Video courses and seminars by Yulia Pryakhina. Training "I'm rich. How to say goodbye to your financial ceiling and live in abundance"

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Hello, friends! Andrey Khvostov, founder of the project, is with you. I am again adding a new post to the “Success Stories” section and today we will talk about Yulia Pryakhina - an expert on interpersonal relationships, women's coach, psychologist, businesswoman.

Yulia Pryakhina was born on March 1, 1983. Currently lives in Yekaterinburg.

After graduating from school, Yulia entered the Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Psychology. After college I got a job in my specialty. But later, she became interested in the information business, and she began developing her own information products to train women.

Julia has always been interested in female psychology. That is why she studied many courses and programs dedicated to this topic.

Yulia Pryakhina – helps to find harmony in life

The training helped Yulia look at the female soul from a new perspective, and she was able to conclude: women need to learn to live in harmony with themselves, with the world around them, and at the same time, be both strong and gentle.

Julia's projects are aimed at improving women. In addition, at her trainings, Julia talks about various types of online earnings.

Her courses are in great demand. Julia has many positive reviews from her students, who, thanks to her courses, were able to improve their personal lives and become happy.

Yulia Pryakhina - popular courses:

The most popular is Julia’s course called ““. Thanks to this course, anyone can achieve success in affiliate programs.

It describes in detail all the tools, strategies and methods necessary for successful work in affiliate programs. Julia strives to help her students make a breakthrough not only in life, but also in business, and achieve their goals.

Julia is the founder of the Women's Academy of Online Trainers. Thanks to this project, famous trainers and teachers have the opportunity to unite.

Julia has extensive knowledge in the field of relationships between men and women, which allows her to create only effective and in-demand trainings.

Julia's courses have no analogues in our country. Julia strives to teach all her students to love and be loved. She also conducts trainings abroad for successful women around the world.

Yulia Pryakhina - personal website

Yulia Pryakhina is a successful information businesswoman, psychologist, author of numerous courses, creator of the Women's Academy of Online Trainers, coach, expert on relations between the sexes.

On her website, you will find a lot of useful information, not only on relationships, but also on women’s business issues, success, and simply interesting articles that are not boring to read.

You can visit the website of Yulia Pryakhina’s project - ““, there is also a lot of interesting things there, and not only for women.

Men, you should listen to women's opinions and look at yourself through their eyes. Sometimes it is very useful to find out how women imagine ideal men, and what they want us to be.

Yulia Pryakhina has another website, a project. This site is dedicated to connecting, developing and training women's coaches, trainers, authors and experts.

If you feel that your calling is to help others, give advice, find the right solutions, if you like to give advice, then you should definitely undergo training to become a women's coach.

Maybe your hobby will become the main profession that will support you in life.

Yulia Pryakhina - affiliate program

Yulia Pryakhina’s affiliate program is women’s themed, and if this is your target audience, then I can please you that Yulia’s program has a lot of useful and interesting courses, trainings, books, and lessons. Free products cover all aspects of women's issues:

  • success;
  • confidence;
  • beauty;
  • business;
  • dreams;
  • fears;
  • money;
  • energy.

As you can see, the list is impressive, and every woman will find a product that solves her problem. So it’s easy and pleasant to promote Julia’s affiliate program.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of my earnings in affiliate programs. Moreover, I remind you that anyone can earn money this way, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from Internet business professionals.
Get a list of proven, especially current, Affiliate Programs in 2018 that pay money!
Download the checklist and valuable bonuses for free =>> “The best affiliate programs of 2018”

Yulia graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at USPU, worked for some time in her specialty, and then became interested in the possibility of making money on the Internet. Later, she created her own information business, which became the starting point for changes in life.

Today Yulia Pryakhina is a true businesswoman. She has the knowledge and strategies of an experienced businesswoman, and shares them with her students and readers. Through perseverance and the will to win, Julia came to realize her dream.

