How to find out if a guy is getting married. External signs of a married man. Marital status test

Nowadays, many couples meet via the Internet, as it is convenient. After all, you don’t even have to leave the house and you can get to know a person quite closely. But to get truthful answers to the questions: “Was you married?” or “Do you have a wife and children?” often it won’t work out, since guys who want to have a mistress often won’t admit it. How to find out if a man is married?

The most the right way How to determine the status of a lover is the stamp in the passport or information from the registry office. But even if there are friends in the institution, no one will provide such data. You can use the services of a detective, but it will be very expensive. You can find out about the person with the help of friends and family, or conduct your own investigation if the object of your sympathy is in the same city as you.

On the Internet, you can also search for information about a person. This option has quite a few disadvantages, since a potential partner may not provide all the information about himself or write deliberately false information. Some people are very secretive and therefore try not to leave any trace if they are going to cheat.

If you decide to conduct your own investigation, you should know three ways to understand whether a man is married or not:

  • communication programs (ICQ, Skype, etc.);
  • social media;
  • phonebook.

Often during registration you have to completely fill out your profile. Knowing the nickname, you can view the data through your personal account. If you don’t use such a program, but your friends do, you can ask them to help you in this matter.

Social networks can tell a lot about a person.

If you know the person’s last name and first name, then enter the data in the search and begin to study the information provided. The page of the desired user may be closed to outsiders. This can be easily fixed by making yourself a fake page and applying as a friend. You can also connect your friends by using their accounts by going to the desired profile and carefully reviewing statuses, posts, and photographs.

You can find out more information about your boyfriend using an online directory of phone numbers. In the search bar, enter the person’s last name, first name, and patronymic and get a phone number. The database can store information about the address and who lives there. People living with the object of sympathy can be parents, wife (husband), sister (brother), and so on. This can be determined by the full name of the opposite sex. This method is effective if spouses have been living together for more than one year, but there is a risk that the data provided is out of date.

On the Internet you need to be very careful, because you can stumble upon a large number of Fraudulent sites where they offer to provide the necessary information for a certain amount.

Features of behavior

A gentleman can hide his marital status from his passion for many reasons. The main reason is the lack of desire to start a serious relationship. Representatives of the masculine gender are mainly from secret connections They are looking for adrenaline, attention and variety in intimacy. Women are looking for bachelors because they don’t want to be a backup option. So how can you tell if a man is married? To avoid trouble, the girl can do a little testing.

Marital status test

Women's cunning and cunning are the best helpers for a girl who wants to find out whether her beloved is hiding important information from her. The following methods are suitable for this:

  • Give clothing or an accessory, for example, give a shirt or sweater as a gift. If you don't wear it, you need to think about why.
  • Ask for a visit and carefully examine the home.
  • Explore your mobile phone. You can lure them out under any pretext, for example, the money in the account has run out or is empty.
  • Make a call to your mobile phone and check how your chosen one has written you down in the address book.

Not every girl likes detective games. Decent ladies will not check their boyfriend’s phone number under any pretext, because doubts about a loved one are the first signs of mistrust. The relationship in this case is doomed to failure. Therefore, you should not rush into the development of events and, preferably, before everything goes too far, you need to take a closer look at your chosen one as best as possible.

Special behavior of an unfree suitor

How to recognize a married man? This can be done by characteristic features behavior. The following signs will help determine whether a man is officially married:

  • The most reliable are the stamp in the passport and the ring on the ring finger. Guys often take off their wedding ring so as not to scare off their potential lover. But due to regular wearing it, a mark remains on the finger.
  • The gentleman is calm because he knows that his wife will feed him at home. When spending time together, he shows care and attention, but still keeps his distance. A married man is always clean and tidy. He will never end up wearing different socks or with a torn button. Pay attention to the underwear - these will be “family”, but not tight-fitting panties.
  • The chosen one is busy on holidays and weekends. Most of your meetings take place on weekdays. He never invites you to public places, such as the beach or a party. There is a big risk of meeting people you know. There will be no kissing or hugging on the street.
  • He never invites you to his home. Meetings often take place at a friend’s place or in a rented apartment. This behavior may also indicate that the chosen one lives with his parents and does not want you to meet. These relationships are worth thinking about. Meetings at a hotel are a sign that a lover is someone’s husband.
  • Whether a man is officially married can be determined if he does not stay overnight, or this happens very rarely.
  • Never introduces him to friends and loved ones. And it doesn’t ask for acquaintance with relatives on your part.
  • He rarely makes phone calls in your presence. Basically he tries to leave the room, citing an urgent conversation at work, he urgently needs to buy cigarettes. If you accidentally caught him during telephone conversation, then the conversation quickly ends.
  • Calls in the evening remain unanswered. He always calls himself, making excuses that he is very busy at work. If he stays overnight, the ringed lover turns off his phone.
  • He never takes pictures next to you. When such situations arise, he tries in every possible way to get out of them. He won’t have your picture framed in his workplace. Mistresses rarely know the address of their lover’s residence, as well as where he works. The gentleman never spends large sums of money on gifts.
  • Attempts to declassify the married man come to naught or end in jokes, and it is also possible aggressive behavior and moving the conversation to another topic.

