DIY newspaper information for Teacher's Day. Publication of a school newspaper for Teacher's Day. Newspaper for Teacher's Day from students and parents

Schoolchildren always congratulate their teachers. The form of congratulations can be different: students read poetry, organize concerts, present gifts or draw wall newspapers. The last method is especially pleasant for teachers, since schoolchildren often approach drawing posters very creatively. Read below for ideas on how to make a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands. This is not difficult to do.

Standard option

When schoolchildren think about how to create a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with their own hands, what immediately comes to mind is whatman paper and paints. Yes, this will be the simplest option. Schoolchildren gifted with artistic talent can give their favorite teacher or to the class teacher fantastic drawing. And talented classmates who know how to write poetry will support their friends and come up with funny quatrains or even ditties. On top of the drawing, you need to write a poem in beautiful handwriting. It is advisable to use a marker for this purpose so that the inscription is clearly readable not only up close, but also from afar.

What theme to choose as a drawing? This could be a beautifully drawn school paraphernalia (globe, textbooks, classroom) or a drawing of a house (everyone can see it here). famous expression“school is a second home”), you can even fantasize on a space theme (after all, the teacher reveals to the children new world knowledge).

Drawing on the computer

Modern technologies are well known to children. And if you need a special talent to paint well, you don’t have to be an artist to create a beautiful collage in Photoshop. It’s very easy to make a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands. You just need to come up with an interesting composite picture. Perhaps these will be photographs of classmates and the teacher, or perhaps autumn leaves and a school building. You can even not just cut out pieces from photographs, but draw an original image with your own hands.

Having collected the wall newspaper in this way, it must be sent to print. In a printing house, a picture can be made of any size, so it’s worth deciding on the dimensions in advance. It is advisable not to make a poster larger than A 1 format, but there are still no clear rules and canons. You need to focus more on the size of the wall; you should use common sense.

Creative approach

If a wall newspaper is drawn for a young teacher who has a good sense of humor, then you can use a non-standard format. For example, portray a teacher as a cartoon character: Superman, Batman, etc. There are two ways to build a wall newspaper of this type for Teacher’s Day with your own hands. The first one is to draw a superhero on large format cardboard.

But instead of the face of a cartoon character, you need to draw the face of your favorite teacher. Such a comparison will certainly flatter the young specialist. If there is no talented child in the class who can draw faces, it doesn’t matter. You can make an oval hole instead of a face. In the future, both the teacher and the children will be able to take pictures in such a poster.

If children do not have the artistic skills to depict a cartoon superhero, then the poster can be printed. The printing house will even be able to exactly cut out a hole for the face of your favorite teacher.

Volumetric poster

A wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands, the photo of which is located below, can be not only flat, but also three-dimensional. You can make your poster original by using convex parts. These can be voluminous leaves on a tree or bulging birds.

You can build such parts from cardboard or whatman paper. It is recommended to use plasticine or self-hardening clay. Another interesting way to create a bas-relief is to use the papier-mâché technique. There are many recipes for making paper pulp, the classic way is to mix chopped newspaper with flour. To make the bas-relief stronger after drying, you can add glue to the paper pulp. Using this technique, schoolchildren make trees, flowers, and even portraits of their favorite teachers. Although it is still better to refuse the last option.

We use colored paper

You can not only draw a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands. You can make a poster using the collage technique, but glue not pictures from magazines, but your own cuttings from colored paper. The time-consuming work will be completed easily by the students working together. After all, the more elements there are in the composition, the more interesting it will be.

You need to work on such a project consistently. The first step is to make a sketch of the poster, then take a sheet of Whatman paper and sketch a drawing on it. This step cannot be skipped, otherwise it will be unclear which parts to glue and where. And that's when preparatory work completed, you can start cutting. Children cut out parts of the project from colored paper, and the class leader glues them onto whatman paper.

