Vitamins in children's nutrition, consultation for parents. Consultation for parents "vitamin alphabet of health." If vitamins are indicated

Consultation for parents

“On the benefits of vitamins for children’s bodies”

Vitamins are the most valuable substances necessary for the human body. All types of metabolism, the work of the nervous digestive and cardiovascular systems, are carried out properly only with the participation of vitamins.


Vitamins do not represent organic value, but are part of coenzymes and hormones, and thus serve as an extremely important component of the metabolic system and are extremely important for normal life. Since vitamins are not synthesized in the body, they are considered essential nutritional factors. This means they must be supplied regularly with food. A long-term absence of at least one of the vitamins in food leads to the development of diseases. With insufficient intake of vitamins, fatigue increases, the performance and resistance of the body decreases.


All vitamins perform a protective function against various damaging factors. The mechanism of their participation in metabolism is specific for each. A lack of vitamins in the diet leads to vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency means complete

depletion of vitamin reserves in the body, and hypovitaminosis means a decrease in the supply of vitamins to the body.

Children suffering from hypovitaminosis get tired faster during physical activity, take longer to complete tasks, become irritated more often, and complain that their eyes are tired.

This problem becomes especially urgent in the spring after a long autumn-winter period.

Vitamins are a necessary tool for strengthening the immune system and for the normal growth and development of your child.

A healthy and cheerful child is always happiness for parents.

The content of vitamins in food is much lower than proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is especially important to have sufficient amounts of each vitamin in children’s daily diet. But unlike proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins do not serve as a source of energy or “building” material for organs and tissues, but are regulators of physiological and biochemical processes that underlie most vital functions of the body. Insufficient intake of vitamins leads to vitamin deficiency.

The most deficient vitamin in the spring in the body of both adults and children is vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that is responsible for immunity. Contained in products such as.

Sea buckthorn, kiwi, sauerkraut, gooseberries, tomatoes, potatoes, grapes, cabbage. Also in wheatgrass juice. And of course, citrus fruits (if the child does not have allergies!).

What foods do vitamins “live” in?


Where does he live?

What is it useful for?

Vitamin A"

In fish, liver, apricots

Skin, vision

Vitamin "B1"

In rice, vegetables, poultry

Nervous system, memory, digestion

Vitamin B2

In milk, eggs, broccoli

Hair, nails, nervous system,

Vitamin "PP"

In bread, fish, vegetables, meat

Blood circulation and blood vessels

Vitamin B6

In egg yolk, beans

Nervous system, liver

Vitamin B12

In meat, cheese, seafood

Growth, nervous system

Vitamin C"

In rose hips, sea buckthorn

Immune system, wound healing

Vitamin D"

In liver, fish, caviar, eggs

Bones, teeth

Vitamin "E"

In nuts, vegetable oil

Sexual and endocrine glands

Vitamin "K"

In spinach, zucchini. cabbage

Blood clotting

Pantheic acid

In beans, cauliflower, meat

Motor function of the intestines

Folic acid

In spinach, green peas

Growth and hematopoiesis


In tomatoes, soybeans

Skin, hair, nails

And dear parents, don’t forget to have fun, breathe fresh air and recharge yourself with vitamin D from our sun.

In banana and yogurt,
In a handful of raspberries -
Wonderful everywhere
Eat vitamins .
They take care of us
From all sorts of diseases.
The more of them in food,
The healthier the food!

Children constantly need vitamins and microelements. But, as you know, in winter there are fewer of them. How to deal with vitamin deficiency and where to get vitamins that are valuable for children? Severe vitamin deficiency in children occurs in three age periods: up to 3 years, 5-7 years and 11-15 years.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in children

The human body is capable of producing vitamins itself - but not all of them and only in small quantities (this happens in the intestines). Therefore, the main source of these valuable substances is food. As soon as the diet becomes incomplete, signs of a deficiency of useful elements appear. There are symptoms that indicate this.

    The child becomes lethargic, moves little, and is capricious.

    He has fatigue and indifference to his favorite toys and activities, sleep disturbances (he has trouble falling asleep, suffers from insomnia)

    He gets sick often and takes a long time to recover.

    The child’s nails peel, the hair becomes dull, the skin dries out, and individual pimples appear on it.

In this case, be sure to consult a doctor. This may be a manifestation of complex diseases, but, as a rule, such signs appear when the body lacks something, namely vitamins and minerals.