If you cannot identify a married man based on his characteristics, then you can ask him directly. Be sure to pay attention to how the man will behave. A direct question and a direct answer suggests that you can calm down and not worry, all suspicions are unfounded.

How to expose on the Internet

It's much easier to deceive a woman on the Internet. The main features that a gentleman has a wife will be:

  • No profile photo.
  • There is no real last name or first name, often a pseudonym is indicated.
  • When communicating through programs, he abruptly stops the conversation and leaves the chat. This indicates that a spouse has appeared nearby.
  • When asked about his marital status, he changes the topic of conversation or stops the dialogue, making excuses that he urgently needs to run away.
  • Doesn't give you his home phone number.

But no matter how the virtual gentleman hides his status, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. The development of events in the future depends not only on him, but also on you.

According to statistics, only 1% of married men leave their wives after meeting new love. The figure seems very small, but one should take into account the fact that many married men are looking for relationships on the side. Now we will not touch on the reasons why they do this. We care about something else important question: “How can you tell if a man is married?”

After all, for any girl it will be extremely unpleasant, painful, and insulting to find out that the man with whom she is in love and with whom she connected so many plans, wanted to build a future, in fact cannot fulfill the promises made to her. He can't because he's not free.

In our article you will read the signs married man and you will be able to avoid getting into trouble in the future by believing false oaths and hoping that you have met your soul mate.

How to understand that a man is married?

1. He doesn't give out his home phone number.. At first you exchanged mobile numbers, and that seemed quite enough. But the relationship is developing, and you want to be able to call him even when there is not a penny in the account. You tell your man about this and, oddly enough, he is not at all happy about this prospect. His reasons for not giving out his home number seem flimsy? This is similar to the behavior of a married man... Perhaps his wife may answer the phone, and therefore he does not want to take risks.

2. Tone of voice. Sometimes little things can indicate that a man is lying or not telling something: a change in the tone of voice in a conversation on certain topics, a feeling of discomfort expressed by posture and gestures when talking about family, children, the place where he lives, and so on. . If he says that he is divorced and sees his son on Sundays, but in fact they live in the same apartment, then the man’s excitement is understandable. But something else is not clear: why deceive a girl who loves you and trusts you?

3. Reluctance to visit certain places. For example, you met your loved one in a cafe and now you want to visit him and feel a little nostalgic. But he flatly refuses to go to this place, offering a dozen other options to choose from. The fact that he doesn’t like the food or music in this establishment is more of an excuse. Your man is probably afraid that his friends or neighbors will see you and report his adultery to his wife.

4. Strange behavior on a date. If your loved one, while in a restaurant with you, changes his face when his mobile phone rings, hangs up the call or gets up from the table to answer it, this makes you wonder if the man is married. Theoretically, this could be an urgent call from his boss, but you should still ask and carefully observe his reaction.

5. Stealth. Of course, in terms of frankness and desire to tell personal details about themselves, men are very different. Some people on dates talk incessantly. Others are silent by nature - and this does not mean that they are necessarily hiding something. But if enough time has passed since you met, and you still have “blank spots” regarding many aspects of his biography, this should definitely alert you.

6. Wedding ring mark. Only the most cynical and overly self-confident men come on a date with an engagement ring. Usually this attribute is happy family life at the moment of your meeting, it is removed from the ring finger and lies quietly in his wallet or bag. Only a mark on a finger can give away a liar. He will be proof that in fact the man is ringed and you can’t count on a serious relationship with him.

