Androphobia is the fear of men. Why does panic fear of men arise? What is the fear of men called, or how to get rid of androphobia? What is the name of the disease fear of men?

Every person in modern society has certain fears. Today we will talk about fear of men. What is this? Another absurd fear generated by a mental disorder, a completely common phobia for certain circumstances, or a problem artificially provoked by feminism? Let's try to understand the issue.

The fear of men is called androphobia. The concept comes from the ancient Greek words ἀνήρ “man” and φόβος “fear”. The term was coined by American psychologists. This phobia mainly affects girls, however, in rare cases it is also observed in men. Basically, the disorder starts at the age of 20. Fear manifests itself in different behaviors, sometimes it is simply avoidance of large groups of men.

For example, seeing a crowd of young guys on the street, a girl will cross to the other side of the road. For some women, this phobia prevents them from building a successful career due to a pathological fear of working in a male team. Other androphobes have a fear of intimacy with a man, and this applies to both intimate intimacy and maintaining contact in principle. This disorder can be considered a type of social phobia.

Causes of fear of men in women

The basis of women's fear of men is often the physical superiority of the stronger sex. A girl suffering from androphobia is not afraid of a little boy or a mannered homosexual. Most often, fear is caused by personal negative experiences. Let's list the main possible reasons, whose roots often go back to childhood:

  • rape;
  • domestic violence from father, stepfather, older brother (incest, beatings);
  • upbringing by mother and grandmother, the red thread of which was the negative image of the father and the entire male gender in his person;
  • an unhappy parental marriage, witnessed by a daughter;
  • unsuccessful first experience in a relationship with a man (intimacy, unrequited love, betrayal, betrayal)

Fear is caused by the belief that a man is a threat and can reach absolute panic.


The fear of men in women manifests itself, like most phobias, by avoiding a dangerous situation. In the event of forced contact with a representative of the stronger sex, the androphobe experiences common somatic symptoms:

  • numbness;
  • increased sweating;
  • facial redness;
  • trembling in the limbs;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

How to get rid of your fear of men

Treatment of androphobia, like many other pathological fears, is carried out by psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists. In extremely severe cases, pharmacological drugs with sedative or psychotropic properties are prescribed. However, most problems in this spectrum can be quite successfully solved by psychotherapy, both personal and group.

At the final stages of treatment, group therapy has a special effect, because participation in a group of men allows men to rehearse their behavior in a “safe space” and hear feedback from the participants.

Used for personal psychotherapy various techniques: this includes cognitive and behavioral therapy, Gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis, and hypnosis. Cognitive-behavioral techniques allow the client to learn how to cope with her uncontrollably growing anxiety at critical moments.

Hypnosis and psychoanalysis extract from the depths of the subconscious real reasons fear, forgotten experience, unconscious attitudes. Working with them gives the client the opportunity to make an informed choice, and thus get rid of the phobia.

Gestalt therapy is aimed at experiencing and ending an exciting situation. Each individual case of androphobia has its own effective methods, which will be used by an experienced therapist. In general, this disorder has a very positive chance of being successfully treated. It is important to seek help in time.

What should I do if my friend has androphobia?

The main problem on the path to getting rid of androphobia is the total refusal to recognize it on the part of the patient. Thanks to such a wonderful movement as feminism, a huge number of women absolutely sincerely do not understand that they have a disorder. It is very easy to hide your androphobia behind this ideology. The fact is that some feminists, despite the idea of ​​gender equality, are overly critical of the male sex.

Women suffering from androphobia expect only bad things from men; they see the personality of each of them as a clot of aggression and selfishness. Such an attitude is very easy to transform into political views, and instead of deciding one’s internal conflict– will plunge into it even more, finding like-minded people in the face of all sorts of feminazis.

If your friend has androphobia, then the success of the business directly depends on whether she realizes it or not. It is quite difficult to convince a person of something, especially if the question concerns him mental health. Fear of the opposite sex dooms a woman to loneliness, or to creating a lesbian relationship (which, if gender identity coincides with sex, is solely a consequence of the inability to build a relationship with a man).

The most the best option for your friend, if she is not aware of her androphobia, it would be a “random” visit to a psychologist for some other reason.

