Sincere congratulations on February 23, short

Happy upcoming holiday of February 23! May the sky be peaceful, life happy, friends real, wealth real, health strong, luck constant, love dizzying, dreams intoxicating, victories joyful!

Congratulations on the upcoming February 23 and I want to wish you to always remain a real man, a brave defender of your interests and loved ones, a faithful friend and comrade, a kind and happy person.

Happy upcoming holiday! I wish you never to doubt, believe in yourself, make the right decisions and not be afraid of difficulties. Let everything in life work out as best as possible.

Congratulations to all the men of our wonderful Motherland. I wish you the same strong, fierce health as the frosts in February, the same clear and peaceful sky and excellent festive mood. Let success, luck and the eyes of your loved ones smile upon everyone in life. I wish you to always maintain your dignity, strength of character and true Russian masculinity. Happy upcoming February 23rd!

Very soon there will be a holiday -
Day of Defender of the Country.
I want to congratulate you on it!
Be loyal to your Motherland.

I wish you good luck,
It's so hard to live without her,
May you always be healthy
And don’t you dare be sad!

Happy upcoming February 23rd. I wish you courage, enthusiasm, firmness, confidence, boldness, perseverance and determination. Strive forward, don’t be afraid of change, be proud of yourself, don’t leave your comrades in trouble, fight for your happiness and always win!

Congratulations on the upcoming February 23, the holiday of gallant courage and strong strength! I wish that every day provides an opportunity to perform a heroic deed and a good deed, that every person who knows you treats you with respect and understanding, that your loved ones value you and love you deeply, that you always remain an important hero and reliable protector for them.

A short

Happy February 23rd!
Happy amazing men's holiday!
Happiness to everyone, amazing love
And warmth from the faces of others!

Happy upcoming February 23rd. With the approaching holiday of courage and strength, patriotism and male confidence, I wish you to feel stronger, healthier and bolder. I wish to be a man with a capital M, I wish to proudly and decisively walk in the direction of success. Follow the motto: “I came, I saw, I conquered!” And may luck always help you.

Congratulations on the upcoming
On men's day I want you,
Let the peaks submit,
There will be plans on the shoulder.

Be a true support
For friends and family,
I wish you come true
All your big goals.

Let everything go well at work,
Let things go uphill,
Tenderness and care at home
Your loved ones are always welcome.

Firm gaze, steep shoulders.
Not always ideal.
We are calm next to you,
Happy February 23rd!

Win, convince,
Your clear steps
Let them be heard everywhere,
All paths are submissive to them!

Today we want to congratulate everyone
Happy Defender's Day,
We wish you all love and peace,
Happy life without war,
Let's always be together
Protect family and homeland,
From troubles, insults, betrayals and grief,
We want to warn everyone!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to all the men.
Will, courage, success,
I wish you a lot of strength.

I wish you clear skies
Strong friendship and love.
I congratulate you on your day,
Dedicating poems to you!

The strongest, the bravest,
You are the best soldier.
Congratulations at this hour,
Let the worries go away in no time.

Let fate be in charge
And keeps you around the world.
So that there is a lot of health,
Never know anxiety.

Let's raise our glasses
For our men and boys.
You have done a lot in life
For the benefit of our beloved Fatherland.

You deserve love and happiness,
Although they are not whimsical in life.
Don't let wars bother you,
Love and be loved!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We congratulate you,
Cheerfulness, glory, peace,
We wish you a happy holiday.

Always be strong
Let the will be strong
And the reward for that is
There will be a woman's love!

Our protector is unchanging,
We are all in a hurry to congratulate you.
It doesn't matter if you were a military man,
We value you very much.

You are the smartest, the bravest.
You are simply the best of men.
May life send you successes abundantly,
Be happy, joyful, loved.

Happy Defender's Day! Be bold and courageous
Be ready to repay your debt to the Fatherland,
If the Motherland obliges you
Uphold peace and justice!

Clear sun and blue sky
However, I would like to wish
So that conflicts are resolved with words,
And men were not sent to fight!

My man, I am writing to you,
I hasten to congratulate you!
Let the star shine for success,
Never fades away.

Let there be enough health for two,
My only true friend.
May your life be full of love,
My man, my wall!

The whole earth turned white,
The snow is flying and spinning.
Twenty third of February,
There's a knock on our door.

