Meaning of the name Roman. Boy's name Roman: meaning, character and fate Roman, which female names are suitable

Name meaning: Translated from Latin, the name Roman sounds like “romanus”, which means “Roman”, “Roman”.

Origin of the name: The name Roman appeared in Rus' in the 12th century from Byzantium. This name was used to call Russian princes and nobles. In the calendar you can find large number saints named Roman.
Other forms: Romanus, Raman, Roma, Romakha, Roro, Romanka, Romulus.

January – 18th;

February - 16th;

March – 2nd;

May – 15th;

June – 13th;

August – 1st, 6th, 11th;

September – 24th;

October – 8th, 14th;

November – 13th;

December – 1st, 10th.

Characteristics of the name

The name Roman combines tolerance, justice, kindness, a sense of duty and responsibility; all these qualities are the basis in life. Roman is one of those men who always achieves their goals in life.

Little Roma loves to test the patience of his parents. He studies well at school, but it is impossible to call him diligent. Roman’s priorities quickly change; he can do an interesting thing, but without completing it, he immediately quits and takes on something new. Considering that Roman does not shine with school knowledge, parents often take on his upbringing. This behavior of adults can lead to the fact that the boy will grow up withdrawn. But it is also impossible to ignore Roma’s upbringing. In such cases, he may grow up to be a slacker, lazy and selfish. Parents must find a special approach to raising Roman, be attentive and kind to him.

Adult The novel is a bit frivolous, he will not look for a way out of a difficult situation, but prefers to let things take their course. Roman is proud and witty, but is always ready to help friends and show interest in other people's problems and lend a helping hand. A person with this name does not know how to spend time alone; he needs friends and people with whom he can communicate. Roman is a temperamental person with a lot of new ideas.

Character of the name

Outwardly, Roman is calm and reasonable, his self-confidence is limitless, he has a great talent for subjugating people to his influence. By nature he is patient, attentive, but never forgets old grievances. Those with the name Roman are sociable and proud people; they approach life with ease and do not like to worry about problems that have arisen. He loves noisy companies, he always has a lot of friends.

“Winter” Roman is hot-tempered, despotic, vindictive;

“Autumn” - prudent, attentive;

“Spring” Roma – selfish, amorous, vulnerable;

“Summer” - sociable, narcissistic.

Fate of the name

By temperament, Roman is choleric, but knows how to hide his feelings. Has an analytical mind, has instant reactions and a strong will. Does not tolerate betrayal, is very touchy and vindictive. He does not tolerate monotony, he loves to travel and meet new people. As a personality, Roman reveals himself before the age of 30. He has a strong will, hardworking, independent, and does not give in to the influence of others.
By nature, Roman is self-confident; he believes that his knowledge and business skills should be generously paid. Therefore, he often cannot find a worthy one and interesting work. Roman is suitable for professions related to justice or politics. If Roman likes his work, then he will devote himself completely to it. In addition, Roman has a penchant for creative professions. He has innate abilities for entrepreneurship and business; he will make a good administrator and production manager. In general, men with this name are gifted, witty and sociable.

In relationships with women, Roman is pliable and attentive. His woman should be smart, beautiful, and pay enough attention to him. In the family, Roman is a good husband and a caring father, loves children and home comfort. In the family, Roma prefers to be a leader, often helping his wife around the house and raising children.

Roman’s health is poor; he has often been sick since childhood colds. As an adult, he has a weak heart and lungs. By nature, he is very touchy and vulnerable, so he needs to take care of his nervous system.

Whatever Roman’s fate, he always manages to emerge victorious from a difficult situation and pass all life’s tests.

Positive traits of the name

Roman has a cheerful and easy-going disposition, he is courteous, witty, and kind. Can sincerely sympathize with another person and offer his help. He is cheerful in the company of friends, loves to travel and meet new people.

Negative traits of the name

By nature, Roman is a fickle person, overly talkative, and impulsive. He has a sharp mind and does not want to put effort into important matters. As a child, his parents often catch him in lies, which can sometimes offend his elders. His inconstancy leads to the fact that he likes to abandon the work he has started halfway.

Name compatibility Roman

Roman will have a successful marriage with Anna, Valentina, Elena, Lyubov, Maria, Sophia. Difficult relationships with Varvara, Zinaida, Zoya, Margarita, Nina.

