When and how to celebrate the New Year in different countries. And why is there such a difference at all? What you can and cannot wear to celebrate the New Year  What you can wear to celebrate the New Year

Of course, Slavic and Eastern cultures are not alike. However, in daily life elements of eastern culture entered long ago, firmly entrenched there. This especially applies to the traditions of celebrating the New Year. Now we are increasingly planning everything from the holiday menu to home decoration, from the location of the holiday party to choosing an outfit, based on the preferences of the new totem, the representative of the Eastern zodiac.
In 2020, the reins of power will pass into the hands of the White Metal Rat, which, although not a whimsical animal, may take offense at some things, and you definitely don’t want that. In order not to upset the new eastern hostess, take into account her preferences in everything related to preparation for the main holiday, the main night of the year.

How to meet

To understand this issue as best as possible, let’s break it down:
1. Meeting place. Important question for each. Sometimes it is so difficult to choose between celebrating the New Year with family and friends and celebrating in a noisy large group of friends. To make the right choice, seek advice from experts on the Eastern zodiac who know well what the Metal White Rat would choose in your place. Imagine a rat in normal living conditions. This animal is always surrounded by its relatives, so the new totem will be happy if you celebrate the holiday surrounded by loved ones and relatives, but do not rush to limit yourself only to them. Gather your most distant relatives and your friends at one table. You can go to another city with such a large group. In general, it is much more important that the atmosphere in which you meet the white rat is cozy. If the option of a family gathering does not suit you, go to the city square and enjoy a walk on fresh air, together with others, light the main Christmas tree, admire the fireworks and fireworks.
2. In what setting to celebrate the New Year. We are talking, first of all, about decorating the room where you will celebrate this holiday, as well as decorating the Christmas tree and festive table. Small tips on choosing a color that will definitely suit your new totem will help you do everything right. It would be nice to stick to gray and white. Place silver tinsel around the house, adding a little gold as bright accent. Don't forget about the elements that symbolize winter and the holiday itself. These are, first of all, stars and snowflakes, which will allow you to create a special festive atmosphere. If your home has a fireplace, then do not forget to place beautiful silver candlesticks and garlands on its shelf. If there is no fireplace, make a decorative version of it using available materials. This is an important symbol of home comfort and warmth, which the White Metal Rat values ​​​​so much. As for decorating the New Year's table, it is important not to overdo it with decorative elements. The minimum that will be enough for a new totem of 2020 is a beautiful silver tablecloth (or pure white), napkins with the image of an oriental hostess or with New Year's fairy-tale characters, others themed pictures. If possible, use cupronickel or silverware.

What to wear

This issue must be approached with the same responsibility as others in preparation for the celebration of the New Year 2020. This point is important for women. Fashionistas, in order not to disappoint the Rat and not to scare off Lady Luck, need to bet on gray or white. Don't be so quick to get upset that these colors are boring. Explore the palette of shades of white and gray, you will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of options available to choose from. There are no restrictions in this regard; light gray, rich smoky and even charcoal gray will work well. Experiment with complementing the basic gray shades such as chocolate, milk, etc. (calm pastels are preferable).
The totem will also be pleased if you choose fabric with a beautiful metallic sheen. Lurex will come to your aid here. What about the silhouette and style itself? Ideally, it will be something between an elegant style and a strict one. Avoid short dresses, shorts and skirts. If you want to look attractive and seductive at the same time, go for a tight-fitting long dress. Are you uncomfortable in an evening dress? Nobody forbids you to wear a pantsuit.
Important! It is extremely important not to skimp on your outfit. Choose the option that is made of high-quality fabric.
Add your stylish bow You can use elements such as a fur cape or shawl. Don't forget about silver jewelry. It is optimal to choose those that have a beautiful glossy sheen. The White Metal Rat is not against you using gold (preferably white) as an addition to your New Year's outfit. The main thing is to refuse products with expensive stones, especially if you purchased them solely to celebrate the New Year in them. In this case, the new eastern mistress will consider you a wasteful, uneconomical and impractical person, which means that you will not have to count on the support of the totem
You can't live in the New Year without a comfortable handbag. You can choose any option, including clutches, the main thing is that your choice is one hundred percent appropriate, taking into account the look that you are creating.

