Sunburn cream. Ointment for sunburn. Medicines, folk remedies for sunburn. Sunburn symptoms

Summer is on the doorstep, so you should think about protecting your skin, because it is during this sultry time that you can get a sunburn. About preventive measures, first aid and treatment sunburn Let's talk in today's article.

Sunburn (photodermatitis) refers to damage to the skin due to excessive exposure to invisible sunlight. The longer such rays, the more intense their effect on the skin. The most harmful are the so-called UVB rays, which affect the papillary layer of the dermis, causing redness and inflammation of the skin. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to the active synthesis of melanin by skin cells (melanocytes), which protects the skin from burns. Due to the accumulation of melanin in the skin, a tan appears.

Basking in the gentle rays of the sun, very often we forget about precautions, and meanwhile, none of us is immune from skin inflammation as a result of sunburn. After half an hour of exposure to the scorching sun without the use of sunscreen, you can get a sunburn. Most often, unprotected parts of the body are burned - shoulders, face, chest. Sunburns can be of varying degrees of damage. In the most difficult cases, when blisters with serous contents appear, ulcers, the temperature rises, headache, chills, nausea and clouding of consciousness should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, it is not worth treating burns on your own, since delay can lead to tardive cutaneous porphyria, in which porphyrins, which are photosensitizers (substances that increase skin sensitivity to the sun), accumulate in the skin against the background of improper metabolism in the liver. To diagnose this disease, it is enough to pass a urine test. As a rule, urine has a pink-red color due to the large amount of uroporphyrins in it.

If, as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, you feel discomfort, pain, if redness and irritation of the skin are observed, as well as general weakness of the body, you should not panic. You can alleviate the symptoms of a sunburn yourself with the help of traditional medicine and pharmacy medicines, which we will discuss below.

It should also be noted that some medications contain substances (photosensitizers) that, when applied externally or internally, increase skin sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, when taking medications, it is necessary to take into account this fact and carefully study the annotation to the drug. Corticosteroid external agents, Baziron gel, Doxycycline and other tetracycline group drugs have this effect. Quite often, this property is also inherent in some plants, the juice of which, when it comes into contact with human skin, causes photophytodermatitis.

To protect your skin from such troubles, you should use sunscreen cosmetics before and after sunbathing in accordance. In addition, taking into account the type of skin, it is necessary to determine the optimal period of time spent in the open sun.

Prevention of sunburn.
In case of minor damage to the skin, exposure to sunlight should be eliminated. In this case, it is necessary not only to protect the damaged areas with clothing, but also to know the throughput of a particular fabric. For example, synthetic fabric can pass up to 15%, and natural cotton up to 6% of ultraviolet rays. If the clothes are wet, then another 20% of the rays affecting the skin with a protected fabric should be added. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to cotton or silk, and synthetics will only increase skin irritation.

It should also be remembered that under the influence of sunlight, not only tissue damage occurs, but also the appearance of a huge amount of free radicals. In order to neutralize them, a person who is in the open sun for a long time needs to drink as much liquid as possible. The greatest antioxidant and effect gives the use of green tea and pomegranate juice. By the way, the latter also has anti-inflammatory properties. For the same purpose, the daily diet should include as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible (they are rich in vitamins C and E), as well as legumes and nuts.

First aid for sunburns and their treatment.
The very first thing to do with a sunburn is to go indoors to stop exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin. In general, after this, you should limit the time spent in the sun until the pain disappears, so as not to provoke the appearance of new burns, the healing of which will be much slower. Further actions will depend on the degree of the burn. With a severe burn, when blisters or sores appear, especially in a child, you should seek help from specialists who will administer painkillers and prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. With especially severe burns covering a large part of the body, they can be hospitalized.

The victim, immediately after the street, should take cool shower or apply a cold compress to particularly affected areas of the skin. If he cannot do this on his own, he needs help in this. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to normalize the water balance in the body.

To relieve fever, reduce pain, itching and inflammation, it is recommended to take an Aspirin tablet, as well as drink Ibuprofen 400 mg every four hours for several days until the redness disappears. Instead of Ibuprofen, you can take any drug similar in properties.

For burns, sprays based on dexpanthenol help. They relieve inflammation, contributing to the speedy healing. Dexpanthenol is the active ingredient of a medicinal product of European quality - Panthenol Spray. Panthenol Spray removes inflammation, eliminates burning, relieves redness and other symptoms of burns. The drug has been widely used for many years and has already established itself as a folk spray for burns. It is for this reason that it has many analogues that simply copy the packaging of the original drug.

You should be careful when choosing a spray in a pharmacy, because. almost all analogues are produced as cosmetic, because this form of release does not require clinical trials, their registration procedure is greatly simplified. As a result, the composition of such drugs can not always be called safe. So, some of them contain parabens, potentially hazardous preservatives that accumulate in tissues and can provoke the growth of tumors.

When choosing a burn spray, it is important to pay attention to the composition, the country in which the product is produced. Packaging is important. The original spray is a drug, produced in Europe, and is distinguished by a characteristic emoticon located to the right of the Pan-Te-Nol name on the package

Since the burn is an allergic reaction of the skin to ultraviolet light, doctors recommend the use of antihistamines, in particular Claritin and Suprastin.

When burned, the skin needs vitamins and restoration, therefore, after cooling, it is necessary to use vitamin E, applying it to the damaged areas. This will speed up the recovery process. In the treatment of serious burns resulting from excessive exposure to sunlight, it is recommended to supplement with vitamins C and D.

What can not be done!

  • It is strictly forbidden to lubricate sun-burnt skin with any oil (including after-sun), alcohol lotion, and also use ointments based on benzocaine and lidocaine. All these tools help slow down the healing process and restore the skin.
  • It is not recommended to take paracetamol preparations, as they do not lead to a decrease in inflammation. In exceptional cases, when the victim has intolerance to aspirin or ibuprofen, Tylenol is allowed.
  • It is not recommended to “help” the peeling of the skin by peeling it off, and it is also impossible to pierce blisters. The more you work on the flaky areas, the more the skin will flake off.
  • The peeling will go away on its own. And self-puncture of blisters can lead to infection, bleeding, and discoloration of the skin.
  • Do not rub the burn area, and do not wash with soap or scrub. This opens the way for various infections.
  • Do not rub burned skin. Handle her with care.
Complications of sunburn.
Sunburn of a high degree can cause swelling. Injury to the skin of the face and neck can make breathing difficult. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the skin lesions on the arms and legs are the majority, it can lead to circulatory problems. Therefore, if you experience a feeling of numbness in your hand or foot, as well as blue limbs, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Folk remedies for the treatment of sunburn.
For burned eyelids, wet compresses from green tea bags can be used.

To relieve burning sensation and reduce pain in case of burns, it is recommended to make a compress of strong brewed tea two or three times a day for twenty to thirty minutes.

To reduce the friction of damaged skin with the sheet, you can use ordinary talc by sprinkling it on the sheet.

If the damage affects a significant part of the skin of the legs, it is recommended to create an elevated position for them.

To reduce itching and pain, as well as to speed up the recovery process of burned skin, you can use ordinary potato starch, sprinkling damaged tissues on it. Starch can also be used as a lotion, for which it should be diluted in water.

Potatoes can be applied raw to the burn as a fifteen-minute compress. To do this, grate the potatoes and transfer to cheesecloth. This method is effective for allergies to the sun. As a compress, you can use only potato juice. In combination with wheat flour, potato juice can be used as a face mask (for fifteen minutes) if there is a slight burn.

Potatoes with sour cream - another effective remedy for healing burns. Grind the boiled and peeled potatoes in a blender, adding sour cream. Apply the resulting composition to the damaged areas of the skin for half an hour, then rinse with water at room temperature. This product can be used as a face mask. Apply warm, after fifteen minutes the skin should be wiped with a cotton swab.

The most common and effective folk remedies for sunburn are dairy products (kefir, sour cream, sour yogurt), which should be applied to the lesions several times during the day. This remedy softens and cools the skin, relieving burning and itching. In the case of severe burns accompanied by blisters, the use of this method may have the opposite effect.

A compress of a mixture of cottage cheese and buttermilk also helps to cool the skin and relieve pain. The mixture should be transferred to a towel and applied to the lesions. As it dries, the compress should be changed to another. Instead of cottage cheese, you can also use kefir or sour cream.

Herbal compresses perfectly relieve pain, burning and itching, and also speed up the healing process. For these purposes, effective infusions of chamomile, calendula, lavender. The recipe for preparation is indicated in the instructions for use. The decoction is stored chilled in the refrigerator. Used in the form of lotions on burns.

In case of redness of the skin, wet-drying dressings with decoctions of herbs (string, celandine, chamomile, oak bark, etc.) are recommended, which should be prepared according to the instructions attached to the herbs. In a herbal decoction at room temperature, moisten a gauze napkin folded in several layers and apply to the burned areas for fifteen minutes. This kind of lotion should be done for one and a half hours. Then the victim should rest for three hours, and moisturizing creams should be applied to the burns at this time. During the day, two or three such procedures should be carried out until the signs of inflammation completely disappear.

To treat this problem, it is also effective to use a decoction of the leaves of willow-herb tea as lotions. 10 g of dry leaves brew 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for fifteen minutes from the moment of boiling. Cool to room temperature.