What names are best to be friends with, communicate with, who exactly should Roman love? The opinion about the compatibility of the vibration of names has become widespread in culture. Especially the compatibility of male and female names is of the greatest interest. It’s as if names communicate with each other, rather than people exchanging energy and experiencing moments of happiness and anger together, and developing together.

What is a name

A name is a sound, a meaning, an association. That is, information and vibrations. Energy wave and information cell in the collective unconscious.

The entire volume of information with which a person identifies himself and which then puts pressure/impacts on the unconscious/character/aura of a person.

The vibration-information code of a name is like a certain detail in an electrical circuit (unconscious programs and character structure). And if the part is chosen correctly, then the whole circuit becomes more powerful and works faster.

The body no longer conducts 1 kW of energy of a certain quality, but let’s say 5 kW or 10 kW. And if the name is chosen incorrectly, then the power of the entire organism is reduced to 0.5 kW, and the speed of development and achievement of goals slows down accordingly.

At the right approach to the question, the name gives a person strength and support, becomes a personal mantra. But the name does not speak about the entire electromagnetic device, about me as a whole.

Name and fate

It is not the name that determines fate. The name corrects in “+” or “-” the character given from birth. And either it makes life easier (by improving character) or not. Therefore for different people the same names do different things.

My name is a tool that influences me. After all, they call me by this name. I identify myself with the name. Etc.

Compare comparables, not liters with volts. Compatibility is the interaction of character structures (date and place of birth, past life experience, crystallization of qualities). The name does not define the character; the name adjusts the character structure of its owner according to a unique program. Therefore, the question of name and compatibility are questions from different planes.

Determining the number of the name

You can't tell by the house number who lives in it. Different people live there. Also behind the name number are hidden
dozens of names and millions of different people. On what basis can one draw the line and make a highly accurate generalization? After all, even people born on the same day and hour have different characters and destinies. And this has been proven many times.

And then, even if you have some observations of what qualities the bearers of the same name have, you must always understand that one name paints everyone with its own color. A person is a multidimensional set of qualities, and you cannot say what a person will enhance in you just by knowing his name. A clairvoyant person can identify this influence, but for him the name is simply a starting point for analyzing the complex construction of characters and auras, and not the final area of ​​analysis.

Romance and compatibility with female names. There are many people, but few names. There is even less truth.

It is very easy to give a general, abstract description that will contain the full potential of problems and relationships. Like the weekly horoscope in the newspapers. It is much more difficult to give a real assessment of the compatibility of people - what type, level, quality of compatibility.

Roman and ANY female name - perhaps, maybe, something will arise, to varying degrees of significance for you and over time, something will change and there will be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or will not affect it at all.

Roman and Adeline (noble)
Roman and Alena (sunny)
Roman and Alina (alien)
Roman and Alla (selfish)
Roman and Anastasia (resurrected)
Roman and Angelina (angel)
Roman and Angela (angelic)
Roman and Anna (grace)
Roman and Valentina (healthy)
Roman and Valeria (strong)
Roman and Veronica (bringing victory)
Roman and Victoria (win)
Roman and Galina (calm)
Roman and Daria (winner)
Roman and Diana (divine)
Roman and Evgenia (noble)
Roman and Catherine (immaculate)
Roman and Elena (chosen one)
Roman and Elizabeth (who worships God)
Roman and Zhanna (gift of God)
Roman and Inna (stormy stream)
Roman and Irina (peace)
Roman and Christina (baptized)
Roman and Ksenia (alien)
Roman and Larisa (seagull)
Roman and Lily (flower)
Romance and Love (love)
Roman and Lyudmila (dear to people)
Roman and Margarita (pearl)
Roman and Marina (marine)
Roman and Maria (bitter)
Roman and Nadezhda (hope)
Roman and Nastya (resurrected)
Roman and Natalya (native)
Roman and Nina (ruler)
Roman and Oksana (hospitable)
Roman and Olesya (courageous)
Roman and Olga (saint)
Roman and Polina (fortune teller)
Roman and Svetlana (light)
Roman and Tatiana (founder)
Roman and Yulia (fluffy)
Roman and Yana (sun goddess)

It is very easy to disguise the interpretation of the “compatibility” of any names under a general interpretation - perhaps, perhaps, something will arise, to varying degrees of significance for you and over time, something will change and there will be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or will not affect it at all. (see Barnum effect)

Not a person for a name, but a name for a person. Man talking to man

People feel sympathy not by the sound of a name. And unconsciously, based on how comfortable you are, how interesting it is together. What kind of interchange of energies, qualities, actions occurs between you. What do you enhance in each other?

