Is long-term breastfeeding necessary: ​​my position. Meat products and poultry

The child's diet is real headache for many parents. What should I feed my baby so that it is both nutritious and healthy at the same time? What can you eat, and what should you avoid? Feeding a child at 3 years old is a process that requires a lot of attention and great responsibility.

General rules for feeding children three years old

A three-year-old child is active, emotional, and learns the world, everything is important and interesting to him. How much should a 3-year-old child eat to replenish lost energy, and most importantly, what to feed the baby to benefit his health?

The presence of about twenty milk teeth does not imply the rubbing of food or the predominance of cereals and purees in his diet. The child can chew solid food; this is simply necessary for his full development.

On the other hand, the gastrointestinal tract of a three-year-old is still different from the digestive system of an adult; this must be taken into account when creating a menu for a child at 3 years old.

The digestion time for such babies lasts about four hours, so the break between meals should be about the same.

Three-year-old children can already eat the dishes offered on their own, practically without needing the help of adults.

It is useful for caring parents to periodically recall the saying of Anselm Brillat-Savarin: “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.”

The diet of a three-year-old child should be a balanced complex of vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Protein food

Protein for 3-year-old children is needed like cement in the construction of buildings. It is he who is entrusted with such functions as the “construction” of new cells, the transport of useful substances to all organs, and the formation of immunity responsible for the health of the child.

A three-year-old child should consume a sufficient amount of meat, liver, eggs, milk and fish. These products will help saturate the child's body with proteins and the growth of muscle tissue.


Which meat to choose

Boiled meat (about 80 grams per day) can be consumed in first and second courses. Small pieces that are easy to chew can be offered to your baby in borscht, cabbage soup, soups, and stews with vegetables. Dishes in which meat is presented in the form of minced meat (stuffed cabbage rolls, meatballs, steamed cutlets, meatballs) are very convenient.

The only indicator that is important when choosing meat is its fat content. You should not feed your child fatty goose or duck or pork with fatty layers. It is better to choose boiled chicken or veal.

Cooking method

Cooking method: boiling or stewing. It is very convenient to use a double boiler or multicooker - food will never burn in them. Frying or baking is contraindicated at this age.


Amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will pass into the child's body along with the consumption of eggs. Under no circumstances should you offer your child raw eggs, only boiled eggs or in the form of an omelet. 3 egg dishes per week is enough.


Milk, as in infancy, continues to be one of the main sources of protein entering the children's body. Healthy child at three years old he can drink about half a liter of milk per day. Don’t forget about pre-boiling or pasteurizing this product, beloved by kids.

Fermented milk dishes should also occupy a worthy place when compiling a child’s menu at 3 years old: cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir and others. When choosing these foods, you don't have to choose the fattiest foods. You can gradually include not too salty and spicy varieties of cheese into your diet.


Fish should become a familiar product for a three-year-old child, because it contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which directly affect the development of the baby’s nervous system, the formation and improvement of his speech and mental activity.

The health of the musculoskeletal system depends on vitamin D, which helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are so rich in fish dishes. Boiled, baked or stewed fish should be included in the menu of a child aged 3 years twice a week.


About 50 grams is the daily fat intake for 3-year-old children.

Fats are one of the main sources of energy in the body and play a large role in metabolism, dissolving fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. In addition, fats are involved in the transport of nutrients. Therefore, a lack of fat can lead to slow growth, poor immunity, and poor physical activity.

But not all fats are healthy. Preference should be given to vegetable and animal fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3, 6 and 9, found in fish, nuts, flaxseed, olive, sesame and almond oils.

You can also use the following vegetable oils:

  • sunflower (unrefined);
  • corn;
  • olive;
  • soy.

Even if you don’t like the taste of, for example, olive or flaxseed oil, this is not a reason not to give it to your child.

Vika, mother of 3-year-old Egor: “I added Egor to his porridge linseed oil from the beginning of introducing complementary foods. I started with a drop, now it’s a teaspoon per serving. Egor eats with pleasure, because... I'm used to it, but just the smell makes me sick. But I know that it is healthier than, for example, creamy.”

A certain proportion of fat comes with milk, meat, cheese, cottage cheese and other products. A drop of vegetable oil can be added to salad, porridge or pasta.


It is impossible to imagine the nutrition of a 3-year-old child without carbohydrate foods (cereals, pasta, bakery products). Young children, with their unusually high mobility, need energy supplements like no other - foods with large amounts of carbohydrates.


Porridge is the basis of food for children; they can be prepared from various cereals, on different basis– milk, water, vegetable or fruit broth. Children eat with great pleasure various cereals, which are easily absorbed by the child’s body without causing any discomfort in the digestive tract.

Flour products

At this age, the diet is updated with some flour products - dumplings, pancakes, pancakes. It is better to choose pasta from durum wheat.


Sweets, beloved by all children, are easily digestible fast carbohydrates; they are allowed in small quantities at this age. They are best included in the menu during breakfast.

Too much sweets should not be in the diet of children - they are addictive, drowsy, reduce activity and can lead to the development of serious diseases such as diabetes, obesity or eczema.


The main suppliers of vitamins for three-year-olds are fruits and vegetables in any form. These can be casseroles, juices, jelly, compotes, stewed vegetables, mashed potatoes, salads - you just can’t list everything!

It is preferable to consume fresh vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables and fruits for children of three years old should not be grated or processed in a blender - they must be consumed in solid form. This will help ensure that there is enough stress on your teeth and digestive tract.

Beautifully decorated dishes of vegetables and fruits cut into small slices will help. The little fidget will not remain indifferent to the sight of edible animals, cars, etc.


The daily regimen of a 3-year-old child should correspond to this age and include four or five meals a day.

In kindergartens, they try to strictly adhere to routine moments, and mothers who care for their babies at home should do the same. Deviations from the established daily routine should not exceed half an hour; only in such an established schedule will the baby release gastric juice on time. This will be beneficial for the child's digestion.

If your child is very active, do not refuse him when he asks for food, but instead of sweets or fast food, offer fruit or plain water.

This will not spoil the baby’s tastes and food preferences and will help him “hold on” to the upcoming meal.


All people on the planet are very individual, children are also all different, both in their appearance and in their internal content. But there are certain average indicators in height, weight, and regimen that adults must adhere to.

How much should a child weigh at 3 years old? - a question that worries many parents who are prone to obesity. The parameters of this indicator vary depending on the gender of the baby:

Girls at three years old they should weigh 13.9 kg with a height of 94.8 cm.

Boys on average they can reach 14.3 kg and 95.7 cm.

Having heard this, many of the people whose children do not fit into the average standards may formulate another question: “How much should a child eat at 3 years old?”

A nutrition table with an approximate description of the dishes in the diet of a three-year-old child will come to the rescue.