A balanced diet will be an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency:

Vitamin A The child will be provided with: carrots, oranges, tangerines, butter, cheese, eggs, liver, apples, pomegranates. Promotes growth and strengthening bones, skin, hair, teeth and gums health;
Vitamin B B vitamins are found in: meat, liver, fish, eggs, green vegetables, sprouted wheat, nuts, legumes. Required for: growth, improvement of mental abilities; digestion of food, normalizes the functioning of the heart and nervous system.
Vitamin C reduces the effects of various allergens, is necessary for the healing of wounds and burns. Protects against many viral and bacterial infections. Main natural sources: tomatoes, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables, potatoes.

Vitamin D is necessary for the child for the proper development of the skeletal system. Its absence leads to rickets. The main source is fish oil, and it is also found in milk, milk fats, egg yolk, and animal liver.

    Freshly squeezed juice must be used within 15 minutes, otherwise all its benefits will be lost. The finished product from the package cannot be kept open for several days: bacteria begin to multiply in it.

    The beneficial components of vegetables are better absorbed with fats. Add vegetable or butter to them.

    Bake, steam or simmer the food under the lid. Prepared in this way, they will not lose the vitamins they contain.

Vegetables, berries, fruits -

Healthy foods!

Vitamins live in them,

They give us health.

Strive for a disease-free life,

Try to eat everything that is healthy!


Consultation for parents “Vitamins from the garden” Everyone knows that summer is a short life. Of course, in winter and spring the pharmacy business will flourish, because you, as caring parents, will begin to purchase vitamin and mineral complexes, but in the summer you should take care first of all about fortified nutrition for your babies. We all know that adequate nutrition for a child is impossible without a variety of plant-based products, especially local ones from the garden. Children need fresh vitamins from the garden for performance and activity. The earth and the sun took care of us, giving us many different healing plants, including vegetables. They are close to the person. We learned how to grow them and store them for future use. People often don’t think about the invaluable benefits vegetables provide to our body. The Creator scattered a small community of natural substances, called “Vitamins” by man, among different plants, hoping for the ingenuity of people. Children's diet in the summer must include carrots, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, peppers. While there are no vegetables and berries in your beds yet, there are already plenty of different greens. Greens are the joy of life; they contain a lot of vitamins, which we now lack so much. Therefore, you definitely need to eat it, including the well-known green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce and sorrel, spinach, basil, nettle, and other types of green vegetables. Products to strengthen a child’s immunity are black currants, cabbage, tomatoes, and rose hips. Wild berries contain a whole bunch of useful substances - blueberries, lingonberries, strawberries and rose hips. They are deservedly considered medicinal and are especially useful for weakened children, especially after a long, cold winter. Fruits, the brightest representatives of which are apples, also have great value for the human body. It is difficult for children to explain the complexity of the structure of the human body and the processes of obtaining useful substances from food. This is easier to do in a playful way, using poems about vitamins and their benefits. They will introduce children to the concept of “vitamins” and also help them distinguish between vitamin-containing foods. For example: Vitamins are ripening in Polina’s garden. Here hang on each branch Multi-colored tablets: Bright red - raspberry, Reddish - rowan; Blue - serviceberry peas, Yes currant catkins - Scarlet, shiny. Try it - it's real! This is the wealth of vegetables nature gives us and poems about vegetables for children! They ripened in the sun, drank rainwater, and grew up to come to the table in time and treat everyone with tasty and healthy dishes. Experts from the World Health Organization have come to the conclusion that a healthy lifestyle is impossible without certain products. The mandatory list includes: apples, carrots, cabbage, green tea, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, watercress and blueberries. In the summer you can use all these items in unlimited quantities and in the best possible way. The healthiest drinks: pure water, green and mint tea, milk, cocoa, juices: tomato, cranberry, orange. Dear Parents! Don't forget to have fun walking with your baby, breathe fresh air and recharge with vitamin D from our sun.

Do children need vitamins in summer? - This is a question that concerns all parents. On the one hand, summer is full of fruits, which are already full of vitamins; on the other hand, children are growing, and their body needs intensive nutrition. We are talking not only about macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fats, but also about the quality of these substances. But the most important thing in a child’s nutrition is vitamins!

There is an opinion that The best vitamins for children in the summer are vegetables and fruits, which are more accessible at this time of year. Many people believe that in the summer, adults and children have enough of what they get from fresh products, as well as being in the fresh air. However, doctors say that there is still a need to take vitamin and mineral complexes in the summer.