Look how many different people there are with the same names. There are also similar people with different names.

Name compatibility is a huge misconception that erases the entire inner world of a person, his true nature. And it reduces it to a simple number or one property, without studying the essence of this person. And what effect the name has on a particular person and how the name influences the character.

Where is real compatibility buried?

Compatibility of people must be sought in a combination of character structures and auras. And when we come to the surface and want to reduce people’s relationships to the melodic/numerical relationship of names, we don’t even think about what in a person his name reflects. How is the name and character of this person connected?

Name compatibility is a theater of false shadows. Which confuses and leads away from understanding the essence of human interaction into incorrect scenarios of interaction between personal tools of self-regulation (names).

How to check people's compatibility just by their names?

The same goes for the compatibility of marriage partners based on sock sizes. There will be so much common sense in this and even more, because we select socks for ourselves, comfort and convenience. And not because loving and ignorant people called us a name, not knowing the consequences of the influence of this name on fate and character.

To really assess the compatibility of people, you need to move away from the superficial data taken from the “name number”, and begin to calculate the interaction based on characters\auras\qualities

The Secret of Real Compatibility

We need to begin to consider this issue from the perspective of the individual structure of people.

A person has a certain bioenergetic structure, the form and content of which is determined by many factors such as:

Time, date and place of birth- this is the influence of astrology
Accumulated experience is the influence of karma from this and past lives
Crystallization level– development of the chakra channel system

One can imagine that a person is a complex spatial-geometric figure, a kind of puzzle of a unique shape. This figure is irregular in terms of symmetry and geometry - the edges, surface, consistency, density vary within this figure. Accordingly, energy flows through different areas in different ways. Depending on the purity and degree of crystallization of the areas, the current can flow well, be difficult, or stop and become clogged. As a result, in general, such an individual design will conduct energy at a certain speed and of a certain quality.

The task of man from the point of view of evolution is to completely transform his design. With the goal of transmitting divine energy to the figure without any difficulty or resistance. Such a goal is impossible in the presence of serious “roughness and unevenness” of a given figure in comparison with its originally conceived divine unique form.

To implement this task, it is necessary to “complete”, compact the required part of the figure, or remove and clean it. This can be solved in various ways self-development: practices, meditation, prayers, ascetics, reading and understanding the necessary literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neuro-linguistic programming, introspection, self-discipline, working with a master, the use of weak currents and other technical means, the use of compatibility, etc. In this context, the use of compatibility will be considered.

In the context of our metaphor, describing the design of a person, compatibility manifests itself when two people are in the same space, whose designs are maximally suitable and fit together, as if multidimensional puzzles fit together. That is, one or several faces of one structure maximally or ideally complement a certain part of another structure, compensating with their convexities other people’s failures or smoothing out other people’s convexities with their failures.

Compatibility levels. Mutual benefit and variety of compatibility

Compatibility can be at different levels:

On a sensory level- joy, confidence, inspiration arises.
On physical level – for example, expressed in sex
On a mental level– an intelligent channel opens

There are different levels of compatibility, varying in quality and benefits.

Compatibility can be two-way or unidirectional, it can be mutually beneficial to an equal, greater or lesser extent, or it can be harmful. It all depends on individual designs.

Complementarity– ideal compatibility subject to equal benefits. In general, people feel more harmonious together than they do individually. A kind of “plugging” of each other’s holes.

Generating one or more qualities, states (automatic) – when 2 people are in each other’s field, a certain quality or state is automatically generated.

Anticombination– damage to both structures up to and including destruction. The interaction of structures destroys and stifles development. The solution in this situation is to separate, move away from each other physically and remove the attunement. It happens, at the behest of love feelings or due to the duty of family, as well as work, the question arises about the need for communication between incompatible people. In this case, you need to contact good specialists in the selection of amulets, exercises (in Castaneda’s terms - magical passes, in yogic terms - assan, kriya), mandalas, stones and other external additional objects that smooth out incompatibilities. But it’s still better to limit interaction, no matter how difficult it may seem.

