hero it is about speech: “The poor stepdaughter was forced to do the dirtiest and hardest work in home: she cleaned cauldrons and pots, washed the stairs, cleaned the rooms of her stepmother and her daughters. She slept in the attic, right under the roof, on a prickly straw bed. In the evening, having finished work, she hid in a corner near the fireplace and sat there on a box of ashes.”

Who is that girl?

Why was she called that?

- “And yet Cinderella, in her old dress, stained with ash, was a hundred times sweeter than her sisters, dressed in velvet and silk.”

Guys, there is even proverb: “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their minds”.

How would you explain this saying?

P. Announcement of the theme of the event

Today we will talk to you about what and how to wear so that your the appearance emphasized that that you are well-mannered, beautiful, neat. After all, remember, it was in beautiful dress and glass slippers, Cinderella was recognized as the first beauty. “Everything immediately calmed down. The violins fell silent. Both the musicians and the guests involuntarily looked at the unfamiliar beauty, who arrived at the ball later than everyone else. “Oh, how good she is!”- the gentleman said in a whisper to the gentleman and the lady to the lady. The ladies of the court were only busy examining her dress and headdress in order to order something similar for themselves tomorrow, if only they could find the same skilled craftsmen and the same beautiful fabric.”

III. Conversation about the history of dress

And now I invite you to listen to information from which you will learn a little about the history of the costume.

*** For a long time, much attention has been paid to clothing. But before, society was clearly divided into rich and poor. Poor people could not afford to have many dresses and suits.

*** But the rich society shone with the beauty of fabrics and styles. Luxury and idleness made it possible to wear such clothes. On holidays and at balls they wore all sorts of decorations: rings, bracelets, necklaces from precious stones. The dresses themselves were also embroidered. After all, the bright light allowed these stones to shimmer with all colors - this only emphasized the style of the dress. And the dress was sewn specifically for a single order. And the fabrics were brought from abroad so that no one else would have such a dress. Children were also dressed magnificently and elegantly.

*** and only after entering the gymnasium, the children had to wear a uniform - all the same. This disciplined, made the student think that he was the same as everyone else around him.

***a in schools for the children of workers and peasants, children were dressed in whatever their parents could dress them in, and most often it was one thing in a family for several children.

*** in Soviet school there was also a single school uniform.

Now we live in a democratic society and have the opportunity to express ourselves as individuals even in our clothes. After all, what kind of person are you, he says your appearance.

IV. A game "Character"

Let's play a game "Character": I show the drawing, and you external you are trying to determine and talk about the character of this person.

V. Purpose of clothing

Tell me, guys, what keeps you warm in the cold? Maybe a hat

coat, boots?

Clothing has the purpose of keeping a person warm. Therefore, it must correspond to the season of the year and climate. For winter clothes use wool fabrics which retain heat well. Summer clothes are made from light, light fabrics - they reflect the sun's rays. And if you dress lightly in cold weather, but vice versa in summer, this will lead to hypothermia or overheating and the person will get sick.

You should have different clothes in the house. And clothes should be comfortable, light and clean. Everyday clothes should be different from holiday clothes, clothes for walks should be different from those you wear to school. I want to hear from you, what do you know about fashion and how to dress? (Children's answers)

VI. A game "Dress the doll" and working with cards

And now a task for the girls. Dress your doll so that she went:

To the theatre;

IN school;

On a hiking trip;

Play with friends outside;

For a friend's birthday;

I could help my mother in the kitchen.

Assignment for boys: complete the task on the cards, choose from the proposed types of clothing the one that is suitable for the proposed location.

Example card: « School» - sports suit, jeans, open dress, blouse, sundress, suit, shorts, dirty T-shirt, ball gown, skirt.

VII. Conversation"Where Things Come From"

Do you know where things come from? Clothes are made from fabrics - cotton, wool or synthetic. This fabric is made on looms. The fabric goes to the cutter. From cutter to seamstress.

Shoes are also made from artificial leather. The ability to sew something will always be useful in life. And you can learn this now - from clothes for dolls.

VIII. Reading literary text

Now let's talk about someone who dresses correctly and has comfortable, beautiful clothes, but looks bad. Let's read a poem "Masha the Confused", and we’ll try to answer question: why people look sloppy.

Students read the text and talk about the need to be neat and take care of their clothes.

The same work is carried out on the text of Difshitz’s poem "Slob".

He doesn't need the sidewalk

Unbuttoning the collar

Through ditches and puddles

He walks straight ahead.

He doesn't want to carry the briefcase

It drags him along the ground

The belt slipped to the left side

A clump has been torn out of my trouser leg

I have to admit, I don’t understand

What was he doing? Where he was?

How spots appeared on the forehead

Purple ink.

Why is there clay on my trousers?

Why is the cap like a pancake,

And the collar is unbuttoned.

Who is this student?

Do you think it's always beautiful clothes always helps to look.

Can you now answer me what and how you should wear so that your external the view could tell what

you are a person so that you become interesting and pleasant to others.

This development is dedicated to the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. A conversation about the child heroes of our time who, at the cost of their lives, saved the lives of others. The development fosters a sense of patriotism and pride in one’s country, and heroism in children. The development is intended for class teachers and GPA teachers.

Currently, in a modern school, much attention should be paid to the moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren, since their material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones. Children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism. The teacher’s task is to form spiritual and moral qualities in schoolchildren, instill patriotism, and develop creative thinking. This event is dedicated to the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. Objectives of the conversation: to form an idea about Hero of the Fatherland Day, its history; to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride for one’s country, the heroism of the people; know and honor the memory of the country's heroes. During the conversation, the names of Russian heroes who went down in history were named. The event calls for remembering and honoring the immortal feat of those who, without sparing their lives, spoke out in defense of the Motherland.

