How did anyone experience the contractions? How to survive contractions? TOP effective ways. Causes of pain

  • We're going to the maternity hospital
  • Difference from pushing
  • Labor pains are considered the most painful stages of childbirth. This is partly true. But a lot depends on how sensitive the woman is, and on whether she knows how to behave during labor. There are simple and effective techniques, allowing you to survive contractions with the least damage to the psyche of the woman in labor. In this article we will tell you what to do to make contractions less painful.

    Why does it hurt?

    The physiology of uterine contractions during childbirth is quite simple. Each subsequent contraction (contraction) helps the uterus, which was tightly closed during pregnancy, to open. The neck expands, the muscle fibers become shorter and smoother. Gradually, the walls of the uterus are drawn into contraction. When the cervix opens completely, the baby's head can pass through it. The pushing will begin.

    The period of contractions is the longest stage of labor. In primiparous women, it can last 10-12 hours or more, in experienced women giving birth - from 6 to 10 hours. The shortest contractions last only 20 seconds and usually begin labor. The longest ones last about a minute. As they develop, real (true) contractions become stronger, their duration increases, and the intervals between episodes of contractions shorten. Before pushing, they can occur every 2 minutes, with the duration of each spasm reaching 1 minute. Painful sensations also increase as contractions progress.

    The first period is called latent (hidden). At this time, contractions are not so painful, they do not cause severe pain, they are repeated every 15-30 minutes, lasting on average 20-25 seconds. A woman can remain in this stage for quite a long time - up to 7-8 hours. At normal birth During this period, the cervix dilates by 3 centimeters. The second period is called active. Contractions become more painful, their duration is from 30 to 60 seconds, rest intervals become shorter - from 4 to 2 minutes. This stage lasts from 3 to 5 hours, during which time the cervix dilates to approximately 7 centimeters.

    Next comes the third phase - transitional contractions begin. The period lasts from half an hour to one and a half hours. The contractions are the strongest, lasting about a minute, repetition interval is 1-2 minutes. The cervix dilates to 10 centimeters, which is quite enough to begin pushing. The cervix is ​​a circular muscle, the expansion of which is always quite painful. Before childbirth, the woman’s body, pituitary gland and placenta begin to produce special substances, the task of which is to increase the contractility of the uterine muscles. If these substances are not enough, then childbirth may be complicated due to the weakness of labor forces.


    It is quite difficult to describe what a woman feels during labor, since the sensations will be vivid and varied. When it all just starts, the pain can be compared to the pain during menstruation, only ten times stronger. Aching, aching, nagging attacks occur with a certain frequency. The uterus tenses, remains in this tension for some time (this is the duration of the contraction), and then relaxes.

    A woman cannot control this process; the occurrence of contractions and its duration do not depend in any way on the will of the woman in labor.

    The pain is girdling in nature. If at first there is a feeling that only the stomach is turning to stone, then gradually the back, lower back, sacrum, lower and upper abdomen are drawn into the process. Moreover, the pain originates in the back, encircles it, goes down, moves to the stomach, and then rises to the bottom of the uterus. Then relaxation occurs. By the cyclicality and regularity of contractions during childbirth, they can be distinguished from precursors at the very beginning. False contractions can be irregular, while true ones always follow the rhythm set by nature, not lagging behind or ahead of it for a second.

    The best ways to relieve the condition

    Advice to endure contractions by gritting your teeth or screaming to feel better is harmful and dangerous. There is no need to scream, moan, or clench your teeth. There are others that are truly useful and effective ways survive the contractions and not go crazy from the pain.

    Psychological attitude

    It has long been noted that the more a woman is afraid of labor pain, the harder and longer her labor in general and the period of contractions in particular are. Self-hypnosis is a great way to both ease contractions and make them unbearably painful almost from the latent period. Preparation should include ensuring that the woman eliminates exposure to negative information during pregnancy. No need to read scary stories about difficult births that happened to others.