The theme of such an application can be anything, flowers, congratulations or a complex geometric pattern. Today it is popular to make posters - backgrounds. Such backgrounds often decorate social events, so schoolchildren picked up this theme. For Teacher's Day, you can make a large poster for the wall from paper flowers. It will be original and, most importantly, modern.

We personalize each student

Every year, schools celebrate Teacher's Day. Every student can make posters and wall newspapers with their own hands. All you need is a little ingenuity and imagination. You can make an interesting congratulatory wall newspaper with photographs of all the students in the class. To do this, you need to choose a topic, for example, draw a train. Well, it is clear that a teacher will sit in the driver’s place, and then one or 4 students will sit in each trailer. You can distribute photos of classmates by last name or by academic performance.

You can make such a poster in the form of an applique. Cut out the flags and glue them onto a blue background, symbolizing the sky. Each flag will represent one of the students in the class.

We work for the association

You can create an original wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands if you make it associative. Every student in the class looks like some kind of animal or bird. So, this is exactly the role that classmates should be portrayed in. So that no one is offended, the teacher will be drawn in the form of an animal. To avoid confusion about who is who, the animals should be seated at their desks, and the teacher should be placed near the blackboard. The “zoo” seating arrangement must be repeated exactly the same as it actually is. Then you won’t even have to sign the names next to the animals, so everything will be clear.

If you don’t want to associate yourself with animals, then you can take stars of Russian and foreign show business or famous scientists and, again, sit them at their desks. If you don’t want to draw tables, you can replace them with train cars or a school yard. But in this case, without the signature of the names, it will no longer be clear who is who.

Mixing different techniques

It’s easy to make a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands when you know all the techniques for making posters. But it’s boring to use just one method. Moreover, it would be a shame if a parallel class published a similar wall newspaper. To avoid such repetitions, you need to not just copy other people's ideas, but come up with something of your own.

This is where you need to mix different techniques. For example, you can make a voluminous wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands. For example, sculpt a bas-relief from papier-mâché, with voluminous paper leaves made using the origami technique along the edging.

Since Teacher's Day is celebrated in the fall, wall newspapers usually depict this particular period. Therefore, you can experiment and assemble an application from natural material. There are a lot of different technologies here. You can dry the leaves, arrange them by color, and then crush them. This “dust” produces very original works. This “drawing” should be supplemented with chestnuts or cones. Cones, by the way, can also be disassembled into their component parts and used as material for creativity.

Students usually make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day and a beautiful holiday poster with their own hands. They draw bright, impressive pictures on whatman paper, post photos of teachers, interesting articles and touching, inspirational poems with pleasant wishes. Those who are not “friendly” with artistic skills use black and white or color templates, which they color with paints and fill with thematic information. Teachers always greet children's creativity of this kind with delight and are very pleased with the ability of schoolchildren to think creatively and show imagination.

Do-it-yourself wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day on whatman paper – photo and master class

A master class with photos will tell you how to make a beautiful, catchy and bright wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands. The finished product will be aesthetically attractive and will be an excellent gift from schoolchildren to their favorite teachers. You need to hang the creative work in the most visible place in the classroom, for example, on the blackboard, so that every teacher can see the congratulations and react to it.

Necessary materials for a DIY wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

  • Whatman sheet
  • stencil in the shape of maple leaves
  • letter stencil
  • colored paper
  • 2 A4 sheets with congratulatory verses printed on them
  • wide brush
  • thin brush
  • scissors
  • gouache

Step-by-step master class on making your own wall newspaper for Teacher's Day on whatman paper

