How to effectively lose weight in a month for a teenager. Should a teenager lose weight? Where does the body get energy for active growth?

Wanting to lose extra pounds, teenage girls often take extreme measures and can harm their health. What to do? Read the article, get 17 tips on how to safely lose weight for a teenage girl and change correctly!

How to lose weight if you are a teenager? Here you need to be careful, because the main thing is health. First, you need to know where the truth is and where the fiction is, so as not to fall into the hook of some myth with dire consequences. So, if you are a teenage girl who wants to lose weight safely, but at the same time effectively, read on. We offer you 17 useful tips, tested in practice.

You're still growing

If you're still in school but want to lose weight, the first thing you need to remember is that you're still growing! Gaining and losing weight during adolescence is almost inevitable as your body adapts to different hormonal levels and develops its own metabolism. Don't panic every time you gain a couple of extra pounds!

Play sports

Yes, it sounds corny, but it is true. If you're interested in team sports, you might want to consider joining your local volleyball or soccer team. Well, if you are a loner by nature, find something you like - for example, make it a rule to run in the morning. Sports are a great way not only to maintain your figure or lose weight, but also to make new friends.

Choose the lesser of two evils

As children and teenagers, we loved chips, cola and candy - hell, we practically lived in fast food heaven! But this is terribly harmful! Unfortunately, fast food is an integral part of the life of almost any teenager. Are we suggesting that we forget about these unhealthy goodies? No. BUT you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle and choose one “vice”, and change the rest to something more useful. For example, you can continue to munch on popcorn in movie theaters, but swap soda for mineral water. Or keep your habit of snacking on chips at lunch, but replace the soda with fruits and vegetables.

Forget about soda

Did you notice that in the previous tip we mentioned soda TWICE in the context of “forgetting and not remembering”? This is because it is she who will not allow teenagers to lose weight in peace. Each serving contains a ton of empty calories. So what will those calories do? They will only cling to you in the form of extra pounds and centimeters. Forget Coca-Cola, or at least switch to diet versions.

Do it now

If you are suffering from excess weight, and you’re not even 18 yet, don’t put this matter off long box. It won't get any easier. Of course, losing weight for a teenager, and not only that, is not easy, but if you start now, it will be easier later. Much easier.

Find a real girlfriend

It is your friends who have a decisive influence on your fight against excess weight. True friends will support you and push you forward - towards the treasured kilograms. But friends who only seem like them can undermine your aspirations for a better figure. Therefore, it’s better to hang out with people you can count on, and it’s better to avoid your enemies - let them gloat to themselves, he who laughs last laughs best!

Turn off the TV and computer

Have you noticed that we are moving our butts off the chair less and less? We watch TV, play video games, surf the Internet or just chat with friends, but from home, lying on the couch. It's horrible! This not only harms relationships, but also undermines the active physical activity of the body, which is simply necessary to lose weight (and then not gain weight)! If you want to lose weight and generally stay healthy, turn off the TV, move away from the computer, go for a walk with your friends.

Get up and dance

And again about video games. There are some useful ones among them. If you really want to play something, let it be an active game with a dance mat. Kinetic games are a lot of fun, and you can do it with your best friends. For example, organize a competition. Not only will you have a great time, but you will also burn those hated calories.

Do it for yourself

If you want to lose weight because your friends, parents, boyfriend or anyone else wants you to, stop and take a good look in the mirror. If YOU like what you see there, but everyone around you says that you need to lose weight, go to the doctor - he will tell you honestly whether to lose weight or not. Only a doctor can give an objective assessment of the body and figure. Perhaps your desire to lose weight is caused only by the useless general opinion (“because weighing 20 kg is fashionable”).

Ask for help

It's hard being a teenage girl. They can laugh at you and make fun of you. Nobody wants to help, those around them think only about themselves and how to have fun! If you are being bullied, humiliated, or even just laughed at, seek help from adults - parents, teachers, true friends. Don't try to cope with the problems of this world alone - it will not lead to anything good.