    When true contractions begin, the method of psychological visualization of the goal helps a lot.

    To do this, you need to imagine as clearly as possible that each contraction brings the birth of the child closer. Women usually have a more developed imagination than men, and therefore you can try to imagine something distracting, for example, a gentle surf that covers you lying on the surf line and rolls back (the beginning and end of the spasm, respectively). If there are no prejudices about partner childbirth, at this stage the spouse or one of the relatives can support and distract with conversation.


    Proper breathing can not only distract from fear, but also naturally relieve pain from uterine spasms. This is due to the fact that the influx of oxygen causes increased production of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which, in addition to a feeling of joy and lightness, give a pronounced anesthetic effect. One of best methods Kobasa breathing is considered - a technique created by gynecologist Alexander Kobasa. It says that at the very beginning a woman should breathe calmly and evenly, deeply. In this case, it is not at all necessary to lie in bed, you can walk and move. This rhythmic breathing will allow you to achieve a certain relaxation.

    During the active stage of contractions, deep breathing alone will not be enough. It is recommended to conserve oxygen and take longer exhalations. On 1-2-3-4 you inhale, on 1-2-3-4-5-6 you exhale. During intense transitional contractions, the doctor recommends “breathing” with small and frequent shallow breaths (like dogs breathe, like blowing out candles on a cake). If you do everything correctly and do not lose the rhythm, you can achieve a fairly powerful analgesic effect.


    If the birth is partnered, a pain-relieving massage can be done close person, if a woman is alone in the maternity hospital, she can easily do self-massage. The diamond-shaped space above the gluteal fold, the so-called Michaelis diamond, is massaged.

    Using the pads of your thumbs, you can rub and knead this area, make precise circular or linear movements. Each woman can choose for herself the type of impact that will be most pleasant. Rubbing the massage area with your palms and turning your fists clockwise and counterclockwise helps to survive intense contractions. Use active points on the face - in the early stages of contractions before the active phase of labor, a circular massage of the earlobes, points above the wings of the nose and in the temple area helps a lot.

    Movement and other actions

    Contractions in a lying position - no best solution for a woman who is determined to go through this period as gently as possible. If there are no medical contraindications against being in an upright position, you can and should move and walk throughout the latent phase of contractions (until the cervix dilates within 3 centimeters). At the peak of the contraction, the condition is slightly alleviated by changing the position of the body - if you were sitting, you need to stand up, if you were standing, take a step forward.

    When the dilation is from 3 to 7 centimeters, active movements are not shown. But it is quite possible for a woman to take a knee-elbow position with a bend in the spine, sit on the bed on her knees with her legs spread wide apart. Some people find it easier during labor if they stand in front of a table or headboard and lean on the support from time to time. Today, almost all maternity hospitals are equipped with a sufficient number of bathrooms, so with the doctor’s permission you can go to the shower, this significantly alleviates the condition.

    During contractions, it is advisable to go to the toilet every hour for a small need, since a full bladder clearly does not contribute to relaxation.

    There is an opinion that the process of bringing a newborn child into the world just needs to be endured. Relatively, it is. However, there are a few truths that will show you how to ease the pain of labor and childbirth. The tips you will learn from this article will help you deal with the birth of your baby a little easier. Shall we begin?

    In order to talk about eliminating pain, you must first understand where it comes from. Initially, I would like to make a reservation that any pain (even a cut on a finger) is the body’s response to a certain danger. There cannot be any danger in this case, but information about the cut (if we are talking about an ordinary wound/splinter) immediately enters the brain.

    A similar situation occurs during contractions. It is precisely in order for the woman to understand that the process of childbirth is “just around the corner” that its onset is characterized by pain. Nature works that way.

    From a medical point of view, pain during labor and childbirth occurs for a number of the following reasons:

    • the uterus opens (the first harbingers of pain appear here, but they are still short-term and cause almost no inconvenience to the woman);
    • pressure of the baby’s head on the uterus (the pain becomes quite severe, because the baby is literally ready to be born);
    • passage of the baby's head through the birth canal.