What to cook

When compiling a holiday menu, follow a few simple rules:
make the New Year's menu varied;
give up exotic foods;
do not prepare food in large portions (you will have to forget about the Olivier bowl).
The White Metal Rat is not delighted with frills, which in principle can be dispensed with without much difficulty. What the totem loves is simple and satisfying dishes. The main thing when preparing for the New Year 2020 is not to forget about the main culinary preference of the Eastern housewife. We are talking about cereals. Probably, many will think that this is not the best option for a holiday table; one can beat it. Prepare porridge like pilaf, adding vegetables, meat and aromatic spices. Experiment with serving your food to make it look rich and appetizing.
Think about what will go best with your main meat dish. This can be rice or corn porridge, to which you can add grated cheese and garlic. If you like bulgur, add feta cheese.
Porridge on New Year's table should replace potatoes. But, if you cannot do without potatoes, then cook them whole, baked or boiled, and discard the mashed potatoes.
Despite the fact that many are sure of the Rat’s great love for cheese, it is more willing to eat meat. For this reason, be sure to include several meat options on your holiday table. Ideally, the menu should include:
main course in the form of, for example, a roll, whole baked goose, chicken, chicken tabak, etc.;
meat plate with different types of cuts.
All this can be complemented with a neutral sauce. It is important that it is not too spicy. The White Metal Rat will not like anything that contains a lot of herbs and spices.
Don't forget to prepare several salad options, focusing on those that contain a lot of fiber. Then your menu will be balanced, which the Rat will appreciate. Stop at vegetable salads or sweet fruit salads. When preparing a vegetable salad, avoid using ingredients such as cabbage (any kind) and radishes, as the new totem does not like these products.
Dress salads with natural oils and yogurt. Everything can be lightly sprinkled lemon juice(but don’t overdo it, as the Rat will not approve of sour foods). In general, you need to try to find a good replacement for mayonnaise, which we are used to adding to any salads and more.
You can’t do without snacks, which should be as varied as possible. Here you can combine mild and neutral-smelling cheeses with olives and fruits. Make hearty canapés with vegetables and meats such as sausage and ham.
Snacks with pickles and smoked meats should be avoided. The Rat will not be delighted with sandwiches with caviar and red fish.
Be sure to take the time to prepare something sweet. The dessert should not be created on the basis of yeast dough, it should not contain cottage cheese. Try not to duplicate sweets, that is, do not make two different toruses, two different types cookies. It is better to make one cake and one type of cookie, one mousse and one sweet pudding, one pie and one type of gingerbread, etc. Don't have time to prepare several sweet options or a complex cake recipe? Arm yourself with a recipe for sweet potatoes that can be made into the shape of cute mice.
As for drinking, it is better to avoid alcohol. If you cannot exclude it altogether, add alcoholic beverages to cocktails. Focus on juices, compotes, fruit drinks, which are an ideal replacement for sweet soda.

Associated with New Year's Eve a large number of superstitions and expectations. A few months before the approach of this holiday, the whole world goes crazy and begins to think about where to celebrate, what to wear. No other event is celebrated on such a grand scale nationwide. So, it’s approaching. How to celebrate it, what details of the holiday should you think about in advance?

Where do we meet?

In fact, preparation for the holiday should begin with determining the location and approximate company. There are a lot of options - at home (at home, with parents, with friends), in a restaurant or club, in a specially rented cottage or a luxury apartment. Don't forget about exotic places - in another country, in a sauna or on the street. No matter how crazy your own idea may seem to you, it is better to take a risk and bring it to life than to worry for the next year after that you never decided to do it. And even if something doesn’t go quite according to plan, the main thing is not to get upset. Calmness and a positive attitude are the main secrets of successfully celebrating any holiday. So, the place has been chosen, and very soon it will come New Year? What should you wear to celebrate the holiday in order to catch the admiring glances of others all night and attract good luck into your life?

Basic rules for choosing an outfit for a holiday

It is important that the clothing matches the event you plan to wear it to. In other words, if you are planning to celebrate the New Year in the pool, evening dresses On New Year's Eve you can safely leave it at home. In addition to style, the outfit must also correspond to the expected climatic conditions. It is convenient to choose multi-layer sets for any long holidays. To put it simply in simple language, let's say that it is better to wear a top and jacket than one warm sweater. You can choose a bolero or cape to match any dress. If there is very little time left to choose, you can buy a beautiful shawl that matches the color, or a wide and warm scarf. Approximately 1-2 weeks before the holiday, try on the selected set. The outfit should fit well on your figure; if in doubt, it is better to send it to the studio for modifications or choose something else.

