Cohabitation main features and prevalence. Christian marriage or cohabitation? A man is still less dependent on the stamp in his passport

Cohabitation or unregistered marriage, recently called “civil”, is a close relationship between a man and a woman that is not legalized in the registry office. The phrase itself " civil marriage“from the point of view of current legislation means an officially registered marriage. But in Russia, the incorrect concept of civil marriage has spread - almost everyone understands it as a “de facto family” or “cohabitation”. Cohabitation means heterosexual people living together outside of marriage.

Increasingly, couples see cohabitation as a reliable test for marital compatibility, considering it necessary to live together, without being burdened with any obligations. Civil marriage actually does not impose serious obligations, like an official marriage. In their desire to live together before marriage, many couples are motivated by the increasing number of divorces. After all, you can always break up if you fail. Sometimes premarital experience of living together helps in the future to find a suitable person for marriage, since cohabitation is in a good way to know better friend friend. But, as statistics show, couples who have a positive attitude towards premarital life together are less responsible!

Therefore, such couples more often file for divorce if suddenly the marriage begins to bother them. The conclusion naturally suggests itself that cohabitation is chosen by a certain type of people for whom cohabitation or civil marriage suits their nature. But, in the future, cohabitation will still have a negative impact on the subsequent marriage. A married couple who has had an unsuccessful experience of premarital cohabitation, more often than others, has a desire to divorce. If feelings and affection decrease, people end relationships that could otherwise be preserved. It turns out that cohabitation changes the attitude of partners towards the marriage union, thereby reducing the prospects for marital stability.

What is the difference between a civil marriage and cohabitation from an officially registered marriage:

The first and most important thing is taking care of children. If a cohabiting couple has a child, then all rights, duties and obligations will automatically fall on the mother. A woman, in the future, may be left without financial support if the relationship with her common-law husband deteriorates, and then she will have two options: either look for a job with which she can provide a living for herself and her child, or stay at home and live on benefits and allowances .

The second is property. After a cohabiting couple separates, their entire future will depend on how the property was acquired. There are two types of property:

- Common shared ownership

- Common joint property

If a husband and wife were co-owners, there is no need for separate shares, since in the event of the death of one of the partners, a death certificate is sufficient to prove ownership of the property. Moreover, the property will go to the spouse, regardless of the will of the deceased. On the other hand, undivided owners have a certain share of the property, the amount of which is taken into account if one of the spouses paid a higher price during the purchase and expresses a desire to receive a larger percentage of the profit when selling the property.

As a result, it is clear that compared to official marriage, civil marriage and cohabitation carry a lot of important disadvantages. If the relationship breaks down, the woman and children may be left without financial assistance and alimony. In cases of cohabitation, single mothers and “fatherlessness” appear more often than in registered marriages. Cohabitants can live together for 40 years or more, and after the death of a loved one, they will not inherit anything.

Civil marriage is a fashionable form of union between a man and a woman in our time, which has both admirers and opponents. What is a civil marriage? Family or cohabitation?

Over the past two decades, there has been a stable trend in society: the number of divorces is increasing, and the number of people wishing to enter into a legal marriage will only decrease. Young people choose a so-called civil marriage, which in fact is a simple cohabitation, rationally explaining this by the desire to first test the strength of the relationship.

However, carried out in different countries studies show that official marriages entered into after people have lived together for some time break up in twice as often than those who were not preceded by cohabitation! But is the previous “trial” marriage the reason for the breakup of families? Or does the problem lie in the decline in the significance and value of the family institution itself?

Family crisis in modern society it is becoming more and more aggravated. The family is transformed, some of its problems are resolved, others become aggravated and new ones appear. Among trends, indicating a crisis in the institution of the family, the following can be distinguished:

Some experts also consider so-called civil marriages negative indicator and an indicator of an aggravated family crisis.

Disputes and disagreements regarding the acceptability of unregistered legal relationships between a man and a woman do not subside. Opinions radically opposite:

  • Unofficial marriage is a kind of preparation, “ school of marriage».

You must first live together for some time as husband and wife. This is necessary to test the relationship, in order to be confident in the partner before the official marriage takes place. After the “trial”, entering into a legal marriage is easier and calmer, since there is confidence that it will not end in divorce, because the partners have already “got used to it.” Why rush to sign at the registry office without getting to know each other well and without realizing that you can trust?