    To get through this difficult moment in life, a woman needs to prepare well in advance.

    2. How to prepare for childbirth and labor at home

    Many expectant mothers begin long before the scheduled day of birth to look for recommendations on what helps mothers in labor endure pain during labor. I think this is ideal.

    With time to spare, you can thoroughly prepare for the most important day in the life of any woman.

    What measures can be taken:

    1. attend courses for young parents (here you will be taught proper breathing and in different ways relaxation, and postpartum care for the baby);
    2. exercise on a fitball (this is a huge ball, exercises on which will help the mother in the future more easily endure the period of childbirth);
    3. pack your “pregnant” bag in advance (otherwise you risk pretty much fraying your nerves);
    4. calculate the route to the maternity hospital (flies will take you by private transport or you will go “on a netcar”; to a certain maternity hospital, or “as you’re lucky”; you give birth under a contract, or “in the general order” - this also saves your nerves);
    5. set yourself up positively (a good attitude is half the battle).

    If you go to the maternity hospital mentally (and physically) prepared, childbirth will be as painless as possible.

    3. How to behave during contractions

    Before giving birth, every woman needs to “experience” contractions. Unfortunately, this is precisely what frightens women in labor. Most often contractions come expectant mother still at home, and then the question arises of how to relieve the pain.

    There are several ways to help you cope with this “test”:

    1. Breathe. Don't hold your breath in the hope that this method will help you eliminate the pain. The pain will go away on its own over time. Control your breathing:

    • breathe deeply: inhale through your nose - exhale through your mouth, slowly;
    • inhale air through your nose and release it “with sounds” and sharply through your mouth;
    • breathe like a dog.

    2. Take a comfortable position. Each woman in labor has her own position. The most common poses that help to “pacify” pain are the following:

    • get on all fours (you can “sway” your hips a little left and right);
    • lie on your back and spread your legs to the sides as much as possible (legs should be bent at the knees);
    • Turn on your side and place a pillow between your legs for comfort.

    3.Take a warm bath or shower.

    4. Ask your husband to give you a massage:

    • massage the “zone” from the tailbone to the lower back with your fist, pressing slightly;
    • massage the “zone” from the sacrum to the lower back in the same way as the first method.

    You can also watch videos on the Internet about the correct massage techniques. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of them on the World Wide Web.

    5. Work out on a fitball.

    6. Drink water in small sips.

    4. How to behave during childbirth

    During the birth itself, you need to behave calmly. Treat the process itself as the most important work in your life, on which your promotion depends. From some point of view, this is indeed true. You will get a promotion and become a happy mother.

    Follow the unspoken rules of women in labor:

    • keep calm;
    • follow the recommendations of your obstetrician;
    • breathe during the next contractions, rest in the intervals between them;
    • be optimistic.

    Try to “control yourself” and not scream, because you are wasting the strength that you will need during pushing.

    5. How to behave during pushing

    Pushing is the most crucial moment of childbirth. And the most painful. Here it is important to trust your doctor as much as possible and push only when “the doctor allows it.”

    Pushing often resembles the process of defecation, and causes the urge to go to the toilet. It is not recommended to do this until the doctor gives the go-ahead. The fact is that if a woman in labor pushes “as hard as she has to”, she risks starting the process of giving birth to the child herself ahead of time, even before the uterus is fully dilated. This is fraught with ruptures. Also, with untimely attempts, you can squeeze the baby’s head (including the carotid artery). This is extremely dangerous for the child's life.

    Unfortunately, this is where there are no specific tips that will help you endure the pain. If you want, shout! If you want, cry! Do anything as long as it doesn't harm your baby.

    6. Medication assistance

    There are times when no breathing techniques help a woman in labor cope with pain. In this case, medicine comes to the rescue. A woman can be given pain medication if the doctor insists on it or this clause is provided for in the concluded contract.