Losing weight cannot be called an easy process. Instead of diving into it headlong, start small and gradually increase the difficulty. To start, cut out sodas in the first week, then add one piece of fruit every day in the second week, then start exercising in the third week. The main thing is not to return to old bad habits and gradually build up new – useful ones. Believe me, you will see improvements very soon, and these “little things” will already help you move on.

Think about your lunch

Yes, lunch in the school cafeteria can be light and casual, but you need to be honest with yourself: calories are not equally healthy, especially if the school has a buffet. Instead of being torn between a cheesy burrito and a greasy burger, grab lunch from home (but make sure your home-cooked lunch isn't just as high in calories and unhealthy). This way you can control what and how much you eat at lunch. Try cheese, almonds and orange or apples and celery with peanut butter and low-fat yogurt. Any of these dishes is nutritious, satisfying and, most importantly, low in calories!


This may seem ineffective, but don't jump to conclusions. If you take too long between meals, you will feel intense hunger, and in this situation, anyone can make the wrong choice and eat something that they later regret. You know, eating 5 whites at lunch because you “haven’t eaten anything since yesterday” is the worst idea that could ever come into your head. Remember: you need to refuel your body every couple of hours, but always with healthy, low-calorie snacks.

Get enough sleep

If you don't sleep well, your body will have trouble controlling the hormones that control your appetite. In other words, if you don’t sleep enough, you will want to eat more, which means you will eat more than you need. Try to get enough sleep every night so that you can boldly and fearlessly give up fast food in favor of healthier foods.

Don't skip meals

Most teenage girls are deluded into thinking that skipping lunch or breakfast will help them lose weight. It's just the opposite! Remember: a growing body needs to eat every 4 hours (at least) to quell the feeling of hunger. If you allow hunger to dominate, you will rush to everything, and this, as you yourself understand, will not lead to anything good. Conclusion: You can’t skip meals.

Measure your portions

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether you are eating the right portion? Until you can judge your portion size by eye, you can try weighing your food. Use a regular kitchen scale and measuring cups to get an idea of ​​how much you're eating. Perhaps the portion of food is too large (most teenagers elephants), and you can lose weight by simply reducing it a little.

Physical exercise

If you are involved in any kind of sport, then you have an understanding of exercise and exercise. If not, then you should know the following: 30 minutes physical activity must be on your schedule every day! , skateboard and bicycle are great options. During physical activity, you not only burn extra calories (and, accordingly, lose weight), but also give your body and body a chance to stay healthy. It's also worth doing strength training a couple of times a week, because it will help you build up muscle mass and speed up metabolism. Exercises with dumbbells are perfect even for teenagers.

The above tips are tested, proven and effective. These are great ways for teenage girls to lose weight, because a teenager is a “growing organism.” Remember, you can do anything! So connect best friend to your grandiose plan and forward – to conquer new heights!

A growing body needs good nutrition and this fact is undeniable, lack of calories causes serious health problems. How to lose weight for a child 12 years old and older, maintain the result, and not subject the body to serious tests? We will help young people lose excess weight with an acceptable diet.

During growth and puberty children's body sensitive to nutritional deficiencies. It is at the age of 12-15 that teenagers are dissatisfied with their figure and try to change it through exhausting diets. How to lose weight at 12 years old and become like a doll? This is what modern girls strive for. Unfortunately, strict diets at such a tender age end in mental disorders, anemia, and anorexia.

Let's not upset losing weight readers, there is a way out. To get started, familiarize yourself with the basics of proper nutrition.

How to lose weight for a teenager in a month

It is important to properly plan not only your diet, but also remember the rules of eating.