7. Lonely holidays. If your loved one refuses to spend time with you new year holidays or even just weekends, if your meetings occur only on weekdays, it is very likely that you have a rival. Moreover, it is not easy to compete with her; she has one big advantage - a stamp in her passport, along with the status of a legal wife. And the second “advantage” may now be quietly snoring in his crib, dreaming of New Year's gift from my beloved daddy.

8. Calls at strictly specified times. Your man may have a habit of calling or texting you during the workday, but not picking up the phone after work. If this happens systematically, maybe it’s worth asking directly why this happens? Even when you're very busy, it's easy to find five minutes to talk with your girlfriend.

9. He doesn't introduce you to his friends.. If it turns out that you spend most of your meetings together, without the presence of third parties, at first you are pleased with the prospect of spending as much time as possible together. But sometimes there may be a desire to dilute your company of two people with the presence of your loved one’s friend or another couple. Does your boyfriend flatly refuse this option? It is possible that for friends another girl is his favorite and only one.

10. His close friends are ladies' men. As you know, we choose people as friends who are somewhat similar to us. And if your loved one tells you about the love affairs of his friend Petya, while ridiculing his naive wife, who has no idea about anything, you should be wary of this moment. What if you too soon find yourself in such an unenviable role?

11. Minor evidence in the car. If you unexpectedly discover a tube of lipstick in the glove compartment of his car or find a couple of plush animals in the cabin (and this despite the fact that he said that he does not have children yet), this evidence may not be in favor of your man. In this case, his forgetfulness played into your hands: you can understand that the man is married or, at least, ask your chosen one about this point.

12. Photos in a wallet. When a man pays in a store, cafe, or cinema, do not hesitate to take a quick glance in the direction of his wallet. No, this is not a solvency check. You have a different goal: you want to make sure that he does not constantly carry with him a photo of another woman or a photo of him with his wife and children.

13. Reluctance to be photographed with you. Even if a man makes an excuse that he is not photogenic, he might agree to be captured in a photo with you hugging under a luxurious palm tree. Refuses outright? This means that he is afraid of being exposed; he does not need additional evidence of his adultery.

14. Doesn't use your gifts. So you noticed that the tie you lovingly chose for him was not to his taste. For the next holiday, give another one, this time in a different color - and again you got it wrong. But the point may not be your inability to choose these men's accessories. It’s just that your lover doesn’t want to hear the question: “Darling, who gave you such bad taste?”

15. Appearance. A married man is always shaved, has an ironed shirt, and wearing different socks is simply nonsense for him. True, this sign is not so unambiguous. Maybe your loved one is simply such a neat person that this quality borders on pedantry.

16. Doesn't stay at your place overnight. This is one of the most obvious signs that speaks in favor of your man’s infidelity. It doesn’t matter whether he lives in a registered marriage or a civil marriage, the main thing is that he has another woman. Because of her presence in a man's life, he almost never agrees to spend the night with you. Well, think about it, after all, your loved one is no longer a schoolboy, whom his mother forces to be home strictly at eleven.

17. Women's intuition. All the signs described above may not be observed, but if your intuition tells you that something is wrong, that your chosen one seems to be with you, but at the same time you do not always feel reciprocity, maybe you should not ignore these signals. Sit down and talk frankly, without accusations or unfounded suspicions.

Advice . There is no need to rush to conclusions and suspect your loved one over trifles. After all, if he is in a hurry to get home, this does not always mean that he is in a hurry to see his wife. Maybe he actually has urgent work that must be completed by tomorrow morning. And if you were caught by the words “I love you” uttered in a telephone conversation, he could well have uttered them to his mother.

We wish you never to find yourself in an unpleasant situation when your loved one is not free. Love and be loved!

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 9 minutes


There are many reasons why married people hide their marital status. The most basic reason is the reluctance of women to start serious relationships with married men and then suffer, feeling like an alternate airfield. A woman makes contact more easily with a bachelor, and the relationship goes horizontal much faster. A married man from an outside relationship is looking for adrenaline, attention and “dessert” in the usual monotonous “menu”. A woman is not always so observant that she can spot a married man even before she falls in love with him completely and irrevocably. As a rule, this happens exactly the opposite. How can you tell if a man is married?

Test for the “nepotism” of a man

The most common ways to check a man for his marital status:

  • Call your mobile phone and check under what name are you entered in his address book? .
  • Give a gift (, wallet, etc.). Check to see if the gentleman will wear it.
  • Make inquiries online.
  • Investigate his mobile phone.
  • Ask to visit , examine the situation in the apartment.