In the treatment of sunburn, lotions (every ten minutes for an hour twice a day) and rubbing with a decoction of St. John's wort are effective. To prepare it, you should brew a tablespoon of herbs with 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil from the moment of boiling for ten minutes. Then the broth should be immediately filtered and cooled to room temperature.

A compress of chamomile decoction is effective for sunburn, for the preparation of which one should pour a tablespoon of chamomile into 200 ml of boiling water and insist for half an hour. This decoction or alcohol tincture can be added in a small amount to any fortified fatty cream. The tool is great for burns and skin irritation.

Oak bark decoction is also effective as a poultice in the treatment of skin lesions resulting from overexposure to ultraviolet light. Pour 20-40 g of oak bark with a glass of boiling water, boil for ten minutes and strain.

Apply freshly squeezed aloe juice to damaged areas of the skin. You can also dilute such juice in equal proportions with water and, moistening a gauze napkin in it, apply it to burns once or twice a day every ten minutes for an hour. You can buy an aloe cooling gel at the pharmacy.

With burns, a mixture of equal parts of watermelon and cucumber juices is excellent. Wipe damaged areas with this composition.

Effective for sunburn and cabbage leaves, which should be applied directly to the burnt places.

To soften the skin in the treatment of burns, it is useful to rub wheat germ oil.

Sunburn protection.
To protect the skin from sunburn, you should use special creams or lotions with a sun protection factor from UV rays type A and B, which can vary from five to fifty. As a rule, such products contain vitamin E, which reduces the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing a sunscreen, you need to focus on the characteristics of your skin. Fair skin is very susceptible to the sun and burns quickly, so it requires the use of products with a high sun protection factor (SPF of at least 70). In the future, when the skin has received a persistent tan, the level of protection can be reduced to twenty (SPF 20). Those who do not experience problems in the open sun for a long time, you can use the means, the level of protection in which is from six to fifteen (SPF from 6 to 15).

The right product should be applied before you go outside, not on the beach. When applying, special attention should be paid to the protruding parts of the body (nose, chest, cheekbones, shoulders). The cream must be applied in an even thin layer, without rubbing into the skin. Even if the product indicates that it is waterproof, after swimming in a pond, it must be reapplied, since after using a towel, the layer of the protective film is sharply reduced.

Even if your product contains a high level of protection, it is still recommended to be under the open sun only in the morning and evening. In addition, we should not forget about sunglasses, they will protect the delicate and thin skin around the eyes, as well as the retina itself.

Many of us complete our first aid kit in advance, but some funds do not appear in it in a planned manner, but in case of urgent need. Most often, this is how various preparations for burns are collected in the home medicine cabinet.

Injuries, burns and frostbite always occur suddenly, and it often happens that the necessary funds for urgent assistance are not at hand. This rating of drugs for the treatment of burns will help to pre-purchase the necessary drugs that will meet all the necessary requirements.

It is best to keep the remedies for burns on hand in advance, since it is with burns that the speed of assistance often determines the recovery time.

Most often, solar or radiation burns occur in everyday life, as well as thermal burns of 1 and 2 degrees - for example, burns with boiling water. In the first degree, only painful reddening of the skin (erythema) occurs, and the person does not have any damage to the skin.

In the second degree, for example, with burns with boiling water, blisters appear on the skin, in which transparent contents accumulate. Bubbles cannot be opened on their own, this can lead to infection of the wound and the appearance of secondary suppuration. If the burn lesion is extensive, and the area exceeds the palm of the victim, then there are 9% that such a burn must be treated by professionals, and first of all, you need to go to the nearest emergency room.

Radiation sunburn often occurs in the summer. They are distinguished by the fact that bubbles do not form on the skin and the surface is not damaged. This means that it is not necessary to use medicine that contains antibiotics or antiseptics to treat these burns. It will be quite enough to have local cooling, analgesic components that improve skin regeneration and trophism. Therefore, taking into account all the necessary conditions for use, this list includes various drugs that are used to effectively treat burns - these are ointments and gels, creams, patches and aerosols.

Aerosols and sprays for burns

The list of preparations begins with aerosols, which are in pressurized containers, and with sprays, which are sprayed out under the influence of muscular effort. The advantages of drugs in this form are explained by the fact that with one slight movement the agent is sprayed over a fairly large area, and there is no need to apply the drug with your hands at all.

This eliminates additional soreness during application, and in the case of extensive sunburn, such preparations will be the most convenient. The non-contact method of application is also very beneficial for more serious burns, since the absence of contact can significantly reduce the likelihood of infection of the burn wound.

Opens the rating of preparations for burns spray Acerbin. In all sprays, the substances are not under pressure, as in aerosols, so it is necessary to manually press the spray head. Acerbin is a disinfectant, it belongs to the combined antiseptics. It is a yellow liquid containing a mixture of benzoic, malic and salicylic acids. It is used for burns with boiling water, for open burns and wounds, chemical lesions and ulcerative skin processes.

The composition does not contain means to accelerate the healing of the skin, so it is not recommended for use in sunburn. Since the liquid has a high fluidity, the ideal use of the product is application followed by closure with a sterile dressing. If the burn is minor, then you can not apply the bandage, but apply it to the skin twice a day to prevent infectious complications. The spray is produced by the Austrian company "Pharmacytische Fabrik", and the cost of one bottle of 80 ml starts from 330 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big plus is the ability to use it in pregnant women and during lactation. Also, acids have a softening effect on the stratum corneum, which means that Acerbin can be successfully used in case of burns on the palms and feet.

Acerbin has very few side effects, and most often there is a slight burning sensation after applying the spray, which soon disappears and does not require any correction.

It is a multicomponent preparation, produced in the form of an aerosol and contains a local anesthetic - benzocaine, sterile sea buckthorn oil, antibiotic chloramphenicol and antiseptic boric acid.

This composition allows the use of Olazol not only for burns with boiling water and thermal lesions, but also for streptococcal skin lesions, erysipelas, and dermatitis. It is necessary to apply the drug on the burn surface no more than 4 times a day.

Before use, mix the components by vigorously shaking the bottle. The distance from which the foam is applied should not exceed 5 cm. A standard 80 ml package produced by the Russian company Altayvitaminy will cost from 186 rubles in a pharmacy.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of Olazol is its high efficiency in relation to the broken structure of the skin, with burn wounds, including both infected and clean ones, for the prevention of secondary infection.

Side effects of Olazol most often occur with individual intolerance, which sometimes occurs on levomycetin and boric acid. Most often, such reactions, which are expressed in skin itching and excessive redness, occur in children.

Panthenol Spray

Contains no antibiotics or painkillers. It contains Dexpanthenol, which has a tropic effect and accelerates skin healing. Dexpanthenol also helps to reduce the symptoms of inflammation. This is why the drug is recommended, first of all, for the treatment of sunburn, in which there is no threat of burn wounds and infection. It is necessary to spray the spray as many times as you need, and at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the entire burnt surface, including healthy edges, is completely covered with foam.

A variety of people who do not tolerate sunburn, with a fair skin type, are recommended to have Panthenol Spray in their home medicine cabinet in the summer. In addition to solar and thermal burns, indications for use are contact dermatitis, excessive dryness of the skin, and as part of complex therapy, Panthenol can also be used in case of purulent skin lesions (in the regeneration stage).

The German company Aeropharm produces a wonderful product, and you can buy a 150 ml aerosol can for 299 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This aerosol can be used as the only remedy for first-degree burns, and for deeper burns - only as part of complex therapy, and at the recovery stage. The drug will not be able to protect against the penetration of infection into the depth of the burn wound. Also, it will not be effective for an already developed infection. But on the other hand, the remedy is very well tolerated by patients, it can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and children.

The only limitation is that young children are not allowed to use aerosol preparations on their own, and parents should apply Panthenol Spray to the skin. Extremely rarely, individual intolerance to the components of Panthenol can develop, but, as clinical practice shows, such a case can occur one in several thousand, so Panthenol Spray can be considered a safe drug.

Gel products

Gels are directly applied to the burn surface, in the same way as the previous forms. All preparations in the form of a gel are distinguished by a light, transparent consistency. They evaporate quickly and therefore often have a cooling side effect, even if the gels do not include peppermint or menthol essential oil.

After the gel dries, it forms a protective film on the skin, so all gels are designed to quickly treat uncomplicated and shallow burns that do not form blisters. Also, the gels will not effectively protect the surface of the skin if weeping has begun on it, or the skin has been damaged for a significant amount. Here are examples of the most commonly used tools from this group.

This local remedy is also available in the form of an ointment. has no protection against infection, does not anesthetize and does not cool. But on the other hand, it stimulates the division of cells of the basement membrane of the epidermis, it belongs to drugs that accelerate skin regeneration. In Solcoseryl, the active ingredient is the so-called deproteinized hemoderivative from calf blood, which does not contain proteins, but only amino acids - they are needed for protein synthesis and to accelerate epithelization.

The use of Solcoseryl also stimulates the formation of fibroblasts - the main cells of the connective tissue. They help to restore the normal structure of the skin, which does not turn into scar tissue. Solcoseryl can be used if there is a burn wound, bursting blisters heal. In the event that the skin is not damaged, for example, with sunburn, then it can also be applied - it will accelerate the relief of the pain symptom.