  1. Frequent meals, namely 5-6 times a day, will help avoid feelings of hunger. If you neglect this rule, the starving body will go into “saving mode” and begin to accumulate fat even with a low dose of calories.
  2. Proteins and carbohydrates are required in the diet. Meat and, for example, rice should fill 1/3 of the plate.
  3. Drink plenty of water or green tea, at least 2 liters per day. Forget about sweetened carbonated drinks, dilute your coffee with milk.
  4. Don't skip breakfast, your brain needs energy to work! Oatmeal, dried fruits, nuts, muesli without candied fruits are an excellent opportunity to replenish a growing body with vitamins. Another option for a morning breakfast is bran bread with vegetables, cheese and lean ham.
  5. How to lose weight without dieting for a teenager? Pay attention to vegetables in your diet; 1/2 of vegetables on your plate will prevent you from gaining excess weight. Vegetables contain vitamins and fiber, which makes you feel full.
  6. Avoid unhealthy snacks like buns and chips. Do your favorite sports - rollerblading, running, cycling. This will bring many benefits to the maturing body.

Let's move on to radical measures - to a real diet, but not too traumatic. Let's create a menu for a teenager.

How to lose weight for a teenager in a week

The above rules will gradually become a habit, after which, if necessary, feel free to proceed to the next step. The diet is based on proper nutrition without disturbances in energy consumption - at least 1500 calories per day.

But how can a 12-year-old teenager lose weight without a “calorie calculator”? An example diet is below.

The first day

Breakfast: cottage cheese 200 g, green onions or tomatoes 1-2 pcs, a slice of bread with butter. Green tea.
Second breakfast: banana, sandwich with cheese and tomato. Mineral water.
Lunch: pea soup with salmon, 2 slices of bread. For dessert, pureed apple with cinnamon and yogurt. Mineral water.
Dinner: soft-boiled egg, 2 slices of bread with butter. Herbal tea without sugar.

Second day

Breakfast: 150 g fruit yoghurt, a slice of bread with cheese, a few lettuce leaves and one medium tomato. Chicory drink with 1.5% milk.
Second breakfast: a bunch of grapes 300 g, an apple, a sandwich with a thin layer of butter, boiled chicken breast.
Lunch: baked turkey with vegetables, side dish with buckwheat porridge. Mineral water, green tea. For dessert, natural yogurt 150 g with a teaspoon of raisins.
Dinner: Stewed cabbage with grated Parmesan cheese. A glass of orange juice.

Day three

Breakfast: 2 slices of bread with feta cheese and green onions. 500 ml of carrot juice per day.
Second breakfast: vegetable salad, boiled chicken breast.
Lunch: baked chicken with vegetables. Kefir, fruit.
Dinner: oatmeal with 1.5% milk, dried fruits.

Day four

Breakfast: fruit salad (grapefruit, grated apple, chopped dried apricots, teaspoon of honey). Coffee with milk, a slice of bread with butter.
Second breakfast: green tea without sugar, boiled chicken breast or chicken sausage, cheese.
Lunch: lean beef stew, buckwheat on the side. Grapefruit juice. Lettuce leaves, a slice of bread with feta cheese.
Dinner: sandwich with pork (fry a piece of 150-200 g). Cucumber and green onion salad with yogurt.

Day five

Breakfast: curd cheese 200 g, vegetable salad, 2 slices of bread.
Second breakfast: orange fruit salad with raisins and yogurt.
Dinner: vegetable stew, a glass of kefir. Vegetable juice.
Dinner: Tuna salad, 2 slices of bread.

Day six

Breakfast: muesli with milk, banana.
Second breakfast: sandwich with ham and butter. Vegetable salad of tomatoes with green onions and basil.
Lunch: 200 g baked salmon and rice as a side dish, sauerkraut with sunflower oil. Black tea without sugar. For dessert, grated carrots with apple, yogurt.
Dinner: sandwich with cheese and butter. Fruits.

Day seven

Breakfast: omelet, coffee with milk, slice of bread.
Second breakfast: boiled chicken breast, bread, yogurt.
Lunch: bake 4 apples with rice and cinnamon, mozzarella cheese, a slice of bread. 200 ml tomato juice.
Dinner: 200 g of cottage cheese, vegetable salad, boiled chicken. Green tea with lemon balm.