Due to the deteriorating environmental situation, changes in food production technologies, which in many cases leads to loss of nutrients, increased stress, etc., making taking vitamin supplements an important condition for maintaining health. Let's look at what vitamins for children can be obtained more easily in the summer than at other times of the year. Thus, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the human body synthesizes vitamin D. It protects the child’s body from osteoporosis, rickets, and helps absorb calcium. Vitamin D also reduces the risk of getting a cold or flu.

Another protector against colds - vitamin C , which has a positive effect on the growth of the child, on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and central nervous system. Vitamin C is the main vitamin in vegetables, fruits and leafy greens. In addition to these two vitamins, in the summer a child can easily receive the required dose of vitamins P, vitamin K, folic acid, and beta-carotene. These vitamins are found in vegetables, fruits, salad leaves and other greens, in red and yellow fruits.

But, in addition to those listed, it is necessary to receive other vitamins that are not of plant origin. Many essential substances are contained in cereals, butter, liver, that is, in those products that are eaten in smaller quantities in the summer. Vitamins Group B come from meat products, legumes, cereals. In the presence of vegetables and fruits, meat consumption in summer may decrease, which leads to a deficiency of vitamins of this type. There may be a lack of vitamin E and choline, which are found in eggs and butter.

In summer, the body of a child and an adult intensively loses minerals through sweating, therefore, due to the above factors, it is problematic to fully provide the body with vitamins in the summer. Experts note an increase in the body's need for certain vitamins. C, P, E, A are the most necessary vitamins for children in the summer, since intensive growth of the child’s body usually occurs during the summer period. The need for magnesium, iron, and calcium also increases.

In childhood, vision is at risk of deterioration, and children themselves rarely treat their vision with care and abuse television and computer games. Parents can reduce the risk of vision impairment by ensuring their child regularly takes vitamin A. This vitamin also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and teeth, and is necessary for children prone to allergies.

Dairy products, soy products, fish and seafood are sources of calcium, which strengthens bones and reduces the risk of injury in children. But calcium is difficult to absorb by the body, so it is not enough just to feed the child cottage cheese and fish - you also need to ensure the absorption of calcium. Therefore, we add to the number of necessary vitamins for children in the summer vitamin D3, promoting calcium absorption.

However, taking vitamin-mineral complexes is necessary; you just need to carefully monitor the daily dose of vitamins taken and take into account the needs of the child’s body at different periods of time, and the vitamins will only bring benefits to the child.

"Vitamins for children in summer"

Summer is the best time to recharge with vitamins and health.

Vitamin A

Protects the body from ultraviolet rays. In addition, it enhances visual acuity, expands the fields of color vision, and ensures adaptation of the eye to darkness. Vitamin A(another name is retinol)promotes the formation and maintenance of healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes. Necessary for normal growth of the child's bones and teeth. It also protects the body from smog and environmental pollution, acting as an antioxidant.

Vitamin A

100g carrots, 200g spinach, 150g apricots, 5g lemon balm, 100g red sweet pepper.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid enhances the effect of vitamin A. In addition, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of allergic reactions, and helps maintain capillaries, gums and teeth in excellent condition. Improves iron absorption, preventing the development of anemia. Promotes wound healing and bone healing. Stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin C

1 large orange, 50g black currants, 80g sweet pepper, 150g green cabbage, 150g strawberries, 300g potatoes, 1 kiwi.

Vitamin E

Prevents the oxidation of free radicals in the body that destroy cells. Increases strength and endurance, improving athletic performance. Helps with bee stings and diaper rash. Promotes healing of wounds and burns. Prevents the occurrence of vision problems, in some patients with diabetes, helps lower blood glucose. Destroyed when frozen. It is not recommended to cook foods that are sources of vitamin E for long periods of time at high temperatures.(for example, in a deep fryer).

Vitamin E

200g fennel, 50g almonds, 1 large avocado, 250g radish.

Vitamin B1

Thiamine is especially important for children who are preparing to become first-graders. It is “responsible” for concentration and strengthens memory. To ensure that the maximum amount of vitamin is retained in foods, cook food with a minimum of water and steam. Thiamine is preserved during long-term storage and freezing.

Vitamin B1

250g potatoes, 250g new peas, 80g salmon fillet.

Vitamin B2

Helps the body release energy from food. Ensures normal growth and development of the child, maintains the integrity of the nervous system, skin and eyes. Destroys when exposed to direct sunlight and in combination with water.

Vitamin B2

400g wholemeal bread, 150g salmon fillet, 200g green cabbage, 250g milk, 150g low-fat cottage cheese.