In addition to burns, the drug is effective for the treatment of chronic wounds, trophic ulcers and various bedsores. The only condition is that Solcoseryl should not be applied to an intensely weeping wound, but it can also be used for application under a bandage. The duration of the course is not set, and you can use it for as long as you need. Solcoseryl is produced in Switzerland (Legacy Pharmaceuticals), and one package of gel weighing 20 g costs from 270 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fact that Solcoseryl is not used for weeping wounds significantly limits its use. It is also very important to remember that it does not at all protect the burn surface from the addition of a secondary infection and, as a drug containing easily digestible amino acids, it can itself serve wonderful environment for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, Solcoseryl may develop individual intolerance in the form of marginal dermatitis, and occasionally there may be a burning sensation. But in the event that it is used according to indications, when the burn wound has already begun to heal, then it will significantly accelerate the duration of healing.

Gel Apollo

The gel is an anesthetic because it contains a local anesthetic - anilocaine. In addition to it, the composition includes iodovidone, an effective iodine compound with antiseptic properties. As a result, Apollo-gel not only effectively anesthetizes burn surfaces, but also prevents secondary infection and suppuration.

The tool helps very well with burns with boiling water, with thermal burns, sun damage. The use of the gel is not limited to burns - all those situations where there is a wound, where it is necessary to anesthetize the surface of the skin and prevent infection, this gel can be used.

It can be successfully applied, for example, with animal bites, minor injuries, cuts and scratches. You can use the drug several times, in the morning and in the evening, and even more often, and the course of treatment is an average of a week, until the burn wound closes. One package of Apollo gel weighing 20 g can be purchased for 230 rubles. Produced by a company with the same name.

Advantages and disadvantages

The gel is a very successful and high-quality development in terms of a combination of components. Of course, it includes iodine and an anesthetic, so it should not be applied to large areas of burn wounds in patients with thyroid pathology, iodine intolerance, and allergies to local anesthetics.

It is undesirable to use in pregnant and lactating women, but not because there are any special side effects, but because the required number of studies have not been conducted. Therefore, the only serious drawback can be considered a relatively high price. But still, your own health is more expensive, and therefore it is advisable to have this gel in your home first aid kit.

Creams for burns

If gels dry the skin, protecting it with a special film, then creams, on the contrary, moisturize the skin and act at a greater depth. Any cream is an emulsion, or a solution of one liquid substance in another. An example of the simplest emulsion is a thoroughly agitated mixture of vegetable oil and water.

But the composition of anti-burn creams is selected, their consistency is thicker, and they have shown themselves very well in the treatment of sunburn, thermal lesions and burns with boiling water. Currently, you can buy a large assortment of creams against burns, which will be presented here.

Bepanten plus

Unlike a simple one, it is also a complex preparation, which contains not only the dermatotropic dexpanthenol, but also the antiseptic chlorhexidine, which is well tolerated. As a result, the cream not only helps to accelerate the healing of the skin, but also turns the reproduction of pyogenic flora in the burn wound.

The cream is used for a variety of burn injuries: thermal, solar, as well as for the primary treatment of various wounds and scratches. In complex therapy, it is used in patients with severe vascular disorders, diabetes mellitus, and for the treatment of trophic ulcers. Bepanten plus can be applied several times a day, and used in combination with dressings.

Produces cream Bepanten plus the German manufacturer Bayer. The cost of one tube of 30 g is 390 rubles. If we are talking about simple Bepanten, which does not contain an antiseptic, then its cost is 190 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is important that Bepanthen plus can be used throughout the treatment of burn wounds. Not only during healing, like or, but also with the possibility of infection of the burn. The cream is well tolerated, only in very rare cases there may be manifestations of itching, contact dermatitis. Perhaps the relative disadvantage is its high cost.

Silvederm (Sulfargin)

Sulfargin is an effective antiseptic. It is the only topical burn medication on the list that contains silver combined with sulfadiazine. Silver has long been used to prevent various infections, silver water is considered an effective means of preventing intestinal disorders, and even children are instilled with a solution of protargol, or colloidal silver, in the nose.

Silvederm is a whitish-yellow cream that can effectively fight infection not only on the burn surface, but also on open wounds, including those with suppuration, and on chronic ulcers. The cream has only one antimicrobial effect - it will not be able to anesthetize, as well as accelerate regeneration. Therefore, Silvederm is necessary in “difficult” conditions, when the burn wound has already been infected and festered, or if the burns were deep, with damage to the skin surface, and it was not possible to immediately disinfect the burn wound.

If there is no risk of infection, and the burn surface is clean, then the cream can not be applied. But if it is required, then it can be used with a frequency of up to 2 times a day, or as much as required in the presence of purulent discharge and infection. Silvederm is produced in Spain, one tube of 50 g can be bought for 390 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A pronounced plus of Silvederm is a serious, powerful antiseptic effect, it is able to fight even with neglected purulent wounds, gradually clearing them. The downside is the continuation of this dignity, that is, one-sided action. The cream will not help speed up the healing of the wound and will not relieve pain, so it should not be applied immediately after a burn.

Silvederm is a delayed application cream. In addition, it is quite expensive, it is not used in young children, during lactation and in pregnant women. The possibility of individual intolerance to silver should be taken into account, then itching, redness along the periphery of the wound occurs. It goes without saying that it is not used for sunburn, since usually the skin is not damaged, blisters, especially infections do not join - the cream will only unnecessarily dry the surface of the skin.

Ointments against burns

Perhaps most of all in the pharmacy are various ointments for burns. The ointment base involves the longest and deepest contact of medicinal substances with the skin surface, since the most used of them - lanolin and petroleum jelly, are fatty substances. Ointments are absorbed within a few hours, they act for a long time, and therefore it is good to use them at night, apply under bandages and patches.

Being applied during the day, they cause discomfort, a feeling of greasy, greasy stains remain on the clothes. But if you use ointments correctly, they successfully cope with a variety of symptoms, such as pain, redness, prevent infection, and accelerate healing. Consider the most popular local preparations for burns, produced in the form of ointments.

Healer and other balms

In any pharmacy, you can buy a variety of white-green tubes with a red cross on a cardboard box - this can be a Rescuer balm, Healer, and others. Their composition is approximately the same, they are not medicinal ointments, but parapharmaceuticals, since they all contain natural substances. The composition is quite effective on burn wounds and on the intact surface of the skin.

If we take the Healer balm as an example, then it contains vegetable oils: sea buckthorn, olive, tea tree oil. It contains essential oils of mint, rosemary and lavender, calendula extract, fat-soluble vitamins A and E, beeswax and other healing ingredients. The balm is very similar to the old collection for the treatment of wounds, abrasions, scratches. That's pretty much how it is: it was developed in accordance with old recipes. The basis includes vegetable oil, it is fat-soluble, but just the melting point of these fats is slightly higher than the body temperature, therefore it is applied to the skin in liquid form and are called balms (liquid ointments).

They can successfully treat minor burns, apply with sun damage, as well as with small wounds. And in the event that there are no disinfectants at hand, it can successfully prevent the reproduction of harmful microbes on the burn surface, due to tea tree oil. You can apply it to the skin as often as you like, use it together with dressings and plasters, and it is inexpensive: a 30 g package produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company KorolevPharm costs only 93 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such drugs have one common drawback: they are not drugs, but parapharmaceuticals. All are based on natural plant ingredients, and therefore their effectiveness in relation to the specific suppression of serious microbes remains low. Simply put, if there is already a burn with secondary suppuration, then the Rescuer and Healer can hardly help.

But on the other hand, these balms can prevent pathogenic flora from entering the burn surface, and suppress their primary reproduction. The advantage is the inexpensive price, the ability to soften the skin, they are well tolerated. Additionally, it can be used for minor cracks in the skin, for scratching and insect bites.

It's time to move on to vitamin ointments. We have already reviewed in the rating drugs that anesthetize, protect burn surfaces from infections, containing provitamins, as part of Panthenol Plus spray and cream. There is an ointment, which also consists only of dermatotropic vitamins. It contains vitamin A, vitamin E and D2. All these vitamins are fat-soluble, which allows them to penetrate deep into the ointment base, dissolve in it, and then penetrate under the surface of the burn.

Radevit ointment is not able to protect against infection and does not anesthetize, but it significantly speeds up the healing process of burns and any other wounds. In addition to burns, it is used in dermatology for various types dermatitis, with excessive dryness of the skin, in the complex therapy of psoriasis, for the treatment of trophic ulcers.

Radevit is applied to the skin in the morning and evening, it can also be applied to the surface of burns of the 2nd degree, after bursting blisters, only preliminary measures should be taken to prevent the introduction of infection, for example, by treating the burn with chlorhexidine. The duration of treatment can range from 1 day to several weeks. Radevit is produced by the Russian company Retinoids, and one tube weighing 35 g costs 383 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Radevit is its only dermatoprotective effect. The ointment should not be used for infected burns, but only after the suppuration has been eliminated.

Since there are quite a lot of vitamins in the ointment, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women if there are symptoms of hypervitaminosis, which is very rare in clinical practice. With caution, Radevit is used for excessive allergies and hypersensitivity. But on the other hand, the ointment is indispensable if the burn began to heal, but at the same time a focus appeared with increased dryness of the skin.