A professional will definitely help such a client come to awareness and acceptance of the fact, and in this case, getting rid of the problem is not far off.

In a situation where a friend recognizes her fear of the male sex and wants to get rid of it, there is nothing better than turning to a psychotherapist. If she is determined enough, an excellent step would be to go to a male specialist, this would allow her to work “here and now”, however, this is not necessary. The female therapist will also use special techniques to help get rid of the phobia.

Veronika Stepanova talks about where the border between simple fear and phobia is, about the causes of fears, in the following video.


Irrational fear of the male sex can be caused by the experience of violence, aggression, deception and cruelty on the part of any particular representative. Some experts believe that desperate feminism provokes androphobia, while others believe that, on the contrary, it is its latent form. Most likely, the cause is a mental disorder, and participation in social movements is a consequence. In any case, recognizing and accepting your fear is an important part of successful therapy. Specialists of different psychological modalities work effectively with androphobia.

Any person can have fear of anything. Each fear is associated with certain factors and has its own name. Women often develop a fear of men. This fear is called androphobia. It is worth understanding what causes this disorder, what it is, and how to overcome it.

Some women are afraid of men

The idea of ​​androphobia

Androphobia is a social phobia that involves the fear of men. Girls and women are afraid to communicate with male representatives, do not want to get to know them, are afraid to enter into relationships with them intimate relationships etc. A woman tries to avoid any relationships with men: she not only avoids them, but also refuses to get married and start her own family.

Such fear of the male sex can lead a girl to choose same-sex relationships. Girls and women suffering from androphobia choose to work in a team in which there will not be a single man. There are situations when fear of male representatives leads to the fact that girls begin to enter into frequent and chaotic intimate relationships. The reason for this behavior is the fear of a man’s refusal: if she refuses to enter into an intimate relationship with a man, she will be raped.

Causes of androphobia

The causes of androphobia are very diverse; they are most often based on mental or physical trauma that occurred in adolescence or adolescence. The key causes of androphobia can be considered:

  • rape or sexual abuse committed by men against young girls;
  • the first sexual experience, which was not only painful, but also unpleasant, which the woman remembered for many years;
  • aggressive attitude of the father towards his wife and daughter;
  • a painful divorce or failed marriage;
  • constant betrayal and assault on the part of the husband;
  • self-hypnosis that only evil can be expected from guys;
  • watching films in which men abuse women.

It is worth noting that androphobia can also occur in men who were abused in childhood.

Watching movies may play a role in the development of phobias

Symptoms of androphobia

How to determine that a girl suffers from androphobia? There are certain symptoms of androphobia that manifest themselves at the behavioral level:

  • The girl refuses to go to crowded places, especially if there are a lot of guys there.
  • There is a desire to constantly be alone.
  • Approval of homosexual relations.
  • Feminist sentiment.
  • Excessive criticality towards men.

Physiological symptoms of androphobia can be distinguished:

  • vomit;
  • tremor;
  • facial skin hyperemia;
  • increased sweating;
  • frequent bowel movements or urination;
  • panic at the sight of the guy.

If a girl exhibits symptoms of androphobia, it is necessary to begin treatment.

Treatment of androphobia

You can often hear the question: “My friend has a fear of men - what should I do?” In such cases, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist who will choose suitable way treatment. To treat androphobia, both medications and special psychotherapy can be used. Psychotherapeutic methods that are suitable for any patient include:

  • Systematic consultation with a psychologist. This will help remove the internal barrier and numerous negative attitudes.
  • Conducting group therapy. For this purpose, a certain number of patients who need such help are collected.
  • Conducting communicative and social trainings. They will help you fight your fears.
  • Introduction to hypnosis. Used only in advanced cases.

During drug treatment, it is worth paying attention to the fact that special medicinal product there is no way to combat such a phobia. You can use some antipsychotics and antidepressants, but only those prescribed by your doctor.

There is no need to think that androphobia is an anomaly that cannot be overcome. If you identify symptoms of androphobia, you need to promptly contact a specialist who will select the appropriate treatment method.

Androphobia refers to the panic fear that women experience in front of men, and this also includes the fear of building close relationships.