Congratulations to all men,
We give them gifts.
Let everyone be loved
And hot love to you!

Pages: 6

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can be the first person to congratulate your friend or beloved man on the holiday. This will only take you a few minutes. Even if you are far from the person you wish to congratulate, you can send an SMS on February 23 . Depending on what kind of relationship you have with the hero of the occasion, short telephone messages can be very funny, just funny, serious or even official. The tone of the selected SMS may depend on both the man’s sense of humor and the mood of the woman sending him the message.

Short SMS February 23 - Cool congratulations to men

When choosing short SMS messages for men from February 23, pay attention to our examples of telephone messages in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You will probably want to come up with little rhymes yourself dedicated to your friend. When composing SMS, do not be afraid to joke - a funny message that arrives on the phone of your acquaintance, friend or friend in the morning will cheer him up. The day will start with positive emotions, which means that the holiday on February 23 will be wonderful!

The advance is in the past, and the salary is not coming soon,
But there are no obstacles for serious men
Today is our day! Congratulations guys!
Well, now – who’s running to the store?

Fine! Warm, light, soulful!
Let the wife groan, drilling her brain:
Like, again!.. I’m completely happy:
Today is February 23rd!

Examples of short funny SMS for February 23rd Day

Choosing a form short SMS on February 23, you can send your man wishes in funny poetry or prose. Congratulating a friend or loved one on this February day, wish him sweet life, strength for all his bold endeavors, gladiatorial health and luck of the luckiest man on the planet. A cool telephone message for Defender of the Fatherland Day may contain unusual comparisons, exaggerations, and epithets. For example, the man being congratulated can be jokingly called a “hero”, “defender of the weak”, “destroyer of evil”, etc. Your imagination and our examples will help you compose a cheerful SMS for the holiday.

I wish you success, I wish you good luck,
It is easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy is more common in your destiny,
So that everything comes out and everything works out.

Congratulations to those who have countless problems
And those who want to become rich
Those who already have everything
And those who are only happy with soup.

Be proud! From birth you are a man
And let him not become a military rank,
But the twenty-third of February -
Have a good day for you too!
You will accept gifts
Kiss every girl you meet!

Short SMS for February 23 - Humorous congratulations to men

February 23 has long ceased to be a holiday dedicated exclusively to the Army and Navy of the country. Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day - the day of all men. Congratulate them, regardless of age. Well, who can know exactly what a little boy will grow up to be, fighting with friends in the yard with wooden or even plastic sabers? Perhaps this is the future Hero of Russia. Perhaps he will grow up to be just a good, modest man, a loving father of the family. On February 23, congratulate all your acquaintances and close men - some personally, and some with the help of short funny SMS. Humorous messages will definitely please the heroes of the occasion.

Let the women entertain you with warmth,
After all, it will come in handy in February,
Today is men's day, which means it's yours.
I wish you to sing and have fun forever!

Examples of short SMS with humorous congratulations on February 23

Crazy rhythm modern life does not always give us a chance to congratulate men on February 23 in person. The best way cheer up a friend or to a loved one– send him an SMS with congratulations. It will be cool if you send throughout holiday short telephone messages with humor. Perhaps you might even want to play a prank on your man by sending him an unexpected SMS about a “debt” or a “win”?

Congratulations! February 23 You won a gypsy girl in the lottery! If you do not claim your prize within
14 days, then we will send a whole camp!

Your Royal Highness,
I would like to congratulate you today
Happy Defender's Day. be healthy
And for the ladies we are ready for crazy things!

Know, from the Day of Defender of this -
Everyone's wishes will come to life!
Yes, since February, since the twenty-third,
Dreams and dreams will come true!
You are a protector, a man, a hero -
So, luck will be with you!

As a symbol of men's victories
I wish you on this winter day
More love and coins,
And have fun, if you’re not too lazy!

Funny SMS happy February 23rd - Funny short telephone messages for men

If for some reason you are far from your dear or beloved man on February 23, do not lose touch with him. Treat him with a fun, short phone message. Wish him to remain the same hero that he always is for you, promise him to “bewitch mountains of money”, “a sea of ​​luck”, and give him an “ocean of love”. By using. Funny SMS assure him that at home there is always a “self-assembled tablecloth” waiting for him in the form of the most delicious dishes, made by your skillful hands. Remember - the text of the telephone message should not only be short, but also positive.