In our review of burn remedies, we looked at many topical remedies. Unfortunately, in this article we were not able to talk about the most modern anti-burn products, which include gel patches, wax-based patches that contain complex complexes with analgesic and antibacterial activity. These are Gelepran, Voskopran, Branolind. But we will definitely tell about them in the following reviews. The above material is quite enough for everyone to choose the remedy to their liking and complete their first aid kit with it. But the most important thing is to remember that burns are always better to avoid than to treat them well.

Sunburn is common, especially during the hot summer months when many people like to sunbathe on the beach. However, you should be extremely careful, especially for the first time, when the skin is still tender after wintering.

It is worth lying a little under the baking sun, and you will immediately earn a sunburn - the skin on the face, back and other parts of the body begins to burn and acquire a characteristic reddish tint. A sunburn is literally a skin burn caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The result of such a lesion is inflammation of the skin.

If you received a severe sunburn, then the first signs will begin to appear in a few hours, and a full day appears. clinical picture- itching, swelling, redness, soreness, dehydration and other "joys" of the resulting sunburn.

In this case, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to remove the effects of a sunburn. As a rule, treatment is carried out at home using pharmacy ointments, creams, sprays, as well as time-tested folk remedies.

Sunburn symptoms

Sunburns, like heat burns, are divided into three stages: solar erythematous dermatitis, blistering stage and necrotic stage.

The severity of the burn is affected by the type of skin, the amount of time spent in the sun, as well as the state of health. For example, people with fair skin get a severe sunburn much easier, and it will take longer to heal.

Most often, skin lesions as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays are manifested by redness and soreness of the skin, and vesicles may also appear, grouped into blisters, with serous contents.

  1. With a mild burn, the skin becomes inflamed, reddens, and even a light touch causes pain. After a few days, the skin begins to peel off and the sunburn goes away without leaving visible marks.
  2. Severe sunburn is complicated by severe skin burning, blistering, severe dehydration, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, and possible infection.

In addition to the above symptoms, there are also:

  • chills;
  • temperature;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • symptoms resembling vomiting;
  • blistering;
  • loss of skin observed 4-7 days after the burn.

Other problems that may occur along with sunburn include:

  • heat or sunstroke, or other problems associated with general overheating;
  • allergic reactions to sun exposure or sun exposure protective equipment;
  • eye disorders such as burning pain, decreased vision, partial or complete loss of vision.

Your skin type determines your susceptibility to sunburn and sunburn. People with fair or freckled skin, blond or red hair, and blue eyes, are particularly sensitive.

What to do with a sunburn?

Everyone should know what to do when a sunburn occurs. By doing so, you will alleviate the symptoms and get better sooner.

  1. First of all, after a sunburn has been received, it is necessary to go into a room into which ultraviolet rays would not penetrate.
  2. Further, it is important to understand how severe the burn is and whether blisters have appeared. If they are, it means that the degree of skin damage is significant, which requires an urgent visit to the doctor.
  3. You can temporarily relieve pain with a cold shower or a compress.
  4. On the damaged area, you need to apply a cream with a calming effect, chilled aloe juice is also suitable. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to apply oils, both creamy and vegetable, to burned skin.

First aid

When the burn is not too severe, you can treat yourself. Be sure to see a doctor if you get a severe burn and you have the following symptoms:

  • strong pain;
  • large blisters;
  • headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • confusion, weakness.

First aid is aimed at lowering the temperature, providing moisture to the cells of the epidermis, removing redness, and reducing the sensation of pain.

What to treat? To do this, you can use compresses and lotions from chilled black or green tea, chilled decoctions. medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect (for example, chamomile, calendula, lavender). Remember to drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

Cooled skin must be moisturized, otherwise immediately after cooling it will dry out and inflame even more. After-sun ointments or sunburn sprays work well for this. Folk remedies are also suitable - kefir, sour cream, milk, egg white, you can spread yourself with these products at home.

To relieve pain, you can take - Imet, etc. or take a cool bath or shower. Suitable for relieving itching and burning. Further actions are related to therapeutic measures and are aimed at preventing infection of damaged skin and its speedy recovery.

How to treat sunburn at home

If the skin is damaged in the sun, it is necessary not to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for several days, that is, to allow the skin to calm down and rest without appearing in the sun.

Home treatment involves the use of folk remedies, they will help relieve sunburn of the skin.

  1. One of the oldest ways, simple and affordable: you need lubricate the burnt places with sour milk, kefir, natural yogurt (without fruit additives and sugar). Sometimes sour cream is included in this list, however, due to its fat content, it creates a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms on injured skin.
  2. To sun-damaged skin area attach a piece of raw peeled potatoes, hold for several minutes periodically updating the attached slices.
  3. In the case of mild thermal external burns, apply thick protein separated from the yolk and apply it on the treated skin surface. The resulting film is not removed, it should fall off by itself.
  4. Need to cut a fresh aloe vera leaf in the middle to get the juice. Apply aloe vera juice on sunburn blisters, let it dry and absorb into the skin. If a fresh aloe vera leaf is not available, you can use aloe vera gel, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  5. Necessary pour a tablespoon of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. And when it cools down, make a compress from the infusion, applying a piece of moistened gauze to the burnt areas.
  6. white cabbage leaves washed and doused with boiling water for greater softness. Then they are cooled and applied to burns, secured with a bandage and worn throughout the day. This simple method helps reduce pain and relieve swelling.

Try these folk recipes, they will help reduce symptoms and relieve sunburn in a short time.

How to smear sunburn at home

Above, we have listed how you can lubricate a sunburn at home using traditional medicine. What else can help in this case?

This section will present effective pharmaceutical products- ointments, aerosols and creams for burns. Before lubricating a sunburn, it is very important to make sure that the skin is intact and in no case open the blisters.

  1. in aerosol form (spray) - well relieves inflammation of the skin, covering it with a specific protective film.
  2. , 0, 05 or 1% depending on the age of the victim and the degree of damage to the epidermis.
  3. With erosive lesions after bursting blisters, Dermazin or helps.
  4. or - these funds help not only to anesthetize, but also to remove puffiness, which is sometimes very pronounced.
  5. in the form of an ointment or cream, antimicrobial, analgesic and regenerating drug.
  6. Cooling gels containing menthol and anesthetics.

These medications will help relieve your symptoms, and after a few days, sunburn will no longer bother you.

The sun is not always helpful. Almost the only benefit from it is vitamin D, but it is very easy to get it and not spend hours on the beach under the open sky. It's just as easy to get burned from being on the beach all the time.

Frequent sunburn can lead to skin cancer. However, with a single small burn, you can save yourself with an ordinary cream. In general, don't spend too much time in the sun. It is best to go to the beach after 5 pm, the sun's rays at this time are the safest.

The main symptom of a burn is severe reddening of the skin. Then bubbles appear. They may itch. In no case should you wipe burns with ice, wash with soap, rub with a washcloth, smear with petroleum jelly and wipe with alcohol. Do not puncture the blisters, you will introduce an infection.

Effective creams and ointments: elovera ointment, bepanthen, dexpanthenol, livian aerosol, actovegin ointment, carotolin solution, panthenol, fastin, olasol, fenistil, apollo. Remember that the cream can only be used for first-degree burns. At other stages, they will not help or make it worse. In the first degree, the skin is red, slightly sore and itchy.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before using burn creams. More about each tool below.

How to protect your skin from the sun

In order not to spoil the pleasure of being on the beach and not get a burn instead of an even tan, it is necessary to apply protective agents to the skin. Remember that large volumes of water (sea, ocean) enhance the aggressive action of the sun's rays, and you can burn out on the beach faster than on the streets of the city.

Creams for sun protection are divided into several types, depending on the type of human skin.

The package contains a special index, which is indicated in Latin letters SPF:

  • dark-skinned people need a cream with an indicator not exceeding 10 units;
  • those who do not have problems with sunburn need to buy a cream with an indicator of 10-25 units;
  • people with snow-white, sun-sensitive skin need high protection of 30-50 units or more.

A cream with a high protection factor allows you to safely spend a lot of time under the directed rays of the sun. However, doctors advise not to be on the beach from 11 am to 3 pm, since during this period the activity of solar radiation is the highest, and it will not be difficult to get a burn.

Degrees of sunburn injury

If a person is burned in the sun, what to do depends on the size of the skin lesion and the harm done to the body. Four degrees of sunburn are classified, these are:

  • Slight hyperemia, without blistering.
  • Hyperemia, accompanied by the formation of papules and blisters. With the simultaneous development of general burn symptoms (fever, chills, pain).
  • Damage to more than 60% of the skin with structural disorders.
  • Severe dehydration of the whole organism, with damage to the kidneys, cardiac activity, often ending in the death of the victim.

Why is he dangerous?

Sunburn, accompanied by redness, passes without consequences within a few days. Under the influence of rays often appear benign neoplasms, moles, birthmarks. There is a manifestation of erythema, the face and body are covered with red and pink spots of various sizes.

Under adverse working conditions, life, regular influence of aggressive factors, over time, benign formations can transform into malignant ones. With frequent sunburn from natural and artificial sources, there is a risk of developing skin cancer.

Excessive tanning can lead to dryness, wrinkles, and premature aging of the skin.