  1. Using gouache and a stencil in the form maple leaves draw a kind of frame on a sheet of whatman paper. Place it on the right, bottom and left, and leave most of the top space empty. Scatter the outlines of the leaves randomly across the paper, but so that they do not overlap each other.
  2. When the base is dry, use a thin brush to paint very small ones among the large leaves with green paint of different shades.
  3. At the same time, prepare decorative flowers. To do this, cut sheets of pink, burgundy and yellow colored paper into very thin strips. Form flower petals from burgundy and pink “cuts”, and glue yellow strips of paper inside like the center.
  4. Draw thick white sheets on which poems on the occasion of Teacher's Day are printed with small orange and yellow leaves.
  5. Then, in the center of the future wall newspaper, squeeze out two thin strips of glue at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Attach sheets of poetry to them so that the inner edges of the paper fit tightly to each other. Disguise the joint by painting it with a large number of tiny colored leaves.
  6. When the leaves with poems stick well to the main Whatman paper, attach one orange and one yellow strip along the edge of the pages. This is necessary so that the application resembles an open book.
  7. At the bottom around the improvised book, stick paper flowers, alternating burgundy and pink.
  8. Cut out rectangular cards 8x12 cm from yellow paper and paint them with small autumn leaves using a thin brush.
  9. On each card, use a stencil to write letters, form them into the greeting words “Happy Teacher’s Day” and glue them on top as a title. Finally, lay the newspaper on the table and let it dry completely. Then decorate a classroom or assembly hall with the product.

How to make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands - video master class

This video master class clearly shows how to quickly and easily special effort make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands. Traditional items are used as materials: whatman paper and paints (or colored paper appliqué if students do not know how to draw well). The originality lies in the fact that on the pages of the books depicted on the finished product, students write holiday congratulations and pleasant wishes for their favorite teachers with their own hands. Such a wall newspaper turns out to be very personal and gives the children the opportunity to say the most touching and warm words of gratitude to their teachers for their attention, care and gifted knowledge.

Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day - color and black and white template

The easiest and fastest way to make a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day is to use templates. They can be downloaded from the Internet for free and then printed on a wide-format printer. If technology of this level is not at hand, it is worth dividing the drawing into fragments of A4 format and printing it on a regular office printer, available in the teacher’s or school accounting department.

All templates are conventionally divided into black and white and color. In black and white there is only a contour image, which the children then color with felt-tip pens, paints or pencils. This option allows you to make a very bright, effective and eye-catching wall newspaper even for those who are completely deprived of the ability to draw. Then you can add interesting articles and photographs of teachers, poems dedicated to the school, and notes with wishes from students to the color layout.

The color template simplifies the task to a minimum. You don’t even need to decorate it, just fill it with thematic information and hang it on the classroom wall or on school board. Colored templates come to the rescue at the moment when you need a short time prepare a large number of wall newspapers for holiday decoration assembly hall or other large school premises.

Draw a poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands - step-by-step master class

Help you draw a poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands step-by-step master class. There are no particular difficulties in the process. You just need to be careful and choose shades harmoniously color range. Then the finished product will be visually attractive and will become an effective decoration for a classroom or school party hall.

Necessary materials for a DIY poster for Teacher's Day

  • whatman
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • gouache (felt pens, colored pencils)

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a colorful poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands

  1. On a sheet of Whatman paper with a simple pencil make a sketch of the general composition: outline the trees in the background with the lightest strokes, draw a heart in the center, and inside it draw the school building and the road to it. At the bottom draw a banner in the form of a ribbon.
  2. Use multi-colored paints (markers, pencils) to paint the sky from a darker shade at the edge to a lighter shade along the horizon. Below in yellow-red shades depict autumn forest and let the paints dry well.
  3. On a dry colored base at the top of the sheet, write the word “Congratulations” in beautiful, large letters, carefully outline the outline of the heart with a bright scarlet line, paint the road to the school in a blurry beige color, and make the building itself clearer.
  4. On the right and left, depict the students: a boy and a girl in school uniform holding hands.
  5. Inside the heart, in a clear, understandable handwriting, write a touching and inspirational poem about teachers.
  6. Draw two fluttering birds along the edges of the poster title.
  7. At the bottom of the feed, sign what class you are from. congratulation poster, and let the product dry very well. Then place it in a prominent place in the classroom, school corridor, teachers' room or assembly hall.