Of course, this detective game is not everyone's cup of tea. A decent girl will not carry out surveillance and scan messages. Moreover, doubts in a man are the first sign of mistrust. And without trust, no relationship will last long. But if, nevertheless, the worm of doubt bites from within, then you can take a closer look at the gentleman and try to determine the status of a man by known signs.

How to find out that a man is married. 10 distinctive features

  • The most sure signspassport stamp and wedding ring on the finger. Often married men take off wedding rings so as not to confuse possible passions. But in this case, the mark of the ring will always be visible on the ring finger.
  • Behavior and appearance. A married man is always calm - he has a rear, in which his wife is always waiting for him with a delicious dinner and washed shirts. Even showing care and showing signs of attention, he keeps his distance. Outwardly, a married man is always well-groomed and tidy. You won't see mismatched socks, a torn button, or a tacky tie on him. Also, you will not see tight exclusive panties on him. Most likely, these will be ordinary parachutes.
  • On weekends and holidays he is never near you . A married man, as a rule, meets his “whims” on weekdays. And if it does appear on holidays, then meetings never take place in public places, and telephone conversations are very stingy with emotions. Of course, a married man will not take you to a party, beach or social event - there is too much chance of him being seen with you. He won't hug or kiss you in public either.
  • Married man never (or extremely rarely) stays with you overnight . This is perhaps the most a clear sign that he already has a family.
  • Married man will never invite you to his home . IN best case scenario it will be a friend's apartment (or a rented one). At worst, he will invite you to his place when his wife is away. Although, it is quite possible that he simply does not want to introduce you to the parents with whom he lives. But this also does not speak well for your relationship. If your meetings usually take place in hotel rooms or in your apartment, then you don’t have to delude yourself - he doesn’t perceive you as more than a toy for carnal pleasures.
  • Married man will not introduce you to friends, parents and relatives . Also, he himself will not ask for such acquaintances.
  • Married man rarely talks on the phone in front of you . As a rule, he constantly leaves the room because he either has an urgent business conversation, or runs out of cigarettes, or needs to go to the toilet. If you entered at the moment of his conversation, and he quickly ended the conversation and looks clearly embarrassed - this is also not the best sign.
  • Married man does not give a phone number at all, or always calls himself , explaining this situation with their busyness (mother’s illness, which cannot be disturbed, etc.). Calls and SMS to a married man in the evening and at night, as a rule, remain unanswered. If he spends the night with you, then he completely turns off his mobile phone. Most likely, your name in his phone book looks somehow special. For example, “plumber”, “Vovka”, “Nastasya Pavlovna” or “Alla, purchasing manager”.
  • A married man usually doesn't wear your gifts . No jewelry, no wallets, no items of clothing. And, of course, he won’t take gifts like valentines-hearts and other love gifts home. These gifts will either stay at your home, at his work, or end up in a nearby trash can.
  • Married man doesn't like to be photographed together . Because such a photo is direct evidence of his infidelity. Of course, he won’t carry your photo around with him and won’t frame it at work. He is always secretive. As a rule, a married man’s passion does not know his address, his exact place of work, or any specifics. All attempts to declassify it are met with hostility, jokes or simply moving the topic in a different direction. He also very limited in spending on va With. As a rule, his gifts are a chaotic phenomenon, observed only at the moment free funds appear. Otherwise, coffee in a regular cafe, chocolate for tea.

If you could not determine whether your man is married, but continue to doubt it, then ask him about it directly. Even if he doesn’t have enough courage to answer truthfully, then the very manner of the answer can say a lot. And if your doubts were unfounded, then a direct question (and subsequent direct answer) will calm you down, dispelling your doubts.

It is much easier to find out whether the chosen one is married by looking into his eyes. But what if there is no such possibility? If your relationship has not yet gone beyond the Internet? How to determine whether he has a marital status by looking at the monitor screen? By what signs?

How to determine if your virtual boyfriend is married?

  • He won't give you his phone number, Skype, ICQ.
  • He never calls you from your home number and does not want you to call him.
  • It's not his photo that's posted online. , but a photograph of a stranger, an actor, or just a funny picture.
  • Instead of real name he uses a pseudonym everywhere .
  • When communicating with you on Skype or ICQ, he constantly leaves the chat rather abruptly . As a rule, this is explained by the appearance of his wife next to him.
  • When asked directly about marital status, he laughs it off , changes the subject or even “runs off to run errands.”