Another important question that worries parents is how much a child should drink per day.

The average daily dose of liquid consumed at this age is 1.5 liters, but this is together with the liquid components in cereals, soups, fruits and other dishes. A 3-year-old child can drink about 700 grams of pure water per day.

You should not give your baby caffeine-containing and carbonated drinks - tea, coffee, cola, Pepsi, etc.

Freshly squeezed juices, jelly, compotes, fruit drinks - this is what should be included in the drinking diet of a three-year-old child.


You can prepare many dishes yourself; the baby will happily eat everything if you make the culinary process creative and fill it with love for the child.

Pumpkin soup with chicken

Ingredients: 350 grams of pumpkin, 200 g of chicken fillet, 100 g of potatoes, 60 g of carrots, 50 g of leeks, 20 g of hard cheese, 5 ml olive oil, a clove of garlic, 0.5 liters of vegetable broth.

  • Boil the chicken fillet with the spices until cooked.
  • Pour some water into a saucepan with a non-stick bottom and gradually add chopped onions (leeks or onions), carrots, and pumpkin. Simmer everything until half cooked and pour in broth. You can take the remaining and strained chicken fillet or any vegetable after cooking. Cook for another 20 minutes.
  • When serving, add butter, salt, grated cheese, pressed garlic (just a little), sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • Offer your child this soup with croutons prepared in advance from a stale loaf.

Vegetable and meat cutlets

To prepare this healthy dish you need to take: lean meat (600 g), white cabbage (200 g), zucchini (150 g), medium carrot and onion, garlic clove, 2 eggs, salt (to taste).

  • Grind all prepared ingredients (washed and chopped) in a meat grinder twice, add salt and add eggs.
  • Knead the minced meat and form small cutlets, roll in flour or breading.
  • Fry in vegetable oil until slightly crusty or simmer in a small amount of water.

Fish and cabbage cutlets

To please your child with this dish, stock up in advance with 50 g of fish fillet and five cauliflower florets, one yolk, half an onion and two tablespoons of pre-cooked rice.

  • If you do not have boiled rice, then cook it directly while preparing the dish. You will have 7-10 minutes, during which you will need to cook the washed and sorted cabbage inflorescences.
  • Fish fillet, boiled rice and cabbage will need to be mixed using a blender, adding onion and salt.
  • Beat the yolk of one egg into the resulting mass and form into cutlets. A steamer is a great place to finish cooking this dish.

Apples baked with curd filling

Such a tasty and healthy dessert will appeal not only to your baby, but also to all other family members. It's very easy to prepare.

Take six non-sour apples, 150 grams of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of fine sugar (or powdered sugar), one egg yolk and one teaspoon each of vanilla sugar and potato starch.

  • Wash the apples thoroughly, cut off the top part in the shape of a lid. Remove the middle with a knife or spoon, trying to leave thick walls of the apples.
  • Turn cottage cheese, yolk, sugar, starch and vanilla sugar into a homogeneous mass using a food processor or blender.
  • Stuff the apples with the curd mixture and place in the oven for 30 minutes. Before serving, cool and decorate the dish (for this you can use ready-made whipped cream or cream).

"Milk-banana pleasure"

If you don’t know what to prepare for an afternoon snack for a three-year-old child, then be sure to try this dessert - nutritious and tasty.

You will need: 1 banana, a glass of milk (boiled, but not hot), 2 cookies (“Creamy”, “Yubileinoe”, etc.), 2-3 hazelnuts.

  • Grind the cookie pieces and nuts in a coffee grinder. Place the peeled and chopped banana in a container, pour in the milk and beat with a blender. Add the mixture of nuts and cookies and beat again.
  • Pour into a glass, garnish with a mint leaf or banana slices.

Video: Feeding a 3 year old child

And gradually, from one and a half years to 3 years, the children’s diet changes, slowly approaching the usual common table. It is important for parents themselves to set an example for their child in food culture, behavior at the table, and also, if possible, reconsider their own usual diet in favor of more wholesome and healthy food, a balanced and correct menu.

By the age of two years, all 20 baby teeth should have erupted, which gives the child the ability to fully bite, chew and grind food. Chewing is important for more than just biting and chewing food. The chewing process triggers the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the gastric juice, moistens the food bolus with saliva, starting the process of partial breakdown of carbohydrates by salivary amylase. This makes food easier to digest.

The most important task at this time is to teach the child to chew and consume denser foods that require thorough chewing, i.e. food in pieces, not grated and ground:

  • you need to gradually replace semi-liquid and liquid dishes with denser ones (with the exception of first courses, they must be included in the child’s diet).
  • porridges from boiled cereals are gradually introduced into the diet
  • casseroles from vegetables or cereals, cottage cheese
  • pieces of meat and stewed vegetables.

If children at this age do not learn to eat dense foods that require active chewing, they will later refuse or be reluctant to eat the fruits and vegetables they need, which need to be bitten and chewed, as well as meat, which also needs to be bitten and chewed thoroughly.

Characteristics of the diet of children aged 1-3 years

From 1 to 1.5 years From 1.5 to 3 years
How many times a day do you eat 5 times 4 times
Number of teeth a baby has anterior incisors and chewing premolars, 8-12 pcs. Possible chewing of soft food, biting 20 teeth, all groups of teeth - both for chewing food and for biting it off
Volume of the stomach and, accordingly, 1 meal 250-300 ml 300-350 ml
Daily food volume 1200-1300 ml. 1400-1500 ml.
Calorie content of meals
  • 1 breakfast: 15%
  • 2 breakfast: 10%
  • Lunch: 40%
  • Afternoon snack: 10%
  • Dinner: 25%
  • Breakfast: 25%
  • Lunch: 35%
  • Afternoon snack: 15%
  • Dinner: 25%.

Nutrition of a child at 2-3 years old

After one and a half years, you can gradually switch to four meals a day:

  • Breakfast 8.00-9.00
  • Lunch 12.30-13.30
  • Afternoon tea 15.30-16.30
  • Dinner 18.30-19.00

At the same time, lunch should account for at least a third of the total daily caloric intake, this is about 35%. The rest of the calories are distributed between breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner. The daily energy value of products should reach 1400-1500 kcal. A child of this age should receive per day:

  • Proteins – at least 60-70 g, with up to 75% of them being of animal origin
  • Fats - at least 50-60 g, of which about 10 g vegetable oils
  • Carbohydrates - at least 220 g, most of which should be complex carbohydrates.

It is extremely important at this age to maintain a proper diet; this will be very significant at any age, and especially at the stage of developing “adult” nutrition. If strictly followed correct mode nutrition, intervals between main meals are maintained, children will gradually develop food conditioned reflexes by this time.