Examples of funny short SMS for men on February 23

Having decided to send a short SMS to a man on February 23, choose in what form you will send your funny phone message. It could also be prose - exaggerated compliments to the hero of the occasion. SMS in verse is the most common form of congratulations over the phone. Here you will find examples of the funniest messages for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We do not curse our wicked fate
And raise a fiery glass
For those who now rule the military service
And who once “plowed” it!
So let it gurgle and splash in the glass,
When the rear is securely secured!
Good luck to you, defenders of the Fatherland,
On this glorious Armed Forces Day!

We wish you, real men, great strength...
So that with this strength you defend peace and tranquility!
We will be happy and twice as calm,
When guys are like this next to us...
So be you twice as happy,
Our knights are dear.

Congratulations, men,
May trouble not meet you!
Well, if I fail
You will meet on the way
Then surrender to fate - the villainess
You will be able to find it.
Victorious and in trouble,
And in his great work,
Destroying all barriers,
Never getting discouraged
The stronger sex is always forward
Suitable for a clear goal.
Don't forget the weaker sex
Love and respect us!
It will be difficult to live without us,
Uncomfortable, boring, meager.
After all, your ancestor Adam
I couldn't live in paradise without ladies!

Short SMS for February 23rd to a friend

On February 23, your friend expects congratulations from you. In cases where it is not possible to congratulate a friend in person, you can do this via SMS. Short telephone messages can be either very serious or funny. Of course, if you are writing to a friend with whom you served and fought together in international duty, the tone of the SMS will be serious. However, even in this case, you can recall funny incidents from army life and hint about them in the message. You can surprise a friend with a creative message - a poem composed for the holiday.

Faithful friend, happy holiday to you!
Be on the twenty-third of February
Forever wedded to luck,
Swim in the waves of hot love,
Be healthy and don't be bored,
Have a lot of success!

I want to congratulate you on Men's Day
I am a friend sincerely now!
After all, you are a worthy citizen,
So be lucky every hour!

Examples of short SMS to a friend on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long become a holiday for all men. On this day, every male representative can be congratulated. Of course, there is not enough time to wish all men well and health. In this case, short telephone messages will help you - SMS with poetry or prose, sent to each friend on the morning of the holiday. In order not to spend a lot of time searching for suitable messages for the occasion, we suggest that you use ready-made examples of small telephone congratulations to friends.

Glad on the twenty-third of February
Congratulations to you, my friend!
I wish you to meet with luck,
In all matters, have a return,
To be truly happy
Mutually, sincerely love!

We are fighters in this life.
So, friend, don't blame me -
On the day of defender of the planet
Still be on guard!

Friend and faithful comrade! On February 23, I wish you a peaceful journey and a reliable rear. I am glad that I can always trust you with any “military” secrets!

Happy Fatherland Defenders Day
Always be a brave guy
Make all your friends proud!

Short telephone messages for February 23 - SMS to your beloved man

Free short telephone messages sent on the morning of February 23 to your loved one are an excellent option for congratulating a man, especially if he is not nearby. In addition, SMS helps to express your feelings, which women are very embarrassed to do when stroking a person’s eyes. When sending a message to a man, tell him that you love him, appreciate him, cherish every second spent together. Of course good SMS You can send it not only on such holidays as Defender of the Fatherland Day, but also more often, delighting a person dear to your heart “just like that.”

Examples of short SMS to your beloved man on February 23

If you just can’t formulate the main idea of ​​a short telephone message to a man, if hours are ticking, and you still haven’t decided what to say to the man on February 23, our examples of SMS to your loved ones will help you do this. Choose from among the messages we offer the one that, in your opinion, best reflects all those words that you would like to say to a man, but do not dare to do so. The bravest ladies can write small poems and send them to their loved ones on the phone.

My beloved, I know
You are a wall for me!
I congratulate you with hope,
May you always be with me!

My beloved, I know that you are a wall for me! I congratulate you with hope that you will always be with me!

I congratulate you, dear
Happy February 23rd!
I will tame my arrogant temper -
You don't recognize me!

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long become a holiday for all men. On no other day of the year do women devote so much time to their loved ones and friends. Of course, there is simply not enough time to wish each of them goodness, love and happiness, so SMS for February 23 such a common form of congratulations. Short telephone messages are not only official, but also very funny. We believe that our examples of cool SMS with humor and poetic messages will help you congratulate men on their holiday!