Modern realities are such that the fight against excess weight has ceased to be the undeniable prerogative of adult women and men. Today, the question of how to lose weight at 12 years old will surprise almost no one. Many teenagers already by the age of 10-12 manage to gain a very decent amount of extra pounds. Imperfections in the developing figure often become the cause of serious stress. Especially girls. And this is not counting the deterioration of health in general.

At the same time, it is much easier for a teenager to lose excess weight than for an adult. After all, a growing organism spends a lot of energy on its development. To choose the most effective ways to lose weight for a 12-year-old child, you must first find out where his extra pounds come from.

Excess weight in children does not always appear as a result of overeating due to hunger. Very often, chronic stress appears among the causes of obesity. The teenager becomes immersed in it, for example, by observing the bad relationship between his parents and participating in their conflicts. If the situation in the family is far from favorable, the father and mother regularly and loudly quarrel in front of the children, most likely the latter will begin to eat away the negative emotions they experience.

So, how can a 10 year old child lose weight? First of all, eliminate the effects of stress and unfavorable factors, which we will discuss below. And be sure to take into account puberty, if the girl has already entered this phase of development.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity is one of the main reasons why teenagers gain excess weight. Most children today spend too much time on screens of various gadgets. Parents should reduce it as much as possible by offering the child instead active sports (to choose from), dancing and any other activities that involve movement. Most often, this turns out to be quite enough to bring body weight in order.

Healthy eating, minimizing time spent in front of a computer and TV screen, adequate physical activity - parents should demonstrate all this to their children by example. Then you won’t have to think at all about how to lose weight for an 11-year-old child.

Hormones and physiology

Puberty involves an increase in body weight. This is a normal physiological process. Therefore, an 11-year-old girl who has entered this period does not need to search for ways to lose weight. She begins to turn into a girl: intensive development of secondary sexual characteristics occurs, her hips become rounded. After a short period of time, she will significantly increase in height, but her weight will remain the same. Then the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl will disappear by itself.

Remember that a child’s body weight actively increases from 8 to 11 years. Rounding may give the false impression of being overweight. And from 10 to 12 years old, a teenager usually grows rapidly (stretches out). These are the nuances of the physiological development of each person.

How to lose weight as a teenager

Designing a diet for 12-year-old children is a difficult task. If you exclude frankly harmful and high-calorie foods only temporarily, you can’t even count on a stable result. In addition, during the period of intensive growth, it is impossible to limit the intake of nutrients into the body. A teenager’s daily diet should include milk, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and baked goods.

How can a 12-year-old girl lose weight without particularly limiting her diet? The main thing is to learn how to properly distribute food to ensure optimal absorption.

The ideal mode in this case is 4 times. The first breakfast should account for 25% daily ration, for second breakfast - 15%, for lunch - 40% of the daily amount of food and for dinner - the remaining 20%.

Reduce appetite

How to lose weight at the age of 11 (this also applies to 10- and 12-year-olds), if a child who has gained a decent amount of weight periodically develops a brutal appetite, and he claims that he is hungry all the time? Take him to the doctor.

Is your health okay? Then use these appetite control techniques:

  • transfer the teenager to fractional meals(you need to eat often, but little by little);
  • supplement his diet with fiber - it gives a feeling of fullness;
  • increase the amount of vegetables in your daily menu (the tartronic acid they contain prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats);
  • Reduce your consumption of egg whites (they contain a substance that stimulates appetite).

The daughter said that she hates her own reflection in the mirror because she is fat? And you, of course, have already begun to sort through hundreds of diets and other methods in search of an answer to the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl. In fact, you only need a few recommendations.

Features of dietary nutrition

If parents do not want their daughter to secretly try to use unsafe methods of losing weight, they should explain to her in time how to lose weight for an 11-year-old girl. And also teach her how to properly create a diet menu and choose products for it.