    The following may be suggested as a pain reliever:

    1. Epidural anesthesia (however, the consequences after it can be unpredictable, including paralysis).
    2. Promedol.
    3. Local anesthesia.

    Medical intervention is prescribed in extreme cases, for example:

    • if the entire process of childbirth is accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
    • if the behavior of the woman in labor is unconscious and uncontrollable;
    • if there is a threat to the life of the woman and child.

    There is no need to panic, you know very well that not a single woman has ever left the maternity hospital without giving birth. And after you see your little happiness and feel the heartbeat of your newborn, all the pain will be forgotten instantly. You will be incredibly glad that you endured this pain with your baby.

    For tips on how to survive contractions, see here:

    You can watch a video about non-drug ways to relieve pain during contractions here:

    If you found this article useful, suggest it to your friends to read. And subscribe to my updates, because I’m saying goodbye to you for a while. Bye bye!

    The expectant mother is counting every minute until she meets her baby. And yet it is rare to meet a pregnant woman expecting her first child who is not afraid of the birth process. In addition, acquaintances who have already given birth often do not miss the opportunity to further “intimidate” the expectant mother by talking about the terrifying pain during contractions. Let's figure out why pain occurs and how to deal with it. And in general, how to survive labor pains? What can be done to get rid of pain or at least to ease it?

    Labor pains

    Contractions indicate that the first stage has begun - opening. conditionally divided into three periods:

    • initial (opening of the uterine pharynx is about 3-4 cm, contractions are not strong, irregular, and for many painless);
    • medium (dilation 4-8 cm, contractions become more frequent, become regular, repeat every three to five minutes, accompanied by pain);
    • transitional (full dilatation, 8-10 cm, contractions are frequent and strong).

    If the contractions before childbirth in the initial period are easily tolerated in most cases, then further to the expectant mother it's more difficult. By the way, the line between the initial and middle periods is very arbitrary; often one replaces the other almost imperceptibly.

    Contractions during childbirth are necessarily accompanied by pain. Pain appears due to the fact that the uterine os opens. Thus, it is impossible to completely get rid of them. But you can make them easier.

    There are factors that can affect the severity of pain during contractions:

    • the first (when the expectant mother does not yet know in practice how the birth of a baby occurs, she often exaggerates the severity of the pain in her expectations, and due to worries and tension, and sometimes even panic, the pain can actually intensify);
    • lack of knowledge about childbirth (the more information a woman has about this phenomenon, the less afraid and worried she is, and, accordingly, the less pain she experiences);
    • painful periods (most likely, labor pains will be quite painful).

    You should go to the maternity hospital when effusion occurs amniotic fluid or when contractions occur every 10 minutes.

    How to survive contractions

    Many people know the simple and affordable way pain management - taking anesthetics. However, it is not suitable for the expectant mother. After all, drugs have side effects, which can have negative impact for a woman in labor or her baby. How to survive contractions without resorting to painkillers?

    First of all, you need to relax. Tension can increase pain. Proper breathing will also help. You need to breathe as follows: inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, counting to yourself to four, then exhale just as slowly through your mouth, counting to six. This method helps up to a certain point. When contractions have become strong and frequent, and deep breathing no longer reduces the severity of the pain, it is necessary to “change tactics.” First you start breathing deeply. When the contraction intensifies, you begin to breathe quickly and shallowly through your mouth (have you seen how dogs breathe?). The contraction ends, the pain decreases - switch to deep breathing again.

    A good tip on how to get through contractions without pain is to recommend a comfortable position. It’s difficult to say which one will be optimal for you - everything is very individual. But you can’t lie on your back: this can worsen the baby’s blood supply. We bring to your attention several poses that often help women in labor reduce discomfort. You can

    • lean your hands on the headboard, table, etc. and bend your lower back (you can rock your pelvis a little);
    • kneel down and sway from side to side;
    • stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, swaying from side to side;
    • take a knee-elbow position, bending your lower back;
    • lie on your side: one leg bent at the knee, the other straightened, a pillow between the legs.