Even an experienced adult woman can be deceived and not understand that in front of her is a married man. What can we say about romantic young girls, whom love blinds, deafens and completely blocks their intuition and instinct of self-preservation. Sooner or later, as we know, everything secret becomes clear. What to do if you suddenly realized that your man is married? There are not many options for the development of events. If you forgive him for this lie and remain close to him as a lover, then, most likely, You will never rise higher than this status. One day he will play enough, or you will get tired. It happens, of course, that a man files for divorce and creates new family with his mistress, but the percentage happy families created in this way is negligibly low. It is impossible to build your happiness on the ruins of someone else's.

Many married men are in no hurry to tell women that they are not free, reasonably believing that few of them would want to waste their time on an unfree man. Among the fair sex today, only a few will still believe fairy tales about a sick wife, dissimilarity of characters and divorce in a week, because the time has come. Therefore, men try to hide their position to the last minute, otherwise it is unlikely that they will achieve what they want from a woman.

To avoid getting into a situation where you begin to experience very deep feelings for a man, but it turns out that he is married, carefully watch him while meeting, on your first dates. This will allow you to understand whether the man is married or not. Listen to your feelings, is everything in this relationship satisfactory to you, is there some kind of understatement or persistent feeling that certain areas of this person’s life remain inaccessible to you, that he does not touch on some areas of his life with you at all. If this is the case, then either he does not trust you yet, or he is married.

In order not to be mistaken, the first thing to understand whether a man is married or not is to take a closer look at his appearance. It is unlikely that a bachelor will iron his trousers so that the creases stand out on them. Of course, today there are men who take care of themselves and their appearance no worse than women, but they can be immediately recognized among others, but ordinary man looks neat and too well-groomed if he is well looked after by his legal wife. Slight unshavenness may suggest that, most likely, your chosen one is single, since no one reminded him in the morning that he needs to shave.

Ring marks on finger

Pay attention to the ring finger, this is especially important in the summer, since the white mark from the ring you just removed will give you the answer to the question “Is a married man or not” better than any words. And at other times of the year, if a man took off his ring before coming to meet you, characteristic marks should remain on his finger. To rid yourself of unnecessary worries in the future, become a real detective for a moment, carefully studying the appearance of a stranger - for your own benefit.

A married man does not invite you home

If a man is married, he will never invite another woman home.

He will suggest meeting somewhere on neutral territory and will be incredibly happy if your home becomes such a place. A free man, on the contrary, will happily invite the girl he likes to his place. At home it is easier for him to establish contact with her and get to know her better. Even if he cleans up the house before this, you will easily notice that there are no traces of female presence here. Not a single man can create the same comfort at home that reigns where the fair sex rules.

In the event that a married man does invite you to his place, his behavior will give him away. He will constantly be nervous, feel uncomfortable and awkward. If this happens, take a closer look to see if there are any things that clearly belong to a woman.

He is almost always busy and secretive

A clear sign of a married man is this: a man who is legally married will not give out his home phone number, will not be able to celebrate holidays with you or be with you on weekends. He won't call at night or in the evening after returning from work. And if you call, the conversation will be similar to the “Question - Short Answer” quiz. If he answers the phone at all, of course.

A married man, under any pretext, so as not to leave evidence, will refuse to take a photo with you. He will not introduce his parents, colleagues, acquaintances and friends, or his place of work. Most likely it will remain a mystery.

If you have the opportunity to study his phone number, look at what name you are listed under. When a man is married, at best he will write you down under a masculine surname, and at worst, as a childhood friend under the name Vasya.

Doesn't give flowers or gifts

You can understand that a man is married by flowers and gifts, or rather by their absence. Married people do not like to spend money on flowers and various pleasant little things. Firstly, fearing that someone from his acquaintance would see them, who, upon meeting, might ask his wife if she liked the bouquet. Secondly, they are so tired of conspiracy that they are no longer enough for anything else. And besides, we are absolutely convinced that it’s worth spending money only on a woman who needs to be won, and this usually applies to future wives. He will never tell you where he goes, how he spends his time, because he is afraid to forget himself and say too much.

Ask him directly

To avoid beating around the bush, ask the man if he is married.

If this question is followed by an overreaction or an awkward pause, you can safely answer “Yes” for him. For women who are modest, avoiding intimate relationships for a long time can be beneficial. A man who is married is unlikely to want to waste his time on an intractable representative of the fair sex and will hasten to retreat. The one who really cares about you will show respect for your decision.