In order not to go hungry between breakfast, lunch and dinner (you will read about the nuances of main meals a little below), snacks are allowed. Perfect option- consumption of nuts, unsweetened fruits and dried fruits during these intervals.

To minimize the risk of a breakdown, once a week you are allowed to indulge in sweets, confectionery and bakery products. Of course, within reason. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.


Breakfast should be quite hearty and nutritious. How to lose weight by adjusting it? You need to think in advance and make a list of the most satisfying healthy foods and dishes.

You will have to forget about your previous diet. For example, if a mother used to feed her child yogurt and pancakes sprinkled with syrup in the morning, now only yogurt can be left from this set.

To prepare a dietary breakfast, it is recommended to use:

  • any freshly squeezed juices (smoothies);
  • fruit;
  • chicken eggs (in any form, except raw);
  • lean meat (preferably poultry);
  • croup;
  • dairy products;
  • green tea;
  • dark chocolate (no more than 50 g).

Dinner and supper

It is best for a girl or boy who is losing weight to dine on dishes homemade, since in this case the parents themselves choose the products for them. The daily menu should definitely include:

  • soup (vegetable, meat or fish broth);
  • meat or fish (boiled or baked);
  • stew of stewed vegetables;
  • multi-component salads from seafood or fresh vegetables (do not season with mayonnaise).

Dinner is allowed no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The food consumed should be as light as possible. It is ideal to drink something fermented milk with low fat content - for example, kefir or yogurt.

Diet sample

The daily caloric intake for a 10-12 year old teenager on a diet is from 2400 to 2500 kcal. Must be present in the diet large quantity fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and meat.

Option IHaving breakfastBuckwheat porridge with low-fat milk.
Let's have breakfast againSteamed beet cutlets and apple compote.
Let's have lunchBorscht with lean meat, boiled potatoes, stewed vegetables with a slice of rye bread.
Let's have dinnerA salad of fresh vegetables (can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream) and fruit jelly.
Option IIHaving breakfastSemolina pancakes with raisins and apples and a glass of compote.
Let's have breakfast againHomemade chicken or turkey liver pate with a slice of rye bread and fresh fruit.
Let's have lunchOatmeal soup with prunes and dried fruit compote.
Let's have dinnerBoiled potatoes, steamed meatballs and tea (compote).

Taking into account the daily caloric intake of the diet and after consulting with an endocrinologist and family doctor, you can make adjustments to this sample menu. A month of such nutrition - and the questions “how to lose weight for a 10-year-old girl” or “how to lose weight for a 12-year-old boy” will lose their relevance.

Physical exercise

While understanding this, do not forget about the need for adequate physical activity. After all, as already mentioned, many modern children move too little, as they prefer playing on the computer to walking fresh air and yard games.

If the child completely lacks even minimal physical training you should start with periodic trips to the pool and water park. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - and the mood of your daughter or son will rise, and the condition of the muscles will improve significantly.

If a teenager has expressed a desire to attend Gym, don’t rush to write it down there right away. First, let him get into the habit of doing exercises every morning. It will warm up the muscles, and accordingly, the body will begin to burn more calories. In order for your child to be strong enough for the gym, you will have to work out at home for at least 2-3 weeks.

From about 11-12 years old, girls entering puberty suddenly see the full scale of the catastrophe of excess weight and its impact on appearance. If for parents this is a trifle, then for a teenager during a hormonal storm and restructuring of the body it is a real tragedy.

Often, even a small and easily correctable amount of excess weight can lead to severe depression. Therefore, parents need to keep their finger on the pulse and respond in time to changes in the condition of their daughter or son. After all, a child at this stage of his development is very vulnerable, he needs the understanding and support of his family.

When understanding which weight loss methods to choose for a 12-year-old teenager, parents must clearly understand what is happening to his body during this period.