Dress or pants?

Two important requirements for any clothing: the outfit should complement your appearance and be comfortable. During fitting, it seems that a chafing seam or a too-tight waistband can be tolerated for the sake of beauty. But in practice, it turns out that it’s enough to walk around in uncomfortable clothes for a couple of hours, and the mood noticeably deteriorates, and you want only one thing - to quickly get home and undress. It is for this reason that you should not choose Short dress and heels for if on weekdays you prefer jeans and flat soles. “But this is what to meet him in? Are you really wearing regular pants and sneakers?” - you say indignantly. In fact, tight trousers and a bright, interesting blouse would be quite appropriate for a party. And you can find interesting trouser suits or one-piece overalls. Choose a dress or skirt only if you really feel comfortable in such clothes and often choose them on ordinary days.

The secret to creating a festive look

There is no need to be upset if you can’t find something special to celebrate the New Year or are limited in financial resources. Remember the secret of Coco Chanel - even the simplest “black little dress"will become special if it fits perfectly on the figure and is complemented with bright accessories. When using this rule, do not lose your sense of moderation. All decorations should be combined with each other, and there should not be too many of them. If you add a bright belt or shoes to a plain dress, evaluate the compatibility of the shades, and choose all other additions to match one of the previously selected tones. Original dresses for the New Year also need stylish additions. In this case, you should be guided by a different rule - the brighter the outfit itself, the more modest the accessories and decorations should be selected for it.

Is the color of clothing important?

Every year, astrologers and fashion designers give us recommendations on choosing colors for festive clothes for the New Year. Whether to follow these tips or not is a personal matter; the most relevant parameters are the compatibility of your personal color type and the shade of the chosen outfit. Create harmonious image you can by choosing things by color that perfectly match your eyes, hair and skin. Instead of asking what color of New Year's dress is the most fashionable today, ask yourself what colors are right for you? Let's leave aside the advice of astrologers and listen to designers. For any New Year, shiny robes, gold or silver, as well as any other color, embroidered with sparkles and rhinestones, are appropriate.

New Year: what to celebrate in and how to properly organize this event?

All new year traditions and customs are somehow connected with renewal. Admit it, you also promise yourself throughout December to start saving money in the new year, devote more time to your family and spend time usefully? There is an excellent way to divide the sheet into two parts, on one side write what should remain in the past, and reserve the other for plans for the future. Be sure to save this list and refer to it periodically. It is also useful to do a general cleaning before the New Year - get rid of unnecessary things and outright junk in the house, and similarly clean your virtual space - your computer hard drive and your computer accounts. in social networks. Don’t forget about the sphere of interpersonal communications. Congratulate those you want to see in your life on holidays and unobtrusively reduce communication with uninteresting people to nothing. There are a lot of tips on how to celebrate the New Year correctly, but the most important thing is to spend this holiday in harmony with yourself and surrounded by truly dear and close people.

Timely preparation is the key to success

There is a lot to do before the holiday. Make a plan for preparing for the New Year in advance and follow it relentlessly. This process cannot be left to chance, otherwise you will have to finish everything in the last week. If you start preparing a month in advance, you should be able to do it without unnecessary fuss and panic. How to celebrate the New Year correctly and not forget anything? There's really nothing complicated about it. Start planning in advance how and where you will celebrate, and start choosing gifts. At the beginning of December, you should sign up for a beauty salon (later it will be difficult to find free time with a good specialist) and go in search of the outfit of your dreams. Then all that remains is to decorate the house, purchase everything you need for the holiday (book a restaurant or buy food for a home feast), agree on a time and place of meeting with everyone you invited for a joint celebration.

signs and beliefs

You cannot enter the New Year with debts and old grievances. Be sure to repay everything borrowed (money and things), forgive those who offended you, and apologize to those whom you upset. A rich table on New Year's Eve is not only a demonstration of the generosity of the hosts of the holiday, but also another one. The more different dishes and delicacies are prepared, the higher the likelihood that the next year will pass in abundance and wealth. How to celebrate the New Year at home to attract success and money to your family? Everything is very simple - be sure to dress expensively and beautifully, even if you are spending the holiday with your family or alone. You cannot wear old and worn clothes on this holiday - this is a bad omen. And most importantly, don’t forget to make your most important good wish during the chimes, and it will definitely come true!