A phobia can develop due to past negative experiences in which a woman experienced suffering and pain. When sick, women tend to believe that after a romantic relationship, men will certainly deceive them, and everything will end extremely negatively.

Why does the disease develop?

Most often, the causes of androphobia should be sought in early childhood. This could be assault from the father, or maybe from an older brother; An example of an unsuccessful parental union. In the future, the disease may progress if there was a negative, traumatic experience in sexual relations. Domestic violence or betrayal of a loved one also leads to the development of the disease.

Young girls often begin to experience suffering, succumbing to the contradictory emotions that they feel towards people of the opposite sex. This is the desire for close relationships, and at the same time the presence of horror and fear of people of the opposite sex.

Androphobia manifests itself in women who have not found their mate. Often the reasons why a feeling of fear arises are on the surface, but in some cases it is excessive anxiety.

Doctors believe that the disease may be one of the manifestations of social phobia in the presence of anxiety disorders. When diagnosing, it is recommended to consider the presence of possible phobias. Statistics show that a very large number of women refuse long-term relationships because they feel fear and fear for their lives and health.

Women who have gained financial stability in their lives have managed to get rid of relationships with young people who were burdening them, and now any close contact only causes them to feel wary. Such women can only tolerate men if they occupy a lower position.

Symptoms of androphobia

The disease is characterized by excessive embellishment of threatening troubles; fear is located in a place where there are many men: a sports facility or a beer bar.

In women who consider themselves feminists, the phobia often manifests itself in a hidden form. Often, representatives of the fair sex become the culprits of what is happening due to a hypercritical attitude towards men. According to psychologists, manifestations of feminism lead to the development of the disease, in this case it is recommended to seek help from a psychotherapist.

It is common for women suffering from androphobia to convince themselves that violence against the opposite sex is common to all men without exception. They may not tolerate:

sudden touch;

onset of stupor;

presence of fear.

How to treat the disease

Androphobia can be cured thanks to various developments in the field of psychotherapy. An experienced specialist will help you determine why fear of men appears, and based on this, offer the treatment that will be most effective. If androphobia is not overcome in a timely manner, then ultimately the woman risks being left alone.

Experts call androphobia a very serious illness with a mental component. Treatment will require drug therapy that relieves nervous tension. If the phobia does not manifest itself in an acute form, then psychotherapy is used, such as gradual communication with the object that causes fear.

In some cases, hypnosis sessions may be recommended; they teach that men are protectors and can give a lot of positive emotions to people of the opposite sex. Thanks to this treatment, irrational fear disappears, and only in rare cases can the disease return again.

Psychotherapists give this advice: how to stop thinking about young man as of a person who belongs to the opposite sex. They should be treated as ordinary people with their own preferences, problems and complexes.

On initial stages It is recommended to keep a distance when communicating, and only after that you can let him closer. How more workouts, the more likely it is that androphobia together with unpleasant symptoms will remain far in the past.

Androphobia is an uncontrollable, abnormal fear of men. Patients experience anxiety, even if they understand that they are not facing a real threat. It is observed mainly in women. Occasionally there are signs of this phobia in men, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Androphobia belongs to the group of social phobias and often has several accompanying pathological fears (fear of public speaking, fear of new acquaintances). A woman suffering from this phobia does everything to avoid being around men: she does not marry, chooses a profession where she is guaranteed to be surrounded only by women, and prefers homosexual relationships. Sometimes androphobia leads to paradoxical behavior: a large number sexual contacts with the opposite sex. This happens because of the woman’s fear of saying “no” and the desire to avoid violence.

Reasons for development

The fear of men is usually based on severe mental or physical trauma received in childhood or adolescence and left without appropriate treatment.

Traumatic agents include:

  • sexual harassment, rape;
  • unpleasant painful first sexual experience;
  • aggressive behavior of the father who beat or humiliated the child’s mother;
  • unsuccessful love relationship, in which there was assault and betrayal, a painful divorce;
  • inspired by women with negative experiences in their personal lives, the idea that all men bring only evil and cannot be trusted;
  • In a man, fear usually arises from violent acts towards him in childhood.