Do no harm

If by the 12th year of your daughter or son’s life it turns out that you still need to lose weight, you should reduce body weight wisely. At the age of 10-12, a teenager’s body spends a huge amount of nutrients on growth and development. Therefore, any overly strict diet and grueling physical training can cause significant damage to health and even come back to haunt the future life of a girl or guy.

Girls and boys can lose weight absolutely safely by normalizing their diet (remove everything harmful and high-calorie) and adequate, dosed physical activity. The main thing is that the teenager does not lose more than 1 kg per week.


Every child (and even adults, to be honest) needs motivation. A teenager who is losing weight should be encouraged. For example, at the end of each week, after hitting a kilogram, you can please your daughter or son with some kind of gift, or celebrate success in another way - with tickets to the cinema, bowling or skating rink.

It is extremely important that the child is supported by family members and friends during this difficult time. Of course, it will be much easier for a teenager to get used to a new diet and diet, and to adhere to a healthy lifestyle in general, if his parents begin to do this with him.

He needs support from his relatives like air. In addition, playing sports together, organizing outings or mini-hikes on weekends is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Let's summarize

Teenage obesity is a very serious problem. Fortunately, today there are many ways to lose weight for teenagers without strict diets and grueling workouts. Children can easily lose weight - they just need to replace their bad eating habits with healthy ones.

We emphasize that teenagers are strictly prohibited from using various diet pills and fasting - this causes significant harm to the developing body.

The task of parents is to put these simple truths into the consciousness of their child (especially girls) even before the onset of puberty. After all, in search of information on how to lose weight for a 10-year-old girl, a child may stumble upon very dubious and even dangerous methods.

Problem overweight continues to spread during adolescence. Obesity is a pathology with dangerous consequences (for example, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases). In modern society, it is rapidly gaining momentum, acquiring the unspoken status of an “epidemic”.

Considering the relevance of teenage obesity, already at the age of 10-13 it is worth thinking about proper weight loss if there are indications for this. After reaching 14-15 years of age, hormonal changes in the body occur. Losing weight becomes harder, takes longer, and the problem may linger, causing additional stress.

The problem of excess weight among adolescents is very relevant; to solve it, first of all, it is necessary to reconsider the child’s diet

Causes of excess weight and obesity in children over 10 years of age

  1. Poor nutrition. It consists of consuming more calories than the body has time to burn. As a rule, this happens with the systematic consumption of junk food.
  2. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle is now typical for many teenage children. This is due to the abundance of gadgets and communication in in social networks instead of outdoor activities with friends.
  3. Hormonal reasons. These include both hormonal changes during adolescence and diseases of the endocrine system. Disorders of the endocrine glands often provoke obesity.
  4. Heredity. It has been proven that if one of the parents is overweight, the risk of obesity in a teenager increases to 40%, and if both parents have the problem - up to 80%.
  5. Yatsenko-Cushing syndrome. With this pathology, the level of corticosteroid hormones increases, and hyperinsulinism occurs. Due to this, appetite increases and the process of fat deposition accelerates.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To exclude this factor, it is necessary to diagnose the gastrointestinal tract, because a malfunction of any of them leads to problems with metabolism.

There are many reasons that provoke the development of obesity in a child; and before you start fighting overweight You should consult a qualified nutritionist

A sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes, excessive and unhealthy diet, stress - these harmful factors are increasingly relevant these days. Just 10 years ago, the most common causes of obesity in adolescents were other factors: genetic predisposition or endocrine diseases.

However, the cause of the pathology is individual for each teenager, and it should be identified as quickly as possible. You need to start losing weight by taking measures aimed at eliminating the main factor causing excess weight.

How to quickly lose weight for a girl and a boy?

Dear reader!

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

When faced with the problem of teenage obesity, parents strive to quickly and effectively help their child lose excess weight. Of course, you will want to get rid of this trouble as quickly as possible, because ridicule from peers aggravates the process and hits the teenage psyche.