  • Unofficial marriage - self-deception.

Cohabitation is an illusion of family. In such relationships there is no main thing - responsibility! A man and woman call themselves husband and wife, but they understand that they are still free. In the event of a conflict (and they happen to everyone), “common-law” spouses would rather separate than start working on the relationship, because nothing is holding them back. In such a “trial” marriage there are no legal rights and obligations.

For example, if a man becomes a father, he will still have to prove his paternity. The cohabitants still have the understanding that all this is “for fun”, it seems serious, but not too much, so they are in no hurry to work on the relationship and build a strong family.

Whatever opinions people hold, the statistics are inexorable - the number of officially unregistered but cohabiting couples is growing rapidly. Why modern man and the woman is not in a hurry to the registry office?

Civil marriage - cohabitation?

Today in the post-Soviet space, only one couple out of three chooses a legally formalized union, in Europe and America it is even less common - one out of four. But just a century ago everything was completely different, and the world has changed beyond recognition over the last hundred years.

In the Russian Empire there were no registry offices, people got married in the church and there, in the parish books, the clergy recorded the facts of the creation of families, the birth of children and death. After the revolution of 1917, citizens of the USSR who wanted to legalize relations had to go not to church, but to a special institution - the registry office. This is how civil marriages began to take place.

Civil marriage is a marriage between a man and a woman, registered in the registry office. Thus, a civil marriage is an official, that is, legally formalized, legal marriage. This is a marriage by law and by right.

A civil registered marriage is called as opposed to a church marriage - a wedding. Therefore, a civil marriage concluded in the registry office is also called secular.

It is not entirely clear why cohabitation began to be called civil marriage at some point. Perhaps because people did not take state-legalized unions as seriously as they did weddings? After all, you can only get married once in your life, but you can sign at the registry office as many times as you like.

The fashion for open relationships began around the 60s of the last century. It was then that the concept of “civil marriage” began to be misunderstood and this confusion in definitions continues to this day.

Marriage- this is a family relationship regulated by society and registered in the advisory state bodies between one man and one woman who have reached marriageable age, giving rise to their rights and obligations in relation to each other.

Thus, those relationships that are mistakenly considered a civil marriage are more correctly called cohabitation.

Because the word “cohabitation” is impartial, lawyers and sociologists sometimes replace it with the phrase “ actual marriage', but people still say 'civil marriage'.

Actual marriage(popularly known as civil) is the joint residence (cohabitation) in one house or housekeeping of two adults who are not related by marriage or family relations, people who have emotional and sexual relationships.

Cohabitation- this is a relationship similar to a marriage, but its form is not legally recognized; it is an unregistered cohabitation of a man and a woman.

Cohabitants do not have the same rights as legal spouses and this can cause many problems. For example, cohabitants do not have the right to division of jointly acquired property in the event of termination of the relationship, the right of inheritance by law and other rights. For the state, people who live as husband and wife, but have not formalized their relationship, are strangers to each other.

Motives for entering into actual marriage

Family- a small social group of society, the most important form of organizing everyday life, based on marital union and family ties. Family is a need and necessary “habitat” for a cultured person. It is known that married people live longer and, in general, live longer happy life, compared to singles.

Motives for starting a family vary between men and women, depending on age, level of education, occupation, but more often they are based on the following desires:

Couples who start living together actually start a family without informing the state. Most often people do this:

  • without higher education,
  • those whose parents were not married,
  • having negative previous experiences marital relations.

Most common reasons for non-accession into an official civil marriage, and de facto marriage preferences are:

  • testing relationships for strength and finding matches in lifestyle, establishing compatibility in everyday life;
  • a sense of freedom, no need to take on traditional responsibilities and stereotypical family roles;
  • the opportunity to avoid serious mistakes, protect yourself from risks and disappointments;
  • unpreparedness for marriage, but a desire to live with a loved one;
  • waiting for marriage registration (when people are going to get married after some time specified by them);
  • “rehearsal” of an official marriage without establishing the terms of its conclusion;
  • material benefits of living together;
  • the acceptability of this type of marriage (people equate cohabitation with official marriage and do not see the difference between them).