This will ensure the correct and harmonious functioning of the entire digestive tract, starting from the oral cavity and ending with the intestines, where in due time digestive juices will begin to separate by the time food masses enter there. The regime will allow you to digest food as completely and correctly as possible and absorb all its components.

With an irregular diet or erratic meals, these reflexes quickly fade, this leads to a decrease in the production of digestive juices, and as a result, food will not be fully absorbed. Food residues in the large intestine will rot and ferment, which will lead to constipation, stool disorders and disruption of the general condition. And this will also lead to the fact that children will constantly eat poorly, saying that they simply do not want to eat.

Nutritional features under 3 years of age

In early childhood, the volume of the stomach is small, it is empty of food in about 3-4 hours, food rich in protein and fats can be retained for up to 4.5-5 hours. It is on the basis of these data that four meals a day for children are built. In this case, the intervals between feedings should be approximately 3.5-4 hours. From the age of one and a half years, with a child of normal (and even more so overweight) weight, it is important to wean him from night meals. The only exceptions will be children who are still breastfed and fall asleep with the breast.

Introducing any food other than breast milk, can lead to disturbances in nighttime sleep processes, and will create difficulties for the parents themselves in the form of constant running around with bottles and mugs.

Regardless of how many times your child eats food, the timing of its intake should be constant. In the set power time mode, deviations are allowed no more than 15-20 minutes. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of conditioned food reflexes with the separation of digestive juices.

In the intervals between main meals, you should not indulge your child with high-calorie foods and sweets. It is worth removing from snacks such dishes as rolls and cookies, undiluted fruit juices and dairy products, candies and chocolate. This will lead to a decrease in appetite and may lead to the fact that during the next meal the child simply does not want to eat cooked meat, vegetable or cereal dishes necessary for his nutrition.

What can you give a child aged 2-3 years?

Just as in the previous period, after one and a half years, the child’s nutrition should be varied and nutritious. It should include useful products:

  • milk and dairy products
  • meat, fish and poultry dishes
  • cereal side dishes and porridges
  • bakery products
  • vegetables and fruits
  • healthy sweets and desserts.


After one and a half years, children need to consume a sufficient amount of fermented milk products, and from two years of age, whole cow's milk can be gradually introduced into the diet. Dairy products will be sources for the child:

  • easily digestible animal protein
  • calcium and phosphorus necessary for skeletal growth
  • animal fat and fat-soluble vitamins, in particular vitamin D
  • beneficial microbial flora, which stimulates the growth and development of its own, strengthens the immune system and stimulates digestion.

The total daily amount of dairy products at this age should be at least 500-600 ml, taking into account the volume of milk for cooking. Children's daily diet should include products such as kefir or yogurt, biolact. Several times a week, such products as cottage cheese and products made from it, cottage cheese products, cheesecakes, mild unsalted cheeses, cream, sour cream are used. They can be consumed either whole or used for preparing and seasoning first and second courses.

Under the age of three years it is permissible to use:

  • 50-100 g of cottage cheese with fat content from 5 to 11%
  • 5-10 g cream with 10-20% fat content
  • 5-10 g sour cream with 10-20% fat content
  • yoghurts, kefir or biolact with fat content from 2.5 to 4%
  • after two years, milk with a fat content of 2.5 to 3.2%

Dairy products can be used to prepare or season cheesecakes, dumplings, casseroles or desserts.

Meat products and poultry

In the diet of children under three years of age, the amount of meat gradually increases; by the age of two it reaches 110 g, and by the age of three it reaches 120 g. For baby food at this age, the following types of meat are used:

  • lean beef
  • veal
  • rabbit meat
  • lean pork
  • lamb
  • horsemeat.
  • liver
  • heart.

Meat dishes are prepared in the form of stews with pieces of meat, steamed or oven cutlets, minced meat, stewed meat in small pieces. You should give up sausages and all kinds of deli meats for up to three years. All of them are full of salt and spices, dyes and other food chemicals, which is not at all useful for the child. If it is impossible to limit children from industrially produced semi-finished meat products, once every two weeks you can allow the child children's milk sausages, but the products must be of high quality.

Poultry dishes - chicken, quail, turkey - will be useful. But duck and goose meat is not given at this age; it is poorly digestible and very fatty for children.

Unfortunately, today on supermarket shelves the quality of dairy products, pork, and chickens does not always meet the standards acceptable for children. In Russia, there is no strict control and restrictions on the use of antibiotics and growth hormones when growing poultry and meat, as in some developed countries, therefore Rosselkhoznadzor inspections regularly reveal certain violations in the production of meat and poultry (see), which does not improve the health of our children.


Chicken eggs will be one of the main sources of protein for a child; they should be present in children's diet often - daily or every other day. Eggs are given to children hard-boiled, in dishes or in the form of omelettes. The use of poached or soft-boiled eggs is prohibited due to the risk of salmonellosis. If you are intolerant to chicken eggs, you can use quail eggs, but waterfowl eggs (ducks, geese) are prohibited in the diet of children under three years of age.

Fish and fish dishes

  • In the absence of allergies and other contraindications, it is worth using river and sea fish in children’s menus once or twice a week.
  • At the same time, fish dishes should be from low-fat varieties; salmon, sturgeon, halibut or salmon should be excluded from the children’s diet.
  • The amount of fish per day reaches 40-50 g.
  • You can offer children boiled or stewed fish without bones, fish balls or cutlets, and specialized canned food for children.
  • But canned fish for adults, as well as smoked, salted and dried fish, are prohibited for children.
  • Also, you should not give children fish caviar; it is a strong allergen.


Fresh or thermally processed fruits contain a large amount of fiber and ballast substances that pass through the intestines in transit and are not digested. At the same time, these substances stimulate intestinal motility, thus counteracting constipation. But this is far from the only advantage of vegetables, berries and fruits. Due to their composition, they help in stimulating appetite, as they promote the separation of digestive enzymes. Fruits and vegetables also contain many vitamins and mineral components that replenish constantly depleted reserves.

However, you should not go too heavy on eating potatoes, as one of the leading vegetables in the diet; their quantity is limited to 100-120 g per day, the rest should be obtained from other vegetables. On average, the diet should contain at least 200-250 g of fresh or cooked vegetables. Vegetables are used to prepare first and second courses, salads and even desserts and baked goods. Vegetables such as:

  • carrots, onions
  • tomatoes, cucumbers
  • zucchini and squash
  • pumpkin, beets
  • cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli

In the diet of children after one and a half years, it is necessary to include fresh garden greens - in salads, first and second courses.

  • You can also give your child green onions and garlic in small quantities to give dishes a more piquant taste.
  • expansion of the diet occurs due to the gradual introduction of turnips, radishes, radishes, and legumes (peas, beans) into the diet after two years.