There are many tips on how to lose weight for a boy or girl from 10 to 16 years old. In the initial stages of obesity, you can fight excess weight at home (more details in the article:). In any case, it is important to contact a nutritionist to draw up an individual schedule, taking into account all the nuances. However, with the right approach, you can lose excess weight quickly (even in a week) and without harmful consequences at home.

Nutritional features and sample menu

It is worth noting that a girl or boy from 11-12 to 16 years old, even if obese, is prohibited from fasting and exhausting exercise. fasting days.

Exercise caution when using folk remedies fast weight loss. In order to lose extra 5-10 kg, you will need good self-discipline in nutrition and lifestyle.

It is during the period from 12 to 16 years that the intensive growth and development of the organism. Limiting food is dangerous for a child’s health, even if you want to lose weight as quickly as possible. You should reduce food portions, choose healthy foods, divide meals into 4-6 times a day. At least 2 hours before bedtime, you should completely abstain from food.

From your diet, try to exclude as much as possible foods that are harmful to your health and figure:

  • bakery products;
  • sweets and baked goods;
  • fried, smoked and fatty foods;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • energy drinks, carbonated drinks and packaged juices.

It is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates as the first and main meal.

Diet – effective method fight against excess weight. However, for children 11-13 years old it should be used gradually and with caution, only after consultation with a pediatrician. If you feel unwell while following the dietary recommendations, you must return to your normal diet. There are a lot of variations of the children's dietary menu for the week. Usually a nutritionist selects different diets for a boy and a girl, taking into account individual characteristics and the amount of extra pounds (sometimes more than 10 kg).

  • For breakfast, casserole made from low-fat cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal or corn porridge are suitable;
  • For lunch, children are recommended to eat lean meat - boiled veal / chicken / turkey, stewed vegetables, light puree soups, eggs;
  • For dinner, low-fat cottage cheese, baked fish (optional), and vegetable salad are recommended.
  • Don’t forget to “dilute” your main meals with healthy snacks – low-fat kefir, green apples, fresh juices.

One of the options sample menu on a teenage diet day:

  • – 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with honey, a soft-boiled egg and a cup of tea without sugar;
  • lunch – lean soup, 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, egg;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir / fermented baked milk, an apple;
  • dinner - baked low-fat fish and light vegetable salad.

Drinking regime

In order for a child to effectively lose weight, it is necessary to maintain the balance of water in the body. The amount of fluid consumed should be increased to 1.5-2 liters per day in order to improve metabolism. This technique also gives the body a deceptive feeling of satiety and fullness. Water perfectly removes toxins and digestive products.

Mineral still and spring water are suitable for these purposes. Tea, soda, and packaged juices are not considered healthy liquids. It is advisable to completely eliminate harmful sweet carbonated drinks from your diet, as well as juices with a high sugar content. Low-fat milk, kefir and green tea are suitable.

The child must be taught to drink plenty of water.

Set of exercises

Typically, teenagers during periods of exacerbation of the problem of excess weight want to lose weight up to 10 kg in a week at all costs, and by any means. It is difficult to convey to children of this age that the process of losing weight should occur systematically and comprehensively. In this case, it is important not only to follow a diet, but also to perform useful physical exercises.

You should exercise at least 2-3 times a week, devoting 30-60 minutes to training. A teenager’s physical activity should be encouraged by helping to enroll in the desired sections. Exhausting exercises are harmful, because it is difficult for the body to fight extra pounds. Exercise routines vary for each child and depend on a number of factors. The types, duration and number of approaches differ.

Not complicated effective exercises for any gender and age:

  • squats (for legs and buttocks);
  • crunches and presses (for the abs);
  • visiting a sports or dance section;
  • gymnastics or swimming for the purpose of general strengthening of the body;
  • walking in the morning and evening lasting at least half an hour.

Pills and teas for weight loss

When asked whether tablets or teas can be used by teenagers to lose weight, the answer is clear - no. Wraps and electrical exercise equipment are prohibited. Medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor, for vital indications.