One-way compatibility– only one person benefits from interaction. There are:
with harm to one of the pair - the interaction is harmful to the other.
no harm to anyone - no benefit to another person, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
In the first (and ideally, in both cases) the solution and way out is to break off and no longer maintain contact.

Group compatibility- Compatibility for 3 or more people.

Karmic compatibility- A connection for repaying debt, which gives birth to and brings “joy” and leads to a lighter state.

Channel opening– If one person has a certain channel open, then when another compatible person interacts with him, energy also begins to flow through the latter, as if he himself had this channel open. One pumps up the other without harm to himself.

Elaboration of qualities– If one has worked out and developed some quality, then he can put pressure on another with this quality, and the latter begins to undergo processes of working out the same aspect that was not previously developed.

100% meeting of loving hearts

80% family life

Relationships: “Mutual understanding is better than arguments.”

Roman and Irina compatibility suggests that a judicious approach to affairs and relationships reigns in this union. The partners are not only in love with each other, but also are friends and solve everyday matters together. Roma and Ira compatibility high on the emotional and intimate levels.

When people are comfortable communicating, sooner or later they will want to develop relationships to be and live together. At the stage of character recognition, the young people test each other somewhat, arranging peculiar psychological provocations. This is necessary in order to choose a partner with whom you are comfortable and meet your expectations of a suitable life partner.

Roman and Irina married dream of a child or children. It doesn’t matter who the son or daughter is born, the task is to raise a worthy person. You need to be softer and more patient with a girl, raise her to be soft and feminine. My son needs clearer guidance. The main thing is to teach him to complete the things he starts and not to get involved in bad companies. You need to work honestly and earn a living in such a way as to provide for your family, regardless of the income of your future spouse. This is far in the future, but spouses have such ideas when they plan to give birth and raise a child or children.

In addition to matching hobbies, it is important that spouses look in the same direction and set realistic short-term and long-term goals. If you achieve your plan, no matter how hard it is, it inspires you to new achievements.

In relationships, disagreements, quarrels and upsets occur. We need to take this philosophically and as a temporary phenomenon. Try to always look for compromises and pay attention to what unites rather than divides. A loving spouse must be wise, understanding, and forgiving of his wife’s excessive emotionality. Women are all like that - hypersensitive, but they are given the opportunity to bear and raise children for a reason.

Compatibility of the names Roman and Irina emphasizes that this union is viable. The main thing is that both make efforts to provide financially for the family and maintain a favorable, friendly microclimate inside. Roman, as the head of the family, must try and earn the lion's share of the income, if not completely take upon himself to provide for his beloved wife and child, children.

Roman has great internal potential; he can become a successful programmer, military intelligence officer, pilot, work in the police and even become a major figure in politics. Roman is hardworking and purposeful. He knows how to set correct and realistic goals and achieves their implementation.

Young Roman, when looking for himself, is able to leave one university without literally finishing the course and enroll in another or simultaneously study in several. He is a strong-willed, physically strong person, capable of practicing martial arts and other sports professionally. Many novels are intellectual. They make excellent programmers or translators. Men also realize themselves in other professions.

Roman is attracted to a faithful and caring life partner. He finds such character traits in Irina. Compatibility of Roman and Irina rests on the coincidence of the initial wishes for the partner’s nature. In marriage, they do not disappoint each other, but, on the contrary, become stronger in the belief that the right person is nearby. They can rely on each other and, being faithful, will become happy spouses. They will give birth to and raise a child or several nice children.

Roman and Irina compatibility in their case, it is heartfelt intimacy. It manifests itself in mutual understanding and the desire to organize everyday life and give the best to your loved one. The spouses try to spend their holidays together. While relaxing, they sincerely have fun, arrange romantic walks, candlelit dinners. They return home happy, rested, inspired.

The name Roman gives its owner calmness and prudence, along with a penchant for adventure and unpredictability. The man, whose name is Roman, is quite confident in himself and that he can get what he wants. The meaning of the name Roman, the fate and character of a man, we will consider further.