When receiving severe sunburn, wounds, burns, cracks often form, you may encounter swelling, blisters. Restoration of integuments requires a long period, application medicines. The consequences can be inflammatory and infectious diseases requiring drug therapy.

Signs of sunburn

The main and one of the only signs of a sunburn is severe reddening of the skin. By the way, sun lovers should take note that exceeding the limit with a tan can result in 99 percent of the skin being burned.

The second sign of sunburn, which appears later, is the appearance of blisters. Thus, redness of the skin is the first sign of a burn.

The skin can also burn and itch. These are the second signs.

The very last sign, when there is nothing to help, and you only have to treat wounds, are blisters.

What not to do if burned

Treatment of sunburn in the vast majority of cases is carried out at home and independently. If the injured person acts correctly, then the unpleasant symptoms will soon remain only a memory, but inept actions can significantly complicate the situation when one cannot do without the help of doctors.

  1. A common mistake is to lubricate damaged skin with ice cubes. Temporary relief will turn into a sad picture of the death of the epithelium and a long recovery period, possibly with cosmetic defects in the future.
  2. If the skin is burned in the sun, you can not wash the damaged areas using alkaline soap, which destroys the protective skin layer, and also rub the skin with a washcloth or clean it with scrubs, since any maceration enhances the inflammatory reaction.
  3. With a sunburn, treatment should not be carried out by applying alcohol-containing products to damaged skin, because. alcohol causes additional dehydration.
  4. Do not treat burns in the acute period with Vaseline-based products, because. such products close the pores and do not allow the skin to breathe. It is also not advisable to apply mutton, pork fat, etc. in the acute period.
  5. In no case should blisters and papules be pierced, because. this is a direct route to skin infection.
  6. During the entire recovery period, you should not sunbathe or be in direct sunlight with unprotected skin (if necessary, only in closed clothes).
  7. You should not drink alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and teas, as this aggravates the state of dehydration.

Effective ointments and creams for sunburn

Ointments or creams for sunburn of the skin should occupy the "first place" in the first aid kit. Before you go on a summer vacation, you need to make sure that such a drug is present among the medicines. It is best to buy it at a pharmacy.

The most effective remedies for skin burns are the following drugs.

Elovera ointment

The basis of the ointment are two active ingredients: vitamin E and aloe barbados (leaf juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.5). The auxiliary composition of the drug consists of liquid paraffin, glycerol, cetyl alcohol, purified water, triethanolamine, glycerol (monostearate) and other chemical elements.

The ointment improves cellular metabolism, promotes tissue regeneration, prevents the appearance of scars and coarsening. It is used to treat cracks in the skin, sunburn, dermatitis of various forms, psoriasis, eczema.

Damaged areas on the body are treated with a thin layer of Elavera ointment 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 12 days, further use is determined by the doctor.


Very effective remedy, which is produced in different forms: there are cream, ointment, spray. The active ingredient of the drug is dexpanthenol. It moisturizes, heals, fights inflammation, and quickly restores tissues.

The preparations are applied to the damaged areas of the skin with a rather thin layer, used twice a day. In mild cases, spray treatment is usually preferred, the course is 3-5 days. In severe injuries, a cream or ointment is chosen, the treatment lasts a week or more.


A specially formulated ointment for the treatment of superficial lesions. The composition of the ointment contains 5% dexpanthenol - the active substance, which is a synthetic analogue of vitamin B5. The ointment has a light structure, quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and replenishes the missing collagen.

The use of the drug helps to restore skin cells, improves the metabolism of the damaged area, prevents inflammation and swelling. It is recommended to lubricate the burn 2-4 times. It is allowed to use from infancy. There are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Livian aerosol

Livian - combined preparation - 210 rubles.

The composition includes linetol, fish oil, lavender oil, sunflower oil, a-tocopherol acetate, anestezin, cyminal, a mixture of freons. It accelerates metabolic reactions, has an antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply: One spray on damaged skin during the day until recovery

This is a biological drug that significantly reduces the duration of treatment for sunburn. When applied to the skin, the patient may feel mild pain, which quickly passes.

How to use it correctly: burn areas are lubricated with ointment 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

Solution Carotolin

This solution not only accelerates the healing process, but also reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, relieves redness and heat in the affected area. In addition, when used, the solution has a cooling effect - it becomes much easier and more comfortable for a person.

How to use it correctly: a solution of Carotolin is applied to a sterile gauze napkin (the napkin must be well wetted) and applied to sunburns. There is no need to apply any bandages on top. Such lotions can be done 2-3 times a day.


In stores, you can often find a cream for sunburn "Panthenol" (Russia, JSC "Avanta"). Consumers love this product for its lightweight texture that absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue.

This cream for sunburn on the face also works very well. Moisturizes and soothes the skin, neutralizes redness and flaking. Some of the fair sex even restore damaged hair with it.

In the list of components of many shampoos and balms, you can often find panthenol, so this method of application also has its own logic. However, for the care of curls, it is not Panthenol sunburn cream that is more suitable, but a spray.

It is this product that Amcapharm Pharmaceutical GmbH produces. The drug costs more (350-500 rubles), but the quality and result fully justify the money spent. The spray easily copes with almost any damage to the skin: abrasions, scratches, corns, household and sunburns.

Air foam is sprayed onto the injured area once or several times a day. "Panthenol" partially relieves pain, accelerates the synthesis of biologically active substances and promotes healing.

Radevit is the best ointment for burns

The cost of a tube weighing 35 g is an average of 350 rubles.

The main active components of the ointment are substances that stimulate skin regeneration - vitamins A, E and D. By stimulating the metabolism in tissues, Radevit allows you to accelerate the healing of the skin with thermal burns, any uninfected wounds, and also has a symptomatic effect in dermatosis, eliminating skin itching. The remedy can be safely called one of the best ointments for burns.

In addition, Radevit contributes to the normal hydration of the skin. Often, the “new” skin that grows on the wounds becomes overdried, cracks form on it, as a result of which secondary infection is possible. Due to the optimal level of moisture when using Radevit, this risk is minimized.

The main positive feature of the cream is a small number of contraindications: the active components of Radevit are substances present in the human body. Therefore, its use is possible in children under 1 year old, in pregnant and lactating women.

The disadvantages include the limitation on the time of use: with prolonged use of the cream, the development of hypervitaminosis A, E, D is possible.

Score on a 10-point scale - 8.

Reviews: “At one time, she treated a child with a burn from boiling water (small, about 3 cm in diameter). The skin has healed well, a small scar is visible only against the background of tanned skin. But the cream is very oily and absorbs slowly.”


This remedy for sunburn contains a trio of active substances: anesthesin, synthomycin, furatsilin. The ointment has an analgesic, antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation, and promotes rapid healing.

The ointment is used in the form of applications: it is applied not to the skin, but to a sterile gauze napkin, then applied to the body. Change them twice a day. The duration of therapy is from a week to 10 days, a longer course can cause severe irritation.

The use of zinc ointment for the treatment of sunburn is justified if the integrity of the skin is compromised. Its use effectively dries the damaged areas, preventing the formation of exudate.

The ointment consists of vaseline with zinc oxide. When applied, it is not absorbed, but covers the wounds with a strong protective film.

The drug must not be applied to infected wounds, since the dense structure of the ointment promotes the growth of bacteria. It is not advisable to use the ointment for the treatment of minor burns.


An antibacterial drug that has an analgesic effect on burned skin, prevents the release of protein fluid from the epidermis, and accelerates regenerating processes in tissues. The agent for topical use is available in the form of a spray in aerosol cans of sixty, eighty, one hundred and twenty grams.

The composition of the spray includes such substances:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • boric acid;
  • benzocaine;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • anestezin;
  • lanolin anhydrous;
  • triethanolamine.

Thanks to these components, pain disappears, the post-burn wound heals.


  • Foam from a can is evenly applied to the damaged surface;
  • This procedure is carried out up to four times in one day;
  • Depending on the degree of the burn, the medicine is used daily or once every two days.

The tool is not recommended to be applied to large areas of the skin. It is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with impaired renal function, if the patient has intolerance to the components of this drug.


Gels are also popular for treating UV exposure.

Use such drugs:

  1. Fenistil. Required when it occurs allergic reaction- severe itching redness. Use three times a day.
  2. "Apollo". It has a cooling effect, so necessary in the first hours after the problem. Apply three times a day, you can use lotions with it.
  3. Aloe Vera Gel. It contains a high concentration of aloe. Restores the layers of the epithelium in the shortest possible time. Apply at least three times a day.

Does "baby cream" help with sunburn?

Baby cream can help prevent sunburn. To do this, it is applied before going outside. But after receiving a burn, it should not be immediately applied to the damaged surface.

As with normal burns, baby cream traps heat in the tissues, which worsens the condition of the patient and contributes to tissue damage. It is impossible to smear with cream and open wound surfaces. It is advisable to use this tool during the recovery period.

Basic Mistakes

When getting a sunburn, it is very important not to aggravate the situation. First of all, you need to go to a cool room and monitor the drinking regimen.

  • pierce blisters;
  • lubricate the damaged area with oil or baby cream;
  • use alcohol-containing cosmetics and scrubs;
  • take a hot shower or bath;
  • consume alcoholic beverages.

Depending on the degree of damage, when can you apply cream on burns?