The emotional makeup of character and increased anxiety are fertile ground for the development of fear in men. Suspiciousness makes a woman feel extremely insecure. The disturbing thought that she is unattractive and will not be liked by members of the opposite sex gradually develops into a phobia and interferes with normal existence in society.

Androphobia makes women avoid long-term relationships with men. The presence of the stronger sex causes a greatly exaggerated sense of danger, keeps you in suspense, and makes you fear for your own life and health.

Women who have achieved financial independence, who have long been in a position dependent on the stronger sex, are often consumed by an obsessive, painful fear of new relationships.

Sometimes the reason for a negative attitude towards all men, which subsequently develops into androphobia, is the inflated expectations and demands of the woman herself. Inconsistency with the ideal, an exaggerated critical view of the male sex, interferes with normal relationships. There is an imbalance in the spiritual and social life women, gradually forcing them to give up communication with men. An obsession with their shortcomings sets in, and only frightening negative traits become visible.

Signs of a phobia

Recognizing the signs of androphobia can be difficult. Women who do not allow men to get close to them are often considered feminists. The mistake is that feminism is a political movement, and androphobia is a disease, a pathological fear that requires treatment.

Androphobia is characterized by an extremely negative attitude towards the male sex. They are viewed as beings capable only of causing suffering. The woman sincerely believes that hatred and fear of men is a normal reaction, given their shortcomings.

Another manifestation of androphobia may be the ambivalent attitude of women towards the stronger sex. On the one hand, they are eager to enter into a relationship and start a family, and on the other hand, they are terribly afraid of men.

While some female representatives easily meet and communicate with men, others fall into panic at the mere thought of talking with the opposite sex. A repeatedly exaggerated feeling of fear is accompanied by all the characteristic symptoms of a panic attack: palpitations, suffocation, sweating, nausea. There is a desire to run away to a safe place as quickly as possible, to interrupt forced communication. A question addressed to a woman, an unexpected unexpected touch deprives a woman of the ability to adequately think, hypertrophied horror fetters her.

The inability to establish a personal life and behave adequately in society sometimes leads a woman to alcoholism and drug addiction. Without treatment, severe symptoms such as suicidal syndrome may develop.

How to get rid of fear of men?

Only complete deliverance from fear will allow you to build relationships between opposite sexes, create a family. It is almost impossible to overcome your fear of men on your own. A woman's desire to get rid of obsessive fear and painstaking work with a psychotherapist.

The following psychotherapeutic techniques have proven effective in treating fear of men:

  • Group therapy. The patient learns to talk about his fears, speaks out frightening situations, and views them as if from the outside.
  • Modeling behavior. The psychotherapist repeatedly plays out with the patient various situations in which he may find himself. Such rehearsals are carried out until the woman learns to calmly respond to the fictitious man.

After a course of psychotherapy, classes with a psychologist to learn relaxation skills, you can practice gradual real communication with male representatives.

In severe cases, hypnotic techniques are used. In a state of trance, a woman receives instructions about the positive qualities of men. After hypnosis sessions, as a rule, she remains convinced that representatives of the stronger sex are reliable friends who can protect and help in difficult times.

An important role during treatment is played by auto-training and refusal to avoid contact with the male sex. Daily independent communication with them, minor requests or short flirting, will allow you to overcome the symptoms of irrational horror step by step.

Persistent androphobia requires additional correction with sedative medications.

Recently, some scientists have introduced the concept of “social androphobia”. When from large stands, television screens and in newspapers, a radically feminized society is instilled with the idea that men are insensitive creatures. It has been suggested that the wave of hatred directed at men has led to an increase in the number of male heart attacks, suicides and a reduction in their life expectancy.

Androphobia refers to social phobia and means an uncontrollable fear of men. Signs of androphobia are observed in many women who experience anxiety even when there is no danger.

Fear of a relationship with a man

Causes of androphobia

Fear of a man appears in girls (you can rarely find signs of phobia in men) in at different ages, but most often from the age of 20. Psychologists identify the following causes of the disease:

  • sexual harassment or rape that the girl experienced as a child; assault, betrayal in the family or divorce;
  • an unsuccessful first sexual experience, which led to girls being afraid of relationships;
  • constant quarrels and aggression in the family, strong pressure from the father;
  • the negative impact of films where men acted as aggressors and bullied girls;
  • the influence of other women with negative relationship experiences who instilled hostility towards male representatives, arguing that men only cause suffering.