Main motive entering into actual marriage – the presence in the partner’s personality of suitable traits and qualities of character that inspire confidence.

It is interesting that the motives for not entering into an official marriage differ between men and women.

Women they are in no hurry to formalize a union with male cohabitants mainly for two reasons:

  • checking relationships
  • They are waiting for a proposal from a man, but they can’t wait for him!

Men They explain their reluctance to get married for one single reason - they want to remain single, even if they sincerely love and have a positive attitude towards their partner.

It turns out that for a woman cohabitation is an illusion of marriage, and for a man it is an illusion of freedom.

To be or not to be?

Unfortunately, statistics refutes the main argument of supporters of de facto marriages: premarital cohabitation does not guarantee a happy and strong family. Conclusions drawn from numerous studies over the past two decades show that “trial” marriage is an excuse for people who are afraid to take on responsibility and not wanting to part with freedom.

Lovers often say: “The stamp in the passport means nothing, we can live together well without it. The main thing is that we love each other." But what's stopping you from putting a stamp if it doesn't change anything? It's not difficult to do!

People living in de facto marriages have love and awareness of the convenience of living together, but often lack determination accept responsibility for maintaining the relationship and Creation complete family.

The actual husband and wife rejoice at the opportunity to be and live together, take care of, look after, help each other, make love, relax, arrange their home, and so on. They get to know each other better and become close people, but, noticing their partner’s shortcomings, they often find themselves unwilling to come to terms with them.

A person usually does not have thoughts like: “My brother is not suitable for me, I need to find another!”, because a brother is a member of the family. A cohabitant or cohabitant is not yet a family member, so even the most loving, devoted and honest partner may have the thought: “We are not relatives yet. If something happens, you can find someone else.”

It will be useful for a man and woman living together in an unregistered marriage and wanting to understand the relationship to answer the following: questions:

  • Am I ready to start a legal family?
  • Is my desire to build a happy family sincere and serious?
  • Do I understand that to create a harmonious relationship, you need to learn to give in, forgive and overcome selfishness, conflicts and difficulties together?
  • Am I ready to take on the responsibility of being with the person I choose for the rest of my life?
  • Do I want to live my whole life with my chosen one?
  • Perhaps I'm afraid of official marriage? And if “yes,” then what exactly is it that scares me?
  • Does my life partner love me? Do I love him?

Whether or not to formalize a relationship is a personal matter for each person. How a particular actual union will develop and whether it will develop into an official marriage will be determined not by soulless statistics, but by a specific married couple.

A society that preaches freedom of choice and a wide range of types of relationships may devalue, make traditional legal marriage unfashionable and make it too difficult, thereby changing the way of the modern family, but each person must understand for himself what constitutes his happiness and how significant it is for him have a strong family.

  1. J. Gray “Recipes happy relationship”, “Mars and Venus: how to preserve love”, “Secrets of happy wives” and other books by the author
  2. S. Covey “7 Habits of Highly Effective Families”
  3. V. Satir “You and your family. Personal Growth Guide"
  4. K. Rogers “Marriage and Its Alternatives”
  5. Yu.A. Druzhinin “Imaginations of different generations about modern forms of marriage and family”
  6. A. Tolokonin “Secrets of successful families. View of a family psychologist”
  7. A. Bowman “Long. Happily. Together"
  8. J. Anderson, P. Schumann “Strategy of family life. How to wash the dishes less often, have sex more often and quarrel less.”
  9. B. Feiler “Secrets of happy families. Male gaze”

Currently, in a constantly changing world, one cannot speak only exclusively about the registered union of a man and a woman (two-parent families; single-parent families formed as a result of widowhood or divorce of spouses whose relationship was registered), when there are various alternative family styles, the most common of which is cohabitation.

In Russian sociology, cohabitation is understood as “an unregistered union of a man and a woman living together and having a sexual relationship”1

In Western sociological sources, cohabitation is “the living together of a man and a woman as husband and wife, but without formal marriage”2

In legislation, the concept of cohabitation is defined as a de facto or unregistered marriage, often mistakenly called “civil”, which implies a relationship between a man and a woman that is not formalized in the manner prescribed by law.