This is something that is of great importance when it comes to any home remedy from burns, and their list includes various drugs that were not created for this and were not prescribed by a specialist.

Such injuries fall into the following categories:

  • I degree. Slight redness, itching sensation, tolerable pain. Characteristic for it are contacts with boiling water, steam, short-term touches of hot surfaces. With such symptoms, after cooling the injured area, you can smear the burn with cream, it will moisturize the skin and relieve slight inflammation;
  • II degree. Pain is more noticeable, blisters with watery contents begin to form. Here it is already necessary to consult a doctor, since it is impossible to open them at home. They perform a kind of protective function, due to which external infections cannot spread throughout the body. Starting with this severity, it is not recommended to use baby cream for burns, this can exacerbate symptoms and provoke complications;
  • III degree. This is already a serious injury to the skin, in which you need to call an ambulance. And sometimes, the victims are sent to special burn departments and institutions. Manifestations include: cloudy contents of the blisters, severe pain;
  • IV degree. At the site of the burn, tissue necrosis begins (charring is also characteristic). We need quick help here to avoid dire consequences.

Important! Use children's cream for burns only with the I degree of severity of thermal, chemical or radiation injury, when the integrity of the skin is not broken.

Contraindications to the use of ointments after burns

It is forbidden to treat drugs with:

  • Allergies to drug components;
  • Pregnancy and lactation (need to consult a doctor);
  • Wet wounds;
  • Associated skin diseases;

Some drugs are contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age.

What to do immediately after a sunburn (first aid)

  • Get out of the sun first. Otherwise, you will only make the situation worse;
  • If there are blisters, immediately run to the doctor or call the emergency services. Do not open them yourself. There is a high risk of subcutaneous infection and further damage to the skin;
  • Do not try to rub the skin with vegetable or butter! Instead, treat the affected areas with aloe juice or take a cool shower;
  • Use a sunburn cream. They will be discussed below;
  • If swelling occurs, especially in the neck, immediately run to the doctor!
  • Extensive burns of the extremities can be accompanied by severe edema, in which there is a loss of sensation and blueness. In this case, it is also necessary to consult a doctor;
  • During the entire recovery period of the skin, do not wear clothes made of "hard" and "non-breathable" fabrics, such as synthetics. Wear cotton or silk clothing.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, preferably green tea. Increase your vitamin C intake.

Important: before applying any ointment or cream to the skin, cool it - take a 10-15 minute cool shower.

Prohibited Events

The victim and the people around him should be well aware of what actions are prohibited in case of sunburn:

  • applying ice to the affected area. As a result of a sharp change in temperature, the condition of the injured skin layer deteriorates significantly, and the regeneration process becomes longer;
  • the use of soap or other products that contain alkali. This chemical element contributes to the destruction of the protective layer of the epithelium;
  • treatment of the wounded area with petroleum jelly or various natural oils. Such ingredients clog pores, preventing them from breathing, and thus aggravate the condition, delaying the recovery process for a long time;
  • independent violation of the integrity of watery blisters;
  • treatment with alcohol-containing agents;
  • prolonged contact with ultraviolet rays until complete regeneration of burned tissues;
  • drinking coffee, strong tea and drinks containing alcohol. Their reception exacerbates the state of dehydration and significantly worsens the patient's well-being.

Preparations for internal use

Therapy with drugs for internal use can be used up to 10 days after burning. These drugs include antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, which will lower the temperature, relieve swelling, eliminate pain, relieve redness.

Any drugs should be used as prescribed by a doctor. Since this phenomenon is more of an allergic reaction, and the treatment of the problem must be approached wisely. Preparations for internal use are rarely prescribed and usually these are drugs:

  • reducing temperature;
  • boosting immunity;
  • help with headache and nausea;
  • serve as an antiallergic agent.

All other external treatments to restore the epithelium and epidermis.

Folk remedies for sunburn

  • Sour-milk products (kefir, milk, yogurt) are stored in the refrigerator, so they are an excellent medicine for cooling the skin. In addition, a thin film is created on the surface, which protects against the penetration of microorganisms;
  • Egg white, raw potatoes - ingredients that improve the regeneration of the skin, preventing bacterial contamination of the focus. Grind, use the resulting slurry to apply to the affected area;
  • From the leaves of aloe, after grinding, gruel is taken, which is diluted with milk. Apply and leave the product on the skin for 30 minutes daily;
  • A decoction of pharmacy chamomile quickly eliminates inflammation. For cooking, collect dry inflorescences. Add a spoonful of herbs to a liter of water. Slowly cook on fire for 5 minutes, let it brew. Strain through gauze. To prepare lotions, make a decoction every 3 hours;
  • Ointment with aloe and honey helps to heal even deep defects. To prepare the medicine, pass the leaves through a meat grinder. Mix with honey, refrigerate for 30 minutes. Apply evenly to affected areas. Leave the ointment on the skin for about an hour. After drying, rinse with running water. Dry with a towel. Apply the balm to areas affected by direct sunlight.

It is necessary to lubricate burns in children and adults correctly. At right approach you can count on the healing of defects within 1-2 weeks.

Tea (tea leaves and bags)

For removal pain when the eyelids are burned in the sun, a good effect is achieved with the help of compresses from tea bags soaked in water at room temperature.

They must be applied to closed eyes for at least 15 minutes. If the sachets heat up quickly, you need to re-wet them and wring them out a little.

Burning from areas that are severely burned and reddened, relieves the compress well using strong tea leaves. First, it will need to be cooled, apply a cloth soaked in brewed tea to the skin for 30 minutes.

Sea buckthorn oil is the best natural remedy for burns

The cost of a 50 ml bottle is about 200 rubles.

This is perhaps the best known and best natural remedy for treating thermal burns. Such popularity is due to the almost complete harmlessness of sea buckthorn oil and the absence of contraindications (with the exception of allergic reactions to oil components and / or individual intolerance).

The main active ingredients of sea buckthorn oil: biologically active components that stimulate the regeneration and healing of the skin, provide an antiseptic effect. For the treatment of burns, only natural oil is used - undiluted.

TO positive aspects sea ​​buckthorn oil can be attributed to its versatility and a wide range of indications: the presence of this remedy in a home medicine cabinet is a good help in the treatment of bedsores, trophic ulcers, thermal burns, and even a number of systemic diseases, such as beriberi.

Additives such as cedar resin can be included in the composition of the oil, which further enhances the effectiveness of the product.

A conditionally negative quality can be called its liquid consistency, which presents a certain inconvenience during application. In addition, the high fat content causes some "danger" for clothing, especially when applied externally to fidget children.

Nevertheless, the 100% natural origin of this remedy, high efficiency and the minimum number of contraindications provided him with a score of 10 points.

Reviews: “I never forget to replenish sea buckthorn oil in the first aid kit. The best remedy for all occasions: it started with the fact that it treated younger son a burn from a motorcycle exhaust pipe, then on a trip to the country, I forgot hand cream at home and used oil (I highly recommend it, by the way), and now I just can’t do without it!”

For burns that are not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, it is necessary to place the burnt area for 15-20 minutes under a gentle stream of cold water. After that, you need to dry the burn with soft wetting movements with a sterile gauze pad, and apply a burn remedy.

A dry sterile bandage is applied to the burn with skin damage (make sure that the bandage does not put pressure on the wound). In case of burn injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin, as well as with extensive lesions, in no case use any means for wounds, even if you are sure of their effectiveness.

This is due to the fact that for some time after receiving a burn, the wound remains sterile (due to exposure to high temperatures) and the application of any means, even intended for the treatment of burns, is the risk of infection.

Herbal decoctions

With intolerance to dairy products applied to the skin or their absence, you can use herbal decoctions. Compresses from them help soothe sun-damaged skin, eliminate pain.

Burning with small burns and redness is well removed by wet dressings soaked in a decoction of celandine, string, chamomile or oak bark.

Cooking is done according to the instructions that are printed on the box with the selected plant. Another plus of this recipe is that the broth can be prepared several times, stored in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tight lid.

Before use, warm the cold decoction to room temperature and moisten a clean cloth or gauze.

It is necessary to apply such a remedy on the skin for 15 minutes. After each application of the herbal compress, apply a moisturizer to the skin. During the day, carry out three to four procedures. The duration depends on the condition of the skin, stop only after the disappearance of redness and pain when touched.


Soda solution has an antiseptic effect, relieves itching, removes redness, reduces swelling of tissues near the affected areas. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiled chilled water and apply it in the form of compresses (lotions) using sterile wipes or bandages.

Mint leaves are used in the form of lotions (compresses). They perfectly cool the skin, have a calming effect, reduce the risk of infections. To do this, dry or fresh leaves are poured with boiling water, allowed to brew and cool. Next, apply to the affected areas of the skin with sterile bandages or napkins.

Aloe is the best natural remedy for sunburn. Aloe soothes the damaged area, restores the epithelium. This plant contains a large number of compounds that moisturize the skin and heal wounds. Aloe also relieves inflammation and quickly heals burnt places.

Aloe juice stops skin damage during category 1 and 2 burns, relieves pain and relieves inflammation.

Scientists even conducted several experiments. As a result of these experiments, they were able to establish that the gel prepared on the basis of this plant reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet rays on the surface of the skin.

Moreover, they proved that this gel is considered much more effective than hydrocortisone ointment. And her doctors often prescribe her during burns, even though she has some side effects.