What to celebrate the New Year in? This question is asked to me literally at every turn in December. I answer. Now a very important trend has become metallized coating: gold and silver. Therefore, the ideal choice would be a gold or silver dress, whether in sparkles, beads, glass beads, maybe even some kind of stones or rhinestones. Like, for example, Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife Natasha Podolskaya.

What else? Traditionally, on this night many people prefer lace. Therefore, advice two: if you are invited to some very gala event, then you better opt for a long lace dress. For example, like Ksenia Sobchak. Gold and silver are more suitable for disco and dancing.

And, of course, the trend of the season is still red; it is in great demand. Everyone wears it: from Natalia Vodianova to Lisa Arzamasova. Red is perfect for New Year's Eve. You just need to choose the right style. But I personally think that red suits brunettes, redheads and brown-haired women, as well as gray-haired women. And less suitable for blondes with delicate skin.

Provided by the event organizers

In fact, choosing the right outfit is not that difficult. But sometimes ladies still make mistakes. How to prevent mistakes? I propose to look at specific examples. Let's start with Sati Spivakova in a wonderful silver dress. It would be perfect for her to celebrate the New Year. Sati looks amazing at 55 years old. She is slim and graceful. Therefore, dear ladies, if you can boast of exactly the same figure at fifty, feel free to choose this style. The arms are closed, as is the décolleté area. It is very elegant and fashionable. I would call Sati Spivakova, the wife of the famous musician Vladimir Spivakov, who also hosts television programs on the “Culture” channel and plays in the theater, a role model.

New Year is one of the special holidays of the year, and for some the most important, so it is not surprising that many begin to prepare for it just a few weeks in advance and are wondering what to wear to celebrate the New Year 2018. As you know, it’s coming The Year of the Dog, and what it symbolizes, and exactly how to meet it, you will learn below.

New 2018 Year of the Dog

Despite the fact that New Year is usually celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1, it is believed that according to the Chinese horoscope, the Yellow Earth Dog will take up its duties on February 16, 2018. And until that day, she will have to somehow get along with the Rooster, who was the symbol of 2017.

When planning a festive celebration, take into account the characteristics and character of not only the Dog, but also the Rooster - while pleasing the new owner of the year, do not ignore the previous one. In addition to the symbol of the year, the elements will also change - the blazing fire will be replaced by the serene Earth. Of course, such changes promise many encouraging forecasts - the year represents stability, endurance, clear planning, and calm. In general, the Earth element is considered the slowest, but there is nothing wrong with that - especially after a raging and uncontrollable fire. The coming year will allow us to consistently bring everything to its logical conclusion, overcome difficulties and implement large-scale plans.

According to many astrologers, the coming year will help resolve long-standing conflict situations, find peace and mutual understanding - this will be relevant for various areas of life.

How to celebrate the year of the dog for different zodiac signs

Water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Cancers love activity and fun, so the outfit should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time spectacular. A wonderful option is a long dress with a full skirt.

Scorpios love to be the center of attention, and New Year's Eve is no exception. In the coming year, it is recommended to meet this representative of the water element in a comfortable outfit with interesting and extraordinary jewelry (an unusual handbag, impressive earrings, voluminous hairpins, etc.).

Pisces value comfort and simplicity, so they are advised to wear clothes of muted or pastel colors if bright colors cause less delight. If the outfit is decorated with sparkles, then this is even better - the Dog will certainly like this approach.

Fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Aries are no strangers to passion and activity, so they are recommended to try on something bright this night. However, try to avoid revealing cutouts and frills.

On the festive night, Leos will become the personification of calm and grandeur. We advise you to rely on elegance and restraint in clothing - you will still remain in the spotlight.

Sagittarius should shine on a gala night. Choose a dress in khaki or muted brown, adding a little sparkle in the jewelry or fabric.

Earth: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Taurus usually do not like special creativity and originality, and besides, the Yellow Dog does not require this. It will be enough stylish shoes or a thoughtful hairstyle.

Virgo will attract you with her modesty and elegance - the hostess of the year will like discreet tones and discreet, but at the same time very stylish accessories.

Capricorns will have the opportunity to show their extraordinary thinking by choosing an unusual outfit. Pay special attention to your hands, decorating them with a spectacular manicure or massive rings.

Air Element: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Gemini will have another opportunity to emphasize their individuality. Choose yellow jewelry - it can be not only gold, but also wood, plastic, and so on.