Because of these factors, young women develop a negative emotional attitude towards men. Another sign of androphobia is women’s anxiety about their appearance. The thought that she is not very beautiful, stupid entails self-doubt, and as a result, fear of men.

Androphobia prevents a girl from building long-term relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Fear of a man approaching

Girls strive to be independent, financially independent from men. Such women like men only when they are subordinate to them and do not interfere with their career growth.

Sometimes the cause of androphobia is excessive demands on men, and a woman sees all their shortcomings in an exaggerated form and becomes fixated on them.

To finally find out the reason for the appearance of androphobia in women, you need to contact a psychologist who will not only find out the cause of the phobia, but also help overcome the fear of men.

How does androphobia manifest itself?

For the first time, people began to talk about androphobia during the active work of feminists, who declared their advantages over the stronger sex. At that time, no question about psychological health arose, but androphobia was most often hidden behind the label of feminism. Psychologists claim that this phenomenon is the initial stage of androphobia, and recommend not delaying the treatment of phobia. After all, the sooner you find this look in a woman mental illness, the faster and more successful the treatment result will be.

Symptoms: panic and fear

Androphobia can be easily identified if you understand that the main factor in any social phobia is the fear of communicating with the object of fear. In the case of androphobia, the object of fear is male representatives. Symptoms of androphobia are as follows:

  • increased sweating when meeting men;
  • panic and fear when men appear;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • excessive urination and defecation;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • lack of air;
  • tremor of the limbs, trembling throughout the body.

Androphobia - often a fear from childhood

Treatment methods

Treatment of androphobia begins with the doctor trying to understand the cause and find out the two main components of the disease:

  • does the person really have social anxiety?
  • Is a person ready to talk about his fear of communicating with men?

The main task of psychologists is to teach patients to live with their fears, and then try to overcome the fear. The entire course of treatment consists of the use of psychotropic drugs and psychotherapeutic techniques. The choice of treatment for social phobia depends entirely on the psychologist; there is no identical approach to treating different patients.

Drug treatment of social phobia is beginning to fade into second place. The drugs are selected individually and are aimed at relieving nervous tension, suppressing anxiety, depressed mood and to block panic attacks.

Modern specialists practice psychotherapy and different techniques influencing patients to reduce their social fears, including fear of men. The technique consists in the fact that the doctor gradually persuades the patient to meet the object of his fear, and this happens until the person overcomes his phobia. Treatment takes place in sessions, during which the patient communicates with a psychologist and receives various homework assignments, the implementation of which is discussed in detail with a specialist.

Treatment of androphobia with hypnosis

Group therapy (sessions with people who have the same problems) is effective.

By communicating with people who suffer from the same phobia, the patient can explore his problem in more detail and discuss possible situations that he may encounter in the future. Practice shows that after such therapy, women become more self-confident and ready to overcome psychological barriers in communicating with men.

Modeling technique

When treating androphobia, psychologists often use modeling techniques. Its essence lies in the fact that the client is offered a situation in which he will need to play some role. The doctor plays out a situation with the patient that causes fear. The main task of a psychologist is to study the patient’s reaction to one or another stimulus. This treatment technique is used until the patient begins to respond normally to the fictitious man.

The second stage of modeling is the transfer role playing games into the real world, that is, the patient must already independently communicate with real men and apply the skills that were learned during the sessions. Using the advice of a professional, the girl is already ready for contact with the opposite sex and can start a conversation herself.

Other methods

In addition to therapy and modeling methods, in severe cases, hypnosis and NLP (neurolinguistic programming) are used. By putting the patient into a trance, the doctor focuses on the positive qualities of men. After several sessions, the woman is convinced that the man is a friend who can be relied on.

Since there is no single method for treating androphobia, individual therapy is selected for each patient.

Its specificity will depend on the cause of the disease and the patient’s condition (temperament, behavior, marital status, etc.). Only by taking into account all these factors will a psychologist be able to choose the right and effective treatment, which will definitely help.