So, if you decide to use aloe against sunburn, proceed as follows:

  • Cut off a small leaf of a plant
  • Squeeze the juice out of it
  • Apply the juice to the affected area of ​​the skin

After aloe, the skin will calm down and receive additional moisture. You can cut the leaf lengthwise into 2 parts and lubricate the skin with it until the juice runs out.


Any cold surface can soothe burnt skin, relieve swelling and redness, and reduce pain. To do this, it is necessary to apply frozen cubes of pure water at a distance of 5-10 cm from the affected areas and hold until relief occurs.

This method is also popular in folk medicine, providing significant relief from sunburn. To do this, a gruel is prepared from a piece of fresh pumpkin, which is applied in an even layer to the affected areas of the skin, and covered with gauze on top.

A layer of fabric is necessary so that the pumpkin porridge does not dry out on oxygen. Already after the first applied compress, a person will feel significant relief, the symptoms will decrease or disappear completely, depending on the degree of damage received.


Raw potato juice can be used at home to help after prolonged exposure to the sun. Apply it directly to the affected skin or make a compress.

To do this, you need to grate it on a fine grater, wrap the resulting slurry in three layers of gauze. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes.

If the face is burned, a mask of grated raw potatoes, combined with flour to a pasty state, is applied to it. This recipe will soothe the skin and reduce redness.

To reduce pain and eliminate itching, potato starch is applied to the burnt places. It can be used as a lotion, for this you need to add water.

Potatoes with sour cream will help heal a sunburn. Before applying to the skin, it will need to be boiled and mashed, add sour cream. Gently apply the resulting mass on damaged skin, hold for 30 minutes. Sweep warm water without using soap. This recipe is suitable for the face, reduce the time to 15 minutes.


If the face is swollen, the temperature has risen, you can treat it with natural methods. Folk recipes relieve fever and painful sensitivity, saturate the cells with nutrients. The protective barriers of the epidermis are restored, renewal processes are accelerated.

Remedies for sunburn in children

It is necessary to single out pathology in young patients in a separate category because of the increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Accelerated metabolism, increased blood supply are factors that create the prerequisites for the development of a pronounced burn when a child stays under the sun for even a small amount of time.

Consider the principles of first aid:

  • In children under one year old, the burn causes unforeseen reactions. It is not recommended to smear it at home. Physicians will advise placing the patient in a hospital;
  • Fever, chills in a baby are symptoms of sunstroke;
  • If headaches join, look for blisters on the skin, swelling of the extremities.
  • To eliminate such symptoms, cool the child's skin with water. For these purposes, use a terry towel, wrap the baby in it for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every half hour, but make sure that the child does not overcool;
  • Treat the area of ​​​​skin lesion with the drug - panthenol;
  • Remove clothing to prevent injury. Make sure that the bed linen is soft;
  • Let the child drink as often as possible;
  • When vomiting, lay the victim on the right side so that it does not enter the respiratory tract.

For 1-2 degree burns in children in a pharmacy, buy wound healing agents with antibacterial properties (panthenol). They are applied only after the skin has dried (crust formation). For discharge from the wound, weeping, bleeding, wait for the damaged area to dry or use creams for wet skin.

When medical attention is needed

The degree of damage from the sun's rays is different - from slight redness to the formation of blisters. In what cases should you immediately seek medical help? This should be done if:

  • edema appeared;
  • blisters appeared;
  • blueness appeared;
  • increased body temperature.

The use of vegetable oil, cream and other fatty foods is unacceptable - they form an air-tight film on the skin, contributing to the aggravation of the process. To relieve burning sensations, take a cool shower and lubricate the skin with aloe juice.

What can slow down recovery?

  • The practice of treating the burn surface with alcohol solutions has become a thing of the past - this slows down regeneration.
  • It is not necessary to apply oils and oils to inflamed and swollen skin. cosmetical tools- this will only increase discomfort, but will not speed up recovery.
  • Should not be shown in the sun for at least a few days.
  • If bubbles appear, do not try to open them yourself.
  • Do not try to exfoliate your skin with scrubs. This can lead to damage and infection of the skin. If the top layer has begun to peel off, it is better to use regenerating ointments.

Unfortunately, no one has yet figured out how to get rid of sunburn in a couple of hours. But every year there are more and more means to alleviate this unpleasant time. Who knows? Maybe soon pharmacologists will figure out how to cure a sunburn in just a matter of hours.

Is it possible to sunbathe if burned?

There is no exact answer here. It all depends on the type of human skin. You can start sunbathing only after the skin is completely restored. Wait a little for the redness and pain to disappear from the skin, the blisters to disappear, the epidermis to stop itching and peel off.

How to restore skin after a burn - physiotherapy

The purpose of physiotherapeutic measures is to improve blood circulation, tissue regeneration, normalize skin tone, etc.

In addition, physiotherapy helps in the prevention of suppuration, eliminates pain, the presence of necrotic tissue. It is recommended to carry out physiotherapy after transplantation to enhance the effect of engraftment of the flaps.

In order to know how to restore the skin after a chemical or thermal burn, it is necessary to consult with the appropriate specialist: combustiologist, surgeon, physiotherapist.

most sought after and effective procedures are:

  1. UV rays are often applied at an erythemal dosage to enhance repair, repair and eliminate the inflammatory process;
  2. Electrotherapy (diadynamic therapy, therapeutic sleep, electrophoresis) has an anti-stress effect, provides cleaning from dead tissue;
  3. Methods using UHF can relieve inflammation, improve the process of blood supply, skin recovery after a burn;
  4. Phonophoresis or ultrasound technique stimulates the process of scar resorption, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and discomfort;
  5. Photochromotherapy in the "red" spectrum has a high reparative property on the injured area;
  6. Aeroionotherapy stimulates an accelerated permeability process, thereby reducing pain;
  7. Laser therapy in the red spectrum will help restore facial skin after a burn, it has an anti-inflammatory property, improves tissue regeneration. Often used even with complex and deep lesions of the epidermis, in patients with an unfavorable prognosis;
  8. Darsonvalization is an effective prevention of purulent inflammation and significantly speeds up the healing process, helps to avoid scarring. Skin care after a burn, especially the face, often includes this procedure;
  9. Magnetotherapy is mainly used for severe injuries in order to normalize the general condition of the patient. In addition, the technique restores the level of blood supply, tissue regeneration.


Why fight burns when they can be prevented altogether? Then there will be no discomfort and pain, and you will be able to spend your vacation calmly. We can not only help the skin recover, but also protect it as much as possible. As the saying goes, the best defense is prevention. She does not carry anything complicated.

The principles of sunburn prevention are probably known to everyone.

  1. To begin with, you should protect your body from direct exposure to the rays. Clothing, however, does not cope here 100%, because it is capable of transmitting up to 15% of ultraviolet radiation. And if you also wet the fabric, then you can safely add another 20% to this indicator. Thus, even being dressed, with prolonged exposure to the sun, you still risk getting a slight burn.
  2. One of the best preventive measures is a burn cream. It should be applied to all parts of the body that can be exposed to strong ultraviolet rays: on the skin of the face, back, arms, legs, etc. The cream must be chosen depending on how susceptible your skin is to ultraviolet radiation. It is also important to know that it must be applied to the body not already under the influence of the sun, for example, on the beach, but before you go out under the scorching rays. As a rule, the cream does not need to be rubbed, but only applied to the skin with a thin layer of 1-2 mm.
  3. While on the beach, do not forget to use sunglasses - they will help protect your extremely delicate skin around the eyes, as well as the retina.
  4. It is recommended to be under direct rays only in the morning and evening, but not at lunchtime, when the sun is at its zenith.

Restoring the sensitivity of the tongue after a burn

Burns of the tongue, especially thermal and chemical ones, occur quite often in everyday life. If the tongue is reddened and swollen, then this is a 1 degree burn, in which the mucous membrane is damaged - the upper layers of its stratified squamous epithelium.

When the pain is very severe and a bubble forms on the red and swollen surface of the tongue, this is a 2nd degree burn with damage to the deeper layers of the mucosa. And a 3rd degree burn affects not only the mucosal plate, but can also reach the lingual fascia.

Restoration of the sensitivity of the tongue after a burn of 1-2 degrees (regeneration of the filiform and conical papillae) occurs by itself. In the same way, the restoration of taste after a burn of the tongue occurs: damaged taste buds (receptors) of fungiform, grooved and leaf-shaped papillae, which provide a sense of taste and are constantly updated.

To help restore and heal the burn, rinsing the mouth with a decoction of calendula flowers, plantain leaves or knotweed, as well as aloe juice and golden mustache, can help. And doctors advise using Propomisol spray with propolis and oils - eucalyptus and clove.

Further care

How to care for a sun-damaged face:

  • exclude fatty creams for a while (they are a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria) and alcohol-containing cosmetics (contribute to the drying of already dehydrated facial skin);
  • do not pierce water blisters, treat them with special means (potassium permanganate, healing ointments), otherwise you risk being left with scars and scars;
  • try to stay in the sun as little as possible. If this is not possible, cover your face with a wide-brimmed hat or cap, do not forget about sunglasses;
  • do not cut off shreds of dead skin, you risk infection;
  • instead of the usual creams for daily care, use an oil-based vitamin E (available at any pharmacy) or a mixture essential oils lavender and chamomile;
  • eat more fresh fruits, treat the body from the inside, and not just from the outside;
  • for faster healing and restoration of facial skin after sun exposure, use masks with aloe (aloe juice is mixed with green tea brew). When applying masks, try to avoid excessive tightening of the face.