The very concept of “actual marriage” is not provided for in Russian legislation. The legislator deliberately did not provide for such a concept in the legal lexicon, since only a union of a man and a woman registered with civil authorities, i.e., is recognized as marriage. in the civil registry office, and it is this kind of marriage that is called a “civil marriage”, recognized by the state and gives rise to legal consequences for the spouses and their children.

According to the current Family Code of the Russian Federation, unregistered cohabitation of a man and a woman does not give rise to marital rights and obligations, although the rights of children born in marriage do not differ from the rights of children born out of wedlock. However, in reality, the rights of children born in unregistered cohabitation have to be specifically proven in the courts. The legislation of some foreign countries recognizes the rights of concubinage

In modern Western and Russian societies, despite a number of legal problems associated with cohabitation, it is becoming increasingly widespread and, accordingly, public recognition. Nowadays, actual marriage takes an increasingly significant social role in the institution of the family. Increasingly, young people prefer de facto cohabitation with each other and do not legalize their relationship legally. Therefore, actual marriage, which was an incident out of the ordinary, is gradually becoming a common social phenomenon and receiving less and less public condemnation.

But at the same time, from the point of view of traditional morality, cohabitation goes against its foundations. In religions such as Judaism and Christianity, cohabitation is classified as the sin of fornication.

Currently, it is customary to conventionally distinguish the following forms of cohabitation:

Concubinage - “in Roman law, the actual cohabitation of a man and a woman regulated by law with the aim of establishing a marriage relationship. Widely used after Augustus' strict marriage laws (18 BC). Despite its prevalence, concubinage did not attract legal consequences: the woman (concubina) did not share the social status of her partner, who, along with concubina, could be married, while the wife’s concubina represented treason (adultery). Under the Principate, the legal concept of concubinage was extended to all cases where marriage was impossible (for example, due to social inequality). Only Christian emperors formulate concubinage as a legal institution, as a kind of second-class marriage, but nevertheless strictly monogamous; The legal status of children born in concubinage is also improving. In Byzantium, concubinage was abolished in the 9th century; in the West it ceased in the 12th century. In the XIX-XX centuries. Concubinage was a crime known to a number of Western criminal codes.”1

A trial marriage is a temporary cohabitation in order to determine compatibility, either with subsequent registration or separation.

A trial marriage can also be called an arranged marriage. A man and a woman “agree” to live together for some time before entering into legal marriage. This is a kind of rehearsal for family life. People understand that while they are just dating, everything may be fine with them, but this does not mean that their life together will be as cloudless and wonderful. That’s why some couples want to first try to live together as husband and wife, without formalizing the relationship, and only then decide whether they should really go to the registry office to legitimize the relationship.

The roots of this type of relationship go back to the Middle Ages, when in the villages of Western Europe there was an interesting custom - a girl who had reached puberty had to choose from several suitors the one she liked best, and this lucky man had the right to visit her at night. Village etiquette demanded that he make his way to his beloved through a window under the roof; by the way, the parents specifically settled their daughter in the farthest room of the house.

At first, the lovers only chatted for several hours, joked and had fun, gradually the bride allowed herself to be caught half-naked, and after some time she allowed almost everything, but the last line, again according to local rules, the groom had to take by resorting to violence .

Night visits continued until both parties were convinced of their suitability for marriage or until the girl became pregnant. After this, the guy officially got married, and the engagement and wedding followed each other very quickly. The girl did not risk losing her reputation if she broke up with the guy after trial nights. Soon another suitor appeared, ready to start an affair with her. The guy very rarely left a pregnant girl, since this brought upon himself the contempt of the entire village.

This type of marriage has both its disadvantages and its advantages. One of its shortcomings, perhaps, can only be attributed to the fact that from the point of view of morality and morality, this union is not entirely flawless. And some representatives of different religions will be against this form of relationship.

But at the same time, this marriage has quite a lot of advantages. One of them is that two people immediately look at marriage not from a romantic point of view, but from a rational one, namely, why spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations, and then, if family life does not work out, spend money again and nerves about divorce and division of property.

The length of stay in such a marriage is not limited by any limits. It is negotiated by both parties and depends only on their decision. It all depends on how well people know each other, how strong their mutual desire to test their feelings is and how objectively they assess the current situation. The main thing is that, while living in this marriage, they do not forget about the purpose of their experiment.