Women's trainings from Yulia Pryakhina

Yulia Pryakhina constantly improves her qualifications in the field of psychology and takes courses, trainings and master classes from foreign and domestic teachers. She is successfully developing in the direction of “women’s coach”, creating original training programs.

In courses and trainings, Yulia Pryakhina helps women find inner freedom and find a job they love. She believes that success consists of several components: love, family, career. Therefore, every woman should pay attention to all 3 elements in the happiness formula.

At Yulia’s trainings, ladies learn to run a business like a woman – one that is close in spirit, interests and capabilities. This in no way diminishes the quality of the business, but only emphasizes its specificity: in essence, Julia gives women great strength and motivation to overcome the competition.

Yulia Pryakhina’s courses are an opportunity for women to become self-confident, discover the energy of their body and feel complete harmony, and most importantly, create the business of their dreams.

Seminars and courses by the famous trainer on women's practices Olga Pryakhina will help any woman solve many of her problems. Olga Pryakhina has extensive knowledge of psychology and interpersonal relationships, which is supported by extensive practice. This knowledge gives her the opportunity to prepare effective trainings and seminars that help women turn into real ladies. This page contains materials that Julia distributes both free and for a fee.

Women's trainings and seminars by Yulia Pryakhina talk about how to look for partners of the opposite sex, about financial success and about the energy principle in our lives, which has been so little studied by modern official science.


Fill yourself with love! Watch the love practice directly for free!

Video course “Awakening Femininity”

The video course consists of seven lessons that will allow you to begin to awaken the real woman within you. If you are ready, then everything is in your hands!

For free

Video course “How to meet the man of your dreams”

If you don’t know where and how to meet the serious man of your dreams, then Yulia Pryakhina’s course will help you with this. Remember that the success of a future relationship with a man depends on the right acquaintance.

For free

Webinar “How to make wishes correctly”

Attend the webinar on how to make wishes correctly and find out. why some wishes don't want to come true. And what can you do to make your wishes come true? In general, learn how to make wishes correctly.

For free

Recording of the online training “From Cinderella to Queen”

Name of the training “From Cinderella to Queen: how to erase fears, obstacles and become confident” speaks for itself. Just get a free recording of this training from Yulia Pryakhina, after studying it, start living in a new way. Without any fears or unreasonable worries that haunt you. Become a confident woman!!!

For free

Webinar “How to make wishes and improve the quality of life”

Webinar “How to make wishes and improve your quality of life” will teach you how to make wishes correctly to improve your life. For now, this seminar is free, but the author can close the download link.

For free

Webinar “How to meet a man worthy of you?”

Webinar “How to meet a man worthy of you?” designed for those women who want to find a worthy man for a serious relationship. By attending this seminar, you will learn the secrets of finding the right men.

For free

Online training “The Joy of Being a Woman: Get Your Power Back in 10 Days”

Online training “The Joy of Being a Woman: Get Your Power Back in 10 Days” allows the fair sex to awaken their femininity in the shortest possible time. It will help you acquire harmony; the skill manifests itself in life according to the laws of nature. Thanks to this training, you will become cheerful.

Course "Women's Magic: how to reveal natural sexuality?"

After completing the training "Women's Magic: how to reveal natural sexualityь?”, You can feel like a queen in bed with a man. Learn to receive and give pleasure not only to yourself, but also to your partner, get rid of self-doubt complexes in relation to men.

Course “How to find a husband on a social network”

Well “How to find a husband on a social network” reveals the secrets of proper dating on social networks. After completing this course, you will meet via the Internet in the shortest possible time at least a dozen men who are interesting to you. You will have a large selection of men. And you will learn to get true pleasure from communicating with men.

Course “How to let go of resentment towards men”

Well “How to let go of resentment towards men” talks about how to get rid of grudges against men who just don’t want to be forgotten. This is a practical course that examines all aspects of such a common phenomenon as touchiness and helps to get rid of touchiness towards men of the fair sex.