How to draw a poster for Teacher's Day - video master class

In order to draw a poster for Teacher's Day, you will need whatman paper, felt-tip pens, scissors, a little imagination and a creative streak. There are no clear requirements for content. Everything is done even without a sketch and by eye. The finished artistic improvisation turns out to be very lively and captivates with its sincerity, simplicity and naturalness.

DIY wall newspaper for Teacher's Day - poems about school

In order for the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day to be not only colorful, but also quite informative, it should be filled with bright pictures, thematic photos, interesting articles and, of course, holiday poems. If a ready-made template is used for production, a place is initially allocated there to place the rhymed work. Well, those who draw ceremonial wall newspapers and posters from start to finish with their own hands can place suitable poems where they like best. Warm and touching lines written on whatman paper in a child’s handwriting will look very catchy and will immediately attract attention. Teachers will be happy to read them on the day of their professional holiday and will rejoice at such a reverent attitude on the part of their students.

Your modest work knows no price,

It cannot be compared to anything!

And everyone calls you with love

Your simple name -

Teacher. Who doesn't know him?

This is a simple name

What illuminates with the light of knowledge

I live the whole planet!

We originate in you,

You are the color of our life, -

And let the years, like candles, melt away, -

We won't forget you, no!

What a proud calling -
Educating others -
Give a piece of your heart
Forget empty quarrels
It's hard to explain to us,
Sometimes it's very boring
Repeat the same thing
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They were always so right.
We want to wish
So that you don't know troubles,
Health and happiness for a hundred years!

Talent was cultivated, honesty, justice.

You turned us to the pages of knowledge,

They supported me so that it doesn't happen.

The keys to the heart were quickly found,

And they inspired us to new achievements.

You are our beloved, dear teacher!

You will not be forgotten by many generations!

We are for you beautiful postcard signed

Check it out, there are definitely no errors there.

And today we congratulate you on Teacher’s Day,

Thank you so much, warmest thanks!

A teacher is one of the oldest and most responsible professions. After all, they pass on their knowledge, help to develop and find their path in life, sparing neither strength nor energy. Therefore, on the day of their professional holiday, teachers deserve interesting gifts and the most original congratulations.

There are several wonderful ways in which you can surprise your favorite teacher and leave unforgettable memories in his soul. Read and get inspired :)

Congratulations at the door

What could be better than hearing pleasant words addressed to you first thing in the morning? But first, students need to prepare for this important day. Congratulations can be made by students of one or several classes, or even the entire school, if you manage to organize it.

First of all, you need to make small cards with warm words. It will be great if you prepare personalized cards with your own hands for each teacher - this will be doubly pleasant for teachers. You also need to buy the main attribute of the school holiday - flowers. Just don’t do it too early - it’s best to go to the store in the evening before the actual holiday. You can also order flowers to your home. It is not necessary to give roses - you can give preference to more non-standard options, such as daisies, marigolds or dahlias. You must first collect money from the students who will participate in the congratulations.

On the day of the holiday, place a beautifully dressed boy and girl at the entrance to the school - they will present gifts to teachers and say kind words. Several children should help them, since the number of teachers can be significant. The entrance to the school can be decorated with a festive poster, on which you can write the standard “Happy Teacher’s Day”, or something cool and unusual, such as “School watch” or “Checkpoint”. Believe me, teachers will remember such a congratulation for a long time. In addition, this way you can congratulate the entire staff for a relatively low cost.

Self-government or “inside-out day”

One of the most pleasant gifts for a teacher is a day off. But not simple, but interesting and unusual. Let your teachers return to your childhood and find yourself back at school. On this day everything will be the other way around - students will become teachers, and teachers will become students. And besides, it's fair!