The history of the name Roman tells about Saint Roman of Antioch. In this place he devoted himself to prayers and serving God for a long time. He was an ascetic, wore rough clothes, under which he hid chains. In this way he learned humility. Roman discovered the gift of ghosts and healing; he is considered the patron saint of mothers who have lost their children.


How is the name Roman translated? It has several interpretations:

  • from Latin it is translated as “Roman”;
  • Greek interpretation: “Strong, strong.”


Let's consider the meaning of the name Roman for a boy, teenager and man. The name Roma gives the little owner a restless and disobedient character, although he tries to be flexible. He is very energetic, so he is drawn to adventure. He finds it difficult to concentrate. Parents are advised to keep the boy busy with something useful.

A sharp mind helps him in his studies and surrounds him with friends. But Roma must not be allowed to be lazy, otherwise all his studies will be abandoned. The strong guardianship of his mother and grandmother is detrimental to him. He becomes too stubborn, cocky and proud. May use cunning to avoid doing difficult work. This problem cannot be corrected by physical force; it is better to have a confidential conversation.

What does the name Roman mean for a teenager? Roma cannot stand boredom and routine, so the craving for adventure only becomes stronger. His sharp mind gives ease of communication, but he does not show his real feelings even to his loved ones. He is able to convince anyone that he is right. He can easily move to another city or even country and will feel good everywhere. He is very enterprising and calm, but often lacks patience.

The meaning of the name Roman for a man gives him calmness and poise. All that remains of the youthful image is a memory. Knows how to skillfully manipulate others and values ​​stability. He is ambitious and vain, but behind this image lies vulnerability. Lack of patience makes him turn away halfway.

In love and marriage, stability is no different. May cheat on his companion. The beloved is expected to completely reject own desires and ambitions. But even in this situation, he is not ready to forget about personal freedom.

Fatherhood helps correct infatuation with other women. Roman becomes a caring dad and good husband. But there is no need to rush into this. Roman's frivolity and tendency to take a walk can lead to an early breakup of the marriage.


The meaning of the name Roman, character largely depends on the season of birth and the zodiac sign:

  • Roman, born in winter, is hot-tempered, selfish and impulsive. He is vindictive and will not miss an opportunity to take revenge. Cruelty and despotic character prevents him from building happy family relationships.
  • “Spring” does not like to fight circumstances, preferring to adapt to them. He has a gentle character, but he is not without narcissism and selfishness, which repels close people and hurts the owner of the name.
  • "Summer" can be called a holiday person. He is open and cheerful and can become the life of any company. But he also loves to work to improve his life. Behind Roma's external lightness hides a proud and brave man.
  • Pedantry, commercialism and prudence are the three defining qualities of the “autumn” Novel. His calmness and clear mind help build harmonious relationships both at work and in the family.

Roman's character by zodiac sign:

  • Aries – he combines a good-natured character and sincerity with perseverance in the face of any troubles in life. Roman always believes in the best and does not give up. He is no stranger to love at first sight, but such a man will not make promises, but will talk about feelings with actions.
  • Taurus active man, who always has grandiose plans for the future. He is purposeful, likes to work alone, relying only on his own strength. She cannot tolerate pressure, so a woman’s activity can have the opposite effect.
  • Twins - at first glance, a noble and impressive man who, in fact, has no goal of saving the world from universal evil. He has a fairly down-to-earth outlook on things, including love relationships. He will wait for initiative from his beloved.
  • Cancer - He has a contradictory character. Like most representatives of this zodiac sign, Roman – Cancer is vulnerable and modest. In a couple, he easily gives control to his woman. He does not dare to take on extra responsibility, although he wants to be a strong man in the eyes of his beloved.
  • Lion – sociable and cheerful. He loves attention, but his narcissism deprives Roman of friends. In any case, there are not many of them. When Roman, born under the sign of Leo, falls in love, he forgets about his selfishness for the sake of his beloved. He cares for and protects her, and is ready for heroic deeds and sacrifices if necessary.
  • Virgo – Roma is so pedantic and very stubborn. He is consistent in his actions. This helps him build his career. But in love relationships everything is not so smooth. He has high demands on his woman. She must certainly be smart, feminine, and at the same time independent.
  • Scales – such a novel is distinguished by intelligence, restraint and intelligence. In addition, he will always help with both advice and concrete action, which attracts people to him. This help will be completely selfless. Courteous and generous Roman - Libra attracts women. A man is in no hurry to get married, preferring long-term cohabitation.
  • Scorpion – such a man positions himself as a rebel, but behind this rebellion lies impulsiveness, excessive emotionality and contradictory character. He is very unpredictable, which pushes love and loved ones away from him.
  • Sagittarius – a charming man, the life of the party. He is very cheerful, easily treats difficulties that arise, for which fortune spoils him with surprises. Women love him, but he will reveal his feelings only to the one he can love.
  • Capricorn - He is distinguished by foresight, prudence and isolation. Does not recognize other opinions than his own, follows his own principles and ideals, even if they are understandable only to himself. He easily tolerates loneliness and may remain single.
  • Aquarius – such a Roman loves freedom. He has integrity and intelligence, but he is hampered by excessive emotionality and constant mood swings. Thoughtful, distrustful, good at understanding people. He only relies on himself. Pressure is perceived as a restriction of personal freedom. Tends to idealize his beloved, which leads to disappointment in love and women in general.
  • Fish – there is romance and dreaminess in him, a desire to leave a mark on history. These ideas create an illusory world that has no basis in reality. Doesn't know how to understand people. I'm not ready to be stable in love.