Nature intended that men, as the stronger sex, must protect their people and their family from external enemies, and from various bad weather and troubles. Our men honorably fulfill their duty every day, and all the people thank them for this on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23. On this holiday, relatives, friends, colleagues and co-workers send short congratulations on February 23 to men, in which they thank them in their own words and sincerely wish them happiness, good health, courage and good luck. And the best short congratulations on February 23 to dad, friend, colleague and other familiar men in prose and poetry are collected here, and a separate selection includes funny children's congratulatory texts for boys in their classmates. This means that on this page you will find short, funny congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day for any occasion.

  • Short congratulations on February 23 to dad
  • Short congratulations in your own words to men on February 23
  • Short congratulations in verse on February 23 to men
  • Happy February 23rd to men in prose: short congratulations
  • Short congratulations on February 23 to boys in class

Beautiful short congratulations on February 23 to dad

The very first man who should definitely be congratulated on Defender of the Fatherland Day is dad. Even if the father did not serve in the army, every day he stands guard over the well-being and happiness of the family, and therefore deserves the most sincere congratulations. And beautiful short congratulations on February 23rd to dad can be written in a postcard, sent via SMS or said as a toast at the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day in the family circle.

Short congratulations on February 23rd for father

Our friendly family congratulates you dad!

We want to wish you health, peace, happiness, kindness,

You are the only one in the world and we are proud of you!

Dad is our main protector,

You have no equal today!

Stay strong, stay brave,

Taking luck by the gills!

Dear daddy! You are my example in everything, remain as strong, brave, courageous and courageous! Happy February 23rd!

Daddy, my love,

Live a hundred years!

Be my protector

Protect from troubles!

Because today, dad,

February holiday,

You are our protector -

Happy holiday to you!

And I wish dad, without bending my heart:

Be successful in health, in work and in business;

And rush as if to victory - towards a dream at full speed!

Cool short congratulations on February 23 to men in your own words

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, it has long been customary to congratulate all men. Therefore, on February 23, when meeting with familiar representatives of the stronger sex, both men and women say in their own words short congratulations on February 23 to men and wish them all the best. Below we have posted several examples of short, but very funny and interesting congratulations men for this men's holiday.

Examples of cool congratulations on February 23 in your own words

Happy February 23rd, I congratulate you and wish that there are no extreme reasons for protecting your family and friends, that all circumstances develop peacefully and correctly.

Happy men's day on the calendar and wishes: noble courage, spiritual harmony, family happiness and female support!

Congratulations on February 23, I wish you good dreams and cheerful friends, faithful loved ones and good neighbors, good health and good luck, so that all your dreams come true.

I sincerely congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland on February 23 and wish, no matter how old they are, good spirits and firmness of thought, a faithful heart and a warm hand, good people and beautiful weather.

Wish to the strongest, most courageous and selfless man! Today you should definitely receive holiday greetings, because you really deserve it! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Short congratulations on February 23rd to men in verse

Many women send touching and beautiful short congratulations on February 23 to men in verse via messengers, SMS or social media. Such congratulations from girlfriends will show a man that the fair sex appreciates his masculinity and respects him both as a good and reliable friend and as a strong man.

A selection of small congratulations for February 23 in verse

Let it be cool for you

Day twenty-third of February!

After all, this holiday is a man’s holiday,

But you are a true hero!

The twenty-third of February is a holiday for all men,

And we have no reason not to celebrate it!

You are our protectors and our companions

And there is no one more reliable and beautiful in the world!

You stand guard over peace and quiet,

The home, the country and the whole Earth are protected!

After all, every man is a warrior at heart!

Congratulations on the twenty-third of February!

Happy twenty third of February

Dear men!

It’s your holiday and it’s not in vain, -

There are reasons for this.

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone,

The strongest, bravest,

May good luck and success

They will visit you first!

On the twenty-third of February,

On the day of harsh men

We want to wish you

New impressions!

Let your wallet get fatter

And the wife doesn’t nag,

May the bonds of friendship always be

They remain in force!

Short funny congratulations on February 23 to men in prose

If women prefer to congratulate friends and acquaintances beautiful poems, then representatives of the stronger sex on Defender of the Fatherland Day send short congratulations on February 23 to men in prose. By sending funny and cool congratulatory texts to a friend, colleague or co-worker, men show that being protectors is a common thing for them, and on their holiday they are ready to have a great rest and have fun.