Temporary wife is a term that in late 19th century Japan denoted a type of relationship between a foreign subject and a Japanese subject, according to which during the foreigner’s stay in Japan, he received the use (and maintenance) of a “wife.” Foreigners themselves, in particular Russian officers, called such “wives” musume (musume), from Japanese - girl, daughter.

“The institution of “temporary wives” arose in Japan in the second half of the 19th century and existed until the war of 1904-1905. At that time, the Russian fleet, based in Vladivostok, regularly wintered in Nagasaki, and during their stay there, some Russian officers “bought” Japanese women for cohabitation”1

“Musume, as a rule, were teenage girls under the age of thirteen. Often, poor Japanese peasants and artisans themselves sold their daughters to foreigners; sometimes for the poor Japanese girl This method was the only opportunity to earn a dowry (and subsequently get married).”2

The concept of “civil marriage” from the point of view of current legislation means an official marriage registered with the state registry office. But for some reason, the wrong concept of civil marriage has spread in society; when we say civil marriage, we mean “actual family” or “cohabitation”. Cohabitation means heterosexual people living together outside of marriage.

Just some thirty years ago, cohabitation was considered forbidden, and if such cases arose, then society reacted quite negatively to this, and those in premarital affair life was very difficult for people. Now everything has become quite simple. For modern marriage, love comes first. Divorce has become a common and accessible phenomenon that carries little social disapproval. People became fully aware of the fragility of marriage, so they began to take precautions. Modern women are very happy, feeling free from the social oppression that forced them into marriage. After all, now they have a choice in organizing their lives and sexual relations. Is it possible to make a marriage happier and reduce the number of divorces by starting sexual relations during a trial period? According to ongoing sociological surveys, we can conclude that cohabitation is not at all a good preparation for marriage or preventing divorce. In addition, it turned out that premarital family life seriously weakens the institution of marriage, reduces the chances of getting married or increases the risk of an unsuccessful union. Research by sociologists has shown. That couples who live together for quite a long time before marriage become less likely to get married and have children. In addition, cohabitation poses a risk of cruelty and violence, both physical and emotional, towards the woman and children. Married couples are also happier and more prosperous in their marriages than unmarried couples.

Each modern woman wants to get married and have children. Many young people see cohabitation as a kind of test for marital compatibility, considering it necessary to live for their own pleasure without being burdened with any obligations. Yes, indeed, a civil marriage does not impose any serious obligations, like an official one. Knowing that you have a choice gives you a feeling of inner freedom, self-confidence and psychological independence. In their desire to live together before marriage, young people are guided by the increasing number of divorces in modern society. After all, you can always leave if your attempt is unsuccessful. Sometimes the premarital experience of living together helps in the future to find a suitable person for marriage, since cohabitation is a good way to get to know each other better. But on the other hand, people who are ready for premarital life together, compared to supporters of official marriage, are less responsible. Therefore, such people are more prone to breaking the marriage union if suddenly the marriage begins to bother them. We can conclude that cohabitation is chosen by a certain type of people for whom this form of living together is suitable by nature. Cohabitation has a negative impact on subsequent marriages. Spouses who have an unsuccessful experience of premarital cohabitation increase the risk of wanting to dissolve the subsequent relationship. As tolerance decreases, people end relationships that might otherwise be preserved. Living together outside of marriage changes partners' attitudes toward the marital union, thereby reducing the prospects for marital stability.

What motivates women who enter into a civil marriage? As it turned out, women enter into premarital cohabitation with a man in order to temporarily solve their problems: domestic, material, living space, sexual, in order to receive help in raising children, etc. For some women, the value is, although temporary, but social status, that is, the presence of a husband, although not an official one. There are situations when women who mistook love for easy falling in love, being in cohabitation, understand that this is not so, thereby preventing an unnecessary wedding and an early divorce. Civil marriage also presupposes that both the man and the woman have the rights to freedom. And no matter how women list the many advantages of cohabitation, inside each of them lurks the fear of being abandoned. Because of this, a woman develops an inferiority complex; she believes that if her partner does not talk about marriage, it means he is not planning long relationship. Feelings of resentment and uncertainty often contribute to mood swings, depression, and breakdowns. Ultimately, all this heats up the situation in the house. There is no point in worrying too much about this, because if the partner does not plan a long-term relationship, then no stamp in the passport will be able to strengthen it. To prevent such situations, it is best to discuss in advance all the conditions, as well as the timing of a civil marriage.