“Interesting, but how to organize it all,” you ask. Everything is very simple. Make a lesson plan, you can even take the same lessons that you have planned for that day. For the role of teachers, it is necessary to select students or students who know the subjects best. But with this they not only have rights and power, but also the responsibility to prepare interesting lesson, be sure to do your homework!

You can also do lessons in a comic form: copy the behavior and manner of presentation of the teacher, and thereby let him look at himself through the eyes of a student. True, for this the “young teacher” will also need acting skills. The rest of the students will play the role of the school committee, which was invited to an open lesson. Don’t forget to prepare and distribute lesson invitations to all teachers in advance.

Such a congratulation will not only amuse teachers, but will also allow them to see themselves from the outside and, perhaps, some of their mistakes. This is very important so that the teacher can learn what to work on and how to improve their skills. Also, this method of congratulations will bring teachers and students closer together and create a friendly atmosphere.

Congratulations in the hall

If the budget is completely limited, then you can get by with an inexpensive, but very pleasant congratulation. Buy some poster paper and pens or markers and hang them in the hallway. Anyone can congratulate teachers by writing their congratulations. To collect more congratulations, place several students near the poster who will attract children and invite them to congratulate their favorite teachers. In this way you can make an original gift for all teachers at the school.


Now almost every family has the opportunity to make a video thanks to the development of modern technologies - even if it’s unprofessional, it doesn’t matter at all. But where are we leading with all this? The fact is that you can also congratulate your favorite teacher in an original way using a video. To do this, each student needs to say on camera the warm words and wishes that he would like to say to the teacher.

After this, it is necessary for one of the students (or parents, if the children are still small), who has editing skills, to collect the video from everyone else and make a video out of it. If your knowledge allows, you can add special effects and add music using school-themed songs. Burn the finished video onto a CD or DVD. Additionally, you can order a special gift design for the disc to make it even more pleasant for the teacher.

On the day of the holiday, take a laptop or use a projector if your class has one. Play the video as soon as the teacher enters the classroom. Believe me, he will be extremely pleased to hear congratulations addressed to him from each student. After watching it together, solemnly present the teacher with a disc with the recording - for him it will be a valuable gift for life.

This original congratulations is available to every class because it is absolutely inexpensive and only requires a video camera (even a phone camera will do) and editing skills.


Flash mobs have become increasingly popular lately. What is it? A flash mob is an unexpected spontaneous action that is performed by a large number of participants. When conducting a flash mob, there is no logical beginning and end of actions, and the element of surprise plays the main role.

How can you use this when congratulating the teaching staff of the school? Let's start with the fact that there are several options for flash mobs:

  • dance;
  • song;
  • flash mob formation.

Let's learn more about each of them.


Dance flash mob is the most popular trend. First, you need to choose a catchy, cheerful song dedicated to teachers or school life, for example, you can take the school anthem, if there is one. Next, you need to select several relaxed students who know how to “wind up” the audience and who have dancing skills - they will show the movements and set the rhythm.

You can do even more interesting scenario: Congratulate the teacher of each subject, expressing this through dance. To do this, you need to come up with specific movements related to school subjects in advance, for example, draw letters in the air with your hands, make movements with your hips, depicting parentheses, draw a figure with your body similar to an integral, etc. Here, give free rein to your imagination.

On the day of the flash mob, one of the ringleaders who will demonstrate the movements must speak loudly into the microphone and show the figures, and everyone will repeat after him. Seeing such a mass gathering, more and more students will join the flash mob, and teachers will understand that this performance is prepared especially for them. Just don’t forget that everything should happen spontaneously, no one should know at what exact moment the dancing will begin. In this way you can make an original congratulation for each teacher.


If the school has its own choir or at least a group of students who sing well, you can organize a song flash mob. You need to prepare a school-themed song in advance. It will be very interesting if you take a well-known composition and specially remake it - it will be even more enjoyable for teachers. The success of a singing flash mob also lies in its spontaneity - you need to start singing at an absolutely unpredictable moment.