    You can also try walking. But if you don’t want to or feel uncomfortable doing it, don’t force yourself.

    If you have a fitball, you can also use it to relieve pain. Only it should be soft enough, not fully inflated. He will help you choose a position in which you will feel most comfortable. Try sitting on it, rolling around, springing it. Or kneel and lean on the ball.

    Water helps fight pain. True, not all doctors approve of a bath during contractions. Therefore, consult your doctor in advance. If he allows you to use this method, remember that the bath should not be hot! Is bathing prohibited? Then you can take a shower - this also helps.

    When thinking about how to survive childbirth and labor, don’t forget that you have loved ones who are always ready to help! How can they help you? For example, distract you with conversation, provide moral support, give positive emotions. This also helps reduce pain!

    Greetings to all readers and guests of my blog. Today we will talk about how to make childbirth easier?

    First, you need to reduce the fear of childbirth, learn to react correctly to contractions, using massage and breathing during contractions and pushing.

    During contractions, contractions appear (the uterus contracts), the cervix opens and the baby moves along the birth canal. And pain occurs due to:

    • Ligament and muscle strains
    • Cervical dilatation
    • Pressure on the cervix and vagina

    In order for the baby to progress easily, the mother needs to learn to relax and behave calmly. If the mother is calm, her body produces a sufficient amount of oxytocin (a hormone that stimulates labor). If the mother panics and is afraid, her body produces adrenaline (a hormone that makes the muscles tense and the cervix stops contracting, thereby slowing down labor, provoking the production of an even larger portion of adrenaline).

    And a vicious circle appears:

    fear - muscle tension - pain - fear

    You cannot control the contractions of the uterus, but you can consciously relax the muscles surrounding the uterus, thereby reducing pain.

    You need to learn to overcome your fears, anxieties and worries and help your baby be born as calmly as possible.

    How to reduce fear of childbirth?

    1. The unknown is known.

    Everyone is afraid of the unknown and uncertainty. If you know the main stages of childbirth, have an idea of ​​what awaits you in the prenatal period, what contractions and pushing are, how to breathe correctly, you will be much easier and calmer.

    It is best to take a course on preparing for childbirth, but you can also talk with friends who have given birth, read information on the Internet, and read special literature on this topic.

    Choose in advance the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth. Find out about the features of this establishment. Find out what the conditions are there. If you are very worried, choose the doctor with whom you want to give birth and discuss all the nuances with him, ask questions.

    2. Pain is an ally, not an enemy.

    Many people fear pain during childbirth, but pain is a part of childbirth. By following special breathing techniques during childbirth and relaxation methods, you can endure the pain, reduce it and still have the strength to push.

    But you shouldn’t scream or silently endure the pain with clenched teeth, as you will only prevent the cervix from opening and lose a lot of strength.

    Pain is an advisor who will tell you when you need to relax, change position or take a certain position for the most comfortable passage of the baby through the birth canal.

    3. The alarm case is ready!

    It is much easier to prepare for the start of labor when you know that you have everything ready. Pack your things for the maternity hospital in advance according to the list (lists are available in the maternity hospital, antenatal clinics, from friends who gave birth, or on the Internet).

    Decide how you are going to go to the maternity hospital (call an ambulance or your spouse can take you), which route (so as not to get stuck in traffic).

    Prepare yourself mentally for any situation, for example, your water breaks in the store or contractions start while walking. Don't worry, you will manage everything, you have time. You will be able to go home or ask to be picked up. The main thing is don't panic.

    4. A positive attitude is the key to success!

    Pray, meditate, sing. Imagine your baby as you press him to your chest, kiss him and hug him. Think positively, do not use the particle “not”.