There are people who are so confident in their feelings and trust each other that marriage for them is a pure convention. This is one of the serious disadvantages of cohabitation - the rights of spouses that are not officially legalized lead to various unpleasant consequences. For example, in old age one of them suddenly remains on the street, etc. Therefore, if for some reason you decide to enter into a civil marriage, agree in advance with your partner on the conditions of living together: disposal of money, joint property, etc. You shouldn’t live by the principle “we love each other, why think about it...” In addition, you need to know that if you have entered into a contract with your partner marriage contract, it comes into force only after the official registration of the marriage in the registry office, and after the death of the cohabitant, the cohabitant has the right only to those things that he bequeathed to her.

You need to know that there are certain models of cohabitation that should not be confused. This so-called premarital cohabitation, where people plan to marry each other in the near future, is different from cohabitation, which is an alternative to marriage. Short-term cohabitation before marriage does not have any effect negative influence for marriage, since it lasts only the period from the setting of the date until the wedding itself. But such a statement is less justified if one of the partners has already had the experience of a civil marriage. The same can be said about cases where one of the partners has a child. Only 60% of people who had premarital life together, subsequently get married. Recently, the number of alternatives to marriage has been increasing, which should cause concern in society, since cohabitation not only undermines the institution of marriage, but is also less satisfactory than married life. An exception is the short-term premarital type of relationship, as well as the cohabitation of elderly people and pensioners who, for financial reasons, do not enter into an official marriage.

There are significant differences between cohabitation and marriage. Extramarital unions are less stable and happy than official ones. In addition, married couples have higher levels of physical and mental health, labor productivity. This can be explained by the duration of the marital relationship, the strength of the union, which contributes to emotional attachment, good conditions development of skills, specialization, generalization of material and social resources. Cohabitants do not have such advantages, so they face a lot of difficulties in life. In addition, depression occurs in people living in a civil marriage much more often than in spouses. In addition, it has been established that married women are much less likely to be subjected to cruelty and violence than women living in a civil marriage.

With the birth of a child, parents in a civil marriage face a different kind of problem. How to register a child under whose last name? Basically, the child receives the mother's surname. Naturally, when he grows up, he begins to wonder why he has his mother’s last name, not his father, like all his peers. Life in such a situation is quite difficult for a child, since the definition of “illegitimate”, as a rule, haunts him for many years. Without getting married, a woman is in a dependent position on a stronger and financially secure partner, who has his own methods of raising and educating children. There are cases when such fathers do not recognize a child who was born out of wedlock, or dispute their paternity. In this case, it is very difficult for a woman to defend her interests in court.

Also, children living with their mother and her partner have a low level of academic performance and behavior problems compared to children from intact families. In addition, abuse of children whose mother is cohabiting with a man is becoming a very common problem.

To summarize, we can say that the personal rights of a woman, including property rights, who are officially married, are protected by law. In a civil marriage, a woman is virtually powerless. Here the moral qualities of the partner play a big role, and this, you see, is not always a reliable protection against troubles.

Family plays an important role in the life of every person, and divorce often becomes not only a turning point in personal life, but also changes social status. According to statistics, family breakdown almost always has a negative impact on all areas of life. But despite this, every year half of marriages break up.

Psychologists and sociologists, using statistical data from various segments of the population who are married, are trying to find the reasons for the breakdown of families. But the statistics are a little distorted, since recently many couples have refused to officially enter into a marriage.

Since 1970, the number of divorces in Russia has increased significantly, and according to statistics, it is currently approximately 140 thousand per year. Registry office statistics show that every year there are fewer and fewer official registrations, and the position of civil unions, on the contrary, is strengthening.