Libra, when choosing an outfit for the New Year, will have to show interest in lurex and sequins - it will be great if the dress is decorated with them. However, it is important that the shine is not too obvious - Yellow Dog I don't like the over-the-top look, but moderately dazzling details will attract her interest.

What colors of clothing are preferable to celebrate the Year of the Dog?

The hostess of 2018 is characterized by activity and friendliness, so the New Year's Eve should be fun - even if you have a small company, but it is important that it is not boring. However, this is not the only thing that the Yellow Earth Dog will pay attention to - it is also important to her what you will be wearing and the color of your attire. Since we are talking about the Earth patron, this clearly indicates that when choosing an outfit you can use the entire natural gamut.

The best way to celebrate the coming year is in colors and shades according to the Chinese horoscope, namely:

  • yellow;
  • golden;
  • beige;
  • vanilla;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • chocolate;
  • emerald;
  • mint;
  • swamp

These tones look most impressive in smooth fabrics such as silk, fine knitwear and the like.

If you like lace outfits, then chocolate or sand-colored lace would be quite appropriate. It is also important to take into account the fact that the earth is not only soil and sand, but also peat bogs, stone mountains, and clay. Accordingly, there are significantly more options: gray, terracotta, graphite, orange, peach, and so on. Red color in this case will not work, but only as the main background - an abundance of scarlet will make the Dog feel dangerous. However, this rule does not apply to small details or patterns - such additions will create the feeling of a colorful meadow. For the same reason, floral motifs are relevant.

What to wear to a celebration to attract prosperity and money

In order for you to have good luck in money and other matters in 2018, you should certainly appease the lady of the year. It doesn’t matter what you celebrate the holiday in - a dress, a suit or anything else, because the guardian of 2018 is very loyal to this. Although there is still one condition: the outfit must be as comfortable as possible so that you can dance in it, participate in active competitions, and the like.

Of course, this does not mean that it is worth putting on sports suit. You can easily wear both a long and a short dress, but at the same time let its cut be simple and allow you to start dancing at any time or simply participate in the general fun.

As you know, accessories can add integrity and completeness to the overall image, or make it look ridiculous and inorganic, and that is why you should choose them with special care. The dog is very attentive, so do not be careless. We recommend paying attention to comfortable shoes made of natural material - it is better to stop your gaze on a stable heel or flat sole.

Despite the fact that the dress should be of a simple cut, it is permissible to show originality in other ways:

  • interesting bow;
  • unusual handbag;
  • bright jewelry;
  • lace;
  • fringe.

Note that it is advisable to choose yellow jewelry - it can be either gold or any other materials.

What is better for a man to wear on New Year's Eve?

Not only women, but also many men plan in advance what they will wear to the celebration. We suggest putting some recommendations to the forefront.

Elegant classics are always in fashion

A trouser suit is an appropriate option for the 2018 meeting. Despite the friendliness of the dog, discipline and order are not alien to it, so do not allow bad taste and carelessness in clothing. Meanwhile, don’t think that we are talking about a boring office outfit, because the New Year is a fun and bright holiday. Complete your suit with a brightly colored shirt or an original tie. By the way, the suit itself does not have to consist of trousers and a jacket. The top part of the suit can easily be replaced with a sleeveless vest or vest, which often look very stylish. The cut of the suit can be either fitted or loose – the main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable in it.

Comic themed outfits

However, no one canceled more fun outfits. If there are children in your house, then you can dress up in the costume of some hero that they like - this guarantees the fact that on a festive evening you will remain the center of attention. And if you dress up in a Santa Claus costume, this will clearly allow you to become the star of the celebration, both among adults and children. You can go another way - get a mask of this year’s symbol. If you don’t like such costumes and you feel ridiculous in them, but at the same time want to appease the guardian of 2018, then we suggest you pay attention to clothes with a “dog” print - bones, funny dog ​​faces and the like.

Outfits with New Year elements

However, to look festive and New Year’s on this night, it is not at all necessary to select any special costumes - the emphasis can be placed on original accessories. Pay attention to bowties or ties with a corresponding pattern (Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen). Also, a similar accent can be on a scarf, shirt, or even socks! Among other things, you can find on sale (for example, in online stores) cufflinks with reindeer, snowmen, Santa Claus hats, and other New Year-themed items. In addition, you can make an interesting New Year-themed patch on your jacket.