Flash mob formation

If it is not possible to use dance or song skills, you can conduct a flash mob formation. Here it is worth proceeding from the number of students - the more students take part in the flash mob, the more complex a figure or inscription can be built. If you are going to hold this type of flash mob, then you should make sure in advance that teachers can see the congratulations from the highest point.

Sweet table

Children must also early age learn to be hospitable hosts. You can practice this by preparing a sweet table with tea or coffee for the teacher. Each student (with the help of parents or himself) must prepare a sweet surprise in the form of pastries, desserts or other delicacies. Money is collected in advance to buy tea or coffee, as well as disposable tableware.

You also need to take care of decorating the classroom. You can find out how to do this beautifully and unusually by reading our article “Decorating a school and classroom for Teacher’s Day.” It presents several ways to make your classroom feel festive and bright.

Preparing sweet surprises will help develop children's housekeeping and culinary skills, and will also please the teacher.

If you want to congratulate your teacher in an original way, then you should not give him huge bouquets of flowers, most of which will simply fade in the school classroom. It will be much better if you prepare a gift with your soul. One of these is a basket with sweets and wishes.

Each student must decorate one or more candies, wrapping the package in a piece of paper with a wish. It can be beautifully painted or made in an unusual shape. When you make the “second wrapper” for the candy, do not tie it too tightly so as not to damage the wish.

There is also another option - you can make a basket with flowers from candies. In this case, wishes are attached with glue or threads to the stem of a sweet flower. It will be very interesting if children choose different flowers and decorate them in their own individual style.

Believe me, your favorite teacher will remember such a gift for a long time.

Bouquet of balloons with compliments

Each of us loves compliments, and teachers are no exception. We invite you to congratulate your teacher in an original way using balloons. A female teacher will especially like this congratulation.

You need to buy balls of different colors - one for each student. On beautiful pieces of paper (you can first decorate them in an original way), everyone will write compliments to the teacher in their own handwriting, for example, “You are the best teacher in my life,” “You are incredibly smart.” You can also write something cool and humorous, for example, “You are as beautiful as the comments written by your hand in my diary,” etc. After this, the compliments are placed in a balloon, which is subsequently inflated.

After each student has issued his congratulations, the balls are collected into a bouquet, which will be presented to the teacher on the holiday. As you know, over time the balloons will begin to burst - then the teacher will be able to read congratulations. Or the teacher will not be able to stand it and will get congratulations himself. This way you can give your favorite teacher a shower of compliments!

Teacher's Day is a professional holiday! On this day, the merits of teachers, educators, and education workers are celebrated!

This holiday is celebrated by millions of teachers throughout the country, people on whom the future of our children depends!

The news portal "site" congratulates teachers and lecturers on their professional holiday!

In every school, college and university, on Teacher’s Day, the cultural department, with the active participation of creative and talented students, organizes competitions for the best thematic holiday wall newspaper, dedicated to the Day teachers.

Such wall newspapers most often contain congratulatory speeches in prose or poetry, photographs and clippings from newspapers and magazines, anecdotes, sayings and proverbs, riddles, Interesting Facts about a holiday, etc.

In this article, we have prepared for you the necessary material to help you at least a little in such a difficult task as creating a festive wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands.

Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

You can already use ready-made templates wall newspapers proposed in this article.

The easiest option would be to print out colored wall newspaper templates and then fill in the blanks necessary material(jokes, photographs, announcements, congratulations, etc.).

DIY wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

Or you can get more creative and print wall newspapers with coloring pages. To give them a festive look, you will need to decorate them using colored pencils, markers or paints.

You can decorate the finished work with voluminous holiday appliqués, additional drawings, garlands of photographs or streamers, flowers or sweet treats in the form of candies.

We wish you creative success!

Hello, Dear friends! I suggest making a gift for the teacher with your own hands.