Proper preliminary and heat treatment of vegetables is important so that they retain a maximum of vitamins and mineral components. When peeling vegetables, you need to cut off a thin layer of skin, since the peel area contains the largest reserves of vitamins. In salads or vinaigrettes, it is recommended to boil vegetables in their skins by steaming or boiling them in a small amount of water. Peeled vegetables should not be kept in water for a long time so that vitamins and minerals are not washed out. Vegetable broth should be used when cooking peeled and washed vegetables. Vegetables need to cook for a certain amount of time:

  • spinach and sorrel no more than 10 minutes
  • beets – up to 90 minutes (in a slow cooker 20 minutes)
  • potatoes – up to 25 minutes
  • carrots – up to 30 minutes
  • cabbage – up to 30 minutes

For salads and vinaigrettes, raw vegetables are peeled and chopped or grated immediately before eating, since the action of atmospheric oxygen destroys vitamins in peeled and finely chopped foods, vitamin C and group B are especially affected.

Fruits and berries

Fruits must be included in the diet of children under three years of age; the amount of fruit per day should not be less than 200 g, and berries - about 20 g. apples, plums, pears, cherries, bananas, oranges. Considering that citrus and exotic fruits can cause allergic skin reactions, you need to introduce them into the child’s diet slowly and only in small pieces, monitoring the reaction.

Seasonal berries will be no less useful in children’s diets - children can be given cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries, and chokeberries, currants, strawberries, wild strawberries. You should not give a lot of berries; initially, you can limit yourself to one handful, since an excess of berries can also be harmful. Any new fruits and vegetables should be introduced little by little, and reactions to them from the skin and digestion should be monitored.

Fruits and berries can also influence digestion and regulate stool.

  • Blueberries, pears, chokeberries, and black currants can strengthen stool; if you have constipation, you shouldn’t give too much of these fruits.
  • Kiwi, plum, apricot, or simply an excess of fresh berries or fruits eaten on an empty stomach have a laxative effect.

Cereals, pasta

In the diet of children, it is worth using various types of cereals; buckwheat and oatmeal porridge will be especially useful for children after one and a half years of age; they are richer than all others in complete vegetable protein, minerals and vitamins. No less useful in the diet will be cereals and porridges made from them such as pearl barley, millet or barley.

At this age, it is quite acceptable to use noodles, noodles as side dishes or milk soups as side dishes, but they should be consumed no more than twice a day - they are rich in carbohydrates and high in calories. On average, children under three years of age need no more than 20 g of cereal and no more than 50 g of pasta per day.


Children's diets may also include sugar, which improves the taste of cooked dishes, but if it is in excess, there is a load on the pancreas and excess weight, appetite decreases, and metabolism is disrupted (see the article on the dangers of refined sugar). Under the age of three years, no more than 40 g of sugar per day is allowed, this amount will also include glucose in juices, sweets or drinks.

Glucose is good for brain function, but foods with complex carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes, pasta, bread) in recommended quantities do not provide the entire amount of glucose. The volume of nutrition cannot be increased due to the child’s digestive characteristics, so children at this age need to replenish glucose reserves for the brain through light carbohydrates - sweets. They give a rapid increase in blood glucose levels, and it is quickly delivered to the brain, liver and kidneys.

But you need sweets in moderation; excess of them does not have time to be consumed and leads to excess weight. Healthy sweets include marmalade, marshmallows, jam, fruit caramels and marshmallows. Chocolate, candies with chocolate and cocoa are not recommended for children due to their stimulating effect on the nervous system and high allergenicity.

Sample menu for children from one and a half to three years old

Menu for a 2 year old child for one day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with banana, bun with butter, half a boiled egg, dried fruit compote
  • Lunch: vinaigrette, cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, meatballs with pasta, half a banana, mint tea
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, bun, boiled milk, pear.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes, bread, jelly with raspberries, apple.
  • At night - yogurt.

The age of 3–5 years is characterized by improved development of the brain, all organs and systems of the body. The physical development of a child in preschool age has uneven periods of weight gain and height. This is the age when a child can be given all foods. The child’s consciousness is developed, he is easy to learn and wants to be more like adults, so you should begin to establish a culture of behavior at the table.

Interesting to know! Based on the results of a quick survey of parents whose children attend kindergartens, the following data is available:

  • 30% of children have complaints about the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Only 80% of families use iodized salt;
  • Daily consumption of milk and fermented milk products was noted in 27.5% of children; fish – 3.2%; meat and meat products – 33%; but the daily consumption of confectionery and bakery products is 80%!

Requirements of children 3–5 years old for basic nutrients

Protein in children's diet cannot be replaced by any other food component. With its participation, the most important functions of the body are carried out: growth, metabolism, muscle and brain function. The need for protein is satisfied through dishes made from meat, fish, milk and eggs. Excess protein in the diet causes disorders of the digestive system and excretory function of the kidneys. For meat, it is better to eat beef, turkey and chicken, and rabbit. It is better to cook fish fresh; it is more beneficial when eaten at sea.

Approximately per day, a child 3–5 years old should receive protein:

  • Meat – 100–140 g,
  • Fish – 50–100 g,
  • Egg – 1/2–1 pcs.,
  • Milk (including expenses for cooking) and kefir – 600 ml,
  • Cottage cheese – 50 g,
  • Hard cheese and sour cream – 10–15 g each.

Carbohydrates play an equally important role in the body - they are the main source of energy. To replenish the body in carbohydrates, you need to eat vegetables, fruits, and cereals. If the intake of carbohydrates is insufficient, the body can use proteins for energy needs, which will lead to protein deficiency. In turn, excess carbohydrates can lead to obesity, flatulence, hypovitaminosis, and water retention in the body.

Approximately per day, a child 3–5 years old should receive carbohydrates:

  • Cereals, legumes, pasta – 60 g,
  • Flour – 30 g,
  • Vegetables – 300 g (do not forget to give children turnips, radishes, garlic, green salad),
  • Potatoes – 150–200 g,
  • Fruits and berries – 200 g,
  • Dried fruits – 15 g,
  • Bread – 80–100 g,
  • Sugar (considering its composition confectionery) – 60–70 g,
  • Tea (infusion) – 0.2 g.

The third important component is fats. Their role for the body cannot be overestimated: they are a source of energy, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and perform a protein-saving function. , because they have a high calorie content and easily disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

Approximately per day, a child 3–5 years old should receive the following fats:

  • Vegetable oil – up to 30 g,
  • Butter – up to 10 g.

Micro-, macroelements and vitamins do not have nutritional value for the body, but are extremely necessary for the structure of bones and teeth, the immune system, for the health of the skin, eyes, for metabolic processes, osmotic pressure, acid-base status. Therefore, you need to drink mineral water, eat a varied diet, eat vegetables and fruits every day, and be sure to add dill, parsley, onions and celery to your salads.