What can a woman or girl wear?

Many representatives of the fair sex approach the choice of outfits with enviable care, and New Year's Eve will certainly be no exception.

Evening dress

The playful and cheerful nature of the dog has nothing to do with commercialism, so do not strive for special luxury this night. The yellow guardian of the year does not care about the price of your attire, and you shouldn’t make the main bet on color. An inquisitive patron will be more interested in the original print, bright accessories and other interesting little things. The main criteria by which your outfit will be judged: the ability to move freely and actively, lack of pretentiousness. When choosing an outfit, focus on its naturalness and comfort - let the dress not hinder your movements, the cut will be simple, like the fabric. Of course, you don’t have to look for overly restrained outfits – some playfulness (deep neckline or open back) is acceptable.

A good option for warm sunny colors

Gold and glitter will add shine

Noble green colors will highlight your look

Deep emerald for creative fashionistas

Chocolate rich colors are in fashion now

Makeup for a celebration

Makeup on the eve of the holiday should be nude and discreet. We remind you that the ruling element of the coming year will be the Earth, and the tones in cosmetics should be selected accordingly, close to the natural range. Suitable: brown, coffee, smoky, ash, sand, olive, marshy, golden. For makeup in 2018, the universal palette will be golden and pastel shades brown. In the evening they will look harmonious. In addition, according to the 2018 New Year's makeup trends, the emphasis should be on one part of the face - lips or eyes.

1. Pastel colors

2. Light, playful look

3. Green gold

New Year's hairstyles

The guardian of the coming year will like it if your holiday hair is not devoid of simplicity and lightness. Will be approved:


The upcoming patroness of the year likes shiny objects, and the corresponding jewelry will be very fitting - this is exactly the holiday when you can afford massive earrings, rings, bracelets, and so on. By the way, in 2018, jewelry made of gold or silver will be popular, so you can start this trend already on a festive night. As you know, dogs are not at all against collars, so chokers, which gained popularity some time ago, as well as neckerchiefs will be relevant. We also note that small clutches will be replaced by larger bags embroidered with chains or spikes (continuing the “dog” theme).

What outfit should children wear to celebrate New Year 2018?

As you know, both adults and children await the New Year with special trepidation, and they also want to dress up for this holiday. What is so exclusive to choose for little fashionistas and fashionistas?

To a girl

New Year is the holiday when a young fashionista can put on the outfit she wants. If your girl dreams of looking like a princess, Snow White, Elsa from Frozen, a Barbie doll, the Little Mermaid or any other heroine, then her dream can come true in the New Year. You can try to sew the appropriate dress yourself or order it online. However, for sure, the girl will be pleased not only with such a suit, but also with just a new one beautiful dress– choose an outfit in those shades that are especially welcome.

To the boy

This evening, your son can feel like a real gentleman by wearing an elegant trouser suit. Of course, this is not about school uniform, and a suit with colors approved by the Yellow Earth Dog. Such a robe will not look boring at all if it has a funny New Year's print on it. If the child does not like this option, then, for sure, he will like the costume of his favorite character - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain America, Superman, Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes or anyone else. In addition, you can have a lot of fun wearing the mask of next year’s guardian.

What outfit to choose for a New Year's corporate party

Celebrating the New Year in your work team will be even more relaxed and fun if you take care in advance about what outfit to wear on this day.

Traditional option

As you know, corporate parties usually do not require a strict dress code from its participants. If you know for sure that they will not expect some kind of themed outfit from you, then you can easily just choose elegant dress for a corporate celebration. By the way, you can go further and not stop at a dress, but choose a stylish trouser suit that will highlight the advantages of your figure. If the holiday is right after a working day, and you have absolutely no time to change clothes, then you can complement your usual look with some interesting detail that will wait in the wings in your purse - interesting jewelry, a bright neckerchief, an interesting hairpin, and so on.

Outfit with the color symbols of the coming year

Of course, when choosing an outfit for the New Year celebration, you should not forget about such an important detail as its color scheme. As we have already mentioned, the patroness of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. First of all, this means that for the celebration you should wear an outfit that includes notes of yellow, green, coffee, brown or gold. Your clothes should not necessarily be monochromatic - it is quite acceptable and even desirable if they are decorated with some kind of cheerful pattern or design. Note that such an emphasis can be not only on your outfit, but also on your nails or accessories.