It is necessary to resort to drug therapy only in extremely severe cases, in the presence of concomitant diseases. Most drugs in this group are prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age. Treatment with special prescription tablets is possible only in the presence of 3 degrees of obesity. Typically, the child is prescribed vitamin supplements and medications containing calcium.

Lifestyle, healthy sleep and child motivation

Sleep is the main source of energy, so teenagers need to go to bed no later than 11 p.m. The duration of sleep for full recovery of the body is at least 8 hours. For successful and effective achievement goals, it is worth following the recommendations for healthy image life:

  • observe correct mode day and nutrition;
  • perform physical exercises;
  • actively spend your leisure time, often be in the fresh air;
  • Be sure to motivate yourself to achieve a positive result (for example, by changing your image or a long-awaited trip).

Scientists have proven that an ordinary schoolchild aged 12-16 experiences stress much more often than, for example, an office worker. Constant mental activity and an unstable emotional background at this age force a teenager to choose not particularly healthy foods: chips, candy bars, crackers, washing it all down with soda. Also low physical activity plays an important role in gaining extra pounds. Therefore, in this article we will look at what diets there are for teenagers 16 years old and 15 years old, as well as how to lose weight for a teenager without dieting.

Teen Diet Options

The method of losing weight for teenagers at this age has its own rules. First, the weight should decrease smoothly, without sudden jumps. Secondly, the teenager should not feel hungry. And, of course, no diets designed for adults are completely suitable for a teenager.

A diet for a 16-year-old teenager should be balanced and include all types of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Weight is reduced by choosing the right foods, reducing calories and avoiding unhealthy foods. Before going on a diet, you should definitely consult your doctor. He can prescribe an additional complex of vitamins and help you correctly adjust your teenage diet for weight loss. So, here are the diet options for a 15 year old and 16 year old.

Option 1

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of tea with honey. And before breakfast you can drink a glass of juice.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of chicken, a glass of juice.
  • Afternoon snack: a slice of diet bread with cheese, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, baked lean fish, a glass of juice.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: boiled veal, buckwheat porridge without butter, a glass of tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: fish soup, vegetable salad, glass of juice.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad, rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner: should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should eat cottage cheese casserole and yogurt.

Diets for teenagers 15 years old and 16 years old should last 2-3 weeks. During the diet, you should limit your intake of salt and sugar. You can’t completely give up salt, but the amount should be reduced. Instead of sweets, it is better to eat raisins, dried apricots or prunes. In special cases, a teenage diet for weight loss allows fasting days on apples once or twice a week.

Those who find it difficult to stick to a certain diet may wonder whether it is possible for a teenager to lose weight without following some kind of weight loss method. And this is quite possible. Here are the basic guidelines that a teenager should follow.

  • The most important thing is to establish a normal sleep pattern. A teenager should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Normal healthy sleep can significantly reduce appetite and reduce cravings for sweets.
  • You definitely need to have breakfast. A growing body needs protein and healthy fats to be full for at least 4 hours after your first meal. You can have breakfast with a sandwich made of bread (preferably grain bread) with a piece of low-fat cheese or porridge with yogurt.
  • Despite a busy schedule, a teenager must have lunch. If he doesn’t want to have lunch in the cafeteria, since there are only rolls there, you can give him grain bread or sugar-free yogurt with him. And ideally, for lunch you need to eat a portion of meat or fish, a vegetable salad, a portion of pasta made from durum wheat, buckwheat or rice.
  • If you really want something sweet, you can eat a chocolate bar around 4 pm. But it’s better to be patient and make do with any fruit.
  • For dinner - a portion of cottage cheese or fish, stewed vegetables.
  • Sport is a prerequisite for losing weight. A teenager should walk at least 1-2 hours a day. In addition, you can go dancing or swimming if he likes it. Boys can start doing pull-ups or push-ups to get stronger, while girls can benefit from Pilates or yoga.
  • It is important to take an additional complex of vitamins, which the doctor will select for the teenager.

That's all the rules, this diet helps remove fat and gives energy for an active life.