Statistics indicate that today every second marriage ends in divorce. Just 10 years ago, every third union fell apart. The increase in divorces is almost one and a half times! But these are unhappy children, deprived of a full-fledged family and the spouses’ hopes for shared family happiness have been dashed. According to statistics, divorces by years of marital life are distributed as follows:

  • 3.6% – up to 1 year;
  • 16% – 1-2 years;
  • 18% – 3-4 years;
  • 28% – 5-9 years;
  • 22% – 10-19 years;
  • 12.4% -20 years or more.

It turns out that in the first 4 years of family life, divorce occurs in approximately 40% of couples. Statistics also show that the most responsible and important period in the life of a family occurs when spouses are between 20 and 30 years old. Statistics indicate that marriages concluded before 30 years of age are twice as durable and promising as unions registered between spouses after 30 years of age. This is due to the fact that it is easier for people under 30 to get used to and get used to each other.

As it turns out, most divorces occur between the ages of 18-35. The divorce rate increases sharply at age 25. During a divorce, the court gives the spouses time to think, in approximately 64% of cases, but only 7% of married couples withdraw the application for divorce.

So, below we will look in detail:

  • entering into early unequal marriages;
  • entering into civil marriages;
  • remarriages;
  • entering into interethnic marriages and with foreigners;
  • marriages on the fly.

Statistics of early unions

Legally, early marriage is a union concluded between people who have not reached legal age. Also, early marriages include marriages that take place earlier than the standard age, that is, at 18-20 years old. According to statistics, the main reasons for joining an early union are:

  • by flight;
  • strong passion, falling in love;
  • the desire to free yourself from excessive parental care.

According to statistics, over the past 5 years the number of early marriages (before 18 years of age) has decreased significantly. But despite this, the problem of early marriages remained. Modern society does not support such families, because according to statistics they have no future. Statistics indicate that in 90% of cases, early unions end in divorce, and most families break up after a year of marriage.

Statistics of remarriages

According to statistics, repeated marital ties are more stable than first ones. This is explained by the accumulated experience from past marriages, greater tolerance towards each other, as well as the lack of illusions about family life (a real understanding of what marriage is). For women to restore their psychological state and to enter into new family it takes about 1 year, and for men about 1.5-2 years.

According to statistics, after the dissolution of the first union, people register a second one after 2-3 years. To register a second union, people have the following motives:

  • the desire to acquire comfort and peace of mind;
  • satisfaction of needs for physical and emotional love;
  • improvement of living conditions and material condition.

Repeated marriages are very diverse; they can be divided into the following types:

  1. a divorced man, whose children live with his ex-wife, gets together with a divorced woman with children.
  2. a divorced man gets along with a younger, free woman without children.
  3. return unions.
  4. marriage between a widower and a widower.

Navigating a remarried relationship can be difficult for the following reasons:

  • embarrassment and awkwardness at the beginning of life together;
  • fear of reliving separation and disappointment;
  • fear of intimacy due to difficult past family relationships;
  • feeling of guilt towards children;
  • the child does not accept the parent’s new relationship. This problem is especially relevant in cases where the former spouse has died.

Statistics of interethnic marriages

Statistics indicate that today the number of interethnic marriages is growing rapidly. This trend is especially noticeable in Moscow. According to statistics, in 1912, about 95% of Muscovites were “White” Russians or ethnic Russians, and by 2000 the Russian population in Moscow had dropped to 89%. If mixed marriages are registered at the same rate, then by 2025, the number of Russians will be reduced to 73%.

According to statistics, today approximately 25% of the population of the Russian Federation lives in multinational families, which worries many Russians. Last year alone, about 50,000 interethnic marriages were registered in Moscow. In addition, it is worth noting that mixed marriages with nearby ethnic groups are growing in number, while mixed marriages with representatives of distant ethnic groups are falling. Various surveys have been conducted on the topic of interethnic unions.

The importance of nationality when choosing a wife/husband

Mixed marriages can be successful only if the spouses can resolve among themselves issues regarding different mentalities and upbringings.

Civil marriage statistics

A civil marriage is a marriage without registration in the registry office, in fact it is considered cohabitation. Statistics in Russia have shown that 85% of men living in a civil marriage consider themselves single, and of women only 8% consider themselves unmarried.

According to statistics, the critical date for a civil marriage is the 4-year mark. In the future, such relationships have virtually no chance of developing into an official union. 64% of children born in a civil marriage witness the wedding of their parents.