Funny congratulations on February 23 in prose

Happy real men's day, buddy! I wish you deafening victories in the fight against the opposite sex, a dizzying career and receiving well-deserved awards!

Friend and faithful comrade! On February 23, I wish you a peaceful journey and a reliable rear. I am glad that I can always trust you with any “military” secrets!

Dear friend! Happy February 23rd! May your life be constantly filled with the brightest impressions and colorful events that will give you joy!

Happy long-awaited February 23rd! I wish you to reign wisely and nobly in life like a lion, and soar beautifully and freely in your creativity. And in love, my friend, I wish you to always be indecently happy as a human being.

May your masculine character, friend, enable you to climb the rock of life, regardless of the small rocks of trouble, and reach the pinnacle of financial and personal well-being. Happy February 23rd!

Short congratulations on February 23 to boys and classmates from girls

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated by both children and adults, so schoolgirls prepare short congratulations on February 23rd for boys and classmates and give them symbolic gifts. Such school traditions are both beautiful and useful for educating the younger generation, because boys with early years They will learn that being a courageous, strong and courageous defender of the Motherland and loved ones is an honor.

A selection of short congratulations on February 23 to classmates

Classmates, boys,

Our school friends

Congratulations, boys!

You grow in courage year after year,

Be loyal to your Motherland.

Protect us girls

And good luck to you guys!

We are the envy of all classes -

So many cool guys here.

We tell them: “It’s in vain

Don't look, hey!

These are all our heroes

These guys are only with us.

Happy Defender's Day today

We will congratulate them ourselves!

Happy holiday, male half of the class! I wish that with age you mature and truly become a protection and support for all women, your parents and our land. I wish you to always do things that are worthy of true men.

Boys, today is your holiday.

We wish you on this day,

So that you become defenders

No worse than the three heroes.

Well, for now for training

We sometimes allow you

Carrying our briefcases to school -

There are a lot of books in them, as always.

Congratulations, classmates,

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

On a real men's holiday

Long lasting success to you

We wish you prosperity,

Make all your dreams come true

Fulfillment of all desires

And live your life happily!

May luck not fail you
Follows you
Don't lose the fire in your eyes!
Happy February 23rd!

Congratulations on February 23 and I want to wish you to always and everywhere remain a real, fair, honest, self-confident, respected and brave man!

I wish you strong strength,
Power - like a king.
Be successful and happy.
Happy February 23rd!

Twenty third of February
It became a holiday for a reason -
On this day traditionally
We wish you all the best
Happiness, peace and good luck,
Joy, love to boot.

Happy Day of Courage, Honor, Glory!
Happy February 23rd!
Be healthy, honest, brave,
Make the whole family proud!

Always be a man in everything
Stand fearlessly at the helm.
Peace, happiness and health!
Happy February 23rd!

To all defenders of the Fatherland
Long and happy life!
Peace be upon all the earth,
And not only in February!

I wish you on Defender's Day
Courage, strength, luck,
And let them be open
All doors to achievements!

May fate smile on you
Let there be no need to fight,
The world will warm your souls,
Life is getting better and better.

We want to wish men
Courage and kindness!
Let your wishes come true
Dreams come true!
Let there be no obstacles for you,
Lots of fame and awards!

I wish you on Defender of the Fatherland Day
Courage, strength and grandiose achievements,
And clear skies and endless happiness,
And in life there are only good shocks!

The country knows its heroes
And he doesn’t forget on holidays.
And I congratulate you too,
I wish you good health.
Decent friends, respect
And career advancement!

Defender of the Fatherland
We wish you strength and joy,
Health, a lot of wisdom,
And courage and bravery.

Happy Defender's Day to you,
Happy February 23rd!
I want to wish you
Always just win in everything.
Health was not weak,
Strength, courage, bravery.

Our dexterous, rebellious,
Honest, brave, unyielding
Happy Defender's Day
And with all our hearts we praise:
You are heroes no matter what.
May trouble pass you by!

Happy Twenty-third of February,
Be strong, brave, strong,
Well, and most importantly, loved ones!

Our best defenders,
Always be excellent in everything!
We wish you happiness at all times,
We always need your protection!