Name day

Roman's birthday:

  • In January: 18.
  • February: 11, 16.
  • March: 2, 12, 29.
  • May: 5.15.
  • June: 1, 13.
  • August: 1.6, 11,15,23.
  • September: 24.
  • October: 8.14.
  • November: 13.
  • December: 1, 10.

Name color

Roman's lucky colors:

  • Red – impulsiveness, determination, independence, passion, jealousy, aggression.
  • Yellow – vital energy, intelligence, rational thinking, analytical mind. "Yellow" names give determination, practicality, correct placement priorities.
  • Brown – the color of people with a difficult fate. They combine kindness, responsiveness and wayward character. They are proud and do not listen to advice. An explosive nature does not allow one to build full-fledged relationships in the work and business spheres.
  • Black – expresses stubbornness, hot temper and aggression. The color of darkness and death prepares difficult trials for the owners of the name.

Name flower

Roman plants:

  • Poplar - a controversial symbol. Expresses beauty and youth, but is also a symbol of sadness and longing.
  • Violet - a sign of fidelity, tenderness and modesty.
  • Cypress – expresses the severity of life, death and rebirth. In China it is considered a symbol of happiness, and in Christianity it symbolizes perseverance, justice, valor and honor.


The name Roman in the church is similar to the secular one.

Name translation

Translation of the name Roman in different languages:

  • English – Roman. The name also sounds in Polish, German, and Czech.
  • The Belarusian version of the name is consonant with the Russian - Raman.
  • In Bulgaria, the Russian version of the name Roman does not change.

Full name, shortened, affectionate

Full name - Roman, shortened and affectionately: Roma, Romchik, Romochka, Chamomile.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

Patronymic name Roman for a boy: Romanovich. The boy can be called:

  • Alexey;
  • Vladimir;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Matvey;
  • Ruslan;
  • Ivan.

Patronymic for a girl: Romanovna. Suitable names:

  • Anna;
  • Alina;
  • Olga;
  • Catherine;
  • Xenia;
  • Karina;
  • Love.


Compatibility of Roman with female names:

  • Roman will be connected with Olga by passion. When it subsides, the relationship will calm down. As a rule, they do not stand the test of everyday life.
  • A wonderful relationship based on trust and love will develop with Anna. In addition, they have many common interests. They go to great lengths to preserve their feelings.
  • Opposites attract. This statement is true for Roman and. This relationship is passionate and temperamental, and opposites strengthen the union.
  • The romance with Julia will be very happy. This couple has harmony, love and trust. The absence of jealousy has a beneficial effect on the development of relationships.
  • With Anastasia, Roman will have to compete for leadership in the relationship. This is a very passionate union. If a man entrusts the relationship to his beloved, then they can have a strong family.
  • Tatyana will attract Roman with her activity, which is combined with the desire to equip her home and everyday life. With her, a man will become an exemplary husband.
  • It will not be possible to build a strong relationship with Ekaterina. She has charm and spontaneity. The novel is practical and reasonable by nature. He looks to the future, and she lives for what is happening today.
  • With Natasha, Roman will have not only love, but also friendship and support. Relationships in a couple can only be destroyed by a struggle for leadership.
  • Svetlana will appreciate Roma’s sensuality and his ability to worry and sympathize. For the support he provides,

. (January, February - concerns you)

You have good astrological compatibility. This type is favorable for creative creation and is considered very compatible.