Main features

  • The first sign that a man is married is his behavior with his mobile phone. If a man tries to leave the apartment on his first night together, explaining that he needs to look at the car, smoke on the street or go to the store, you can be sure that he will call his wife to tell her another legend about his whereabouts. The same can be said if he goes away to talk on the phone away from you or even turns off his mobile phone when you are together.
  • You can understand that a man is married when he does not want to stay overnight after an evening spent together, citing the most different reasons. It’s worth wondering where he’s going in such a hurry. This should be especially alarming when this happens constantly or with enviable regularity.
  • A married man is more interested in you in a conversation than trying to talk about himself and demonstrate his achievements. Any man tries to be at his best in the eyes of the woman with whom he dreams of creating a strong and long-lasting relationship. If this does not happen, it means that he is not considering you for Serious relationships and besides a pleasant pastime, he doesn’t need anything else.
  • You can understand that a man is married if, after giving him a nice gift, in the form of a key fob for a car or keys, you no longer see this gift with him. If the gift turns out to be where he hung it immediately after receiving it, you can rest assured that the man is free.
  • A sign of a married man is that a man who is busy is constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. He may ruin a planned date by saying that unforeseen problems arose with the bank or boss in the evening. And if this happens all the time, make sure you are right by telling him that you know he is married. At the same time, it is advisable to pretend that you agree to continue the relationship with him further and are absolutely not against him promising to divorce his wife for the next 10 years. Even if you make a mistake, because he turns out to be free, it is better to laugh with the man about it than to suffer later and waste precious time on a traitor. In addition, a free man will appreciate that you are worried about his marital status, which means he is dear to you.
  • A married man will not call or inquire about your plans and affairs. His calls will most likely be similar to transmitting data to a scout about the place and time of a future meeting.
  • You can understand that a man is married by the following signs: family man will not spend money on valuable gifts, will not invite him to relax with him in the summer and will never invite him to his birthday, New Year or March 8, since he celebrates these holidays with his family, relatives and friends.

Having met a man, do not rush to rush headlong into the pool of passions. Before you let him into your heart, determine for yourself whether he is married or single. No matter how free morals are now, few women would want to share their beloved man with another woman. If a man feels bad in his family, he has the right to get a divorce, and not try to solve his family problems at the expense of the feelings of another woman by turning her into a mistress. Having learned how to understand that a man is married, you will protect yourself from womanizers, lovers thrills and opportunists trying to sit on two chairs at once.

Instead of the dubious role of a lover, you will free up space in your heart for true love, becoming the one and only, unique and most desirable wife for her man.

There is one significant rake in the world that you step on very often. The whole point is that you put your hopes on a guy, and then it turns out (oh no, not this!) that he is married!

You thought you finally met! you met cool guy. And then it turns out that he has a wife and children. And mother-in-law.

Surely, this not very pleasant situation has already happened in your practice, but that’s the past, to hell with it. This may happen in the future. Because it's damn profitable for men to do this.

A married man has constant sex, he smells like sex. He's fine with pheromones and self-esteem. He has a strong back at home, he is confident in himself. And this is how he attracts girls. He is cool! He radiates energy!

Therefore, it is very easy to get hooked on a married person. However, it’s also easy to figure out. And easy to seduce.

But the most interesting thing is that when a girl gets hooked on a guy, she goes blind, her logic doesn’t work, she becomes gullible. And fooling her around your finger is a piece of cake. She doesn't want to bite the bullet...

Therefore, arm yourself with this article and crack through men's networks.

How do you know if a guy is married?

People often write letters to me asking me to explain a man’s behavior. The guy has disappeared somewhere, suddenly lost interest, behaves strangely, etc. Sometimes it's just obvious to me that this guy is not free. But you don't see it! Your brain turns off when you fall in love! You are being fooled like some kind of idiot.

I will write several points by which you will determine whether a man is married or not.

Sometimes one point is enough to understand that he is married. If several points coincide at once, then the probability that a man is married it will simply go off scale!

Turn off your emotions for a minute, turn on your mind!

Don’t try to explain to yourself that this is a coincidence, don’t flatter yourself with hopes, don’t believe in the best. Just accept it as a fact and learn an important lesson from this practice.

The man is not always in touch.

This is one of the most accurate definitions that a man clearly has someone - he is not in touch. Well, let's think logically. He looks at you with loving eyes, talks to you very nicely, gave you flowers, lured you into sex, or already fucked you. And then he doesn't get in touch. How so?