Just started academic year and Teacher's Day is just around the corner. For some, this is a completely ordinary day, but for some students and parents it is a reason to prepare a pleasant surprise for school teachers on one of these days. It may be small, but cute and memorable. Just about these interesting presents we'll talk today.

No, you can, of course, make it simpler and buy a souvenir, or banal chocolate and a box of chocolates. But, believe me, a gift prepared by the student himself will warm the teacher much more than a standard set bought in a store (I know for sure, my mother is a teacher). By the way, about original gifts for teachers you can read in, but now I propose to return to today’s topic.

I offer for consideration 5 options for gifts for teachers, prepared with your own hands.

DIY gift for a teacher: 5 ways to surprise and delight your favorite teacher

Let me give you a few examples.

Collective congratulations

  • Wall newspaper

Not all modern students are aware that it used to be customary for teachers to publish “Wall Newspaper” on holidays. But their parents probably know this tradition well.

In wall newspapers, congratulations are written on large-format Whatman paper for teachers, interesting illustrations are made, and photos of teachers and students are pasted on.

You can go the “beaten path” and make a wall newspaper using the method described above, but then you should show your imagination, come up with an interesting story, and post funny comments.

Or prepare modern version - done in a graphic editor collage of photographs of the teacher and students in the class, write congratulations, pleasant words addressed to the teacher, and then print the resulting poster in a printing house on a wide-format printer.

Before starting classes, you need to hang your gift in the classroom - the teacher will definitely be pleased with your attention, and this surprise will improve his mood on the holiday.

  • Wishing tree

The point is that every student leaves a pleasant wish for the teacher on his holiday.

A “blank” is made - a drawing of a tree with branches and leaves is printed on a sheet of paper. One piece of paper is a specific student in the class. Everyone chooses one of the leaves and writes their name above it, and under it - a couple of nice words for the teacher.

Attention! Write wishes and names with a pen, in your own handwriting, this is important!

Thus, it turns out a “warm” and individual congratulations for the teacher.

Then place your “wishing tree” in a frame and that’s it - the gift is ready to be presented. Surely such a gift will take its rightful place in the teacher’s collection, as a long-lasting memory of your class.

  • Congratulations from each student as part of a group photo

The essence of the congratulation: you come up with a phrase - congratulations for the teacher. The number of words in the phrase should correspond to the number of students in your class. Print each word separately on A4 sheets. And then you take a photo of each student with one of the words.

The resulting frames must be combined into one large photo (you can use the VKontakte application or any graphic editor for this), print it out, place it in a frame and hand it to the teacher. Pleasant emotions from your surprise are guaranteed! You can see what this congratulation looks like in.

P.S. After Teacher's Day had passed, Yulia Ermolaeva sent me a photo of a gift made based on this idea. This is the gift they got for the teacher - a photo with a congratulation in a frame.

I think it's very cute! Julia - thank you!

Individual congratulations

Sometimes you want to congratulate a specific, especially favorite teacher personally. A couple of DIY congratulations for this occasion:

  • Bouquet of sweets

Yes, yes, that's it unusual congratulations Any high school student can prepare it - if desired, of course. For details on preparing a sweet bouquet, see. There is also a detailed video tutorial on how to make flowers from candy.

After looking at it, you will be convinced that it is really possible to prepare such beauty with your own hands. But patience will be needed. So it turns out to be a great gift!

The teacher will be delighted (especially if she loves sweets :-)), and she will definitely remember such a congratulation.

  • Slide show

If you have several photographs of the teacher, as well as his students, you can prepare a touching gift for him - a do-it-yourself slide show. For example, like the one in this video.

Lesson - how to make a slide show with the ability to place congratulations and wishes with your own hands, you can look at.

Well, I offered you 5 ways to prepare a gift for the teacher with your own hands. If you have more interesting options, write in the comments, I will be grateful!

There is also a whole selection of gift ideas for teachers at.

I'm always glad to see you on the site.

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