Party outfit

It is quite possible that a collective decision will be made about some kind of costume party. If the theme is free, and you just need some original costume, then in your image you can make a hint of some character or purchase the corresponding costume on the Internet. If a specific theme is chosen, and all party participants should come in certain outfits, then take care of this in advance - it will not be very good if you ignore the general wish and wear something to your taste. This should be discussed with the team in advance so as not to let other employees down and not look out of place at this holiday.

What not to wear to celebrate in the Year of the Dog: traditions and predictions

We have already found out what exactly you will look most appropriate in. New Year's holiday 2018, however, it is worth considering that it is still advisable to avoid some colors and tones in clothing. So, first of all, forget about “enemy” prints this night - we are talking about any hints of cat colors. Try to avoid tiger and leopard colors in clothes and accessories - this way you risk not gaining favor with the guardian of the next year.

Also try to avoid fur products this night: coats, hats, trims. Fur elements distract and alarm the Dog. Unnatural provocative tones will not be met with loyalty: fuchsia, raspberry, blue, electric blue, ultramarine and the like. The bright red color can even cause aggression in the Dog - it is appropriate only in the form of small inclusions, just to arouse the interest of the symbol of 2018.

Since dogs love ease and activity, on a festive night you should avoid outfits that will hinder your movements or look too pretentious - opt for a comfortable outfit with a simple cut. By following these simple recommendations, you can easily win over the friendly hostess of 2018!

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Every people, every country has its own history, its own important events from which it all began. Or natural phenomena, after which you can draw a line, draw conclusions, rejoice and count down the new year.

website will tell you about several countries whose New Year's Eve traditions are so different.

China celebrates New Year in February

From approximately April 12 to April 17, the New Year begins in Burma (Myanmar). The holiday is called Tinjan. The more noise and fun, the better, because this way you can attract the attention of the rain gods. There is a real flood on the streets, abundantly watering passers-by with hoses and buckets.

Young people pay respect to the older generation, washing the elderly
head with bark and bean shampoo. It’s also customary to save a fish from drying out
reservoir and release it into a large lake, saying: “I release it 1 time,
so that they let me go 10 times.”

In India, New Year is celebrated several times a year.

India celebrates New Year more often than any other country in the world. The traditional Indian year, Gudi Padwa, is celebrated in March. In numerous states, the New Year is celebrated according to the traditional calendars of the peoples living there.

One of the most bright holidays- Bengali New Year, Holi. Festival
the colors begin to fade in early spring. On the first evening, they burn an effigy of the goddess Holika, drive cattle through the fire and walk on the coals. And then cheerful celebrations begin, showering each other with bright colors and pouring colored water on each other.

Ethiopia celebrates New Year on September 11

On September 11, when the rainy season ends, Ethiopia celebrates the New Year
- Enkutatash. Ethiopians build tall bonfires of eucalyptus and fir trees. In the main square of Addis Ababa, gathered citizens watch which way the charred top of the main fire will fall. In that direction in the coming year there will be the most bountiful harvest.

During the celebration they wear traditional clothes, go to church and visit.
Children in colorful outfits hand out flower wreaths, go around neighbors and for a monetary reward, girls sing and boys draw pictures.

There is no specific date for the New Year in Saudi Arabia.

On New Year's Day, Italians throw unnecessary trash and old things out of windows. It is believed that the more old things you throw away, the happier you will be in the new year. Italy celebrates the New Year on the night of January 1st. People come out onto the streets decorated with sparkling garlands, traffic is blocked, and performances and fireworks are held in the squares.

In Rome, there is a tradition on a festive night to jump from a bridge into the Tiber River for good luck. And in Venice there is a custom of kissing on New Year's Eve. St. Mark's Square, with the clock striking and the roar of fireworks, is replete with hundreds of kissing couples.

Greece celebrates St. Basil's Day

January 1 in Greece is not only the New Year, but also the Memorial Day of St. Basil,
patron of the poor. The main dish of the festive table is vasilopita, a pie
with patterns of dough, berries and nuts. A coin is baked inside for good luck -
whoever gets a piece of pie with a coin will be the happiest in the new
year. According to legend, this is how Saint Basil distributed his property to the poor.

Greek children expect gifts from St. Basil on New Year's Day, and not from Santa Claus or Father Frost. Children leave their shoes by the fireplace overnight so that in the morning they will find pleasant surprises in them.