According to statistics, in Russia 40% of couples live in a civil marriage. An interesting survey was recently conducted, which showed that every third man marries at the request of his other half, every fourth according to tradition, and only every tenth - according to at will and for love.

Civil marriage and registration of relationships

According to statistics, living in a civil union for 1 year pushes 18% of couples into official marriage, for 2 years - 20%, for 3 years - 17%. The main reason for registering a marriage is planning a child. In Russia, according to statistics, couples who formalized their relationship after living in a civil marriage are divorced 30% less often than spouses who did not live together before their official marriage.

Unequal marriage statistics

Sociologists have published interesting statistics - today, marriages between peers are concluded in only 28% of couples. Nowadays, there are more and more unequal marriages, and the age difference can reach 20 years, both in the direction of the wife and in the direction of the husband. According to statistics, in Russia every 12 marriages are unequal.

Statistics of marriages with foreigners

According to statistics, in Russia every 10 people marry a foreigner. But in 80-85% of marriages with foreigners, they break up due to deportation, threat of visa revocation and physical violence. Moreover, Russian girls used to view marriage with a foreigner as a “ticket to beautiful life“Now, with the improvement of the socio-economic situation in the country, foreign grooms are not so attractive, and marriages are concluded less frequently. Things are even worse in marriages with foreigners.

Marriages by chance

Statistics in Russia indicate that a third of marriages are registered due to miscarriage. But, unfortunately, family ties most often fall apart over time, and in most cases the initiator of divorce is the man. Of course there is also happy families By the way, here, first of all, everything depends on the relationship in the couple. If the couple had only passion, then the marriage is practically doomed to divorce.

Family life in this case is characterized by fragility. Very often, both a man and a woman who get married by chance become disappointed in family life, get divorced, or look for love on the side. A marriage without love and mutual respect cannot be successful, because it is not without reason that they say that you cannot keep a man with a child.

Therefore, registering marriages by appointment often does not bring comfort and family coziness to either the man or the woman.

According to statistics, among people living civil family, marriage by flight is often successful. After all, the partners already have a serious and long-term relationship, they have built their own way of life and know how to solve problems that arise among themselves. In this case, a marriage by marriage is practically no different from an ordinary marriage.

The strongest marriages in Russia - statistics

According to statistics, out of 20 marriages for love, 10-11 are unsuccessful, out of 20 marriages of convenience, only 7 are unsuccessful, and out of 20 couples married solely for reason, only 4-5 families get divorced. Based on statistics, we can conclude that love is not a guarantee of a strong and happy union, but the most strong families are created by reason.

A recent survey showed that in love marriages:

  • 46% – still love their partner;
  • 18% - believe that only a habit remains;
  • 14% - together because of common interests and views;
  • 12% - maintain the union out of love for their joint children;
  • 10% – unites physical proximity.

Statistics of adultery

In Russia, statistics on adultery are as follows:

41% of wives cheated on their husbands at least once;

59% of husbands do not deny cheating.

The main motives for cheating include:

  • fading feelings for your spouse;
  • desire for novelty;
  • friends' lifestyle;
  • revenge with treason for treason;
  • rude attitude of a partner;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • long absence of a partner;
  • feeling of one's own attractiveness;
  • cheating under the influence of alcohol.

According to statistics, lovers most often meet:

  • At work;
  • on a rest;
  • business trip;
  • at place of residence (neighbors).

By the way, the presence of infidelity in the family, according to statistics, leads to divorce in 15% of cases.

Cheating statistics - some interesting facts

  • According to recent studies, most unfaithful husbands consider their marriage happy and successful, and most unfaithful wives consider theirs family life unhappy.
  • Majority male infidelity associated with a thirst for fresh sexual sensations, and female infidelities most of all on an emotional level. 81% of women's infidelities begin with friendships.
  • U married men As a rule, there are no long-term betrayals. They prefer numerous and short-term relationships, only for sex. Female cheating just for the sake of sex practically never happens; as a rule, a wife cheats not only in body, but also in soul with a regular partner-lover.
  • Statistics indicate that the reason for male infidelity mainly lies in sexual dissatisfaction, and the reason for female infidelity is emotional.