Proper nutrition ensures good digestion, optimal use of food by the body, strengthens the nervous system and improves immunity.

If the regime is followed conscientiously, the digestive organs work normally, conditioned food reflexes have time to develop, appetite increases, and digestive juices are secreted. Strict adherence to a diet contributes to the efficient use of food, strengthens the nervous and immune systems of the body.

Eating hot food – 3 times a day.

The optimal interval between meals is 3.5–4 hours (during this time, food is digested in the stomach and only then enters the intestines). Maximum breaks (in extreme cases) should not exceed 6 hours.

A five-time feeding schedule (breakfast - 8:00, second breakfast - 10:30, lunch - 12:00, afternoon snack - 15:30 and dinner - 19:00) is welcome.

It is advisable to eat at the same time so that deviations do not exceed 15–30 minutes.

Avoid eating sweets between feedings.

The daily weight of food for a child at three years old should be 1500 g, at 4 years old - 1700 g, at 5 years old - up to 2000 g.

A single meal for a child at three years old should not exceed 400 g, at 4 years old - 500 g and at 5 years old - 600 g, respectively.

Caloric content of food: the energy requirement of a child’s body at three years old is 1550 kcal, from four to five years old – 1950 kcal per day. The daily calorie content should correspond to the given figures and be distributed as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35-40%, afternoon snack - 10-15%, dinner - 25% of the daily calorie content.

Basic principles of menu design

  • It is considered unacceptable when daily menu There are two porridges plus a cereal side dish for the second course. It is advisable to serve two vegetable and one cereal dishes during the day. If you have vegetable soup for lunch, then serve cereal porridge or pasta as a side dish for the second course. If the soup is cereal, then vegetables should be a side dish for the second course.
  • It is undesirable to combine protein-rich foods with fats, otherwise they linger longer in the stomach and require large quantity digestive juices. It is recommended that protein-rich dishes containing meat, fish, eggs be given in the first half of the day - for breakfast and lunch.
  • During lunch, the child must eat soup, because substances in vegetable or meat broths stimulate the stomach receptors, and this increases appetite and improves digestion processes. You should prepare fresh soup every day and do not offer it to your child too hot or cold. The choice of first courses for children 3–5 years old has no special restrictions: broths, broth soups with the addition of vegetables, cereals, dumplings, dumplings, vegetarian and milk soups. Give 150–180 ml per serving to a three-year-old child, and 180–200 ml per serving to a four- to five-year-old child.
  • As second courses for lunch, cutlets, meatballs, stewed vegetables with meat, fish, and poultry should be offered; porridge, pasta, vegetables as a side dish.
  • For lunch, the child should definitely eat a salad, preferably made from raw vegetables; you can also add greens to them.
  • For dinner, the child should be given easily digestible food, since at night the digestive processes are inactive. Dairy-vegetable foods are suitable.
  • It is recommended to draw up a menu for the week in advance, taking into account the products that the child needs daily, and he can receive some of them 2-3 times a week. What should be given daily: the entire daily allowance of milk, butter and vegetable oil, sugar, bread, meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits, fresh parsley, dill and spinach, onions (green and onions). It is advisable to offer fish twice a week; eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and sour cream can not be given to the child every day, but within 10 days the amount of these products should be provided in full for the age norm.
  • It is advisable to repeat dishes no more than once every three days, i.e. if today the child ate mashed potatoes, fish and beetroot salad, then these products will not be offered for the next two days.
  • The amount of food per meal should correspond to the child’s age; you should not increase it, as this contributes to a decrease in appetite and leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive organs.
  • Consumption of bread and cereals can be slightly increased in the cold season and reduced in the summer. Viscous porridges should be replaced with crumbly ones. The most valuable cereals are buckwheat and oatmeal, which contain proteins and minerals important for the development of a child.
  • As for drinks, you can do anything: fresh juices, compotes from fresh and dried fruits, canned fruit or vegetable juices for baby food, drinking water containing selenium and iodine, . From hot drinks, parents can offer weak tea, compote, jelly, surrogates with a similar taste; cocoa can be given once or twice a week. It is advisable to dilute tea, coffee and cocoa with milk.
  • Honey, homemade jam, marshmallows, dark chocolate, marshmallows and marmalade are recommended as sweets.

Additives that may cause allergic reactions:

  • Preservatives E200, 203, 210–227, 230, 231, 232, 239, 249–252.
  • Antioxidants: E310–313, 320, 321.
  • Dyes: E102, 107, 110, 122, 124, 151.
  • Flavor and aroma enhancer: E620–629.

Sample menu diagram:

  1. Milk porridge – 200 g,
  2. Drink with milk – 100/50 ml,
  3. White bread with butter 30/5 g or cookies 30 g.
  1. Milk soup or meat broth – 150–180 ml,
  2. Fish/meat – 70–100 g,
  3. Garnish – 80 g,
  4. Vegetable salad – 50 g,
  5. Drink – 150 ml,
  6. Black bread – 20 g.
  1. Milk, kefir – 150 ml,
  2. Fresh fruit (1/2) or berries – 100 g.
  1. Stewed vegetables – 200 g or cottage cheese dish – 100 g,
  2. Kefir – 150 ml,
  3. White bread/cookies/curd cheese – 30 g.

Norms for height and weight gain

Height/cmWeight, kgHeight/cmWeight, kg
3 years93,0–98,1 13,3–15,5 92,3–99,8 13,8–16,0
3.5 years95,6–101,4 14,0–16,4 95,0–102,5 14,3–16,8
4 years98,5–104 14,8–17,6 98,3–105,5 15,1–17,8
4.5 years101,5–107,4 15,8–18,5 101,2–108,6 15,9–18,8
5 years104,7–110,7 16,6–19,7 104,4–112,0 16,8–20,0
5.5 years108,0–114,3 17,7–21,1 107,8–115,1 17,7–21,3

Measures for organizing safe nutrition for children

  1. Teach your child to wash their hands correctly and keep them clean before eating.
  2. It is advisable to use drinking bottled water for cooking; Water from a well, spring, or tap must be boiled first.
  3. Wash vegetables and fruits under running water and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Observe the terms and conditions of storage of products.
  5. There should be separate knives and cutting boards for raw and cooked foods.
  6. Do not allow foods that have undergone heat treatment and those that have not undergone heat treatment to come into contact. Keep the kitchen clean.

When does lack of appetite indicate illness?

If a child refuses to eat in calm and friendly conditions, and does not satisfy his hunger with sweets, cookies, sandwiches, this is a reason to seek help from a doctor to find out the reasons (stomach diseases, nervous stress).