The target audience: for 5th grade

The class hour “Be kind, humane” instills in children respect and love for the people around them, stimulates the desire for self-education, and also helps them develop a sense of responsibility for their actions.

The conversation teaches them to be kind, merciful, and able to lend a helping hand to those people who need it. The development can be used by class teachers working with children of secondary school age.

Target audience: for 5th grade

Conversation “The Red Book. Animals" can be used by GPD teachers and class teachers for conversations with children of any age. The environmental topic is very relevant nowadays, because... many animals are on the verge of extinction. The conversation talks about 15 animals that are more susceptible to extinction and allows students to expand their knowledge about them. The conversation forms a moral attitude towards the environment, a desire to protect nature, love and respect for the animal world. During the conversation, the teacher develops a sense of duty and responsibility for the preservation of natural resources.

Target audience: for 5th grade

In our time, when Nazism begins to revive in many countries, the issue of memory is most acute. The younger generation must know and remember all the horrors of fascism. This should never happen again. This presentation is designed for students from grades 5 to 11.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Conversation for GPA teachers, as well as for class teachers of primary and secondary classes. The presentation may be useful for teachers primary classes in a lesson about the world around us on the topic “What do we know about birds” in 1st grade. The conversation develops cognitive interest. During the conversation, the teacher tells the students about the birds living in our area and about the birds living in other countries.

Target audience: for 4th grade

Presentation from the series of ethical dialogues “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” (about hard work for 6th grade). This presentation helps, using folklore, to correct the emotional and personal sphere of a child. When talking with a child using the example of fairy tale characters, issues of responsible attitude towards work and work responsibilities are touched upon.

Target audience: for class teacher

The presentation can be used to conduct a conversation aimed at helping you prepare for exams. It will be useful for high school students. You can find answers to the questions in it: “What foods are healthier before exams?”, “How to eat while preparing for exams?”

1. Eternal universal values

2. Absolute and relative truth

3. Conscience is the moral standard of a person

4. Lessons of conscience

5. Qualities of Righteous Conduct: Duty and Gratitude

6. Cooperation


8. Sparkles of knowledge about yourself

9. Teachers and students - seekers and bearers of Light

10. Knowledge that I will carry throughout my life

11. The beauty of the human soul

12. About responsiveness and indifference

13. Heart given to children (about the role of S. A. Nazarbayeva in raising children)

14.The world with which I am friends

15. Peaceful relations

16.We are peacemakers

17. I, you, he, she - together Friendly family

18. Laws of respect

19. Faithful friends

20. Flight of the soul (about freedom of choice)

21.Freedom and responsibility

22.Freedom and happiness

23.How beautiful this world is when there is love in it!

24. May there always be sunshine in your soul!

25.Take care of your Planet!

26. Love in understanding is non-violence

27.Practice nonviolence

28. High spirit of leadership (about leaders who practiced nonviolence)

29. Sources of health and harmony

30. Values ​​bloom in a healthy body

31. We are for healthy image life!

32. I thank you (creative work - Thanksgiving letters parents)

33. Go, my friend, always follow the path of goodness!

34. Thank you, man!

35. Life is a priceless gift

36. Family - the beginning of the beginning

37. Harmony of life in morality

38. Kazakhstan is a free bird, bringing light and joy to people!

39. Native land is a delight for the heart!

40. Homeland in my soul

41.What is good and what is bad?

42. Earth is my home

43.A good deed

44. History of the holiday

45. Traditions of celebrating the New Year in other countries

46.Meet New Year! (family traditions)

47.Spiritual traditions of different peoples

48. Our single shanyrak

49. The beginning of life is true

50. The path to truth

51. The law of eternal happiness is true

52. Bright thoughts, Nice words and good deeds (righteous behavior)

53. Righteous behavior is the basis of life

54. Mutual understanding in the family

55.I am friends (peace, peace in my soul)

56. I am the happiest

57. Comprehension of the beauty of the world

58. The magical power of selfless love

59. Know how to show wisdom and mercy

60. In the mirror of friendship and understanding

61. Golden Heart (dedicated to Sara Alpysovna)

62. Do good

63. Thank you for today!

64.Your destiny, man! (non-violence)

65. Path to health

66. The land where you and I live

67. Family traditions (true)

68. Family and healthy lifestyle

69. Take care of your loved ones. What could be more valuable than family?

70. This is a wonderful Women's Day! (righteous behavior)

71. Bright holiday - mother's day

72. Sun of motherly love

73. Morning of my Motherland (peace, peace in my soul)

74.Native land - a source of inspiration

75. We are your children, Kazakhstan!

76. Tunes of the steppes (dedicated to Nauryz)

77. Good feelings are born in the family (love)

78. Consonance with the surrounding world

79. I love this world

80. Origins of respect (true)

81. I look at the world as if it were a miracle!

82. Cherish time

83. Human happiness (righteous behavior)

84. Life according to the laws of beauty...

85. Connection of generations

86. At peace with yourself (peace)

87. The sounds of nature give peace

88. Everyone’s contribution to the prosperity of their homeland

89. Kazakhstan is our common home (non-violence)

90. Peace to the world!

91. How to become happy?

92. Unfading power of wisdom (truth)

93. The life-giving forces of nature in its purity and selfless service!

94. A good name is associated with good deeds

95. Thank you for today! Live in the moment!