- this is a skin injury that symptomatically resembles a thermal burn, but has a different nature. The damaged area of ​​the body turns red, swells slightly, becomes hot and very sensitive to touch. With deeper damage, the skin swells, the victim feels a strong burning sensation, pain, chills, and body temperature rises.

Photo 1. Long exposure to the sun leads to burns. Source: Flickr (Tigertosser).

What is sunburn

Sunburn is the result of prolonged and intense exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays. Such damage can be obtained not only on the street, but also with artificial irradiation - in a solarium or from therapeutic quartz treatment.

Note! Excessive passion for tanning threatens the development of malignant processes in the dermis in the future. In a person who has had episodes of sunburn at least once in his life, the risk of developing melanoma increases significantly.

What are sunburns

The damage caused by UV rays is superficial. There are 3 types of sunburn:

  1. Light burn- the skin turns red in 2-4 hours after irradiation. There is a moderate burning sensation and soreness. Unpleasant touch of clothes on the body. Such injuries resolve on their own in 2-3 days and do not require special treatment. The victim is advised to protect the skin from mechanical influences, clothing should be cotton, soft. To alleviate the condition, you can use folk remedies.
  2. Medium burn. The upper layer of the epidermis burns completely and swells with blisters. The victim feels a strong burning sensation, pain, malaise, weakness, body temperature rises. It is impossible to touch the place of damage, movements are constrained due to pain and tightness.
  3. Severe sunburn occur infrequently. However, such a skin lesion is characterized by a long, severe course, since a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is injured. In these cases, home treatment is unacceptable - you must seek qualified medical help.

Note! Sunburns heal painfully. The use of special medications accelerates regeneration, improves well-being and prevents possible infection of damaged areas.

Sunburn treatment at home

The effect of sunlight on the skin is insidious in that it does not appear immediately. If on a sunny day you notice reddening of the skin, then you should immediately go into the room or, in extreme cases, hide in the shade.

First aid for sunburn

To alleviate the general condition, you can take paracetamol, nurofen or a pill acetylsalicylic acid. Medicines will relieve some of the pain and lower the body temperature.

Note! Reddened skin should not be categorically lubricated with sour cream or fatty yogurt. This will only make the situation worse.

If blisters swell on the skin, then you can only use anti-inflammatory topical medications, such as, or in the form of sprays or light gels.

Further treatment will depend on the severity of the burn.

With individual sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, the reaction to the sun manifests itself in the form allergic rashes. Most often it is hives, which protrudes on the back of the arms, neck and chest.

Remedies for sunburn

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of ointments, gels, creams and sprays that have anti-inflammatory properties, improve processes regeneration skin, protect And soften damaged areas of the dermis.

Popular experience has also accumulated many effective recipes for the treatment of such injuries.


The essence of therapy protection against infection and acceleration of regeneration processes.

Photo 2. Going to the beach, you need to put funds in the first-aid kit for before and after tanning. Source: Flickr (Kenga86).


A specially formulated ointment for the treatment of superficial lesions. The ointment contains 5% dexpanthenol- the active substance, which is a synthetic analogue of vitamin B5. The ointment has a light structure, quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and replenishes the missing collagen.

The use of the drug helps to restore skin cells, improves the metabolism of the damaged area, prevents inflammation and swelling. It is recommended to lubricate the burn 2-4 times. It is allowed to use from infancy. There are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Zinc ointment

The use of zinc ointment for the treatment of sunburn is justified if the integrity of the skin is compromised. Its use is effective dries out damaged areas preventing the formation of exudate.

The ointment consists of vaseline with zinc oxide. When applied, it is not absorbed, but covers the wounds with a strong protective film.

The drug must not be applied to infected wounds, since the dense structure of the ointment promotes the growth of bacteria. It is not advisable to use the ointment for the treatment of minor burns.


Pharmacies offer Eplan in the form of liniment, cream or wipes soaked in a healing solution. Active substance - glycolan(organic complex of lanthanum salts). The drug does not contain antibiotics, hormonal substances, analgesics. Protects the wound from infection, nourishes, softens tissues. Promotes effective restoration of the integrity of the dermis.

Eplan has no contraindications for use. Released without a prescription. Method of application: the affected area is lubricated as needed, leaving it to dry completely.


For topical use, the drug is available in the form of a gel or emulsion. Active substance: dimethindene maleate. Fenistil is intended to relieve symptoms of allergies and irritation. Light texture and fast action of the drug are indispensable for first aid - relieve itching, burning, swelling.

For sunburn, it is preferable to use an emulsion - its soft, moisturizing texture cools and softens damaged skin.

Note! The skin on which Fenistil-gel is applied must be protected from the action of UV rays.

Vinylin (Balm of Shostakovsky)

Balm is a liquid for the treatment of wounds, burns. Active substance: polyvinox. Vinylin is applied directly to the skin or applications with a solution are used.

The drug may cause an allergic reaction. It is recommended to test before use inside forearm.


It is a biogenic stimulant produced from calf's blood. It is used to treat damaged skin. Means repairs tissues, improves local oxygen supply, reduces exudate formation.

Note! Solcoseryl is banned for use as a human medicine in the United States, Canada and Western Europe. The use of the gel during pregnancy, lactation, in children and persons prone to allergic reactions is contraindicated.


Bepanthen cream - antiseptic with a pronounced regenerating effect. Active ingredients: dexpanthenol, chlorhexidine hydrochloride. When buying from a pharmacy chain, a prescription is not required. Approved for use without restrictions, with the exception of an individual allergic reaction. For burns, damaged skin is lubricated 2-3 times a day.

Photo 3. Before applying the ointment to visible areas of the body, you need to test it on the bend of the elbow. Source: Flickr (cutis beauty).

Psilo Balm

Gel with local antiallergic effect. Active substance: diphenhydramine hydrochloride. When applied to a burned area, it relieves pain, fever, swelling, itching and redness. Symptomatic treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day.


Spray for the treatment of burns. Effective relieves pain, burning, inflammation. It has a pronounced regenerating effect. The composition includes: fish oil, linethol, tocopherol, anestezin. The treatment is carried out once per day.


The dosage form is an aerosol. Contains in the composition sea ​​buckthorn oil, chloramphenicol, benzocaine. Fast anesthetizes burn, relieves inflammation, prevents infection of broken skin. Sea buckthorn oil softens and helps to restore the skin.


An ointment that contains as an active ingredient mixture of 3 vitamins A, D, E. Acts like restorative And improving local trophism means. It is recommended to lubricate the damaged surface of the body 2 times a day, until complete healing.

With caution when taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from using the product.

Sea buckthorn oil

softens and soothes the skin, relieves the feeling of tightness, fever and inflammation. It has a weak antibacterial effect, preventing the surface from becoming infected. Has no contraindications for use.

Sea buckthorn oil can be bought at a pharmacy, but ethnoscience ranks this remedy among his proven recipes. For the treatment of burns, the folk experience of healing offers other effective recipes.

Folk remedies

Traditionally, a burnt back is smeared with fermented milk products - sour cream, yogurt, kefir. But official medicine does not recommend the use of such therapy. Minor burns go away on their own, and greasing blisters of severe injuries only contributes to infection of the affected skin, especially considering that today they include various additives, such treatment can only cause swelling of the soft tissues and aggravate the situation.

From the arsenal of therapeutic folk remedies effective in the treatment of sunburn:

  • . It should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and lubricated with a damage solution. You can make tricks. Aloe juice disinfects the surface and accelerates healing.
  • Freshly squeezed raw potato juice good remedy to soothe inflamed skin and relieve puffiness.
  • Camomile tea. A solution of brewed chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, mild bactericidal and soothing effect. You can treat the skin with this tool as many times as you see fit. With extensive burns, it is good to take baths at room temperature with a decoction of chamomile.
  • Oak bark. An infusion of oak bark is prepared as follows: put 1 tablespoon of bark in a glass of boiling water, leave to cool. Used as a skin lotion.
  • Tea. Tea brewing is no worse than oak bark soothes, relieves inflammation and reduces swelling. Strong tea wipe the reddened skin several times a day.

Note! Folk recipes are effective for mild sunburn. If the skin is swollen with blisters, then it is better to entrust the treatment to medications.

Prevention of sunburn

Avoiding sunburns is important not only because they bring discomfort and worsen the appearance.

It is important! Prevention of excessive exposure of the skin to UV rays is important for maintaining health and preventing oncological pathologies. Ultraviolet radiation can trigger a lot of unwanted changes in the body, so you should protect a person from excess sunlight from childhood.

Sunburn prevention tips:

  • You should not be in the open sun during the peak of its activity - from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Remember that clouds and being in water does not save you from UV rays, as they are easily passed through.
  • Exposed areas of the body should be lubricated with sunscreen.

Remember that sunburn does not appear immediately, but only after a few hours. Excessive zeal in obtaining a beautiful tan threatens with the appearance of pigmentation, wrinkles and solar urticaria.