Course “Energy of Success: how to increase your strength and self-confidence in 2 weeks without resorting to physical activity and energy drinks”

The course “Energy of Success: how to increase your strength and self-confidence in 2 weeks without resorting to physical activity and energy drinks” will help you become self-confident, strong and cheerful through a unique method. By studying this course, you will be able to improve the quality of your life and increase your energy, which will lead to fundamental changes in your life for the better.

Course “Lunar practices: fill yourself with strength and calmness”

Well “Moonlight practices: fill yourself with strength and calmness” will help you become harmonious and feminine and achieve success in many areas of life. It will teach you to live in natural harmony with Nature, and not according to the far-fetched norms of human society, which often conflict with the Laws of Nature.

Course “How to get rid of jealousy and resentment towards men?”

With a unique course “How to get rid of jealousy and resentment towards men?” You will be able to overcome your own jealousy and resentment towards your loved one by acquiring inner confidence and freedom. Learn to attract a man's attention to yourself, which will lead to a sharp increase in the number of men interested in you.

If you want to become richer and live in abundance, then three preliminary tasks for the “I am rich” training can be obtained from.

Training "I'm rich. How to say goodbye to your financial ceiling and live in abundance"

If you are tired of counting money, then training by Yulia Pryakhina "I'm rich"- just for you. The training provides clear knowledge in order to become a rich woman and live in abundance. The webinar is based on the concept of a financial ceiling that any woman can overcome if she knows how to do it. A recording of the training, which lasted six days, was provided.

You can get a free basic training course “From Cinderella to Queen” at.

Advanced online training “From Cinderella to Queen!”

Training "From Cinderella to Queen" will help you become a confident woman. We offer a recording of an advanced webinar that took place over 4 days. The course format is an audio recording of the training lasting seven hours. After completing this training, the fears that haunt you will be left far behind.

Get ten free recipes from loneliness to marriage at

Mini course “Stop loneliness. I want to love"

If you are tired of loneliness, if you can no longer bear to be without your beloved man, then a mini course “Stop loneliness. I want to love" It will help you solve this problem. After completing this short course, you will understand what you need to do to get rid of loneliness and find a loved one.

Online training “Formula of attraction 2: marry your loved one”

Training by Yulia Pryakhina “Formula of Attraction 2: Marry Your Loved One” will help you meet the man you love who will be worthy of you. During this training, you will learn the attraction formula, which will guarantee any woman a 100% result in finding a husband.

Webinar “How to make money wishes correctly”

Recording of a free webinar by Yulia Pryakhina “Money wishes: making them correctly”. The course tells you how to attract abundance into your life simply by making wishes. After completing this course, you will understand what interferes with the fulfillment of desires and how to get around it.

For free

Free game "The Way of Love"

We recommend that you take part in a very exciting game, which in just 5 moves will help you understand why the man you need is not next to you and what you will need to do to make him appear in your life. The author of this game is Yulia Pryakhina.

For free

Course “I am beloved! How to find harmony in 2 weeks"

After completing the online course “I am my beloved! How to find harmony in 2 weeks" You will feel like a real Woman - loved and beautiful. The result you get can radically change your whole life.

New game from Yulia Pryakhina for online trainers, coaches and producers “X2: expand your reach to clients through social networks and double your income”

Game time December 2017 – May 2018 of the year. The game consists of six stages.

Game Stage Themes:

  1. positioning, brand, sales model
  2. promotion via YouTube
  3. promotion through VKontakte
  4. promotion through Instagram
  5. promotion via Facebook
  6. scaling, strengthening sales

Payment for the next stage of the game opens from the 1st to the 5th of every month.

Sign up for the preliminary list to receive an invitation to the next stage of the game

Training women in Internet business as part of the project by Yulia Pryakhina

Yulia Pryakhina also as part of her Internet project “Online business like a woman” teaches women online business. If you want to learn how to make money online, then take the first step by listening free webinar " " . Also receive For a present book by Yulia Pryakhina

More courses and trainings for women