Fire Yang Man

Fire Yang Woman

Union of equals. They will never cease to surprise each other with novelty and activity, which means that the relationship will be childishly cocky, but not boring. These partners can jointly create many projects, the only pity is that they will be short-lived - after all, working hard on something once created will be boring for both of them.

Birth number 6 for a man Such a man is obligatory, hardworking and reliable. Strives for a stable relationship. He loves, selflessly surrendering to feelings. We are easily vulnerable, prefers to give more than to take. Sees the advantages and disadvantages of both the partner himself and the prospects of his relationship with him. His emotions are most fully expressed in the area of ​​relationships, and he strives to find a faithful, understanding companion. He can be a sincere and deeply devoted partner. His need for sensual love implies first of all the body, and then the soul. Able to adapt well to changing circumstances. If he is respected as a person, he feels confident, otherwise he changes his partner. He is very attached to his mother, and his wife has to carve out a place for herself in his life. Does not like innovations, observes many conventions. Has heightened intuition. Home and family are the main thing for him. Big problem in relationships there is increased sensitivity, sensitivity to criticism and judgment of others. Can be pedantic and demanding of others. He needs to forgive other people for their shortcomings and value their virtues more. It is better to find a companion with similar professional interests, in his circle, so that his friends like her, but does not stand higher in social status.


Birth number 7 for a woman Such a woman has a strange attractiveness that fascinates or frightens her admirers. She is smart, courteous, tactful, and knows how to show the best in herself. The touchy princess in her youth dreams of strong and romantic feelings. Looking for a solid and respectable partner. Values ​​honesty and professionalism, prestige and social status. She needs support, but while maintaining personal independence. Seeks legal relationships. The breakup is painful for her. Her fear of losing love is stronger than her hope of finding her ideal. Often underestimates the true intentions and qualities of a partner, becoming a catalyst for his fears and complexes. She should rely on intuition and analysis of information about her chosen one. Idealization personal relationships may lead to her making an unforgivable mistake when choosing a partner. She needs care and understanding, while wanting to dominate both physically and emotionally. Far from being a leader by nature, she can play a dominant role in the family. She is ambitious and lives at such a pace that it is difficult for her to make any serious relationship. Prefers to lead an independent life and rely only on himself. If she allows her partner to make decisions and take initiative, and moderates her control, she will find a stable relationship and the inner confidence that she always strives for.

One of the most difficult alliances. “Sixes” live primarily by feelings and emotions, and they need to constantly see their partner’s response to their feelings. “Sevens” are guided by reason - their feelings then arise in their heads, and therefore may seem cold and distant. “Sevens” prefer solitude; they are philosophers and hermits, while “Sixes” need to be in society often. The union of these completely different people can be beautiful, but only when both partners are fluent in the art of compromise.

No wonder that lucky couples“six” and “seven” are added up if they are both “over thirty-five.”

The Destiny Number and the Soul Number of a person are called the “basic numbers of the name.”

Roma(compatibility/destiny number - 4 8 )

Olga(compatibility/fate number 1 , number of emotionality/soul - 8 )

Forecast in the field of personal relationships:
1 and 4 - Partnership has a chance of success if the relationship is purely business. The difference in one's own rhythms makes any other relationship very problematic.

Forecast in the emotional sphere:
8 and 8 - The main problem with this combination is the desire of both to command. If both manage to overcome this habit and find a reasonable compromise, the union can be successful.

* Important: Relationships are a very complex and multifaceted topic, so the proposed calculation is not simple. Consider and take into account all the results obtained. Potential is present in every type of relationship, and there are also exceptions to the rules (in particular, it is better to draw up a personal compatibility horoscope). Corresponds to the potential of an individual to independently decide his own destiny. We always have freedom of choice, and this can help us overcome the difficulties that astrology warns about.