    5. Husband’s support – in what way?

    Think in advance whether you want to see someone close to you (husband, mother) during childbirth. What kind of help do you expect from them? Are you going to a partner birth or not? Just remember that your loved ones will not read your thoughts. You need to explain what and when you want them to do.

    6. Oh this head!

    During childbirth, you don’t need to think about how the birth will end quickly, don’t rush things. Your body knows what, how and when it needs. Let him act.

    How to postpone contractions?

    • If you are at home, then water is your faithful assistant. For strong contractions, try immersing yourself in warm water or take a warm shower to relieve tension.
    • Heat helps relieve pain. For example, it could be a bag filled with wheat (flax) grains. This pouch can be heated in the microwave for a few minutes and can remain warm for about an hour. This is an excellent way to warm your back or stomach. Or you can use a bottle with warm water, wrapped in a towel.
    • Go to the toilet as often as possible to empty your bladder.
    • Use proper breathing during childbirth (more on this below).
    • Massage is another great option.
    • Good position (choose your position in which you are most comfortable to endure contractions), change position as often as possible.

    During contractions you can:

    1. walk, stand with your hands on the table or squat.
    2. get on all fours or sit on a chair with your legs spread apart
    3. lie on your side with pillows between your legs and under your breasts (if you decide to lie down)

    Stages of breathing

    There are 3 stages of breathing + breathing during pushing, depending on what stage of labor you are at. These breathing techniques will help you relax and rest between contractions.

    Stage 1 of breathing – deep breathing

    This breathing should be deep. You need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. When the contraction begins, start breathing like this, and when the contraction ends, stop. It turns out about 6-9 such inhalations and exhalations per minute. If the contraction lasts 30 seconds, it will take about 3-6 breaths.

    Breathing stage 2 – controlled breathing

    Used when contractions last more than 1 minute (1-3 minutes). In this case, you need to breathe shallowly and as if with acceleration. The contraction begins slowly (at this time you need to take several chest breaths and exhalations), then the contraction increases (we begin to breathe more shallowly) and reaches its peak (we breathe frequently and shallowly), then the contraction gradually subsides (breathing becomes less frequent, ending with deep inhalation and exhalation ).

    Stage 3 – cleansing breath

    Applies to last stage cervical dilatation. Now the contractions are most sensitive, the distance between them is reduced.

    So let's do it

    1 deep breath

    4 frequent shallow inhalations and exhalations

    1 deep, intense breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth (as if you were chilling soup)

    Stage 4 – breathing during pushing

    While pushing, you need to push (as if you really want to go to the toilet in a big way, but you are constipated).

    So let's do it

    1. Chest deep breath
    2. Deep chest exhalation
    3. Full chest inhalation (you need to draw in more air into chest and in the “stomach”)
    4. Hold your breath for 30-50 seconds, and then slowly exhale the air as if blowing out a candle.
    5. Press your chin toward your sternum (looking at your belly button) and push down your belly.

    During one contraction you can push like this 2-3 times.

    It is important to remember that deep breathing is the main breathing during labor. Always return to deep breathing whenever possible. Stay at each stage of the breath for as long as possible. Only if necessary, include the next stage of breathing.

    And yet, you may completely forget about all the techniques you read. The most important thing is to listen to your body.

    Types of breathing during childbirth:


    • Massage from the tailbone up to the lower back. Pressing forcefully, slowly move your fists (fingers) from the tailbone to the lower back. 10-20 times per minute.
    • Move your fist from the sacrum to the lower back and back with circular pressing movements.

    While pushing, listen carefully to your obstetrician. The doctor will tell you when to push.

    With the birth of the baby, all pains are quickly forgotten. And remember the newborn to the breast in the maternity hospital.

    How to relieve pain during childbirth? During childbirth, try to learn to relax, not be afraid, listen to your body, help yourself with breathing and massage. Then the birth will take place calmly, without unnecessary pain and stress.