Nutrition for the prevention of stomach diseases

  • The first and inalienable rule is compliance with the norms and regimen of proper nutrition;
  • Exclusion of low-quality and expired products (you should especially look closely at dairy and meat products);
  • Limited use of spicy seasonings;
  • Limiting the consumption of indigestible, rough and poorly tolerated foods.

Nutrition for caries prevention

  • Eliminate the main provoking factor - drinking sweet drinks at night: tea, compote;
  • Exclude sugar-containing foods, sour fruits and juices from evening and night meals;
  • Instead of candies that injure tooth enamel, offer your child marmalade and marshmallows;
  • Drink juice through a straw to avoid acid contact with tooth enamel;
  • Teach your child to rinse his mouth with water after eating sweet and sour foods;
  • Consume calcium-rich foods such as milk, cottage cheese, yogurt. Calcium is better absorbed in combination with vitamin D, so you should definitely eat fish and take walks in the sun;
  • Drink fluoridated drinking water.

Nutrition to strengthen the child’s immunity in kindergarten

Transition of a child to education in children's team Preschool education is always accompanied by psychological difficulties, and appetite may decrease, insomnia and neurotic reactions may appear, and the body’s overall resistance to infectious diseases decreases. Right organized meals will help deal with these problems. It is necessary to bring home food closer to what is received in kindergarten, especially if there are dishes that the child has never eaten before.

To prevent seasonal colds, pay attention to the content of vitamins in food, using fortified fresh food products, drink courses of vitamin preparations. The child must eat meat, since protein is the structural material of the immune system. You can drink decoctions of rose hips, mint, linden, and viburnum in courses of 2-3 weeks; teas and drinks with ginger with the addition of lemon and a spoon of honey are especially useful.

Get your child used to onions and garlic: they contain phytoncides - substances with powerful antiviral and antimicrobial properties. And don’t forget to eat foods rich in iron.

5 ways to hide meat in food

  1. It's best to disguise the meat dish with a good dollop or two of sour cream or white sauce.
  2. In dumplings, add a bun or white bread to the meat filling, say that they are with bread.
  3. Add meat, ground in a blender, to a stew of sweet vegetables.
  4. Cook with your child, because some children really love to eat homemade food.
  5. Mix different types of meat in a 1:1 ratio, for example, beef with rabbit or chicken.

Teach children to eat silently, use a napkin, pull a chair behind them when leaving the table, and thank adults. Maintaining a good appetite at the age of 3–5 years, nurturing the child’s habit of eating at a certain time, and mastering cultural and hygienic skills is excellent preparation for school.

Your baby is one year old, his teeth are growing, he is diligently learning to chew food, and he is developing his first taste preferences. However, a common table is still contraindicated for him. What can you feed your child so as not to harm his health? Let's define the basic requirements for baby food.

Rules for healthy eating for children under 3 years old: what to feed a child from 1-3 years old?

A normally developing baby should have about twenty teeth erupting by age 2. This means that the child can not only bite off, but also chew food. It is no secret that chewing food promotes the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, which greatly facilitates the process of digestion.

Parents know very well that from 1 year to 1.5 years a child needs to be fed five times a day. After a year, some babies themselves refuse the fifth feeding and switch to four meals a day. There is no need to worry about this; a healthy baby is able to regulate the number of feedings himself. During this period, parents should try to gradually replace semi-liquid meals with denser ones. The baby should eat new dishes from a spoon. The pacifier and bottle should be gradually abandoned.

  • The nutrition of a one and a half year old baby needs to be balanced, preferably with the help of a nutritionist. The basis of nutrition at this age is foods containing animal protein.
  • For children from 1.5 to 2 years old, the amount of food is approximately 1300 grams per day.
  • In the 3rd year of life, a baby can eat about 1500 grams of food per day.

How to create a menu for a child 1.5 - 3 years old: table

Products Food consumption standards for children 1.5-2 years old/examples of dishes Food consumption standards for children 2-3 years old/examples of dishes
Milk/m. products Daily amount: 500 ml.

5% cottage cheese – 50 grams.

5 grams – cream 10%.

5 grams – sour cream 10%.

biolact, yogurt – 2.5%

Dishes: porridge, cottage cheese casseroles, desserts.

Daily amount: at least 600 ml.

100 grams of cottage cheese 5-10%.

10 grams of cream 10-20%.

10 grams of sour cream – 20%.

kefir, yogurt up to 4%.

After 2 years, higher fat milk is allowed from 2.5 to 3.2%.

Dishes: porridge, cheesecakes, dumplings, desserts.

Meat Norm: 85-100 grams per day.


Rabbit meat.


The menu may include liver and tongue.

Dishes: steamed meatballs, stewed cutlets, meat and liver puree, etc.

Norm: 110-120 grams per day.



Rabbit meat.

Lamb meat.


Dishes: steam cutlets, meatballs, finely chopped stew, stew, meat and liver puree.

Fish The daily norm for children up to 3 years is 30 grams once a week. Recommended: sea, white fish. You can prepare dishes from pollock, cod, hake, and tuna. River fish – trout – is allowed.

Red fish is not desirable and often causes allergic reactions.

You can cook: fish soup with carrots, stewed fish, cutlets, meatballs, etc.

Daily norm: 50 grams three to four times a week.
Poultry dishes Children under 2 years of age are recommended to include chicken and turkey meat in their menu.

Chicken meat is considered more allergenic, so it is recommended to give it no more than twice a week.

You can start giving chicken meat 3 times a week. It is advisable to use only breast - white meat. You can use it to make stewed meatballs, cutlets, and meatballs.

Cereal side dishes and porridges

Nutritionists recommend including buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley, and pearl barley in children's menus. On average, children under three years old can consume up to twenty grams of cereal.
Bakery products You can use noodles and vermicelli as a side dish for meat dishes. You can also make milk soups from them. However, these products are very high in calories and this should not be forgotten. You can eat no more than 50 grams of bakery products per day.
Vegetables They perfectly stimulate the intestines, increase appetite, and supply the children's body with vitamins and minerals.

The daily norm is at least 200 grams of vegetables.

You can prepare vegetables from: cabbage balls, carrot cutlets, vegetable stew, etc.

IN daily ration 3 year old child there must be at least 250 grams of vegetables. Added: tomatoes, squash, green onions and garlic (in small quantities). Children willingly eat radishes, turnips, radishes. Many people like spinach and sorrel.

Children willingly nibble on raw vegetables and love a variety of vegetable salads.


The norm is at least 200 grams. New fruits and berries should be introduced in minimal portions so that possible allergic manifestations can be noticed in a timely manner. The menu can also include seasonal berries: lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries, chokeberries, gooseberries. (Little by little). At the age of three, you can gradually increase the amount of fruits and berries (if you are not allergic to them).