It's not just like that. If you like him, and you feel it, you can be sure that he will constantly remind you of himself.

What the hell is work? What the hell is going on? He can always say on the phone: “Baby, I’m busy, as soon as I’m free, I’ll call you.”

If he doesn’t get in touch, doesn’t answer calls, doesn’t call himself periodically, then most likely he’s married.

The man is only available at certain times.

This is from the same series. At work he contacts you, but in the evening he is not online. Why? He'll say anything. But most likely he is at home. With my beloved wife and children.

Doesn't talk about himself.

Guys like to brag, present themselves in a favorable way, they often talk about themselves. But what can a married man tell about himself? He will remain silent and ask about you.

Ask yourself: how much do you know about this guy?

He doesn't take you into his life.

This is very important indicator for all relationships in general. You meet, play at love, but he doesn’t show you his life. Doesn't take you to friends, doesn't show you his work, doesn't go with you to places he often goes.

Thus, a married man does not reveal his cards, excluding your appearance where it is clearly not desirable!

You weren't at his house.

A man always, first of all, wants to drag a girl to his home. A free guy will do this at the very beginning of the relationship, he will not waste time, if he likes you and you like him, then you will find yourself at home with him very quickly.

If you have never been to his house, then it looks like he is married and doesn't want to introduce you to his wife.

The man hides his phone.

If, of course, he has several of them, then this point disappears. But often men do not show their phone number. While he is fucking you, his wife calls him on a silent, lonely phone, thinking that dear husband at work, trying hard for her sake.

Also on the phone there are often photographs of my wife and child, and SMS from her. That's why he always has his phone in his pocket (in his bag).

A man does not invest in you financially.

When a man likes a woman, he will pay for her and give her gifts. But if he is married, then his budget will be very limited.

If he earns little, that's one thing. If he has a normal job, but at the same time he does not invest in you, then you should think about it.

He doesn't spend the night with you.

At night the husband should be at home. During the day, he can come up with an excuse that he was called to work, and at night, most often, he is in a warm and cozy bed with his wife.

Excellent indicator! Why is he only with you during the day? What can stop a man from spending the night with you? Only his wife!

Alternatively, it’s very difficult for him to get out to you at night. Why? You should understand by now!

He is not on social networks.

Or he exists, but under a pseudonym.

IN modern world There are few people who refuse social media. networks. This is a kind of business card. But, if a man is not on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki or Facebook, then it is very possible that he is married and does not want to get caught.

You see his pain.

Most men, when cheating, feel remorse and guilt. They really suck. And you can see it. Feel!

If he is sometimes “out there” in his thoughts, and you see his suffering, and to your questions: “What happened,” he answers that everything is fine, then perhaps you feel his torment over the betrayal.

Your relationship is more long distance than close.

If he often communicates with you at a distance, if your “relationship” is at a distance, then you should think about what is stopping him from taking a step towards closer communication with you?

How else do you know that a guy is not available?

Scratch his back.

During sex, start scratching him. Biting, giving hickeys. If the latter is not liked by many, then scratches on the back are welcomed by men (no matter what they say). With one caveat - married men are not happy with scratches on their backs. They will say they don't like it. That it distracts them and does not excite them. The coolest move would be to whisper in his ear: “This is hello to your wife from me.”

Ask directly.

Not straightforward - “Are you by any chance married?” And to confront the fact. I was told that you are married. I'm shocked. I'll talk to your wife. You will pay me for everything.

If a man is really married (not free), you can read everything on his face. Just look at him carefully.

Set a condition.

If he doesn’t stay the night with you (for example), then set a condition - either stay or get lost forever. If he doesn't care about you, he'll just leave. If he likes you, then he will spit on everything and stay. If he is married, he will leave, but will try to maintain your attitude towards him. He'll come up with something super important. Save the world, for example.

In fact, it's amazing how easy it is to deceive a girl. Apparently, this has been going on since ancient times, and the art of lying is built into a man. Therefore, it is so honed that a man can lead a double life, and no one will guess about his adventures.

Now you can figure out anyone, even a skilled player. Now you have all the trump cards in your hands. All you have to do is not be afraid to find out the truth. I hope you are capable of this, my reader?

What signs do you know that a man is married? What cases have you had in practice? Write about it in the comments, it will be very interesting!

Good luck! Proud.