Parents should know that chokeberries, black currants and blueberries can strengthen stool.

Kiwis, apricots, and plums act as a laxative.

You can make jelly, juices, compotes, fruit drinks from berries and fruits, add them to porridge and desserts.

Healthy sweets and desserts Dessert should only be introduced into the menu at two years of age - not earlier! Desserts should be as easy to digest as possible. Pediatricians strongly recommend that parents do not rush to stuff their children with sweets. And yet, there are healthy sweets for children of this age. For example: baked apple, berry mousse, jelly, cottage cheese and banana soufflé. At 3 years old, you can add a soufflé of apples, carrots and semolina to the “sweet tooth” menu.

Children willingly eat cranberry-semolina mousse, plum soufflé and apple marshmallow. Any mother can easily find recipes for these desserts on the Internet.

What children under 3 years old should not eat: list, common mistakes of parents

10 main foods that are contraindicated for young children:

  • Any sausage products. Almost all manufacturers add preservatives, flavors and dyes to their products.
  • Seafood, namely: shrimp, crabs, mussels. These seafood cause 80% of cases in children. early age allergic reactions.
  • Pork, lamb, duck and goose meat. Refractory fats contained in these products are poorly digested and negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. May cause pain, flatulence, constipation.
  • Grapes and melon. These fruits have a bad effect on the lifespan and increase gas formation.
  • Ice cream. A high level of fat content negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas. A delicacy adored by children very often becomes.
  • Honey. A useful product, but, unfortunately, quite often causing allergies.
  • Fat milk provokes metabolic problems.
  • Cakes, chocolate, pastries, cookies. These “goodies” contain a huge amount of harmful food additives.
  • Cocoa. This drink contains theobromine, an alkaloid. In addition, cocoa is a very fatty drink.
  • All carbonated drinks - they irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend that three-year-olds prepare soups using any meat broth.
  • Children are strictly prohibited from giving any fast food, chips, or salty crackers.
  • Children under two years old should not eat sauerkraut, any pickles, celery, or nuts.
  • Red and black caviar can be given in small doses only after 5 years.
  • Mushrooms (in any form) are not recommended for children under eight years of age, and coffee not earlier than 12 years of age.
  • Most pediatricians believe that children under 3 years old should not add sugar to any dish.

A. Mosov, doctor for nutritional hygiene of children and adolescents:

A child should not be given salt and sugar for as long as possible; ideally, go without them until the age of three. Unfortunately, traditions are such that we ourselves teach the child to eat sweet and salty foods. Therefore, having come to kindergarten, he will inevitably encounter sweet porridge, sweet tea or cocoa and salt, which is added to almost all dishes. Overcoming this tradition is not easy, so it is better if the child is ready for this and gets used to lightly salted food before kindergarten. I don’t think there will be any problems with sweet porridge and sweet cocoa, since we all have an innate preference for sweet taste.

Honey is essentially the same saturated solution of sugars, although its use instead of sugar is more preferable, since honey contains a number of trace elements and other biologically active substances. However, beneficial features honey is largely an exaggeration. And it should be given to a child with caution - this product often causes allergies in children.

From 1.5 to 3 years, children are gradually transferred to 4 feedings a day. The daily volume of food for children of this age ranges from 1200 to 1500 ml.

Approximate feeding regimen for a 2-3 year old baby

Breakfast – 8.00.

Lunch – 12.00.

Afternoon snack – 15.30.

The duration of feeding should not exceed 30-40 minutes.

The child’s diet is supplemented with new products gradually and always strictly individually. The volume of water for children of this age, according to the Union of Pediatricians, is not strictly established. It all depends on climatic conditions, the baby’s activity, and the liquid entering his body during the main meal. Parents should focus on the needs of the baby.

The main requirements that pediatricians set for the nutrition of children from 1.5 to 3 years old are balance and variety.

Can children eat semolina porridge?

Not so long ago, semolina porridge was the “main” dish on the children’s table. Probably, many remember the story by V. Yu. Dragunsky “The Secret Becomes Revealed,” in which the unfortunate Deniska pours a plate of semolina porridge on the hat of a citizen going to be photographed. I feel sorry for both the injured citizen’s hat and Denis, whose body did not agree to eat the porridge. And he was right to some extent. Modern medicine claims that semolina consists of 2/3 carbohydrates, namely starch. Therefore, semolina is quite difficult to digest. Glucen contained in semolina very often causes allergic reactions in children. Semolina porridge has a high energy value, but it is not rich in beneficial vitamins. In addition, phytin, which is part of it, interferes with the full absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin D. Pediatricians do not recommend giving semolina porridge to children under one year of age. Of course, it’s a pity for the citizen’s hat from Deniska’s Stories, but, according to most pediatricians, the protagonist’s action is completely justified. Although, it would be better to feed mom or dad porridge. The adult body accepts semolina perfectly, because it cleanses the intestines of mucus and has a beneficial effect on the removal of excess fat. But a child’s body is structured differently.

Expert advice

According to pediatric immunologist M.A. Khachaturova – children have a rather sensitive natural reaction to food. If for some reason a child flatly refuses a certain product, you should not force feed it to him. Most likely, this product is simply not suitable for the child and should be replaced with another. And, read on our website in another article.

Doctor M.A. Khachaturova warns parents that if a child has dull hair or nails grow poorly (break and crumble), he should be urgently shown to a pediatrician and nutritionist. Most likely, the baby has intestinal problems and needs to restore normal microflora. After which, you need to adjust his diet and balance the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Pediatrician A. Paretskaya:

When creating a menu, you need to take into account the norms of daily food consumption - that is, which foods must be given to the baby every day, and which ones - with a certain frequency. For simplicity, we will make calculations for a week - so we will distribute the products by day. We calculate daily products based on the daily norm, multiplying it by 7 days of the week, the rest - based on the number of meals.

Every day the baby receives milk and dairy products, butter, bread, vegetables, cereals; for example, cottage cheese, cheese, fish, sour cream, eggs are distributed on some days of the week. It is recommended to give meat and fish 5-6 times a week at least - that is, 4 times meat and 1-2 times fish.

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to prepare all the products planned on the menu. Then you have to resort to replacing the product with one of approximately equal value. When replacing, you need to take into account the calorie content and nutritional value of the product - that is, replace carbohydrate foods with them, fats with other fats, proteins with other proteins. For example, interchangeable carbohydrates are bread, bakery products, pasta, and cereals. Among proteins, milk, cottage cheese, meat, fish, and cheese are replaceable. Vegetables - potatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, etc. Fats are replaceable, both vegetable and animal. However, by the end of the week, all quantities of replaced products are equalized.

Correctly formed eating behavior is the key to the future health of your baby.

More and more mothers are deciding on the timing of breastfeeding in favor of prolongation. However, is this decision in favor of the baby? We asked mothers what motivates them to breastfeed their child after 1.5 years, and asked a pediatrician for comments.

Anna, 38 years old,
breastfed until age 3

“The decision to breastfeed was made during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the eldest daughter was an artificial child. For me, there was no question of how long I would feed my second child, I just decided for myself that the healthiest thing for his health was mother’s milk. Therefore, I decided, I will stop feeding when my daughter refuses to breastfeed herself. A big misconception among many parents is that weaning is painful for mother and baby. It’s just that the time has not come for the child to lose this connection, but the mother’s body feels this and also resists. Hence the problems with the breasts. Everything came naturally to us. One day my daughter said that “there are no macaques,” and they stopped there. She didn't ask for the breast anymore and I didn't even have to do anything. So in one evening our bodies put an end to it. There were many advantages. Yes, at least the fact that during illnesses we did not take medications at all, but only made do with breast milk. At the same time, she briefly refused all other food. And what about the statement of doctors that after a year breast milk does not contain anything useful for the child? It seems to me that all this was invented either by stupid and lazy people, or by mixture manufacturers. And our bite is fine. And my daughter is very independent.”

Olga, 31 years old
breastfed until 2 years old

“From my observations, I can say that mothers quit breastfeeding within a year, or even much earlier, due to their own reluctance, fatigue, or under pressure from “advisers.” We are doing well with our bite. The value of breast milk after one year is not in vitamins, but in immunoglobulins. A strong connection between mother and child promotes self-confidence, and therefore, individual independence in the future. It's my opinion".

Maria, 26 years old
breastfed until 2 years old

“It’s sad to see that children are becoming a means of profit: from the screens, impressionable mothers receive a stream of information with idealized images of happy children who have a whole bunch of newfangled gadgets in their mouths: bottles, tubes, pacifiers, etc. Feeding formulas are perceived as natural nutrition for babies. Young parents feed their children while running, “fly” style. Is this why we give birth to children? Take a closer look at your baby. He needs you! In your attention, care and love. His entire future life will be based on what you give him in the first years of his life. No one but you will give him what his own mother can give her child: a mother’s milk consists of components that her baby needs.”

Yulia, 27 years old
breastfeeding, child 3 years old

“My daughter will be three in two weeks, and I still breastfeed her. But feeding is only at lunchtime and once at night. I feed for so long because I myself think it’s important and right. If there is milk, why take it away from the child? If the child and I enjoy it, then why stop it? The excommunication will come on its own, it is already close, and it even makes me sad. Sometimes mothers who take away the most precious things from their children so early do not think about how important this is for their children. My daughter already speaks very well, in the evenings she kisses my breasts and says that this is the sweetest and favorite milk. How can I deprive her of this? No way. Never. In three years, she was sick only a couple of times, while her peers artificial feeding several times in three months. I don’t trust anyone about the bite. Even to our pediatrician, who always grumbles and says: “Well, are you still feeding? The bite will be ruined!”
I myself breastfed up to 2.8, and I have a healthy bite and straight teeth. Regarding children who are not independent, those who can’t do anything without their mother’s presence and breasts and are always there. That's also not true. My daughter stays with her husband when I have to leave for business or work, she doesn’t ask for the breast, she doesn’t remember. She just can’t sleep without me, but that’s because dad didn’t have the opportunity to fall asleep with her. I even heard that there are mothers who go to work and continue to feed, and some feed only on weekends. In general, if nature gave a woman breasts, then the mother’s purpose is to feed as long as possible, without depriving either herself or the child of this happiness. By the way, the milk supply has become much less, only in one breast; it is enough to enjoy it only once at lunchtime and at night. Everything is so interestingly thought out.”

Irina Troyanovskaya,

IN modern world a woman is not only a mother, but also a social person, and this simply does not allow for the “cult of breastfeeding”, because she needs to go to shops, clinics and, after a maximum of three years, go to work. In fact, you can feed for as long as the mother wants, even before school and even at school, but is it worth it? Imagine the picture: an adult three-year-old in a store or in a park begins to tear off his mother’s T-shirt, demanding her breasts. Or there are guests in the house - and the baby, getting agitated in an unfamiliar company, does not let go of his mother. Not the most pleasant moments for both parents and others.
It is important for any mother to remember:

  • The baby receives all the most beneficial benefits from breast milk in the first 6 months. Later, it changes its composition (this can be seen even by color and consistency) and can no longer provide the baby’s body with everything necessary, which is why the introduction of complementary foods begins at this age. If a child remains exclusively breastfed, he may experience developmental delay and malnutrition.
  • With milk, the baby receives the mother's immunoglobulins and antibodies until the end of breastfeeding. Thanks to them, the child gets sick less often and recovers mostly without medications. But another problem arises: his own immune system slows down his development, and his mother’s body does all the work for it. When the baby is left alone with the virus, a common cold can cause many serious complications.
  • For correct formation maxillofacial skeleton and occlusion, the child should receive solid food. Most children who are breastfed for a long time have a very specific bite. Perhaps, if the baby is breastfed once a day before bed, nothing bad will happen, but if mother's milk takes up most of the food received, the child may have problems in the future.
  • Many breastfed children refuse other food, because in order to eat puree with a spoon or chew something, you have to put in much more effort than to get mother's milk.
  • At about a year old, the child moves to a new stage of development, begins to recognize himself as an individual, and it is at this moment that breastfeeding turns into an addiction. The baby cannot fall asleep without breastfeeding; he latches on when he is upset, scared or unsure of himself. In most cases, weaning is much more difficult if feeding has become an addiction.
  • Most often, mothers do not stop breastfeeding for fear of losing some special connection with their children. But a person who already walks, speaks, and clearly expresses his emotions has completely different criteria for connecting with the outside world. It is much more important for a mother to help the baby develop emotionally and physically, to support him in his endeavors, to allow him to show independence in difficult situations, and not to detain him in infancy.
  • With prolonged breastfeeding, the mother's body becomes exhausted and wears out. Many women notice that their skin, hair, nails are deteriorating, and note chronic fatigue.
  • In families where the mother breastfeeds the child for a long time, the situation is more tense and misunderstandings between husband and wife occur more often. Women often forget that they are not only mothers, but also wives. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted when for 2-3 years a woman is exclusively a dairy farmer and sleeps with the baby.

It’s impossible to say unequivocally that feeding after a year is harmful, but still optimal age Weaning is considered to be a period of 1-1.4 years. If you do everything correctly, introduce complementary foods on time and gradually stop breastfeeding starting from 6 months, then the complete cessation of breastfeeding will go unnoticed and painlessly for both the mother and her baby.